Geriatrics and Ayurveda

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Geriatrics and AYurveda

Dr. Dhanwantari Jha

INTRODUCTION eases, cancer and stroke. Significant causes

Ageing is a process of physical, psy- of morbidity among this group are chronic
chological and social change in multi-di- inflammatory and degenerative conditions
mensional aspects. The World population of such as arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, de-
the elderly is increasing and by the year pression, psychiatric disorders, Parkinson’s
2050, adults older than 65 years will com- disease and age related urinary problems.
prise 1/5th of the global population. In India Ayurveda, the Indian traditional holistic
3.8% of the population are older than 65 health science has got the potential for pre-
years of age. According to an estimate the vention of diseases by promotion of health
likely number of elderly people in India by and management of diseases occurring in
2016 will be around 113 million1. The lead- old age. It has a focused branch called Ra-
ing causes of mortality among aged people sayana (Rejuvenation) which deals with the
comprise respiratory problems, heart dis- problems related to ageing and methods to
counter the same. Geriatrics or Jara chikitsa issue in geriatric care is not merely the con-
or Rasayana in Ayurveda is a unique thera- cern about the physiological phenomenon
peutic methodology to delay ageing and to which is inevitable; rather it is more the
minimize the intensity of problems occur- medical health problems and diseases spe-
ring this degenerative phase of one's life. cifically afflicting an individual in old age
Ayurvedic literature record numerous single warranting medical management in order to
and compound plant based medicines, sustain a comfortable and healthy aging.
herbo-mineral, herbo-metalic (a few) for- Thus geriatric care has to address to two-
mulations for general wellbeing and in dis- fold problems, firstly the delaying of physi-
ease specific conditions relating to geriat- ological aging and secondly the medical
rics. The present review intends to evaluate management of diseases and disorders spe-
the ancient concepts and recent develop- cifically occurring in old age such as hyper-
ments in the field of geriatric care in Ayur- tension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes,
veda. senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, par-
The Dimensions of Geriatric Care kinsonism, degenerative arthritis, osteoporo-
Geriatric Care has two distinct dimensions: sis, opportunistic infections, prostatic en-
No. 1. Promotion of health and longevity, largement, degenerative eye diseases like
No.2. Management of diseases of old age. cataract, a range of angiopathies, neuro-
The conventional modern medicine is ap- degenerative diseases and senile psychoses
parently strong in terms of the second di- which cause major morbidity in old age.
mension, although the final outcome may Ayurveda, being fundamentally the science
not be significant because most of the dis- of life and longevity, seems to have ad-
eases of old age are incurable. Ayurveda is dressed these issues in a unique holistic
notably strong in terms of the first dimen- manner involving not merely the biological
sion of the problem as it has rich potential to care, rather also encompassing the psycho-
promote health of the elderly, besides the social and spiritual dimensions. There are
scope of rejuvenation and promotion of lon- strong possibilities to develop a safe and
gevity. As stated earlier Ayurveda is essen- cost-effective package for geriatric care on
tially the Science of life and longevity. the basis of Ayurvedic life-style manage-
The Phenomenon of Aging ment, Rasayana therapy and practice of
Aging is essentially a physiological phe- yoga.
nomenon which results because of time Ayurveda links the phenomenon of biologi-
bound inherent evolutionary processes by cal aging with the doctrine of Tridosa. In
the evolutionary changes occurring in the principles the childhood is embedded with
mind-body system. Such changes begin right Kapha in the body (Growth activity), adult-
