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The CLC - Lightweight Cellular Concrete “MONOLITHE Method” is the result of the synergies
between Techno Consulting and a Group of Italian Firms, high specialized in the Building Industry and in
the development of hi-tech innovative dedicated technologies and solutions.

The CLC - Lightweight Cellular Concrete “MONOLITHE Method” is an innovative building method, but it can
also be described as “Building Operational Modality” or “Building Process”, developed by the high skill and
consequential well-advised activities of Techno Consulting, starting from the consolidated basic technologies
on the CLC, which material is known and used Worldwide in the Building Industry for decades by now.

The CLC is a concrete, which includes an “Inorganic Expanding Agent” that increases the volume of the
mixture, while reducing its dead weight. CLC is lighter than the conventional concrete with a dry density from
200 kg/m3 up to 1840 kg/m3.

PROPERTIES: CLC concrete is a versatile building material produced in a variety of densities, depending on
the application.

RECENT DEVELOPMENT: In the last decades, CLC has been used extensively in:
• highways;
• commercial buildings;
• disaster rehabilitation buildings;
• schools;
• apartments; and
• housing developments
in Countries, such as: Germany, USA, Brazil, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Kuwait, Nigeria, Botswana, Mexico,
Indonesia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iraq and Egypt, to mention a few.

ADVANTAGES: CLC is of utmost importance to the construction industry. To mention a few, the advantages
of it:
• Reduction of mass and improved thermal, antiseismic, fire proof and sound insulation properties,
while maintaining adequate strengtht.
• Structure design, leading to savings in supporting structures and foundation.
• Weight reduction of superstructure using CLC concrete walls: less steel reinforcements required for
slabs, columns, beams and foundation due to lesser load.
• Earth quake resistant due to lesser weight of building in multistory buildings
• Suitable for buildings in hurricane, cyclone and flood affected areas.
• Reduced cost of raw materials.
• Environmentally-friendly/Energy savings.
• Total recyclability of the finished product. There are no production waste, because residues and
scraps (for example: cuts during production or waste in the installation) can be ground and re-used in
the dough even in high percentages, subject to the quality of the sand and the final density to be
• Cost reduction for transportation and storage: Less raw materials, very efficient foam concentrate.
• Faster construction using cast-in-situ application
• Improved thermal insulation: CLC can achieve the same insulation results as normal concrete with
only 20% of the weight and 10% of raw materials.
• Improved fire protection: A wall of 13cm thickness and 1,250kg/m³ can withstand a fire for 5 hours. A
wall of 10cm thickness and only 400kg/m³ achieves the same result, due to the air enclosed in the
cellular concrete.
• Easy to use/producing/handling
• Low investment.
• High flowing capability: It can fill hollow spaces.
• Low water absorption.

USES: The primary use of CLC is to reduce the dead load of a concrete structure, which then allows the
structural designer to reduce the size of columns, footing and other load bearing elements.
CLC enhances the fire protection and can be used as insulating blocks.
Structural CLC has been used for bridge decks, piers and beams, slabs and wall elements in concrete and
steel buildings, parking structures, tilt-up walls, topping slabs and composite slabs on metal decking.
CLC is fire resistant and its thermal and acoustical insulation properties make it ideal for a wide range of
purposes, from insulating floors and roofs, to void filling. It is also particularly useful for trench reinstatement.

APPLICATION: Few of the applications of CLC concrete are:

• precast blocks / boards / panels;
• precast wall elements / panels;
• cast-in-situ / cast-in-place structures and walls;
• insulating compensation laying;
• insulation floor screeds;
• insulation roof screeds;
• sunken portion filling;
• trench reinstatement;
• sub-base in highways;
• filling of hollow blocks;
• prefabricated insulation boards.

