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Approved by:

David J. Meltzer, Ph.D.

Lewis R. Binford, Ph.D.

C. Garth Sampson, Ph.D.

Lawrence C. Todd, Ph.D.




A Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Faculty of

Dedman College

Southern Methodist University


Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

with a

Major in Anthropology


Jason Mitchel LaBelle

(B.A., Colorado State University, 1995)

(M.A., Southern Methodist University, 2000)

May 14, 2005

Copyright 2005
Jason Mitchel LaBelle
All Rights Reserved
LaBelle, Jason Mitchel B.A., Colorado State University, 1995
M.A., Southern Methodist University, 2000

Hunter-Gatherer Foraging Variability During

the Early Holocene of the Central Plains
of North America

Advisor: Professor David J. Meltzer

Doctor of Philosophy conferred May 14, 2005
Dissertation completed May 7, 2005

This dissertation explores the diversity of Paleoindian adaptations that took place on the Central

Plains of North America during the Early Holocene. Common reconstructions portray Paleoindian foragers

as widely ranging, bison hunting specialists. This assertion is tested with data from 91 previously

unreported sites and 53 published sites spread across the region. Patterns in site size, function, subsistence,

among other related subjects, were compiled to document variability in the Paleoindian record.

Several patterns are noteworthy. First, the distribution of Paleoindian sites is quite patchy, with

concentrations in some areas and not others. The patterns are most likely related to exposure of Early

Holocene aged landscapes rather than directly tied to prehistoric behavior. Second, the vast majority of

Paleoindian sites are small in assemblage size and spatial area. Larger sites, with sizeable assemblages and

high tool richness, are uncommon and demonstrate major differences in the organization of Paleoindian

systems, in terms of movement across the landscape, reoccupation, and site function. Third, bison kills are

fairly common, but other types of activities took place across the Central Plains, including short and long-

term camps, caches, burials, and smaller, specialized function sites. Fourth, subsistence practices (species

richness, degree of processing) tend to vary with site location across the landscape. Fifth, the presence and

abundance of thermal features also vary across sites, with hearths occurring more frequently on sites

located in river valleys or in protected settings. Sixth, more permanent houses or structures have not been

located within the Central Plains proper, but those documented elsewhere occur in diverse ecotones.

Finally, some regions supported sustained occupation of foragers across the entire Paleoindian period,

whereas other areas were exploited for only short periods and then never again by Paleoindian foragers.

The extant data do not support a model of groups of full time, highly mobile, widely ranging,

bison hunting specialists. Paleoindians used the Plains efficiently, exploiting ecotones according to what

was locally available and whether the resources were predictable and sustainable. As such, Central Plains

Paleoindians of the Early Holocene resemble place-oriented foragers rather than technology-based foragers.


LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................viii

LIST OF FIGURES...........................................................................................................................................xii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................................................................xvii


1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................1

The Impetus and Goals of the Dissertation .........................................................................................2

Organization of the Dissertation .........................................................................................................4

2. PROJECT STATEMENT AND METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK...........................................7

Principles of Paleoindian Organization...............................................................................................8

Paleoindian Generalizations: Are They Based on All the Available Data? .......................................14

Project Data Sources ...........................................................................................................................20

3. REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE STRUCTURE .........................................................23



Playa Lakes .........................................................................................................................................41

Seeps and Springs ...............................................................................................................................48

Lithic Raw Material Sources...............................................................................................................55

Modern Faunal Resources...................................................................................................................63

Chapter Summary ...............................................................................................................................70

4. PROJECTILE POINT SURVEYS AND SHPO SITE FILES ..............................................................71

Paleoindian Projectile Point Surveys ..................................................................................................72

Paleoindian Site Distributions as Viewed from the State Files ...........................................................92

Chapter Summary ...............................................................................................................................108

5. SITE TYPES, SAMPLE SIZE AND CHRONOLOGY........................................................................110

The Site Dataset ..................................................................................................................................110

Site Type .............................................................................................................................................122

Site Setting ..........................................................................................................................................125

Excavation Area..................................................................................................................................126

Radiocarbon Dating ............................................................................................................................129

Chapter Summary ...............................................................................................................................142

6. STONE TOOL ASSEMBLAGE SIZE AND DIVERSITY ..................................................................143

Assemblage Diversity .........................................................................................................................150

Range in Projectile Point Frequency ..................................................................................................161

Assemblage Diversity from Beyond the Central Plains ......................................................................168

Chapter Summary ...............................................................................................................................179

7. INTENSITY AND DURATION OF SITE OCCUPATION.................................................................181

Faunal Procurement During the Early Holocene ................................................................................181

Paleoindian Use of Plants and Plant Processing Equipment ...............................................................203

Cooking and Heating Facilities...........................................................................................................212

Paleoindian Structures Viewed from a Continental Perspective .........................................................236

Chapter Summary ...............................................................................................................................249

8. COMPLEX PRESENCE, DENSITY AND REOCCUPATION...........................................................251

Cultural Complexes in the Central Plains and Beyond .......................................................................251

Density of Sites in the Central Plains and Beyond..............................................................................266

Reoccupation Rates in the Central Plains and Beyond .......................................................................278

Chapter Summary ...............................................................................................................................286

9. CONCLUSION .....................................................................................................................................287

A Question of High Residential Mobility ...........................................................................................288

A Question of Subsistence Specialization...........................................................................................293

Towards More Localized Models of Paleoindian Organization..........................................................297





Table Page

2.1. Approximate beginning and ending radiocarbon dates of Paleoindian complexes from the Great Plains
and adjacent regions............................................................................................................................10

2.2. Common arguments for high residential mobility.....................................................................................13

2.3. Common arguments for subsistence specialization. ..................................................................................14

2.4. Potential factors altering model of high residential mobility. ...................................................................17

2.5. Potential factors altering model of subsistence specialization...................................................................18

3.1. Site types of the Colorado quarry sites......................................................................................................55

3.2. Modern mammalian fauna documented in two eastern Colorado biomes.................................................64

4.1. Recent projectile point surveys in the Central Plains. ...............................................................................79

4.2. Paleoindian sites recorded per decade in Colorado. ..................................................................................100

4.3. Temporal complex assigned to Paleoindian sites in Eastern Colorado. ....................................................101

4.4. Sites with multiple temporal complexes in Eastern Colorado. ..................................................................102

4.5. Site types represented by Paleoindian sites in Eastern Colorado. .............................................................103

4.6. Site types with multiple designations. .......................................................................................................103

4.7. Paleoindian site frequency in Colorado, Nebraska, and New Mexico.......................................................104

4.8. Paleoindian site frequency in Nebraska as related to sample size. ............................................................105

4.9. Paleoindian site frequency in Colorado as related to sample size. ............................................................106

4.10. Paleoindian site frequency in New Mexico as related to sample size. ....................................................107

5.1. Excavated late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains. .............................................................................113

5.2. Notable surface collected late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains.......................................................116

5.3. Paleoindian sites from the Andersen collection of Northeastern Colorado. ..............................................117

5.4. Paleoindian sites from the Baker collection of the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles and Northeastern
New Mexico........................................................................................................................................120

5.5. Common Paleoindian site types. ...............................................................................................................122
5.6. C dates of late Paleoindian sites sampled in the Central Plains. .............................................................132

6.1. Tool type frequencies of excavated sites in the Central Plains..................................................................144

6.2. Tool type frequencies of multi-component or poorly documented Paleoindian sites in the Central

6.3. Paleoindian tool type frequencies from the Nall site in the Oklahoma Panhandle....................................146

6.4. Paleoindian tool type frequencies in the Andersen sites in Yuma/Washington Counties, Colorado.........147

6.5. Paleoindian tool types examined in the Baker sites in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles and
Northeastern New Mexico. .................................................................................................................149

6.6. Summary values of tool frequencies of sites from the Central Plains. ......................................................151

6.7. Number of projectile points recovered per site from locales in the Central Plains....................................161

6.8. Number of projectile points recovered from the Andersen sites, Yuma and Washington Counties,

6.9. Number of projectile points recovered from the Baker sites, Oklahoma/Texas Panhandles and
Northeastern New Mexico. .................................................................................................................167

6.10. Site type frequencies from the Llano Estacado. ......................................................................................169

6.11. Number of Paleoindian projectile points per site in Gaines County, Texas. ...........................................170

6.12. Paleoindian sites and complexes of the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico..............................171

6.13. Site assemblage characteristics for Folsom sites in the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico......171

6.14. Site assemblage characteristics for Belen sites in the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. .......172

6.15. Site assemblage characteristics for Cody sites in the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. ........172

6.16. Summary statistics on the number of projectile points by complex in the Middle Rio Grande of New
Mexico. ...............................................................................................................................................174

6.17. Summary statistics for Folsom sites, Southern High Plains. ...................................................................176

6.18. Number of projectile points recovered per site from Folsom sites, Southern High Plains. .....................177

6.19. Assemblage size of Folsom sites, Southern High Plains. ........................................................................178

7.1. Summary counts of animal orders recovered from excavated components in the Central Plains. ............184

7.2. Mammalian orders recovered from components in the Central Plains......................................................187

7.3. Non-mammalian fauna recovered from components in the Central Plains. ..............................................188

7.4. Bison MNI for components in the Central Plains......................................................................................195

7.5. Season of occupation for sites in the Central Plains..................................................................................200

7.6. Seasonality of sites in the Central Plains, primarily derived from bison dentition....................................201

7.7. Paleobotanical evidence recovered from the Barton Gulch site, Montana. ...............................................204

7.8. Paleobotanical evidence recovered from Schiffer Cave, Wyoming. .........................................................205

7.9. Paleobotanical evidence recovered from Baker Cave, Texas....................................................................206

7.10. Ground stone from post-Folsom Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and Texas. ..210

7.11. Presence and abundance of thermal features within post-Clovis sites in the Great Plains. .....................215

7.12. Hearth abundance among Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains. .............................................................220

7.13. Uneven distribution of hearths from Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains. ............................................220

7.14. Post-Clovis Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains containing burned bone..............................................222

7.15. Ubiquity of hearths from select Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains. ....................................................227

7.16. Firing intensity of the hearths from the Ray Long and Allen sites. .........................................................233

7.17. Paleoindian and Early Archaic structures in North America...................................................................245

8.1. Paleoindian complex representation in Yuma and Washington Counties, Colorado. ...............................254

8.2. Paleoindian complex representation in the Oklahoma/Texas Panhandle and Northeastern New Mexico.255

8.3. Paleoindian complex representation in the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico. .............................256

8.4. Paleoindian complex representation in Middle Park, north-central Colorado...........................................257

8.5. Complex representation in western Texas and eastern New Mexico. ........................................................258

8.6. Complex representation on the Llano Estacado, Texas and New Mexico.................................................260

8.7. Complex representation in the Upper Rio Grande Valley of Southern Colorado......................................261

8.8. Complex representation in the upper Gunnison Basin, western Colorado. ................................................262

8.9. Paleoindian site density in Yuma and Washington Counties, Colorado....................................................267

8.10. Paleoindian site density in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles. ..........................................................267

8.11. Paleoindian site density in the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico............................................................268

8.12. Paleoindian sites per quad sheet, Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico........................................................269

8.13. Paleoindian sites per quad sheet, San Luis Valley, Colorado..................................................................271

8.14. Paleoindian site density in Middle Park, Colorado. ................................................................................272

8.15. Paleoindian site density on the Llano Estacado, eastern New Mexico and western Texas. ....................273

8.16. Paleoindian site density, Gaines County, Texas......................................................................................274

8.17. Paleoindian reoccupation rates in Northeastern Colorado.......................................................................279

8.18. Paleoindian reoccupation rates in the Texas/Oklahoma Panhandles. ......................................................280

8.19. Paleoindian reoccupation rates in the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. ............................................281

8.20. Paleoindian reoccupation rates within Middle Park, Colorado. ..............................................................282

8.21. Paleoindian site reoccupation on the Llano Estacado..............................................................................283

8.22. Paleoindian site reoccupation on the Llano Estacado, eastern New Mexico and west Texas. ................283

8.23. Paleoindian site reoccupation in western Texas. .....................................................................................284


Figure Page

2.1. The study area with modern county boundaries within the states of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas............................................................................................................19

3.1. Major physiographic divisions of the Great Plains....................................................................................25

3.2. Major eolian dune fields located within the Central Plains. ......................................................................26

3.3. Major river valleys of the Central Plains...................................................................................................27

3.4. The sixty-nine HUC cataloging units of the Central Plains.......................................................................30

3.5. Mean elevation (m) of the Central Plains HUC.........................................................................................32

3.6. Standard deviation in elevation (m) of the Central Plains HUC................................................................33

3.7. Density (km/km2) of rivers and streams flowing year-round among Central Plains HUC........................34

3.8. Density (km/km2) of rivers and streams flowing only seasonally among Central Plains HUC.................35

3.9. Density (km/km2) of all rivers and streams located among Central Plains HUC. .....................................36

3.10. Percentage of rivers and stream flowing year-round among Central Plains HUC. .................................37

3.11. Permanent water as related to elevation among Central Plains HUC. ....................................................38

3.12. Permanent water as related to elevation deviation among Central Plains HUC. .....................................39

3.13. Permanent water as related to the total numbers of rivers and streams among Central Plains
HUC. ...................................................................................................................................................39

3.14. Frequency and spatial distribution of playas in the Central and Southern Plains....................................42

3.15. Playa frequencies of counties located within the Central and Southern Plains. ......................................43

3.16. Percent of county lands occupied by playas within the Central and Southern Plains..............................43

3.17. Mean size (ha) of playas in the Texas Panhandle....................................................................................45

3.18. Percent of playas larger than 40 ha in the Texas Panhandle....................................................................46

3.19. Count of playas deeper than 15.2 m (50 ft) in the Texas Panhandle. ......................................................47

3.20. Springs identified in the GNIS database..................................................................................................50

3.21. Count of springs per county in the Texas Panhandle...............................................................................51

3.22. Percent of springs medium-sized or larger in the Texas Panhandle. .......................................................53

3.23. Major lithic material sources commonly utilized in the Central and Southern Plains.............................57

3.24. Percentages of identified quarry/workshop sites in eastern Colorado and New Mexico.........................58

3.25. Composition of mammalian orders within the grassland and riparian ecotones of eastern

3.26. Colorado elk herds and population size in 1999......................................................................................67

3.27. Colorado deer herds and population size in 1999....................................................................................68

3.28. Colorado pronghorn herds and population size in 1999. .........................................................................69

4.1. Scatterplot of the frequency and ubiquity of three Paleoindian complexes from the Central
and Southern Plains.............................................................................................................................80

4.2. Scatterplot of the frequency and ubiquity of four ecological zones from the Central and
Southern Plains. ..................................................................................................................................82

4.3. Number of Clovis points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the Central

4.4. Number of Folsom points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the
Central Plains..........................................................................................................................................86

4.5. Number of Agate Basin points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the
Central Plains. .....................................................................................................................................87

4.6. Number of Hell Gap points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the
Central Plains. .....................................................................................................................................88

4.7. Number of Cody complex points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the
Central Plains. .....................................................................................................................................89

4.8. Total number of Paleoindian points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of
the Central Plains. ...............................................................................................................................91

4.9. Number of archaeological sites per county recorded in state files of the Central Plains...........................93

4.10. Density (sites/km2) of archaeological sites per county recorded in state files of the Central

4.11. Number of independent age assessments per county in Colorado...........................................................96

4.12. Number of Paleoindian sites per county recorded in state files of the Central Plains. ............................98

4.13. Percentage of Paleoindian sites per county recorded in state files of the Central Plains.........................99

4.14. Decreasing percentage of Paleoindian sites as compared to all sites, when the county sample
size is increased in western Nebraska. ................................................................................................105

4.15. Decreasing percentage of Paleoindian sites as compared to all sites, when the county sample
size is increased in eastern Colorado...................................................................................................106

5.1. Qualitatively assessed site types of the Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains. .......................................124

5.2. Site setting of the Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains..........................................................................125

5.3. Excavation areas of the Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains. ...............................................................128

5.4. Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates of late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains, arranged by complex......140

5.5. Calibrated radiocarbon dates of late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains, arranged by complex..........141

6.1. Mean, median and mode values of tool classes from sites on the Central Plains. .....................................154

6.2. Scatterplot of tool richness versus assemblage size from sites on the Central Plains................................154

6.3. Number of tools per m2 from sites on the Central Plains. .........................................................................155

6.4. Number of tool classes per m2 from sites on the Central Plains................................................................155

6.5. Scatterplot of assemblage size versus tool richness from sites in Northeastern Colorado ........................157

6.6. Scatterplot of assemblage size versus tool richness from sites in Northeastern Colorado, Claypool site
removed. .............................................................................................................................................157

6.7. Mean, median, and mode values of tool classes of sites in the Andersen collection.................................158

6.8. Mean, median, and mode values of tool classes of sites in the Andersen collection, Claypool and Slim
Arrow sites removed. ..........................................................................................................................158

6.9. Frequencies of tool classes from the Nall North and South sites, Cimarron County, Oklahoma. .............160

6.10. Percentages of tool classes from the Nall North and South sites, Cimarron County, Oklahoma ............160

6.11. Projectile point frequency from Central Plains sites. ..............................................................................163

6.12. Scatterplot of projectile point frequency versus excavation area among Central Plains sites .................163

6.13. Projectile points per m2 from sites in the Central Plains. ........................................................................164

6.14. Number of projectile points per Andersen site from Washington and Yuma Counties, Colorado..........165

6.15. Scatterplot of tool richness versus projectile point percentage among Andersen sites from
Washington and Yuma Counties, Colorado. .......................................................................................166

6.16. Number of projectile points per Baker site, Oklahoma/Texas Panhandles and Northeastern New
Mexico. ...............................................................................................................................................167

6.17. Mean values of tool classes among Folsom, Belen, and Cody complexes of the Judge study in
Central New Mexico. ..........................................................................................................................173

6.18. Mean number of projectile points and total number of sites per Paleoindian complex documented in
Central New Mexico. ..........................................................................................................................175

6.19. Number of projectile points per site in the Hofman Folsom sample, Southern High Plains ...................177
6.20. Number of tools per site in the Hofman Folsom sample, Southern High Plains .....................................178

7.1. Total species representation at Paleoindian sites on the Central Plains.....................................................185

7.2. Types of fauna documented at Paleoindian sites from the Central Plains. ................................................186

7.3. Scatterplot of species richness versus HUC river density. ........................................................................190

7.4. Scatterplot of species richness versus HUC percentage of permanent water. ...........................................190

7.5. Scatterplot of species richness versus excavation size. .............................................................................193

7.6. Bison MNI of Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains. ..............................................................................196

7.7. Scatterplot of bison MNI versus excavation area. .....................................................................................196

7.8. Scatterplot of bison MNI versus total species richness. ............................................................................197

7.9. Known seasonality of Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains. ..................................................................197

7.10. Bison MNI as related to season of occupation. .......................................................................................199

7.11. Number of hearths recorded per component from Paleoindian sites on the Great Plains........................213

7.12. Counties and frequencies of components examined for Paleoindian hearths in the Great Plains............214

7.13. Scatterplot of the total number of hearths versus the excavation area.....................................................224

7.14. Scatterplot of the total number of hearths versus the total number of tools. ...........................................225

7.15. Plan map of hearths at the Ray Long site, South Dakota. .......................................................................228

7.16. Relative vertical distribution of hearths at the Allen site, Nebraska........................................................229

7.17. Hearth area and depth of Plains Paleoindian hearths...............................................................................231

7.18. Hearth area and depth of Plains Paleoindian, Texas Archaic, and ethnographic features. ......................231

7.19. Plan map of Paleoindian features at the Barton Gulch site, Montana......................................................235

7.20. Locations of known Paleoindian structures in North America................................................................237

7.21. Paleoindian structures identified in North America. ...............................................................................243

7.22. Additional Paleoindian structures identified in North America. .............................................................244

8.1. Locations of the datasets examined in this chapter. ..................................................................................253

8.2. Early Paleoindian representation within the Central Plains and adjacent regions. ....................................265

8.3. Late Paleoindian representation within the Central Plains and adjacent regions.......................................265

8.4. Folsom site density in the Central Plains and surrounding regions. ..........................................................276

8.5. Paleoindian site density in the Central Plains and surrounding regions. ...................................................276

8.6. Negative relationship between Paleoindian site density and size of region. .............................................277

8.7. Mean and standard deviation site densities of Paleoindian complexes in the Central Plains and
surrounding regions.............................................................................................................................277

8.8. Scatterplot of Paleoindian complex representation versus total number of tools in Northeastern

8.9. Site reoccupation rates in the Central Plains and adjacent regions............................................................285


but man they were here

they were here I swear
not just these bleaching bones
stretching across the plain

James McMurtry, “No More Buffalo”

This dissertation grew from over ten years of traveling across the Great Plains, looking across the

dusty dash and out the pitted windshield at landscapes drifting by with each passing mile. Having had the

privilege of visiting and working at some amazing Paleoindian sites, I often wondered as to how all these

sites tied together – big and small – and how their past occupants interacted with diverse landscapes, so

readily visible out the side window. Like any good study, the answers to those questions were sought in the

comfort of friends and colleagues, without whom this study would not have been possible. I would like to

express my sincere gratitude to those who have helped shape and inform my inquiry along the way,

beginning with my patient dissertation committee.

I would like to thank my advisor and committee chair David Meltzer for his continued support of

this study, developed over years of working in the lab and field on Quest Paleoindian projects. David

always encouraged (and allowed) me to think “big picture” about the Paleoindian world and for that I am

most grateful. David is one of those rare communicators, at least in the archaeology world, that can make

words leap from the page, weaving facts and ideas together into a compelling story as spun by a master

artisan. Thanks David, for your support and guidance. I also thank the assistance of the Quest

Archaeological Research Fund (QARF), of which David Meltzer is the director, as it made much of my

work possible.

Lewis Binford’s rabid intellectual curiosity continues to inspire my work. Seemingly never

satisfied, Lew always challenged me to examine problems from different scales and to use my creativity in

the analysis (not in the interpretation) of the problem at hand. I encountered plenty of research “dead-ends”

during this study, but I consider that part of a productive, germane science -- learn and move on. Garth

Sampson always served as a voice of clarity and reason, first in the classroom and then in designing a

simple and straightforward study. Although this dissertation is a bit bloated by Garth’s standards, he

should not lose faith, as his message of short and succinct writing has taken hold in my work, maybe just

not here! Finally, Lawrence Todd gave me my start in field archaeology, always challenging me to

question what is already known and take nothing as a given, as even simple models are quite complex and

in need of modification. Larry continues to encourage, motivate, and train a new generation of field

archaeologists and I thank Larry for setting me down that same path at Hudson-Meng. And to think, I

almost worked in the Southwest that summer.

My dear friends, forever linked to the Department of Anthropology at Southern Methodist

University and who served many countless nights locked in the HOAL (History of Archaeology Lab),

deserve many thanks for their encouragement, support, and camaraderie. Brian Andrews, Michael Bever,

Joseph Miller, and John Seebach influenced many of my ideas on hunter-gatherer landscape use, but better

yet, my taste in music, and gave me plenty of laughs and memories of a rich and rewarding time. I could

not have asked for a better Paleo gang.

I would be remiss without mentioning the support of many friends and colleagues. These fine

folks include Mike Adler, Allen Aksamit, Tony Baker, Jeannette Blackmar, Michael Bletzer, Scott

Brosowske, David Byers, Allison Byrnes, Hilary Chester, Lana Coggeshall, Michael Collins, Jeff Eighmy,

Bob Foxworth, Eric Gantt, Jason Garber, Ryan Garber, Rusty Greaves, Keri Hicks, Matthew E. Hill,

Matthew G. Hill, Jack Hofman, Vance Holliday, David Kilby, Ed Knell, Phil LeTourneau, Tom Loebel,

Mark Muniz, Kit Nelson, Trisha Nelson, John Phinney, Frederic Sellet, Steve Sherman, Scott Slessman,

Mark Stiger, Todd Surovell, Paul Thacker, Ken and Kathy Turner, Grayson, Myra, and Tom Westfall,

Chris Widga, and Pei-Lin Yu. Thank you all for your help and friendship!

This dissertation was based in great part on archaeological collections and records archived at

several fine institutions spread across the Central and Southern Plains. I would like to thank the staff of the

following museums and repositories for their help in accessing these materials: Tom Myers and Beth

Wilkins of the University of Nebraska State Museum (Lincoln, NE); the late Ken Turner of the No Man’s

Land Historical Museum (Goodwell, OK); Jim Dixon, Steve Holen, and Ryntha Johnson of the Denver

Museum of Nature and Science (Denver, CO); Deborah Confer and Richard Wilshusen of the University of

Colorado Museum of Natural History (Boulder, CO); the late Jack Hughes, Jeff Indeck, and Rolla Shaller

of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Canyon, TX); Phyllis Randolph of the Cimarron Heritage

Center (Boise City, OK); the staff of the University of Denver Anthropology Museum (Denver, CO);

Loretta Martin of the Louden-Henritze Archaeology Museum (Trinidad, CO); and Michael Fox of the

Wyoming State Museum (Cheyenne, WY); as well as the C.V. Haynes collection housed at the Institute for

the Study of Earth and Man at Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX). Additional State Historic

Preservation data was gathered from working with friendly individuals such as Mary Sullivan, Margaret

Van Ness, and Kevin Black at the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Colorado (Denver,

CO); Jeremy Kulisheck and the staff of the Laboratory of Anthropology in New Mexico (Santa Fe, NM);

Trisha Nelson and John Swigart of the Nebraska State Historical Society (Lincoln, NE); Lee Bement and

the staff of the Oklahoma Archeological Survey (Norman, OK); and Carolyn Spock and the staff of the

Texas Archeological Research Lab (Austin, TX).

Several private artifact collections were also studied in detail, and I would like to thank Al Baker,

Tony Baker, Forrest Fenn, the Mountain family, Bobby Nickey, Al Parrish, Richard Tooley, Terry Thrall,

the Westfall family, as well as others in Cimarron County, Oklahoma and Yuma County, Colorado for

access and insights into their private collections. Beth Jernigan and her family graciously supported our

work on her land at the Nall site, even pitching in with shovel and wheel barrow work. Tony Baker also

worked at his grandfather’s favorite site, and has remained a good friend over the years. Kenneth and

Dorothy Mitchell kindly allowed access to their land and the relocation and testing of the Slim Arrow site.

Tom Westfall helped out in numerous ways during our work at Slim Arrow, providing us a place to stay

and play horseshoes on the High Plains.

Many thanks to Vance Holliday and his drivers/corers (Jemuel Ripley, James Mayer, and Ty

Sabin), who provided a baseline to many of our Quest archaeological investigations over the last decade.

Vance continues to provide a good sounding board for many of my questions about Paleoindians and

geoarchaeology on the Great Plains. The many fine folks making up SMU (1995-1996) and SMU-Quest

crews (1997-2002) are also thanked for their hard work in the field. We had some great times – over

dinners in backyards, in dusty trucks, and out in the hot sun.

This research was supported by several sources, including grants from the Institute for the Study

of Earth and Man at Southern Methodist University; the family of Claude C. Albritton, Jr; the Karen

Greiner Endowment for Colorado Archaeology at Colorado State University; and the Clements Center for

Southwest Studies at Southern Methodist University. The writing of this dissertation was supported by the

Gary Weber/U. Narayan Bhat Graduate Fellowship at Southern Methodist University. The Quest Research

Fund, supported much of the fieldwork reported herein, and served as a strong foundation during my

graduate career.

Finally and most importantly, I thank my family for their emotional and financial support during

my long graduate years. Although school was difficult at times, my family always served as an escape

from Dallas and the life of a pauper student. This study is dedicated to the memory of my late Mother,

Marlys Mae LaBelle, and to my Father, Rene Mitchel LaBelle, for their ever-lasting encouragement and

support. My Brother and Sister, Michael and Christine, and their families, are also thanked for their loving

support. A heartfelt thanks to you all.

Chapter 1


Were Paleoindians of the Central Plains highly mobile bison hunting specialists? The short

answer is probably no, at least not all the time. But seemingly straightforward questions such as this often

times require much more complex answers. For nearly 80 years, archaeologists have sought to recover

basic data aimed at building models of Paleoindian adaptations to the Great Plains. Some of these data do

support the basic premise that Paleoindians were prehistoric hunter-gatherers maintaining high residential

mobility, rarely reoccupying the same place, and practicing a subsistence strategy focused on large

ungulates, primarily bison (e.g., Frison and Todd 1986; Fulgham and Stanford 1982; Wheat 1972). The

pursuit of this highly mobile game, as the proposed core of Paleoindian economy, is modeled to necessitate

an elevated residential mobility and a curated bifacial tool kit (Goodyear 1989; Hofman and Todd 2001;

Kelly 1996; Kelly and Todd 1988). This lifestyle is specifically linked to a period (roughly 11,500 to 8,000

radiocarbon years before present) which corresponds to the terminal Pleistocene and initial Holocene, a

period representing early (if not the earliest) settlement of the continent as well as a boom in bison

populations following megafaunal extinctions of game such as mammoths, camels, and horses (Graham

and Mead 1987; Grayson and Meltzer 2003; Mead and Meltzer 1985).

Yet, there is also evidence supporting alternative reconstructions of less mobile Plains Paleoindian

foragers, who often reoccupied sites, utilized local resources, maintained diverse diets, and in some cases,

built features and structures (Amick 1994a; Bamforth 1985, 1988, 2002a,b; Hill 2000; Irwin-Williams et al.

1973; Johnson 1987; Meltzer 1993; Stiger and Bjornstad 2002; Wilmsen and Roberts 1978). Although

some argue that part of this diversity in adaptation represents separate ethnic groups (i.e., the Foothill-

Mountain, Great Plains, and Eastern Woodland peoples of Brunswig 1999; Frison and Grey 1980; Johnson

1989; Pitbaldo 1999a), it seems as (or more) reasonable to hypothesize that this variability represents

segments of

larger hunter-gatherer adaptive systems. Seemingly diverse adaptive signatures could simply represent

segments of the same system (Binford 1980, 1982, 1983).

One could argue ad infinitum as to which reconstruction is a more accurate representation of

Paleoindian systems. But both generalizations have at least some empirical support. Thus, rather than

debate the merits of either model, I take as a given that hunter-gatherer systems are inherently flexible and

are organized with respect to the resource structure of the landscape. In essence, what works in some areas

might not necessarily work in others. This study is an argument for post-colonization Paleoindians as place

oriented foragers, rather than technologically oriented foragers (cf. Kelly and Todd 1988:239).

A productive research strategy examines where this variability occurs, in what form it takes, and at

what spatial scale it is visible. This is a more practical and rewarding endeavor than simply creating a

straw-man argument as to whether or not Paleoindians were mobile and hunted bison, because there is

overwhelming evidence supporting the fact that Paleoindians probably hunted bison at nearly every

opportunity (Hofman and Todd 2001)! But was every waking moment spent in pursuit of bison? What

else did they do during the year? Where else did they operate, other than in those prime bison habitats?

The first step in examining this variability is a vigorous examination of the data at hand. How

representative are the data that went into creating these models? Are the models based on all the available

data? What will the prehistoric Paleoindian world look like when all the available data are organized and

examined with a productive research strategy?

The Impetus and Goals of the Dissertation

As with most dissertations, the final form rarely matches the initial plans or expectations and this

study is no different. The original work began as an attempt to record, excavate, and interpret a series of

previously unknown Paleoindian sites from two areas within the Central Plains of northeastern Colorado

and the Oklahoma Panhandle. I focused on the Central Plains for two primary reasons. First we knew little

about Paleoindians in the region, save for several dispersed but important sites (Stanford 1984; Wheat

1972, 1979; Wormington 1988). Second, the Central Plains are located between two well-documented

areas, that of the Northwestern Plains (Frison 1991) and the Southern High Plains or Llano Estacado (e.g.,

Hester 1972; Holliday 1997; Johnson 1989). Results obtained in this study could easily be compared to the

other regions.

My research primarily focused on two collections, that of the Andersen and Baker families (see

Appendix A for a history of the collections). The project began as a fairly straightforward task, in terms of

measuring the large numbers of tools, recording attributes of sites, plotting spatial locations, among other

tasks. This led to field projects aimed at providing additional context to the collections-based research that

forms the core of this dissertation. Many months went into data collection, months spent on the road in

museums and homes across the Central Plains.

Finally it came time to analyze the dataset. And this is where the problems began. Looking

around the literature, it became quite clear that there was not a framework in place for comparing these two

large samples of sites. Models of Paleoindian subsistence and lithic technology had been proposed for the

Great Plains, some of which were linked to evolutionary processes such as migration and extinction. But I

wanted and needed something different. I needed a regional baseline for understanding the patterns evident

in these collections.

Thus, I began a literature review of the published record, compiling data on all the known

Paleoindian sites located near these two areas of the Central Plains. Right away, I determined that these

collections were different in several important ways from the typical published data. First, they contained

large numbers of sites. This was different from Paleoindian models that emphasized the overall rarity of

Paleoindian sites, spread over large amounts of space. Second, these sites were clustered in small areas and

in generally poor ecotones (presently located in dune fields). What were they doing in these environments

and why were they clustered so tightly in space? Third, the sites contained a mix of both large and small

assemblages. The majority of these sites were not the typical bison kill or processing site, nor were they

located on raw material source areas, where abundant lithic debris and large tool assemblages might be


So what did these differences mean? Were they significant? And did our current models of

Paleoindian organization anticipate such findings? This study was formed to answer these questions and

provide a baseline of Paleoindian data, to be used for revising current models of Paleoindian organization.

In the pages that follow, I argue that our Paleoindian dataset is inherently biased, and that in many cases,

only the largest, most robust, and interesting Paleoindian sites have been used to construct models of

Paleoindian organization. I believe that a different picture of Paleoindian systems is evident when all sites

are examined – big or small – in regards to the regional organization. I maintain that despite models

suggesting otherwise, Paleoindian hunter-gatherers could not, and therefore did not, live their lives in

identical fashion across vast expanses of the Great Plains.