in the beginning of life and get more and hood with Pitta (Metabolic activity) and old
more complex with advancing chronological age with Vata Dosa(Degenerative activity).
age. The progressing involution ultimately Vata Dosa, by nature, dries and decays the
precipitates into extreme senescence and fi- body and produces senile changes2. Thus the
nally death. Thus life-span is a time bound phenomenon of aging can be evaluated in
entity and everybody is mortal. The main terms of the tridosika physiology, and aging
can be managed in tune with the Tridosa functioning units - the neurons are known to
theory with Yukti of Samanya and Vishesa be energetically most powerful units but
i.e. homology versus heterology besides have extremely poor repair and regeneration
specific rejuvenative Rasayana measures. potential and hence are prone to rapid senes-
The important medieval Laghuttrayi text of cence and degenerative changes.
Ayurveda, namely Sarangadhara Samhita The Ayurvedic classics and yogic texts de-
describes the process of aging depicting the scribe a set of rejuvenative measures to im-
involutionary features of specific bio-losses part biological sustenance of the bodily tis-
occurring during different decades of life sues, i.e. the Dhatus. These remedies are
due to aging3. called Rasayana and are claimed to act as
Other important features of aging process micronutrients. Though, the Rasayanas are
are weakening of Agni, loss of integrity of generic rejuvenative remedies but some of
Srotamsi and ojabala. Hence geriatric care them are specific to nervous system and are
warrants management of Agni, Ama Oja and called Medhya Rasayana. Medhya Rasayans
dosa at biological level. Ayurvedic classics are new class of neuronutrients with cogni-
propound a unique concept of Ojas tion and memory enhancing, anti-aging and
Besides many other life-style related factors neuro-regenerative effect. Ayurveda consid-
the generic remedy prescribed for promoting ers aging as an inbuilt natural disorder. Sha-
Ojas status is Rasayana therapy. All Ra- rangadhara (1300 AD) while describing the
sayanas are beloved to promote Ojas. An- sequence of aging suggests that Medha, i.e.
other Rasayana described in Ayurveda i.e. intellect stops growing by Fourth decade of
Ajasrika Rasayana refers to daily rejuvena- life and Buddhi, i.e. thinking is lost by Ninth
tive dietetics. Regular use of Ghee, milk, decade reading to senile dementia in a per-
fruits and vegetables in diet acts as Ra- son of stipulated 100 years life span5.
sayana. Brahmi (B.monniera) is now used as a
Role of Medhya Rasayana : memory enhancer and Mandukaparni (C.
Besides general features of biological aging asiatica) is used in the care of mental retar-
which occurs all over the body in all organs, dation. Ashwagandha (W. somnifera) is an
tissues and cells, the brain is most common established antistress and adoptogen besides
organ of changes. This is why the mental its efficacy in augmenting neuro-regenera-
and neurological manifestations often form tion.
the hallmark of senility. Accordingly the The Rasayana Therapy and Its Mode of
care of neurodegenerative manifestations Action:
warrants the first attention in geriatric health Rasayana (Rasa = nutrition + Ayana = cir-
care. Ayurveda seems to have understood culation and promotion) especially deals
this fact and has categorically described the with the science of nutrition, geriatric care
psyche-brain deficit occurring in the fourth and rejuvenation. The strength of Ayurveda
and ninth decades of the hundred year’s life- in the context of Geriatric care is Rasayana
span in terms of loss of Medha and Buddhi4. therapy. Rasayana stands as an answer in
In terms of the science of today human brain preventing premature ageing and to solve
is a highly sophisticated structure, its basic the problems due to ageing; it also ensures
healthful longevity including mental health in restoring the loss of specific bio-values of
and resistance against various geriatric dis- respective ages.
ease conditions6. There are specific Ra- Table: - Specific Rasayana drugs according
sayana for different age groups, which help to age7

