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Group : IP-6 Tutorial Date : 27/12/2018

Name : Putri Amalia/ Tutorial Day : Thursday

Submission : 30/12/2018
Nurfitria Handayani/

Class : IP Yogyakarta, 30th December 2018

Assistant : E-127

Scoring Criteria Assistant

Report Format :

Calculation :

Analysis :

Conclusion : (Sinta Nofita)



International Program
Odd 2018/2019


10.1 Tutorial Objective

1.Students are able to know the procedure to measure noise and temperature using
thermohydrometer and sound level meter.
2. Students are able to know the influence of noise level and temperature with the
output of a task.
3.Students are able to analyze the optimum design of physical work environment
10.2 Tutorial Task
Physical work environment is all located around the workplace that may affect
workers. In this tutorial, the input are the description of operator and the amount of
output, while the output is the comparative analysis of productivity by different
treatment of physical working environment which are noise and vibration. The
operator played brain games in laptop. The screen showed us a square with
different colour and make sound of the alphabet. There will be new type of
question. We type ‘F’ if the latest and newest square have same colour. We type
‘L’ if the latest and newest sound of the alphabet is same. If the colour and the
alphabet is same, we type both of them. We do this tutorial in three places, First
we do a pretest of temperature and noise in laboratory assistant’s room. Second we
do a post test of temperature in IPO lab. Third, we do a post test of temperature in
climate room.

10.3 Literature Review

Table 1. Literature Review
No. Title Method Result Conclusion
1. Effects of : Total eight micro Mean age of workers A noise level of less than
physical and small industries was 28.6 ± 10.5 years 85 dB (A) and light of
environment in Lahore and working for 8.8 ± 1.5 400 lux to 800 lux will
factors on Gujaranwala were hours a day at a improve physical and
worker’s visited during metabolic rate of 165 psychosocial work
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

health in winter and summer W/m2 (ISO 7243 environment. Heat stress
micro and season separately. level of exertion) and monitoring policy can be
small sized Physical factors of had 0.5 – 1 hour rest. implemented by using
industries of light, noise and In cold season the ISO 7243. ILO
Pakistan temperature were average indoor ergonomic checklist can
recorded for six WBGT was 16.0 ± prove an important tool to
hours during winter. 2.5 ºC and in hot make assessment and
A quantitive season the average recommendations for
questionnaire was indoor WBGT was working environments in
filled from 138 29.9 ± 5.5 ºC and Pakistan
workers and an indoor air velocity
inspection of was 0.7 ± 0.3 m/s.
workplace was Noise was recorded
made by using ILO for time weightage
ergonomics average (TWA) and
checklist. Modified recorded a range of
Testo 177 and 73.1 dB (A) to 91.7
Lascar data loggers dB (A). Minimum
were used to intensity of 41.5 lux
measure air (ta), for light was recorded
globe (tg), natural in one industry.
wet bulb (tnw)
temperatures and
relative humidity
(RH) to calculate
the WBGT index.

2. Acute whole Eighteen female There was a positive Acute WBV causes
body elite field hockey interaction effect neural potentiation of the
vibration players each (intervention×pre- stretch reflex loop as
training completed three post) of enhanced shown by the improved
increases interventions of ACMVJ (p<0.001) ACMVJ and flexibility
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

vertical jump WBV, control, and and flexibility performance.

and flexibility cycling in a (p<0.05) parameters Additionally, muscle
performance balanced random following WBV; groups less
in elite female manner. WBV was however no changes proportionally exposed to
field hockey performed on a were observed after vibration do not exhibit
players Galileo machine (26 the control and physiological changes
Hz) with six cycling interventions. that potentiate muscular
1. (D J
different exercises There was no performance.
being performed. interaction effect for
2. S R Stannard
For the control, the grip strength
same six exercises following the three
were performed at 0 interventions.
Hz, whilst cycling
was performed at 50
W. Each
intervention was 5
min in duration with
ACMVJ, grip
strength, and
measurements being
conducted pre and
post intervention.

