Mackintosh Probe Procedure

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Objective of Mackintosh Probe

1. Obtaining rough characteristics of surface condition

2. Preliminary tools to locate week spots
3. Can be used to determine the thickness of unsuitable material to be removed and also for
preliminary design of embankments.
4. Record no. of blows/ft. then correlate to establish chart to determine bearing capacity of
5. To check the consistency of the subsoil.

Mackintosh Probe Procedure

1. Equipment for the test are assembled. The cone diameter is measured in SI unit.
2. The boring rods and hammer are joint using the rod coupling. Grease is sweep up for an
easy dissembles later.
3. Distance of 0.3m is measured and marked on the rod start from the tip of the cone.
4. The equipment is set up on the ground.
5. The hammer is pulled until it reached the maximum. The hammer is dropped freely to
driven the cone into the soils.
6. The sum of the number of blows for penetration of 0.3m is recorded in the data sheet.
7. The hammer is taken off on the last 0.3m of each rod and joined the existing rod with
another rod and lastly the hammer. The blow is continued and stopped when:
a. The blow is more than ≥100 for 3 consecutive occasion for 0.3m penetration
b. The depth reached 5m
8. Pull the rods using lifting tools after the penetration reached the requirement.
9. The equipment is dissembled and cleaned before storing.

Mackintosh Probe Procedure 1

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