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activity book for young learners Elizabeth Gray SS Als === _ Express Publishing THE EXPRESS PICTURE DICTIONARY {for young learners activity book Elizabeth Gray Bak Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing iberty House, New Greenham Park Newbury, Berkshite RG19 SH Tels (0044) 1635 B17 363, Fax. (0044) 1535 817 463 e-mail, http://www ® Elizabeth Gray, 2001 Detign ana illustration ® Express Publishing, 2001 Colour Illustrations: Terry Wilson, Chris, Pan Music Compesitions and Arrangement by Ted and Taz All rights reserved. No part of this publication moy be reproduced, stored in ¢ retrioval system, or transmitted in eny ferm, or by any means, stecitonic, photocopying oF otherwise, without the prior written pernéssion of the publeners, Fist published 2001 ISBN 1-84216-010-7 Author's Acknowledgements Wo woud tke to thank oi the statt at Exptest Puoiishing who have contributed thelr skils to providing this Book. Thanks are due in particular to: Ame Elis Ecitor in Chief), Catherine Strith and Debbie Wison ‘senior editors), Richard White Ganior production controller), the Express design team end Davie Smith, Kimberly Baker and Erle Taylor for thelr support ond patience. We would clso ike to thank these insiitutions ond teachers who piloted the manusctip!. and whese comments ond feedback were Invaluable ln the production of the 890k, White every effort has been made to trace al the copyright holder's, if any have been inadvertently over- looked the publishers wit be pleased fo make ine necessary arrangemen!s at the first opportunity. 1000 98 Contents The Alphabet... NUMBETS wena COIOUES senna Describing PEOPIE muna The Body. Clothes | Clothes I. Rina Ben and Vicky's Family On the Outside In the Inside I... Im the IMBid@ Hnssesssnnnnnen In the Garden. At the Supermarket ono. In the Kitchen... A Party... What's the time? .nscnnnrniniinine Days and Dates.erinnne The Year. My School... Ben's ClassrO0M wnumnine nn In the Computer Room... In the Music Room. Jobs Indoor HOBDICS vss emisensnnnsininmninnnin At the Park... At the Sports Centre... AE h@ StadiUMsssnrmnnsnnnin Outdoor Activities... 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 a2 4a 48 52 54 56 58 60 POLS evsninnesnnnnnnnes On the FOAM... .euesssve . . - . cone 6M Al the 200... Marine World et 7 6a The Weother.. wean RRNA 70 The Earth... ee oi saetnranroncsnista ID The LONASCAPE nn nonnienn a 74 The Solar SysteMnesoesnnernneneene senna hvvesivanne 70 TRIO scrnsnaasnnencinennanenineccn 2 soca sin 78 On the ROAM...ensessone és i iscsi BO MOIR StF f iconisiaiaanintaninn . = is 82 ‘ In @ Shopping Centre . . 8a AE the Clinic .ncesnesnnenen ee . 86 OPPOSES ne snnereoninee a — 38 At the Playground. ...umes In the Maze, a i 92 A Summer Camp sunnnnnnnnannnien —— | A Schoo! Fair... oe - os At the Beach .... asenns 9B Leisure TiM@ ooo — 100 Home Entertainment FOIY TOIOS sinc osnnennnsvannssnnnvannnsasnnnanninnens . TEST YOUR VOCABULARY...... a THE BASICS: THE ALPHABET LA circle the odd tetter. 4ddd a | laaaua 2bqbbb 3 nhnnn ley Write in small letters. 1 LAMB 2 UMBRELLA 3 APPLE = _o_ 4 DOLL 5 VAN lof Match the letters. 6qpqqq db 7 mnmmm [nomena na] be Mead © lef Write in capital letters. 1 watch 2 igloo 3 queen 4 train 5 yacht ley Complete the words and draw lines to match them with the pictures. 