The goal of this dissertation is to document patterns exhibited in the Paleoindian sites and isolates

of the Central Plains. Given the scope of the study, I take a broad-brush approach as an attempt at pattern

recognition. Many of the Chapters that follow serve to examine inter-related topics of Paleoindian

organization (site function and landscape use) within and between the Central Plains and the surrounding


Organization of the Dissertation

Chapter Two sets the stage for the dissertation. Commonly cited principles of Paleoindian

organization are described and inherent weaknesses are suggested to these models. The latter portion of the

Chapter discusses the sample drawn for this study.

Chapter Three explores the spatial variability of three environmental datasets from the Central

Plains. First, the availability and abundance of water is examined through an analysis of the modern

distributions of watersheds, springs, and playas. Characteristics of their size and density document that

there are drastic differences in the quality of water sources on the Central Plains. Second, I document the

known locations of lithic raw materials. Finally, I examine species richness and evenness among modern

animal communities spread across several ecotones. As well, I present the actual number of elk, pronghorn

antelope, and deer to demonstrate the tremendous carrying capacity of the modern region. This Chapter

documents that the Central Plains are hardly homogenous in environmental structure, and that there are

structural differences evident between the ecotones. Such differences were assuredly present in

Paleoindian times as well. It follows that there should be differences reflected in the hunter-gatherer

adaptations to these ecotones as well.

Chapter Four presents a baseline of Paleoindian data gathered from published and unpublished

sources from the Central Plains. Using the records of State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), I

examine the number of Paleoindian sites as compared to sites of other ages (and types) from the greater

region. As well, I review the known frequencies and locations of Paleoindian projectile points in the area.

Using these sources, I demonstrate that Paleoindian sites and projectile points are not particularly rare and

are distributed across the entire Great Plains. I argue that this level of data are useful for showing the

presence of Paleoindian sites, but the data illustrate more of the sampling issues rather than Paleoindian

behavior. This fact is demonstrated in the following Chapters, where an abundance of new sites are

described and explored, the sheer density and frequency of which seriously calls into question the validity

of any the patterns derived from the SHPO and isolate data.

Chapter Five examines site-specific issues. I introduce the sample of sites explored in the

subsequent Chapters. I also investigate several topics, including site types, site setting, excavation sample

sizes, and the 14C record of sites in the Central Plains. The data suggest that there are a wide variety of site

types, some more common than others. When combined, the dataset suggest that a large number of

activities took place across the region, not just bison kills. These activities took place at a number of site

settings, suggesting that these ancient hunter-gatherers exploited many different ecotones. Excavation

sample size is examined to explore relationships of sample size effect. Finally, the 14C record demonstrates

that there is a nearly continuous occupation of the Central Plains, from the Late Pleistocene through Early


Chapter Six examines two measures of assemblage diversity. First, I compare patterns of

assemblage size and the diversity of tool classes among the Central Plains data. Second, I compare

projectile point frequencies between sites. Both measures demonstrate that there are both large and small

sites within the Central Plains and adjacent regions, but the vast majority of sites are quite small. Although

projectile points dominate many sites, other sites exhibited greater tool richness, suggesting that not all sites

were used equally.

Chapter Seven addresses the subsistence and housing practices of Early Holocene foragers.

Patterns in faunal data are explored first, in terms of species diversity, seasonality, and bison predation.

Quite different signatures are present, perhaps related in part to the location of the site on the landscape.

For example, sites with diverse faunal assemblages are all located within major alluvial valleys. Second, I

examine characteristics of fire-features, such as hearths, among sites in the Central Plains. The number of

hearths varies per site, with large numbers of hearths more common in sites within alluvial valleys or in

other protected settings. Third, I examine the presence of plants and ground stone from sites in the region.

Although most sites do not contain plant remains, many instead contain ground stone. Whether this related

to plant use is not known, but again, many of these sites with ground stone are located in rich ecotones.

Finally, I examine the distribution of houses within the Paleoindian period of the continent. All the

structures are located in diverse ecotones and are not within the Central Plains proper, especially the High

Plains. This again suggests variability in how landscapes were being used by Paleoindian groups.

Chapter Eight examines three measures of regional Paleoindian intensity. This includes the

ubiquity of cultural complexes, the density of sites per km2, and the reoccupation rate of sites. These are

calculated for sites within the Central Plains, as well as adjacent regions, to determine whether some

regions were used more intensively than others. While some of the patterns are probably related to

sampling issues, the data suggest that some regions were able to support sustained occupation over

thousands of years, whereas other regions were used for only certain periods and not others.

Finally, Chapter Nine summarizes the dissertation. I provide concluding thoughts on the success

of the study and suggest ways of furthering this research on the Early Holocene inhabitants of the Central

Plains and beyond.

Chapter 2


This study has one fundamental purpose, to dismantle the notion that there is a single Paleoindian

adaptation for the Central Plains, which is of a group of highly mobile bison hunters always in constant

pursuit of the next large kill. This is not to say the standing model is not without merit, as there is a large

body of empirical data supporting this generalization, however, I will argue that there is stronger evidence

supporting a diversity of adaptations within the Central Plains as expressed in site types, site sizes, and

subsistence strategies which tend to vary depending upon the landscape position of the sites in question.

Extant models do not adequately account for such diversity in the data.

This study concerns itself with the variability expressed in the Paleoindian record, primarily the

Central Plains of North America. The dissertation is an attempt to examine all the available data, in order

to provide an accurate estimate of the range of archaeological signatures expressed in the record. I will

analyze and synthesize a diverse set of assemblages, from published and unpublished sources, and

representing multiple spatial and temporal scales. The variability takes many forms, including the material

remains discarded at hundreds of sites, as well as patterns archaeologists have derived from this record.

There are biases in both: for example, many of our models are based on only a partial reading of the

available data, and in many cases, issues of preservation and exposure bias the types of available

archaeological data.

This Chapter is divided into two sections. In the first section, I review the basic factors that fuel

the model of highly mobile specialized bison hunters, after which I point out weaknesses that I will address

throughout the remainder of this study. In the latter section, I detail the data sources used throughout this


Principles of Paleoindian Organization

I begin with a review of the major principles of Paleoindian organization presented in the current

literature. There have been repeated attempts at describing the Paleoindian system organization ever since

Roberts coined the term over 60 years ago (Roberts 1940), but this has proven a difficult task, as

Paleoindian complexes are hardly uniform in adaptation.

As used here, Paleoindian is a chronological term specifically referring to human groups

occupying North America during the period spanning approximately 11,500 rcybp to 8,000 rcybp. I refer

to “rcybp” dates throughout this study, which denotes RadioCarbon Years Before Present. Although there

are obvious differences in the temporal ranges of calibrated and uncalibrated dates, the overall patterns are

similar (see Chapter 5). I prefer to use the raw source data, given that calibration datasets and techniques

will continue to improve in quality in the coming years, thereby changing any of the calibrated date ranges

presented here.

The early end of the Paleoindian range marks the first widespread appearance of the Clovis

complex (Haynes 2002; Holliday 2000; Sellards 1952), whereas the 8,000 date is often used as a

convenient breaking point between the geological periods of early and Middle Holocene. Many also

attribute the date as roughly the beginning of the Middle Holocene drying event known as the Altithermal

(Antevs 1948; Clark et al. 2002; Meltzer 1991, 1995b, 1999; Sheehan 1994), as well as the beginning of a

different adaptation type, that of the generalized Archaic forager (Bamforth 1997; Frison 1998; Kay 1998;

Larson and Francis 1997). Many culture-complexes are subsumed under this label of Paleoindian, given a

span of 3,500 radiocarbon years. The span in calibrated calendar years is even longer, as dates of this

antiquity are approximately 2,000 years older in calendar years than in radiocarbon years (Eighmy and

LaBelle 1996; Fiedel 1999; Taylor et al. 1996). The date ranges in 14C years for various Paleoindian

complexes from the Great Plains are presented in Table 2.1, as recently presented by Holliday (2000) in his

review of Paleoindian chronology. Radiocarbon dates pertinent to the Central Plains will be reviewed later

in Chapter 5.

But to many researchers, Paleoindian not only refers to a period, it also refers to a specific

subsistence and settlement strategy typically employed at the end of the Pleistocene. This strategy was

ostensibly focused on large mammal procurement (primarily bison), and was associated with high rates of

residential mobility, and the use of reliable stone toolkits. A major conflict is evident when the term is used

to reference to a specific adaptive strategy as well as a temporal period. For example, there is abundant

evidence of hunter-gatherer groups inhabiting nearly the entire North American continent by at least 10,000

rcybp (see papers in Bonnichsen and Turnmire 1999; e.g., Storck 1991). Many of the prehistoric

occupations occurring before this date are usually referred to as Paleoindian. But the term is usually not

used after 10,000 rcybp (or at all) in several regions of North America, such as the Eastern Woodlands or

the Great Basin and Far West, primarily because the evidence for large mammal predation and high

mobility is debatable, if not lacking (e.g., Anderson and Sassaman 1996; Anderson and Hanson 1988; Beck

and Jones 1997; Erlandson 1994). Yet on the Great Plains, the stereotypical pattern of big-game hunting

continues well beyond 10,000 rcybp and into the Early Holocene (Frison 1991; Hofman and Graham 1998;

Wedel 1986).

Use of the term Paleoindian as a temporal label avoids making presumptions regarding

adaptations, patterns that should be demonstrated empirically rather than assumed. Instead, I take as an

opening hypothesis that there should be variability in the subsistence and settlement strategies of forager

groups inhabiting the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of North America, especially after they have

acquired some familiarity with the abundance and quality of their regional resource structure. Using this as

a point of departure, one can examine where and under what conditions this variability operated, and thus

avoid the mistake of making a priori assumptions about group adaptation or organization based solely upon

a label.

Table 2.1: Approximate beginning and ending radiocarbon dates of Paleoindian complexes from the Great
Plains and adjacent regions (summarized from Holliday 2000:265-271).

Northern Plains Southern Plains Woodlands/Texas

(rcybp) (rcybp) (rcybp)
Clovis 11600-11000
(possibly to 10800)
Folsom 10900-10200 10900-10100
Goshen ca. 11000
Agate Basin 10500-10000
Hell Gap 10500-9500
Dalton 10500-9500
Alberta/Cody 10200-9400
(possibly to 9000)
Lubbock Lake ca. 9950
St. Mary's Hall 9500-8500
Cody 9400-8800
(possibly to 8000)
Allen 9400-7800
Golondrina 9200-8900
Texas Angostura 8800-8000

Where do these generalizations of what it means to be “Paleoindian” come from? Many of these

ideas were born from the archaeological data and initially suggested in earlier descriptive publications (e.g.,

Howard 1935; Roberts 1935, 1936, 1940; Sellards 1952; Wormington 1957). But the generalizations were

formalized in the 1970s and 1980s, when more theoretical studies of hunter-gatherer organization took hold

(Kelly 1983, 1988, 1992; Kelly and Todd 1988; Nelson 1991) and models of Paleoindian organization were

formed (e.g., Bamforth 1988, 1991a; Bement 1999; Frison 1982c, 1991; Greiser 1985; Haynes 1966;

Hofman and Todd 2001; Kelly and Todd 1988; Martin 1967, 1973; Meltzer 1993; Meltzer and Smith 1986;

Steele et al. 1998; Surovell 2000).

In general, the models consist of three components: group mobility, subsistence, and the lithic

toolkit. The three components are obviously interconnected, but they make for useful analytical

subdivisions, each of which having a robust history of research and analysis. In this study, I focus on two

of the three components, high mobility (Table 2.2) and subsistence specialization (Table 2.3).

Arguments Proposed for High Residential Mobility and Subsistence Specialization of Bison

High mobility is probably the most argued characteristic of Paleoindian groups (Table 2.2). The

primary reason cited is the specialization in bison hunting, which is thought to require a high residential

mobility organized around monitoring and moving in tandem with the herd. High residential mobility is

exhibited in two forms: frequently moving the camp and moving considerable distances between camps.

Paleoindian populations are thought to never spend long periods at any one place. As a

consequence, most sites are modeled to be approximately the same size and small in terms of the number of

discarded tools. As well, sites should show redundancy in tool assemblages between sites, in terms of the

richness/evenness of tool classes, all dominated by projectile points due to the nature of the site occupation.

In addition to occupying sites for short periods, Paleoindian groups would not occupy the same

sites repeatedly. Since most of the sites are related to bison procurement, which were probably randomly

encountered on the landscape, it should be expected that sites would not be reoccupied by either the same

group or by subsequent Paleoindian groups. Many Paleoindian sites support such an assertion (Mulloy

1959; Wheat 1972; Fulgham and Stanford 1982).

Following the same argument of randomized bison movement over large landscapes, it seems

probable that Paleoindian groups would have also randomly searched for game over those same large areas.

Given the presumably low population and density of human groups, it follows that sites should be widely

dispersed within any given region (Hester and Grady 1977) because there are no favored locations for


Paleoindians are also modeled to travel considerable distances, which is monitored by the sources

of the raw materials present in the site assemblages. Often times the artifacts are made of raw materials

located considerable distances from where the items were discarded. While the mechanism for movement

of these materials is certainly debated (LeTourneau 2000; MacDonald 1998, 1999), the fact remains that

these materials travel considerable distances, perhaps representing the overall range that these Paleoindian

groups operated within (Amick 1996; Hofman 1990, 1991, 1992; Hofman et al. 1991; Holen 2001).

The second interconnected component of Paleoindian systems is bison hunting itself, verging on

bison specialization (Table 2.3). The evidence for bison playing the prominent role in Paleoindian

subsistence is well researched and argued (Frison 1991; Todd 1987a; Todd et al. 1990; Wheat 1978a).

However, for all the importance that bison played in the subsistence system, they were not necessarily

intensively utilized. Paleoindian bison kills often contain anywhere from one to two individuals, to

upwards of several hundred animals in later Paleoindian sites, especially manifest during the Cody complex

(e.g., Fulgham and Stanford 1982; Frison and Todd 1987; Stanford 1984; Wheat 1967, 1972). Yet,

Paleoindian groups did not routinely process the remains thoroughly, either for meat, marrow, or skins,

which is unlike many late prehistoric and Archaic-aged kills dating between 4000-500 rcybp (e.g., Frison

1970; Frison 1973a,b; Reher and Frison 1980). Only a small portion of these assemblages display cut

marks, green bone breaks from marrow processing, and/or evidence for heating or burning (e.g., Bement

1999; Borresen 2002; Hill 2001; Todd 1987b; Todd et al. 1997). Thus, many of the patterns evident in

bison use suggest short-term occupations, given the lack of other food sources or the amount of food

actually utilized.

Since bison hunting was the primary factor in subsistence and mobility organization, it then

follows that there should be little need for plant resources (at least as food sources) because high mobility

would have left little time for searching or processing plant staples and there certainly would not have been

time to devote experimenting with any new plant resources. Most models demonstrate that there is little

empirical evidence of plants across all Paleoindian sites, as well as limited amounts of ground stone.

Table 2.2: Common arguments for high residential mobility.

Commonly Argued
Pattern Statement Reason
Archaeological Evidence
• Subsistence strategy focused on
Paleoindians • Sheer dominance of bison
bison hunting, where human
maintained a high in faunal assemblages
mobility must match that of the
rate of residential • Large to very large bison
bison herd
mobility kills
• Small site size
• Small assemblage size
• Had to keep monitoring and • Low richness in tool classes
occupied sites for
pursuing prey or risk loss of food • Little differentiation in tool
source, therefore sites were only assemblages between sites
only brief periods
occupied for short periods • Lack of storage features,
hearths, habitation
structures, site furniture
Paleoindians moved • Had to move large distances per • Raw materials of stone tools
High considerable residential move to follow source to distant or exotic
Residential distances over time widely migrating game locations
Mobility • Kills were encounter-based
forays because prey species were
randomly distributed across the
• Lack of sites featuring
Paleoindian sites • Foragers moved their camps
reoccupation by either the
were not reoccupied from kill to kill
same culture complex or
• Therefore, there would be little subsequent complexes
or no need to return to a
previously occupied site unless
prey were encountered again at
the same place
• Foragers did not occupy regional
Paleoindian sites are patches for long periods and did • Low number of sites
uncommon to rare not return to the same patches • Low density of sites
within any region • The overall population and
density of these groups was low

Table 2.3: Common arguments for subsistence specialization.

Commonly Argued
Pattern Statement Reason
Archaeological Evidence
• Low richness and skewed
Paleoindians were
evenness of species in faunal
specialized bison • Short occupation
hunters duration
• Both clearly show dominance of
• Little evidence for human
Subsistence • Sites were only activity; few cut marks, impacts,
Paleoindians did not occupied for brief burning
intensively process periods of time, and by • Lack of intensive processing
faunal remains only a small number of features; most hearths are for low
people temperature meat roasting, not
grease productions
• Little time to gather
Paleoindians did not • Lack of macrofossil remains
plants because foragers
use plants as a • Lack of processing equipment
were constantly on the
dominant food source (ground stone)

Paleoindian Generalizations: Are They Based on All the Available Data?

As stated earlier, many of the generalizations outlined in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 have empirical

support. But do they tell the whole story? The danger with any of these generalizations is that they

necessarily mask variability, thereby skewing an understanding of the underlying factors that give rise to

the patterns at hand.

Any one of these characteristics can be shown to be variable, some more so than others. Deviation

from the generalizations can be caused by the site’s location on the landscape, the time of year the site was

occupied, or the length of site occupation. As well, there is always the problem of poor sampling, both on

the local and regional levels. I am not trying to make an argument for the uniqueness of sites, such that

each site is virtually incomparable to other sites. Rather, there are local conditions, played out at both the

temporal and spatial scales, which bound the types of sites that were created, how long they were occupied,

and why they were eventually abandoned. Hunter-gatherers forage across local resource patches (perhaps

mindful of regional patches, but foraging on a local level). Therefore, patterns in the distribution and

abundance of ecological variables must be considered when examining models of Paleoindian landscape


Part of the difficulty in thinking “outside the Paleoindian box” is that any other pattern seems

suspect, since we seemingly have reason and evidence to believe that Paleoindians were solely bison

hunters. Consider this recent assessment of the Plains Paleoindian record: “the unifying theme of the Plano

complex, as used here and by most archaeologists, is that it collectively represents late Paleoindian (10,200

to 8,000 rcybp) groups that had an economic focus during most of the year on bison hunting” (Hofman and

Graham 1998:103). Yet in reality we know little about these groups, other than they hunted bison. As

Hofman and Graham (1998:121) go on to state, “for most of the Paleo-Indian cultural complexes on the

Plains, we know very little about site structure, dwellings, group organization, intergroup relationships,

economic-territory size, alternative or backup subsistence strategies, or mortuary practices.” If we know so

little about these things, then why do we believe that bison hunting had to be the predominant, year-round

organizing factor?

Is a departure from the notion of “Paleoindians as specialized bison hunters” such a shock that

anything else is seen as aberrant or perhaps the work on an entirely different culture? Or does this indicate

that we simply do not appreciate the full spectrum of presently available data, all of which was produced by

people living on the Plains during the Early Holocene (whatever we might want to label them:

Paleoindians, Archaic foragers, etc.).

This dissertation fundamentally questions these principles of Paleoindian organization,

specifically targeting concepts of high mobility (Table 2.4) and subsistence specialization focused on bison

(Table 2.5). For example, bison played an important, if not central, role in Paleoindian subsistence, but

there is also widespread evidence of additional species being incorporated into Paleoindian diets (e.g.,

Johnson 1987; Jones 1999; Mallouf and Mandel 1997; Wilmsen and Roberts 1978). Where are these sites

located, and what role do they play in Paleoindian adaptation?

High species richness is often found at sites apparently occupied for longer periods (Bamforth

2002b; Davis 1962; Wheat 1979) than the large bison kills. Plant remains and ground stone have also been

found at these campsites (e.g., Armstrong 1993; Bamforth 1985; Davis et al. 1994; Frison 1973a:305,

Frison 1991:341-344; Hester 1983). Many sites clearly show reoccupation (Bamforth 2002b; Davis 1962;

Frison 1984; Frison and Stanford 1982b; Hester 1972; Irwin-Williams et al. 1973; Johnson 1987; Wilmsen

and Roberts 1978), suggesting that Paleoindian groups were not always exclusively following bison across

the landscape. Paleoindians regularly returned to specific locations, probably for resources not necessarily

related to bison procurement (although this certainly could have been embedded into any site occupation).

These “exceptions” to the generalizations lead me to question the central role that bison played in

the organization of mobility. Rather than being the focal point of the system, bison were perhaps simply a

factor of great consideration in the design of a settlement system, which maximized not only the

availability of bison, but also other resources that were critical on a daily and weekly scale to forager

groups, such as water, wood, plant materials, lithic materials, etc. Whereas some of these items were

probably embedded into Paleoindian systems, such as the design of a mobile stone toolkit (Bamforth 1986;

Bleed 1986; Goodyear 1989; Nelson 1991), others would have been necessary for everyday survival

(water, wood for fire and equipment).

In this study, I will argue that the body of Paleoindian data reflect two simple and broad

adaptations. First, foragers made short-term use of certain landscapes, such as the elevated grasslands or

the true High Plains, which was prime bison habitat but was not conducive to long-term human occupation.

The second broad adaptation is that of human foragers who camped for longer periods in well-watered and

wooded valleys, which provided both food and other important materials.

This study addresses forager groups inhabiting the Central Great Plains during the Early

Holocene, from 10,000 to 8,000 rcybp (Figure 2.1, shaded portion of map). At times, I reference additional

data from adjacent regions such as the Northern and Southern Great Plains, the Southwest and the Rocky

Mountains, as well as from earlier periods such as the terminal Pleistocene (11,500 to 10,000 rcybp). I do

so to broaden the scope of comparison to the Central Plains, to examine whether there are broad spatial or

temporal trends that go well beyond the boundaries of the study area.

Table 2.4: Potential factors altering model of high residential mobility.

Potential Factors Altering Data Examined Examined

Pattern Statement Reason and Cited in in
Evidence This Study Chapter
• Preferential selection of bison
kills for excavation
Paleoindians • Few non-kill sites • Site type
maintained a high available for study • Site setting
4, 5, and 6
rate of residential • Failure to systematically • Diversity of
mobility sample sites in different environments
ecotones, specifically non-
bison rich areas
• Seasonal differences in site
Paleoindians • Inadequate sampling by • Assemblage size
occupied sites for examining middens rather • Assemblage 6
only brief periods than habitation areas of sites diversity
• Not a firm grasp on variance
in site size
• Regional studies often based
Paleoindians on projectile points that are
moved curated items and often are
• Not examined
considerable kept for long periods of time
distances over time • Other items might not have
moved as far
• Animals were not randomly
distributed within landscape
Paleoindian sites • Animals were predictable
• Reoccupation
were not within certain landscape 8
reoccupied patches
• Some types of Paleoindian
sites were reoccupied
Paleoindian sites • Differential preservation • State site files
are uncommon to and/or exposure of sites • Examine patterns
4 and 8
rare within any • Poor sampling in recording as to why sites
region sites over large regions are rare

Table 2.5: Potential factors altering model of subsistence specialization.

Potential Factors Altering Data Examined

Pattern Statement Reason and Cited Examined in in
Evidence This Study Chapter
• Bias in the types of sites
• Site types
Paleoindians were • Failing to recognize
• Site locations
specialized bison differences in terms of 5 and 7
on the
hunters potential versus utilized niche

• Season of occupation
• Number of people available
to process the kill and
transport to camp • Site locations
Paleoindians did not
Subsistence • Number and type of prey • Species
intensively process 5 and 7
Specialization killed diversity
faunal remains
• Taphonomic processes that • Bison MNI
destroyed human evidence
• Human activity didn’t leave
evidence on faunal elements
• Feature
frequency and
• Relatively few features
Paleoindians did not size
(hearths, pits) available to
use plants as a food • Presence of 7
source ground stone
• Poor preservation of remains
• Presence of
plant remains

I chose the Central Great Plains for several reasons. Many site-level studies have been completed

in the Central Plains (e.g., Dick and Mountain 1960; Stanford 1984; Wheat 1972, 1979), but there have

been few syntheses of the data other than in the popular literature (Cassells 1983), in outdated forms

(Wormington 1957) or in large overviews of the entire prehistoric record (e.g., Gilmore et al. 1999;

Hofman 1996; Wedel 1986; Wood 1998; Zier and Kalasz 1999). The Central Plains are an ideal place to

examine the regional record, as there are published sites for comparison, large numbers of unreported sites,

and no prior synthesis. Given the sheer bulk of Paleoindian research completed to the north (Frison 1974,

1996; Frison and Bradley 1980; Frison and Stanford 1982b; Frison and Todd 1986, 1987) and to the south

(e.g., Johnson 1987; Hester 1972; Hofman 1995; Holliday 1997; Sellards 1952), there is clearly a large gap

in our knowledge of what was literally a crossroads of the Great Plains.

Figure 2.1: The study area (shaded in gray) with modern county boundaries within the states of Colorado,
Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

The literature of Plains Paleoindian studies takes one of two forms, site-based approaches or those

of broader regional focus. Both have merit, depending upon the questions asked and the nature of the data

evaluated. Site-level analyses have included economic studies of the procurement, processing, and discard

of prey (e.g., Borresen 2002; Byers 2001; Jones 1999; M.E. Hill 1996; M.G. Hill 1994, 2001; Meltzer et al.

2002), examination of taphonomic factors affecting site preservation (M.E. Hill 1994, 1996; Kreutzer 1996;

Todd 1987b; Todd and Frison 1986), and stone tool technology (e.g., Boldurian 1990; Hicks 2002; Ingbar

1992; Knudson 1983; Sellet 1999). Site-level analyses occasionally consider more than one component per

site, examining change over time by keeping the location constant (e.g., Bamforth 2002b; Hill 2001;

Johnson 1987; Sellet 1999).

In contrast, regional analyses examine patterns over broad space. Many regional studies examine

single periods, often focusing on patterns of lithic technology expressed in projectile points, such as Clovis

or Folsom (e.g., Amick 1994a, 1994b, 2000; Blackmar 1998b, 2001; LeTourneau 2000; Holen 2001;

Meltzer and Bever 1995). These studies hold time constant and instead focus on spatial difference manifest

in their samples. A common problem to regional studies is spatial sampling. Given that the available data

are often patchy, many times archaeological patterns defined in one area are stretched across empty space,

across areas where no archaeological data are available. Thus, in projecting patterns into areas with no

available data, these researchers are making the assumption that resources remained constant across space.

Projections might hold true if the resource structure remained constant, but often times it does not.

This present study attempts to differentiate itself from previous efforts in that I employ a multi-

scalar approach, incorporating both site and regional data. Both scales are used to examine the central

theme of this study, focused on local and regional resource structure. I argue that, all things being equal,

hunter-gatherer organization should be most similar in areas where the biotic community (plant/animal

types and their abundance), climate (temperature/precipitation), surface water (lakes/rivers/springs), and

raw materials are similar in structure. Deviation in any one of these variables should also affect aspects of

hunter-gatherer organization. But in general, the organizational system should remain relatively constant

through time, as long as there are not changes in the climate, biotic communities, or problems from over-

harvesting local resources (e.g., Broughton 1994a,b). Fundamentally, a consideration of local resources is

critical to understanding adaptations manifest across large space. Chapter 2 demonstrates that the Central

Plains are hardly homogenous in environmental resource structure. Therefore, we should not necessarily

expect similar adaptations across this large region.

Project Data Sources

Four primary sources were used in building this dissertation, each of which is incorporated into

the final product in varying degrees. The data collected for the study was primarily from individual tools

and assemblages held in private and public collections. Two large collections form the corpus of this set:

the Perry and Harold Andersen collection housed at the University of Nebraska State Museum in Lincoln,

Nebraska, and the William Baker collection housed at the No Man’s Land Historical Museum in Goodwell,

Oklahoma. Brief histories of these collections are presented in Appendix A. Several additional

Paleoindian collections were studied at other institutions, including the Denver Museum of Nature and

Science (Denver, CO), the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History (Boulder, CO), the

Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum (Canyon, TX), the Cimarron Heritage Center (Boise City, OK), the

University of Denver Anthropology Museum (Denver, CO), as well as the C.V. Haynes collection housed

at the Institute for the Study of Earth and Man at Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX).

In addition, I examined several privately held collections, including those of Al Baker, Tony

Baker, Jim Mountain, Richard Tooley, and Tom Westfall. I also had the opportunity to view other

privately owned materials while conducting field and collections research in the study area. It should be

well noted that the vast majority of Paleoindian tools are held in private collections and await study. As

this dissertation will point out, our understanding of the Paleoindian record is incomplete at best, therefore

the documentation of these collections is of great importance and value.

The second source of data used in this project was derived from fieldwork at two sites within the

study area. Several field seasons were spent at the Nall site, a stratified Paleoindian campsite discovered by

Baker in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Limited test excavations were also conducted at the Slim Arrow site, a

bison bonebed (kill) discovered and collected in the 1920s and 1930s by the Andersen family in

northeastern Colorado. Given the scope of this regional study, the results of these excavations are not

presented in detail in this thesis. However, summary data from these sites are incorporated into the study.

Preliminary papers of these sites are presented elsewhere (LaBelle 1999b, 2002b; LaBelle, Holliday, and

Meltzer 2003).

The third source of data came from Paleoindian sites documented in state archaeological files.

State offices were queried in five of the six states within the study area. These included the Office of

Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Colorado (Denver, CO), the Laboratory of Anthropology in New

Mexico (Santa Fe, NM), the Nebraska State Historical Society (Lincoln, NE), the Oklahoma Archeological

Survey (Norman, OK) and the Texas Archeological Research Lab (Austin, TX). For the Texas materials, I

supplemented the in-house state file search with both published materials (Biesaart et al. 1985; Simons

1988) and the Texas state archeological site atlas ( Due to time

constraints, I did not query the Kansas state files, using instead published distributions of Paleoindian sites

in the state (Brown and Logan 1987).

Finally, I reviewed the Paleoindian literature within the region and compiled data on individual

tools, as well as site-level characteristics, from both excavated and unexcavated sites. These data have

been combined with my primary data collected in the museum study.

This study includes two basic levels of data, that of the assemblage and of the individual tool.

Assemblage level data includes location, associated ages, geomorphic context, species and minimum

number of individuals of any fauna present, species of any flora, features (such as pits, hearths, or

structures), and amount of area excavated, among other things. Tool frequencies were also tabulated in

order to evaluate the tool richness and evenness of the assemblages. Tool classification was generalized,

based upon morphological characteristics and assumed functional relationship; no other techniques (such as

use-wear, replicative experiments) were used to classify tools. In all, 91 sites from the Andersen and Baker

collections were recorded, and 53 other sites were included based upon the published literature.

Chapter 3


In this Chapter, I present an overview of the ecological structure of the Central Plains, highlighting

natural resources potentially shaping mobility patterns of prehistoric hunter-gatherer groups. These

environmental characteristics, garnered primarily from modern data, form natural bounds within which

cultural systems operated. Three types of data are examined, including the location and abundance of

water, lithic raw materials used for the manufacture of tools, and potential food sources in the form of


The environmental data paint a picture of the Central Plains as a region that contains marked

diversity expressed along several axes. Rather than being a homogenous life zone, I demonstrate that there

are important structural differences that are probably related to differences expressed in the archaeological

record of the region. These differences are explored further in subsequent Chapters of this dissertation.


Three principle physiographic zones (Chronic and Chronic 1972; Fenneman 1931; Hunt 1967;

Trimble 1980) cross cut the study area, including the High Plains, the Colorado Piedmont, and the Raton

Volcanic Section (Figure 3.1). Each zone provides distinct ecological communities, varying from one

another both within and between each region.

High Plains

The High Plains are the remnants of a vast landform, roughly 5 million years old, that at one time

stretched eastward from the Rocky Mountains across the region. Today, the edge of the Ogallala surface

forms the eastern boundary of the study area. The High Plains are characterized by a gently undulating

terrain in most locations, to an almost completely flat mesa (the Llano Estacado) of enormous size on the

Southern Plains. As many mountain-fed rivers cut down through the Ogallala formation, and into

underlying sediment, the High Plains slowly eroded into mesas and buttes in the Central Plains. Famous

examples (Trimble 1980) include the Pawnee Buttes in northeastern Colorado and the Scottsbluff mesa in

western Nebraska.

The High Plains are covered in many areas by Quaternary alluvium in drainages, and eolian

deposits of silt and sand in upland areas. Abundant sand sheets and dune fields are located throughout the

High Plains (Forman et al. 2001; Madole 1995; Muhs and Holliday 1995) (Figure 3.2), accounting for the

high visibility of Paleoindian sites in the region (e.g., Cook 1931a; Gebhard 1949; Renaud 1931b;

Wormington 1957). The distribution of the dune fields identified in Figure 3.2 are relevant in assessing

pattern of Paleoindian site presence and abundance, as discussed in Chapters 4-8.

Several major rivers cross the High Plains (Figure 3.3), although none are deeply entrenched in

regards to substantial canyons. These include the South Platte, Republican, Arkansas, Cimarron, Beaver,

and Canadian Rivers. These rivers primarily run from the west/northwest to the east/southeast, forming

what has often been called a “ladder of rivers”. Small streams are more characteristic of the High Plains as

compared to major rivers. Today, most of these streams flow seasonally, but they might have carried water

in the Early Holocene during periods of increased precipitation. Playa lakes are an additional source of

surface water in the High Plains, however most playa lakes are only seasonally active today, receiving the

bulk of precipitation during summer rains (Bomar 1995:Table C-2).

The High Plains is an ecotone with little plant or animal diversity, topographic relief, or water

availability. Economic options for foraging groups are generally poor, other than large animal packages

such as bison and perhaps pronghorn. Thus, depending on the predictability and availability of animals

such as bison, the region has little economic value for hunter-gatherer populations. The High Plains are a

region best passed through or used for specialized functions, rather than occupied for extended periods of

time (e.g., Wheat 1972).

Figure 3.1: Major physiographic divisions of the Great Plains, with the study area identified by the black
rectangle. Figure adapted from Trimble (1980:Figure 3).

Figure 3.2: Major eolian dune fields located within the Central Plains (adapted from Muhs and Holliday

Figure 3.3: Major river valleys of the Central Plains (adapted from Fenneman 1931).