• Excellent Acoustic Performance: It can be used as effective sound barrier and for acoustic
solutions. Hence, highly suitable for partition walls, floor screens / roofing and panel material in
• Earthquake Resistant: Since lighter than concrete and brick, the lightness of the material increases
resistance against earthquake.
• Insulation: Superior thermal insulation properties compared to that of conventional brick and
concrete, so reduces the heating and cooling expenses. In buildings, light-weight concrete produces
a higher fire rated structure.
• Workability: Products made from CLC are lightweight, making them easy to place. It is simpler than
brick or concrete.
• Lifespan: Weather proof, termite resistant and fire proof.
• Savings in Material: Reduces dead weight of filler walls in framed structures by more than 50% as
compared to brickwork resulting in substantial savings.
• Water Absorption: Closed cellular structures have lower water absorption.
• Skim Coating: Do not require plaster and water repellent paint suffices. Wallpapers and plasters
can also be applied directly to the surface.
• Modulus of Elasticity: The modulus of elasticity of the concrete with lightweight aggregates is
lower, 0.5 - 0.75 to that of the normal concrete. Therefore more deflection is there in lightweight
• Shock-absorption: CLC has been investigated also for use as a bullet trap in high intensity military
firearm training ranges. The energy absorption capacity of CLC was approximated from drop testing
and found to vary from 4 to 15 MJ/m3 depending on its density. With optimum absorption estimated
from a 1000kg/m3 moderate density mix at water to cement (w/c) ratios from 0·6 to 0·7.

MANUFACTURING: CLC concrete typically consists of a slurry of cement and water with the foaming agent
mixed in a mixing plant. The foaming agent used will be able to produce air bubbles with a high level of
stability, resistant to the physical and chemical processes of mixing, placing and hardening.
CLC concrete mixture is pumped into moulds, or directly into structural elements. The foam enables the
slurry to flow freely due to the thixotropic behaviour of the foam bubbles, allowing it to be easily poured into
the chosen form or mould. The material requires up to 24 hours to solidify.

The “MONOLITHE Building Method” engineered and developed by Techno Consulting, is innovative,
essentially for the following main aspects:
• Use of a bearing structure made of hot galvanized steel, which, on the base of specific structural
calculations that the Group's specialized Engineers, Architects and Experts develop on the project
supplied by the customer, allows the construction of one-or-multi-storey buildings, hospitals, artisanal
or industrial settlements, hotels, shopping malls, etc. It only is a question of evaluation of costs,
compared to other kinds of bearing structures and of the cohesion of the performances between the
frame and the cladding in CLC and the finish materials which, in this case, are called “panels”,
contributing to the rigidity and to the structural stability of the building. The structural steel cage is
completely connected, included floors and roof. The CLC casting does not have interrruptions or
joints and therefore, the whole structure results being a “single body” with a “box behavior”, without
discontinuity points, or connections, or fastening.
• Use of “lost formworks”: meaning containment of the casting slabs on CLC that, at the end of the
work, become integral and functional part of the structure, besides internal and external plasters. The
formwork do not have bearing purpose but it only is a support and is screwed to the steel frame to
ensure the necessary continuity. For the finish of the external walls, it is provided the levelling with
net + mortar quartz and acrylic-siloxane paints. For the internal walls, it is provided an insulating
layer and plasterboard (some pictures here-by attached);
• Use of specific pumps and mixing units designed and produced on Techno Consulting's specification,
allowing the correct mixing and the pumping of the CLC concrete mixed with an Inorganic foaming
• Use of a specific and performing Inorganic foaming agent, which lightenings the specific weight of
the concrete according to the use of it and, while drying (it normally takes 24 hours), makes the CLC
stable and homogeneous.

As to the galvanized steel frames needed for structure, partitions and roof, they will be evaluated on the
base of the project of the building to be realized for the drawing and the processing specification of the bars,
starting from the materials available locally.

Finally, the Group is available to technically train Builders/Entrepreneurs, allowing them to become licenced
for the use of the “MONOLITHE Building Method” and of the related technologies, as well as training

For South Africa and SADC Countries, TECHNO CONSULTING is represented on exclusive by
Building with

The CLC is a new material in the world of construction, although the study and the first production of it dates
back to about a century ago. It was found out in 1924 by Swedish Architect J.A. Eriksson, in search of a
material that had the same characteristics as the timber (insulating, sturdy, easy to work), without its
disadvantages (the combustibility and the low water resistance). It is now used to build walls of any kind, not
only partitions, but also bearing walls. Thanks to its large capacity of thermal insulation, it can replace the
composite walls, where it is necessary to provide ventilated walls and insulating materials, besides clay
bricks, or other common building materials.
Based on the quality achieved after years of studies and tests during the production phase (prefabrication or
casting on site), the Group is able to offer a new CLC type: qualitatively enriched with specific characteristics
that makes it suitable and effective to meet the performance requirements imposed by the new housing
standards, besides being innovative in the production system.