1 f 6 2 3 4 & : » rg at am bo_ s lar he basics: the alphabet Ly Can you find 8 words in the wordsearch? Ger axon Alt DBMANE COA TA DE, oT. GS HL JL N & Complete the puzzle. ay Unscramble and stick. r 1 ycoht iN aE 2 satin 3 ablim__ al | 9 4 nma_ __ __ 5 salsg_ iy -Z~ 6 itke ooh 2 7 3 8 4 ee THEBASICS: NUMBERS 4 BBY complete tne countdown [BV Join the dots. What isi? ten eight Me <3 we Ke 7 ou oy ot 30 29 we five Sang, gt 26, + a ay a fle 4) a Z . Me eels 8 . two to ul le QR Go! Itsa__! MOBAIGS S| the fourth egg 5© the eighth star m the fifth box the seventh apple the third umbrella the first onion the sixth kite NMOBOPBO OBO @ CSO YCSWOORO Draw lines to match the words with the numbers. Which numbers are odd? Which are even? sixty five R20 Nast giv 80 a” 60 24 seventy twenty leven forty 100 3 q Dp we seven a hundred ey Do the sums! 14+3= 4 one plus three equals four 2x3 = 6 two times three equals six 7*22 _ 4x2 = 4-2= 2 four minus two equals two 5x5 = §-3= _ 6+2 = 3. six divided by two equals three 13-6=____ g.4= Play Bingo! Circle six numbers on your bingo card. Then listen. If you hear any of your circled numbers, cross them out. The first student “sto cross out all of his/her numbers shouts “Bingol” and is the winner. THE BASICS: COLOU! red yellow \forange \brown \{ green {light (" J blue J dark purple ){ pink white )\{black \{grey blue Lay Draw and colour. - a green apple a purple box a light blue umbrella Look at the picture on pages 10-11 in the dictionary. Find these things and write what colour they are. the basics: colours** ley Colour the picture. Then complete the sentences. 7 The ball is purple and yellow. 2 The doll 4 The train yellow white 3 The boat 5 The kite pink = red 5 = blue 6 = purple 7 = black 8 = green @ Listen and complete the notes about these children. 1 5 name: age: favourite ______—_ ~ colour: 2 name: age: ~ favourite , colour: ey Now, talk to your friends and write. ly ») NAMe; ri 9 ace: ye 9 favourite colour; Ly ur: ee | } > nome: ae | 2 age: ———- 16 favourite ____— © colour: Yee Hello! I’m Wacky, the monster. My f —____ is green. I've got short red h_____, threee_____,abign____ and two bige __ How about you? & Now, draw a picture of your face and write sentences. ——7 Can you find 8 words in the 7 Use stickers to create your wordsearch? own monster. eT lym ile i orl L Net Cet orate Path AT WMa2O lig on AeA CG ) Hewe ee ERE ieee Mogul. E Rie) Oe Ei) eee i ape mien. VAL See Eee eM Aa Ree LE Le OWS CeCe A wc Wy! iT Can you find 13 words in the mueaz--7eOry mImomwWMmOoOrn?PF TIVO QrPmAweMmroOoaNnt rZaAamxr>rvyrOeoO mAZV-—-PHPRDA Pr-Ssz7moOzZ2-7 om>rroaAreecr VmaveZ-m7r>OO AH a Om a = =Zm=-F OO Zr ao amorcoremo oOMOIAOFZOADO By Look at the picture. Write about Wacky the monster. ey Read and circle. 1 How many eyes have 3 people got? Asixty B six 2 How many legs have 6 people got? A twelve B twenty 3 How many fingernails have 4 people got? A fourteen B forty 4 How many shoulders have 5 people got? A five B ten 5 How many wrists have 2 people got? A four B eight boots hat glasses necklace handbag ey Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. — blouse dressing gown suit shirt dress tie le Now, read and colour the clothes in B. 1 The blouse is green. 4 The dress is purple and yellow. 2 The tie is blue and red, 5 The shirt is pink. 3 The suit is grey. 6 The dressing gown is yellow, by What are these? Write the words. 7 C3 } Tl belt 2 oo 3 4 0 ay Put the words in the box in the correct list. i 2 ~ Sup dress Ra y g a xe hat aia i! « ss ee blouse handbag 1 He is wearing a grey pair of alight blues, anda pair of black She’s wearing a brown _and ayellow __ 18 ay Look at these clothes. Which are Vicky's? Which are Ben's? Draw lines. é y 1 It’s a pair of gloves. 2 Its a pair of boots. 