Colorado Piedmont

The Colorado Piedmont is located in east-central Colorado (Figure 3.1), bounded between the

drainages of the South Platte and Arkansas Rivers. The Piedmont is a large basin formed by the down

cutting of the High Plains surface by the two major river valleys. The area is characterized by high biotic

diversity, with moderate elevation gain moving from the Piedmont floor, to the west and into the adjacent

foothills, and finally into the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.

The Palmer Divide is the major drainage divide of the Colorado Piedmont, separating the waters

of the South Platte and Arkansas Rivers. The uplifted area extends eastward from the base of the Front

Range, to outside the town of Limon, a distance of over 100 km. The Palmer Divide is also 600 m higher

than Denver and 450 m higher than Colorado Springs (Trimble 1980:44), providing a foothills ecotone

extending far onto the Plains.

Overall, the Piedmont is a rich ecotone because it contains an abundance of water and wood. As

such, the region has a higher plant and animal diversity as compared to the High Plains. The Piedmont

could support long-term occupations by foraging groups, who could have used the area for generalized

functions. The archaeological record of the Holocene certainly supports this assertion (Gilmore et al. 1999;

Irwin-Williams and Irwin 1966).

Raton Volcanic Section

The Raton Section is the final principle physiographic region within the study area (Figure 3.1),

located primarily in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. The Raton Section is characterized by

volcanic activity, including vents, cones and lava flows that formed large linear mesas. The Raton region

extends south to the Canadian River, east from the Sangre de Cristo Mountains to the Oklahoma

Panhandle, and north to the Arkansas River in Colorado. The province contains deep canyons which

crosscut the area, many of them flowing in a southwest to northeast direction, meeting the Arkansas River

in southern Colorado. Rivers such as the Purgatoire and Apishapa contain canyons that would have

presented abundant natural resources to hunter-gatherer populations, such as lithic raw materials as well as

abundant water in the forms of seeps and springs. These will be discussed shortly. The archaeological

record of the Raton Section is quite different from the High Plains and Colorado Piedmont, given the rough

canyon country (Campbell 1969; Zier and Kalasz 1999). It has obvious economic similarities to the

archaeological cultures of the adjacent Southwest, who shared similar environments.


I now turn to a more specific dataset, which is the amount and types of water available in the

Central Plains. Water played a pivotal role in shaping the location and density of foraging populations in

the region. In general, those areas rich in water could support diverse plant and animal communities,

whereas those areas with little water, or unpredictable water on a seasonal basis, would support a less

diverse biotic community. Foraging populations would have exploited these communities in different

ways, which should be archaeological visible. For this analysis, I examined several key attributes of

watersheds within the Central Plains, to assess whether there are any spatial differences in water

characteristics expressed over the region.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has divided the nation into hydrologic units (HUC;

Seaber et al.1987), which are hierarchically nested into a series of small collection streams, medium-sized

local rivers, and large regional-level drainages. This study area is broken into two large regional drainages:

the Missouri River Basin, made up of the Platte, Loup, Republican, and Smoky Hill River systems, and the

Arkansas-White-Red River Basin, made up of the Arkansas, Cimarron, Beaver and Canadian River systems

(Figure 3.3.). Sixty-nine individual HUC units were examined in this study (Figure 3.4). Six subregions or

river basins (comprising 41 HUC) were located within the Arkansas drainage and 3 subregions (28 HUC)

within the Platte Region.

The USGS provides data on each watershed, including the area (km2), the perimeter of the unit

(km), the linear km of seasonal and perennial rivers, as well as counts of the number of lakes and streams.

The calculation of seasonal and perennial river km was calculated using modern flow regimes, but the

actual linear distance of rivers per HUC would have remained nearly constant from the Pleistocene until the

present day, thus serving as a proxy measure of potential drainage availability. These are somewhat coarse

measures but applicable to this regional scale of analysis.

Figure 3.4: The sixty-nine HUC cataloging units of the Central Plains (after Seaber et al.1987).

The following HUC maps were constructed using data obtained from the Environmental Statistics

Group ( at Montana State University. Although HUC serve

as coarse spatial units, they nonetheless demonstrate stark differences in water availability across the

Central Plains. But first, I begin with differences in elevation.

The mean elevations of the HUC are presented Figure 3.5. Most of the units along the western

edge of the study area are above 2000 m in mean elevation, forming the foothills of the Front Range.

Elevation decreases while moving east into Nebraska and Kansas, where mean elevations fall below 1000

m as you move off the High Plains.

Several measures of vertical relief were examined, including overall vertical range, standard

deviation in elevation, and the coefficient of variation in elevation. Figure 3.6 presents the standard

deviation in elevation for the region. Not surprisingly, the units with the highest mean elevation also have

high standard deviations, attesting to the increasing slope in these units, moving into the Rocky Mountains.

However, the HUC located along the drainage divide between the South Platte and Arkansas Rivers also

have high standard deviations, ranging between 150 m and 300 m.

The density (km/km2) of rivers flowing year round is presented in Figure 3.7. The few units

containing high densities of perennial river km are all located along the flanks of the Front Range, with

values above 0.30 km of perennial river km/km2. There is not a single HUC located in the High Plains that

contains a density of perennial river miles above 0.10 km/km2, suggesting that at least today, water flowing

year round is uncommon.

The density (km/km2) of rivers flowing seasonally is presented in Figure 3.8. Most of the study

area is made up of this type of water system, which is of water flowing only during portions of the year.

There are areas within the High Plains containing higher densities of seasonal river km than others.

Figure 3.9 details the density (km/km2) of all river km per HUC. This was calculated by summing

the perennial and seasonal river km per HUC. This measure probably provides the best approximation for

determining potentially water-rich and water-poor regions, as it is a measure of the total drainage area and

not related to the seasonal availability of water.

Figure 3.5: Mean elevation (m) of the Central Plains HUC.

Figure 3.6: Standard deviation in elevation (m) of the Central Plains HUC.

Figure 3.7: Density (km/km2) of rivers and streams flowing year-round among Central Plains HUC.

Figure 3.8: Density (km/km2) of rivers and streams flowing only seasonally among Central Plains HUC.

Figure 3.9: Density (km/km2) of all rivers and streams located among Central Plains HUC.

Figure 3.10: Percentage of rivers and stream flowing year-round among Central Plains HUC.

Not surprisingly, the western fringe of the Central Plains contains the highest density of river km.

However, there are other HUC on the eastern edge of the study area that also have high densities. There

are contiguous areas of multiple HUC that contain low densities of river km. These would potentially be

water-poor areas, especially prone to drought in the past.

The percent of river km per HUC flowing year round is striking (Figure 3.10). The Front Range is

well watered, especially the South Platte River in the Colorado Piedmont. The Arkansas River, to the

south, also contains HUC that flow year round but in lesser frequencies. “Islands” of poor flow are located

in the drainage divides between major rivers, such as in between the South Platte-Arkansas, the Arkansas-

Beaver, and the Beaver-Canadian. These areas probably contain little year round flow because they do not

contain mountain and/or snow pack fed river systems. Over 90% of the river km in these HUC flow only


Figure 3.11: Permanent water as related to elevation among Central Plains HUC.

Figure 3.12: Permanent water as related to elevation deviation among Central Plains HUC.

Figure 3.13: Permanent water as related to the total numbers of rivers and streams among Central Plains

There is a threshold of 2000 m in mean elevation that is related to year-round flowing water

(Figure 3.11). At least 20% of the rivers in HUC above 2000 m run perennially. The relationship is strong

between the standard deviation in elevation and the percent of permanent water (Figure 3.12, r2=0.57). The

pattern is related to two factors: the immediate proximity to winter snow pack, and a highly variable

surface that captures and channels this melt water into a series of drainages. However, this is not to say

that increasing the numbers of streams per unit varies with the percent perennial flowing streams (Figure

3.13). The relationship is positive, but the association is generally weak (r2=0.25).

Summary of HUC Data

These patterns, although modern proxies, have interesting implications for prehistoric settlement

systems. First, well-watered regions (either seasonal or perennial) are uncommon in Colorado, primarily

restricted to the foothills and mountain ecotones. Mountain-fed drainages, such as the South Platte and

Arkansas River, provide water to the Colorado Piedmont and continue flow to the east, out of state. What is

particularly striking is the scalar difference in water availability between the western Central Plains and

areas to the east (such as eastern Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma), where water is much more abundant on a

yearly basis. This is also reflected in gross patterns of vegetation, moving away from the semi-arid grass

steppe and into the wooded areas of the eastern Great Plains.

Second, rivers that have their headwaters on the High Plains, such as the Smoky Hill and

Republican (Weist 1964), suffer from a lack of mountain snow pack, and therefore provide less water

within their drainages. Most of their water is (or was) supplied from groundwater in the forms of seeps and

springs. Thus, the types of plants (including timber) and animals available in each of these drainages no

doubt vary with the amount of water in each watershed. As such, hunter-gatherer landscape settlement

practices probably varied with these patches as well. Higher elevations and the main stems of these river

systems provide the only yearly water available within the region. Prehistoric and historic travel and

settlement no doubt took these patterns into consideration.

Playa Lakes

In addition to flowing surface water in the form of rivers and streams, standing surface water is

also an important resource. Throughout the Central and especially Southern Plains, playa lakes provided

water for flora and fauna, supporting distinct biotic communities (Smith 2003). Playa lakes are generally

considered wet-weather lakes, usually only holding water on a seasonal basis. However, some lakes hold

water year round, based on their geology and associated vegetation (Haukos and Smith 1997).

The Southern High Plains (specifically the Llano Estacado) are well noted for the thousands of

playa lakes dotting the landscape. Regional studies of playas have only recently begun to address patterns

in their abundance and location. Estimates vary, but there are between 21,000 to well over 30,000 playa

lakes located in the five state region of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas (e.g.,

Haukos and Smith 1997:7; Sabin and Holliday 1995:288-290;

Frequencies of the number of playas in the southern portion of the study area are presented in

Figure 3.14. The majority of the playas are located in the Texas Panhandle, where several projects have

mapped the distribution, number, and size of playa lakes (Fish et al.1998; Haukos and Smith 1997:2;

Guthery et al.1981). Fewer playas are found to the east, west, and south of the Texas Panhandle, but they

are definitely present in eastern New Mexico, the Oklahoma Panhandle, southeastern Colorado, and

western Kansas. For example, recent work by Johnson in western Kansas has documented several

thousand playas, ranging in diameter from 10 m to 5 km in size (Campbell et al.2002; Johnson et al.2000).

And although there is not a complete tally of playa lake frequency in Colorado, their importance to

prehistoric populations is well noted (Bannan 1980; Brunswig 2003; Graham 1981; Stanford 1979b).

There are 20,557 playas recorded within the High Plains counties (n=65 counties) of the Texas

Panhandle. Frequencies vary between less than 10 per county along the eastern portion of the Panhandle to

over 1721 playas in Floyd County on the Llano Estacado. Along the eastern and southern portions of the

area, the number of playas decreases dramatically, because the terrain shifts from a nearly flat landform to a

more broken and dissected terrain. These areas are drained by numerous creeks and rivers, many of which

form at the escarpment along the edge of the Llano. Most counties contain less than 300 playas, but

counties on the Southern High Plains average between 500-1500 playas, as the area is a poorly drained

landscape (Figure 3.15).

Figure 3.14: Frequency and spatial distribution of playas in the Central and Southern Plains.

Figure 3.15: Playa frequencies of counties located within the Central and Southern Plains.

Figure 3.16: Percent of county lands occupied by playas within the Central and Southern Plains.

Despite the fact that many of these counties have large frequencies of playa lakes, the overall area

covered by playas is generally small, never accounting for more than 6% of an entire county, and often

times less than 1% of the total land (Figure 3.16).

The highest numbers of playas are found on the Llano Estacado, however, the playas within those

counties are not among the largest in the region. The mean size of playas (ha) per county is presented in

Figure 3.17. Some of the largest playas are found in the Northern Panhandle, in and around the Canadian

River and moving north towards the Oklahoma Panhandle. Playas in many of these counties average 10.0

ha and larger. The Rolling Plains, to the southeast of the Panhandle, also has large mean values for playa

area, but this is related to the small sample size of the very few (but large) playas in those counties.

Larger playas can hold more water and have a greater chance of holding water for longer periods

of time, all things being equal. As such, they potentially present a more stable and predictable source of

water (and associated flora and fauna) as compared to smaller lakes. The largest playas (those greater than

40 ha in size) are nearly exclusively located in the northern Texas Panhandle (Figure 3.18). These counties

have between 5 and 59 of these large playas, making up somewhere between 2% to 11% of all playas in the

county. Not only are these playas large in area, some of them are deep as well (Figure 3.19). The deepest

playas are all located in the northern Texas Panhandle, almost exclusively restricted to the counties

bordering New Mexico. The depth of playas refers to the elevation difference between the modern basin

floor and the rim of the playa, which often times blends in with the surrounding topography. In general,

most of the playas from the Southern High Plains are not deep, probably related to the playa formation and

their approximate age.

Figure 3.17: Mean size (ha) of playas in the Texas Panhandle. Top number refers to the mean size of the
playas, bottom number is the county sample size.

Figure 3.18: Percent of playas larger than 40 ha in the Texas Panhandle. Top number refers to the percent
of playas larger than 40 ha, the middle number is the number of playas larger than 40 ha, and the bottom
number is the county sample size.

Figure 3.19: Count of playas deeper than 15.2 m (50 ft) in the Texas Panhandle.

Summary of Playa Lakes

Playa lakes represent another avenue for exploring forager responses to microenvironments.

There are differences in the frequency, size, and depth of playa lakes on the Central and Southern Plains.

These would have potentially offered seasonal options to foraging populations, based on whether the lake

contained water year round or only during part of the year. Furthermore, recent research has begun to

explore other properties of the lakes, such as the mineral qualities of the water potentially exploited for

their medicinal properties (Wood et al. 2002).

The archaeology of playa lakes is one of the most underdeveloped areas of Great Plains

archaeology, with exploration beginning primarily within the last fifteen years (Brosowske and Bement

1998; Brunswig 2003; Hartwell 1995; Holliday 1997; LaBelle, Holliday, and Meltzer 2003; Litwinionek et

al. 1996, 2003; but see earlier works by Hester 1975b; Sellards 1938; Wendorf and Hester 1962). Future

work should explore whether there are different foraging responses to areas containing playa lakes. Areas

with deep and large playa lakes (those with the potential for predictable availability of water) would have

been utilized much like watersheds containing large percentages of yearly water flow. On the contrary,

those areas with small playa lakes (or those most likely to hold water for only short periods) would have

been used differently, perhaps used for specialized functions.

Seeps and Springs

Springs and seeps represent the final water type examined in this study. These were tallied using

the USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) database, which contains the location of every

named location in the United States, including features such as springs. The GNIS database contains 4495

named springs within Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The springs are

unevenly distributed (Figure 3.20), with clusters commonly located in areas of vertical uplift, such as the

mountain ranges in central and southern New Mexico, as well as in the Big Bend and Edwards Plateau

regions of Texas.

Clusters of springs are also located within the study area, but in lower frequencies. For example,

the mesas of the Raton Volcanic Section of northeastern New Mexico and the canyon country of the

Purgatoire and Apishapa River valleys in southeastern Colorado contain large numbers of springs. Other

areas, such as on the High Plains proper (e.g., Llano Estacado), contain few to no springs (as seen in the

GNIS database) given a lack of topographic relief and seep exposure.

The primary drawback to the GNIS database is that springs without proper names have not been

digitized by the USGS. Inspection of 7.5’ maps from areas containing clusters of springs, such as

southeastern Colorado, reveals that the data obtained from GNIS vastly underestimate the actual number of

springs on the landscape, especially in areas already known to have abundant springs. However, cursory

study of 7.5’ maps from areas that do not have any or only a few springs on the GNIS database did not

reveal abundant additional examples from the area. Thus, the relative proportion of springs might be taken

as an approximation of the regional pattern, at least until a more detailed study is put forth such as those

completed in Texas.

Brune (1975, 1981) presented a comprehensive summary of the springs of Texas, providing

detailed description of the discharge rate, and in some cases, the mineral properties of the spring water.

Brune’s study recorded the obvious and prominent springs in Texas, but many more were present at one

time. A study along a 75-mile stretch of escarpment along the eastern edge of the Llano Estacado recorded

abundant springs that cumulatively produced approximately 12,000 gallons a minute, or 17 million gallons

a day (White et al.1946:390). These estimates were based on measurements obtained in 1938-1939, after a

prolonged drought in the 1930s, as well as at least minimal pumping of the aquifer for agricultural

purposes. Most of the springs were located within 1-3 miles of the escarpment (White et al.1946:390),

which would have made them fairly predictable for mobile populations.

Figure 3.21 details the frequency of springs in the Texas Panhandle, as documented by Brune

(1981). Springs are most common along the eastern side of the Panhandle, along the edge of the High

Plains. There is another band of springs running west to east through the northern portion of the

Panhandle, along the Canadian River and feeder drainages. Both areas are located along the eroded edge of

the High Plains surface, where the Ogallala Formation is eroding.

Figure 3.20: Springs identified in the GNIS database. Present study area is denoted by the black box.

Figure 3.21: Count of springs per county in the Texas Panhandle.

The vast majority of all these springs are classified either as small springs (discharging water

between 0.28 and 2.8 cubic feet per second, or cfs) or as seeps (less than 0.028 cfs). These are Brune’s

measures based upon his records as of 1980. These springs probably flowed more readily in the past, given

higher water tables as well as potentially increased rates of aquifer recharge. However, these springs are

still quite small compared to other regions of the eastern United States or along the Edwards Plateau in

central and southeastern Texas, where discharge rates of over 100 cfs are commonly recorded (Brune

1975:Figure 58).

There are a few larger springs in the Panhandle (Figure 3.22), classified as medium or larger, that

have at least medium (2.8 to 28 cfs) to moderately large (28 to 280 cfs) discharge rates. Again, the

majority and highest percentages of these large springs are located along the eastern edge of the Llano

Estacado, with a few isolated occurrences in scattered counties. There are also several medium springs in

the northern Texas Panhandle. For example, the Buffalo Springs in Dallam County provided ample water

for the original headquarters of the XIT Ranch and the area around this spring provided some of the last

refuge for bison in the state of Texas, up until 1895 (Brune 1981:151; Howard 1949). Unfortunately

modern land practices, notably the intense pumping of the Ogallala aquifer, have greatly reduced or

stopped the flow of these springs.

Figure 3.22: Percent of springs medium-sized or larger in the Texas Panhandle. Top number refers to the
percent of springs medium or large whereas the bottom number is the county sample size.

The importance of springs in periods of climatic aridity is beginning to be investigated. For

example, Wood et al. (2002) have argued that springs located in and around major playa basins in the

Southern Plains would have been critical during times of drought. They demonstrate from sediment core

data that springs in major lake basins, such as Double Lakes, held water during the height of the

Altithermal, when a major regional drought was at its peak. Evidence supporting their conclusions comes

from the Nall site, in the Oklahoma Panhandle, where at least one spring was located along the

northwestern edge of the playa lake, possibly providing a source of fresh water to human occupants in the

Early Holocene (LaBelle, Holliday, and Meltzer 2003).

Summary of Seeps and Springs

Seeps and springs represent a third avenue for continuing research in the spatial patterns of water

presence. Springs often times provided a clean and fairly predictable water supply for foraging

populations, as attested by the large number of archaeological sites documented in the vicinity of springs

(Brune 1981; Meltzer 1987; see debate between Johnson and Holliday 1984 and Shiner 1983, 1984). They

offered loci where groups stayed for long periods, or at least were reoccupied more frequently than other

locations, given the predictability of the water source and the potentially abundant local flora and fauna.

Springs, much like playas, vary spatially in their abundance and distribution across the Central

Plains. Continued mapping of springs from 7.5’ maps will help model particular areas within the Plains

that were potentially occupied during drought times, when little surface water was available in the form of

playa lakes or seasonal flowing drainages.

Lithic Raw Material Sources

I now turn to the presence and varieties of lithic raw material sources. Like water resources, stone

tool materials are unevenly distributed across the region. In this section, I describe several of the known

raw material sources that were utilized throughout the prehistoric record (Figure 3.23). In addition, the

distribution of quarries within Colorado and New Mexico are described, which detail some of the smaller

and intensively used sources in the region.

I obtained the records of recorded stone quarries within eastern Colorado and northeastern New

Mexico using the state archaeological file database (Figure 3.24). I queried for all sites listed as “stone

quarries”. Within this list, I removed historically documented limestone quarries, as well as

paleontological quarry pits dating to the late 19th century. This left 384 sites. I did not further check

whether these sites were technically quarries, where the raw material was dug from primary bedrock

sources, or if the sites were instead workshops, where lithic sources were simply worked in abundance. As

well, I did not confirm whether the remaining quarry sites were either primary or secondary sources of raw

material. Large numbers of the quarry sites contained other site classifications, in addition to the quarry

designation (Table 3.1). Open lithic sites were common, which suggests that many of these sites were in

fact large workshops rather than primary deposit bedrock quarries. Open camps, open architectural, and

sheltered camps were also identified, demonstrating that raw material procurement was but one of the

embedded activities conducted on site.

Table 3.1: Site types of the Colorado quarry sites

Site Type Frequency Percent of Total (N=384)*

Open lithic 153 39.8
Open camp 36 9.4
Open architectural 11 2.9
Sheltered camp 6 1.6
Other 12 3.1
* site types are not mutually exclusive, thus sites may be listed in more than one category

Part of the difficulty in identifying the sources of raw materials in archaeological assemblages is

that our database of known quarry sites is small and of recent origin. Systematic studies have only begun

to record the locations of primary and secondary raw material sources, with the majority of sites being

identified primarily through contract archaeology studies over the last 30 years. Our understanding of the

distribution of lithic sources is rapidly improving (e.g., Black 2000; Miller 1991), although there are clearly

regions where we have little or no information. Major sources of raw material identified in this study are

described below, with well-known sources shown in Figure 3.23.

Sources in the Platte River Basin

A variety of toolstones have been identified through pedestrian survey in the South Platte Basin

(Kvamme 1977, 1979; Travis 1988). Heavily utilized sources include Flattop chalcedony, which is located

along Flattop Butte (Greiser 1983), in northeastern Colorado along the Wyoming border. The material is

related to other Oligocene formations identified in western Nebraska, eastern Wyoming, and southern

South Dakota. (Carlson and Peacock 1975; Koch and Miller 1996). Attempts to distinguish Flattop from

other Oligocene cherts (using neutron activation analysis) have been useful in source analysis (Hoard et

al.1992, 1993), although additional work will further clarify patterns of source variability (Church 1995;

Hoard et al.1995).

Raymer jasper is available on the Pawnee Buttes Grassland in Weld County in northern Colorado.

The jasper comes in many colors including brown, red, yellow, and black jaspers, sometimes with banding

(Johnson 1982:51; Mitchell 1997:36-37); as well, various agates are available in the same general area.

Figure 3.23: Major lithic material sources commonly utilized in the Central and Southern Plains.

Figure 3.24: Percentages of identified quarry/workshop sites in eastern Colorado and New Mexico. Top
number refers to the percent of quarry sites, the middle number is the number of quarry sites per county,
and the bottom number is the county sample size of sites of all types.

Along the Palmer Divide, there are extensive amounts of petrified wood, referred to by various

names as Parker petrified wood and Elizabeth wood (collectively termed Black Forest wood). Large areas

of the Divide contain petrified woods, agates, and jasper (Johnson 1982:51; Eckel 1961:275-280). Petrified

woods must have been abundant and large in size prior to our era. For instance, Pearl (1942a, 1942b:76,98)

describes several large logs in Douglas and Elbert Counties, including a specimen 50 feet long and 6 feet in

diameter, as well as stumps 4 feet in width, and other logs 25 feet long and 2 feet in diameter.

Kimball chert/chalcedony is a little known source (Carlson and Peacock 1975) available in the

western Panhandle (Kimball, Cheyenne, Deul Counties) and southern areas (Harlan and Furnas) of

Nebraska. The raw material varies between an opaque white chert and translucent pale brown chalcedony,

sometimes lustrous and dendritic. Carlson and Peacock note that the material is indistinguishable from

some varieties of Flattop chalcedony.

Niobrara jasper is known by a wide variety of names such as Alma, Graham, Niobrara, Niobrarite,

Quartelejo, Republican River, and Smoky Hill jasper (Wedel 1986:28; Banks 1990; Wright 1985). The

chert occurs in many colors, including red, yellow, green, brown, black, and according to Banks (1990:96),

even in shades of white. In my experience, the most common colors vary from dark brown to red. Source

areas for the chert include the Republican and Smoky Hill River Basins of south and north-central

Nebraska and Kansas (respectively) as well as a concentration of quarries in Graham, Trego, and Gove

counties in Kansas (Banks 1990:96), in addition to other sources in Norton, Phillips, Sheridan, Rooks, and

Ellis Counties (Wright 1985:89).

Sources in the Arkansas River Basin

Raw materials are also available in the gravels of the Arkansas River. These include various

petrified woods, agates, chalcedonies, and jasper (Eckel 1961:275; Johnson 1982:61). Hollister (in Pearl

1942b:76) reported petrified logs along the Arkansas River varying between 2-4 feet high and 10-40 inches

thick. The amount of material available prehistorically must have much more so than today, as local

residents have heavily collected the fossilized wood. For example, A fossil wood building is located along

the Arkansas River in Lamar, Colorado. It was featured in “Ripley’s Believe It or Not”, given the

enormous quantity of fossil wood that went into its construction.

The Calhan Badlands, also known as the Indian Paint Mines, show evidence of extensive use

throughout the past. The Badlands are located in eastern El Paso County in Colorado, along the south side

of Palmer Divide. The jasper tends to be orange and rust-red, scattered throughout the area (Mitchell

1997:74-75). The site also takes its name from the minerals and clays that are exposed in the badlands,

which were used for pottery production.

Day Creek dolomite has been identified in Buffalo County, Oklahoma, as well as southern Kansas.

Day Creek is thought to be a lateral equivalent of Alibates, however there has been insufficient work in

defining the variability at the source, and any differences that might exist between Day Creek and Alibates

(Banks 1990).

There are an abundance of quarries and/or workshops in southeastern Colorado (Figure 3.23). A

variety of quartzite sources are available southeastern Colorado, northeastern New Mexico, and the

Oklahoma Panhandle. Dakota quartzite occurs in abundance in Baca County, Colorado, along Cat Creek

and Fern Canyon (Banks 1990:94) as well as in the vicinity of Two Buttes, a well-known landmark in the

High Plains. Several quartzite quarries have been identified along the Arkansas (Stein 1985) and Cimarron

Rivers (Brown 1979) in southwestern Kansas, and others sources will probably be identified in this area,

where Dakota sandstone is exposed along major waterways.

Several quarries have been described in northern Harding County, New Mexico. Carmichael

(1984) tested three sites along Pedernal Creek, including a quarry of a “massive bed of light gray quarzitic

sandstone or metaquartzite,” identified as either upper Morrison or lower Dakota formation in age

(Carmichael 1984:171). In nearby Colfax County, Higgins (1984) described sources in the Ancho and

York Canyons. Materials include various forms of quartzite, siltstone/claystone, chert, basalt, andesite, and

rhyolite. These canyons are located within the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, therefore it is

highly probable that similar materials occur along the foothills to the north into Colorado.

High quality quartzites are also commonly available in Cimarron County, in the Oklahoma

Panhandle (Gould 1921; Lopez and Saunders 1973; Saunders 1978). Deposits of Dakota quartzite range

between one to six feet in thickness, and most of the materials are actually orthoquartzite, or silicified

sandstones. The material varies in color between shades of purple, brown, and white. The quartzite varies

in quality, between fine and medium grades, although “sugar” varieties are common. Tesesquite quartzite

is found in a limited area of northwestern Cimarron County. The high quality quartzite varies from light

blue to light gray, with additional shades of brown to gold (Saunders 1978:86). Finally, Thoburn mentions

“a projecting ledge of massive white flint or chert, about three miles northeast of Kenton in the same

country, from which hundreds, if not thousands, of tons of material have been removed, probably

throughout a period of several thousand years. This material is almost as white as porcelain” (in Gould

1921:76). I have not encountered this material nor have I seen it mentioned in other texts, but I suspect that

it is one of the fine-grained quartzites available in the area.

Basalt is also available in the Black Mesa region of western Cimarron County, and there are

probably sources spread throughout the Raton Volcanic Section of northeastern New Mexico, especially

adjacent Colfax and Union Counties. Some researchers question the usefulness of basalt in producing

bifacial tools due to its coarse structure (Banks 1984:72), however, a fair amount of basalt was utilized

throughout the prehistoric sequence (e.g., Saunders and Saunders 1982).

The Ogallala Formation, which forms the so-called “caprock” of the High Plains, contains various

raw material sources including chert, petrified wood, and quartzites. Banks (1984:71) states “Ogallala

quartzite is probably the single material type most common to the central and southern Great Plains.”

Ogallala quartzites have acquired different names throughout the Plains; for example, it is called “Potter

chert” in the Texas Panhandle and to the north in South Dakota, it is called “Tongue River silicified

sediment” (Banks 1984:71). Numerous sources of these Ogallala formation materials are exposed in the

streams and rivers of the region (Holliday and Welty 1981; Lintz 1997).

Alibates silicified dolomite is the most well known and one of the most widely spread raw

materials within the study area despite its quite localized source area (Bousman 1974; Bryan 1950; Green

and Kelley 1960; Shaeffer 1958). The material occurs in the Permian red beds, where the dolomite has

been replaced by chalcedony, thus the material is commonly called silicified dolomite (Bryan 1950:14).

Abert first described Alibates in 1845, while he was conducting a military reconnaissance survey through

the Canadian River Valley in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma. Given the abundant riparian resources

available in the vicinity of the Alibates source, it is not surprising that he encountered a camp of Kiowa and

Crow at the site (Abert 1999:64-65). The most well known Alibates outcrops are quite small, measuring

approximately 1200 m in length and about 15 m to 90 m in width (Shaeffer 1958:189-190). Quarry pits are

present at the source, indicative of prehistoric digging for suitable raw materials and range from 3.0-3.6 m

in diameter (Bryan 1950:14). But other Alibates outcrops are also known, such as those located nearby on

Plum Creek, documenting a patchy source area spread along the Canadian River and its tributaries (Kraft

1997; Wyckoff 1993).

Finally, the Tecovas Formation is another major source material located to the south of the study

area. The majority of Tecovas sources to the eastern edge of the Llano Estacado, in the vicinity of

Quitaque. However, other sources are known along the same escarpment in Palo Duro Canyon, as well as

to the north along the Canadian River (Mallouf 1989). The Baldy Hill Formation is a lateral equivalent of

the Tecovas Formation (Banks 1990), occurring along the Dry Cimarron River in northeastern New


Summary of Lithic Sources

Lithic sources are patchily distributed across the Central Plains. Some areas, such as those drained

by the Arkansas Basin, contain suitable and abundant raw material sources in the canyon country of the

Raton Section. Numerous workshops and quarries are known from this region (e.g., Campbell 1969;

Saunders 1978; Nowak and Gerhart 2001). As well, areas along the Front Range of the Colorado and New

Mexico Rockies also contain abundant raw material sources (Black 2000). Finally, many of the larger river

valleys contain sources in the form of gravels (Banks 1990). However, the vast majority of the Central

Plains contains little, if any, locally available stone.

Given such conditions, one should expect different signatures of hunter-gatherer populations. In

areas of abundant raw material, we should expect to see much more waste reduction and expedient

technology, as foragers could manufacture new tools at their whim. On the High Plains however, one

should expect a different signature, such as a tool technology designed to last for long periods away from

quarries (i.e., Hofman 1992) and one that is not wasteful in resharpening. In these areas, lithic materials

would have to be carried into the area and most tools were probably manufactured elsewhere. Sites should

contain few tools and little debitage from tool manufacture, with most chipping related to tool refurbishing.

Stone material would be too precious to waste that far from a raw material source.

Given that many raw material sources also occur in areas of abundant water (springs and creeks)

and probably wood sources, we should expect major differences in the types of sites and lengths of

occupation between these areas and environments such as the High Plains, which has neither of these


Modern Faunal Resources

I end this Chapter with a brief overview of the modern mammalian communities within Colorado,

demonstrating some patterns in the distribution of animals between major landform types. Broadly

speaking, there are two mammalian biotic communities present in the Central Plains of eastern Colorado:

those located in the grasslands that form the upland divides and those mammals living in the riparian

lowlands or river bottoms. Modern communities in eastern Colorado can be used as a proxy for the

potential mammalian niche width available to prehistoric hunter-gatherers.

Eight mammalian orders are present in Colorado in the recent past (Table 3.2) (Fitzgerald et

al.1994). Arranged from the most to least abundant in terms of species richness, these include rodents,

carnivores, bats, insectivores, lagomorphs, artiodactyls, and two orders represented by single species

respectively, opossums and armadillos. Not all these orders are equally represented in the grasslands and

riparian zones, as the ecological zone conditions the types of species present and their abundance (Figure


Grassland and riparian communities contain nearly the same number of overall species within

each ecotone, with 46 and 49 species respectively, which comprise 37 to 39 percent of the total species

available statewide (Fitzgerald et al.1994). Although the zones contain similar numbers of species, the

makeup of those species is quite different.