Fundamental logistical, technical and economic parameters

- Stability of the product during the production phase;
- Performance constancy;
- Eco-friendly - 100% recyclable, ideal for seismic zones, needs less power, provides more comfort,
thermal inertia, sound insulation, fire resistance;
- Use of raw materials available everywhere in the World (cement and sand) and not subject to special
treatment or adjustments to be compatible with the technology (example: spraying sand with ball mill in
case of Aerated Autoclaved Concrete AAC);
- Reduced investments and start-up costs;
- Speed of siting;
- Immediate possibility of changing density (kg/m³) of the product during the production and/or casting on
site, according to the possible different uses within the same building (load-bearing walls, partitions, floor
screeds, screeds lightweighted until the density of 300 kg/m³).

Chemical composition
The main components of the CLC concrete are: cement, water and a “foam additive”, which is present in
every typology of buildings to be realized. Corrosive substances, such as chlorides, are not contained in it.
The usual concretes are generally made of a mixture of cement (about 11 to 18%) water (7÷9%) sand and
aggregate (74÷80%).
The CLC is different as the aggregate is partially or completely replaced by small air bubbles that are
pumped in the dough. The amount of these small cells will determine the characteristics of the material to be
achieved: lightweight, insulation, mechanical strength, fireproof, workability, etc.
In that way, the concrete gains flexibility, thanks to the homogeneous distribution of the light cells, in the
easiness of the preparation and dosage techniques and in the reliability of the material and its features.


density 500÷1.800 kg/m³ density 300÷400 kg/m³






Therefore, the definition of CLC is: a concrete consisting in cement, water, aggregate (if present) and air in
the form of small preformed bubbles, with a density from 300, to 1800 kg/m³.
Cellular concretes with a density between 300 and 400 kg/m³ are used as insulation for heat, sound and
vibration; underground pipes; fire barrier walls; filler of underground cavities; land settlements; anti-vibration
slabs and similar uses.
Cellular concretes with a density from 400 to 500 kg/m³ are used for the construction of light castings for the
coating of ceilings, floors and roofs. Masonry blocks and precast panels require at least a density of 550 to
800 kg/m³.
Cellular concretes with a density from 800 to 1800 kg/m³ can be considered as lightweight structural

Dimensional stability and thermal expansion

Industrial cycle results in a high dimensional stability in respect of changes of temperature and humidity.
Even large variations in the content of moisture, however obtained with forced experimental procedures, that
don’t occur in current use of the product, involves small variations in size of 0,033 mm/m (drying shrinkage).
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion is 5x10 -6 K-1 for the dry material, thus comparable to traditional
building products.

Mechanical strength and thermal insulation

CLC has a porous structure (micro and macro pores). The amount of porosity is controlled by the producer in
the formulation stage of raw materials and this involves a control of the density of the final product. The
density is, in turn, correlated with the technical specifications. For example, it increases results in an
improvement of mechanical strength but, on the other side, in a deterioration of insulation. In order to meet
the needs regarding the most recurring implementations in the construction industry without running the risk
of distorting the features that mostly enhances the material, elements with a density of 400 to 600 kg/m3 and
the following features are produced:
 Resistance to average compressive strength on the elements of 1.4÷2.5 N/mm²;
 Thermal conductivity on the elements and on a finished wall of 0.09÷0.175 W/mK -,
 Modulus of elasticity on "E" tests of 2600 N/mm².
The resistance to traction is about 20% of resistance to compression. The use of lime in the mixture greatly
enhances this value, without compromising the resistance to compression.
Concerning the potential of this material in the field of bearing walls, CLC is a material with an excellent
balace between mechanical resistance and specific weight. This is not true for traditional building products
and this feature is more evident when compared to finished building elements, whose siting benefits from the
use of CLC, as well as the installation of blocks with thin layers of adhesive mortar.

