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1. Why is it important to study the history of science and technology?

We know that studying history is a bit boring, most of the students I know hate to
memorize dates, people, and places. And history classes are taught in the most boring way. But
for me, studying history is really not that boring at all, especially in science. It allows us to learn
the history of the world, how scientists discovered everything. I cannot imagine living in this
world if we all don’t know how things were discovered.

Studying the history of science and technology allows us to learn what was the world is
like before we had this understanding. People back then used to think that raining is a sign that
the angels were crying, the earth was flat, etc. So if we believed in those things, we still think the
way people think back then. That’s why learning the history of science is important

2. Trace at least 3 historical timeline that are connected with each other and give your
impression about the inter connectedness of the discoveries.

The 3 historical timelines that are connected and throughout the years had evolved that
impresses me is how the paper was made. ~2500 BCE, ancient Egyptians produce papyrus, an
early version of the paper. Then 105 CE, Ts’ai Lun makes the first paper in China, and 1803
Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier develop a papermaking machine. Those are the 3 things that were
invented and impressed me throughout the years, you may see it funny that I was impressed at
the papers, but without these people we won't have papers because back then there is no
technology or a computer to store all of the important information, if paper was not discovered,
we may not discover the knowledge and discoveries of the people back then because they don’t
have to write on that lasts.

3. Explain the statement "Standing on the shoulder of Giants" and how does this relate to
the study of the history of modern science.

The statement “Standing on the shoulder of Giants” means using the knowledge and
discoveries made by others to create new knowledge and discoveries. This statement relates to
the study of modern science because most of the scientists today depend on the discoveries back
then. Scientists today look for research made by the scientists back then so when they do their
research they can add improve it or make a new discovery. Like when we do our thesis, we look
for other research related to the topic that we are researching then finding a way to improve it or
make a new discovery using their knowledge and discovery.

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