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Self paced Internet of Things

Deep Dive Training

Software + Embedded Concepts

(CommunicationProtocols, Cloud, IoT Platforms, Big Data, Analytics,

Data Stores, RESTful Web services,LPWAN,IoT Security,
Architecture,Sensors, Nodes and Gateways, Development boards, AI,
Blockchain and much more………….)

Home Automation use Case

All Rights Reserved-Axelta 2014

Gartner predicts:
“World will need IOT professional in millions by the year 2020. Anything we buy that costs over $100
will be IoT enabled by 2020. As per Gartner….50billion devices will be connected to Internet by 2020”

Hence, Axelta has launched this IoT BootCamp to enable you to build your Career/Business in Internet
of Things.

 This boocamp givesIT professionals, IndustryProfessionals, Entrepreneurs, Students, Engineers,

Managers and anyone else who wants to make a career in IoTa much needed head start.

 It provides an End to End knowledge on Internet of Things Ecosystem.The technical pieces covered
in this training are: (Software + Embedded Concepts) - Communication Protocols, Cloud, IoT
Platforms, Big Data, Analytics, Data Stores, RESTful Web services,LPWAN, IoT Security, IoT
Architecture, Sensors, Nodes and Gateways, Development boards, and much more………….

 Also learn about the power of 3 AI, Blockchain and IoT.

 Also a deep understanding about Business verticals, regulations, IoT platforms, Alliances,
Consortiums and business opportunitiesis given in this training.

 This training gives entrepreneurs an opportunity to get started with building their own IoT
Solutions supported by

 Full access to Axelta’sIoT lab and Axelta IoT Platform Osmosis

 Mentoring byIoT/Industry experts with more than 20 years’ experience
 After course completion participants will be added to Axelta’s Google group consisting of
IoT Enthusiasts
 20 hours of theory+practical sessions filled with lots of examples and use cases

Axelta’s Training Approach and Methodology:

We start from the very Basics, what is IoT, IoT Ecosystem, IoT opportunities and go on to cover the entire
spectrum of IoT technology. Since IoT involves a unique combination of multiple technologies dovetailing
seamlessly, it is critical to understand the interactions and combination of Hardware and Software
technologies to get a complete perspective.

That is why the entire training is based on experiential learning and case study driven. We use a live and
actual business problem to go through the drill. At the end of it, participants are able to build an end-to-
end solution including the hardware and software side of IoT. They actually create the IoT device to solve
the Business problem and experience the power of IoT. (Home Automation)

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Below is the detailed Table of Contents - The 5 days theory+practical sessions will give you a complete
understanding of end to end IoT ecosystem.

Details of the
Topic Sub Topics Duration

Context setting and Introductions 15 mins

 What is IoT - In-depth explanation of end to end
 What is IoT Business?
IoT definition and  IoT Applications in different domains
Introduction to use cases of IoT  Use cases ranging from Smart Home to Smart
90 mins
IoT for different Cities
domains  How large is the IoT Market in different domains?
 What is Industrial IoT?
 Difference between Consumer IoT and Industrial
 IoT Architecture.
 Technology Stack.
 Building blocks for Node and gateway
 Hardware Development Platforms
 Software Development Platforms
 Introduction to Communication Protocols
Introduction to IoT
Architecture and  Power Requirements in IoT 90 mins
Technologies  Cloud, its components and IoT
 Data Streaming and IoT
 Data Store and IoT
 Analytics & Visualization and IoT
 IoT Security
 Question and Answers

 Recap of Day 1
Sensors and  What is Sensor & Actuator?
Sensors 60mins
Actuators  What is good sensor?
 Sensor properties &their classification.

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 Types of sensors
 Selecting a sensor for your use case
 MEMS, RF and Magnetic Sensors
 Passive and Active Sensors
 Visual sensors & Computer Vision
 Application of Sensors

 What is Home Automation?