3 Its a T-shirt, 4 Its a pair of trainers, 5 It's a tracksuit, yn SON QD 6 ~ a Yes/No Yes/No. Yes/No Yes/No people: clothes II lay Who are these people? Look at the family tree in the picture dictionary and say who these people are. Nick Brown is Vicky and Ben's dad. i) Paul Brown is Vicky and Ben's e Becky Simpson is Vicky and Ben's 4 Andrew Simpson is Vicky and Ber 5 Pat Brown is Vicky and Ben's A dient 6 Jenny Brown is Vicky and Ben's 5 Ben’s ~-----_~ ef Circle the family words. Now, choose words from activity C and complete the table. sister niece grandma toddler adult senior citizen single grandma grandpa dad mum dad grandpa teenager aunt sister — middle-aged uncle uncle married nephew i niece 20 Emma Name: How many Name: Jamie aunts and uncles: _____— Sister's name: _ How many cousins: ____ Sisters age: - Favourite cousin’s Brother's name: _ name: __ ee Brothers age: Cousin’s age: 4 Draw a picture of the people in your family and write about them. This is my ____s, My father's name is sand my mother’s name ig My name is at I'm years old. lA What are these? Write the words. Then draw lines to put the jigsaw “~" pieces in the correct place. 1 Lay How many words can you find in the streamer? a qa CAVEWALLGARDENCASTLELETTERBOX WiND OWTERRACEDHOUSES 22 : On the outside a Sain 5 1 This is a detached house, = 4 This is a skyscraper. ee Yes/No} . Yes/No This is a cottage. § This is a tent. Yes/No Yes/No This is a block of flats. 6 This is a lighthouse. Yes/No Yes/No oy Circle the odd word out. 1 roof aerial <@reenno! Sy chimney 2 window patio windowsill French window 3 fence gate garden front door By Can you find 12 words in the wordsearch? 1 gate 7 A L § ROE | F BS © GMAT ek ceat 2 8 RCPVPOLNLE 3 9 | AAT 1K OCC P 4 - AS TEBLOEOV 12 LT | N § EL BN I 5 an RtLOTMZCAYEL & 2 OoOFENNES TAUEL OAGARODENVA FC H | MN EY F E HOME: INTHE INSIDE I Lif wnct cre these? Write the words, LW 0 = 5 g Q o 3 8 = o > o & & home: in the inside’ What a mess! Draw lines to 7 Put these objects in the . put these things in the correct correct room. place. oven co Playe, armchair SOfg yon lay dishwasher m sink vewle conm™ nie coffee table bin fridge cooker cupboard Write the words. Then find What is there in your them in the wordsearch. - kitchen? a ee In my kitchen there is an) __ 1 telephone 7 and ath) i (TP oam beets There is also ath) EPR Bre E (n) LGREOMP ee I) vistINkK ——. ath) ADRDMA $GINGP EEEANE rere: CLOCKR Of & 0 ML NN > ] HOME: INTHE INSIDE II &y Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. n wo a Pent a home: In the inside I lj Join the dots. What can you see? y 2 x # . . * o Po te te » a 5 ted FP i ae oe + 3a é Put these objects in the correct room. bed, sponge, pillow, sheets, bathmat, a bottle of shampoo, desk, toothbrush, duvet, towel Bedroom Bathroom bed Play Bingo! Circle five objects on your ) bingo card. Then listen. If you hear ~~ Use stickers to make your “any of your circled objects, cross bedroom. them out. The first student fo cross out all of his/her objects shouts “Bingo!” and is the winner. we nk ae. Plants | Animals Garden things — — — Ley Draw lines to join the words. a] Draw a picture of your favourite animal. 1 garden house -_ commen 2 plont can : 3 paddling pool 4 tree pot 5 watering table (oy Look at the numbers and colour the butterfly. 4 =yellow 5 = purple home: in the garden ra] Can you find these in the wordsearch? nmerZzmagzara mPeQOolnriats amocOrmmas FOZeANPrZOXT merr-ZOfO71= >r-xOxXmAyOMm le Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. Be aac Dairy — — Fruit | Vegetables Products chees” broccoli cherries | cheese potatoes putter Carrot apples grapes milk margarine lemon onions A broccoli Rono wo 1 2 3 4 Whose baskets are these? Read the lists and write the names in the boxes. Mark's basket Emma's basket Lucy's basket fish cheese carrots eggs aubergines pears peppers tomatoes milk, strawberries lettuce bananas 30 food. at the supermarket | (By Complete the puzzle and find the hidden expression. & Draw on the plates! What do you like to eat? What don’t you like to eat? ) Read the shopping lists. Then listen and write a number. ——— oy _f > 4 )) garlic |) lettuce | j jEly | Pe mite) cm 3 eee 5 amnigs? 