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Lie, lie, lie!

• 98% of teens say they lie to their parents.

• 96% of teens say that lying is wrong.
• Younger teens are better at lying than older ones.
• 40% of parents believe it is normal to sometimes lie to their children.
• 65% of people think it’s OK to lie in order not to hurt someone's feelings.
• Most people lie three times in ten minutes of conversation.
• Men and women lie the same amount, but about different things.
• We lie most frequently to the people we love.

How to spot a liar

If we 1 __________(not lie), we _________2 (not be) human. But how can you tell if a person is lying?
Only about one in a thousand people can spot a really good liar and many of these so-called 'deception wizards' work
for the police. So, what signs 3_______ (you /look for), if you 4_________ (be) a deception wizard?
Firstly, there are many common beliefs about liars that aren't true. For example, 'liars never look you in the eye'.
When you're talking to someone, if they 5________ (not look) you in the eye, it just6 ___________(mean) that
they're shy, not that they're lying. Liars are clever and they know that if they 7 _______(not make) eye contact, people
8 ________(suspect) them, so they make sure they do.
The way we tell stories can also give a lot of clues. If you 9______ (invent) a story about why you haven't done your
homework today, it10 _______(be) short, in the right order and without much detail. Surprisingly, a true story won't
be in the correct order and will have lots of corrections and contradictions. A liar11__________ (need to) learn these
things if they
12________(want) to convince a deception wizard.
If you 13_______ (train) to be a deception wizard, you 14 _________(learn) to watch for other important clues, too:
the number of times a person blinks, touches their face, scratches their head or moves their hands. The tone of voice
can also be a sign. Speaking in a higher voice than usual can indicate a lie. Imagine your mother asked, 'Did you
break this cup?’ If you 15_______ (be) guilty, you 16 _________(shout), 'No, I didn't break it!' in a very high tone. If
you 17 ______(be)
innocent, you 18___________ (answer) just, 'No', in your natural voice.

We know that lying is wrong, but we all do it from time to time!

