Tripping Class

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Main lraMmrm~

}\"~'- ._-­
'-'\...:-:." _.

Bus Bar:>

Fm;dts in tl'a-m:,former winding,


Ovpr-",h~atin,~ (If windtng$/bea:ti,.fig~;

Loss of t~xdtati{)n;
lnadv(·rtent ene[1-Jlsation;
SinglcHph3~ OT tmhalan~·:t!'d qUTc'nt opeWltlon: ilnd

OUl of ""'p.


.I1'\i? das~jfiJ ..a tion i~ categorised on the biliS1.S of the lo<:a.t:ion and typ~' ()f faults, The
('\.{ tripping
daSSt~f-, of tripping i:'tre
different fror.n one l.,mother in .resp-(~d to tl\l~ adi{m to be -t,lkCfL lhl~ <)h~;,cUvt'
IS !(l trip only the absolutt?ly 'f~ssentil.'ll equipm<:.>nt ~o that dw dam,;;gr' is 111ininnun and ,we>
~pf~C'ding of ihe m.achine dtJl;'> h) sudden load throw-of{ is ,~\'(lid,~d" nv:~ idea i~ tiM! ~he i.mpact (If
trif)ping of a ItlJ'gli' gt'l'wnating ~d on the grkl is rn.mhmlrr: :1nd Lf pC's~ibj/!, lhe- '-i\.lxilia.1'.ies- a1"f' k(lpl
. Sf. that thl? rime to re~stari- th(;~ unH b nfffT.nui
' .. -I1u~n~---.
MY norm.o:11h·
.. : ,thn'l'
\\'t""l"-S <.)!..,,-. ................,

of tTipping, l1illlh.'Jy (~l(';ss i\. Class H ;:tnd. Cht:iS C ­

, -""""'~",., ." .•",...,-,~.~..... """.,~.>--",,,.;,, . ~ ... ,",-,,,,.,"~,,,,~." ..-"".""""""",,,..,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,"

14.1.1 Class 'N Tripping

tn lhis tripp.lOg mode, the< g,~rV2'fjJtor and wlil be trq.1'p(~d ~imultaJ'te-nu.sly <ihd i.t\-..stfUltly.
Cerll::.raHy, dectric-al fault!:- of th~~ g~neratoJ', gf'rH~t"Ht(\r in1h;;Jon::nI::1' and unit iluxiHal'y tr;Jns!(
'A,\11 h;;.,~,d tCI Cli15l;' ,,\ tTJ:ppislg, Thb- wHl cnuse l::rippint; of th..: f~l::n('r,)h,r !r~~Ibl{}rm~~:r H\,/ ~;dt:
bn,:'tt}.,n:, de·..;::::r;nL1.Hon of the g,,>neratiJf; rr6pping of LV ~j::h: ir',l'on:ld brp~1ker (i/ lln;t d\,v•.lhan:
tra!i~forrner, iWkH:,~hangeo\'el' frotH unit. to st.:lHon sUPFI.,~' tor lH.l~J inJsdl':H·i(~:~ >.tHt'! tripping 01
turbin£-', F~tr ge.nerat{H~ (50n ~1\V dnd ill)oVt,~). C~!.-~:% ~~":-ljppi~'.!g::.!~~}:~.~J.:~:!:,:~'E.E,tl~~'::i.~:~~::!<:~~1...,~!1tl_
CldE;'o.; AJ ,t\'ld Cl.l% A2 with d:175 ..<\2 e~~duding the gencri1t.or tr;J.n~J{lrn\t'r H'VC H tlJFP"~t. <J.nt
• ·-'····Uc:,',·" "'.
unit t"ransJ'ormvf LVCB tripping. HO'~v~'veL Class A1 tripF'mg t;ike~ pl£Ki} only v,:.hen {hf;'n~ is i1
generJtol' rire-ud. break€'i'