7) roster | Sa Shopping ligt i) shopping list \f ebping let ) butter | Crashnooms | tangerings | mushrooms | Yoh Chocolate my | | butter FOOD: IN THE KITCHEN lay Where do you put these? Write the words and draw lines. ona EZ 4 Fy Ka Mm Mg Z _ & =F What do you like to eat for =>7 Write the words. Then draw breakfast? Draw the food on lines to match them. the plate. = food: in the kitchen pj Draw lines to match the By Put the words in the pictures with the words. correct list. plate, lunch, pepper. saucepan, knife. breakfast, napkin, sugar, olive oil, dinner, salt OBJECTS THE BASICS ey Use stickers and set the table. 33 UEMILKSHAKEPASTAJUICECRIspgp) SCUITPOPCORNSWEETS 34 food: a party oy Complete the puzzle and find the hidden expression. » { What are Pauia and George eating? Listen and write their names .,. under the correct plate. —3 What do you eat at parties? What does your friend eat at parties? Make lists. Lay Draw the times on the clocks. 1 It’s quartertotwo. 9 © 3 2 8 4 o) 76 5 9 3} It’s half past six. ” It's twenty past seven. 9 © 3 ; 8 4 768 0 2 $ 3 It’s five to four. 2 © 4 765 t 9 \a 4 Ne It’s ten to eleven. 3 mt) 0 2 9 6 2 It’s quarter past twelve. 765 2 8 8 36 gS Look at the clocks and write. go to school — 1 Igo to school at half 2 past eight. have dinner 4+ e > 3 : © >) ee eae 4 LilaaX=rmnidare| Mi iain —i2 havelunch _ play basketball @ What's the time? Listen to the clock and write. 1 Is o'clock. 2 Ifs ______ o’clock. 3 It's o'clock. 4 Its o'clock. 5 It’s o'clock. TIME: DAYS AND DATES ay Draw lines to match the short forms with the long forms. TUES Thursday Monday SUNG Wednesday THURS go SUN queer” WED Friday Saturday FRI [BY circle the odd word out 1 morning today afternoon evening 2 weekday week night weekend 3 seventeenth twenty-second thirtieth yesterday 4 Monday Wednesday Fortnight Friday lef Look at the calendar and write. ‘Tues | weo 9 10 16 17 Teday is Monday 15th What is the date What was the date next Monday? last Monday? this Sunday? last Wednesday? next Thursday? iy Answer the questions. Then ask your friend. What do you do - in the morning? - on weekdays? a - in the evening? - at weekends? Hime: days and dates WEDNESDAY THURSDAY | e« FRIDAY a pha 4 me SATURDAY a SUNDAY 1 James goes to guitar class on Wednesday. Wrong. He goes to guitar class on Monday. 2 Vicky goes dancing on Friday. 3 Ben goes swimming on Thursday. 4 James plays basketball on Wednesday. 5 Ben goes to the computer club on Tuesday. \GETECHTENTHNC HON WEEE ee VENTER @ i . November ij Draw lines to match the pictures with the words. ig two 4 ad Scorpio Capri “i apricomn 5 Vs Gemini K , 3 libra A Ge = Pisces 40 3 4 the year oy Ask your friends when their birthdays are. Then fill in the chart. Name Month Date ey Can you find 10 months in the wordsearch? DF JAN UA RYN ABP Filin tne missing months ESAALMLJIMO CS Jee. 'B UB OK M UA Vv January, February, EUs oak IR Y OANRR E ‘ May, MoE vy Pol A S E~G M BYTOS$OO1HB wu, EKVTBTMA Y CE October, RA USGS U.S Fab OR OG 1 OBE Rk @ F B FRE BosResw TA. REY aR E ef Maths! 1year= __365 _ days 6 2 millennia = years 2years=____s ss rays 7 3 leap years = days 1 decade =________ years 8 10 decades = century 4 decades = ________ years 3 centuries = years 4 42 ay Fill in your school timetable with the subjects you do at school. ad Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday Friday 8-9 | | | 9-10 | | | | 10-11 | | 11-12 | | 2-1 | | 12 | | | Bs | Which subjects are these? S>j What shapes are these? Complete the puzzle. Write the words. wie ss , ae all a, Ce ae Ff | ek eae | Pee 4 Loy How many words can you find in the streamer? MMUSICSECONDARYSCHOOLLANGUAGESCHyan, ici ames INGROOMSLIBRARY WRITE ay Draw lines to match the pictures with the verbs. ask and answer play listen write read sing look speak think a] Circle the odd word out. 1 English Classroom Art listen anon Nursery School Gym Ubrary Circle Playground Primary School school: my school ey Look at the pictures and complete Ben’s letter. Dear Mohammed, Hi from England! You wanted to know about my a) Well, | am not in (2) school