Comparison of Gastric PH in Emergency Versus Elective Caesarean Sections

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Comparison of Gastric pH in Emergency

v v

1 Department of Anesthesiology, Hashmat

M , ,
Abstract Gujrat, Pakistan
Background: v m b 2 Department of Gynaecology &
v m b ,M m B B
b m ( v m ) Shaheed Medical College, Mirpur, Azad
Kashmir, Pakistan
b v m m m
m v
Method: The study was conducted in Divisional Headquarters Teaching Hospital,
M , m m Dr. Shahid Adalat Chaudhry
m v , m
v v m
were detected in both groups of the study.
Results: m
v ( ) v m ( Assistant Professor, Department of
Anesthesiology, Hashmat Medical & Dental
) m , v v
, , ,
( ) v m ( ) v
b v
Tel: +92-344-5163749
Conclusion: v m
m v
Chaudhry SA, Fahim S,
Keywords: v m ; ; v ; m F m ( ) m
m v v
Received: F b , ; Accepted: , ; Published: ,

b m, ,v m B12 several drugs and

Pregnancy is the m v
, b m v , v
m v m m an understanding of these factors in order to have the precise
v [
m b m ( )
v m m m
, m v m
[ , x
[ x b m m
, q q m m
x , b , [
in variety of pulmonary syndromes. The syndrome includes the
Both the central and peripheral overlapping of the neural, M m m
acid from the parietal cells. The increased release of gastric acid m b b
may cause gastroduodena

v b : : m m b m v 1

g the increased gastric acid volume, decreased v m

m m m b
to any of these syndromes [9]. m
of Divisional Headquarters Teaching Hospital, Mirpur, Azad
m v
m m
b b b b m
v q
used for the maternal and fetal health, and safe delivery. The
m b m m
m v
v v b
m m m
m b [
v ,
Anesthesia is related to many factors and these factors may b b v m q
mm v , was used in the study.
x [ Inclusion and exclusion criteria
F m , m , m x
pressure may decrease the lower esophageal sphincter tone [12]. m
These factors may act as the factors that may cause a high risk b
m v
m m v m m
v m caesarian cases were those that were conducted by using general
m m m m
v , m v m ,
The gastric volume of 25 ml or more and gastric pH of 2.5 or less x m
v m , , , m
in the parturient. Thus, it is recommended for all parturient, , ,
m v b , m b b
x m [ x m x m
x study.
logarithmic scale on which 7 is neutral, lower values are more
acid and higher values more alkaline. The pH is equal to -log c,
m m b
m v m v
there is an immediate threat to the life of fetus or woman, and if b vm
the health of fetus or mother is compromised. The emergency CS m m
is also carried out in cases when there is a need of early delivery. the measurement of pulse, blood pressure, capnography etc.
v b xm , ,
b invasive blood pressure techniques were used for mandatory
m x ,
v b q
of evidence based studies has revealed that there is no study that with 5 mg/kg thiopentone sodium which is followed by 1.5
has compared the pH and volume of gastric contents between m m
v , x , b
b ,
v m m b b
m the aspirate successfully. The pH was measured by using a
x b m v m ,
m m m
b v m
The predetermined aim of this study was to compare the gastric 2
m v v
Data Analysis
Materials and Methods b
This theory was based on hypothesis that the pH of gastric ( ) v

2 v b : : m m b m v

was carried out m v Table 2 b b ( )

missing entries. The study groups, as described earlier, were
m v v v
was the outcome variable. The comparison of the pH value of Weight in Kg
No. of No. of
Percentage Percentage
both groups was carried out by using the t-test. The percentages,
frequencies, mean and the standard variables for the pH and age 65-75 5 6.7
were calculated b v 46 61.3 39 52
1 1.3
B , v m M
mm F m , Range
inclusion criteria of the study. Table 3 b b v v m
( )
Results Emergency v
Cesarean Cesarean p-value
Mean of pH
The mean age m ( )
b (m
Mean of gastric
) m , ( )
volume 4.37
, b
(m )
, ( )
( ) b
b ( )
( )
b b b
b , ( )
age is shown in Table 1.
v , m b
b Table 2.
m ( )
( ) b b m
F m , of ph value and volume of the gastric aspirate
( ) (
The pH and volume of the gastric aspirate were also compared
) v b
b b m v
b v m
also shown in Table 1.
m v
b b v
of both groups was compared.
he emergency caesarean group had the mean
(m ) m v m
, ( ) m m , m
, ( ) v m m,
M v , ( ) m v v m
of both groups were compared and it was found that emergency
v m v m m v
b v
Table 1 b b ( ) results for comparison of pH and volume of gastric aspirate are
shown in Table 3.
Age in Years
No. of No. of Discussion
Percentage Percentage
v m [
29 21 b m b b
27 36 several years. The role of the gastric pH and its management has
31-35 14 11 14.6 been studied by various researchers and several studies are being
5 6.7 5 6.7 conducted in this regard. The present study is among the few
M studies that are being conducted globally to compare the gastric
Range m v m

group. The review of literature has revealed that only fewer v m q ,

m m ,
anesthesia, halothane plus thoracic epidural block, halothane
b [
v v m
the gastric content and gastric pH during the state of pregnancy
and labor. There were several study parameters that were used
halothane anesthesia with thoracic epidural block also increased
for this study and one of the basic study parameters was the
measurement of gastric pH and volume of the gastric content
m m
gastric acid volume. The results of this study concluded that
also used for this study, however in the reference study, the
, m b
v ;
b [
v m
v , , v m
m v pH were used as the outcome variables. These parameters
m x v v
[ m
m b [
m m m
or volume of the gastric content due to pregnancy or labor. The
q m
mean values for the three groups of the study revealed that no of general anesthesia. The general anesthesia was received at
b m x x
m v
b v m 4. The outcomes of the study have concluded that measurement
, b of gastric pH is the universal parameter which can be used for
m m b m
observed for group 2 and 3. This study resembles current study b [
in terms of study parameters and methods i.e. measurement of
gastric volume and gastric pH. However, the results of the present The gastric volume and pH can be used as a parameter for the
m b [ m m
This can be revealed from the fact that in the study conducted v m
b [ m m
clinical trials and the measurement of these parameters can be
v v v v [
, ; m q m v
m v m
b v m m
m v pH neutralizing agents, for instance, H2 receptor blockers,
, v , , b
b emergency caesarean s
A clinical trial was conducted by Hong et al. in which researchers
v m b
m mm
groups, i.e. the pregnant group and non-pregnant group. The There m m m
b v study was small and the study was not a double blinded study.
pregnant women was lower than the gastric pH level of the non- mm F
m ( m evidence based studies or clinical trials should be conducted on
m ) , a large sample size.
the gastric volume was found to be high for the pregnant women
m ( v Conclusion
m m v m The result
m ) v , m m
m v b ( v v
m )[
[ v b q q m
m m m
c techniques for the measurement of gastric that the facts concluded from this study can be proved.
4 v b : : m m b m v

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v m

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: m : v b :
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m m :
b M ( )
19 , , ( ) m
m m
9 M ( ) m m J Clin Anesthesia 17: 415-455.
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