• to lie/fib – verb: when we say something that isn't true
• tell a lie – verb + noun collocation
• a lie/a fib – noun
• lying/fibbing – gerund
• a liar/ a fibber – noun (person)
• a compulsive liar – a person who always tells lies
• a white lie – a trivial lie that is usually told to prevent us offending someone or hurting their feelings.
Jane asked if I liked her new haircut, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I told a white lie and said I did.
• catch somebody out (phrasal verb) – to discover that someone is lying or doing something wrong.
• honesty is the best policy (saying) – it's better to be honest than lie, even when it's difficult.
trick - something you do to deceive someone, or to make someone look stupid.
deceive - to make someone believe something that isn’t true.
The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new.
mislead - cause (someone) to have the wrong idea or impression.
This report only scratches the surface of the various ways schools use statistics to mislead parents and the public.
betray - to behave in a dishonest way with someone who trusts you.
cheat - to do something that isn't honest, in order to get something.
misinform - Give (someone) false or inaccurate information. This could be by accident or on purpose.
pretend - to behave as if something is true when it isn’t.
John pretended he was reading in class, but he was looking at his phone really.
swindle - to get money dishonestly from someone by deceiving or cheating them.
10 Absolute Giveaways That Someone Is Lying To You
1) There Is Truth In The Eyes
We’ve always been told that people who lie won’t look you in the eye, but that’s only half the story.
Experts say liars either make too little or too much eye contact.
So, if you’re sitting with someone who won’t make eye contact with you, be wary. She or he is probably spinning you
a tall tale.
On the other hand, if that person is staring you down, you’re probably getting that same tall tale told to you.
2) Details, Details And More Details
Liars are extremely generous when it comes to giving you details. They’re trying to con you into believing them by
overloading you with details.
This shows they’ve put a lot of thought into what they’re going to say and probably even rehearsed it in their
head.Honest people give more succinct answers, because they’re telling the truth and they don’t have to think about
it.They know the facts.
People who lie also use convoluted sentence structure, and qualifying language when giving you the details, like “to
tell you the truth” or “I can say categorically.”
3) Simple Explanations Can Be A Tell
While people who are lying overshare details, they tend to explain things in simple terms. Why?
4) Liars Tend To Speak Formally
Experts also point out that when people lie, they tend to use formal language.
They forgo “didn’t” for “did not” and “I’m” for “I am.” Doing this emphasizes a point they want you to believe.
5) Beware The 3rd Person
In an attempt to distance themselves from the lie they’re about to tell, fibbers avoid referring to themselves in their
deceptive statement. They tend to talk more about others, often using the 3rd person point of view to disassociate
from their lie.
6) They Only Tell The Story One Way
Sure, people who lie give you a lot of details. But ask them to repeat their story in a different order, and they’ll often
freeze. They need to tell their story in the order they memorized it. They can’t tell it backward.
So if you are in doubt about someone’s honesty, ask them an unexpected question about something that happened in
the middle of the story. Then immediately ask another question about something from the beginning. It catches them
off guard and they’ll have to think long and hard about it.
7) Listen For Those Negative Tones
Experts say when people lie, they tend to be more negative because they subconsciously feel guilty about lying.
8) It’s Really Hard To Fake A Smile
Want to know if an employee is fibbing?Watch their face when they smile. Is their whole face involved? Do they get
crow’s feet when they smile? Do their cheeks raise up? If yes, then you have an “Honest Abe” working for you. If
they smile with just their mouth and nothing else moves, you’re more than likely being lied to.
Believe it or not, most people can’t fake a smile.
Repeating the question is a stalling tactic to give them time to come up with a believable tale.
10) Look For The Contradictions
Another sign of a lie, the person will contradict him- or herself.
The contradictions can be between a gesture and the voice, a gesture and words, the voice and words, the face and
words, or actions and words.
And it’s all controlled subconsciously.
How To Detect Lies: Body Language
The Mouth Cover
This is an instinctive gesture that first appears in early childhood. A lier covers his mouth with his hand, as if he or
she is trying to prevent the deceitful words from being said. It could be just a few fingers covering the lips, or the whole
palm — the meaning doesn’t change. Some people try to disguise the mouth cover gesture by giving a fake cough.
If the person who is using this gesture of covering the mouth is the one who is speaking, it means she might be lying.
However, if she is a listener, it might mean that she feels that you are not being totally honest and sincere with her.The
Mouth Cover may appear as the ‘Shhh’ gesture where one finger is placed vertically over the lips.
The Nose Touch
Among the most common signs of lying is the nose touch. Adults are more conscious about body signs that they are
displaying, but still use the same hand gesture. However, the hand is quickly pulled away from the mouth, which
results in a quick nose touching gesture.
You can tell the difference between a “normal” nose itch, and a nose touch that is from the signs of lying — the simple
itch will be satisfied with rubbing or scratching.
The Eye Rub
The Eye Rub is the brain’s attempt to block out the deceit. Rubbing one’s eyes could be one of the many signs of lying,
if the person who does it is the speaker, or a sign of blocking doubt or distasteful thing it sees. Men usually rub their
eyes vigorously, while the women’s way to do it is more gentle and more brief.
The Ear Grab
When a little child hears something that she doesn’t like, she covers both her ears as if to prevent herself from hearing
the sound. Adults are more conscious about what they do with their body, so instead of obvious ear covering gestures,
they could quickly touch the earlobe. But still this is a symbolic attempt by the listener to ‘hear no evil’: trying to block
the words he is hearing by putting the hand around or over the ear or tugging at the earlobe.
The Neck Scratch And
The index finger (usually of the writing hand) scratches the side of the neck below the earlobe. Another sign of lying is
scratching the neck below the earlobe a few times. This is also often a sign of doubting or disagreeing with what has
been said. This may include areas such as the throat, chest, head, or abdomen.
The Collar Pull and Change in Breathing
Increased blood pressure from the deceit causes sweat to form on the neck when the deceiver feels that you suspect
he’s not telling the truth. Also when someone is lying to you, they may begin to breathe heavily, it’s a reflex action.
Fingers In The Mouth
This is an unconscious attempt by the person to revert to the security of the child sucking on his mother’s breast and
occurs when a person feels under pressure.
Head Position Is Changing Quickly
If you see someone suddenly make a head movement when you ask them a direct question, they may be lying to you
about something. The head will be retracted or bowed down, or cocked or tilted to the side right before a person is
expected to respond to a question.
A Person Stands Very Still
Watch out for people who are not moving at all. When you speak and engage in normal conversation, it is natural to
move your body around in relaxed and unconscious movements. So if you observe a rigid movement, it is often a huge
warning sign that something is off.
Feet Shuffling
Shuffling feet tells you that the potential liar is uncomfortable and nervous. It also shows you that he or she wants to
leave the situation. Literally, want to walk away. Just look at a person’s feet and you can tell a lot.
Hold A Stare Without Blinking Much
When people lie, it’s common that they break eye contact, but the liar could maintain eye contact in attempt to control
and manipulate you. When people tell the truth, most of them will occasionally shift their eyes around, but liars will
use a cold, steady stare to intimidate and control.

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