14.1.2 Class 'B' Tripping

Cl(~ss 13 trl11ping is folhl\Nixi fQr ?ill tu.rbine fauit~ which arc m~(hank.d in nature ,'ttl.::! fnt some
eIectrkJl fau1t.1.l 01 generator., gtmerah)r h'Ei nsfom1er and auxi1i.,1r~r fj',aXHi.f01'f"nt:r tnt.' h'hich it is
safi' to first trip Uw t1trhine .end then the gen';~l'aJ(jr thrt'll.lgh 10\.." foj\'\"a:rd power intt"rI()(k nods
N1surl}S tlHI,t thl' unit does not uVt.'!r~sp{?J~d due ro-tTa,ppeL1 s\\'!'ti(\'l in tlw turbine durir;g thl':.' shu."!·
dtH,vn and that the loss of pa\\~er to. the g'rid i.;; not' sDdaHfl

14.1.3 Class 'C' Tripping

'rhis class of tripping is fnUnwed for ''Ill faults. beyond the 1wnerator ~y~tf~rn \\·hkh can bf? d~ared
by tripping. oJ the. generator transf{l-rmt~r .HV slqQ circuit hreakel' ~lone I.n Clll:'>{;' of .a tht'nnal \.mjt
the 'fe·set' nUl,"; with itn H.P/LP bypa~s system .tn op(,~ri"i'tion and the gelWf'lltor {'nnfinUi,~5 to f'2l:!d
the unit tlUxiliil:ry tran.sfoxmer. .


For r: typical 500 'MV.. · g~neratorf the' rl:?{:ommt~nded g;r<..1Uptr'lg of pmtectl<)f\S Ui '.·0ril,"\l~ rnpp-in.g
f'l(l.~~(·~ J>:; dh;c1,.JS5-l~d in deh-:ti.1 belo'\'.

14.2.1 Class 'A1' Tripping

These illhlde'

The Generator badt,·t!.p hl1p{~d3nte protection,;

J'I:;!iVc Generiltor dead lnachine\ ene.rgisi~ti€)n pWle,(t1~)l"\;

:)lIf"f w

Generator earth fault protecb'o.n;

_Kt of
'. k.c'pt Generator tl'an~formcl' rdicf wllvl} Pl'fJ\f.'cthm..
i£I.s..'5e.'i G>?TleraJ01' transJorrrler sudden preSS-lIft· valve p:",o*\:.c-bol.i,
Gc-:neral"or tramdornwr Buchholz n~lay trip p~'o\,,'{:hon,
Fire PI:otectiO~'l of the geupr<:)"tl)': tl'ans{orl'ner.:

Generator translorn1t?I. .standby C'flrl:h firult protection;

Djnprt'fnti~ll prohm::bon h)f genef.Jfor:transfonner 11V skk· to o\-"(:'!"lv·'<'H:1 (1"'jn}o.ll\iB~i,.:,n 1ls'w Hr,k

Gen-0rah:u tf.i'insforrner diHet&11tial Pf(~t£(.f1on;
.:;1.'(uH­ DIffprentii~i p.rotl,~th. Jn ("'ovl:? ih...:- g(,'r,H~'r~).tor triH1~£or;,m::'r .;Hid \1,'l/t'he;~d <::-'Jnnh:'1:,Hb t::' th.:'
·,.di31''Y u:nit auxiilary h;'
. ,>,' (if
'b C(~ni/ra10r bteakJ"2r f,:lil prott'dion:
Gt'flcntur tr.a.r,!;{c:rnw.r O\'t:'!'·,fhlxing prnler{Hm:


l,init ttan;,:~ot'rrwr Buchholz prottxtkm;

Unit transformer oil s.urge p'roh~ctinn:

Urut tran~ftl.nner presslu0 high prQtectwn;

Unit t:r';:ln~1~'I."n·H?r HV \,}V;t!T-C.Un'~~nt: profocb{)n;

Unit "l:ransJormi;>J LV earth fault protection;

Unit transfor:mer dHfer~.ntial Pl'otect"ion;

tlni t h'fJn:;;,fon:ner n~5tricHld eZtrth fault F~rotech{)n;

Unit tran$f(~rrner Hre pr'otectlou;

l'f.:H'.! difie:r12f1,tial Pl'f;~i::t(Hnn'

Cener,;\hx !ran.sfnnnl;-;f HV dn::,uH bWilker pole discrepanc)' protet.tiof\; and

G\'~nenttor tHin::kJm1{~r lTV ('ircu{t hre<.,ke-r rail pr.otection.