Thermal inertia
The phase shift, or lag "R(H)", is the time from the moment when the outer face of a wall radiated by the sun
reaches the maximum temperature, to when the inner face of it reaches the maximum temperature. The
damping of the temperature variation is the relationship between internal and external variation of
temperature of a masonry radiated by the sun
Both parameters are a function of mass, thermal conductivity, specific heat and thickness of the wall.
Calculations supported by experimental findings showed that a CLC wall with a thickness of 25 cm, a density
of 500 kg/m³ and λ =0.14 W/mK, has a phase shift R(H)=7.21 and a damping of 27.86. These values show
excellent properties of thermal inertia and environmental comfort arising from the use of this material.
Another consideration to be noted about the behaviour of CLC with regard to thermal insulation is that the
experimental value of thermal conductivity is the same both on the element and on the finished wall
composed of elements linked with adhesive mortar. This is due to the fact that the joints of the blocks are so
small in thickness (1-1.5 mm) to render irrelevant the generation of the thermal bridge, as it happens,
instead, with traditional technologies needing mortar joints with a thickness of at least 15 mm.
The sound insulation is typically heavily influenced by structural details. The CLC wall, if well designed, can
achieve significant values for this type of insulation.
The excellent sound insulation
properties come from the porous
structure, which reduces the sound
pressure by over 30%.
A CLC wall with a thickness of 12.5 cm
and a density of 500 kg/m3, at 500 Hz,
has an insulation value of 41 dB and a
specific surface weight of 70 kg/m2. To
achieve such a value with a brick wall, a

sound is absorbed
mass of 160 kg/m2 of specific surface
weight is needed, which means a 18 cm
full wall or an over 25 cm perforated
brick wall.
the sound emerging
Vapor permeability
The remarkable vapor permeability of

sound is absorbed
CLC (μ = 6.9), resulting from the micro
and macro porosity of the structure,
means great comfort. Under normal
conditions of humidity and temperature,
the flowing stream of water vapor moves
from inside to the outside of buildings.
The vapor permeability, besides
providing well-being and environmental
comfort, translates into a better
behaviour of the product in terms of
temperature and humidity, because it avoids the stagnation of interstitial condensation, which causes
degradation of the insulating performance of all materials.

Fire resistance
CLC is a building material made of cement and is free of Inorganic binders. That is why, in accordance with
current legislation, it was given the Zero (0) fire reaction class without any experimental proof.
A wall can be described as fire resistant (REI) for a given amount of time (120' or 180') when it responds
positively to a specific laboratory test consisting in exposing a face of a real wall to open flames, until the
face reaches a temperature of 1100 degrees. Then, in addition to the static sealing, the temperature not
exceeding 150° on the opposite side and the absence of smoke and flame passage are verified.
A not plastered CLC wall is found to be REI 120 for the thickness of 7.5 cm and REI 180 for the thickness of
10 cm.
CLC is then the only material capable of achieving this performance for thicknesses as small and without
plaster: a 30 cm plastered brick wall is REI 180.


880° 20° 990° 25° 1100° 30° 1160° 40°


HD hours 0,30 HD hours 1,00 HD hours 3,00 HD hours 6,00

thickness 20 cm HD heat diffusion

Environmental features
CLC is a mineral product and is environmentally friendly because, even when led to rapid combustion with
flame, or to slow combustion flameless, does not give off harmful gases to human health, but only water
vapor, due to a normal moisture content in the material, as it appears on the certificates of fire resistance.
Also, when irradiated by gamma rays or noble gases, it has not radioactive charge.