anymore. | am in (3) school, so | know how to read and (4) We do a lot of subjects at school but my favourite ones are 6) OY ond Ber i . My = (8) ______ is on the 2nd floor, School is lots of fun and | have many friends. What are schools like in your country? Write soon, Ben Maths. Geography Staff room Square Triangle Rectangle Read Write History Secondary School boy Circle the odd word out. 1 bookcase desk shelf paperclip 2 pencil rubber pen crayon 3 glue scissors shelf sticky tape What have these children got in their schoolbags? Listen and write _., a number. fol power pad mouse mail is? switch oO) ini the Computer room & ei Use the words and label the picture. keyboard, plug, modem, mouse, wire, disk drive, speaker, tower, power switch, printout How many words can you find in the streamer? Fommnew @Bmroarondgwn vor COAYFERXRZO-Vv B oy Put the words in the correct list. is, skipping, a picnic, football, tennis hopscotch, baseball, an ice cream, skateboarding, a sandwich, cycling, rollerblading ACTIVITIES: AT THE SPORTS CENTRE By Draw lines to match the sports with the pictures. 4 : badminton table tennis 5 “ archery e basketball = ice-skating fencing 6 © ay Label the picture with the words. swimming pool, goggles, armbands, ladder, diving board O activities: at the sports centre S Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. yi] Circle the odd word out. 1 basketball badminton rings table tennis 2 foil gymnastics iceskates armbands 3 iceskating swimming diving goggles 4 fencing racquet net shuttlecock @ Which sports are these children going to do? Listen and draw lines. Matthew Rachel Katy 58 ACTIVITIES: AT THE STADIUM By Label the pictures with the words. podium, weightlifting, spectators, relay, long jump, seats, runner, discus Ly Read and choose the correct answer. The Olympic Games take place every 1) __ years. They take place in 2) ___country every time. Millions of 3) around the world watch the games, There are a total of 4) sports ond 296 events. The best athletes get gold, silver or bronze 5) 1A four B two 2A the same 8B a different 3A spectators B runners 4A 28 B 128 5 A bracelets B medals activities: at the stadium @ Can you find 9 words in the wordsearch? } PUOUDUINUNM s CEM | podium aoe co So Bare ARET ERC A VY CAD Tali) 2. 7 Bek Ov 1 NE) LeACNMETPS Ee 4 8 BN 4S EP-OeR: Saloon 1 A MN cRetl iccckee Tc i) 4 2 MEA THA GT Rite §. Mee T RUA Coke gm 7 oTiE NNNAOMEDAL I —_ gS Listen to the two athletes oy Draw lines to join the words. 4,and complete their cards. How many words can you find in the streamer? CUSBRONZEMEDAL HURDLETI CKETSTARTINGLINEJAVELINDIS 59 ACTIVITIES: OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ay Where do you do these activities? Put the words in the correct list. in the in the ae mosntain water 10 mountain windsurfing biking rowing snowboarding paragliding skiing canoeing sailing climbing hang-giiding scuba diving Lay Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. camping \ / scuba diving | i horse riding paragliding skiing sailing ~ canoeing Ask your friends. What activities do they like to do? What equipmen do they use? Activity Equipment Name Ps Be activities: outdoor activities True or False? Read and put a tick (¥) or a cross (x). You need .. a rucksack to go hiking. ame an oxygen cylinder to go horse riding. — a rope to go snowboarding. a boat to go sailing. _ teins to go rowing. __ a wetsuit to go scuba diving. _ aOanhRon a Read and draw the equipment. [| [_] LJ a sleeping bag 2 amap a windsurfer oars 5 acanoe flippers Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle. ae re in his a a the garden. Bruno loves going for Mac loves to sleep all long welks. ) ANIMALS: ON THE FARM la Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. 5 /ey Read and stick. , § at a scarecrow a sheepdog a duckling lef Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. 