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Summer Training Report

Machine Learning with Python
ICT Acadmy IIT Kanpur

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science


Submitted By:
B.Tech 3rd year (6th sem)
Computer science Engg.
ROLL NO-1664910006

Department of Computer Science


The objective of a practical training is to learn something about industries

practically and to be familiar with a working style of a technical worker to adjust
simply according to industrial environment. As a part of academic syllabus of four
year degree course in ECE, every student is required to undergo practical training .
We are student of 3rd year ECE and this report is written on the basis of practical
knowledge acquired by our batch students during the period of practical training
This report deals with the equipments their relation and their general operating
principle. Sincere efforts have been made to present this report on “ MACHINE
Inspire of all our best efforts, some unintentional errors might have eluded, it is
requested to neglect them.

“Any serious and lasting achievement or success, one can never achieve without the help,
guidance and co-operation of so many people involved in the work.

This report documents the work done during the summer training done in Embedded Systems
under the supervision of Mr. Siddharth Sir who gave me an opportunity to take professional
training in ICT ACADMY.

I would like to express deep gratitude to Prof. B.V Phani, Head of Department (Electronics and
communication), ICT ACADMY IIT KANPUR, without whose permission the training would
not be possible. I would also like to thank Prof. Amey karkare, Training & Placement Officer,
ECE. Department, who recommended me for this training.

I have tried my best to keep report simple yet technically correct. I hope I succeed in my attempt.

The objective of a practical training is to learn something about industries practically and to be
familiar with a working style of a technical worker to adjust simply according to industrial
environment . This report deals with the equipments their relation and their general operating
Python, an interpreted language which was developed by Guido van Rossum came into
implementation in 1989. The language supports both object oriented and procedure oriented
approach. Python is designed to be a highly extensible language. Python works on the principle
of “there is only one obvious way to do a task” rather than “there is more than one way to solve a
particular problem”. Python is very easy to learn and implement. The simpler syntax,
uncomplicated semantics and approach with which Python has been developed makes it very
easier to learn. A large number of python implementations and extensions have been developed
since its inception.
Training Cover provides both six weeks as well as six months i ndustrial training
in Python. Python is divided into two parts as “Core Python” and “MACHINE
LEARNING”. Accordingly all the basic and advanced topics are discussed in both
of the modules.
Table of Content:-

S.No. Topic Name Page No.

Part-A Python
Chapter-01 Introduction 1-2
1.1 Python 1
1.2 History Of Python 2
1.3 Python Features 2
Chapter-02 Operators 3-11
2.1 Arithematic Operators 4
2.2 Assignment Operators 5
2.3 Identity Operators 6
2.4 Comparison Operators 7
2.5 Logical Operators 8
2.6 Membership Operators 9
2.7 Python Operators Precedence 9-11
Chapter-03 Collection in Python 12-22
3.1 List 12
3.1.1 List operation 12
3.1.2 Function & Methods 13-15
3.2.1 Tuples 15
3.2.2 Operations 17
3.2.3 Function 17
3.3.1 Dictionary 18
3.3.2 Function&Methods 20-22
Chapter-04 Function in Python 23-26
4.1 Function Definition 23
4.2 Calling Function 24
4.3 Function Arguments 24
4.4 Scope Of Variables 25-26
Chapter-05 Python MOdules 27-29
5.1 Module Definition 27
5.2 Packages 28-29
Chapter -06 Python Files I/O 30-41
6.1 Printing to the screen 30
6.2 Reading from keyboard 30-31
6.3 Different modes in I/O operation 32-41
Chapter-07 Python Exception Handelling 42-45
7.1 Definition 42
7.2 List of Standard Exception 42-45
Chapter-08 Use of NUMPY 46-51
8.1 Numpy definition 46
8.2 Array 46-47
8.2.1 Array Slicing 47-48
8.2.2 Array indexing 49-50
8.2.3 Datatypes 51
Chapter-09 Use of MATLAB Files 52-57
9.1 Matlab Files 52
9.2 Distance Between Points 52-53
9.3 Matplots 53
9.4 Plotting 53-57
Chapter-10 Use of PANDAS 58-69
10.1 Why use Pandas 58
10.2 Series 59-62
10.3 Slice Data 63-65
10.4 Concatenation 66
10.5 Drop duplicates 67
10.6 Change of Index 68-69
Part-B Machine Learning
Chapter-11 Machine Learning 1-26
11.1 Introduction 1-2
11.2 Application of ML 3
11.3 Example of ML 4-5
11.4 Overview of categories of Machine Learning 6
11.5 Types of ML-Introduction 6-8
11.5.1 Supervised Learning 6
11.5.2 Unsupervised Learning 7
11.5.3 Renforcement Learning 7
11.5.4 Semi-Supervised Learning 8
11.5.5 Introduction to Supervised Learning 8-10
11.5.6 Statistical Learning 11
11.6 Data representation & Mathmatical Notation 11-15
11.7 Classes of ML Algorithems 15-17
11.8 Componenets of ML Algorithem 17-18
11.9 Training 18
11.10 Evolution 19
11.11 Prediction Error 19
11.12 On Black Box & Interpretability 20-21
11.13 Relationship between ML & other 22-23
11.13.1 ML & Data Mining 22
11.13.2 ML & Deep Learning 23
11.14 Software 24
11.15 Glossary 25
11.16 Reading Assignments 26
1. Handwritting Digit Recognization
2. Braint-Tumor Prediction

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