3. The Factors This is descriptive An adequate lighting Employees are very

Affecting research. The source system, noise, color, important assets that the
Employee of information is as well as air quality organization has. A good
Work secondary data from can impact organisation is one that
Environment different sources employees both can nurture its
& It’s like websites & physically and employees. One
Relation with books mentioned at psychologically, and technique to nurture the
the end. When some health employee is by paying
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

Employee people are working problems that may attention to the office
Productivity in situations that suit occur are headaches, environment. Thus, the
their physical and as a result of poor office environment plays
mental abilities, the lighting system and a very important role if
correct fit between undesirable noise, the organisation would
the person and the respiratory problems like to maintain better
work task is as a consequence of productivity. There are
accomplished. poor air quality, four factors of the office
People are then in fatigue as a result of environment under which
the optimum inappropriate of it has impact on employee
situation for selecting color, and productivity that are:
learning, working so forth. In the long lighting, noise, color, and
and achieving, term, these problems air quality
without adverse will impact the
health financial well-being
consequences, e.g. of the organisation.
injury, illness. The
following are the
work environment
elements & how
they affect

10.4 Output
10.4.1 Description
Name : Putri Amalia
Gender : Female
Age : 19 years old
History of disease : -
Tools provided : - Thermohygrometer to measure the temperature
- Sound level meter to measure the noise
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

- Laptop with brain games has already installed

Job description : Playing brain games while staying in the different work
place environments. The environments/work place are
laboratory assistant’s room, IPO Lab, and climate room.

10.4.2 Data Summary Noise Test
The accuracy level of noise and vibration are come from the
percentage of the right stimulus colour and sound matching on the brain
workshop software.
Table 2. Accuracy Level Noise and Temperature
Noise Vibration


Post Test

Table 3. Correct Errors of Noise and Temperature

Noise Temperature

Pre Test F L F L
= = = =
8 5 8 5
– – – –
1 2 1 2

Post Test F L F L
= = = =
9 7 7 7
– – – -
2 4 3 2

The table above shows that the accuracy level of noise and
vibration. For the noise and vibration pre-test inside the laboratory
assistant’s room which has fixed temperature and also noise accuracy,
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

the accuracy level is 81%. Meanwhile, for the noice post-test which
conducted in the climate room that has speaker that sounded out noises,
the accuracy level is 72%. Also, in the temperature post-test, when
operator was on the IPO lab which the room temperature is 17,1oC the
accuracy level is 73%. Vibration Test
10.4.3 Data Processing
a) Noise Data Calculation
b) One Way Anova Test
c) Calculation of Vibration Exposure
10.4.4 Analysis

10.5 Conclusion
10.4 Output
10.4.1 Description

10.4.2 Data Summary

The accuracy level of noise and vibration are come from the percentage
of the right stimulus colour and sound matching on the brain workshop
Table 2. Accuracy Level Noise and Temperature
Noise Temperature
Pre Test 81% 81%
Post Test 72% 73%
Table 3. Correct Errors of Noise and Temperature
Noise Temperature
Pre Test F=8–1 L=5–2 F=8–1 L=5–2
Post Test F=9–2 L=7–4 F=7–3 L = 7 -2
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