 Requirements or Features of Home Automation
 Assumptions and Scope of the project/POC
Introduction to Features
 Solution proposed by Axelta -Discussion on the
Home /Requirements
Technical Components of the solution
Automation Use in Home 15 mins
 IoT Platform -Osmosis configuration – BCC –
Case Automation
Client, Device, Rule, Alarm, Device Data, Event
 Visualization through real time dashboard
 Big data and visualization
 Osmosis Demo
 What is Cloud?
 History of Cloud Computing
 Advantages of Cloud
Cloud providers  IAAS, PAAS and SAAS services
Cloud Computing 30 mins
and Services  Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud
 Introduction to AWS – Amazon web service
 Comparison between different Cloud providers
like Amazon, Google and Microsoft
 Introduction to communication architecture-
Network protocol stack
 Different protocols
 RF: ZigBee, Blue Tooth, BLE, Zwave, Google Thread
and Mesh network.
 Communication Channels: GSM/GPRS, 2G, 3G,
Connectivity  LPWAN Technologies – 3GPP(Cellular) and Non
Technologies&C 3GPP
Communication 120 mins
ommunication  What is LPWAN? Non 3GPP - LoRa & LoRaWAN,
Protocols Sigfox, Weightless. 3GPP - NB-IoT, LTE -M
Comparison between different RF Technologies
 IoT protocols: MQTT/MQTTS, CoAP, 6LoWPAN,
like TCP, UDP, HTTP/s.
 Comparison of the different IOT protocols,
advantages and disadvantages (limitations) of
these IOT protocols.
 IPv4 addressing problem for IOT and introduction

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to IPv6
 IPv6 is required to address more devices.
 Application issues with RF protocol - power
consumption, LOS, reliability. Security aspects.

 Recap of Day 2
 What is IoT Platform?
 Architecture of IoT Platform
IoT Platform, It’s  Discussion on IoT Platforms like ThingWorx,
IoT Platforms Architecture and Predix, Xively and many more…. 60 mins
IoT World  IoT Consortium
 Business model in IoT of Google, Apple Intel,
 Multiple IOT platform examples

IoT Platform
Osmosis Demo  Axelta’s IoT Platform – Osmosis Demo 15 mins
 BigData Definition and Characteristics
 Who is Generating BigData
Introduction to  BigData Analytics
the Big Data and  Why BigData Analytics
Big data  Applications of BigData Analytics 45 mins
technologies and  Different Data Stores – Non relational databases
stream processing. ex. MongoDB
Big Data
 BigData Technologies - CouchDB, MongoDB,
Node4J, Hadoop Ecosystem, Spark, Cassandra.

 What is Visual Analytics?

Visual Analytics,  Visual Analytic Tools for Big Data.
predictive  Predictive Analytics. 20 mins
analytics.  Predictive tools for Big Data.
 Computer Vision- Demo

 What are Web Services?

 Why Web Services.
Web Services
Restful  Types of Web Services. 20 mins
Webservices  RESTful web services.
 Design Principles.

Design Design principles  Axelta device manufacturing experience 20 mins

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considerations w.r.t architecture,  Experience from building Osmosis platform
power,  Developing a product in IoT domain
ruggedness, size, Changing Market and how to keep scope for future
weight and
Demystify the
Power of 3 – AI,  Introduction to blockchain and AI
30 mins
Blockchain and  The Power 3 and real time use cases

Business Problem that you solve

Home Automation-Peter’ smart Home- Peter is moving to a new house and he wants his new house to be a
Smart Home. As you run a Home Automation Company, Peter approaches you to make his home IoT enabled.
Initially, Peter wants the following features to be tested:
 Security–Detection of any Human Presence
 Opening and Closing of Doors
 Smart Lighting
 Temperature monitoring of the House
 Humidity monitoring of the house
 Remote Power Monitoring

You propose a complete solution with IoT Hardware and Software. You will provide connectivity to the
sensors & hardware through Wi-Fi and the Cloud based Platform will help you provide Managed IoT Services.

Following are the sensors you plan to install:

 Reed Switch & PIR–Any human Intrusion (Security Solution)
 Reed Switch – Opening and Closing of Doors
 LDR, PIR–Smart Lighting
 Temperature Sensors–House Temperature
 Octo Coupler-Power Control

Sensor Home  Introduction to Raspberry pi. 45

Practical AutomationCap  Connect a temperature, Humidity, LDR, PIR, Door
ture data from status sensor, power status sensor and display data on
 Write the program to read the sensor data in Python
Gateway Send sensor  Read data from sensors, 45
Communicat data to cloud  Create JSON Object
ion Practical using WiFi and
 Establish MQTT connection using WIFI

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-1 MQTT -  Send JSON data to OSMOSIS over MQTT
Communicat Trigger alarm  Create connection on MQTT Lens 30
ion Practical through MQTT  Trigger Alarm through MQTT Lens by sending alarm
–2 using MQTT condition Data
 Develop code for reading MQTT message,
communicating through Raspberry pi and trigger the
Home Send sensor  Read data from sensors, 30
Automation data to Client  Establish MQTT connection using WiFi
using WiFi and
 Send data to Client over MQTT
MQTT - and
trigger the  Actuation using MQTT protocol