'1"4.2.2 Class 'A'Z' Tripping

These include:
GenenlJittYf fie-.!d taHure pn,ltectiOf\ (deld)'f"d trii)pinSf:
Generi)tor field L,tilufE' in (l)njundioll v;'lih gem'i<.1t\)r undL'r··',:oltagfc F'roh:cbm \~n~tantil"
ncous nippmg);

Generator negative phi:1~t' seque-m~.(~ prok'ctiolt;

GeJHnator (wer.. volt:tge. protectIon stage 2;

Ct:'neraH)r 90 pel' n~n\ stat£n- t~~lrlh hmll prPlerhon:

Gfoner;stt.)T il1tc:r~-t\1m fault protection;

Ge:ne-rator 100 p(>f' cent ~tJtC!r earth fault- pnJtect.h.l1\;

G€ n t . . r-aLol' rotor earth fault protedjon:;

Gpnltrator (iiff('n~nl';.-~J proti"'\Jion;

C"! i,)w llxward pl1\-:t'f F'wtedinn ':hw1rp1p.j:;: lifter il ~l.jffid(~nt hrrw d.\~J;1Y. ~lkn~'\ng f(".\'

ChH;S B t:r.ipp!.ng hrs!L

Generator C(l.Jt-ol~s{i?r (pole t,Hppl11g) protection in conjunction wjth static offset mho relay
operatNl condition; and
Genl"rator o... (:'r~fju.)jng prol{;'(t'icm,

1"4,2,3 Class 'B' Tripping

Generator k'v/ for\vanj pOV,Vf pnAf.:'di<m <aftl?'i" a short Hnh' d(~Itw.

'flU bilk' fault:::;

Ccnerot.:n \c;incUng kmpl'rat.un: hJgh:

Genernto·y b(',rrtf':;; b;:rnpt:-rattll:e hlgh~ .and
Turhif\(' bearing 1'emp1fl"i,t'ttre high.

14.2.4 Class'C' Tripping

This include:
-"' Gen~rator tlnder f-n,'quency protection stag(" 2 {stag!; j if, for alnrmingj.
In Cil:-:;P of hydro units, the fnliowing buffs are foisn (o\'t:reci in lius Cla~~ ( 1ripptn~~ {itlsl} raIled
Class Z ltipphf,):
Re l/ft1"$e pm-vi::''J' fault;
Ov('r~fjttxing fault; And
Negatj\.'t phasE< s~qtlence
1 i~ulL

For i,nl,::reased reUitblht.\:, some vil<l.l protections are dupllc~lted. Bcnve\,'l:T, s1.m:e man:,-' prritertive
relays e:ith~,'~r hKk..up or ovcrtlp, it is Hot necessary ttl duplka!l;' "U the pruted'u!"I;-', Higher reli­
ability can be ~~,chi(;'ved by divlding the prot~ctive reJ(iY~l mto (\YO g:roup~, \"'ith t.>ilch gn.\\Jp cakr­
109 to the b(~sic rninim1.<l'f" Pfotl~'tion of the unit. The l'ypkili grouping:& of I1riJtectioJ\s f,){ d large
i.lnlt {SOOM\V} arc? givt':'l1 undtJ1.1' S~~ction 14,3.l.
"In Clrcle-f to jncrea$~;" the- reliabHityt it is also TI€!cesstrry to have indepf'ndeHt cabling, ('"':Tti</PTs,
-de auxiliary supp.lit>f.! tripping relays ana circuit breaker trip coHs, This \wlp~ to buiJd tI rairly
high degree of redundancy inlo Ih" protcellon syst"m. During norma! op"rntion, both the groups
of protectipn will be in servk!?..H'ov,;leveft during maint-ena.nce, etc., the lmlt can still be in se,n'ice
with only one of- thl? protective groups tJ1 opendion.