The table above shows that the accuracy level of noise and temperature.
For the noise and temperature pre-test inside the laboratory assistant’s room
which has fixed temperature and also noise accuracy, the accuracy level is
81%. Meanwhile, for the noice post-test which conducted in the climate room
that has speaker that sounded out noises, the accuracy level is 72%. Also, in
the temperature post-test, when operator was on the IPO lab which the room
temperature is 17,1oC the accuracy level is 73%. Noise Test
58.8 60.2 56.7 70.8 73 67.6 66.1 67.8 70 59.5 61.6 71.2
62.3 58.6 67.6 60.5 55.3 61 63.1 54.5 65.2 60.3 51.3 62.4
56.9 63 55.7 64.4 65.1 54.1 51.2 64.2 56.8 49.8 53 70.3
64.1 55.7 56.4 57.3 53.4 63.8 57.1 57.3 51.2 64.8 55.6 63.9
54 62 59.1 51.4 57.4 61.4 56.7 59.3 56.8 56.8 54.1 62
69.5 55.5 53.6 50.5 56.4 53.1 59.5 55.7 59 58 62.6 61.9
52.4 57.5 63.3 56.1 49.2 56 67 66.3 58.7 64 59.6 67.8
57.9 61.9 57.2 63 67.8 55.5 49.8 61.8 60 64.5 58.4 59.2
63.8 55.5 66.5 61 64.9 79.1 68.8 75.2 69.9 75.5 66.8 51.2
59.3 60.7 55.6 65.6 68.1 51.2 52.8 54.4 52.8 63 53.5 61.9
1. Range
= 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
= 79,1 – 49,8
= 29,9
2. Number of the Class (k)
= 1 + 3,3 log n
= 1 + 3, 3 log 120
= 7,9 ~ 8
3. Interval of the Class
𝑟 29,9
𝑖= =
𝑘 8
i = 3,74
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

4. Frequency
No Interval Median Frequency
1 49.2 – 52.94 51,07 13
2 52.95 – 56.69 54,82 23
3 56.7 – 60.44 58,57 29
4 60.45 – 64.19 62,32 25
5 64.2 – 67.94 66,07 18
6 67.95 – 71.69 69,82 8
7 71.7 – 75.44 73,57 2
8 75.45 – 79.1 77,275 2

72.7 68.5 70.2 66.9 68 70.8 61.7 70.8 65.4 62.2 57.3 68.1
63.1 57.3 60.9 66.7 72.1 78.5 66.7 72.7 70.2 71.5 66.9 63.1
70.6 71.5 61.1 71.2 65.9 61.8 63.6 70.5 69.7 74.9 71.7 75.4
61.9 71.7 79.8 65.2 60 76.2 57.7 63.9 68.7 53.6 57.9 60.3
67.1 64.1 65 67.6 63.2 60.3 61.2 69 72 66.5 73.9 75.3
77.5 73.5 69 69.6 70.1 79.3 69.9 76.1 76.2 75 79.9 72.1
77.3 68.8 75.9 70 74 73.2 70.6 76.9 75.2 72.4 72.1 74.5
72.5 74.5 83.5 72.8 73.1 74.8 77.2 82.5 74.8 73 78.5 78.8
76.2 78.6 71.2 76.6 74.8 75.9 76.8 70 73.8 73.9 73.3 81.1
80 65 63.7 76.1 78.4 77.9 80.7 86.6 77.7 82.3 70.9 65.5
1. Range
= 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
= 86,6 – 53,6
= 33
2. Number of the Class (k)
= 1 + 3,3 log n
= 1 + 3, 3 log 120
= 7,9 ~ 8
3. Interval of the Class
𝑟 33
𝑖= =
𝑘 8
i = 4,125
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

No Interval Median Frequency

1 53,6 – 57,725 55,6625 4
2 57,726 – 61,851 59,7885 9
3 61,852 – 65,977 63,9145 15
4 65,978 – 70,103 68,0405 20
5 70,104 – 74,229 72,1665 32
6 74,23 – 78,355 76,2925 25
7 78,356 – 82,481 80,4185 12
8 82,482 – 86,6 84,541 3