Frost resistance
In common applications, for normal moisture content within the material, CLC, even when subjected to
several cycles of freezing and thawing, has no alteration, which is also confirmed by its extensive use in cold
Ultimately, the high technical standards that the cellular concrete is able to provide, offer great opportunities
in construction, both residential and industrial. The growing application of this material can allow the
achievement of higher and higher building performance and comfort levels, together with a superior
environmental sustainability for both the materials used and their combination and the total recyclability of
the finished product. There are no production waste, because residues and scraps (for example: cuts during
production or waste in the installation) can be ground and reused in the dough even in high percentages,
subject to the quality of the sand and the final density to be achieved.

Casting on site (MONOLITHIC System)

It is a Building technology with structure in light steel frame, formwork to lose and fills with Cellular
Lightweight Concrete (CLC), for “Monolithic” construction on-site.
The construction is called “Monolithic” because, in addition to the type of castings filling, which provide
unique phases to each plane of the dwelling, as well as for floors and roofing, steel frame is completely
connected to all its parts and sections of the dwelling: walls perimeter, partitions, floor and roof. Therefore,
the structure is a single body with a box-like behavior, without points of discontinuity or connecting or
As for the thermal insulation, the possibilities offered by this technology are the most diverse. For instance,
when meet special or strict requirements in terms of transmittance of vertical and / or horizontal, where the
exceptional thermal properties of CLC do not satisfy the requirements depending on the thicknesses of the
project, it is extremely easy and practical to resort to the application of a layer of insulation (ex. EPS, rock
wool, etc.) on the internal face and / or exterior of the metal frame before the shuttering and subsequent cast
of the CLC. The walls thus produced are then shaved or plastered as normal insulation (traditionally instead
made second phase of construction of the building).

The main structure will consist of galvanized
steel profiles suitably shaped with dimensions
to the thickness of functional design of the
outer walls and partitions, and connected to
each other with screws or rivets structural. A
real cage made up of the mirrored covering,
floors and roofs including, of course integral to
the foundation slab.
The mirrored covering is a flat surface portion
on the perimeter of which was placed a metal
and is located within the cellular concrete,
confined by the metal frame.
This element has a very strong resistance due
to the peculiarity that the concrete placed in a
metal frame can explain the most of its
structural function.
As well known by science and structural engineering, concrete is a material that is not resistant to traction
but has excellent performance in compression, circumscribed in a durable frame it allows to avoid the
tension and make the most of its features compression.
Advantages of using the Steel Frame.
Profitable and quick to build.
The construction is simple, fast
and accurate, because all the
components are manufactured
off-site with forming machines
operated by CAD / CAM system
thus ensuring extreme precision
of all connections, then
displayed in diagrams and
descriptions mounting. This
means high quality results in
any place, even using low skilled labor at low cost, and shorter times.
The executive project provides full parts list, with particulars of the holes that allow the passage of the CLC
The profiles are assembled by use of screws or rivets structural.
A single wall can also be mounted outside the work and then positioned and connected to the load-bearing
walls and the partition walls.
Design flexibility. The inherent strength of the steel allows flexibility and architectural design by encouraging
designers to think outside the square and make the most of the space available, lending itself perfectly to
design innovative and unconventional lines.
Durable and safe. Thanks to exceptional fire resistance, corrosion and pests, steel framed buildings are the
first choice for even extreme environmental conditions. Since the steel does not need to be treated with
pesticides, preservatives or glues, guarantees maximum safety for the people who manipulate, who live or
work around it.
Environmentally friendly. The steel frame lasts longer, it is lightweight and easy to carry and build the
minimum waste of raw material. At the end of its long life it can be completely recycled. It is the single most
recycled material in the world.
Fire resistant. Housing components in Steel frames have been tested and proven to withstand high
temperatures of fire directed over 1000 ° C.
Seismically tested. The strength and ductility of steel, combined with the engineering and design firm, make
a safe choice in earthquake zones. For the same reasons also it has a high resistance to wind pressure,
having the ability to bend or deform without breaking and being thus able to absorb and amortize these types
of energy.
In summary earthquake protection is dealt with according to a design philosophy that accepts the entry into
the plastic range of the structure, using it as a technique of passive protection by the earthquake, reducing
stiffness and increasing the energy dissipated with consequent reduction of inertia forces suffered the
structure, without this collapse. Provided that it is "ductile"!