Typical Groupings of Protections for a Large Unit (500 MW)

' for

P-rvl'erf;ml C"i/Ur ?
Gf;;~;;~~;in:ck ·,~i::hl'fP;~i;;';~;"~'"~ ""-"~-,-~,._,-_._"--,,,"--,--~",--~,-,"--~_.

Gene.rnll1f dOGJd n'i.a('hjr~l'

G('n~rlltor t-r.:lJ\:ifornwr lHtt"HUll prC:$$UTf high
G{~nt-~mtDr treflsforrnc'r trudden mcn:.>as,: in iot('rthd pr($!:-l.lU;
Ct>ftrt'tilot iTAll:;fo-rnv.:r Hl)ch1Io,iz l't'l~!y trip "
rin~ pru{~cUon z,;f 12}"iwriIWl' :r<'ll\;~h:;'nlll:,'r
St:..m(H.~~' eRl'th, i~1ul\i pru'f'<':'r.:tion (II Gem~T81or trt'l1.'IHlonner
DiITt'rt,'nLi,'!i prok'Cl1i,1n ·A ",;(\m~r{;~\x )n~tt~>{',,;t:n;(;~} to H'I,' :,;3r' OH 1;!\i. lir~~'
Di{!t:;n.'1'l11ill pr('lfX'{lt)n r~j l?,',n~'r<1t;)r tfall~'I{)I'llkr
Djtf(tf(~nO£l1 pn,At:t:liun «)\,(:;ii\g gene!'ilhn' {rand'or:rm:~t jHi:d
unit ~\l,lxili.arv tnlm,hm:ner
(}i~rX1"n~tor b;el1kJi:f fail 1::I'ot{~clh)J)
14,6 Handhook "f SWitchgear$
- Gl'ne;f.1't{j;·";~t"t"f;:~~~~~; ·(~·~~~.;;~'fi"~lxing-p;~t~~;tiOtl w'4"" •

Unit Ir,!H1.~jhiJ'ml~r fhnJllvAl. pl"n('L"\c!H~n

Unit Irilll~fCJnrle:r l11t(· pn.'%uTt~ high j."If(lwrti(ij\

Unit tTAn:,domw~ 'BV (Wi'r~(,"UlT~nt }'r,,)tl;~'ct.ion

Un)t trarwformt:'t di(fe,mtial p-r01t1ctif:m

Un-l! trau}jforme-f :t!?Httll;"ff:>.1 earth fauU prot€ctkm

Unit tran~fornler fire prdt~di"ln

Tee: dHf(~rcn,lal prlit~c:hf)n

GefiP.:rat'(ll' 'trJl:ns(otrner rIV d-n.~it breaker pole

discrepancy pr.{)tectlo!'t

Gm'tfrator h'1i:Hsfouner HV (:l.x,"uit bf(mker Inil protl"'CtiOt1

("efICnlfol" ildd fuilurt, pl'otection

Grl'icl'aJor negab\ff'pha.S{~ ~CJuel1~e prot(';(,'hnn

Gt~neHltnr on:r~\ec1tag<::·' pr(¥wi"bon

Gt':l1(:'l'iHO'f ~t~tor l~/P pr.ol~~ct:l!Jn {90'ii-,j

Generator lnt-erhtum b.n1!. p.wuJ<,:tiQTl

(;t"nl'fi}\or 'rotor t!,-arth f.<-uH protcrticm

CC:f'lCfittor HYJ pt~r(t:w $l:ator earth {auf{ prote<::uo[l

Gt11le:rni:or diff'{!'reflti~1.1 ptof€>l..1:10fi

G~I1.f,"rator ](/w' fuu."ard pow,er pn)tection

Ct!n~rat~~t rl)ll~. f;JiFFin~ pl\)1e·dinft

C;cfwrM'o, QV(.~I·~nll"'.ing pn1-t..><t1tl I1

Gem:fi¥Ilj! l;r(l(lel frer~uent:: ,!)\ilg¢ ::