93.3 96.6 85.2 86.8 95.1 87.7 87 89.2 87.6 85.4 86.7 83.1
83.2 82.9 87.3 86.7 87.2 87.7 83.2 87.1 88 86.8 86.9 87.4
90.3 87.1 87.5 88.3 86.7 86.4 87.6 83.9 84.8 85.1 87.7 84.2
87.9 84.6 85.1 86.1 86.3 85.6 88.9 96.7 89.2 89.4 90.1 87.1
90 85.7 85.6 96.8 86.4 83.5 82.6 88.6 82.3 89.7 84.1 86.3
84.1 85 83.6 82.7 94.4 89.1 86.5 84.1 88.2 87.1 85.7 85.1
86.6 85.2 85.7 85.6 85.6 87 84.9 85.1 84.5 85.2 83.4 85.3
82.6 83.1 84.6 85.8 86.8 87.1 87.5 87.1 87.5 88.4 89.2 88.2
89.7 90.9 92.8 86.7 84.6 87 85.7 84.4 88.4 86.9 87 86.8
91.4 87.1 86 90.7 89.7 96.1 86.7 91.7 87.3 85.3 86.3 90.8
1. Range
= 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
= 96,8 – 82,3
= 14,5
2. Number of the Class (k)
= 1 + 3,3 log n
= 1 + 3, 3 log 120
= 7,9 ~ 8
3. Interval of the Class
𝑟 14,5
𝑖= =
𝑘 8
i = 1,81
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

No Interval Median Frequency

1 82,3 – 84,11 83,205 16
2 84,12 – 85,93 85,025 28
3 85,94 – 87,75 86,845 43
4 87,76 – 89,57 88,665 14
5 89,58 – 91,39 90,485 9
6 91,4 – 93,21 92,305 3
7 93,22 – 95,03 94,125 2
8 95,04 – 96,8 95,92 5 Noise Test Calculation

1. Range
= 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
= 75,5 – 49,8
= 25.7
2. Number of the Class (k)
= 1 + 3,3 log n
= 1 + 3, 3 log 120
= 7,9 ~ 8
3. Interval of the Class
𝑟 14
𝑖= =
𝑘 8
i = 1,75

4. Frequency Distribution
Table 6. Data of Frequency Distribution

No Interval Median Frequency

1 83.5 – 85.25 84.375 24
2 85.26 – 87.01 86.135 28
3 87.02 – 88.77 87.895 13
4 88.78 – 90.53 89.655 14
5 90.54 – 92.29 91.415 18
6 92.3 – 94.05 93.175 11
7 94.06 – 95.81 94.935 11
8 95.82 – 97.57 96.695 1

5. LTM5 Calculation
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Odd 2018/2019

𝐿𝑇𝑀5 = 10𝑙𝑜𝑔 ∈ 𝑇𝑛 100,1.𝐿𝑛 )
= 10(𝑙𝑜𝑔 ( (24 𝑥 100.1 𝑥 84.375 + ⋯ + 1 𝑥 100.1 𝑥 96.695 )) )
= 90.20 dBA Temperature Test
Table 7. Temperature test measurement recapitulation
Treatment Thermohygrometer Value (oC) Score (percentage)
Pretest 24 81
Posttest 17.1 73

10.4.3 Data Processing

Table 8. Accuracy Level of Temperature and Noise Sample
Pre Test Post Test Pre Test Post Test
Temperature Temperature Noise Noise
Dean Tirkaamiana 81 73 81 72
Cahya Magistra Putra 68 90 68 82
Rahma Alrosdi W. P. 56 50 56 35
Wafa 40 60 40 56
Mellya Zaizafuun Arasti 35 68 35 23
Ahmad Shiddiq 45 37 45 80
Pipit G. 39 50 39 25
Aditya Damar Agung N. 38 38 38 15
Rikza 100 90 100 57
M Farras Raihan 63 57 63 27
Palmy 72 86 72 56
Huzein 84 92 84 76
Dina Anggraeni 73 96 73 25
M. Yusril Izza I. 92 93 92 90
Afina 45 46 45 50
Damas Reza 100 78 100 69
Afian Cavin W. 93 100 93 52
Wildan Mufti 63 82 63 58
Afif Al Akbar 100 83 100 44
Tegar Refa W. 62 68 62 50
Rifki Izzati 60 60 60 31
Nurahlun 77 88 77 55
Adidya Rangga Pratama 68 78 68 78
Adrian Jorghy 68 68 68 57
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