64 animals: on the farm C K GUAGESEED Noczoos i) Ase koe a Ol PS 1__wasp 6 oC Gia ea Meatae NA tn 2 7 FO, US eek eee {le Pec: Pb DMEeee R Onwears =. £ Pet ecmabte Cixk Pe i, 4 2 Pt leery E Osc Ak 5 10 It, Eo Week? RieeC coArolNneX: iO ORT omer emery OL TB iS. O (ORRSsubpeoy: FAL Ss 7 Look at the pictures and aN Listen to the animals and write the words to complete _ write a number. the letter, “ Dear Ben, Hi again. So you want to know what | usually do on the farm. In the morning, ES “ })____ the chickens, | 2) sthe cows and | 3)_______seeds. a - In the afternoon, ts) of} 4)_____in the fields or | Wf | make Tt 5) a | hope ydu'll soon visit me. Love, Uncle Jonn NN ITN RSH Ln AOL) ay Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. animals: at the zoo i Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. | hippopotamus panther camel 3 | orangutan ostrich antelope oy Read and circle. 1 An elephant has got a . 3 A lion has got a A mane B trunk A hoof B mane 2 A deer has got » 4 A camel has got a A antlers B humps A tusk B hump & Can you find 10 wild animals in the wordsearch.? tu ) MU O° BUH A UES HONUML E jhippopotamus 6 DOEIGALLIGATOR . fELOGIRAFFELR UO Ive PALIBPARROTSZ 8 LsSPAASDESYTOTK LEHNTNGAMTISCO KUADUAERRAELZA VINAILKNEAGLEBL VITDAEOOSTTPAA 67 IMALS: MARINE WORLD ay Read and stick. 1 sea urchin 2 albatross 3 coral \ ™“\ 4 tuna fish 5 seagull 6 eel Lay Draw lines to join the words. Then match them with the pictures. 1 humpback urchin 2 sea fish 3) tuna bear 4 polar whale ) animals: marine world & Which of these are animals? Circle them. ; coral shell turtle pet a ray patios COP ‘ albatros . shrimp. . . iceberg Jellyfish eel seal seaweed pel rock seahorse shark shipwreck seabed dolphin = tuna fish o Draw these in the sea. swordfish seahorse turtle tuna fish coral oak oN = shipwreck OUR WORLD: THE WEATHER . ay Draw lines to join the words. to - —— | } | ' cloud sun ralN snow snowy “sunny (Cloudy windy wind = \ rainy ay Put the words in the correct list. cold, sunny, hail, heatwave, blizzard, dry, icicle, hot 1 2 cold [G7 Read ond stick. ei Le 1 cloud 2 lightning 3 mist 4 thunderstorm 5 icicle IW 7 G a our world: the weather What‘s the weather like Now, mark the temperature on today? Draw a picture. the thermometer. By How many words can you find in the streamer? ERFORECASTI Fewest CASTMISTPUDDLESNOW/ FLAKEFREEZINGHAILSTORMSK* se att oo, 71 fay Label the map with the words. Asia, Africa, Atlantic Ocean, North America, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Europe, Australia, South America BS polar tropical mountain, desert 3 - mediterranean tundra 72 world: the earth oS Write the words in the correct list. Africa, Polar, Desert, Atlantic, Europe, Antarctica, Arctic, Mountain, North America, Pacific, Continental CONTINENTS | OCEANS * TYPES OF CLIMATE Africa What climate has your country ; Can you find 8 words in the got? Draw a picture. wordsearch? B AHR | Y WROD T BRCtLtLS OU THE oOTLeEtEAHOA cA lQP Et SN S$ EK MUODAL GN T AZAAYNOR TH NY T T 1 F S$ EL O s NEOOT ES DM | UR RM HWE S$ T ey How many words can you find in the streamer? ; 2 9 | MEDITERRANEANCONTINENTINDIANO Gy c “ ne an ~EANARCTICPOLARASIATUNORAEARTH ‘S 73 OUR WORLD: THE LANDSCAPE ay Draw lines to match the pictures and the words. 