NoSQL Store Best Cold  Understand the Big Data practical environment 60
MongoDB Chain Vehicle  Understand Mongo DB API and major commands
Practical sensor data
 Start Mongo DB and store sample data
into Big Data
NoSQL  Read data from Mongo DB (Big Data)
MongoDB  Store vehicle sensor data into MongoDB.
REST Web Stream Best  Create a web service and receive data using device
services Cold Chain simulator 45
Practical vehicle sensor  Stream vehicle sensor data to web service and store
data using REST
in Big Data system.
Web services
Big Data Resolve Best  Generate analytics to solve specific business problem 90
Analytics Cold Chain as defined in the best cold chain use case.
Practicals. business  Define algorithm for the analytics
problem using
 Develop map reduce code
Big Data
analytics  Arrive at Business decision using map reduce and
other tools.
Visualization Visual analytics  Demo Visualize trends using big data analytics for 30
Practicals. for Best Cold best cold chain use case using NVD3 / D3. Execute
chain Business the code and test the same.
 Demo on Power of Visual analytics.
AI Practical Face  Retrieve images from memory. 30
Recognition  Give it as inputs to Python program
 The program will detect the image

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Hardware and Software Description
S.No Kit Components / Specs

1. Development Board Raspberry Pi Zero and USB cable.

Axelta Custom
Sensors Board PIR, Reed, Temp, Humidity, Power and Light

3 Communication Wi-Fi (Through Raspberry PI)

4 Others LED Board, M2M and F2F connecting wires

 MongoDB
 MQTT Lens
4 Software required  Java
 Eclipse
 Python

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(Access to all software will be provided via use of VM. Credentials
will be shared on the day of practical)

 OSMOSIS platform access to connect the device

OSMOSIS platform  User Guide for OSMOSIS platform
access. Program the device and then connect it to cloud based OSMOSIS platform
4. and test.

Support Material  End to End Training manual with all slides.

and Documentation  Detailed tutorials and solutions for device programming.
 Raspberry Pi Spec sheet.
 Email support for any queries/issues with the tutorials

Shipping and We will ship the hardware to you and We will send you the soft-copy of
Handling the above material once you enroll for the hands-on session.

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IoT and Communication Protocols

(From world leaders in IoT training)

There exists an almost bewildering choice of connectivity options for electronics engineers and
application developers working on products and systems for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Many communication technologies are well known such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and 2G/3G/4G
cellular, but there are also several new emerging networking options such as Thread as an
alternative for home automation applications, and Whitespace TV technologies being implemented
in major cities for wider area IoT-based use cases. Depending on the application, factors such as
range, data requirements, security and power demands and battery life will dictate the choice of
one or some form of combination of technologies. These are some of the major communication
technologies on offer to developers.

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Hardware Kit Description

Topic Kit Item

CoAP Sensor Board
Wi-Fi 5 Volt - 2 A
F-F Wires
2 Pin Wires
M-F Wires
USB – Micro

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Below is the detailed TOC of the steps we take to help solve the Business problem and give you the in-depth

Sr.No. Topics
( Min)
1 Introduction - IoT 40
What is IoT, IoT Overview and defination
IoT Applications in different domains
Use cases ranging from Smart Home to Smart Cities
2 Introduction to IoT Protocols 40
IoT Architecture and communication Protocols
Web vsIoT Network Protocol stack
Constrained Environment and IoT device requirements
Protocol Landscape
RF Technologies
3 ZigBee& Z-Wave 40
ZigBee Introduction, Features, Protocol Stack
ZigBee Mesh Networking, Routing
Z-Wave Introduction, Features, Protocol Stack
ZigBeeVs Z-Wave
4 Bluetooth & BLE 20
Bluetooth/BLE Introduction, Features Application areas
Bluetooth vs BLE
BLE Stack and Profiles
5 Wi-Fi 30
Wi-Fi Introduction, Features Application areas
Wi-Fi Technology Stack
Wi-Fi stand alone (STA) and access point (AP) modes
H/W Web Server/Client Implemetation Practical Hands on with
practical ESP8266 &NodeMCU
6 Cellular 15
Cellular Technology for IoT Applications
Mesh Networking Vs Cellular
7 Comparing different RF Technologies 15
LPWAN - Low Power Wide Area Networks
8 LoRA, LoRAWAN 180
LPWAN Concepts and Features

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LoRa and LoRAWAN Introduction, Features and Application areas