Table 3.2: Modern mammalian fauna documented in two eastern Colorado biomes (data from Fitzgerald et
al. 1994).
Grassland Riparian State Percent in Percent in
Order Family Types Species Species Total Grassland Riparian
Marsupicarnivora Didelphidae Oppossums 0 1 1 0.0 100.0
subtotal 0 1 1 0.0 100.0
Insectivora Soricidae Shrews 3 6 10 30.0 60.0
Talpidae Moles 1 0 1 100.0 0.0
subtotal 4 6 11 36.4 54.5
Chiroptera Vespertilionidae Common bats 1 7 15 6.7 46.7
Molossidae Free-tailed bats 0 0 2 0.0 0.0
subtotal 1 7 17 5.9 41.2
Edentata Dasypodidae Armadillos 0 1 1 0.0 100.0
subtotal 0 1 1 0.0 100.0
Lagomorpha Ochotonidae Pikas 0 0 1 0.0 0.0
Leporidae Rabbits and hares 3 4 6 50.0 66.7
subtotal 3 4 7 42.9 57.1
Rodentia Sciuridae Squirrels 6 2 18 33.3 11.1
Geomyidae Pocket gophers 4 0 4 100.0 0.0
Heteromyidae Pocket mice 6 0 6 100.0 0.0
Castoridae Beavers 0 1 1 0.0 100.0
Muridae Rats and mice 8 5 25 32.0 20.0
Zapodidae Jumping mice 0 2 2 0.0 100.0
Erethizontidae Porcupines 0 1 1 0.0 100.0
subtotal 24 11 57 42.1 19.3
Carnivora Canidae Dogs and allies 4 4 6 66.7 66.7
Ursidae Bears 1 2 2 50.0 100.0
Procyonidae Raccoons and allies 0 2 2 0.0 100.0
Mustelidae Weasels and allies 5 6 12 41.7 50.0
Felidae Cats 0 2 3 0.0 66.7
subtotal 10 16 25 40.0 64.0
Artiodactyla Cervidae Deer 2 3 3 66.7 100.0
Antilocapridae Pronghorn 1 0 1 100.0 0.0
Bovidae Bison and allies 1 0 2 50.0 0.0
subtotal 4 3 6 66.7 50.0
Total 46 49 125 36.8 39.2

The grasslands contain only five of the eight orders, dominated by high species richness in rodents

(24 species) and carnivores (10), and less so in insectivores (4), artiodactyls (4), and lagomorphs (3). The

grassland biome is dominated by small mammals (mostly rodents and their pursuant carnivores), although

larger body class and reproductively abundant species such as rabbits, pronghorn, and bison are also


In contrast, the riparian ecotone contains all eight order, exhibiting more evenness in species

between orders. Both carnivores and rodents are well represented in species richness (16 and 11

respectively), followed by bats (7), insectivores (6), lagomorphs (4), and artiodactyls (3).



Percent of species available statewide






Rodentia Carnivora Insectivora Artiodactyla Lagomorpha Chiroptera Marsupicarnivora Edentata
Mammalian Order

Figure 3.25: Composition of mammalian orders within the grassland and riparian ecotones of eastern

It follows then that the diversity and abundance of mammals is going to be different between the

two ecotones. This would be important to the subsistence regimes of hunter-gatherers within the region, as

the pursuit and processing times are going to be different between the two zones.

Not only are the species compositions going to vary, but also the abundance of animals, depending

upon the habitat. The Colorado Division of Wildlife (Colorado Hunt Data 2000) provides summary

statistics on the elk, deer, and pronghorn populations within the state, including herd size and the ratio of

males and females, among other statistics. These three species are assigned to management herds located

throughout the state.

Herd distributions and population totals from the 1999 season demonstrate the remarkable spatial

variability in herd populations. These totals represent the potential number of animals within these given

areas, but the estimates are not without their problems in terms of estimating prehistoric totals. Today,

these herds are managed through human hunting. Natural predators such as the gray wolf and the mountain

lion have been removed in some areas, thus allowing herds to grow in size to the point that they need to be

culled by modern human hunters. Furthermore, habitat fragmentation has placed additional constraints on

the size and movement of particular herds. Despite these obvious limitations, I think these distribution

maps illustrate the enormous potential that the environment held for large mammals.

Elk distributions are presented in Figure 3.26. Herd sizes range from a low of 46 in the Cimarron

River area of southeastern Colorado to a high of approximately 47,575 animals in the White River Plateau

of northwestern Colorado. The populations increase in size from east to the west, owing to several factors

including modern development, terrain, access to forage, water, etc. Most herds east of the continental

divide are less than 5000 head in size, such as along the Front Range and the few animals wandering out

onto the Plains. Elk were probably present in at least limited numbers on the Plains of Eastern Colorado, at

least during the pre-European period (Shaw and Lee 1997). Other than the large herd located within the

mesa and canyon country of the Colorado/New Mexico border, as well as the Cimarron River, most elk are

completely restricted to the foothills, mountains, and inter-montane basins of Colorado.

Figure 3.26. Colorado elk herds and population size in 1999 (Colorado Hunt Data 2000).

Deer populations (both white-tail and mule [Kerr 1979]) are seen in Figure 3.27. The deer are

spread across the entire state, although the herds on the Plains are mapped over a larger area (not indicative

of mobility, but instead of management practices). Areas containing abundant deer overlap spatially with

those of the elk, especially in the northwestern portion of the state. Most herds mapped east of the

continental divide are smaller than counterpoints to the west of the divide. Nevertheless, the number of

deer is still higher than that of elk within the same area.

Figure 3.27. Colorado deer herds and population size in 1999 (Colorado Hunt Data 2000).

Pronghorn populations (Yoakum 1980) are presented in Figure 3.28. Pronghorn are less common

across the state, most frequent in the eastern Plains and also in northwest Colorado. Populations are

generally small, with mapped herds less than 5000 in any one unit. The large number of pronghorn in

northwestern Colorado is related to the Green River Basin of Wyoming, which contains abundant

pronghorn populations.

Figure 3.28. Colorado pronghorn herds and population size in 1999 (Colorado Hunt Data 2000).

Summary of Modern Faunal Distributions

Modern faunal distributions vary across the state of Colorado, with varied habitats and associated

fauna manifest in the mountains, foothills, riparian zones, and elevated Plains (Mutel and Emerick 1984;

Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Foragers would have had to respond to these conditions with shifts in their hunting

tactics, location and seasonal timing of their subsistence activities, and probably the species that were

pursued (Kelly 1995).

The High Plains contains the least diverse faunal community, whereas there is increasing richness

moving from the riparian zones, into the foothills, and mountains. The foothills and mountains probably

represent the best ecotones for hunter-gatherer populations given their marked environmental diversity in

such a small amount of space. High densities of game such as deer and elk would have attracted human

populations to these areas for at least parts of the year, whereas bison (on the Plains, and also in the

foothills and mountains) would have also affected hunter-gatherer mobility decisions.

Chapter Summary

This Chapter summarized several important environmental variables that set the boundary

conditions of human foragers operating within the Central Plains. The Plains are simply not a homogenous

life zone. For example, there are areas of high and low water potential, as mapped by watersheds, playa

distributions, and springs. Given the importance of water to human systems, we should expect different

reactions to these patchy resources, like site occupation length, reoccupation rates, and density of sites

within the regions. Lithic raw materials also vary spatially across the region. Given the importance of

lithic raw materials to the manufacture of tools, we should expect changes in tool assemblages, in terms of

the quantity of waste material or the discard rates of tools. Finally, there are differences in the types and

frequencies of fauna available across the region. Hunter-gatherers would have probably modified their

behavior depending on what game was available across the landscape, as well as the quantity of that game.

In summary, the Plains are hardly static and therefore we should not expect that forager

adaptations would remain the static across the region as a whole. Every life zone was likely used in the

Central Plains, but probably not in the same way or in the same intensity.

Chapter 4


This Chapter provides an overview of the surface record of Paleoindian sites, focusing on their

distribution and abundance within the study area. Basic characteristics of Paleoindian settlement are

summarized, providing hypotheses for evaluation in subsequent Chapters of this dissertation. Two sources

of data were used; projectile point surveys and state archaeological files.

I argue that the presence and abundance of Paleoindian sites is spatially variable, and that different

patterns emerge depending upon which dataset is examined, and at what scale. These types of data are

increasingly being incorporated into models of Paleoindian mobility (Amick 1994a, 1994b, 1996; Hofman

1994c; Meltzer and Bever 1995; Pitblado 1998, 1999a), however a survey of the Paleoindian literature

points to the fact that most of our ideas are instead derived from the context of excavated sites (cf. Frison

1991; Hofman 1994b; Roberts 1940; Wormington 1957). This is sound logic in many ways, as it can be

argued that excavated sites provide a more secure context for making detailed statements about Paleoindian

systems, as compared to often times biased and spotty coverage in the regional data. Nevertheless, a

melding of the two can be a productive research strategy. The predominance of excavated sites has

certainly shaped and skewed our perception of the Paleoindian record, because as will be seen shortly, the

vast majority of Paleoindian sites (isolated finds, small sites) do not even vaguely resemble the well known,

excavated, and published sites (Hofman and Ingbar 1988; Kornfeld 1988).

Projectile point surveys are often the best source of information for quickly determining whether

there are active artifact collectors in a given region, or if there are appropriately aged exposures within the

area. The distribution and abundance of finds often varies with the type of terrain favored by collectors, as

amateur archaeologists often search eroded landscapes (Westfall 2002; Whiteley 1998; Yeager 2000).

Thus certain landforms such as dunes, plowed fields, and creek bottoms often produce higher quantities of

artifacts as compared to other areas. Yet it is not necessarily true that these areas were more densely

occupied in the past (they might well have been), but instead these landforms are easily eroded, afford high

surface visibility, and often yield high artifact density due to palimpsest effects.

State archaeological files (housed in centrally located State Historic Preservation Offices)

document the nature, location, and characteristics of sites recorded by professional archaeologists on

various research and contract projects. Unlike surface hunters, sites recorded in the state files were often

discovered from a variety of artifact-bearing landforms, as project boundaries are more concerned with

mitigating cultural resources rather than simply discovering artifacts in abundance. As such, they present a

potentially useful dataset for assessing the surface properties of large regions. Yet, these data must be

tempered by the role that artifact collectors have played in selectively altering the surface record, removing

scores of diagnostic surface materials (LaBelle 2003).

Paleoindian Projectile Point Surveys

Seventy years of Paleoindian research has revealed that isolated finds of Paleoindian projectile

points are fairly common in certain regions of North America (e.g., Anderson 1990; Anderson and Faught

1998, 2000; Brennan 1982; Faught et al. 1994), whereas sites are comparatively rare occurrences across

most of the continent (sites are simply defined as containing at minimum 2 or more items, including

debitage and tools). Many researchers use a regional approach in examining the Paleoindian record, based

primarily upon the distribution and abundance of specific diagnostic styles of projectile points.

Frequencies are obtained by adding together isolated tools with projectile points recovered from sites.

Most regional studies focus on county-level distributions of projectile points. These units are an

appropriate scale for several reasons. First, much of the data are derived from amateur archaeological

collections. Although many collectors keep records of their find locations, unfortunately others do not.

Yet, county-level assignment is often possible with even the most provenience-poor collection. Second, the

county scale is an appropriate spatial unit for examining differences in projectile point frequency as related

to broad physiographic features, such as comparing tool densities between river valleys (Daniel 1998), the

mountains and the plains (Amick 1994a), glaciated and unglaciated terrain (Meltzer 1988, 1989), or areas

of high and low lithic raw material abundance (Meltzer 1987; Meltzer and Bever 1995).

Projectile point surveys have focused primarily on various styles of fluted points such as Clovis

and Folsom, because many archaeologists contend fluted points to be perfect examples of “index fossils”

(Anderson and Faught 1998:163). This argument is based on three premises: fluted points are easily

identifiable, they are widespread in distribution, and they represent a (relatively) synchronous chronometric

horizon marker. Although we can generally accept these propositions for analytical purposes, empirical

evidence shows the situation to be much more complex.

Fluted points are usually identifiable if the base is present. However, there is much less chance of

identification if only the midsection or tip remains. Specimens broken during manufacture are also

problematic. It is relatively easy to identify the tool if the preform was fluted, however, earlier stage

preforms are more difficult to positively identify. Manufacturing debris, such as channel flakes, can be

diagnostic depending upon the point style. For example, Folsom channel flakes are perhaps the easiest to

identify, but few cases are made for Clovis channel flakes primarily because these are not as distinctive. Of

course, this all depends upon the context of the points and preforms in question. Identification of

Paleoindian preforms is much easier when they come from a workshop locale, especially if it is single

component. Yet, this is generally a rare occurrence.

The second premise, that fluted points are widespread, is generally true but not without its

problems. Clovis and Clovis-like points have been found across North America, although there are clearly

regions where they occur in great abundance and other areas where they are almost non-existent (cf.

distribution maps in Anderson and Faught 1998, 2000). Herein lies a quandary. How do we assess patterns

in fluted point distributions if our expectations are that they should occur everywhere and in abundance?

This is the primary problem with many fluted point surveys, as they equate regional abundance with

temporal depth (i.e., lots of tools accumulated over lots of time) (e.g., Mason 1962:234-235; Shiner 1983,

1984; Johnson and Holliday 1984), rather than accounting for factors that might condition varying rates in

the manufacture, use, and discard of tools (such as settlement mobility, raw material abundance, etc.). We

must first assess whether the sample is appropriate and applicable to regional land use modeling (Lepper

1983, 1985; Shott 2002).

The third premise is that fluted points are horizon markers in the truest sense of Willey and

Phillips (1958:31-33). Yet radiocarbon dating of fluted point sites has proven problematic in parts of North

America, such that the East Coast and Great Lakes sequences have few independently dated sites (Haynes

1993) as compared to the Great Plains (Holliday 2000). For example, typological sequences for fluted

point evolution have been created in the Great Lakes (Deller and Ellis 1992:125-133), but without

independent dating. In some cases, tracing “cultural” evolution of point styles has been taken to the

extreme, often utilizing low sample populations with undated assemblages (Kerr and Dial 1998; O’Brien et

al. 2001). But even in those situations where types are “well dated”, Paleoindian tools are still proving

problematic as horizon markers (Sellet 1999, 2001).

Herein lies a significant problem, how does one explain cultural change when there is no

independent measure for the flow of time? Once again, the abundance argument is interjected, equating

great temporal depth with diversity and abundance in projectile point forms (Mason 1962). In many of

these models, hunter-gatherers are assumed to annually discard a set number of points equally across the

landscape, regardless of local resource distribution. Yet, this is highly improbable given the abundance of

discarded points (including manufacturing failures) at lithic sources, just for a simple example.

Thus, many of the assumptions behind projectile point surveys are problematic. Equation of point

frequency with greater population size or temporal depth is simply not possible without further

consideration of problems in the basic identification of the tools, and factors conditioning the spatial

distributions of points.

Fluted Point Studies in the Eastern United States

Studies in the distribution of projectile point styles have a long history in North America (e.g.,

Figgins 1934, 1935; Fischel 1939; Howard 1935; Renaud 1932b, 1934), however most of the early work

was qualitative and only exploratory in nature. Like the majority of Paleoindian work from the 1930s

through the 1960s, the emphasis was placed on determining stylistic types, charting their geographic

distributions, and assessing basic properties of chronology.

More quantitative point surveys were begun in the early 1960s in eastern North America (Prufer

and Baby 1963; Mason 1962; Seeman and Prufer 1982). It was quickly noted that there were an extensive

number of fluted points occurring within relatively limited geographical areas in the eastern record

(Brennan 1982). Sites such as Bull Brook (Byers 1954), Shoop (Witthoft 1952), and Williamson (McCary

1951) were distinctly different from sites in the western United States, which generally produced only a

few fluted points per site (Blackwater Draw was one of the few exceptions [Hester 1972]). These large

clusters of projectile points demonstrated dramatic differences between the Paleoindian records of the

eastern and western United States. And as mentioned earlier, the inferences drawn from these patterns

have had impact on the interpretation of Paleoindian organization.

Most of these fluted point surveys were conducted with county-level scales of individual states.

However, within the last 20 years, researchers began to compile smaller scale databases of fluted point

distribution (Anderson and Faught 1998, 2000; Brennan 1982; Meltzer 1988). Styles investigated include

Clovis, Cumberland, Folsom, and Suwannee/Simpson points, with Clovis-like styles such as Gainey and

Debert subsumed under the general Clovis label. The Anderson and Faught database contains counts

( of the point types for counties in the coterminous United

States. As of 2000, the survey contained 12,791 Paleoindian points (Anderson and Faught 2000:509), the

vast majority of which had at least a county-level provenience (98.6% based on the 1997 totals, Anderson

and Faught 1998).

Anderson and Faught (1998, 2000) argue that patterns in the distribution and density of the

various point types represent many things, including possibly the routes of migration, ancestral homelands,

population centers, and estimates for population size (see also Anderson and Gillam 2000; Steele et al.

1998). Obviously, we can and should question whether these conclusions are warranted. Several

archaeologists have investigated factors potentially affecting these point density patterns, such as

comparing densities to modern populations of the counties, the amount of land under cultivation, and the

number of amateur collectors in the area, among other factors (Lepper 1983, 1985; Meltzer 1987; Meltzer

and Bever 1995:52-53; Shott 2002). However, these factors have generally been discounted as not

necessarily important in affecting the density of fluted points (Anderson and Faught 1998; Seeman and

Prufer 1984).

Anderson and Faught are to be commended for compiling their database for it is the first attempt

of a continent-wide study. But there are several problems with the dataset that cannot be overcome. For

example, the database only contains point frequencies. There are no data on point completeness (base

versus complete), final form (preform versus exhausted point), raw material, or metrics. Without any of

these data, critical in evaluating what these patterns might represent regionally, there is little else to

compare other than county-level frequencies.

Patterns in the Fluted Point Distributions: Real and Otherwise

So what do clusters of Paleoindian projectile points potentially indicate? Here we can make

meaningful interpretations of the patterns. Rather than view Paleoindian point clusters strictly as past

behavior, we must first examine taphonomic factors that govern the data in question. First, clusters indicate

regions where Early Holocene and Late Pleistocene archaeological surfaces are exposed on the surface.

This is one of the most important variables to consider. Across the continent, on both a regional and local

scale, there are surfaces that have had little sedimentation since the Pleistocene or have eroded onto that

surface, such as in the desert Southwest and Great Basin (e.g., large open air sites like Mockingbird Gap

which rests on a quite extensive Early Holocene surface, at minimum several km2 in size [Weber 1997;

Weber and Agogino 1997]). On the other hand, Pleistocene-age deposits are buried under dozens of meters

of sediment in the valleys to the east of the High Plains. For example, Paleoindian deposits are buried

under 7 m of fill at the Allen site in Nebraska (Holder and Wilke 1949:260). Locating Paleoindian sites

simply lying on the surface in this area of Nebraska is obviously quite difficult given the tremendous

alluvial fill sequences (Myers 1977).

The intensity of land disturbance through cultivation and construction must also be taken into

consideration. Plowing has disturbed archaeological sites over the last hundred years, slowly exposing and

potentially churning artifacts with every pass of the field (Mallouf 1981). On the other hand, rangelands,

which are quite common throughout the west, are potentially stabilized surfaces where buried materials are

protected from any surface disturbance. Thus, artifacts (of all ages) are differentially exposed on the

surface, depending upon the intensity of land disturbance to the land, and the resistance of that land to such

forces (for example, whether the matrix is clay or sand, alluvial fill or eolian, etc.).

A second point of consideration is the bias in reporting. Systematic fluted point projectile surveys

began in the eastern United States forty years ago, thus accumulating years of recording by many

researchers. As well, eastern North America contains a greater population density as well as more

agricultural activity, which coupled with an active and interested collector community potentially leads to

higher numbers of points being described.

Compare this to the western United States and Great Plains, where population density is low.

There are counties in the west that could still be qualified as “frontier” (Duncan 1993), as the population

density remains below 2 persons per square mile (and dropping!) Obviously, with fewer people working

and collecting across these vast territories, it seems obvious that survey coverage by collectors would be

much less extensive. Exposures of appropriate age are also limited to certain areas, as well, given the lack

of extensive cultivation. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule (e.g., the High Plains of western


An additional factor is the lack of archaeologists conducting systematic Paleoindian projectile

point surveys in the west, let alone basic archaeological research. As will be discussed shortly, there are

large stretches within the study area where few, if any, archaeological sites have been identified. This is

not necessarily due to a lack of prehistoric occupation, but probably from a lack of research within these

vast regions. Building a comprehensive database of Paleoindian projectile point frequencies across states

such as Colorado will be much more difficult than it was in the eastern United States, given the low

population density, low research intensity, and vastness of the region.

As will be explored in Chapter 8, there are dense clusters of Paleoindian sites in areas where there

is good Pleistocene-age exposures and a strong collector community. Do these patterns have anything to

do with prehistoric population densities? They may or may not (probably not), depending upon how we

choose to examine the data.

Having clarified several of the simple assumptions regarding projectile point frequencies and

regional patterns of settlement, I will now turn to examination of the archaeological factors that potentially

influence the density and distribution of items such as projectile points.

The location of hunter-gatherers on the landscape is a critical factor governing patterns in the

manufacture, use, and discard of artifacts (Andrefsky 1994a, 1994b; Bamforth 1985). This is especially the

case in areas of lithic raw material abundance. Quarries and workshops are often littered with high

numbers of cores, bifaces, and preforms in various stages of reduction (Bryan 1950). Sometimes the

specimens are recovered in complete forms with use-life remaining, thus the reason for discard is unknown.

Raw material abundance allows such wasteful behavior, as new items can be manufactured whenever

needed and the costs of procurement are low. With an abundance of lithic material available, there is little

need for conservation or recycling of stone tools.

Projectile point surveys should therefore consider the life-stage of the tools. Are the tools

preforms, late stage bifaces, broken points, or points reworked down to exhausted forms? Are the points

made from exotic raw materials or instead local materials? These tool life-stages and their contexts are

necessary criteria for establishing their place within the hunter-gatherer technological system.

Land use patterns can also be examined with projectile point surveys. Were the points found as

isolated tools, part of small camps, large camps, or within multi-component lithic scatters? An abundance

of isolated finds suggests that Paleoindian populations might be distributed throughout a large area but did

not create many large sites. However, a different land use pattern would be inferred if the points were

found within several large sites and there were similarly sized sites throughout the region. This would then

(obviously I am greatly simplifying matters here) indicate that the particular activity was repeated

throughout the region. Examining patterns in the frequency and density of various sites types will help

detail the range of activities conducted by foraging groups within the region.

Projectile Point Surveys Previously Conducted in the Study Area

Thus far, I have addressed some of the patterns and potential problems derived from regional

Paleoindian point surveys. I now examine surveys previously conducted in the study area, which were

often conducted as part of statewide assessments (Table 4.1). Several of these studies were incorporated

into the Anderson and Faught database (see references in Anderson and Faught 1998).

Table 4.1: Recent projectile point surveys in the Central Plains.

State Projectile Point Complex Recent Study

Clovis, Folsom, Agate Basin, Nelson 1969;
Hell Gap, Cody Nelson and Breternitz 1970
Portions of Colorado, Kansas,
Hell Gap Beaver 1998
and Oklahoma
Kansas Clovis Hofman and Hesse 1996
Kansas Folsom Hofman 1994a
Blackmar 1998a, 1998b, 2001;
Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas Clovis, Folsom, Cody
Blackmar and Hofman 1997
Nebraska Clovis, Folsom Myers 1987
Oklahoma Clovis Hofman and Wyckoff 1991
Oklahoma Folsom Hofman 1993
Texas Clovis Meltzer and Bever 1995
Texas Folsom Largent et al. 1991; Largent 1995

Blackmar recently summarized the distribution of Clovis, Folsom, and Cody projectile points in

Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Her data on Cody points supplemented previously published data on Clovis

and Folsom distributions. As Blackmar provides the most recent summary and discussion of regional

Paleoindian distributions, her important and useful study is examined below.

Blackmar was interested in explaining patterns in the frequency and density of the three point

types within the Central and Southern Plains. She did so by dividing the region into four environmental

zones, comprising the High Plains, Prairie Plains, Savannah, and Woodlands. Counties were assigned to

one of the four zones and summary counts for each of the point styles was presented per county.

Several measures were used to describe patterns in the data. First, Blackmar measured the

ubiquity of each point type per ecological zone. Ubiquity refers to the simple presence of a point type

within the county, and could represent only a single specimen or upwards of dozens of points of that type

per county. Ubiquity strengthens arguments concerning the density of point types because it minimizes the

effect of unequal survey between counties, emphasizing only the presence or absence of a particular


Blackmar (2001:76-80) drew several conclusions from the data. Clovis was widespread across all

four environmental zones. The Folsom complex was more common on the High Plains and rare in the

Woodlands. Finally, the Cody complex was common throughout the four ecological zones, with a

surprisingly high density of points located within the Woodland region. I draw slightly different

conclusions from the same data.

I examined the relationship between measures of standardized frequency and ubiquity, arraying

the data by both environmental type and also by cultural complex. There is a positive relationship between

presence (ubiquity) and abundance (standardized frequency) for each of the three Paleoindian complexes

(Figure 4.1). Thus, as the ubiquity increases, so does the standardized frequency. This makes intuitive

sense, because as the overall frequency of occurrences increases, so does the total number of points (more

sites equals at minimum one or more points). The pattern varies slightly among the three complexes, with

the pattern strongest with Cody (r2=0.8867) and Folsom (r2=0.7785). The Clovis complex (r2=0.4887) does

not fit as strongly, but there is still a positive relationship between the two.






R2 = 0.4887

Cody Folsom
R2 = 0.8867 R2 = 0.7785



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Standardized Frequency

Figure 4.1: Scatterplot of the frequency and ubiquity of three Paleoindian complexes from the Central and
Southern Plains.

This suggests, for at least the Folsom and Cody complexes, that patterns in the occupation of these

environmental zones is not necessarily linked to the preference (or homeland) of the zones by prehistoric

foragers. One wonders whether the low ubiquity in certain environmental zones is a matter of poor artifact

recording within those ecological regions or is instead reflective of prehistoric land use systems. Blackmar

(2001) notes that despite thorough reporting, Folsom points are simply uncommon to rare in the eastern

Woodlands. Others have also noted the lesser frequency of Folsom along the eastern Plains margin

(Morrow and Morrow 1999; Munson 1990).

The pattern exhibited by the Clovis complex suggests something different. Of the three point

complexes, Clovis had the highest ubiquity. Yet despite the widespread presence of Clovis within each of

the four zones, its standardized frequency does not necessarily increase greatly. This suggests that Clovis

occupations might be of a different type than those of the later Folsom and Cody complexes. For instance,

Clovis sites are more common but often smaller. This fits the empirical record quite well, as few Clovis

kill or occupation sites are known, as compared to the other complexes, despite the high number of

recorded Clovis points. As well, Clovis sites tend to be small, generally producing fewer than 5 points per

site (Meltzer and Bever 1995). The increase in site size between the Clovis and the later Folsom and Cody

complexes might be monitoring shifts in landscape use, such as increasing the duration of site occupation,

the diversity of activities conducted on site, the character of the site (whether near raw materials) and the

number of people occupying those sites.

The ubiquity and standardized frequencies of projectile point complexes as arrayed by the four

environmental zones shows less patterning (Figure 4.2). Three of the four zones show weak association

between ubiquity and sample size, with only the Savannah showing a very strong association (r2=0.9996).

The low standardized frequencies within the Savannah zone might have to do with a landscape pattern of

small sites spread throughout the region, rather than a series of large multiple function camps. The High

Plains have different frequency rates compared to the other regions. The highest ubiquity and standardized

frequency of Clovis and Folsom artifacts are located within the High Plains, as well as the second highest

standardized frequency among Cody points.






High Plains
Savannah Woodlands
R2 = 0.1529
R2 = 0.9996 R2 = 0.5297

Prairie Plains
R2 = 0.3444


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Standardized Frequency

Figure 4.2: Scatterplot of the frequency and ubiquity of four ecological zones from the Central and
Southern Plains.

It is difficult to interpret these results, as it appears that the patterns are related to sample size. It

seems suspicious that the area (High Plains) with the greatest survey coverage (both professional and

amateur) as well as the greatest surface exposure would also contain the highest ubiquity and standardized

frequencies. Whether this is related to patterns in prehistoric foraging systems remains to be proven with

ancillary datasets.

Paleoindian Projectile Point Frequencies in the Study Area

I will now summarize the distribution of several Paleoindian projectile point complexes located

within the study area, including Clovis, Folsom, Agate Basin, Hell Gap, and Cody. The frequencies were

tabulated from the data referenced in Table 4.1. I have not added to these totals either data obtained during

my own study or from sites that were (for some unknown reason) not included in the above-cited sources.

In some ways, these represent incomplete frequency distribution maps, but they are useful in illustrating

several points about the regional record.

Clovis points have a clustered distribution (Figure 4.3). The high proportion of Clovis points in

the Oklahoma Panhandle, specifically Cimarron (n=18) and Texas (n=12) Counties, can be attributed to

several factors. This area has an active collector community and was heavily eroded during droughts in the

1930s, 1950s, and 1970s. Those two factors led to extensive collections of sites, including the Baker

collection. The large numbers of points in Pueblo (n=22) and Crowley (n=10) Counties, Colorado, are

probably a result of exposures in the Black Squirrel Creek dune field (see Figure 3.2, this study). This area

was also actively collected during past droughts. Most other counties have low frequencies of Clovis

points, generally only 1-2 and nearly all below 5 points per county. Colorado and eastern New Mexico

have especially low frequencies owing to an absence of systematic surveys (other than Nelson [1969] and

Nelson and Breternitz [1970]). Better survey coverage is characteristic of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

The high ubiquity of Clovis points in these states, coupled with low overall frequency, reflects a series of

relatively large numbers of small sites spread throughout the region (Blackmar 2001).

The distribution of Folsom points follows similar patterns to Clovis, but with a few exceptions

(Figure 4.4). In New Mexico, Colfax (n=36) and San Miguel (n=49) Counties have known Folsom sites

(the Folsom type-site [Meltzer et al. 2002]), and several in the Las Vegas area respectively (New Mexico

State file data). As well, Larimer County in northern Colorado contains the greatest abundance of Folsom

points (n=240), all from the Lindenmeier site (Wilmsen and Roberts 1978). The Lipscomb bison kill

(Hofman 1995) located in the northeastern Texas Panhandle helps account for the 30 points in Lipscomb

County. Dune fields are again well represented, such as the Oklahoma Panhandle, along the Arkansas

River in Kansas, and in southeastern Nebraska. As well, there is a higher ubiquity of Folsom in Kansas,

Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas, which have all been the subject of systematic fluted point surveys. Much

like the Clovis complex, most Folsom points are identified in areas with exhibiting surface deflation or in

counties containing known Folsom sites.

Agate Basin distributions are confined to the state of Colorado (Figure 4.5) (Nelson 1969, Nelson

and Breternitz 1970). Again, the dune fields of Pueblo (n=27) and Crowley (n=17) Counties are well

represented. Most other counties have no points whatsoever. This is probably related to sample coverage,

however, as Nelson repeatedly complained about the lack of support he received from the collector

community in conducting his study (Nelson and Breternitz 1970).

Hell Gap distributions are provided thanks to the recent work of Beaver (1998). Again, this is a

limited survey and low frequencies are seen (Figure 4.6). Higher counts in the Oklahoma Panhandle and

again along the Arkansas River, account for the majority of the points.

Cody complex distributions are presented in Figure 4.7. The highest density of Cody points are

found in the dune fields of Pueblo and Crowley Counties in Colorado, Cimarron and Texas Counties in

Oklahoma, and along the Arkansas River in Kansas. Indeed, one of the largest Cody complex sites known

from the Plains comes from the dune fields of eastern Colorado, the Claypool site in Washington County

(Dick and Mountain 1960). However, Nelson did not include this site in his county summaries (Nelson

1969; Nelson and Breternitz 1970).

A sum of all Paleoindian points recorded within the study area is presented in Figure 4.8 (a few

additional points listed in the Anderson and Faught data were added to these totals. However, the specific

point type was not listed in the database []). Several

general trends are clear. Highly eroded areas, as well as counties containing known sites, produced the

bulk of the data. It is probably also the case that archaeologists have been drawn to these same counties

over time, due to the known presence of appropriately aged deposits. Thus, the pattern replicates itself over

Figure 4.3: Number of Clovis points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the Central

Figure 4.4: Number of Folsom points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the Central

Figure 4.5: Number of Agate Basin points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the
Central Plains.

Figure 4.6: Number of Hell Gap points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the
Central Plains.

Figure 4.7: Number of Cody complex points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of the
Central Plains.

several generations of research. For example, the Wray dune field of northeastern Colorado saw some of

the earliest prospecting for Paleoindian sites in the 1930s (Cook 1931a,b,c; Renaud 1931b), then again in

the 1950s (Dick and Mountain 1960) and 1970s (Stanford 1979b; Stanford and Albanese 1975). The

prospect of working in the region drew my interest as well (LaBelle 2003). Thus, highly dense areas are

sometimes defined more appropriately by the amount of effort archaeologists placed within the area, rather

than the prehistoric record.

Summary of Paleoindian Projectile Point Distributions

I do not think there is much merit in trying to decipher patterns in these distribution maps, other

than noting the areas where we have known Paleoindian sites are also the areas with good Pleistocene

exposure and collector activity. As will be seen in Chapters 5-7, other sources of data strongly counter the

patterns seen in these projectile point surveys. For example, the sheer number of Paleoindian tools held in

private collections is overwhelming, therefore making it nearly impossible to estimate just how well or how

poorly these projectile point surveys represent patterns in Paleoindian site location and density.

In summary, projectile point surveys are helpful in determining where large amounts of projectile

points have been recovered, but are a poor measure (at least on the Great Plains) for examining the origin,

development, and migration of prehistoric populations. In effect, they tell you where Paleoindians were

present, but not necessarily where (or why) they were absent. Perhaps these issues can be examined on a

regional scale, but not on the continental scale with the data at hand (Anderson and Faught 1998, 2000).

There is simply no way to separate the bias from the variability in the present dataset.

In terms of guidelines for conducting future regional studies, Meltzer and Bever (1995) present a

productive research strategy in their overview of the Clovis complex in Texas. They examined patterns in

raw material selection and relation to point manufacture, comparing patterns both intra and inter-regionally.

This circumvents problems of inadequacy of poor coverage, as the patterns come from the physical

attributes of the points themselves (raw materials, metrics, completeness).

Figure 4.8: Total number of Paleoindian points per county recorded in the published regional surveys of
the Central Plains.

Paleoindian Site Distributions as Viewed from the State Files

State archaeological files present another measure of Paleoindian site presence and density within

the study area. Every state maintains a centralized database of historic and prehistoric archaeological sites

identified through cultural resource mitigation, reports by academic archaeologists, amateur archaeological

societies, and interested individuals. Not surprisingly, the state files vary in quality, although they have

become more detailed as contract archaeology adopted increasingly thorough and standardized recording

protocols, beginning in the 1970s and continuing to the present day.

