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Guide Questions:

1. How do you feel about the activity? Was it effective in learning about Entrepreneurship?

- I believe that the Pop-up Bazaar activity was a practice and exercise for us to fully grasp the
experienced of what it’s like to sell your products as an aspiring entrepreneur. It was a bit
challenging and exciting for me because it’s my first ever experience of selling. I felt nervous and
anxious before the day of our selling because our products were not like others, it’s not inclined with
food and beverages that most groups have prepared; it was a result of our creative and artistic minds
that not all people appreciate. Despite what I felt, I find the activity beneficial and effective for me
to learn the concepts about selling and launching our very own handmade product.

2. What creative procedure in Entrepreneurship you think you were able to do?

- I was able to get out of my comfort zones and started to appreciate what I can still do as part of
the process of learning entrepreneurship. We came up with several ideas in our business plan that
help us achieved what we were trying to propose and made it into a reality. My team and I were
able to develop and create a unique product that’s new to the eyes of other people. Brainstorming
and analyzing what’s lacking were some of the important things that we’ve done as a group for us to
be successful in our given task.

3. What learning or learning objective do you think you achieved? And how?

- I was able to improve my basic knowledge and potential skills that I have may it be in the field
of writing our business plan or in the production of our team while making our handmade products.
I was able to push myself from doing the best in terms of handling our team from its ups and downs.
I was also able to understand what were the advantages and risks that we’re taking and experiencing
during the process. We each have specific duties and responsibilities that we needed to accomplish,
with the help of each other, we’re able to make it successfully and completely. The most important
learning in this activity for me is the reflective thoughts and opportunities that we've got instill and
experience that will leave a mark for every one

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