Age in Bio-values which Suitable Rasayana

yrs. are on decline
1-10 Balya (Childhood) Vacha(Acorus calamus Linn.),Kasmari(Gmelina arborea Linn.),
11-20 Vriddhi (Growth) Kasmari (Gmelina arborea Linn.),Bala
(Sida cordifolia Linn.), Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera Dunal)
21-30 Chavi (Colour and Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica Gartn), Lauha Rasayana
31-40 Medha Shankhapuspi (Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy), Yasthimadhu
(Intelligence) (Glycyrrhiza
glabra Linn.), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal),
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (Wild) miers.)
41-50 Tvak (Skin Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba Hussk), Somaraji (Psoralea corylifolia
Lusture) Linn), Priyala (Buchanania lanzen Spreng.),
Haridra (Curcuma longa Linn.)
51-60 Drishti (Vision) Triphala ghrita, Saptamrta lauha, Kataka (Strychnos potatorum
61-70 Shukra (Semen) Kapikacchu bija (Mucuna pruriens Hook), Ashwagandha
(Withania somnifera Dunal), Krishna musali (Curculigo or-
chioides Gaertn), Milk, ghrita etc.
71-100 These age group are not fit for Rasayana karma
Rasayana signifies not a single drug or health. It is again of three sub-
medication, rather refers to a rejuvenate types:
regimen. The primary levels/modes of Ra- i. Prana kamya to promote longevity.
sayana effect are ii. Srikamya to promote body lusture.
 At the level of Rasa (Promoting directly iii. (iii)Medha kamya to promote mental
the nutrient value of plasma), competence
 At the level of Agni (Promoting biofire B. Naimittika Rasayana- which is used spe-
system responsible for digestion and cifically in the treatment of specific diseases
metabolism) viz Silajatu in diabetes mellitus.
 At the level of Srotas (Promoting micro- (2) As per method of use:
circulation and tissue perfusion) i. Vatatapika Rasayana i.e. outdoor regimen.
CLASSIFICATION OF RASAYAN: ii. Kutipravesika Rasayana i.e. intensive
(1) As per scope of use: indoor regimen including biopurification by
A. Kamya Rasayana - which is used in Panchakarma and consumption of selected
healthy persons for further promotion of Rasayana in well controlled conditions.
(3) As part of life-style: as an intensive indoor regimen
i. Ajasrka Rasayana as content of daily (Kutipraveshika Rasayana) for Rejuvenation
diet. or Kayakalpa, where the patient is observed
ii. Achara rasayana (Good conduct) :- in a specially designed Trigarbha Rasayana
Ayurveda adopts Satvavajaya chikitsa Kuti i.e. a well-protected therapy chamber
(non-drug psychotherapies) that includes equipped with all therapeutic amenities. In
various codes of conduct (Achara ra- the latter case the patient first undergoes a
sayana) for maintenance of better mental bio purification (Shodhan) therapy by
health and to prevent various mental dis- Pancha Karma. After Pancha Karma he
orders consumes the specific Rasayana for him in a
iii. Divya Rasayana i.e. devine Rasayana prescribed dose and duration along with the
SOME OTHER SPECIFIC RASAYANA: prescribed dietetics (Ajasrika Rasayana) and
Tissue and Organ Specific Rasayana: the appropriate life-style and conduct
Besides the above mentioned three generic (Aachara Rasayana). Rasayana adminis-
modes of action of Rasayana, some Ra- tered without proper biopurification and
sayanas are organ and tissue specific and are without the Ajasrika and Aachara require-
used for specific indications like Medhya ments, may not yield adequate results.
Rasayana as brain tonics, Hrdya Rasayana The Rasayana Effect and Rejuvenation:
as cardiotonics, Vrsya Rasayana as sex ton- The Rasayana remedies described in Ayur-
ics, Twacya Rasayana as skin tonics, Stanya veda are claimed to possess special nutri-
Rasayana as lactogenic tonics, Keishya Ra- tional supplement effect. Generally most of
sayana as hair tonics, Caksusya Rasayana as the Rasayanas are micromolecular nutrients
eye tonics, Kanthya Rasayana as tonics for and they act through nutrition dynamics and
throat and speech and so on. not really on pharmacodynamics like other
Disease Specific Rasayana: drugs. The Rasayana drugs are likely to be
Some Rasayanas are also disease-specific nutrient tonics, antioxidants, anti-stress,
and are used in specific disease states as adaptogen and immuno-modulators. The net
they induce specific immune and bio- effect of all these attributes is the anti-aging
strength to combat a particular disease. Such effect. Certain recent studies on popular Ra-
Rasayanas are called Naimittika Rasayana. sayana remedies like Amalaki, Ashwagan-
The classical Naimittika Rasayanas are Si- dha, Gudachi, Brahmi and classical com-
lajatu for diabetes mellitus and Tubaraka for pound Rasayana Chyavanaprash have
skin diseases and leprosy. There can be shown evidence to suggest their efficacy as
many other Naimittika Rasayanas identifia- anti-aging remedies
ble by proper yukti. Role of Panchakarma in Geriatric care
Method of Administration of Rasayana13 In Ayurveda Panchkarma have its own five