For this study, state research files were queried in Colorado, Nebraska, and New Mexico.

Additionally, a summary monograph for the state of Texas was used to assess counties in the Texas

Panhandle (Biesaart et al. 1985; Simons 1988). Patterns in the Kansas and Oklahoma data were

qualitatively identified from several sources and are addressed elsewhere in Chapter 5. As the quality of

data varies between individual site records and between states, the distributions and patterns described here

are rather general. In order to standardize the data, the results are presented as Paleoindian sites, and not

broken down into individual complexes, such as Agate Basin or Plainview. However, the state records

were queried for general terms such as Paleoindian and Plano, as well additional keywords incorporating

projectile point complexes so that all records were located.

The number of archaeological sites (of all ages) recorded within the state files of Colorado,

Nebraska, New Mexico, and Texas is presented in Figure 4.9. Some trends are clearly evident. First, the

majority of sites are located along the foothills or “Front Range” counties of Colorado and New Mexico.

These particular counties parallel the major north-south interstate highway in the region, which mirrors the

distribution of population (and growth) in Colorado. Colfax (northeastern New Mexico) and Las Animas

Counties (Colorado) have also received a moderate amount of contract archaeology due to projects on

military lands and coal mines.

The number of recorded sites decreases quite steadily to the east and onto the Plains proper, away

from the Colorado Piedmont and Foothills. Only a small amount of work has been conducted on the High

Plains, as only a few contract projects (primarily reservoirs and road surveys) have been conducted in the

region. Many counties contain less than fifty recorded sites, with some of these records dating back to

Figure 4.9: Number of archaeological sites per county recorded in state files of the Central Plains.

Renaud’s reconnaissance surveys of the 1930s and 1940s (Renaud 1931a, 1932a). Their usefulness to

modern research is questionable, although they are helpful to assessing what types of sites are located

within the High Plains.

A point to consider is that our overall sample of sites is woefully small and assuredly inadequate.

For example, the density of archaeological sites per km2 is very small (Figure 4.10). Only a handful of

counties, most of them small and along the Front Range of Colorado, have county-level site densities that

approach one-tenth of a site per km2. Denver County contains the highest density of sites, but it is also the

smallest county under consideration. Therefore, generalizations drawn from these distributions are

painfully limited in regards to patterns in specific periods or particular site types.

Radiocarbon Dates as a Proxy for Research Intensity

Much like the state files, the number of independent radiometric ages is also a good proxy

measure for the intensity of research coverage. Rayne et al. (1997) recently published a database of

absolute ages from archaeological sites in Colorado, covering all known radiocarbon, dendrochronological,

archaeomagnetic, thermoluminescence, and obsidian hydration dates. The sample is large (over 10,000

dates) however the majority are tree-ring dates from the pueblos and cliff dwellings of southwestern

Colorado (8324/10675, 78%). This area has received the bulk of research attention for a variety of obvious

reasons, and the distribution of absolute dates reflects this pattern. Radiocarbon (1895, 18%) and

archaeomagnetic ages (396, 4%) are not as common, but still plentiful.

Fifteen counties have no reported absolute dates and 11 others have only 1 to 2 absolute dates each

(Figure 4.11). Thus, over 41% (26/63) of the counties have little to no absolute age control (this does not

include the newly formed Broomfield County, which was recently carved from portions of several counties

in the northern Denver area). In regards to eastern Colorado, counties containing the largest number of

dates are along the Front Range, again running north to south and parallel with modern population

distribution. Nearly all counties in eastern Colorado have no absolute ages, which parallels the pattern in

adjoining states, particularly in western Kansas. In general, “simple” hunter-gatherer sites have not

received much archaeological attention.

Figure 4.10: Density (sites/km2) of archaeological sites per county recorded in state files of the Central

Figure 4.11: Number of independent age assessments per county in Colorado.

Paleoindian Site Density in the Central Plains

The distribution of Paleoindian sites, as detailed in the state files, is presented in Figure 4.12. The

pattern does completely match that of the projectile point surveys (summarized in Figure 4.8). This is not

surprising, however, given that the state files represent a more systematic survey of sites. The majority of

these sites were added through CRM work, but amateur discoveries are also included in the state records.

Most Paleoindian sites are located along the Front Range. It would be tempting to associate this

distribution with the Foothills ecotone, which provides opportunities for foraging in both the High Plains

and the montane setting. However, this is the corridor containing the highest number of recorded sites of

all ages, and therefore the overall percent of Paleoindian sites is actually quite low (Figure 4.13).

Figure 4.12: Number of Paleoindian sites per county recorded in state files of the Central Plains.

Figure 4.13: Paleoindian sites as a percentage of all sites per county recorded in state files of the Central
Plains. Top number is the percent Paleoindian whereas the bottom number is the county site sample size.

Temporal trends in the number of Paleoindian sites discovered in Colorado remain stable (Table

4.2), ranging between 27-30 sites per decade over the last three decades. Most of the early discoveries

were made by amateurs and then reported to professionals and academic archaeologists. However, the

number of professional archaeologists discovering Paleoindian sites began increasing in the 1960s,

primarily related to the amount of time spent on survey projects.

Table 4.2: Paleoindian sites recorded per decade in Colorado.

Decade Number of Sites Percent of Total (N=139)

1930s 17 12.2
1940s 7 5.0
1950s 13 9.4
1960s 15 10.8
1970s 30 21.6
1980s 27 19.4
1990s 30 21.6

Thus, most of the Paleoindian sites recorded in the state files are from the “gray literature” or

unpublished cultural resource management reports. Often times these sites are multi-component lithic

scatters, usually only containing a single fragment of a Paleoindian projectile point. It is a rare event when

a large Paleoindian site is recorded.

Seebach (2000) recently addressed the role that collectors and droughts played in the Paleoindian

site discovery. His results suggested that amateur archaeologists discovered the majority of Paleoindian

sites. Data from the Baker collection, and the Nall site, was used to support his argument for increased

Paleoindian site discovery during prolonged drought years, as measured by the Palmer drought severity

index. Most of his data were from the famous (and well published) Paleoindian sites of the Plains, often

cited as representative of Paleoindian subsistence and mobility systems.

The data from the state files present a contrast to his results. At least in Colorado, Paleoindian

sites were actively discovered throughout the last 70 years. It just happens that these sites are small,

deemed unimportant, and have gone underreported in the Paleoindian literature (Hofman and Ingbar 1988;

Kornfeld 1988).

Temporal Components of Paleoindian Sites in Eastern Colorado

Age assignments of the components recorded in Colorado are presented in Table 4.3. The

temporal labels are not mutually exclusive, as sites can be assigned to more than one complex designation

(see below).

The majority of sites (n=61, 44%) have been designated with the generic label of “Paleoindian”.

This begs the question of what was actually found on these sites. The “Plano” label follows a close second

(n=41, 29%). Presumably, Plano sites contain Paleoindian points that are not fluted (and therefore not

Clovis or Folsom), but are still typologically Paleoindian (either with stemmed or lanceolate concave

bases). Relatively few sites are identified to a specific complex, although Clovis and Folsom are both

common and probably relates to their presence as sites (e.g., Lindenmeier, Fowler-Parrish, Dent) rather

than isolated finds, and the tools contain characteristics that are relatively easy to identify (i.e., the flute).

Table 4.3: Temporal complex assigned to Paleoindian sites in Eastern Colorado.

Complex Number of Sites Percent of Total (N=140)

Paleoindian 61 43.6
Later complex 54 38.6
Plano 41 29.3
Folsom 26 18.6
Clovis 10 7.1
Cody 8 5.7
Hell Gap 1 0.7
Agate Basin 1 0.7

“Later complex” refers to post-Paleoindian forms, either Archaic or late prehistoric forms. Almost

40% (n= 54, 39%) of the Paleoindian sites in eastern Colorado are thus multi-component, containing both

Paleoindian and later occupations. Co-associated cultural complexes are presented in Table 4.4.

“Paleoindian” and “Plano” sites often co-occur with later complexes. However, there are fewer instances

of more than one Paleoindian complex at any one site. There are 5 cases of Folsom/Plano occupation, 3

Clovis/Plano, and 1 Clovis/Folsom site. Combined, these sites make up only 6% (n=9, 6.4%) of all the

Paleoindian sites, suggesting that many Paleoindian sites were not reoccupied again during the Paleoindian

period. Patterns of repetitive Paleoindian land use patterns will be further examined in Chapter 6, where

Paleoindian reoccupation appear to be much more frequent than this state data suggest.

Table 4.4: Sites with multiple temporal complexes in Eastern Colorado.

Complex Number of Sites Percent of Total (N=140)

Paleoindian/later 35 25.0
Plano/later 11 7.9
Folsom/later 8 5.7
Folsom/Plano 5 3.6
Clovis/Plano 3 2.1
Clovis/later 3 2.1
Cody/later 2 1.4
Clovis/Folsom 1 0.7

Site Types of the Paleoindian Sites in Eastern Colorado

The Paleoindian sites recorded in eastern Colorado are not the stereotypical bison kills so

commonly recognized from the literature (Stanford 1979a). Instead, the sites again illustrate that the

majority of Paleoindian sites are small and probably mixed with components of later ages, including later


Site types garnered from the state files are presented in Table 4.5. The site designations are not

mutually exclusive and can have multiple classifications. “Open camps” are the most common site type.

This open-air site type is defined by the presence of lithic debris as well as features or ground stone. The

high incidence of Archaic and late prehistoric aged materials in co-association with the Paleoindian sites

probably accounts for the high frequency of open campsites. In many cases, the features and ground stone

are assumed to represent the later occupations of the site, but this is generally untested.

“Open lithic” and “isolated finds” are also common (combined they total 34%). Open lithic sites

are located in the open-air setting (as compared to “closed air” rockshelters), but do not contain evidence of

features or ground stone. They are simply lithic scatters. Isolated finds are obviously single tools,

recovered with no associated debris. As mentioned earlier, surface collectors record large numbers of

Paleoindian projectile points as isolated finds. Whether their finds are actually isolated tools or instead

small sites is unknown, based upon the collection strategy and provenience data employed by many artifact


“Open architecture” and “other” make up the two remaining site types. Open architectural sites

contain some evidence of open-air rock alignments, such as drivelines or stone circles. They can also relate

to structures, such as house foundations. The “other” category contains sites such as quarries, sheltered

camps, burials, kill sites, etc., which I combined into this category for the purposes of this analysis.

Table 4.5: Site types represented by Paleoindian sites in Eastern Colorado.

Site Type Number of Sites Percent of Total (N=140)

Open camp 60 42.9
Other 31 22.1
Open lithic 27 19.3
Isolated find 20 14.3
Open architecture 15 10.7

Sites with more than one type designation are relatively uncommon, primarily because these site

categories are so broad in definition. Most of the sites with multiple designations are open air lithic scatters

with an associated “other” designation (Table 4.6). Many of the open camp and open lithic sites could

probably be classified as lithic workshops or quarries, as they are located on raw material sources.

Table 4.6: Site types with multiple designations.

Site Type Number of Sites Percent of Total (N=140)

Open camp/other 6 4.3
Open architecture/other 4 2.9
Open lithic/other 2 1.4
Open lithic/isolated find 1 0.7
Open camp/open architecture 1 0.7

Paleoindian Sites in the Central Plains: Just How Rare Are They?

I will now address the overall frequency of Paleoindian sites as compared to the rest of the

chronological sequence. Table 4.7 divides the study area into three states for purposes of comparison.

Table 4.7: Paleoindian site frequency in Colorado, Nebraska, and New Mexico.

Number Mean Median

of Total Total Number of Number of
State Counties Paleoindian Archaeological Paleoindian Paleoindian
in This Sites Sites Sites Per Sites Per
Study County County
Colorado 28 140 16760 0.84 5.0 2.5
Nebraska 34 70 3077 2.27 2.1 1
5 23 3640 0.63 4.6 4

A total of 3077 prehistoric sites have been documented from western Nebraska, yielding a mean of

90.5 sites per county. However, the total number of sites per county ranges from zero sites (in two

counties) to 100+ sites in 13 counties. Seventy Paleoindian sites (or site components) have been identified

within these 34 counties, thereby making approximately 2.3% (70/3077) of all sites within the region

(Table 4.7). It is potentially more meaningful to examine the percent of Paleoindian sites per county, in

order to determine whether there are areas with higher percentages of sites than others. Doing so allows for

a more refined approximation as to the number of Paleoindian sites within a region. The rationale for doing

so is straightforward. By weighting each county by its sample size, you can minimize any potential bias

introduced between counties.

Nearly half (44%, 15/34) of the counties contained no Paleoindian sites, whereas the remaining

counties generally yielded between 1 and 6 sites. However, Sioux County was a notable exception, with 20

Paleoindian sites. Standardizing these totals by the total number of sites per county reveals some trends

(Table 4.8). Because some counties contain only a few recorded sites, it is not useful to look at an average

percentage of Paleoindian sites per county. However, varying the sample size reveals increasingly stronger

patterns in Paleoindian site presence.

The percent and standard deviation of Paleoindian site frequency is inversely proportional to the

sample size of total sites per county. Thus, as sample size increases, the percent of Paleoindian sites

decreases (Figure 4.14). A sample size of 30-50 sites per county provides a fairly accurate measure of the

percent of Paleoindian sites per county, varying between 2.0-2.4% per western Nebraska county.

Table 4.8: Paleoindian site frequency in Nebraska as related to sample size.

Mean Percent of
Minimum Number of
Paleoindian Sites Per Standard Deviation Number of Counties
Sites Per County
>100 2.00 1.33 13
>50 2.01 1.38 16
>30 2.43 3.12 23
All available 2.48 5.39 34



+1 SD

Percent of All Sites


- 1 SD
All Sites >30 >50 >100
Sample Size of Sites Per County

Figure 4.14: Decreasing percentage of Paleoindian sites as compared to all sites, when the county sample
size is increased in western Nebraska.

In Colorado, where 140 Paleoindian sites have been identified, the total percent of Paleoindian

sites is 0.84%, based upon a recorded total of 16,760 sites. However, the mean percent of Paleoindian sites

is slightly higher when the mean percentages from each county are compared (Table 4.9). Much like the

Nebraska data, the mean Paleoindian percent decreases as the sample size increases (Figure 4.15). A

sample size of 30-50 sites per county provides a measure of 1.7-1.9% of Paleoindian sites per eastern

Colorado county.

Table 4.9: Paleoindian site frequency in Colorado as related to sample size.

Mean Percent of
Minimum Number of
Paleoindian Sites Per Standard Deviation Number of Counties
Sites Per County
>100 1.05 0.80 19
>50 1.69 2.16 22
>30 1.85 2.23 25
All available 2.44 3.34 28



Percent of All Sites

+1 SD


0 - 1 SD
All Sites >30 >50 >100
Sample Size of Sites Per County

Figure 4.15: Decreasing percentage of Paleoindian sites as compared to all sites, when the county sample
size is increased in eastern Colorado.

Finally, New Mexico has the lowest Paleoindian percentage of the three states, with a rate at

0.63% based on a total sample of 3640 sites. Viewed from the individual counties, the mean Paleoindian

percentage increases to a 0.8%, coupled with a low standard deviation (Table 4.10).

Table 4.10: Paleoindian site frequency in New Mexico as related to sample size.

Minimum Number of Mean Percent of Standard Number of

Sites Per County Paleoindian Sites Per County Deviation Counties
>100 0.83 0.42 4
All available 0.87 0.37 5

Summary of the State File Data

There are several points to draw from the state file data. First, the available data are biased

towards areas of modern development and natural resource extraction. Nevertheless, the amount of land

actually surveyed is woefully small, save for a few areas. Site densities, as calculated by county, are

generally low across the entire study area.

The frequency of Paleoindian sites per county also varies throughout the region. It is doubtful that

the distribution is meaningful and instead is probably more related to differing intensities in amateur

collecting and discovery on contract archaeology projects. Most Paleoindian sites in the state files are part

of multi-component lithic scatters, often containing either ground stone or features present (which may not

be related to the Paleoindian component). Typological identification of specific Paleoindian complexes is

difficult with the state files, with most sites being classified as generalized Paleoindian or Plano sites.

Single component sites are known but they are generally rare.

The percent of Paleoindian sites per county is quite small. Where samples of over 100 sites per

county are available, Paleoindian sites account for between 0.83 to 2.00 % of all sites. Increasing the

sample to include all counties with at least 30 sites, increases the Paleoindian percentage to between 1.85 to

2.43% of all sites. These measures indicate that Paleoindian sites, of all kinds and all types, are rare even

in well-surveyed and thoroughly documented counties. That the majority of the sites in the state files are

multi-component open lithic or open campsites makes it clear that the well-known Paleoindian bison kills

are among the most rare form of Paleoindian sites. How these rare sites fit into a system dominated by lots

of small Paleoindian sites will be addressed in subsequent Chapters.

Chapter Summary

This Chapter provided a baseline of what is known of the frequency and distribution of

Paleoindian sites and isolates on the Central Plains. There are several important points to consider after

reviewing these data. First, there is only a limited value in trying to decipher behavioral patterns from

projectile point distribution maps. The maps document areas where we have known Paleoindian sites and

also areas with good exposure and/or collector activity.

Projectile point surveys are helpful in determining where large amounts of projectile points have

been recovered, but are a poor measure for examining the origin, development, and migration of prehistoric

populations. In effect, they tell you where Paleoindians were present, but not necessarily where they were

absent. These issues can be examined on a local scale, but not easily examined on a large regional scale

and definitely not on a continental scale with the data at hand (Anderson and Faught 1998, 2000).

Second, the state file data suggest that we have much to learn about Paleoindian site frequencies

and density. The available data are spatially biased towards areas of development and natural resource

extraction. Nevertheless, the amount of land actually surveyed (throughout the Plains) is quite small, save

for a few areas. Site densities, as calculated by county, are generally low across the entire study area.

The frequency of Paleoindian sites per county also varies throughout the region. It is doubtful that

the distribution is meaningful and instead is probably more related to differing intensities of amateur

collecting or discovery during contract archaeology projects. Most Paleoindian sites in the state files are

part of multi-component lithic scatters, often containing either ground stone or features (which may not be

related to the Paleoindian component). Typological identification of specific Paleoindian complexes is

difficult at best with the data held in the state files, with most sites being classified as generalized

Paleoindian or Plano sites. Single component sites are known but they are generally rare.

The percent of Paleoindian sites per county is quite small. Where samples of over 100 sites per

county are available, Paleoindian sites account for between 0.83 to 2.00 % of all sites. Increasing the

sample to include all counties with at least 30 sites, increases the Paleoindian percentage to between 1.85 to

2.43% of all sites. These measures indicate that Paleoindian sites, of all kinds and all types, are rare even

in well-surveyed and thoroughly documented counties. That the majority of the sites in the state files are

multi-component open lithic or open campsites makes it clear that the well-known Paleoindian bison kills

are scarce among the total sample of Paleoindian sites.

This Chapter serves as a baseline for the rest of the dissertation. Whereas at first glance, it might

appear that there are more Paleoindian isolates or sites than one would generally assume for the Central

Plains, the subsequent Chapters illustrate exactly how biased the published record and the state files

actually are. Many of the patterns exposed in this Chapter are the result of incomplete data and present an

inaccurate portrayal of the actual Paleoindian record as has been sampled over the last 80 years.

Chapter 5


In this Chapter, I continue to explore patterns in Paleoindian organization at the regional scale,

using excavated and surface gathered lithic assemblages from the Central Plains. There are several broad

goals for this Chapter. First, I detail the well-known (and not so well-known) sites of the Central Plains as

gathered from the published literature, as well introducing two new datasets collected for this study, the

Baker and Andersen collections. These three datasets are subsequently explored in various ways

throughout the remainder of the dissertation. The second aim of the Chapter is to demonstrate that there are

major differences in the qualitative types of sites and their physical settings on the Central Plains, related to

differences in how foragers moved across landscapes. Not all sites were used in the same way, nor was

every ecotone used in equal proportion. Third, I examine the range in excavation sample size, showing that

spatial samples are generally small for the sites in this region. Excavation area is factored into analyses in

subsequent chapters, but the basic data are presented here first. In the final section, I examine the

radiocarbon record, demonstrating that there was a nearly continuous occupation of the Central Plains

during the Early Holocene and that many cultural complexes overlap in 14C years. In essence, this Chapter

serves as an introduction to the kinds of sites examined in the Chapters to follow. I begin with qualitative

assessment of site types.

The Site Dataset

Fifty-three published sites are considered in this study (Tables 5.1-5.2, Figure 5.1). The sites are

located primarily within the Central Plains, although a few sites from immediately outside the region were

included to increase the overall sample. The sites are located in Colorado (26/53, 49%), Kansas (9/53,

17%), Nebraska (8/53, 15%), Oklahoma (4/53, 7%), Texas (3/53, 6%), New Mexico (1/53, 2%), South

Dakota (1/53, 2%), and Wyoming (1/53, 2%). The dataset includes well-known sites that serve as classic
examples of Paleoindian adaptation (e.g., Olsen-Chubbuck, Frasca), as well as smaller lesser-known sites

(e.g., Horace Rivers). This is the complete population of published Paleoindian sites from the region, and

other than the isolated Paleoindian projectile points discussed in Chapter 4, this dataset (biased or not)

represents the total range of site types documented (published) over the last 80 years.

An additional 91 sites from the Baker and Andersen sites are presented in Tables 5.3 and 5.4. This

study almost doubles the total number of reported sites from the Central Plains. This suggests that our

published dataset is small and might not adequately represent the actual number (and kind) of Paleoindian

sites within the Great Plains. LeTourneau (2000) recently presented a similar situation, where he added

several hundred new Folsom localities to an already robust dataset.

The Andersen sites (Table 5.3) were documented from the late 1910s through the 1930s in the Wray

dune field of northeastern Colorado (see Appendix 1 for a history of the collection). The dunes afforded

excellent visibility, especially during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s when drought conditions characterized

the region. Harold and Perry Andersen recorded basic information on many of their Paleoindian sites,

including the presence of fossil bone (32 cases, including 5 mentions of bison and 2 of mammoth), marl (20

cases), and gastropods (8 cases). In addition, they drafted site maps on 9 of their more important sites,

piece plotting individual artifacts (keyed to lithic illustrations) and sketching cross-sections of the site

geology (LaBelle 2002a). The Andersen family carefully recorded the locations of their Paleoindian sites,

many of them to the ¼ section. The sites are primarily located in Yuma County (56/66, 85%), Washington

County (6/66, 9%), or from either of the two counties (4/66, 6%). In addition, the Andersen family noted at

least 6 isolated finds, including 4 from Washington County and 2 from Yuma County. Many more isolated

finds are present in their collection, but were not included in this analysis as their provenience was to

county level at best. The Andersen collection remains one of the best amateur-collected datasets from the

entire Plains, especially considering the date of the work and the state of Paleoindian research at the time.

Paleoindian sites documented in the Baker collection are detailed in Table 5.4. William Baker, along

with his family, collected the artifacts during the 1930s (see Appendix 1 for a history of the collection).

The sites are primarily located in the Texas Panhandle (Dallam County, 16/25, 64%) as well as adjacent

counties in the Oklahoma Panhandle (Cimarron County, 1/25, 4%), and northeastern New Mexico (8/25,

32%). Baker kept adequate records on his Paleoindian finds and most of the tools are keyed to particular

sites. However, site locations are not as well documented. For example, the locations of sites in the Texas

Panhandle are listed by road mileage in Baker’s notes; unfortunately many of these dirt roads no longer

exist. Confounding matters, the Texas Panhandle is not laid out on the Township/Range grid system, so

Baker was not able to provide customary legal locations for any of his Texas sites. However, Oklahoma

sites are often listed to section or better (only one site, Nall, is used in this analysis, but there are additional

sites in the Baker collection). Regardless, the locations of the Baker sites are known to be in a small area,

primarily in the Texas/Oklahoma Panhandles.

The Baker and Andersen data forms a large sample of new sites and include sites of varying size

and assemblage diversity. Recent reviews of the regional literature (Gilmore et al. 1999; Zier and Kalasz

1999) neglect data sources such as Baker and Andersen, primarily because they are not well known.

However, the inclusion of this data fundamentally alter some of the long-standing notions of Paleoindian


Many of the new sites do not represent large bison kills. On the contrary, the sample is made of a

wide spectrum of both small and large sites, ranging from isolated finds to multi-component campsites.

Undoubtedly, there are other such collections from the Plains still awaiting analysis. For example, large

collections of Paleoindian sites are known from the Black Squirrel dune field of south-central Colorado

(Gregory 1987), as well as sites along the South Platte River and still others (in addition to the Andersen

sites) in the Wray dune field of northeastern Colorado (Gebhard 1946, 1949; Westfall 2002; Whiteley


Table 5.1: Excavated late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains.

Smithsonian Excavation
Site Site County State Complex Area References
Site Type
Number (m2)
Fourth of July CO Benedict 1979, 1981; Benedict and
5BL120 Boulder Allen Camp 41
Valley Olson 1973; Husted 1965
Olsen- Bison bonebed Chubbuck 1959; Holliday et al. 1999;
5CH3 Cheyenne CO Cody 78
Chubbuck (kill) Wheat 1967, 1972, 1976, 1978a, 1982
Elias 1986; Elias and Nelson 1989;
Elias and Toolin 1989; McCartney
Bison bonebed
Lamb Spring 5DA83 Douglas CO Cody 108 1983, 1990; Mandryck 1998; Rancier et
al. 1982; Stanford et al. 1981; Wedel
Fondisa 5EL64? Elbert CO Cody, Allen Camp? Irwin 1967
b Benedict 1974, 1985; Pitblado 1999b,
Caribou Lake 5GA22 Grand CO Allen Camp 51 (Area A)
Small camp?

LoDaiskaa not known Jefferson CO Allen Irwin and Irwin 1959

not known Jefferson CO Misc. Paleoindian Small camp Irwin-Williams and Irwin 1966
Late Paleoindian Anderson 1966, 1967; Breternitz et al.
Gordon Creek 5LR99 Larimer CO Burial 2
(Hell Gap?) 1971; Muniz 2002, 2004
Andersen 1992; Gantt 2002; Haynes
Lindenmeiera 5LR13 Larimer CO Cody Camp? and Agogino 1960; Haynes et al. 1992;
Wilmsen and Roberts 1978
Spring Gulcha 5LR252 Larimer CO Misc. Paleoindian Small camp? Kainer 1974, 1976
Bison bonebed
Frasca 5LO19 Logan CO Cody 37c Fulgham and Stanford 1982
Bradley and Stanford 1987; Dick and
(other late
c Mountain 1960; Malde 1960; Mason
Claypool 5WN18 Washington CO Paleoindian Camp 395
1953; Mountain 1953b; Reider 1990;
complexes present in
Stanford and Albanese 1975
very limited numbers)
Bison bonebed Malde 1988; Slessman 2000, 2002,
Frazier 5WL268 Weld CO Agate Basin 288
(kill)/processing 2004; Wormington 1988

Smithsonian Excavation
Site Site County State Complex Area References
Site Type
Number (m2)
Camp/bison Greiser 1977; Thompson 1974; Wheat
Jurgens 5WL53 Weld CO Cody 254c
processing 1976, 1978a, 1978b, 1979, 1982
Wilbur Small camp?
5WL45 Weld CO Cody 31 Breternitz 1971
Thomasa (rockshelter)
Kyriakidou 1993; Reider 1990;
Bison bonebed Stanford 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979a,
Jones-Miller 5YM8 Yuma CO Hell Gap 520
(kill)/processing 1984, 1999; Todd 1987a; Todd and
Stanford 1992
Bison bonebed
Slim Arrow none Yuma CO Allen 6 LaBelle, this study
Tim Adrianb 14NT604 Norton KS Hell Gap Quarry/workshop O’Brien 1984
Burntwood Bison bonebed
not known Rawlins KS Late Paleoindian Hill et al. 1992
Creek (kill)
Bison bonebed
Norton 14SC6 Scott KS Allen and Cody? 15 Hofman et al. 1995; Hofman 2002b

Bison bonebed Blackmar 2002; Hofman and Blackmar
Laird 14SN2 Sherman KS Dalton 6
(kill) 1997
Hofman 2002a; Mandel 2002; Mandel
Bison bonebed
Winger 14ST401 Stanton KS Allen and Hofman 2003; Ryan et al. 2002;
Widga et al. 2002
Bison bonebed
Cumrob not known Custer NE Allen Bell and Van Royen 1934 (summary)
Bamforth 1991b, 2002b; Hicks 2002;
Agate Basin/Late c Holder and Wilke 1949; Hudson 1998;
Allen 25FT50 Frontier NE Camp 118
Paleoindian Schultz and Frankforter 1948; Schultz
et al. 1948
137 (Zone I) Bamforth 1991b, 2002b; Conyers 2000;
Cody, Plainview, 7 (Zone II) Davis 1953, 1962; Hicks 2002; Jones
Lime Creek 25FT41 Frontier NE Workshop
Allen 46 (Zone 1999; Schultz and Frankforter 1948;
III) Schultz et al. 1948

Smithsonian Excavation
Site Site County State Complex Area References
Site Type
Number (m2)
2 (Zone 78)
2 (Zone 80)
21 (Zone
Bamforth 2002b; Davis 1953; Knudson
93 (Zone
Red Smoke 25FT42 Frontier NE Plainview, Allen? Camp/workshop 2002; Schultz and Frankforter 1948;
Schultz et al. 1948
9 (Zone 90)
7 (Zone 91)
28 (Zone
Hill 1998, 2001; Hill et al. 1997; Hill et
Bison bonebed
Clary Ranchb 25GD106 Garden NE Allen al. 2002; Myers 1997; Myers et al.
1980, 1981; Myers and Lambert 1983
Bison bonebed Meserve and Barbour 1932; Myers and
Meserveb 25HA1 Hall NE Meserve (Allen?)
(kill) Lambert 1983

Bison bonebed Barbour and Schultz 1932; Schultz and

Scottsbluffb 25SF2 Scotts Bluff NE Cody and Allen?
(kill) Eiseley 1935, 1936
Small camp
Pigeon Cliff LA31674 Union NM Plainview or Allen 5 Steen 1955, 1976
Plainview, Allen, Baker et al. 1957; LaBelle, this study
Nall 34CI134 Cimarron OK Camp 70
Angostura (see below)
Angostura, possible
Ray Longb 39FA65 Fall River SD Hell Gap or Agate Camp Hannus 1986; Wheeler 1995
Nichols 1991; Peterson 1988, 1991;
41HF84 Hansford TX Plainview or Allen Camp 5
Quigg et al. 1993
Horace Rivers not known Hemphill TX Plainview or Allen Camp Mallouf and Mandel 1997
Bison bonebed
James Allenb not known Albany WY Allen 148 Berman 1959; Mulloy 1959
Small Paleoindian sample.
Site located slightly outside study area, but included in various analyses.
Excavation areas combined for this total; the excavation areas/levels were combined at the Allen site (Bamforth 2002b).

Table 5.2: Notable surface collected late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains.

Site Site County State Complex References
Site Type
Hahn 5EP1 El Paso CO Plano Camp Greiser 1985 (Colorado State files)
Williams Fork 5GA1955 Grand CO Allen Camp? Wiesend and Frison 1998
Bison bonebed
Wetzel not known Kit Carson CO Cody Cassells 1983:63-64
Buffman not known Larimer CO Allen Cache Burns 1996a, 1996b
Forest Canyon
not known Larimer CO Cody Camp? Husted 1965
5MR338 5MR338 Morgan CO Plano Camp Greiser 1985 (Colorado State files)
Bijou Creek 5MR355 Morgan CO Plano Camp Greiser 1985 (Colorado State files)
Bison bonebed
Nelson 5WN26 Washington CO Cody? Cassells 1983:63-64; Colorado State files

Keenesburg 5WL46 Weld CO Agate Basin Camp Greiser 1985 (Colorado state files)
Walsha not known Gove/Trego? KS Hell Gap cache Stanford 1984
Baber 14GL467 Greeley KS Cody Camp Hofman 1996 (Kansas state files)
Gettenger 14WC8 Wallace KS Cody Camp Greiser 1985 (Kansas state files)
Harrison 14WC9 Wallace KS Cody Camp Greiser 1985 (Kansas state files)
Nolan 25CH4 Chase NE Cody Camp Greiser 1985 (Nebraska state files)
Series of small
Goff Creek sites; not Texas OK Late Paleoindian Ballenger 1999a, 1999b
Johnson-Cline 34TX40 Texas OK Late Paleoindian Small camp Lintz 1978
Muncy not known Texas OK Late Paleoindian Small camp White 1987
Damon et al. 1964:101; Hester 1975b:252; David
Sunray not known TX Plainview Camp?
Meltzer, personal communication 2000
Site located slightly outside study area, but included in various analyses.

Table 5.3: Paleoindian sites from the Andersen collection of Northeastern Colorado.