Hakki 76 85 76 71
Moch. Agung 45 60 45 44
Ahmed Joko Susilo 18 30 18 27
Safri 52 90 52 70
Nur Rochman Wibisono 48 53 48 40
M. Thoriq Fattah H. 93 100 93 52 Noise Normality Test

Ho = The data is distributed normally
H1 = The data is not distributed normally

Figure 1. Noise Normality Test Result

The figure above shows us the significance result of lighting normality test
by Kolmogorov-Smirnov method. The noise pre-test result is 0.200, and
the noise post-test result is 0.200. It is above 0.05. So, we accept Ho which
means 30 sample data have been drawn for a normally distributed
International Program
Odd 2018/2019 Noise Paired Sample T-Test

Ho = Both pre-test and post-test noise data are same
H1 = Both pre-test and post-test noise data are different

Figure 2. Noise Paired T-Test Result

The figure above shows the significance level that the researchers obtained
from noise paired t-test which is 0.003. Because the value of significance is
below 0.05, so we reject Ho, which means there is different operator’s
performance on pre-test and post-test noise Temperature Normality Test
Ho = The data is distributed normally
H1 = The data is not distributed normally
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Odd 2018/2019

Figure 3. Temperature Normality Test Result

The figure above shows us the significance result of temperature
normality test by Kolmogorov-Smirnov method. The temperature pre-test
result is 0.200, and the temperature post-test result is 0.200. It is above 0.05.
So, we accept Ho which means 30 sample data have been drawn for a
normally distributed population. Temperature Paired Sample T-Test

Ho = Both pre-test and post-test temperature data are same
H1 = Both pre-test and post-test temperature data are different
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

Figure 4. Temperature Paired T-Test Result

The figure above shows the significance level that the researchers
obtained from temperature paired t-test which is 0.014. Because the value of
significance is below 0.05, so we reject Ho, which means there is different
operator’s performance on pre-test and post-test noise
10.4.4. Analysis
In this Physical Work Environment 2 tutorial, the operator plays brain
games in laptop. The screen showed us a square with different colour and make
sound of the alphabet. We type ‘F’ if the latest and newest square have same
colour. We type ‘L’ if the latest and newest sound of the alphabet is same. If the
colour and the alphabet is same, we type both of them. We do this tutorial in
three places, first we do a pre-test of temperature and noise in laboratory
assistant’s room which is 24o C and the noise is 45.43 dB. The operator
succeeded play brain games with correct of colour is 8 and errors of colour is 1.
For sound, the operator gets 5 correct and 2 errors. So, the operator’s accuracy
of temperature and noise pre-test is 81%.
Second, we did a post-test of temperature in IPO lab, the operator
measured the temperature of the room with thermohygrometer, and the tool
showed up 17o C, operator felt the effect of low temperature which is cold,
tremble and have the need to pee. The operator succeeded play games. For
colour, the operator got 7 correct and 3 errors and for sound the operator got 7
correct and 3 errors. So, the accuracy of post-test temperature is 73%,
Last, we do a post test of noise in climate room. The observer measures
the noise with sound level meter. She noted 120 data of noise and the mean is
90.2 dB. Operator succeeded play a game, for colour is 9 correct and 2 errors
and for sound is 7 correct and 4 errors. The accuracy of post-test noise is 72%.
Observer felt headache as the effect of the noise.
In the pre-test of temperature and noise, the assistant room has normal
physical condition and the accuracy of operator is 81% because the environment
supports the operator and the ability of the operator is not bad. The operator did
not feel any effects of the temperature and noise. She can pay much attention to
the games.
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

