MMC 2016 Gr5 Div

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MMC 2016 Grade 5 Divisionals 1

E1 When a number is divided by 8, the answer is 125, What is the answer when the same number is divided
by 16? [62.5]
E2 If you buy a ₧650 shirt at 10% discount, how much will you pay? [₧585]
E3 If N × 15 − 125 = 55, what is N? [12]
E4 How many 3 cm by 3 cm tiles can cover a rectangular surface with dimensions 9 cm by 9 cm? [9]
1 1
E5 A stick is 5 pencils long and a pencil is 3 cm. How long is the stick in cm? [17 cm]
2 2
E6 The fifth day of a month was Friday. What day is the 31st day of the same month? [Wednesday]
1 2 1
E7 What is the sum of of 8 and of 8? [3 ]
5 10 5
E8 When the clock reads 3:30, what kind of angle is formed by the hands of the clock? [acute]
E9 What is the ratio of 400 cm to m in simplest form? [5 ∶ 1]
E10 What is the smallest whole number N that will make 12 − N < 5 true? [8]
EX A clock reads 5o’clock. What is the degree measure of the angle formed by the hands of the clock?
[150○ ]
A1 On a sale, the price of a shirt became as large as its original price. What is the percent of decrease in
the price of the blouse? [75%]
A2 A box has length, width, and height in the ratio of 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 4. Its volume is 64 cm3 . If each of its length,
width, and height is increase by 2 cm, what will be the new volume of the box in cubic centimeters?
A3 Anne has 60 guavas and 18 bananas in her basket. After giving Frances some guavas and replacing
them with bananas, she found out that there were 12 more guavas than bananas. How many guavas
were replaced with bananas? [15]
A4 Three kilograms of mango cost ₧126 while 5 kilograms of guava cost ₧175. How many kilograms of
mango can you buy if you have ₧189? [4 ]
A5 A number is divided by three-fourths of it. Then the quotient is multiplied by half of the original
number. The product equals 64. What is three-fourths of the number? [72]
AX The sides of a triangle have lengths in the ratio 3 ∶ 7 ∶ 12. The perimeter of the triangle is 44 cm. What
is the length of the longest side? [24 cm]
D1 A photocopier can print 116 copies every 4 minutes. How many copies can it print in 1.25 hours?
MMC 2016 Grade 5 Divisionals 2

D2 On a sale, Mr. Cruz bought a pair of pants at 75% its original price. Then he sold it to his neighbor at
125% of the price that he bought it. For what fraction of its original price did neighbor buy the pair of
pants? [ ]
D3 Jaren collects coins. Every day, she gets 6 additional coins. On every fourth day, she gives 4 coins to her
friend. If Jaren started with 24 coins on which day will Jared have exactly 70 coins? [9th day]
D4 On a sale, the price of a blouse became five times smaller than its original price. What is the percent of
decrease in the price of the blouse? [80%]
D5 At first, John wanted to give 30% of his salary to his mother. Finally, he decided to give her 55% of his
salary but he would have ₧1200 less for himself. How much was his salary? [₧4800]
DX The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 6 cm, 8 cm, and 12 cm. How long is the third side of a similar
triangle if its shortest side is 10 cm, and its longest side is 20 cm? [ cm]
TB1 If 85% of the 60 questions in a mathematics test are on problem solving, how many questions are on
problem solving? [51]
TB2 What must have been the average score of Mira in her first three tests so that her average score in her
four tests was 86 when she scored 95 in her fourth test? [83]
TB3 Sam has 5-peso coins and 10-peso coins amounting to ₧120. The total number of his 5-peso coins is
twice the number of the 10-peso coins. How many 5-peso coins does Sam have? [12]
DoD A box whose volume is 80 cm3 has length, width, and height in the ratio of 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 5. If each of the
length, width, and height is increased by 2 cm, by how much will be the increase in volume?
[208 cm3 ]

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