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______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook____________________________________

LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name HRKNL0038279000 / MUNICIPAL CORPORATION

lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name HRKNL00382790000000762 / KULDEEP KUMAR
dk;kZy; dk uke | Office Name (SRO) KARNAL
;w , u | UAN 100504031645
deZpkjh 'ks;j | Employee Share ₹ 77,847
fu;ksDrk 'ks;j | Employer Share ₹ 23,804

fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku

deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For 092019 1,651 505 1,146

Cont. For 082019 1,651 505 1,146

Cont. For 072019 1,620 495 1,125

Cont. For 062019 1,404 429 975

Cont. For 052019 1,620 495 1,125

Cont. For 042019 1,562 478 1,084

Cont. For 032019 1,620 495 1,125

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2018 3,404 1,041 0

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2017 2,032 621 0

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2016 921 282 0

Cont. For 012019 1,463 448 1,016

Cont. For 012019 1,458 446 1,012

Cont. For 122018 157 48 109

Cont. For 112018 1,566 479 1,087

Cont. For 102018 1,620 495 1,125

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2015 137 42 0

Cont. For 092018 1,620 495 1,125

Cont. For 082018 1,572 481 1,091

Cont. For 072018 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 062018 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 052018 1,462 447 1,015

Cont. For 042018 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 032018 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 022018 1,511 462 1,049

HRKNL00382790000000762 Page 1 of 3
fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku
deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For 012018 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 122017 1,219 373 846

Cont. For 102017 877 268 609

Cont. For 112017 101 31 70

Cont. For 072017 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 082017 1,410 431 979

Cont. For 092017 1,121 343 778

Cont. For 052017 1,462 447 1,015

Cont. For 062017 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 042017 1,511 462 1,049

Cont. For 022017 1,272 389 883

Cont. For 032017 933 285 647

Cont. For 112016 1,139 348 791

Cont. For 102016 1,229 376 853

Cont. For 122016 1,187 363 824

Cont. For 012017 745 228 517

Cont. For 092016 1,102 337 765

Cont. For 072016 1,272 389 883

Cont. For 082016 1,139 348 791

Cont. For 062016 1,270 388 882

Cont. For 052016 1,102 337 765

Cont. For 032016 1,128 345 783

Cont. For 042016 634 194 440

Cont. For 012016 1,128 345 783

Cont. For 022016 1,092 334 758

Cont. For 122015 1,128 345 783

Cont. For 112015 978 299 679

Cont. For 102015 837 256 581

Cont. For 092015 728 223 505

Cont. For 082015 714 218 496

Cont. For 072015 364 111 253

Cont. For 062015 437 134 303

Cont. For 052015 842 257 585

Cont. For 022015 972 297 675

Cont. For 032015 833 255 578

HRKNL00382790000000762 Page 2 of 3
fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku
deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For 042015 909 278 631

Cont. For 012015 972 297 675

Cont. For 082014 439 134 305

Cont. For 122014 940 288 652

Cont. For 112014 972 297 675

Cont. For 102014 454 139 315

Cont. For 092014 627 192 435

OB Int. Updated upto 31/03/2014 0 0 0

Grand Total 77,847 23,804 0 0 49,535

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-10-2019 18:48:42

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.

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