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‘Answer sheet for - "Assignment-I_Management_Information_System_(MISc)" Scored: 30/30 Time taken: 5 Min , 3 Sec 1. Which device is required for the Internet connection? Which device is required for the Internet connection? 212 Marks Modem v CD Drive Joystick NIC Card 6 comments 2. The decision-making environment of an executive level manager can be characterized as The decision-making environment of an executive level manager can be characterized as 212 Marks None of the above Semi structured Un structured v Structured © comments 3. The method used to assess real cost of providing services to an individual customer is The method used to assess real cost of providing services to an individual customer is 212 Marks Cost based accounting Activity based accounting ¥ Price baseaccounting Turnover based accounting 6 comments when the inputs process and outputs are knows with certainty. 4. System is called ~ when the inputs process and outputs are knows with certainty. System is called Close Deterministic Open © comments 5. Using system business can gain effective control over engineering change orders. Using system business can gain effective control over engineering change orders. 212 Marks Inventory Engineering change control v Prouction planning Engineering change order 6 comments 6, Point out the correct statement Point out the correct statement 212 Marks Paas systems offer a way to create user interfaces v All of the mentioned Platform cannot be based on specific type of development languages application frameworks or other constructs. In a CaaS model customers may interact with the software to enter and retrieve data © comments 7. A person machine-system and a highly integrated grouping of information-processing functions designed to provide management with a comprehensive picture of specific operation is called A person machine-system and a highly integrated grouping of information-processing functions designed to 212 Marks provide management with a comprehensive picture of specific operation is called Mis v Dss is Alll of the above © comments 8, Customer Relationship Management is about Customer Relationship Management is about Acquiring the right customer Insti iting the best processes Allof the above ing employees 6 comments 9, How many layers are there in OSI Model? How many layers are there in OSI Model? 212 Marks lv 8 comments 10. Which of the following is not an example of system software Which of the following is not an example of system software 212 Marks ‘Communication software Word processor v Utility software Language translator 6 comments 11. An = An is a set of processes and procedures that transform data into information and knowledge. - is a set of processes and procedures that transform data into information and knowledge. 212 Marks Information system Database system Knowledge system ‘Computer system © comments 12. Which of the following is / are the Characteristics of information? Which of the following is / are the Characteristics of information? ‘Completeness and Purpose Form of information and Timeliness Accuracy and Relevance AIABaCY © comments 13. GDSS is the short form of GDSS is the short form of 212 Marks Group Discussion Support Source Group Discussion Support System Group Decision Support System ¥ Group Decision Service System 8 comments 14, What is the most important component of DSS What is the most important component of DSS 212 Marks User interface v Architecture and network design Mathematical model and analytics tools Database © comments 15. DBMS should provide following feature(s) — DBMS should provide following feature(s) 212 Marks All of these v- Safety of the information stored Protect data from system crash Authorized access © comments hitps:ims mitsde.convindex phplcompanentimutanswersheet| oe

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