A..'!'i mentioT.'l<.>d earlier, fh.ere aI'1i.' saine faults, however, which do not require isolation of tht, unit

and are to b-I..' ~'iI,t~11aBed 'by aiarrnsso that o(.'Cess-ary ton1'?(.'tjvl~~ flittl01.1 rnay be taken wJ(:h the ttl-lit in

running t",i)ncHu01'L A typieai list of sudh faull$: fo.t a larg,{~ ttnit may include the (oHm,\Jing n1lt..~·

..:7 .
fauJt~,.al'e SignaUed as Blam1S (}~._~~~,,~t.~.pi;!~~,,~~,~::.tE~~~Y . !~st.~~,m~l~L!:,!2i :",.!n9}.~H>2t}!~K . iDl~J,!~I!":~,ti2!:', . :..:"~:::~,,".~_
teln): , .... >-".-,.. ,...... ,...., ...... -,_.".... ,...

,~ Generator i'\egabv{~ ph aSk' seqU(:'iKP ;:;tage- J:

Cene.ra!-I.,if ov{:\r~ ...,·olt.ilgl:;, t>h5g(;' L/
Generator vnlt'~bL' lxan.sfonner h15i?' tail.ed;
Gener~tm iJuf<gratt;,d prutection. rcdtly faulty;
GenerL'\t.or pY{ltection 'R!"()UP 1 or prolt'l>dio!\ gro-(rp :: d( SUPPlY failed;
(~e'f\l~t(ltor trnusfonrH::I' oil level k.lh';
'C;(;'f\(!mlnr tr"1:Hsionner oil kn,lper~tur(' modcratl:iy h:gh:
Gen('T~).!{)r tEHiMornler l\>inoing tNn[)t'/"I'Jt'iIfi.' H1odf.'.ra:.:::y hlr;;l:
G.£':l1f:'rator Protection 14.7
Generator tIansiormer nDrmal conler fed.lufe;
2 Gen~::r;Hor tTansforrn<::T nonnal cooler oil nov; I.fHJ'; condibon,
G(>n~T.atnr transionrli..~r Buchl10lx rday alMl'r (stage lJ c'iJndition;'
GI::~n.f!ra'l'or tranSf()rln~~r ()\,c,r-flu)dng condition
DL'turbam:e re{;otd~r ()p~rated condition;
Unit tranS~fJr-tl1er on !.oad tap cha.fl:ger (OLTC) control ~tr'pp)!'" f-a)Jure;
Unjt transformer bank fan failure;
."-.' Unit tral1GfOnrH.IJ OLTC med:umL(;'ffi ·sl:t-lck..up.:
Unit. transtorrnftr OLTC' drive- motOr a.Dto~trip;
Generator CB ltip drt-uit supt.~rvh;ion fda)' operat(~1.; and
Tripping relays' ron rir('oit interrupted (indkatcd hy 'tl'"lf' (Xti.! 1up0n'h--iurl rt;1;-1~'L

f.n Int<i!'::it 'p()v\rer stj,1tionsl the !i;Jate~of-the'";l:rt;.i:n:tegr.att~ cOlitrol and prot-t'Ction :Yystem Jf" installt.-.d.
The relay is mulU-funetiomd vd~'h a (onuJlunkation facility and is intc-gTatt2<d ,,,lith a digHill dis-
trib\.\li.~d control and mtlnitnring infonnatlon sysfem. Ho\,vever, for better f'l:':li"\bility in 'targ,~r U.nitB
(210 tAW and above), if is felt that two such integrated .rnulti--fundh'irMl genl::rati~r protectIon
relays should be us-t.',rl. The {:l'm'pacl d(i'SL&l1 and furKtl('>l1ill lntegrfltion'!~ pane'! ~pa(e, It
abo Q13xim.isJ:il- protection avEti1i.llbility through exh.'11:sive sdi·;monlhwing .and ~)V!---ii.~nl :C.~lF''t'I-\>lslmL

L Reel'f)!, r",!\'ds in FJecmc Erwrgy Systems, dikd by Dr. J N3ndn and Dr, D P, Kothe",;,
Prcntic<.....Hall of 111di;t, 198ft
2. IE£ZE TutorIal o.n the PfL)teenon of Syuchrortotls Cenenltc)l'5 IEEE Catalog No, 95 lP 102.1

i:' unit
:"'..\t in

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