In the post-test of temperature, the IPO lab has below normal physical
condition which is 17o and it below normal condition which is 24o. The accuracy
of operator is 73%. Low temperature makes cold, have need to pee, and tremble.
So, it was distracting the concentration of the operator. The accuracy is decrease
in room which has temperature below room temperature, because room
temperature is seen one of the central issues in improving working conditions and
productivity (Karjalainen, S., 2007)
In the post-test of noise, the climate room has loud noise which covered
up the sound of the laptop. The observer have already collected the 120 data of
noise for 10 minutes. When played a games the operator was feeling headache.
She could still get the accuracy which is 72% because the operator more relies
on the colour question rather than the other one. Noise-induced hearing loss
remains a prevalent problem in trades with well-known high noise exposure
levels. (Rubak et al, 2006)
After all the operators are done in play a game, 120 data of noise which
collected by observer are calculated to looking for the LTM5. LTM5 (Equivalent
Continuous Noise Level) is noise level which always changing (fluctuate) for
10 minutes with sampling time for 5 seconds (Keputusan Menteri Negara
Lingkungan Hidup, 1996). We got the difference of maximum and minimum
noise (range) 14 and there is 8 class, and the interval between one data and
another data is 1.75. So, we got the value of LTM5 is 90.20 dBA. It means with
that level of noise, the limit of noise exposure time per working day is 2 hours.
Those 30 data are processed also to normality and t-test. In normality test,
it use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method, because the samples are not
represented the whole population. Meanwhile, the Shapiro-Wilk method only
can be used if the samples are represented the close to whole population. For the
normality test, based on the result that the researchers calculated using SPSS
software, the result for the pre-test temperature accuracy and post-test
temperature accuracy have normal data results because the significance level of
each are 0.200 and 0.200, that means the result data are higher than the
significance that is used which is 0,05. Moreover, for the pretest noise accuracy
and posttest noise accuracy the result data that the researchers obtained from
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

calculating it using SPSS software are 0,200 and 0,200 which means with those
data, those are higher than the significance level, the result data distributed
normally or we called it normal data.
The next to be discussed is about the result of paired sample t-test of
temperature and noise accuracy. The significance level (α) that is used in this
test is same with the normality test which is 0,05. The researchers calculated the
temperature paired sample t-test using SPSS software and obtained significance
level of 0,014. With that number of significance level and then we compared it
with the α. The significance level less than the α, it means that it is reject Ho
(Ho = there is no difference between those data). So, it means that there is
difference between normal temperature and low temperature significantly to the
accuracy of the operators’ works. The second is, the paired sample t-test of
noise. The result that the researchers obtained is 0, 003 which is less than the α.
Thus, it rejects the Ho or in other words, there is some difference between
normal noise and high noise that can significantly affect the accuracy of
operators’ works

10.4.5. Conclusion
In this tutorial we measured temperature with thermohygrometer which is
for pretest 24oC and for posttest 17.1oC. Also, we measure the noise with sound
level meter and the result is 45.43 dB for the pretest and 90.20 dB for the posttest.
Actually, the better place to do work is the place with the temperature
around 24ºC until 27ºC, and below 140 dB for the noise, we got the result of
accuracy of work is lower in the workplace with the temperature of 17.1º C it can
be caused by some factors like the comfortable of the room and the concentration
of the worker. The effect of the temperature posttest which is cold for the operator
are she was tremble and have the need to pee.
The data that already observed by the researcher can be categorized as
normal data with the value of 0.2 for all the accuracy of pre-test and post-test
temperature and noise. There is no significance difference between pre-test and
post-test noise and temperature that can affect the accuracy of operators’ works.
The paired sample T-Test give us the significance result 0.003 for the noise
and 0.014 for the temperature. It is all below 0.05, so it can be concluded that
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Odd 2018/2019

there is some difference between the condition in pre-test and post-test that can
significantly affect the accuracy of operators’ works.
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Odd 2018/2019


A. Pre test temperature and noise result B. Post-test temperature result

C. Post-test noise result

D. Observation sheet page 1

E. Observation sheet page 2

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Odd 2018/2019

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