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M.Cap (` in cr) 7436.53 Company moved towards capturing its lost market share
Equity ( ` in cr) 599.72 as Jet Airways discontinued operations. Also, it has been
52 wk H/L ` 156.90/72 able to grab maximum number of airport slots that have
been vacated by Jet Airways.
Face Value ` 10.00
NSE Code SPICEJET Company registered passenger growth of 20% in Q1 FY20 while,
BSE Code 500285 market share in the domestic market at 15.6%. Passenger growth in
the international market has also been healthy at 18%, Market posi-
tion has benefitted from availability of additional Jet Airways' air-
Valuation Data crafts. Furthermore, company has been allotted 130 slots va-
EV/EBITDA 10.63 cated by Jet Airways ' largely on metros and Tier-I routes,
P/BV -85.4 which should complement the company's strong presence in
EV 8466.58 routes connecting Tier-II and -III cities. Plans to signifi-
cantly increase fleet size to 130-140 aircraft by fiscal 2020
Net Worth -87.07
should further help maintain the market position.
BV -1.45

Healthy operating metrics

Currently, Spice Jet operates to 52 domestic and nine international destinations. It is the largest re-
gional player in the country with 51 daily UDAN flights (launched 18 UDAN flights during the
quarter) and operates to 12 destinations under the regional connectivity scheme providing air con-
nectivity to the remotest corners of the country.
Earmarking another important milestone, the airline, also launched its Guwahati-Dhaka flight under
the International Air Connectivity Scheme (IACS) which makes it the country’s first IACS flight.
In terms of operational parameters, company had the best passenger load factor amongst all air-
lines in the country during the quarter. The average domestic load factor for the quarter was
93.8%. For 50 months in a row, it has flown the highest load factors in the Indian aviation mar-
ket, a feat unparalleled globally. Furthermore, the company has put in concerted efforts in
building a strong brand by focusing on-time performance and minimal cancellations.
Ability to maintain PLFs while increasing passenger yields to partially balance the cost
pressures will be crucial for continued high operational efficiency and hence remain a
key monitor able. 1




Reported its highest ever quarterly profit in the June quarter. The profits were driven by other in-
come, including reimbursements from Boeing Co. for the revenue loss due to the grounding of 737
Max aircraft. The increase in yield was also aided by higher passenger traffic following the ground-
ing of Jet Airways, besides expanding its fleet size to cater to more routes and passengers.

Company is planning to onboard over 60 aircraft in FY20, with fleet size jumping nearly 2X
to 136 by FY20, as taken planes of the now-defunct Jet Airways.

In March, operated an average of 418 flights/day. In June, this number rose to 507 a day. Cur-
rently, operates 550 flights on an average/day. During the winter schedule, it would operate
4,316 flights every week (around 612 a day), an increase of 46% compared to year-ago.

Operations of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft will expect to resume by January 2020

Company converted 11 aircraft to mono class, while 20 more are to be converted. When all the
aircraft are converted, the airline will add 2,529,890 ASKs per day, taking the domestic capacity up
by 40 percent.

Capacity (in terms of Seat Kilometers) up by 31% while, Passenger fares up by 11%

Added 32 aircraft; aircraft fleet stands at 107 as on June 30, 2019

Spice jet is getting pricing power due to collapsed of Jet airways; company expects to boost its
profits in Q2 as well.

Company is planning an IPO for its cargo unit Spice Xpress in next one year. Currently, it has 4
freighters and expects to receive another 6 by end of year.

With the current developments and uncertainty around the exact month of resumption, the com-
pany plans to cater to the winter season by inducting 5-10 Boeing 737 NG aircraft and 3 Q400 air-
craft during October 2019. 2




Key Financials (` in crores)

Particulars Q1 FY 20 Q4 FY 19 Q1 FY 19  Q-Q  Y-Y
Revenue 2922.54 2480.97 2185.47 17.80 33.73
EBITDA 764.10 167.33 50.78 356.64 1404.73
PBT 262.89 72.53 -35.58 262.46 -838.87
PAT 262.89 72.50 -35.58 262.61 -838.87
EPS 4.39 1.21 -0.59 262.81 -844.07 3



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