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11/26/2018 What is Political Theory? Discuss its nature and significance. - Owlgen.


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What is Political Theory? Discuss its nature and signi cance.

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While theory refers to a systematic knowledge, political refers to matters of public concern. Thus, at the most general level, political theory as
a systematic body of knowledge elected to the phenomenon of state, government, power, in uence and activity.

Nature of political theory : Generally, political theory is the speculation of a single individual who is attempting to offer us a theoretical
explanation of the political reality, i.e., the phenomena of the state. It is, in fact, an attempt by the political theorist to seek the truth as the
theorist sees it. Every theory by its very nature is an explanation, built upon certain hypothesis which may or may not be valid and which is
always open to criticism.

Different political issues have been dominant in political theories in different epochs of its long history. For example, classical ‘political theory
was primarily concerned with the search for a perfect political owner, or an ideal state. Modern political theory started from the period of the
rise and growth of the modern-nation states. Now, the basic issues of political theory become liberty of the individual, the rights, equality,
property, justice, sovereignty etc.

Signi cance : The signi cance of political theory lies in its understanding and explains the political realities and if necessary to change it. It
also provide the moral criteria and the basis of the state and is institutions and proposes the alternative political arrangements and practices
to suit the moral standards.

Thus, the main signi cance of political theories lies in the fact that it provides a systematic study about socio-political a systematic study
about socio-political phenomena and makes the people aware of them. It makes the people aware of their rights and duties in the society. But
what is important is that it helps us to evolve ways and means to changes the society itself.

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