1 4 if a forest island mountain range sand dunes — waterfall Fu, 6 Se [BY cicte tne odd word out 1 waterfall river lake peak 2 coast beach valley bay 3 flood forest hurricane drought i How many words can you find in the streamer? ij = — - : a — _ —4 TANDSGAP : Ne mma TIONOCEANVALLEYTIDALWAVECLIFF [ey Read and draw. 3 1 2 mountain range forest beach our world: the landscape & Look at the pictures and the letters and write the words. | | I | & Can you find 8 words in the wordsearch? beach 1 2 3 4 macarPpmama ee OO a | — OP mMAwyH-D ~£ Aznar ToD cxnoimrr>e 75 LAR SYSTEM — ZY jf \abel the picture with the words. the Sun, Neptune, Mercury, Earth, Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Mars, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter /By Put the planets in order. Begin from the one nearest to the sun and —~"" end with the one furthest away from it. Mercury, ad LG) Read and circle. S 1 3 The is the planet on B planer which we live. 2 The sun and all the planets which = A Moon B Earth move around it is the 4 The only planet with tings around system, it is - A. solar B. planet A Mars B Satur our world: the solar system oj Can you find 9 words in the wordsearch? UR AN US O J NJ Uranus 6 OoMWwW LES TV UA Q 7 FE N P A LE PA R R H OW LN I M 38 8 Mc c —& PLUTO 4 9 AU U —€ | E— §$ E T 7 REAR THR & BY s A T URN T NE P T UN EH T What do you think the Earth looks like from space? Draw a picture. [aif Put tne words in the correct list. By hydrofoil Alr Sea Land hliespter otk’ trom, ‘train not patio" helicopter xc speedboat oft aeroplane — poveret Lay Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. 1_speedboat Zz Ome WoA ¥ oH Swen A. (PinGaY 2 8 RAtltNAOD Seay SR OR 3 gi FVQHAO 4 10. Bae eli F $s —BPAO 7 "I ACHON 1! 6 12 PAR?®KAL Do-tAN E T Ng l This is a 2 This is a 3 This is a 4 This is an 5 This is a hovercraft, coravan. lorry. ambulance. speedboat. Yes | No Yes { No Yes { No Yes | No Yes | No & Draw lines to join the words. 1 car train 2 police balloon 3 underground engine 4 hot-air park 5 fire car 79 OUR TOWN: ON THE ROAD ay Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. 4 80 petrol. sign lamp ‘N warden bus pump. traffic stop road post a motorway a pedestrian crossing By Can you find 8 words in the wordsearch? E Ss BUOUNINTENT cu PCOGTUUONG PUOQOSEZLAB AATHCORNER VOIUNSTYLEIL ER ROTNRRPOD MOTORWAYAG EAETEVLANE NDEEENMEEA TUuUTOTLRLUT OUR TOWN: MAIN STREET 2 Write the people’s jobs. Then match them to the place where they our town: main street 9 Read and circle. You can buy stamps at the post 4 You can buy lots of different nce, food at the supermarket. (fe8)/ No Yes / No You can watch a film at the 5 You can buy meat at the baker's. cinema. Yes / No Yes / No 6 You can borrow books from the 3 You can buy medicine at the liorary. bank. Yes / No Yes | No by Circle the odd word out. 1 village town hospital city 2 café butcher's baker's chemist's 3 refuse collector gym newsagent librarian 4 office building hotel shopping centre greengrocer ( Where do these people have to go? Listen and draw lines. o OUR TOWN: IN A SHOPPING CENTRE lay Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. 4 1 CD shop: u video shop 2 bookshop 5 toy shop fast food restaurant - pet shop ey, We 1 escalator go 2 florist Oo 3 travel agent's] 4 phone booth Oo 5 CD shop ia 6 clothes shop oO 7 card shop Ol 8 information desk [| 84 our town: in a shopping centre & Read and write. YOU CAN BUY ... at the clothes shop at the at the at the at the Can you find 9 words in the Wordsearch? s 0 BOTOKISHIONR)t s » HTOYSHOPBPGE Ae) Gate Beth kw O Gale ly Ww Ae Emcee A LAT (GiReieiese Be siay SAINUCGIESHL Pg HGOHSDIOXHOL OUP TailC | ASN RgomP =e Pep? ist ©: Ric SeaeN PLA R TR AV E LGA GRE NT %L 85 R TOWN: AT THE CLINIC lay Draw lines to match the pictures with the words. — temperature cut sore throat 2 earache headache Lay Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. oe 1 ty) & Draw lines to match the pictures with the words. Vf 2 sticking plaster first aid kit wheelchair medicine £ thermometer bandage 7 cast + oy Complete the puzzle and find the hidden expression. @ Why are these people at the clinic? Listen and “write a number. BB i ee By Match the words in the boxes with their opposites. there, smooth, old, right, light, blunt, old-fashioned, bad, strong, sweet young |_——— 6 wrong sharp ee 7 a rough good Se 8 sour here a modern heavy 10 ‘weak 7 Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle with opposites. What the hidden expression? expensiv: difficult ak" | i. 88 & Look at the pictures and circle the correct word. bs, strong) 1 weak boy, A heavy / light feather. A sweet / sour lemon. Ath) old / new car, A closed / open door. A small / big elephant oy Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. right, slow, front, false, short AT THE PLAYGROUND ay Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. A between D / under Zz next to E B Wo on top of Ee. behind FE c a oe pl ay Draw lines to join the words. 1 =a : = ~~ 3 Ghee axop oh 4 @tthe = “front of | lef Look at the picture and use the words to complete the sentences. next to, in front of, under, behind 1 The yellow book is the teacher. 2 The orange book is ___ the fable, 3 The purple book is____- the vase. 4 The brown book is the chair, 20 1 The cat is between the bins. Yes { No 2 The girl in blue is next to the swing, Yes { No 3. The girl in pink is in front of the wall. Yes / No 4 The boy in green is at the top of the slide. Yes / No 5 The boy in brown is under the slide. Yes / No 6 The dog is behind the boy in yellow. Yes | No = 7 The boy in grey is in the box. Yes | No & Where are they? Listen and draw lines. ; y y m1 2 in the garden 3 in the drawer ) A: | ~S ENS on the kitchen table { a by at the top of the slide Nie 4 Get Vy s IY S under the chair 9 92 WORDS: IN THE MAZE lay _look at the pictures and letters and write the words. ~ : across & Look at the pictures and use the words to complete the sentences. towards, past, up, round He is walking ___ the statue, } He is running the fountain. 2 , 3 He is going the hill. | He is walking the well. 4 \ | iy] How many words can you find in the streamer? (BULLMAZELAKEENTRANCEBENCHWELLARCHEXITSTATUEBRIDGE c wy ee Listen and write a number. PSUS Ora What are they doing? Draw lines to match the pictures with the sentences. She's drinking some water. He’s washing up, She's sleeping. if: He’s eating a burger. He’s closing the door, ry Draw lines to join the words. 1 tie down 2 get voy 3 make ‘up 4 put on 5 sit the bed 6 turn dressed @ boy yawning a girl setting the table 94 oy Can you find 8 verbs in the wordsearch? R H N D W fi MO s OA What are they doing? Draw lines to match the pictures with the sentences. She's hitting the ball. 4 ott She’s watering the flowers. e She's cycling. He's throwing the ball, 5 He’s buying some ice cream. aman driving @ bus @ woman smiling a] How many verbs can you find in the streamer? GARRY GIVELAUGHPUSHTHROWHITCYCLEKICKHIDEEALL 96 Andrew Carole Allson Look at the picture. Then read the sentences and circle. 6 el pt Oma fray re y . 1 The children are hugging. Yes / No 2 The woman is climbing a tree. Yes {| No 3 A cat is hiding behind a tree. Yes { No 4 The baby is waving. Yes { No 5 The man is digging. Yes { No FUN: AT THE BEACH ay Look at the pictures and letters and write the words. Ly What are these? Write the words. — 1 98 ra i fun: at the beach 1 a beach umbrella 2 two armbands 3 two flippers Listen, draw and colour. mee ring Se. diving eon rubber beach mask a | apr 2005 Bey - candyfloss 2 funfair ~, a dancer —$—e 3 agers event Say ——ae” 4 a ballet 200 keeper 5 natural history ~ museum” screen 6 . theatre a -— _ sculpture 7 cinema team “ ae 8 _ exhibition —_ dinosaur Lay What are these? Write the words. fun: leisure time, A at the funfair Cc at an exhibition 8 | at the natural science museum =p at the cinema LI = E ot a sports event of Circle the odd word out. 1 fans audience team exhibit 2 big wheel roller-coaster painting dodgems 3 orchestra screen film cinema 4 zookeeper dinosaur dancer usher What do you like to do in your Can you find 8 words in the leisure time? Draw,and colour. wordsearch? =e ZOR7OrTOLTZMm umz—-mimmow

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