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Okay. Good morning, all of the viewers. We are now in Boyolali Regency, Central Java
which was fire in the Gunung Merbabu National park area has burned more than 400
hectares of land. The fire that occurred since last week was also certain to disturb the
flora and fauna there. The temporary estimate of the burned are reached around 436
hectares. Burned areas start from the rimba zone to the core zone. Here’s our
interview with the officer Merbabu mountain national park mrs. Salsabila zulva
sudibyo. Oke what is the area of land burned and the plants are what is burning?


The area of the National park (Gunung merabu) is 5800 hectares, which burn down
400 hectares. It burns from the outer zone bordering the village area to the rimba
zone. Then it also burns the rehabilitation zone, which we did planting yesterday, and
entered into jungle zone and core zone. The core zone seen from the peak of the
savanna, including edelweiss, which is protected, is also monitored following the
burned area. burnt land in the form of reeds, grass, shrubs, and forested areas,
including in the Ampel and Selo areas.


According to the officer Merbabu mountain national park mrs. Salsabila zulva the
temporary estimate of the burned area reached around 436 hectares. Burned areas
start from the traditional zone to the core zone. The burning core zone is at the top or
peak area, in addition to savanna, including edelweiss flower plants. burnt land in the
form of reeds, grass, shrubs, and forested areas, including in the Ampel and Selo areas.
What is the impact caused by forest fires that?

Because this is a conservation area, biodiversity related to flora and fauna must be
disturbed. Then, the fire affected the water source that had been used by the
surrounding village community.


How many springs that are used by local residents?


Within the Gunung Merbabu National Park area there are 39 springs that are used by
local residents, both in the Boyolali Regency, Semarang and Magelang. Of these, there
are three large tuks (springs) that have the potential to be disturbed because the area
is on fire, namely Tuk Teyeng in Pakis District (Magelang), Tuk Klanting in Kopeng
(Semarang Regency), and Tuk Sipendok (Ampel, Boyolali). If clean water pipes from the
water source catch fire, the distribution of water to the community will be disrupted.


The fires on Mount Merbabu are expected to be extinguished quickly and will not
extend to hardwood forest areas, so that wildlife habitat will not be disturbed,
especially in the Ampel region, where vegetation is still dense and biodiversity is still
high. The Ampel area is also a place for observing Javanese eagles, which are also
protected animals.

That is what we can convey . Back to you Rimma and Ribowo.

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