The Rasayana therapy is administered in bio-purificatory processes with rejuvenates
two broad forms with two main objectives. activity. In geriatric practice an Ayurvedic
Firstly as outdoor regimen (Vatatapika Ra- physician uses selective rehabilitative
sayana) for ordinary routine Rasayana bene- Panchkarma therapy avoiding the drastic
fits as a tonic or food supplement. Secondly evacuator practices like Vamana and strong
Virechana procedures. The schedule in the growth of a nation. Ayurveda, being the sci-
elderly should consist of medicated mas- ence of life and longevity, offers a treasure
sage, sudation, Kayaseka, Pindasweda, Si- of geriatric care. It deliberates on the science
rodhara and Brimhana Basti suitably and philosophy of life and longevity with
planned for each individual. Such a package the goal of healthy aging and long life to
could appropriately considered 'Geriatric achieve the Purusartha chatustaya
Pancakarma'. -Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. It
Ayurvedic Management of Diseases of old considers aging as Swabhava of life and
Age describes in details the pattern of sequential
Besides the rejuvenative approaches Ayur- losses of biological strength with advancing
veda has notable potential to afford signifi- age in relation to the doctrine of Tridosa and
cant complementary therapeutic care in a advocates the management of aging and
range of diseases of the elderly and the same diseases of aging on principles of Samanya
needs to be known to the practicing physi- and Vishesa (Homology versus Heterology).
cians of all streams. Arjuna, Guggulu and The central focus of strength of Ayurveda in
Puskarmula as cardioprotective in cases of geriatric care swings around the concept of
Ischaemic heart disease, Brahmi and similar Rasayana therapy which compensates the
other Medhya drugs in treatment of senile age-related biological losses in the mind-
dementias, Varuna and Shigru in treatment body system and affords rejuvenative effect
of senile enlargement of Prostate, Triphala to a notable extent. Combining Ayurvedic
in senile visual disorders, Kapikacchu in Rasayana, rehabilitative Panchkarma ther-
treatment of Parkinsons disease, Amrita and apy dietetics, Swasthavrtta, Sadvrtta, Yoga
Amalaki in immunodeficiency, Sirodhara and spirituality it is possible to develop an
and Sirobasti in tension headaches and dif- effective package for geriatric care today for
ferent kinds of neurodegenerative conditions global use. There is a need to generate
are some of the potential areas where Ayur- awareness among the masses about the con-
vedic treatment has promise. Similarly the sequences of Population-Aging and about
Pindasweda procedure of Keraliya Panch- the strength of Ayurveda in Geriatric health
karma therapy is known for its rehabilitative care.
effect in many neurodegenerative conditions REFFERENCE
and myopathies. 1. Ayurveda and Siddha for geriatric care
The Ayurveda-based package of geriatric (Rasayana therapies-Background
care may consist of use of Dashvidha parik- papers), CCRAS, New Delhi
sha, Sadvritta, Swasthvritta, Satvika diet, 2. Shri Ambikadatta Shastri (Purvardh)
Yoga, Meditation, Geriatric panchkarma Sushrut Samhita elaborated Ayurve-
and Rasayana Therapy. datatvasandipika Hindi commentary
CONCLUSIONS Sutra sthan Vranprashnam Chapter 21
Population-Aging and the increasing number verse 8; Chaukhmba Sanskrit sansthan,
of elders in the population is a matter of page 88
great significance because of its likely im- 3. ,4,5- Sharangdhar Samhita, Purvakhand
pact on public health and socioeconomic 6/19, page- 54
6 Shri Satya Narayan Shastri (part 2) 12 Singh, R.H. (2008), Strength of Ayur-
Charak Samhita elaborated Vidhyotini veda in Geriatric Health Care. Keynote
Hindi commentary Chikitsa Sthan, lecture delivered at State launching of
Rasayana-pratham paad- Ab- National Campaign on Geriatric Health
hayaamalakiya; Chapter 1 Paad 1 verse Care through Ayurveda, Dept. of
8; Varanasi Chaukhambha Bharty AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
academy 2013. Page 5 13 Shri Satya Narayan Shastri (part 2)
7 Sharangdhar Samhita, Purvakhand 6/19, Charak Samhita elaborated Vidhyotini
page- 54 Hindi commentary Chikitsa Sthan,
8 Dwivedi, K.K. and Singh, R.H. (1997), Rasayana-pratham paad- Ab-
A study on geriatric patients and hayaamalakiya; Chapter 1 Paad 1 verse
response of Ashwagandha as anti-aging 16; Varanasi Chaukhambha Bharty
agent. Ph.D. Thesis Kayachikitsa, academy 2013. Page 7
Banaras Hindu University.
9 Singh, R.H. (1998), the holistic prin-
ciples of Ayurvedic Medicine, Chapter
8. Choukhamba Surbharati, Varanasi
New Delhi.
10 Singh, R.H. (2005), Swasthavrtta
Vijynana, Chapter 3, 4, 7, 22-23,
Choukhamba Surbharati, Varanasi.
11 Singh, R.H. (2009), Body- Mind Spirit
Integrative Medicine in Ayurveda, Yoga
and Nature-cure. Choukhamba
Surbharati, Varanasi. IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 06; June- 2016


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