Valley Discovery Fossil Blue Andersen

Site Name County Gastropod
Number Date Bonea Marl Map
1 Gatton Pasture Yuma 1921 yes; bison yes yes yes
2 Hauriff Yuma 1919 yes no no
3 Gatten Yuma no no no
4 Slim Arrow Yuma 1927 yes; bison yes yes yes
5 Ben Clawson Hole Yuma 1927 yes yes yes
6 Adobe Hole Yuma yes yes yes no
7 Tri-Grove Yuma no no no
8 East Willoby Yuma 1921 yes yes no no
9 West Willoby Yuma 1919 yes no no
10 Hy Thompson (two holes) Yuma 1921 yes; bison yes yes

11 South Brown Yuma 1919/1920 yes no no

12 Brown Holes Yuma 1919 yes no no
13 Jesse James Pierce Yuma 1919 yes no no
14 Slim Allison Yuma yes no
15/70 Newport Homestead Yuma 1921 yes no no
16 East Higgens Yuma yes yes no
17 North Higgens Yuma no no no
18 Several unnamed holes Yuma yes no no
19 Stalsworth Yuma no no no
20 East of Happyville Yuma no no no
21 Bailiff Hole Yuma 1922 no no no
22/22 West Turnbull Hole (Deep Holes) Yuma 1919 no no no
23 Bickel Hole Yuma no no no
24/24 West Silvius (Bert's F) Yuma 1927 yes; bison yes no
25 Andrews Yuma 1928 yes yes no no

Valley Discovery Fossil Blue Andersen
Site Name County Gastropod
Number Date Bonea Marl Map
26 Otta Yuma no no no
27 Gummer Yuma no no
28 Essig Yuma 1928 yes yes no no
29 Jones Yuma 1919 yes no no
30 "Elephant" Yuma yes; mammoth? no no
31 Bib Hansen Yuma no no no
32 Austin Clark Yuma yes no no
33 Enos Helton Yuma yes yes yes
34 North of East Higgens Yuma no no no
35 Cleve Mason Yuma yes no no
36 Clawson Yuma yes yes no
37 South of Clawson House Yuma no no no

38 Wingfield Hole Yuma yes yes no yes

39 Nebergall Homestead Yuma no no no
40 Thompson Yuma no no no
41/41 South Twilliger Yuma 1925 yes yes no
42 West of Andrews Yuma yes yes no
43 Eagle Hole Yuma yes; mammoth yes no no
44 North of Slim Arrow Yuma 1927 yes no yes
45 South Well Yuma no no no
46 Crede Perry Yuma yes no no
47 East Neifert Ranch Yuma 1919 yes no
48 White-Doman Yuma no no
49 Shorty Gain Yuma no no
50 Blue Flat Yuma yes no
51 Smith Yuma no no
52 Old Ben Clawson Yuma yes no
Valley Discovery Fossil Blue Andersen
Site Name County Gastropod
Number Date Bonea Marl Map
53 Wolff-Bennett Yuma 1931 yes no
54 Southwest of Essig Ranch (several holes) Yuma no no
55 18 miles northwest of Akron Washington yes no no
56 Clyde Dounafon (Donafon?) Washington 1931 yes yes no
57 Road Camp Yuma/Washington yes no
58 Donald Green Yuma/Washington no no
59 South of Hughes Yuma? no no
60 Wess Johns Yuma? 1932 yes yes
61 Unnamed Yuma/Washington no no
62 Axsom Washington? 1922 yes no
63 McIntire #1 (possibly part of Claypool?) Washington? 1932 no no
64 McIntire #2 (Claypool) Washington 1932 yes; bison no yes

65 Redpath not known 1932 no no

66 Southeast of Pinneo Washington? no no
Isolated find Washington 1921
Isolated find Washington 1922
Isolated find Washington 1929
Isolated find Washington
Isolated find Yuma 1927
Isolated find Yuma 1934
yes denotes presence as depicted in Andersen notes, no denotes absence as depicted in notes, and blank cell indicates no reported information

Table 5.4: Paleoindian sites from the Baker collection of the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles and Northeastern New Mexico.

Published Published
Site Name County State Fauna Present Discovery Date Comments
Illustrations Reference
isolated find?; in Baker and
Carrizo Creek,
Union New Mexico small deflation area Figure 1K Campbell
Site 1
on side of creek 1960:79
Baker and
Carrizo Creek, on the side of a creek
Union New Mexico Figures 1N, 1U Campbell
Site 2 in a deflated field
probably a large site;
Figures 1A, 1B,
located in blown
1M, 1O, 1P, 1V, Baker and
Bueyeros, field adjacent to
Harding New Mexico 1933 1AA, 1DD, 1EE, Campbell
Site 1 creek; multiple
1GG, 1HH, 1II, 1960:80-81
artifact collectors
1KK, 1MM
Figures 1L, 1Q, Baker and
Bueyeros, area of
Harding New Mexico 1935 1T, 1BB, 1JJ, Campbell

Site 2 blowouts/dunes
1LL 1960:81
series of blowouts at
Baker and
the intersection of Figures 1C, 1D,
Ute-Carrizo Harding New Mexico 1950 Campbell
Ute and Carrizo 1E, 1Y, 1CC
Baker and
associated with a
Rosebud Harding New Mexico 1950 Figure 1W Campbell
small lake and spring
Baker and
isolated find?;
Logan Harding New Mexico Figure 1H Campbell
deflated field
hearth areas and
FCR present; large
Baker and
site in a deflated Figures 1R, 1S,
Rock Ranch Quay New Mexico burned bone 1950 Campbell
field; multiple 1X, 1Z, 1FF
artifact collectors

Published Published
Site Name County State Fauna Present Discovery Date Comments
Illustrations Reference
Baker et al.
1957; LaBelle
Pleistocene 1999a, 1999b,
Nall Cimarron Oklahoma 1934 Plates 1-6
horse, bison 2000; LaBelle,
Holliday, and
Meltzer 2003
1T Dallam Texas 1932 none none
2T Dallam Texas 1932 none none
large site composed
3T Dallam Texas camel, horse, 1932 none none
of multiple blowouts
mammoth, bison
4T Dallam Texas 1932 none none
5T Dallam Texas 1933 none none
6T Dallam Texas 1932 none none
7T Dallam Texas 1933 none none

8T Dallam Texas 1933 none none

10T Dallam Texas 1936 none none
11T Dallam Texas 1934 none none
12T Dallam Texas 1936 none none
13T Dallam Texas 1932 none none
14T Dallam Texas 1936 none none
15T Dallam Texas 1937 none none
16T Dallam Texas 1931 none none
17T Dallam Texas 1938 none none

Site Type

Over the last forty years, there has been an effort to describe the known variability in Paleoindian

sites documented from the Plains. Given that samples are often not seen as comparable between sites,

many of the site types have been defined in qualitative terms. Site classifications are usually defined by the

presence and abundance of certain tool types, the general stage of the tool use life (start of manufacturing

sequence, discard of worn out specimen, etc.), the amount and type of debitage, the presence of features,

the presence and abundance of human and animal bone, and the spatial dimensions of the site.

Twelve primary site types have been described in the Paleoindian literature (Table 5.1); obviously

this list could be expanded or collapsed depending upon the level of research interest, as many are but

expanded forms of one another (i.e., the spectrum of “types” of camps, from small to base camps to

aggregations). Furthermore, none of these types are mutually exclusive of one another, as several of the

inferred activities could have occurred simultaneously or instead over serial occupation of the same site.

Table 5.5: Common Paleoindian site types (modified and expanded from Hofman 1994c:Table 1).

Examples from the

Site Type General Characteristics
Paleoindian literature
Low to moderate artifact frequency; low to moderate
Camp diversity of artifact types; artifact retooling; possible Wendorf and Hester 1962:164
High artifact frequency; high diversity of artifact
Base camp Judge 1973:199
types; artifact retooling; hearths/features
Large base camp with multiple activity areas; multiple
projectile point styles; hearths and/or other types of Hofman 1994b, Wilmsen 1974
Bonebed of a single species; large number of
Kill Wheat 1972
projectile points; few other types of tools
Disarticulated skeletons; cutting and butchering tools;
Butchering Wheat 1979:146-148
projectile points
Processing Scrapers with soft wear; broken projectile point bases Judge 1973:204
Overlook Point bases; retooling; excellent view of the terrain Hofman and Ingbar 1988
Armament Point production; wood working Judge 1973:203
Single diagnostic tool or flake, usually a projectile
Isolate Hester 1975a:249
Tool, biface, and point production; abundant lithic
Workshop Tunnell 1977; William 2000
Root 1993, 2000; Root and
Lithic extraction from on site source; initial
Quarry Emerson 1994; Collins and
production; abundant lithic debris
Hester 1998
Multiple tools found in a small area; no other artifacts Burns 1996a, 1996b; Stanford
in vicinity 1984
Burial Human remains with or without grave goods Breternitz et al. 1971

I collapsed these site types into seven general categories common to late Paleoindian sites in the

Central Plains (Figure 5.1). The sites were collapsed into categories reflecting the primary author’s

interpretation of the site, as well for ease in comparison. The following frequencies are based on the

published dataset of 53 sites. A variety of activities took place at these sites, including bison predation

(24.5%) and processing (9.4%); large camps, some of which might be base camps or aggregation sites

(18.9%); small short term occupation camps (35.8%), which are the most abundant site form; tool

production sites (5.7%); and finally the least common site types, including caches (3.8%) and burials

(1.9%). Note that this site type classification does not contain isolated Paleoindian tools. These

occurrences are quite common throughout the Plains and their importance within Paleoindian systems will

be discussed later in Chapter 6.

Generalized camp activities are the most common site type. This is perhaps not surprising, as they

make up a considerable portion of the yearly cycle of hunter-gatherers and should be well represented.

Small camps are the most abundant type, suggesting that this is the modal form of Paleoindian organization

in the region, that of short term, specific activity occupations. Isolated finds are not tallied, but they are by

far the most frequent site type in the region. As well, there are probably scores of Paleoindian sites that

have not been identified due to the lack of diagnostic tools such as projectile points. Thus, small sites and

isolated finds are the most common form of Paleoindian mobility organization in the region, probably

formed by short-term occupation by a small number of individuals. Given the small number of artifacts,

most of the sites were probably not reoccupied, or not in such a way to leave a signature. Larger camps are

known from the region, but these occur in specific geographic locations and often contain diverse faunas,

features, abundant lithic debris, etc. Factors influencing the placement of sites are explored in Chapter 7.

Bison predation sites are common, as are processing sites. Bison hunting is considered a hallmark

of Paleoindian behavior, so their presence is not surprising. Given that the Plains are being used as a

hunting zone, one should expect an abundance of bison hunting sites. No sites containing exclusively non-

bison remains have been documented in the sample. This might be related to the sample itself or instead to

patterns of Paleoindian subsistence. This topic will be further explored in Chapter 7.

Few burials or caches have been recorded, owing in part to the rareness of the events and the small

spatial scale of the site type, making them difficult to locate. Quarries and workshops are also uncommon,

owing more to the lack of suitable raw materials on the Central Plains rather than the necessity of

manufacturing tools. It could be argued that a great deal of Plains Paleoindian tool organization is in at

least partial response to the lack of raw materials in the region. Quarry and workshop sites are well known

in other areas of the Plains and adjacent regions containing abundant raw materials (e.g., Collins 1998;

Collins and Hester 1998; Root 1993, 2000; William 2000)




Percent of Total




Bison kill (13) Bison processing Burial (1) Cache (2) Camp (10) Small/probable Quarry/workshop
(5) camp (19) (3)
Site Type

Figure 5.1: Qualitatively assessed site types of the Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains.



Percent of Total



2 2

Arroyo/channel Lake/bog Rockshelter Adjacent to stream Other
Site Setting

Figure 5.2: Site setting of the Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains.

Site Setting

Site setting was also examined for twenty-two sites in the study (Figure 5.3). Site setting is a

qualitative assessment (Albanese 1977), based upon descriptions presented in the published report. Most

sites (50%, n=11) are located on terraces, adjacent to seasonal and perennial streams and rivers. This

includes sites buried in deep loess such as Allen, Lime Creek, and Red Smoke, as well as sites located in

classic terrace settings such as Jones-Miller, Jurgens, and Frazier. Many of the sites located on terraces are

campsites, where diverse types of activities took place.

Bison kills were more common in arroyos/channels, although only 4 sites (18%) in this sample

occurred in this setting, including Olsen-Chubbuck, Lamb Spring, Norton, and Laird. Several other

landforms were used to a lesser degree, including adjacent to lakes/bogs (n=3, 14%), rockshelters (n=2,

9%), and other landforms such as dunes (n=2, 9%).

Terraces adjacent to drainages were preferred for camps and generalized activities, and bison were

commonly driven into arroyos and/or channels. Playa lakes and springs were probably utilized to a greater

extent than acknowledged in this sample; they are underrepresented given the general lack of current

research aimed at surveying these lake settings (Brosowske and Bement 1998; Brunswig 2003; Hartwell

1995; Hill et al. 1995; Litwinionek et al. 1996, 2003). Rockshelters are not uncommon in the study area,

especially along the flanks of the Rockies and edges of the High Plains; however, they appear relatively

unoccupied in Paleoindian times. This might be related to the age of the shelter, as earlier shelters have

perhaps already collapsed, or instead suggests limited occupation of the landform type (Collins 1991). The

lack of use of rockshelters has been posited as a response to early Paleoindian mobility patters (Kelly and

Todd 1988), although a number of fluted points (and other Paleoindian forms) are beginning to be

documented in rockshelter settings (Robert Kelly, personal communication 2003; Finley et al. 2002; Finley

et al. 2003). The small size of most Plains rockshelters precludes their use as habitation loci for entire

groups; therefore they were probably used for specialized functions, if any function, during the Paleoindian


The data at hand suggest that a variety of landforms were exploited by Paleoindian groups. The

site types previously described took place in a variety of landforms, suggesting a wide degree of

adaptations to the Plains. The exploitation of these niches was a product of landscape positioning, such that

one landform could be used one way one year and used in a totally different way in coming years (Binford

1982), if only it was occupied at different times of year, by larger/smaller groups of people, etc.

This is not a pattern one would expect of foragers randomly moving across the landscape, preying

solely on bison. In that situation, one would expect repeated actions and specific use of certain landforms,

primarily because the foragers would be looking to act in similar ways no matter where they might be on

the landscape.

Excavation Area

Excavation areas are available for 21 sites representing 29 components in the study area (Table

5.1). The majority of components (n=17/29, 59%) have less than 50 m2 in total excavation area, often less

than 20 m2. Only a few components have been subjected to extensive excavations totaling 50 m2 or more

and these are among the most well known Paleoindian sites, even if they have only been minimally

published (e.g., Red Smoke, Frazier). The median and mean values in excavation area are 37 m2 and 87 m2

respectively, with the mean heavily skewed by large excavations at sites such as Jurgens, Frazier, Claypool,

and Jones-Miller.

Are these small excavation areas representative of the types and spatial dimensions of activities

that occurred on these sites? In some cases, the sample is certainly inadequate, with many sites being

minimally tested or explored. This is for good reasons in many cases; for example, large open-air sites

such as those buried along river terraces present a difficult problem. The Allen site in Nebraska was buried

by tens of feet of sediment, much of which had to be removed with heavy equipment. Thus, in cases such

as this, site boundaries are difficult to define without extensive and expensive testing, excavation, or remote

sensing. In other cases, such as Olsen-Chubbuck (Wheat 1967, 1972), the surrounding Paleoindian land

surface may have completely removed during the Holocene, effectively leaving a small window for

examination. Comparison with ethnographic records and deflated surface sites reveals that some

Paleoindian sites contain multiple activity areas, which could represent repeated occupations or large,

segregated camps (LaBelle, Holliday and Meltzer 2003). Most of the largest sites, in terms of excavation

area, are the same sites with diverse lithic assemblages and features, as well as faunal assemblages.

There are also cases, however, where small excavation areas are quite appropriate samples. For

instance, sites located within rockshelters occupy only a finite amount of space and are often extensively

excavated. Burials and caches are often located within confined and manageable spaces.

O’Connell (1987; O’Connell et al. 1992) has argued for the need for extensive excavation areas

for examining Paleoindian site structure and the integration of activity areas across sites (as well as

transported materials from off-site). There are only a few ways to address O’Connell’s concerns. First,

excavation areas need to be expanded, if economically and logistically feasible. But as important, we also

need to begin incorporating more surface site data into our models, as in many cases these sites can

document the range of sites across space, even if there is mixing of cultural complexes in some cases (see

Andrews et al. 2003, LaBelle, Andrews and Seebach 2003 and. Seebach et al. 2003 for a recent attempt at

comparing site structure of buried/unburied Paleoindian sites).

Excavation area (m2)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Gordon Creek 2

Red Smoke Zone 78 2

Red Smoke Zone 80 2

41HF84 5

Pigeon Cliff 5

Laird 6

Slim Arrow 6

Lime Creek Zone II 7

Red Smoke Zone 91 7

Red Smoke Zone 90 9

Norton 15

Red Smoke Zone 83 21

Red Smoke 92 28
Site and/or Component

Wilbur Thomas 31

Frasca Total 37

Median 37

4th of July Valley 41

Lime Creek Zone III 46

Caribou Lake Area A 51

Nall North 70

Olsen-Chubbuck 78

Mean 87

Red Smoke Zone 88 93

Lamb Spring 108

Allen (combined) 118

Lime Creek Zone I 137

James Allen 148

Jurgens Total 254

Frazier 288

Claypool Total 395

Jones-Miller 520

Figure 5.3: Excavation areas of the Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains.

Radiocarbon Dating

Sixty-six 14C dates are available from 25 late Paleoindian sites within the region (Table 5.6). The

samples relate primarily to the Agate Basin/Hell Gap, Cody and Allen complexes, while several dates

remaining unassigned to any particular complex. A variety of materials were dated, including charcoal

(n=33, 50%), unburned bone (18, 27%), burned bone (3, 5%), and bulk sediment from buried soils (12,

18%). Eleven of the 66 dates are omitted from the analysis, owing to two factors. First, the Medicine

Creek sites (Allen, Lime Creek, Red Smoke) were among the first Paleoindian sites dated (Roper 2002),

processed by the University of Chicago lab during the infancy of radiocarbon studies. Seven samples from

these sites were dated with the solid-carbon method; those particular samples must be removed due to

potential errors with this early technique (Holliday 2000:239; Taylor 1987). Second, samples from the

Pigeon Cliff (W-636) and Jones-Miller sites were omitted, given the recommendation of the original

excavator (Graham 1987:Table 4; Steen 1976). This leaves 55 samples for further examination. The

samples were calibrated using Calib 4.4.2 (Stuiver and Reimer 1993), but multiple dates from single

components were not averaged (i.e., Hietala 1989; Long and Rippeteau 1974). The uncalibrated samples

are arranged by complex and age in Figure 5.4, whereas the calibrated samples are shown in Figure 5.5.

The Agate Basin and Hell Gap complexes are the oldest within the region, as evidenced from six

samples from four sites. The two soil dates from the Frazier site are the youngest of the group, dating the

formation of the site paleosol rather than the cultural component itself (Haynes and Haas 1974). However

they are close to other dates for the complex, which range between 9550-10600 rcybp (a range of 1050 14C

years). This suggests slight radiocarbon overlap with the earlier Folsom complex, which has been

previously noted in the calibrated 14C record (Eighmy and LaBelle 1996), as well as in situ at the Hell Gap

site in eastern Wyoming (Sellet 1999). The limited number of 14C dates coupled with the dearth of Agate

Basin/Hell Gap sites discovered within the last twenty years (as compared to other Early Holocene/Late

Pleistocene complexes such as Folsom and Cody) makes temporal comparison with other complexes


Eighteen samples from eight sites date the Cody complex, nearly half from the Olsen-Chubbuck

bison bonebed (n=8, 44.4%). The complex ranges from 7160 to 10150 rcybp, although several of the bone

dates (Wetzel, Lamb Spring, and Nelson) appear anomalously young. Removing these three, the samples

vary between 8870 and 10150 rcybp (a range of 1280 14C years). The Olsen-Chubbuck site is the best-

dated site, as Holliday (2000:Table VIIB; Holliday et al. 1999) recently reported seven additional bone

dates from the site averaging 9395 rcybp. This date falls within the younger end of range for the Cody

complex, notably earlier than the original bone sample submitted from the Olsen-Chubbuck site (the

sample had a high standard deviation and was processed before the advent of improved bone dating

techniques [Stafford et al. 1991; Taylor 1992]). The range in age for the Cody complex might represent

long temporal use of the point style or instead a mixing of similar point styles such as Eden, Scottsbluff,

and Alberta. Nevertheless, it was a well-designed form that was used for over a millennium (and spread

eastward to the Great Lakes and beyond).

Twenty-one samples from thirteen sites date the Allen and other related late Paleoindian

complexes. The dates range from 5880 to 9290 rcybp, although the bulk of the samples date between 7470

and 9290 rcybp (a range of 1820 14C years). The two dates from the Fourth of July Valley site are

suspiciously late, even if they are charcoal rather than bone. The 7740 rcybp assay from the Nall site

represents a minimum date for the Allen complex, as it was obtained from a buried soil. Red Smoke Zone

88 (8830-8910 rcybp) has not previously been assigned to the Allen complex, but the dates from the zone

fall comfortably within the Allen range and the lithic technology fits the general tradition exhibited at other

Allen complex sites. The Laird site, containing a Dalton complex point, dates to 8495 rcybp, falling well

within the middle range of the Allen complex. Dalton complex relations to the Allen complex have been

previously noted (e.g., Myers and Lambert 1983). Again, the long temporal duration could relate to the

mixing of styles or instead a long temporal duration. Given that the Allen complex and late Paleoindian

complexes are among the least studied and understood of all Paleoindian complexes, I would believe that

there are several point styles being mixed and lumped under the label of Allen.

The remaining ten samples date to miscellaneous complexes, nearly all from the well-stratified

Medicine Creek sites in western Nebraska as well as site 41HF84 in the northern Texas Panhandle. At the

Red Smoke site, samples located stratigraphically above (Zone 90, 7970-8270 rcybp) and below (Zone 83,

9206-9220 rcybp) the Allen complex level suggests that Zone 88 is securely dated.

Several patterns are apparent in the 14C record from the Central Plains. First, there is a suggestion

of chronological overlap between the end of Agate Basin/Hell Gap complex and the beginning of the Cody

complex. Second, there is also an overlap between the end of the Cody complex and the beginning of the

Allen complex. This particular overlap also has archaeological evidence. Cody complex materials were

recovered in secure association with Allen forms at the Scottsbluff and Norton sites. As well, several Cody

complex tools were recovered from the Slim Arrow site, a large Allen complex bison kill (Slim Arrow,

however, was found in a deflated dune deposit.).

The 14C record suggests that at least portions of the Central Plains were continuously occupied

throughout the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. The pattern holds true for both the uncalibrated and

calibrated data. The region was not a barren landscape, devoid of human occupation at any time, but was

instead a dynamic landscape with groups moving around the region. Temporal overlap between complexes

suggests that a unilinear evolution of point cultures, suggested at sites such as Hell Gap (Irwin-Williams et

al. 1973), is too simplistic an interpretation of the record. Further averaging of the dataset would help

refine the regional chronology, but despite this, the chronology presented above fits well with date ranges

derived with similar methods by Holliday on the Northern and Southern Plains (Holliday 2000) and

summarized earlier (Table 2.1).

Table 5.6: C dates of late Paleoindian sites sampled in the Central Plains.

14 Calibrated Relative Area

Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
6977-6973 0.003
6894-6885 0.007
41HF84 Plainview (Allen?) 7470 440 6820-6781 0.028 TX-6038 Charcoal Brown 1991:402
6774-5873 0.952
5856-5843 0.010
Early Holocene
41HF84 9440 120 TX-5800 Charcoal Brown 1991:402
Early Holocene
41HF84 9470 260 TX-5941 Charcoal Brown 1991:402
Charcoal in soil
Allen Unassigned 5256c 350 C-65 Arnold and Libby 1951
bands A and B
Allen Unassigned 8274 500 C-108a Charcoal in soil B Arnold and Libby 1951
Allen OLII 8680 460 Tx-6595 Charcoal Bamforth 1991b:361

10674-10520 0.128
10449-9597 0.752
Allen Agate Basin (OLI) 10260 360 Tx-6596 Charcoal Bamforth 1991b:360
9560-9454 0.082
9441-9392 0.037
Charcoal in soil B;
Allen Unassigned 10493c 1500 C-470 Arnold and Libby 1951
duplicate of C-108a
11198-9602 0.968
9551-9539 0.005
Allen Agate Basin (OLI) 10600 620 Tx-6594 Charcoal Bamforth 1991b:360
9521-9488 0.015
9435-9412 0.011
7031-6964 0.256
6951-6930 0.084
6918-6879 0.156
Allen 7940 70 6856-6853 0.014 AA-26255 Charcoal Pitblado 2000:140
6834-6745 0.348
6743-6731 0.043
6723-6698 0.098

14 Calibrated Relative Area
Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
7054-6977 0.308
Caribou 6974-6818 0.626
Allen 7985 75 AA-21984 Charcoal Pitblado 2000:140
Lakea 6808-6803 0.017
6787-6772 0.049
7647-7642 0.007
Allen 8460 140 7606-7316 0.973 I-5449 Charcoal Benedict 1985
7218-7206 0.020
8445-8443 0.006
8430-8420 0.035
Caribou 8413-8391 0.107
Allen 9080 75 AA-18821 Charcoal Pitblado 2000:140
Lakea 8382-8369 0.050
8360-8351 0.040
8337-8225 0.761
8237-8155 0.292 Fulgham and Stanford
Frascaa Cody 8910 90 SI-4848 Unburned bone
8153-7962 0.708 1982

4903-4887 0.045
Fourth of 4880-4874 0.015
Allen 5880 120 I-6544 Charcoal Benedict 1981:75
July Valleya 4852-4589 0.917
4562-4554 0.023
5201-5180 0.052
Fourth of
Allen 6045 120 5136-5132 0.009 I-6545 Charcoal Benedict 1981:75
July Valleya
5069-4783 0.939
9142-8967 0.451
Frazier Agate Basin 9550 130 SMU-32 Soil humates Haynes and Haas 1974
8964-8743 0.549
9229-9107 0.364
9100-9094 0.014
Frazier Agate Basin 9650 130 SMU-31 Soil humates Haynes and Haas 1974
9071-9050 0.052
9013-8809 0.570

14 Calibrated Relative Area
Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
9596-9562 0.029
9452-9442 0.007
Gordon Late Paleoindian 9392-8716 0.917
9700 250 Gx-0530 Bone Breternitz et al. 1971:172
Creek (Hell Gap?) 8713-8688 0.023
8663-8646 0.015
8643-8633 0.008
8232-7304 0.973
Mixed charcoal
Hell Gap b Frederick (Allen) 8600 380 7266-7264 0.002 A-501 Haynes et al. 1966:15
and earth
7221-7190 0.025
8286-8198 0.633
8182-8164 0.070
8128-8121 0.023
Plainview (Allen?) 9000 70 8104-8083 0.084 Beta-55909 Charcoal Mallouf and Mandel 1997
8067-8063 0.019
8043-8012 0.141

7981-7973 0.030
8409-8400 0.028
8295-8199 0.823
8176-8165 0.026
Plainview (Allen?) 9040 70 8127-8123 0.010 Beta-55908 Charcoal Mallouf and Mandel 1997
8099-8086 0.033
8041-8019 0.067
7979-7974 0.012
8447-8437 0.024
8434-8388 0.131
8383-8368 0.045
Plainview (Allen?) 9060 90 8362-8349 0.035 Beta-55907 Charcoal Mallouf and Mandel 1997
8339-8200 0.740
8126-8124 0.002
8098-8089 0.023

14 Calibrated Relative Area
Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
8685-8681 0.015
8629-8431 0.855
Horace 8420-8413 0.019
Plainview (Allen?) 9290 80 AA-9367 Charcoal Mallouf and Mandel 1997
Rivers 8391-8382 0.033
8369-8360 0.031
8351-8338 0.047
7445-7444 0.001 Crane and Griffin
James Allen Allen 7900 400 M-304 Burned bone
7324-6407 0.999 1958:1102
Jones-Miller Hell Gap 7785 345 not given Burned bone Graham 1987:Table 4
Jones-Miller Hell Gap 8620 185 not given Bone Graham 1987:Table 4
10361-10265 0.066
Jones-Miller Hell Gap 10020 320 SI-1989 Charcoal Graham 1987:Table 4
10217-9214 0.934
Jones-Miller Hell Gap 16600 2500 not given Charcoal Graham 1987:Table 4
8449-8367 0.245

Jurgens 8363-8349 0.044

Cody 9070 90 SI-3726 Charcoal Wheat 1979
Area 3 8340-8202 0.697
8037-8031 0.014
Laird Dalton 8495 40 7581-7538 1.000 CAMS-82397 Bone Blackmar 2002
Lamb 7056-6497 0.982
Cody 7870 240 SI-45 Unburned bone Long 1965
Springa 6492-6479 0.018
8448-8388 0.048
Lamb 8383-8368 0.014
Cody 8870 350 M-1463 Bone collagen Stanford et al. 1981:16
Springa 8362-8349 0.010
8340-7579 0.928
Conyers 2000:806; May
Lime Creeka above Zone I 7980 1000 Tx-6779 Soil humates
2002:Figure 5.8
9114-8993 0.074
a 8896-8879 0.011 Conyers 2000:805; May
Lime Creek Zone I (Cody?) 9120 510 Tx-6778 Soil humates
8839-7647 0.895 2002:Figure 5.8
7642-7607 0.020
Lime Creeka Cody 9167c 600 Charcoal Arnold and Libby 1951
(split sample)

14 Calibrated Relative Area
Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
Lime Creeka Cody 9880c 670 Charcoal Arnold and Libby 1951
(split sample)
10324-10298 0.020 Conyers 2000:805; May
Lime Creeka Zone I (Cody?) 10040 270 Tx-6777 Soil humates
10161-9245 0.980 2002:Figure 5.8
Lime Creeka below Zone I 10090 450 Tx-6776 Soil humates May 2002:Figure 5.8
9237-9136 0.685
Lindenmeiera Cody 9690 60 9130-9124 0.027 TO-341 Charcoal Haynes et al. 1992
8988-8922 0.288
9586-9574 0.044
Lindenmeiera Cody 9880 70 9389-9367 0.120 TO-339 Charcoal Haynes et al. 1992
9354-9243 0.836
LaBelle 1999b; LaBelle,
6639-6618 0.126
Nalla Allen 7740 80 Beta-121880 Soil Holliday, and Meltzer
6611-6477 0.874

7056-6976 0.311
6974-6817 0.609
Nelson Cody 7990 80 SI-4898 Bone Cassells 1983
6810-6803 0.023
6787-6772 0.054
8411-8397 0.088
8378-8373 0.024
Nortona Cody/Allen 9080 60 CAMS-16032 Bone collagen, AMS Hofman et al. 1995
8358-8353 0.024
8321-8234 0.865
8627-8619 0.033
8613-8448 0.902
Olsen- NSRL-2801,
Cody 9290 60 8387-8384 0.014 Bone gelatin, AMS Holliday et al. 1999
Chubbuck CAMS-31812
8367-8362 0.019
8349-8340 0.032
8720-8709 0.048
Olsen- 8690-8660 0.166 NSRL-2797,
Cody 9340 60 Bone gelatin, AMS Holliday et al. 1999
Chubbuck 8649-8531 0.709 CAMS-31813
8494-8478 0.077

14 Calibrated Relative Area
Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
8736-8730 0.020
8724-8704 0.088
Olsen- NSRL-2797,
Cody 9350 70 8693-8657 0.187 Bone gelatin, AMS Holliday et al. 1999
Chubbuck CAMS-32682
8653-8531 0.640
8494-8478 0.065
8736-8730 0.027
8724-8704 0.118
Olsen- NSRL-2799,
Cody 9370 60 8693-8657 0.243 Bone gelatin, AMS Holliday et al. 1999
Chubbuck CAMS-32683
8653-8551 0.607
8486-8484 0.004
Olsen- 8786-8759 0.112 NSRL-2798,
Cody 9420 60 Bone gelatin, AMS Holliday et al. 1999
Chubbuck 8752-8608 0.888 CAMS-24968
9090-9074 0.069
Olsen- 9037-9020 0.062 NSRL-2801,
Cody 9460 50 Bone gelatin, AMS Holliday et al. 1999
Chubbuck 8801-8687 0.693 CAMS-32684

8664-8631 0.177
9110-9068 0.164
9056-9009 0.180
8887-8884 0.011
Olsen- NSRL-2799,
Cody 9480 60 8817-8717 0.458 Bone gelatin, AMS Holliday et al. 1999
Chubbuck CAMS-31814
8713-8689 0.102
8662-8647 0.063
8640-8633 0.021
10826-10808 0.010
Cody 10150 500 10684-10497 0.114 A-744 Bone collagen Haynes et al. 1971
10492-9231 0.876
7028-7016 0.025
7006-6988 0.037
Meserve 6984-6967 0.035
Pigeon Cliff a 7840 160 GX0713-A Charcoal Steen 1976:35
(Plainview/Allen?) 6949-6933 0.034
6915-6881 0.076
6830-6502 0.792
Pigeon Cliff a Clayton (Archaic) 8280d 1000 W-636 Charcoal Rubin and Alexander 1960
14 Calibrated Relative Area
Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
Knudson 2002:Table 7.2;
Red Smoke Zone 90 (Zone VI) 7970 210 Tx-333 Charcoal
Valastro et al. 1967:451;
Zone 90 (Zone VI)
Red Smoke (above or at 8050 500 Tx-6729 Charcoal Knudson 2002:Table 7.2
Zone 88 (Zone V)/
Zone 90 (Zone VI)
Red Smoke 8270 80 Tx-6730 Charcoal Knudson 2002:Table 7.2
(Above or at
Zone 92 C-824 Knudson 2002:Table 7.2;
Red Smoke 8570c 300 Charcoal
(Zone VIII) (split sample) Libby 1955:110;
8200-8167 0.079
8165-8099 0.163 Tx-7558 Charcoal mixed with
Red Smoke Zone 88 (Zone V) 8830 130 Knudson 2002:Table 7.2
8088-8041 0.116 (split sample) burned bone
8020-7761 0.645

8260-7940 0.895
7930-7919 0.025 Tx-7558 Charcoal mixed with
Red Smoke Zone 88 (Zone V) 8910 130 Knudson 2002:Table 7.2
7897-7874 0.052 (split sample) burned bone
7858-7844 0.028
Zone 92 C-824 Knudson 2002:Table 7.2;
Red Smoke 9153c 600 Charcoal
(Zone VIII) (split sample) Libby 1955:110;
Below Zone V
(Zone 83?); Tx-7517 Charcoal mixed
Red Smoke 9206 90 Knudson 2002:Table 7.2
near Unit 2/3 (split sample) with sediment
Below Zone V
(Zone 83?); Tx-7517 Charcoal mixed
Red Smoke 9220 90 Knudson 2002:Table 7.2
near Unit 2/3 (split sample) with sediment

14 Calibrated Relative Area
Complex/ C
Date Range Under Lab Material
Site Stratigraphic date StDev Reference
at 1 Sigma Probability Number Dated
Unit (rcybp)
(cal BC)e Curvef
5207-5176 0.153
5141-5125 0.065
Sunray Plainview 6120 60 5117-5115 0.007 A-396 Burned bone Damon et al. 1964:101
5079-4941 0.757
4867-4862 0.019
9204-6189 0.040
6179-6172 0.016
Wetzel Cody 7160 135 6162-6134 0.095 SI-4849 Bone Cassells 1983
6109-5886 0.830
5850-5844 0.018
8448-8367 0.273
Mandel and Hofman
Winger Allen 9080 90 8363-8349 0.049 ISGS-4934 Bone collagen
8340-8208 0.677
Other dates available from the site, but they are not late Paleoindian in identification.
Additional late Paleoindian dates available from Hell Gap; only the Allen component is used in the present analysis.