transverse profiles

CLC density 400 kg/m³

slab formwork CLC

density 1000 kg/m³

vertical profiles

base profile

foundation slab

Containment system of the casting made of sheets to lose prefabricated in CLC special high-strength,
constituting an ideal compromise of resistance to hydrostatic pressure, together with lightness and
maneuverability. They can also be used Magnesite commercial slabs, Fiber cement, etc.
Traditionally they are used formwork modular plastic, wood or sheet metal. This involves very hard-working,
restrictions on the use of cranes according to the dimensions and weight, consumables (i.e.: the spacers)
and also handling operations are repeated 2 times (assembly and disassembly).
The finished wall never occurs to uniform appearance, in addition to the presence of holes in the rods of the
formwork. Moreover, with time, the structural settlings and deficient homogenization with the reinforcing bars
(not comparable with the use of structural concretes), will result in inevitable formation of cracks, often not be
offset by smoothing with cement mortar and sand.
In the case of our technology, the structural settlings are amortized and offset by the coupling joints of the
slabs, guaranteeing the total absence of future cracks.
Slabs formwork can be self-produced with a line of low-cost production and special mix design to ensure
strength and lightness, but you can also resort to buying cement sheets if present on the local market, or
import them from the nearest country.

Ease of handling of slabs formwork.

A slab of dimensions 75x60 cm (such as those
represented in the pictures) weighs 9 kg if thick 2
cm and 13.5 kg if of thickness 3 cm, with CLC
density of 1000 kg/m³.
The positioning is very rapid, they are screwed to
the profiles and the joints sealed with adhesive
mortar with low elastic modulus (can be self-
produced on the basis of our directions with
cement, sand and suitable additives).
After completing the filling jets you do not have
the burden of dismantling and cleaning of
formwork to recovery ... and no trifles!

The inner and outer walls thus constructed, must be protected and finished
by the application of networks by plaster fiberglass and with smoothing
mortars, based acryl-siloxane for the exterior. The finishing can be smooth or
rough as shown in the picture

They can also be made mold plates with architectural drawings in relief, coloring them with products and
waterproofing impregnating with high capillary penetration, with excellent results in terms of aesthetics and

The cast on-site is performed with the aid of special equipment specially made for mobile use, and can be of
2 types:
 Type Compact independently run, in the sense that knead and pump the CLC in the walls and / or
screeds. In a single machine are included foam generator, mixing tank, pump, balance, and general
electrical panel. As shown in the figure (social House in Zimbabwe, city Harare), the machine can be
transported to the site on a truck and supplied with cement and sand with a light load system in the
augers, the necessary
water of 1000 liter tanks
carried by the truck itself.
 With continuous system.
Technology composed by
a mixer with foam
generator, and mono-
screw pump in
combination with Truck
Mixer that prepare the
slurry (water-cement-
sand). The foam will be
introduced directly into the
pumping line. With this
system, the casting is
continuously, increasing
the production capacity, is
the most suitable for large production volumes.
With both systems are also thrown SCREEDS:
 Type traditional leveling density 1.800 ÷ 2.000 kg/m³
 Structural lightweight leveling with expanded clay
 Lightened in CLC density variable up to a minimum of 300 kg/m³ (self-leveling)
 Lightened with polystyrene beads of varying density 250 to 800 kg/m³ and directly Tileable (leveling and
 No self-leveling for easing of pitched roofs (with polystyrene beads, pumice, expanded clay).

Reference regulations
Law of 5 November 1971 n.1086
Norms for the discipline of the works in reinforced concrete, prestressed concete and metal structure.
Law of February 2, n. 64
Provisions for buildings with special requirements for seismic zones.
Ministerial Decree of 14 January 2008
Technical Standards for Construction.
Ministerial Circular of February 2, 2009 n. 617.
Instructions for the application of the "Technical standards for the buildings” referred to Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008
EUROCODE 3 part 1-3
In addition, reference is made also to the following Laws/Regulations Italian:
Seismic Classification: ORDER 3274 2003
Calculation method: linear dynamic analysis with response spectra

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