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Mash Calcs

Title Value Units

Ambient Grain Temp 21.0 °C Temperature within milled grains
Mash Temp 68.0 °C Desired mash temp. Typical range: 64.4-68.8
Water/Grist Ratio 1.375 qt/lb Typical range 1-1.5
Mash tun Vessel Volume 28.0 qt
Max Fill for Mash Tun 95% %
Strike Water to Add 17.875 qt
Strike Water Temp 74.8 °C
Dry Grain Volume Used 4.1 qt Assumes dry grain occupies .3125 qt/lb of volume
Grain Absorption 6.5 qt Assume .5 qt/lb absorption of water by grain
Total Vol (Grain + Water) 21.9 qt
Is it less than 95% full? PASS PASS or FAIL. Ensure mash tun can hold it all.
Sparge Vol Available 16.0 qt 4.01 gal
Total Add Water Required 28.2 qt
Number of Steps Required 1.76 Number of Batch Sparge steps
Optimize # steps 2 3 Max
Optimize vol per step 14.1 qt
available to drain in 1st step 11.4 qt
Add for 1st step 2.7 qt
Drain for 1st step 14.1 qt 3.53 gal
Add for 2nd step 14.1 qt 3.53 gal
Add for 3rd step 0.0 qt

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