Solid carbon technique, date discarded.
Interpreted as a problematic date by the original researcher, date discarded.
Bold date refers to the range with highest relative area under the calibration probability curve.
Bold probability refers to the range with the highest relative area under the calibration curve.

Figure 5.4: Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates of late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains, arranged by
complex. (Point illustrations adapted from Greiser 1985:Figure 23e and 27f; Frison 1991:Figure 2.28d).

Figure 5.5: Calibrated radiocarbon dates (Calib 4.4.2) of late Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains,
arranged by complex. (Point illustrations adapted from Greiser 1985:Figure 23e and 27f; Frison
1991:Figure 2.28d).

Chapter Summary

This Chapter served as a brief overview of all the published Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains,

as well as those newly documented sites from the Andersen and Baker collections. The new sites nearly

double the previously known site total, and it is suspected that the actual number of Paleoindian sites

lurking in the museums, basements, and fields of the Central Plains is very high. This is perhaps an

unexpected result to some readers, given the data presented in the previous Chapter suggesting that

Paleoindian sites were rather uncommon throughout the region.

A variety of site types are identified, including small and large camps, subsistence related kills and

processing sites, a few caches, and a burial. The region was used in a variety of ways, but is made up of

abundant small sites and isolated finds. There is no evidence to suggest that there is only a single

adaptation, site type, or landscape use pattern within the Central Plains (Meltzer 1993).

As well, sites are spread across a variety of landforms, suggesting that foragers were familiar with

different settings. The different landforms probably offered different resources, which were utilized by the

hunter-gatherer populations. As will be discussed in the Chapter 7, there are major differences in site

functions between site settings, especially riparian/alluvial settings versus those of the true, High Plains


Finally, the 14C record documents a steady and continuous presence of foraging populations on the

Central Plains from the Late Pleistocene until well into he Early Holocene. Several Paleoindian complexes

overlap in 14C time, suggesting contemporaneous populations rather than an evolutionary relationship

between all the point types. Given the solid dated record of the three main late Paleoindian complexes of

the Central Plains (Allen, Cody, Agate Basin), one could expect that these sties should show up with high

ubiquity as compared to other regions. This particular issue will be explored in Chapter 8.

Chapter 6


In this Chapter, I discuss assemblage diversity among the sites of the Central Plains, as well as

adjacent regions. The data clearly show that there is variability in the types and frequencies of tool classes

and total assemblage size. Several explanations are proposed, including taphonomic factors such as the

size of the area exposed or the size of the excavation area as well as basic functional differences related to

landscape use. Not all sites are used for the same purpose and therefore are not of the same size.

Patterns in projectile point frequencies are also examined from the same sites. Most sites are quite

small, yielding only a handful of projectile points. However, there are large sites containing dozens of

projectile points and these are generally the well-known Paleoindian sites. Explanations for variation in

projectile point assemblage size are also proposed.

Tables 6.1 and 6.2 document the assemblage level tool frequencies for published excavated and

surface sites from the Central Plains. Table 6.3 details the tool frequencies from the Nall site, one of the

Baker sites in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Table 6.4 details the tool frequencies from sites in the Andersen

collection from northeastern Colorado whereas Table 6.5 details the counts of certain temporally diagnostic

tool classes from the Baker data from the Oklahoma/Texas Panhandles and Northeastern New Mexico.

Table 6.1: Tool type frequencies of excavated sites in the Central Plains.

Site PP PRE KN BF DR ES SS GG CHP GR CR GRD HS RF UF Other Debitage Total Tools

Allen IZ 2 2 38 4 1 7 1 2 18 3 3199 78
Allen OLI 4 9 63 13 2 9 4 7 39 4 4509 154
Allen OLII 5 13 1 1 1 2 3 6 1 3360 33
Allen Total 6 16 114 18 4 17 7 12 0 63 8 11068 265
Buffman 1 14 11 2 26
Burntwood Creek 1 ? 1
Caribou Lake 4 1 1 1 4 143 11
Clary Ranch 13 3 17 13 6 12 12 10724 76
Claypool 189 15 19 9 49 21 14 6 20 6 thousands? 348
Cumro 1 1
Fourth of July Valley 18 4 1 5 1 3 1 1392 33
Frasca 8 1 16 9
Frazier 8 11 23 14 4 40 119 942 219
Gordon Creek 1 2 1 1 3 1 9
Hell Gap Frederick Level 16 1 8 34 16 14 12 17 4 15 10 20 167

Horace Rivers yes yes yes yes yes yes 0

James Allen 30 1 6 1 60 38
Jones-Miller 105 1 11 over 11500 117
Jurgens Area 1 11 19 36 2 12 1 3 1 189 2 1421 276
Jurgens Area 2 20 11 9 31 3 5 4 13 1 65 488 162
Jurgens Area 3 30 4 8 11 4 1 4 1 13 98 76
Jurgens Total 63 15 39 87 8 23 6 24 5 271 2 2023 543
Laird 1 1 12+ 2
Lamb Spring 7 1 several 8
Lime Creek Zone I 4 2 41 1 9 18 34 7 4 8 4 22 154
Lime Creek Zone II 1 1 2 4
Lime Creek Zone III 4 10 1 6 8 2 2 1 2 36
Meserve 2 2
Norton 4 1 1 2 several hundred 8
Olsen-Chubbuck (bonebed) 27 3 1 1 1 2 3 35
Palo Duro, 41HF84 1 9 6 795 16
Site PP PRE KN BF DR ES SS GG CHP GR CR GRD HS RF UF Other Debitage Total Tools
Pigeon Cliff 1 2 1 yes? 2 4
Red Smoke Zone 78 4 2 unknown 6
Red Smoke Zone 80 4 6 3 unknown 13
Red Smoke Zone 83 11 5 5 1 unknown 22
Red Smoke Zone 88 23 278 143 34 4 unknown 482
Red Smoke Zone 90 2 17 10 4 2 unknown 35
Red Smoke Zone 91 2 2 4 1 unknown 9
Red Smoke Zone 92 11 9 1 1 unknown 22
Scottsbluff 4 2 0 6
Tim Adrian 1 1 24 15 30 1 15 4 13 5 5 5 119
Walsh 15 15
Wilbur Thomas 1 1 unknown 2
Key: PP projectile points, PRE preforms, KN knives, BF bifaces, DR drills, ES end scrapers, SS side scrapers, GG gouges, CHP choppers, GR
gravers/perforators, CR cores, GRD ground stone, HS hammerstones, RF retouched flakes, and UF utilized flakes.

References: Allen (Bamforth 2002), Buffman (Burns 1996a:10), Burntwood (Dan Busse, personal communication 2001), Caribou Lake (Benedict 1985:127-
130; Pitblado 2000:138-151), Clary Ranch (Matthew G. Hill, personal communication 2001), Claypool (includes several Paleoindian components; Dick and

Mountain 1960; Stanford and Albanese 1975; LaBelle, this study), Cumro (Bell and Van Royen 1934:53-56), Fourth of July Valley (Benedict 1981:80-85),
Frasca (Fulgham and Stanford 1982:4-7), Frazier (Scott Slessman, personal communication 2002), Gordon Creek (Breternitz et al. 1971:175-178), Hell Gap
Frederick Level (Irwin 1967:Appendix 3, Table 2), Horace Rivers (Mallouf and Mandel 1997), James Allen (Mulloy 1959:114-115), Jones-Miller (Stanford
1999:448), Jurgens (Wheat 1979:Table 20), Laird (Hofman and Blackmar 1997:49-52; Blackmar 2002), Lamb Spring (McCartney 1983:3), Lime Creek (Davis
1962:Table 1), Meserve (Meserve and Barbour 1932:241), Norton (Hofman et al. 1995; Hofman 2002b:5), Olsen-Chubbuck (bonebed only, Wheat 1972:Table
20), 41HF84 (Anthony 1991:302), Pigeon Cliff (Steen 1955, 1976), Red Smoke (side scrapers referred to as unifaces, choppers identified as core/core-choppers;
Bamforth 2002b:Table 6.5), Scottsbluff (LaBelle, this study), Tim Adrian (O'Brien 1984:52-53), Walsh (Stanford 1984:634), Wilbur Thomas (Luebbers
Table 6.2: Tool type frequencies of multi-component or poorly documented Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains. Count refers to documented Paleoindian
tools only.

Site PP PRE KN BF DR ES SS GG CHP GR CR GRD HS RF UF Other Debitage Total Tools

Fondis 3 2 2 7
Forest Canyon Pass 4 2 6
Johnson-Cline 6 6
Lindenmeier (non-Folsom) 10 10
LoDaiska 2 2
Magic Mountain 7 1 8
Muncy 46 2 1 49
Spring Gulch 2 2
Nelson 2 1 1 3
Sunray 2 1 3
Phillips-Williams Fork Reservoir 31 31
Key: PP projectile points, PRE preforms, KN knives, BF bifaces, DR drills, ES end scrapers, SS side scrapers, GG gouges, CHP choppers, GR
gravers/perforators, CR cores, GRD ground stone, HS hammerstones, RF retouched flakes, and UF utilized flakes.

References: Fondis (Colorado state site files), Forest Canyon Pass (Husted 1965), Johnson-Cline (Lintz 1978), Lindenmeier (Wilmsen and Roberts 1978:60-65;

Roberts 1937:74), LoDaiska (Irwin and Irwin 1959), Magic Mountain (Irwin-Williams and Irwin 1966), Muncy (White 1987), Spring Gulch (Kainer 1974,
1976), Nelson (Colorado state site files), Sunray (David Meltzer, personal communication 2000), Phillips-Williams Fork (Wiesend and Frison 1998).

Table 6.3: Paleoindian tool type frequencies from the Nall site in the Oklahoma Panhandle (Baker et al. 1957).

Site PP PRE KN BF DR ES SS GG CHP GR CR GRD HS RF UF Other Debitage Total Tools Total Assemblage
Nall North 231 11 1 41 32 70 10 0 0 13 3 3 0 47 0 3 39 415 504
Nall South 102 5 1 23 7 19 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 1 3 161 177
Nall Unknown 46 0 0 14 7 30 4 0 0 1 4 0 0 20 0 4 16 106 146
Nall Total 379 16 2 78 46 119 18 0 0 14 7 3 0 79 0 8 58 682 827
Key: PP projectile points, PRE preforms, KN knives, BF bifaces, DR drills, ES end scrapers, SS side scrapers, GG gouges, CHP choppers, GR
gravers/perforators, CR cores, GRD ground stone, HS hammerstones, RF retouched flakes, and UF utilized flakes.
Table 6.4: Paleoindian tool type frequencies in the Andersen sites in Yuma/Washington Counties, Colorado.

Site PP PRE KN BF DR ES SS GR CR RF UF Other Debitage Total Tools

1 15 15
2 7 7
3 1 1
4 65 1 3 2 10 2 97 83
5 14 1 1 16
6 2 2
7 1 1
8 5 1 1 7
9 9 2 1 12
10 18 1 4 2 25
11 5 1 1 1 8
12 17 17
13 3 1 4
14 3 3
15 2 1 3

16 7 1 8
18 1 1
19 1 1
20 1 1
21 2 1 3
22 10 1 11
23 1 1 2
24 24 2 1 16 3 1 2 1 6 50
25 3 3
26 1 1
28 10 1 11
29 2 1 3
31 1 1
32 3 3
33 3 1 1 5
34 4 4
35 1 1
36 2 2
Site PP PRE KN BF DR ES SS GR CR RF UF Other Debitage Total Tools
37 2 2
38 3 3
39 1 1
40 3 1 4
41 11 1 1 13
42 1 1
43 5 1 6
44 10 1 1 12
45 1 1
46 1 1
47 1 1
48 2 1 3
49 1 1
50 2 1 3
51 1 1
52 3 3
53 2 2

54 3 3
55 1 1
56 10 1 1 12
57 1 1
58 1 1 2
59 2 2
60 4 2 1 2 7
61 10 4 14
62 1 1
63 4 4
64 189 15 19 9 49 21 14 20 12 numerous 348
65 1 1
66 1 1
Key: PP projectile points, PRE preforms, KN knives, BF bifaces, DR drills, ES end scrapers, SS side scrapers, GR gravers/perforators, CR cores, RF retouched
flakes, and UF utilized flakes.
Table 6.5: Paleoindian tool types examined in the Baker sites in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles and Northeastern New Mexico.

Number of Number of Modified

Number of Number of Bifaces Total Number of
Baker Reported Projectile Points Projectile Points
Site Name Preforms Examined Examined in This Tools Examined in
Assemblage Size Examined in This Examined in This
in This Study Study This Study
Study Study
1 1 1
Creek, Site 1
2 2 2
Creek, Site 2
22 6 6
Site 1
9 3 3
Site 2
Ute-Carrizo 5 5 5
Rosebud 2 2 2
Logan 1 1 1
Rock Ranch 5 1 1
Nall 750 see Table 6.3 see Table 6.3 see Table 6.3 see Table 6.3 827

1T 150 26 2 28
2T 67 19 8 1 28
3T 259 67 5 3 75
4T 168 12 4 16
5T 43 14 1 1 16
6T 67 15 3 1 19
7T 31 5 1 6
8T 10 3 3
10T 12 5 5
11T 6 1 1
12T 4 2 1 3
13T 5 4 4
14T 2 1 1
15T 10 1 1
16T 10 4 4
17T 4 1 1
Key: Modified projectile points refer to points reworked into drills, end scrapers, etc.
Assemblage Diversity

In this study, diversity refers to several measures of assemblage characteristics. First, I am interested

in documenting the variance in the total number of tools recovered per site. The second measure of interest

is the assemblage richness, or a count of the number of different tool classes present per site. The third

measure of diversity is the evenness of the tool classes, that is the frequency of tools per tool class.

Measures of assemblage diversity are difficult to compare across many sites for several reasons. First,

when using published data, it is difficult to standardize tool types such that different researchers can

sometimes call identical items by different tool classes. I used the basic descriptions provided by the

original author. These tool classes are morphologically defined, based primarily on shape and flaking

characteristics (Irwin and Wormington 1970). They have not been defined by use-wear categories, which

would probably show that many of these tools were used for multiple functions that crosscut various

functional categories. One of the more important problems with diversity analysis, especially with a

sample such as this, is that the values might not be representative of what tools were present on the site. As

many of the sites from this sample are from surface assemblages, the relative frequencies of tool classes

may or many not be representative of the true diversity of site activities.

Central Plains

Summary values for the mean, median, and modes of common tool classes of Paleoindian sites on

the Central Plains are presented in Table 6.6 and Figure 6.1. The sample of sites represents a variety of site

types including bison kills, processing sites and camps. It is not surprising that there is variability in the

mean frequencies of certain tool classes as well as evenness in representation between the tool classes.

Such variability was expected given that the diversity in site types as discussed in Chapter 5. Given that

this is a composite sample of many types of sites, these summary values are not meant to “define” sub-

types of Paleoindian sites, but instead the values document the general dominance of certain kinds of tool

classes within the Central Plains.

Table 6.6: Summary values of tool frequencies of sites from the Central Plains.

Tool Mean StDev Median Mode Case Count

Projectile Point 12.9 30.4 4 0, 1,2 (tie) 51
Preform 0.7 2.1 0 0 51
Knife 2.3 6.7 0 0 52
Biface 11.1 39.5 0 0 52
Drill 0.2 1.3 0 0 52
End Scraper 4.5 10.3 0 0 50
Side Scraper 6.1 20.4 0 0 52
Gouge 0.4 1.9 0 0 52
Chopper 2.1 6.9 0 0 52
Graver/Perforator 1.3 3.2 0 0 52
Core 1.3 3.4 0 0 52
Ground stone 0.9 2.2 0 0 51
Hammerstone 0.7 1.7 0 0 52
Retouched Flake 2.3 6.7 0 0 52
Utilized Flake 9.2 32.2 0 0 51
Other 1.6 4.5 0 0 51
Total Tools 58.1 96.6 15 2 51

Sites contained approximately 58 tools on average, but with a high standard deviation (97 tools).

The median measure of 15 tools per site is perhaps a more realistic measure of diversity in assemblage size.

The average number of tools varies across classes, from a high of 12.9 for projectile points to a low of 0.2

for drills. Standard deviations are quite large, owing to the vast differences between sites in the sample in

terms of total assemblage size. Not surprisingly, no tool classes other than projectile points have a median

value above zero. This is due to the fact that almost all these sites are recognized as Paleoindian in age by

the simple presence of projectile points given that few other temporally diagnostic tools exist. The mode

value is also zero for all tool classes besides projectile points. Values of 0, 1, and 2 were the most

common, each with 8 cases.

Sites such as Hell Gap, Allen, and Red Smoke, where manufacturing of stone tools was a common

activity, biased the summary values for classes such as bifaces. These sites also contain diverse fauna and

hearths (see Chapter 7), suggesting that the sites were potentially occupied for longer periods of time than

other sites. Their location in well-watered areas, with abundant plant and animal diversity, would have also

attracted prehistoric populations. In addition, the three sites are located near to abundant raw material

sources, available for the manufacture of stone tools.

The sample suggests that assemblage size is positively correlated with tool richness (Figure 6.2),

where an exponential curve fits well (r2=0.6167). This could be interpreted as sample size bias (Meltzer et

al. 1992), or instead strengthen the assertion that some sites tend to produce larger numbers of tools and

tool classes. Most research in the Central Plains is based on one of exhausting the site data, such that

excavations or artifact collecting from surface sites is rarely one of “sampling” only a portion of the site.

Many of these sites have been salvaged where (relatively) large areas have been excavated. But there is no

statistical relationship between assemblage size and the excavation area. One might expect that as the

excavation area increased, the total number of tools would also increase, because more activities are being

exposed, representing either contemporaneous occupations or even reoccupations of the site. The pattern

here suggests instead that some sites contain more tools than expected given the area size. Thus, I think

that there are “big” sites and plenty of “small” sites out there. What do the big sites represent? They could

have been occupied for longer periods of time, been reoccupied repeatedly (by the same group over a

period of years), or represent a mix of multiple complexes over thousands of years. Clearly, these big sites

do exist in uncommon numbers.

The density of tools per m2 is presented in Figure 6.3. Sites to the left contain excavation areas

greater than 10 m2, are considered better representative samples than those to the right (<10 m2). There is

variability in tool density, ranging from a high of 5.2 tools per m2 at Red Smoke (Zone 88) to a low of 0.07

tools per m2 at Wilbur Thomas. These patterns are potentially related to site activities, as the sites with the

highest densities such as Red Smoke 88, Jurgens 1 (2.4 per m2) and Jurgens 2 (3.1 per m2) are all major

habitation sites, probably occupied for longer periods than other types of sites. Bison kills such as Lamb

Spring, James Allen, Frasca, and even Jones-Miller, have much lower tool densities.

Tool richness density is low for all sites with large excavation areas, all less than 0.3 tool classes

per m2, with most below 0.1 classes per m2 (Figure 6.4). Again, campsites contain the highest densities

compared to other site types. The density data suggest that site activities are spread across the site and

diverse activities are not aggregated into small spatial areas. If this was the case, and many different tools

were being used in any one area, tool richness densities would be higher. We might expect high richness

densities in enclosed/defined spaces, such as within the interiors of winter houses or rockshelters (cf.

Pigeon Cliff, a small rockshelter) or also among burials (cf. Gordon Creek).

The richness and evenness data suggest that there are real differences between site types, which

are not necessarily related to the size of the excavation area. Some sites simply contain higher numbers and

different types of tools as compared to other sites. What do these larger sites represent, are they base

camps or repeatedly occupied central places? How do they interact with the common small sites? Many of

these sites are the ones with diversified faunal assemblages, features, and ground stone, suggesting a much

different use of place than simple bison kills (Chapter 7). Many are reoccupied, probably seasonally, but

often times over deep time as well, signaling a stable location on the landscape (e.g., Allen, Red Smoke,

Lime Creek, Hell Gap). Small sites probably represent specialized locations surrounding these larger sites,

acting as satellites to the main site hub (Binford 1982).



































Tool Class

Figure 6.1: Mean, median and mode values of tool classes from sites on the Central Plains.



Total Number of Tools

R = 0.6167



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Tool Richness

Figure 6.2: Scatterplot of tool richness versus assemblage size from sites on the Central Plains.

Tool Richness per m 2 Tools per m 2

n es


Jones Miller ille
Cl r
Claypool po
Frazier Ja ie
Li m r
m es
James Allen C Al
re n
e k
Ju Zo
Lime Creek Zone I rg ne
e ns I
R La ea
Jurgens Area 1 ed m 1
O Sm Sp
ls ok rin
Lamb Spring en e g
-C Zo
hu Ju ne
bb rg
Red Smoke Zone 88 uc en 88
k s
(b Ar
o ea
Jurgens Area 3 ne 3
Ju d
rg on
Olsen-Chubbuck (bonebed only) e ns l y)
C ea
Jurgens Area 2 ar
m ib 2
e u o
Cr La
Caribou Lake Fo
u k
rth Zo
of ne
Lime Creek Zone III Ju
Fourth of July Valley y

W Fr
Re ilbu ca
Frasca d r
Sm Tho
Re ok m
Wilbur Thomas e as

Site/Component d
Sm Zon
e 9 2
Red Smoke Zone 92 Zo
Figure 6.3: Number of tools per m2 from sites on the Central Plains. ne
Re 83
Red Smoke Zone 83 d
Sm No
Re ok rto
e n

More than 10 m2 excavation area

Norton d
More than 10 m2 excavation area

Sm Zon

Figure 6.4: Number of tool classes per m2 from sites on the Central Plains.
Red Smoke Zone 90
m e 90
e Zo
C ne
re 91
Red Smoke Zone 91 Zo
Lime Creek Zone II lo
D La
o, ir d
Laird 41
R Pi F8
ed ge 4
Palo Duro, 41HF84 Sm on
ok Cl
e i ff
Less than 10 m2 excavation area

Pigeon Cliff Zo
Less than 10 m2 excavation area

G ne
R or
do 80
Red Smoke Zone 80 n
Sm C
ok re
e e
Gordon Creek Zo k
Red Smoke Zone 78
Northeastern Colorado

The data from the Andersen collection further support the patterns evident in the Central Plains

sites. For example, tool assemblage size and artifact richness are related (Figure 6.5), where an exponential

curve fits well (r2=0.6701). The Claypool site clearly stands out, having the largest tool assemblage and the

highest richness in tool classes. Claypool is different from other sites in the Andersen sample. The site

was occupied repeatedly through time, but appears to have also been intensively occupied during the Cody

Complex. Despite the potential problem of mixing of complexes (only a minor problem at Claypool), no

other site in northeastern Colorado even approaches the site in terms of the total assemblage size. It does

not appear that surface exposure is a factor in assemblage size, as other sites in the areas were equally (or

more so) deflated but do not have a fraction of the Claypool size and diversity. Removing Claypool from

the rest of the Andersen sites does not improve the relationship between sample size and diversity (linear

fit, r2=0.639) (Figure 6.6).

Mean, median, and mode values of tool classes are presented in Figure 6.7. The region is

dominated by projectile points, perhaps not surprising given that amateurs discovered the sites in the early

20th century and were probably identified by the simple presence of a diagnostic point. Projectile points are

the only tool class with median and mode values exceeding 1 tool per site. Other tool classes are found on

the Andersen sites, namely end and side scrapers and bifaces, but these occur in low frequencies.

Tool classes drop in value when Slim Arrow and Claypool are removed from the sample (Figure

6.8). These two represent what most researchers would label a “typical” Paleoindian site, that of a bison

kill and large campsite. The remaining sites are mostly the small ubiquitous blowouts, containing projectile

points but rarely any other associated tools. Most of these sites are small and contain little artifact

diversity. This is probably related to similar site function more than simply exposure, as many of these

sites were repeatedly searched during periods of active erosion and tools would have collected if present.


R = 0.6701


Total Number of Tools





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tool Class Richness

Figure 6.5: Scatterplot of assemblage size versus tool richness from sites in Northeastern Colorado.



R = 0.639
Total Number of Tools






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Tool Class Richness

Figure 6.6: Scatterplot of assemblage size versus tool richness from sites in Northeastern Colorado,
Claypool site removed.


All sites mean

All sites median
All sites mode


































Tool Type

Figure 6.7: Mean, median, and mode values of tool classes of sites in the Andersen collection.

Sites mean w/o Claypool or Slim Arrow

Sites median w/o Claypool or Slim Arrow
Sites mode w/o Claypool or Slim Arrow



































Tool Type

Figure 6.8: Mean, median, and mode values of tool classes of sites in the Andersen collection, Claypool
and Slim Arrow sites removed.

Cimarron County, Oklahoma and Dallam County, Texas

Assemblage diversity was only calculated for the Nall site from the Baker sample. Many of the

Baker sites contain abundant tool assemblages, but the non-projectile point data are difficult to associate

with particular Paleoindian occupations. Many of these sites were repeatedly occupied during the Early

Holocene, but also during the middle and Late Holocene too. This suggests that the area must have

remained a viable landscape for hunter-gathers over a long period.

The Nall site contains multiple Paleoindian occupations, including Clovis, Folsom, Agate Basin,

and Coty, but the vast majority of Paleoindian projectile points are either Plainview or Allen complex tools.

Given that these periods predominate the projectile points, it is generally assumed that they also dominate

the other tool classes. Fieldwork conducted at the site from 1998-2001 was aimed in part at either

confirming or refuting this basic temporal sequence at the site (LaBelle, Holliday, and Meltzer 2003).

Despite the potential problems of mixing, Nall is unlike any other site in the Central Plains. It

simply contains more tools from a greater variety of classes than any other site, including the Claypool site.

Frequencies of various tool classes for the Nall North and South localities are presented in Figure 6.9. The

two localities are separated by only a quarter mile and are situated along the side of a presently dry playa

lake (Baker et al. 1957). As is seen, projectile points dominate the assemblages, but other tool forms are

common, including bifaces, end scrapers, drills, and gravers.

Nall North contains more tools than Nall South, but the two share similarities in the overall

evenness of tools. For example, the two locales have similar percentages between tool classes (Figure

6.10). The two locales were probably used in much the same way, as general camps situated alongside a

lake, where tool were being repaired, small ambush kill were probably made on animals, and plants were

probably gathered.

What drew foragers to this location over time, or to the Panhandle in general? Recall that in

Chapter 3, I identified this area as containing some of the largest and deepest playas of the

Southern/Central Plains. This combined with the fact that there was a spring on the northwestern side of

the Nall playa, probably acted as a magnet to Paleoindian foragers throughout the Early Holocene.


Nall North
Nall South



































Tool Class

Figure 6.9: Frequencies of tool classes from the Nall North and South sites, Cimarron County, Oklahoma.

Nall North
Nall South

Percent of Total
































Tool Type

Figure 6.10: Percentages of tool classes from the Nall North and South sites, Cimarron County, Oklahoma.

Range in Projectile Point Frequency

Given the inherent problems in comparing assemblage data from excavated sites with those of

surface sites, it might be more reasonable to use a measure that can be compared across all sites, that is of

projectile point frequency. The tools are readily identifiable, often temporally diagnostic, and can occur in

great quantities at sites.

Central Plains

There is a large degree of variance in the number of projectile points recovered per site from the

Central Plains, with most containing a few points at most (Figure 6.11, Table 6.7). Nearly a third of the

sites (31%) contain zero or one projectile point, and almost 75% of the sites contain 10 or fewer projectile

points. Large sites are not as common, with a little over 23% of the sites containing 11 points per site.

Some of these large sites probably represent repeated occupations (Muncy), but others are large bison

kills/processing sites (Jones-Miller, James Allen) or campsites (Jurgens, Claypool, Fourth of July Valley).

The average number of points per sites is 12.9, although this has a high standard deviation of 30.4 points

per site. Median and mode points per site are 4 and 0 respectively. Large sites, once again, are the sites

used as the archetypal Paleoindian site and adaptation, despite the fact that they are not at all that common.

Table 6.7: Number of projectile points recovered per site from locales in the Central Plains.

Number Number Percent Cumulative Percent of

of Points of Sites of Total Total
0-1 16 31.4 31.4
2-5 16 31.4 62.7
6-10 6 11.8 74.5
11-15 2 3.9 78.4
16-20 3 5.9 84.3
21-25 1 2.0 86.3
26-30 3 5.9 92.2
31+ 4 7.8 100.0
51 100.0

Some of this variability might be explained by excavation sample size. There is a positive

relationship (r2=0.6316) between the number of points recovered and the excavation area (Figure 6.12).

But it does not hold that simply opening up larger areas of sites (or waiting for them to deflate) will yield

more projectile pints. Many of these sites represent nearly exhausted localities, excavated or collected until

they did not yield any more tools. There is a chance that tools remaining intact at many of these sites, but

in general most of these sites were abandoned after a large portion of the site had been excavated.

The variability in the number of points per m2 might relate to systemic differences in the use and

reoccupation of the site, in regards to kill site versus campsite and single occupation versus multiple

reoccupations. Sites with excavation areas larger than 10 m2 are displayed on the left side of Figure 6.13,

whereas those to the right have excavation areas smaller than 10 m2. For sites with large excavation areas,

the sites range from almost 0.5 points per m2 down to a low of 0 points per m2. This represents a

tremendous variability, where Claypool contains nearly 17 times the density of points per m2 as compared

to the Frazier site. There is no apparent pattern explicitly related to site type, as some kills and camps have

high densities, whereas other kills have low densities. Many factors might affect variability in point

density, including the time of year of occupation, scavenging of broken tools to take elsewhere, carcass

density, etc. (Hofman 1999a).

Number of Projectile Points Number of Projectile Points


Allen OLII

Gordon Creek

Lime Creek Zone II

Red Smoke Zone 78

Red Smoke Zone 80

Red Smoke Zone 83

Red Smoke Zone 92



Burntwood Creek


Palo Duro, 41HF84

Pigeon Cliff

Tim Adrian

Wilbur Thomas

Allen IZ



Red Smoke Zone 90

Red Smoke Zone 91

Spring Gulch



Allen OLI

Caribou Lake
Forest Canyon Pass
Lime Creek Zone I

Excavation Area (m2)

Figure 6.11: Projectile point frequency from Central Plains sites.
Lime Creek Zone III




Lamb Spring

Magic Mountain


Lindenmeier (non-Folsom)

Jurgens Area 1

Clary Ranch

Hell Gap Frederick Level

R = 0.6316
Fourth of July Valley

Jurgens Area 2

Red Smoke Zone 88

Olsen-Chubbuck (bonebed only)

James Allen

Jurgens Area 3

Phillips-Williams Fork Reservoir


Jones Miller

Figure 6.12: Scatterplot of projectile point frequency versus excavation area among Central Plains sites.

More than 10 m2 excavation area Less than 10 m2 excavation area

Projectile Points per m2




Palo Duro, 41HF84

Fourth of July Valley
Jones Miller

Olsen-Chubbuck (bonebed only)

Pigeon Cliff

Gordon Creek
Lamb Spring

Red Smoke Zone 88

Caribou Lake

Red Smoke Zone 92

Red Smoke Zone 83


Red Smoke Zone 90

Red Smoke Zone 91


Red Smoke Zone 80

Red Smoke Zone 78

Jurgens Area 1

Jurgens Area 3

Jurgens Area 2
Lime Creek Zone I

Lime Creek Zone III

Lime Creek Zone II

James Allen

Wilbur Thomas

Figure 6.13: Projectile points per m from sites in the Central Plains.

Yuma and Washington Counties, Colorado

Projectile points are also common on sites within the Andersen collection from northeastern

Colorado. This is not unexpected given this is how most of the sites were defined in the first place.

Almost 90% of the sites contain less than 10 points per site, with 35% containing only a single projectile

point or none at all (Table 6.8, Figure 6.14).

Table 6.8: Number of projectile points recovered from Andersen sites, Yuma and Washington Counties,

Number Number Percent Cumulative Percent of

of Points of Sites of Total Total
0-1 22 34.9 34.9
2-5 25 39.7 74.6
6-10 8 12.7 87.3
11-15 3 4.8 92.1
16-20 2 3.2 95.2
21-25 1 1.6 96.8
26-30 0 0.0 96.8
31+ 2 3.2 100.0
63 100.0
Only three sites contain more than 20 points, including the Silvius campsite (Site #24), the Slim

Arrow bison kill (Site #4), the Claypool campsite (Site #64). Recall that the Claypool site was included

within the published sample from the Central Plains and it dominated that sample in regards to projectile

point assemblage size and points per m2. The Slim Arrow site is like other Paleoindian kills, with large

number of points as compared to other site types. The Andersen sample is quite similar to the other Central

Plains data, in that most sites are small and probably reflect short-term, possibly specialized function uses.

There is a negative relationship between tool class richness and the percent of projectile points

making up the assemblage (Figure 6.15). This makes intuitive sense, as the number of potential activities

increased on sites, the dominance of single function sites decrease (as represented by projectile points).




Number of Projectile Points








Andersen Site

Figure 6.14: Number of projectile points per Andersen site from Washington and Yuma Counties,


Projectile Point Percentage of Assemblage



R = 0.5347


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tool Classes Present (Richness)

Figure 6.15: Scatterplot of tool richness versus projectile point percentage among Andersen sites from
Washington and Yuma Counties, Colorado.

Cimarron County, Oklahoma and Dallam County, Texas

The Baker data from the Panhandles and Northeastern New Mexico contain a large number of

projectile points, of course dominated by the Nall site. A few other sites contain more than 10 points (1T

and 3T for example), but most sites (72%) containing 10 or fewer points per site (Table 6.9, Figure 6.16).

The Nall site dominates the sample, with 379 points/point fragments from the site, as well as reworked

points turned into drills and other tools.

Table 6.9: Number of projectile points recovered from Baker sites, Oklahoma/Texas Panhandles and
Northeastern New Mexico.

