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63. what is the possible diagnosis ?
a. Typhoid fever
b. UTI
c. Dengue fever
d. Avian influenza
E. Leptospirosis

64. What is the possible etiology this disease ?

a. H1N1
b. H5N1
c. H3N3
d. H1N5
e. H5N3

65. What is the best medicine for this patient ?

a. herbs medicine from chin
b. herbs medicine from Indonesia
c. oseltamivir
d. acyclovir
e. gancyclovir

66. -

67. the following manifestation is very …………… features of ….. malaria in children
a. Multiple convulsions
b. Hypoglycemia
c. renal failure
d. severe anemia
e. lactic acidosis

68. a 26y.o male came to the primary health care with left leg swelling for the last 5 years. He lives in an
endemic area of filariasis. He also diagnoses with advanced left leg elephanthiasis. What is the main
method to control lymphatic filariasis ?
a. mosquito control
b. physiotherapy
c. health education
d. mass chemotherapy
e. hygiene and sanitation

For question number 69-70 :
Nurhasanah, 19 y.o girl came with her mother to the primary health clinic. They lived in an epidemic area
of filariasis. She head that everyone should take some drugs for the disease prevention. The doctor gave
nurhasanah and her mother diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) and albendazole.

69. What is the most reasonable factor why the government chooses thi type of combination for mass
therapy ?
a. the drug are effective to lower the microfilarial rate
b. relatively safe with minimal side effect
c. single dose therapy
d. wide therapeutic range with low cost
e. cheap and easy to access

70. The day after Nurhasanah took the drugs, she developed a mild fever, nausea, and headache. What is
the most likely explanation to this kind of symptoms?
a. Side effect of the drugs
b. Interaction between DEC and albendazole
c. Idiosyncratic
d. Allergy reaction
e. Immune response due to adult filaria worms death

71 There are millions of cases of leprosy (Hansen’s disease) worldwide, had predominately in tropical
countries of Asia and Africa. The clinical spectrum of Hansen’s disease is best characterized by
peripheral neuritis.
How is the morphology of the bacteria that cause the disease?
a. Gram negative rods
b. Acid fast bacilli
c. Gram positive non sporeforming rods
d. Gram negative cocci
e. Gram positive sporeforming rods

72 An 8-year-old boy develops a severe sore throat. On examination, grayish exudate is seen over the
tonsils and pharynx. The differential diagnosis of this symptom includes group A streptococcal infection
and diphtheria.
The cause of this boy symptom is most likely:
a. A gram negative rods
b. A gram negative cocci
c. A catalase positive gram-positive cocci arrange in clusters
d. A club-shape gram-positive
e. A gram positive sporeforming

73. A 27 yearold male living in village was admitted to hospital because of sudden onset of fever for
390C, jaundice and headache. He has history of often swimming in the ... and many rats surrounding the
area. What media can be used for isolation the bacteria that causes this disease?
a. Loeffler media
b. Fletcher semisolid media
c. Louwenstein Jensen media
d. d.Thayer Martin agar
e. cannot be grown in artificial media

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