LoRa Protocol stack and LoRAWAN Network architecture

Device Clasess, Scalability and Global coverage
LoRa Security
Chip manufacturer for LoRaSoC
9 SigFoX 30
SigFoX Introduction, Features and Application areas
SigFoX Network architecture
Chip manufacturer for SigFoXSoC
10 Weightless - Neul 15
LPWAN - 3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project
11 Other LPWAN - 3GPP Technologies (Cellular Licensed) 40
12 Comparing different LPWAN Technologies 15
LowPAN - Low Power Personal Area Networks
13 Overview of LoWPAN 30
Requirement of LoWPAN networks
Why IP?- Requirements of IP interactions for IoT Nodes
Mesh Networking - requirements from iot perspective
IPv6 - concepts
14 Google Thread 10
15 Wi -SUN 10
16 6LoWPAN 40
6LowPAN Protocol stack
6LowPAN Network Architecture
Technical Features of 6LoWPAN
6LoWPAN: Supported MCU and Protocol Stacks
IoT Application Layer Protocols
17 RESTful HTTP 30
Rest Architecture
HTTP Request Methods
19 CoAP 120
CoAP Architecture
CoAP Features
Coap Applications

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CoAP Server (Using NodeMCU) - GET Sensor and PUT data for LED
H/W actuation
practical CoAP : JAVA Implementation using Californium (Cf) – Server,
Plug-test server, Observe & Discovery
18 MQTT 180
MQTT Architecture
MQTT Features
MQTT Packet structure and advance topics
H/W Sensor Interfacing and Publishing all sensor data to broker
practical LED Interfacing and Subscribing data for actuation
20 Other IoT Protocols 40
XMPP - Specifications, Application areas
AMQP - Specifications, Application areas
21 Comparing different IoT Application Layer Protocols 10
22 Market adoption of protocols and Hardware availability 10
standard committees and their work in progress
Market adoption of protocols
Vendors or chip manufacturer for SoC


Q1. Who are the trainers for these Bootcamps?

Ans: The Entire training will be done by Experts, who already has ample experience in delivering this
training here in India as well as abroad.

Q2. What are the payment options for this training?

Ans: There are multiple secured options depending on where you are located

Q3. Who will benefit from this training?

Ans: IoT Protocols are applicable to all verticals and specializations where IoT solutions are implemented.
That is the beauty and attraction of IoT. Some of the people who can make most from the program are,
• IT professionals, Electronics engineers, solution architects, designers who are looking to expand their
horizons by getting hands-on exposure to latest technologies.

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Q4. What are the prerequisites for the training?
Ans: There is no specific pre-requisite. Axelta has built the deck and tutorials/Practical in a simple and
easy way so that anyone can learn from them. During the training our experts will help you understand all

Q5. Will I be connected to Axelta after the training for any help/information needed?
Ans: All your company employees who will do this training will be automatically added to the Axelta
Alumni google group (Axelta-iot-bootcamps) after completion of the course. It’s a very active group and
we at Axelta make sure that we answer all your queries/questions. Even other Alumni’s who are
experienced IT resources answer queries/questions. We will also share our direct contact information for
any queries which we will definitely answer.

Q6. Do I get any certificate on attending this training?

Ans. Yes. We will be mailing the entire participants certificate on completion of the course, signed byboth
of us and authorized by Axelta.

For more details , please contact Amanireddy : +91-9963527171,

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Trainers Profile
Manish Agarwal - Co Founder - Axelta Systems

• BTech – IIT Roorkee – 1994.

• PGDBM – IMT, Ghaziabad – 2000.
• Executive Management – IIM Bangalore – 2010.
• Co – Founder – Axelta Systems Pvt Limited (Oct-2013).
• Group head – Product Development for healthcare products - ADP India.
• Platform Architect – Warehouse management, SCM product, Enterprise Cloud Platforms.
• End to End IoT Architecture and Technology expertise.
• Passionate about architecting technology solutions.

Pyush Jain - Co Founder - Axelta Systems

• BTech – IIT Roorkee – 1995.
• Co – Founder – Axelta Systems Pvt Limited (Oct-2013) .
• Business Head and Principal Consultant – Tech Mahindra - B2B-EDI-Tech solutions.
• Tech Architect and Solution Architect (TCS, Williams Energy, Technova).
• Passionate about creating unique solutions for Indian market.
• Technical expertise in B2B integrations.
• Passionate about Business development and idea to market dynamics.
• End to End IoT solution development expertise.

Amita Mulay - Axelta Systems

• Sun Java Certified, PMP Certified
• 15+ years’ experience in Web, Mobile and IoT.
• Passionate about IoT Training
• Passionate about Business development
• Business Development/Technical Training Head with Axelta Systems

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