Number Number Percent Cumulative Percent

of Points of Sites of Total of Total
0-1 7 28.0 28.0
2-5 10 40.0 68.0
6-10 1 4.0 72.0
11-15 3 12.0 84.0
16-20 1 4.0 88.0
21-25 0 0.0 88.0
26-30 1 4.0 92.0
31+ 2 8.0 100.0
25 100.0



Number of Projectile Points








N orth


R k2









al 3T

o 17T

ey T

te 16T

ey T
oc oga

N out
ri z








Bu 1

Bu 1













Baker Site

Figure 6.16: Number of projectile points per Baker site, Oklahoma/Texas Panhandles and Northeastern
New Mexico.

Assemblage Diversity from Beyond the Central Plains

I now move beyond the Central Plains for assemblage comparison with other regions. The Central

Plains data suggested that most sites contained only a few tools or projectile points, with an occasional

large Paleoindian site. It follows that other regions should show similar patterns if they are being used in

similar ways.

Texas High Plains Clovis

Meltzer summarized (1987; Meltzer and Bever 1995) the Clovis record of Texas based primarily

on surface finds reported by professionals and amateurs. Meltzer and Bever report 109 Clovis points from

the Panhandle Plains region of Texas (1995:61). Of these, 50 points have sufficient provenience to assess

site context. Isolated finds make up 35% of the sample, small surface scatters account for 58%, and Clovis

sites are the rarest type constituting only 7% of the sample. The high incidence of isolated finds and small

sites in the Panhandle is statistically distinct from other areas such as Central Texas (Meltzer and Bever

1995:62-63), suggesting that landscape use probably differed between environmentally distinct zones. For

instance, most High Plains occupations were ephemeral and task specific, thereby leaving only small traces

of activity. Sites within particularly bountiful and diverse ecotones yield different assemblages, including

substantial campsites and workshops, such as the Gault site (Collins 1999; Collins and Hester 1998).

Southern High Plains Paleoecology Project

Hester summarized the Paleoindian record of the Southern High Plains as part of the High Plains

Paleoecological Program (Hester 1972, 1975a,b; Hester and Grady 1977; Wendorf and Hester 1962, 1975).

Hester reported high rates of isolated finds on the Llano Estacado (Hester 1975a:Table 13-1). Clovis

contains the highest frequency of isolated points (44%), followed by late Paleoindian complexes (42%),

and Folsom with a 39% rate of isolated finds (Table 6.10). In general, the three periods contained similar

percentages of site types (acknowledging that all site types are simplified into only three types). This

suggests that the landscape was probably used in similar ways throughout the Late Pleistocene and Early

Holocene, dominated by small sites and abundant isolated finds.

Table 6.10: Site type frequencies from the Llano Estacado (calculated from Hester 1975a:Table 13-1).

Percent of
Site Late Percent of Percent of Late
Clovis Folsom
Type Paleoindian Clovis Sites Folsom Sites Paleoindian
Camp 8 15 18 34.8 41.7 34.6
Kill 5 7 12 21.7 19.4 23.1
Isolated Find 10 14 22 43.5 38.9 42.3
23 36 52 100.0 100.0 100.0

Gaines County, Texas

Polyak and Williams (1986) published illustrations and metric descriptions of 360 Paleoindian

tools held in private collections mostly in Gaines County, Texas. The county is located near the southern

boundary of the Llano Estacado, along the Texas-New Mexico border. A portion of the county is located

within a dune field, probably accounting for the unusually high frequency of Paleoindian tools. Polyak and

Williams recorded only a portion of the known surface collections from the county, further demonstrating

that Paleoindian sites are quite abundant in some regions of the Plains. The tools are mostly projectile

points, although there are some preforms, projectile point/knives, as well as some heavily reworked drill-

like forms. The tools represent the spectrum of Paleoindian complexes, from Clovis to Allen in age. The

authors did not specify the types, although many can be identified from the illustrations. I have not chosen

to do so here, as I was not able to physically examine the collections.

Nearly 38% (136/360) of the tools are identified to 72 specific sites in Gaines County (354 tools),

the adjacent Terry County (5 tools), or an unidentified county (1 tool). The majority of these sites are small

(Table 6.11), with 83% yielding less than two projectile points per site and most sites (65%) containing

only a single projectile point. It is not known whether non-projectile tools and/or later complexes were also

recovered from these sites, but regardless, the Paleoindian components are definitely small.

There are several sites larger sites, containing more than three points and ranging to a high of 13

points from a single site. Eighty-two percent of the sites contain 10 or fewer projectile points. Sites with

eleven or more points make up less than 10% of the sites with good provenience, yet they account for 46%

of the entire point sample. This is a common phenomenon in Paleoindian regional studies, where there is a

high ubiquity of sites but most sites contain small assemblages (cf. arguments presented in Andrews,

Seebach and LaBelle 2003). The majority of the tools come from only a few sites in any given region.

Table 6.11: Number of Paleoindian projectile points per site in Gaines County, Texas
(calculated from Polyak and Williams 1986).

Cumulative Cumulative
Number Number Percent Sum Number
Percent of Percent of
of Points of Sites of Total of Points
Sites Points
1 47 65.3 65.3 47 34.6
2 13 18.1 83.3 26 53.7
3 5 6.9 90.3 15 64.7
4 4 5.6 95.8 16 76.5
8 1 1.4 97.2 8 82.4
11 1 1.4 98.6 11 90.4
13 1 1.4 100 13 100
Total 72 100

Judge Data from the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico

Judge (1973) summarized the Paleoindian occupation of the Middle Rio Grande Valley of central

New Mexico, based on his own survey and excavation as well as examination of amateur collections.

Judge divided his data into two analytical types, sites and localities, defining each based on the recovered

assemblage size. A locality is defined as a find spot that yielded less than 2% of the total artifacts recorded

for that particular complex (Judge 1973:62). Sites would be the loci yielding more than 25 of the total

artifacts. This dichotomy split the sample into small and large sites.

Localities make up the minority of all occurrences (Table 6.12), ranging from 31% of Belen find

spots to a high of 50% for Clovis (although Clovis has a small sample size). Cody and Folsom also have a

high number of localities, ranging between 44 to 48% of all occurrences.

Judge published assemblage totals for each of the sites, but the data were not provided for the

localities, it is assumed that many are probably isolated finds. The Judge data are similar to the other

regional samples, documenting an abundance of small sites and isolated finds.

The summary statistics for the Judge sites are presented in Table 6.13-6.15, documenting the

Folsom, Belen, and Cody complexes respectively. The values are summarized regardless of site function,

which would have varied between locales. As well, the mean and median sizes of these assemblages would

decrease if the smaller localities were included in these totals. Nevertheless, the data provide a range of

assemblage sizes between the three cultural complexes.

Table 6.12: Paleoindian sites and complexes of the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico
(calculated from Judge 1973:Figure 4a).

Percent Percent
Complex Localities Sites Total
Localities Sites
Clovis 1 1 2 50 50
Folsom 14 15 29 48.3 51.7
Belen 4 9 13 30.8 69.2
Cody 4 5 9 44.4 55.6
Other 3 3 6 50 50
Total 26 33 59

Table 6.13: Site assemblage characteristics for Folsom sites (n=15) in the Middle Rio Grande Valley of
New Mexico (modified from Judge 1973:Table 3).

Projectile End Side Channel Chisel Spoke- Utility Site

Preforms Knives Gravers Drills
Points Scrapers Scrapers Flakes Gravers shaves Flakes Total
Total 116 129 308 83 48 217 80 6 0 11 24 1022
Median 4 6 13 2 1 18 2 0 0 0 0 461
Mean 8 9 21 6 3 14 5 0 0 1 2 681
The median and mean number of tools per site drop to 28 and 54 respectively, if channel flakes are
removed from the assemblage total (and thus standardizing against the Belen and Cody totals).

Table 6.14: Site assemblage characteristics for Belen sites (n=9) in the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New
Mexico (modified from Judge 1973:Table 3).

Projectile End Side Chisel Spoke- Utility Site

Preforms Knives Gravers Drills
points scrapers scrapers Gravers shaves Flakes Total
Total 29 9 139 31 8 16 3 0 7 4 246
Median 2 0 14 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 20
Mean 3 1 15 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 27

Table 6.15: Site assemblage characteristics for Cody sites (n=5) in the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New
Mexico (modified from Judge 1973:Table 3).

Projectile End Side Chisel Spoke- Utility Site

Preforms Knives Gravers Drills
points scrapers scrapers Gravers shaves Flakes Total
Total 25 5 93 15 11 8 1 3 4 2 166
Median 5 0 17 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 27
Mean 5 1 19 3 2 2 0 1 1 0 33

Folsom sites are the largest of the three, even when channel flakes are removed from the sample.

Folsom also has the largest mean number of tools across most artifact classes, including preforms, gravers,

and channel flakes. The lower frequencies of Belen and Cody preforms can partly be explained by the

readily identifiable Folsom preforms, as more Folsom preforms were probably identified than for other


The number of points averages between 3 to 8 per site, with median values ranging from 2 to 5.

Sites in the Middle Rio Grande Valley average much larger than others outside the region. A large part of

this is due to the lack of small sites (localities) included in the sample. And given the general mixing of

cultural components in nearly every other region, one wonders whether all the documented tools are

associated with the respective Paleoindian complexes. Judge (see Chapter 8) documented that most of

these sites are single component sites, so perhaps these sites truly are large and unmixed.



Mean Value






ri l






















Tool Type

Figure 6.17: Mean values of tool classes among Folsom, Belen, and Cody complexes of the Judge study in
Central New Mexico.

Baker Data from the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico

I obtained a large database of Paleoindian sites from the Tony Baker collection (Tony Baker,

personal communication 2001) as a comparison to the Judge sample. The Tony Baker data, also from the

Middle Rio Grande Valley, include surface sites collected since the 1960s until the present day. Judge

utilized a portion of the Baker data in his original analysis (Judge 1973:iv), however the Tony Baker

database is more inclusive, incorporating both large and small sites that were surface collected over a larger


The vast majority of sites contain but a few projectile points, with the median and mode values for

Paleoindian complexes being only a single point. The average varies between 2 to 4 points per site,

depending upon the complex (Table 6.16, Figure 6.18). These summary values are smaller than those

presented by Judge, and believed to be a more accurate representation of the size of sites in the region.

Like other regions, most sites in the Middle Rio Grande Valley are small, short-term occupations.

Table 6.16: Summary statistics on the number of projectile points by complex in the Middle Rio Grande of
New Mexico (calculated from the Tony Baker collection).

Number of Number of
Complex Mean Median Mode
Sites Projectile
Clovis 8 31 3.9 1 1
Folsom/Midland 41 110 2.7 1 1
Agate Basin 5 7 1.4 1 1
Plainview/Belen 19 61 3.2 1 1
Cody 27 71 2.6 1 1
47 87 1.9 1 1
(Early Archaic)

4.5 50

4 45

Mean number of projectile points per site



Number of Sites



Mean PP 15
# Sites

0.5 5

0 0
Clovis Folsom/Midland Agate Basin Plainview/Belen Cody Jay

Figure 6.18: Mean number of projectile points and total number of sites per Paleoindian complex
documented in Central New Mexico (calculated from the Tony Baker collection).

Southern High Plains Folsom

Hofman has also discussed variability in Folsom assemblages in a series of influential papers

(1991, 1992, 1994c, 1999a,b). In a recent work, Hofman (1999:Table 2) provided counts of tools for 40

sites from the Southern Plains. In some cases, artifact types were noted as present on-site, but not

tabulated, due to the inherent difficulty in assigning temporal affiliation to non-temporally diagnostic tools

recovered from multi-component sites.

The summary statistics for the Folsom assemblages are presented in Table 6.17. These sites tend

to be larger than other samples previously discussed, in part due to the drawn sample, which does not

contain isolated finds. As well, the dataset uses several sites containing multiple Folsom occupations, such

as Chispa Creek, Scharbauer, and Blackwater Draw. In these cases, the occupations are summed for the

entire site. Despite these large samples, there are several important trends.

The average number of projectile points, scrapers, and channel flakes are higher than most other

regions. However, the median and mode values are much lower, demonstrating the highly variable nature

of the sample. As well, the large standard deviations for each tool class also suggest the sites were drawn

from a wide population.

Table 6.17: Summary statistics for Folsom sites, Southern High Plains (calculated from Hofman 1999b).

Tool Sample
Mean Median Mode StDev n
Class Total
Point 576 14.4 5 2 18.4 40
Preform 214 5.6 1 0 11.0 38
Scraper 738 49.2 11 0 81.3 15
Channel Flake 556 25.3 1 0 87.4 22
Graver 72 4.2 0 0 8.0 17
Flake 9285 1031.7 104 17 1911.8 9
Total Artifacts 2129 60.8 7 2 128.2 35

Furthermore, most sites are small in size in regards to the number of projectile points per site

(Table 6.18). Nearly 63% of the sites contain 10 or less projectile points, with most (55%) containing less

than 5 total (Figure 6.19). Only a few sites, the big camps and kills, contain more than 16 projectile points

per site. These sites are well known in the literature (Folsom, Cooper, Lipscomb, Shifting Sands,

Blackwater Draw). Overall assemblage sizes are also small (Table 6.19). The majority (80%) of sites

contain fewer than 50 tools, with many sites containing less than 10 tools (Figure 6.20). There are also

large sites in the sample, ranging from 100 to over 500 tools per site. These sites, however, are not the

norm but rather the exception. Several of these large sites are known to contain multiple Folsom

occupations (Blackwater Draw, Chispa Creek), thus the tool counts are inflated above the normal expected

assemblage size.

Table 6.18: Number of projectile points recovered per site from Folsom sites, Southern High Plains
(tabulated from data presented in Hofman 1999b:Table 2).

Number Number Percent Cumulative Percent

of Points of Sites of Total of Total
1 3 7.5 7.5
2-5 19 47.5 55.0
6-10 3 7.5 62.5
11-15 1 2.5 65.0
16-20 4 10.0 75.0
21-25 1 2.5 77.5
26-30 3 7.5 85.0
31+ 6 15.0 100.0





Number of Sites


1 2-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31+
Number of Projectile Points Per Site

Figure 6.19: Number of projectile points per site in the Hofman Folsom sample, Southern High Plains.

Table 6.19: Assemblage size of Folsom sites, Southern High Plains (tabulated from data presented in
Hofman 1999b:Table 2).

Number Number Percent Cumulative Percent

of Artifacts of Sites of Total of Total
1-5 15 42.9 42.9
6-10 4 11.4 54.3
11-20 3 8.6 62.9
21-30 2 5.7 68.6
31-40 2 5.7 74.3
41-50 2 5.7 80.0
51-60 0 0.0 80.0
61-70 0 0.0 80.0
71-80 0 0.0 80.0
81-90 1 2.9 82.9
91-100 2 5.7 88.6
101-200 1 2.9 91.4
201-300 0 0.0 91.4
301-400 0 0.0 91.4
401-500 2 5.7 97.1
501+ 1 2.9 100.0




Number of Sites

































Total Number of Tools Per Site

Figure 6.20: Number of tools per site in the Hofman Folsom sample, Southern High Plains.

Chapter Summary

The purpose of this Chapter was to define some of the basic properties of assemblage variability

among Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains. This was accomplished in several ways, including an

examination of the range in assemblage size and richness/evenness of tool classes among a group of

prominent sites on the Central Plains, as well as sites in the Baker and Andersen collections. As some data

are biased from collection practices, frequencies of projectile points were also examined for comparison.

Several important trends were noted.

First, formal tools (such as projectile points and end scrapers) dominate sites from excavated

contexts; in some cases bifaces are common from sites located near raw material sources. We should

expect that differences in tool frequency, richness, and evenness would be manifest according to site types,

the duration of occupation, and the site location on the landscape. I presented evidence that some sites

appear to be more intensively occupied than others, for example those camp sites containing high tool

densities and large assemblage sizes, such as Red Smoke 88, Jurgens 1 and 2, and Lime Creek Zone I. As

well, there is a positive correlation between assemblage size and tool richness, which is probably

independent of excavation size. While it is true that sites with larger excavation areas tend to have more

tools, it appears that these sites really are larger and actually do contain more tool classes (and tools) than

those smaller sites.

Most sites are quite small in regards to projectile point frequencies. Regardless of the dataset in

question, the vast majority of sites contain less than 10 points and most have many less, often around one

per site. This combined with the isolate data presented in Chapter 4, suggests an uneven representation of

sites across the landscape. The Paleoindian countryside is littered with tons of small sites, with only the

occasional site containing a larger number of points and/or a robust assemblage. So what do these large

sites, such as Nall, represent? I suggested that at least some of these sites are the remains of long-term

occupations of weeks (rather than days), as well as repeated visits by the same group, and reoccupation

through time. Many of these large sites are located within particularly rich ecotones, where plant, animal,

and lithic raw material sources are abundant. Several of these characteristics of site use will be explored in

the next Chapter.

Comparison of the Central Plains data to sites outside the region suggest that many of these

patterns are similar across large space, at least when viewing the Southern Plains and the Southwest. This

suggests that the areas were used in much the same way, with many short-term locations scattered around a

few larger occupations. Whether this relates to a logistical type of organization is beyond the scope of this

study, but suffice to say, the evidence from the Plains and Southwest does not suggest one of leap-frogging

from bison kill to bison kill, with all sites being the same function, size, and placement across the

landscape. These data have profound implications for reshaping our models of Paleoindian mobility and

settlement strategies.

Chapter 7


In this Chapter, I present evidence demonstrating variability in the subsistence and domestic

realms of Paleoindian hunter-gatherers in the Central Plains and adjacent regions. Three lines of evidence

illustrate varying degrees in the intensity and duration of site use, including the presence and abundance of

plant and animal remains, the presence and abundance of thermal features such as hearths, and the overall

lack of Paleoindian structures or housing.

These datasets are examined at different scales, beginning in the Central Plains with an

examination of subsistence data, followed by a pan-regional perspective on hearth use, and then finally to a

continental scale documenting early examples of housing. Moving between scales is necessary because the

amount and quality of data vary within each of these realms. Therefore, I have shifted the geographic scale

in order to collect a large enough sample to examine meaningful patterns. In the end, this proved to be a

good strategy because the overall rarity of certain types of data within the Great Plains proper suggest that

multiple organizational strategies occurred not only within regions, but also between regions. Thus,

examination of only one type of data – or at one scale – would affectively preclude observing these

differences in system organization.

Faunal Procurement During the Early Holocene

I begin with patterns in faunal procurement by Paleoindians in the Central Plains. Several lines of

evidence are used to show varying types of land use strategies within the study area, including species

richness, abundance of bison, and the season of occupation for each component. Together, these datasets

suggest differential use of ecological zones within the study area. Rather than indicating a pan-regional

subsistence practice, the data suggest that hunter-gatherers instead changed their food procurement

strategies depending upon where they were on the landscape at the given moment and possibly where they

planned to move next.

I selected a sample of 29 components from 22 sites in the Central Plains (Table 7.1), many of

which were discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. The sites represent those localities for which faunal data were

available in quantified form, as well as in good context.

Each of the sites has undergone different taphonomic and research histories, which has affected

the comparability of the data in some ways. The quality of the faunal data are quite variable, owing to

several factors. First, many sites were initially surface discoveries and the accompanying bone was often in

poor condition, having been exposed on the surface for periods of time during the Holocene. For example,

the faunal record is poor (at best) from the Baker and Andersen sites, as most of these sites are from eolian-

deflated contexts. Recent work at the Slim Arrow site, at one time a large bison bonebed, revealed highly

fragmented bison bone, with most pieces smaller than 2 cm in maximum dimension (LaBelle 2002).

An additional problem is that many of these sites were excavated in the mid 20th century (1940s-

1960s), for example the Medicine Creek sites (Allen, Lime Creek, and Red Smoke) of western Nebraska

(Davis 1962; Bamforth 2002b; Knudson 2002, Roper 2002) and Hell Gap in eastern Wyoming (Irwin-

Williams et al. 1973). Current methodologies in field collection and laboratory analysis of faunal remains

are quite different from those at the time of excavation. Thus, there are many cases where non-identifiable

(or non-complete) bone was not collected in the field or was not saved after initial analysis. Additionally,

inadequate collections curation has led to provenience information being lost due to inadvertent mixing of

specimens, loss of records and field notes, storage bags disintegrating from various types of damage (water,

rodents, and insects), etc.

Within the last fifteen years, there has been a surge of zooarchaeological work aimed at analyzing

these older site collections (e.g., Borresen 2002; Byers 2001; Jones 1999; M.E. Hill 1994; M.G. Hill 1994,

2001; Meltzer et al. 2002). It is encouraging that faunal analysts have begun to draw provocative patterns

from the data, despite some of the inherent problems with these assemblages, such as the poor provenience

or only limited samples of curated bone.

Species Richness

In terms of this discussion, the primary variable of interest is species richness, which records the

presence of a species in a component (rather than its relative abundance). Various cultural and non-cultural

processes affect species richness, including the site location, the procurement strategies of the prehistoric

foragers, various site formation processes affecting the tempo of burial, and the recovery techniques of the

archaeologists, among others.

Species present in the study sample are presented in Table 7.1 and Figure 7.1. I have summarized

the faunal data into animal orders for ease in comparison. The sites are arrayed in terms of increasing

richness, from only a single species recovered (9 components) to upwards of 54 species recovered from the

Jones-Miller site. Bison are present in every component of the sample and are nearly always the dominant

species in abundance. Clearly bison clearly played a pivotal role in Plains Paleoindian subsistence (Hill

2001; Hofman and Todd 2001; Jodry 1999; Kelly and Todd 1987), a point that I will address later in the


Yet, despite the dominance of bison in these sites, other large-bodied mammalian species

commonly occur (Table 7.2, Figure 7.2), including pronghorn (44.8%), deer (41.4%), and other artiodactyls

such as elk and moose (13.8%). Smaller body classes are also present at many sites, including rodents

(48.3%), lagomorphs (31.0%), insectivores (6.9%) and carnivores (41.4%). Additionally, non-mammalian

fauna were recovered (Table 7.3, Figure 7.2), including birds (34.5%), reptiles (27.6%), fish (20.7%), and

amphibians (17.2%).

There is a wide range in the number of mammalian species present at each site (Table 7.1, Figure

7.2). The mean number is 6.2, yet this can be slightly misleading with a standard deviation of 8.2 species

per site. The median and mode of mammalian species is 3 and 1, respectively. Deer and pronghorn are

common at these sites, as are carnivores. Whether they all represent food remains is debatable, but

Paleoindian foragers probably pursued these species given their large package size, at least based on

behavior noted among modern hunter-gatherer populations (Kelly 1995).

Table 7.1: Summary counts of animal orders recovered from excavated components in the Central Plains.

Site Mammal Bird Fish Amphibian Reptile Total Reference

Burntwood Creek 1 0 0 0 0 1 Hill et al. 1992
Cumro 1 0 0 0 0 1 Schultz 1932
James Allen 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mulloy 1959:114
Laird 1 0 0 0 0 1 Hofman and Blackmar 1997:49
Lamb Spring,
1 0 0 0 0 1 McCartney 1983:4
Cody component.
Lime Creek Zone II 1 0 0 0 0 1 Jones 1999:Table 6
Meserve and Barbour 1932:240;
Meserve 1 0 0 0 0 1
Schultz 1932
Pigeon Cliff 1 0 0 0 0 1 Steen 1976:34
Scottsbluff 1 0 0 0 0 1 Barbour and Schultz 1932
Widga et al. 2002;
Winger 1 0 0 0 0 1
Ryan et al. 2002
Frasca (Areas 1 and 2
2 0 0 0 0 2 Fulgham and Stanford 1982:5
Norton 2 0 0 0 0 2 Hofman et al. 1995:20
Davis 1953:383;
Red Smoke 2 0 0 0 0 2
Knudson 2002:96
Dick and Mountain 1960:234;
Claypool 3 0 0 0 0 3
Mountain 1953b
Hell Gap, Locality II,
3 0 0 0 0 3 Byers 2001
Agate Basin component
Olsen-Chubbuck 3 0 0 0 0 3 Wheat 1972:84
Lime Creek Zone III 4 0 0 0 0 4 Jones 1999:Table 6
Borresen 2002:40;
Frazier 6 0 0 0 0 6
Wormington 1988:82
Hell Gap, Locality I, Laura Niven, personal
Cody-Frederick 5 1 0 0 0 6 communication 1998;
component Rapson and Niven 2002
Jurgens Area 2 5 1 0 0 0 6 Wheat 1979:38, Table 8
Jurgens Area 3 8 0 0 0 0 8 Wheat 1979:59-60, Table 19
Clary Ranch 7 5 1 0 1 14 Hill 2001:173
Lime Creek Zone I 12 2 0 0 1 15 Jones 1999:Table 6
Horace Riversa 10 1 1 1 3 16 Mallouf and Mandel 1997:51-52
Jurgens Area 1b 14 3 1 0 1 19 Wheat 1979:30-32, Table 7
Bamforth 1991:364;
Allen Intermediate 13 6 1 2 2 24
Hudson 1998:Table 1
Bamforth 1991:364;
Allen OL1 15 6 0 3 3 27
Hudson 1998:Table 1
Bamforth 1991:364;
Allen OL2 15 5 1 2 5 28
Hudson 1998:Table 1
Jones-Miller 41 1 1 3 9 55 Stanford 1984:622-623
Sum 180 31 6 11 25 253
Mean 6.2 1.1 0.2 0.4 0.9 8.7
StDev 8.2 1.9 0.4 0.9 2.0 12.2
Median 3 0 0 0 0 3
Mode 1 0 0 0 0 1
Over 50 species listed in total (Mallouf and Mandel 1997:51), but details were not provided in the
original report.
Could contain up to 3 carnivores according to Wheat (1979:Table 7).


Total Species Recovered


J. o
L. ird
L. ring
M 2
Sc l
ot iff
W f
R to
.S n
H C e
. G lay
ap po
A o
.B l

Figure 7.1. Total species representation at Paleoindian sites on the Central Plains.
-C as
hu in
L. uc
C k
H e k
.G 3
ap Fra
C z
od ier
Ju red
Ju s
rg 2
C s
.R 3
L. ch
.R 1
Ju ers
A s
lle 1




J- 2

Percent of all site components




























Figure 7.2. Types of fauna documented at Paleoindian sites from the Central Plains.

The high frequency of carnivores (nearly all canids) is intriguing and might represent the remains

of scavengers killed by the hunter-gatherers, viewed as pests, competitors, or potential food sources. In

some cases, they might represent the remains of domesticated dogs or wolf-hybrids which is an issue of

considerable debate (cf. Buenger 1999; Morey 1990; Walker and Frison 1982).

Non-mammalian species are less common, with birds at slightly over one species on average per

site. Reptiles, amphibians, and fish and amphibians are even scarcer, averaging below one species per site.

It is difficult to determine how many of these are related to food procurement versus inclusion into the site

deposits by other cultural and non-cultural means. The Lime Creek site provides good evidence that

avifauna were occasional utilized for food, as Jones (1999:Table 8) documented bird bones with green bone

breaks (NISP=56, 45%) and low amounts of cutmarks (NISP=2, 1.6%) and burning (NISP=1, 0.8%).

Table 7.2: Mammalian orders recovered from components in the Central Plains.

Fauna Number of Species Number of Components Percent of Components

0 0 0.0
1 29 100.0
0 15 51.7
1 2 6.9
2 3 10.3
3 3 10.3
5 1 3.4
6 3 10.3
7 1 3.4
22 1 3.4
0 16 55.2
1 12 41.4
Possible 1 3.4
0 17 58.6
1 11 37.9
Possible 1 3.4
0 17 58.6
1 4 13.8
2 2 6.9
3 5 17.2
9 1 3.4
0 20 69.0
1 4 13.8
2 5 17.2
(Moose, elk) 0 25 86.2
1 3 10.3
2 1 3.4
0 27 93.1
1 1 3.4
6 1 3.4

Table 7.3: Non-mammalian fauna recovered from components in the Central Plains.

Fauna Number of Species Number of Components Percent of Components

0 19 65.5
1 4 13.8
2 1 3.4
3 1 3.4
5 2 6.9
6 2 6.9
0 21 72.4
1 3 10.3
2 1 3.4
3 2 6.9
5 1 3.4
9 1 3.4
0 23 79.3
1 6 20.7
0 24 82.8
1 1 3.4
2 2 6.9
3 2 6.9

Richness is only a measure of species presence and does not take into consideration the specific

skeletal elements present. It is well noted that in terms of the evenness (or abundance) of species

representation, most of the species listed are generally present in low numbers per component, often times

identified from a few skeletal elements and representing but a handful of individuals. Some of the

specimens possibly represent discarded food remains, where the processing took place elsewhere on or off-

site such that only select elements were carried back to camp. However, other bones were probably used

for tools, such as bone awls (Davis 1962; Irwin-William et al. 1973), as well as an atlatl hook and a deer

antler knapping baton at sites such as Jurgens (Wheat 1979:134-136) (although several accounts of bone

tools at Jurgens seem exaggerated [Wheat 1982], probably reflecting patterns of carnivore attrition or other

taphonomic factors [c.f. Lyman 1994]).

Other species, especially the rodents, amphibians, and reptiles (mostly snakes), are possibly

intrusive or represent the remains of raptor pellets or other carnivore-related activities. For example, Hill

(2001:173) mentions gastric etching on a weasel and a duck specimen from the Clary Ranch site, probably

from carnivore digestive tract fluids, strongly suggesting non-cultural origins for the small fauna at this

large bison bonebed.

Finally, excavation and screening techniques also factor in the presence of much of the small

fauna. For example, fine mesh water screening at the Jones-Miller site recovered the most diverse fauna of

any site in the study area (Stanford 1984). Many of the other sites were dry screened (probably with coarse

fractions) or the screening techniques were simply not identified.

Thus, the comparative utility of this faunal dataset is limited given the variance in preservation and

site sampling methods. The patterns identified here will have to be further strengthened with additional

fieldwork aimed at resolving these particular issues.

Discussion of Faunal Richness

Several factors suggest what is conditioning the variability in faunal richness. First, the sites with

the most diverse assemblages are all located on terraces of the primary drainages crossing the Central

Plains, such as the South Platte (Jurgens, Frazier), Arikaree (Jones-Miller), and major tributaries of the

Canadian (Horace Rivers) and Republican Rivers (Allen, Lime Creek). Faunal richness quickly decreases

when moving away from the trunks of these drainages, and up onto the High Plains surface at sites such as

Olsen-Chubbuck (3 species total), Claypool (3), Frasca (2), Laird (1), Norton (1), and Scottsbluff (1).


Total Species Richness 50





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Density of River KM Per HUC

Figure 7.3. Scatterplot of species richness versus HUC river density.



Total Species Richness




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent Perennial River KM

Figure 7.4. Scatterplot of species richness versus HUC percentage of permanent water.

However, the HUC watershed data described in Chapter 3 do not support this particular

conclusion. Figure 7.3 illustrates the relationship between total species richness and the density of river km

per HUC unit. There is not a clear relationship between the two variables, although many of the sites in the

higher river densities also have higher species richness.

Furthermore, Figure 7.4 documents a pattern that also contradicts the assumption that high species

richness is positively correlated with a high likelihood of water presence. In this figure, total species

richness is arrayed against the percent of all river km (per HUC) that flow year round. There is a negative

relationship between the two variables, with the most diverse faunas located in areas where rivers flow only

seasonally. For example, Jones-Miller is located in a region where -- at least under modern conditions --

water flows nearly exclusively on a seasonal basis.

The location of this particular site might be important in accounting for the discrepancy between

the HUC pattern and that of the species richness. Jones-Miller is located on a terrace immediately adjacent

to the Arikaree River, in an ecotonal area at the time of occupation (Stanford 1999). Thus, while most of

the Arikaree HUC unit is practically devoid of flowing water over most of the year, the Jones-Miller site

benefits from being adjacent to the best water source within the entire HUC. Thus, HUC units might in fact

be too coarse of spatial units in addressing patterns in site level archaeological data versus that summarized

from regional perspectives.

Proximity to riverine resources does not necessarily predict species richness however. For

example, the Frazier site is an Agate Basin bison bonebed (processing and/or kill) that yielded six species,

clearly dominated by bison but also including deer, canid, and three rodent species (Borresen 2002;

Wormington 1988). The site is located along the Kersey Terrace, immediately adjacent (within one km) to

the South Platte River. Yet Frazier presents a much different faunal assemblage than the nearby Jurgens

site (itself located only 1500 m to the east). Jurgens yielded three separate Cody complex locales

containing remarkably diverse faunas, all dominated by bison, but with 19 total at Locality 1, six at

Locality 2, and eight at Locality 3 (Wheat 1979; Hill 2002b).

Given the close temporal and spatial proximity of the Frazier and Jurgens sites (see Chapter 5 for

discussion of their dates), the differences in the faunal assemblages are obviously not a product of

ecological niche breadth alone. More likely, it is a matter of the duration of site occupation (short term at

Frazier, longer at Jurgens) and/or the activities conducted on site (bison processing at Frazier and more

varied domestic camp activities at Jurgens). Locating the Frazier campsite would go a long way towards

answering the question at hand, but unfortunately the camp has never been found.

I think what is of primary importance is recognizing the potential for a wider niche breadth in

subsistence resources which are available to hunter-gatherers within riparian zones. Riparian zones contain

abundant food resources that are easily encountered along the river bottoms and lowlands. These resources

might be lower-ranked in a prey-choice model (i.e., Kaplan and Hill 1992), yet they were probably not

ignored during daily short-term forays by children or elderly members of these groups -- common

activities such as gathering wood, plants, and lithic raw materials. Thus, over a long site occupation, many

of these smaller fauna were probably procured and incorporated into the site deposits, which at some of the

larger sites (Allen, Jones-Miller, Jurgens) are probably akin to trash deposits or middens.

Contrast this basic scenario to sites located in the open short grass uplands. In this environment,

the task-specificity (and presumably short occupation span) of bison procurement precludes the acquisition

and/or need for searching for lower-ranked food resources. Smaller fauna are simply not present in these

sites because they were not sought out, encountered, and/or killed during these short trips to the upland


Another point to remember is that these 29 components are the only sites yielding faunal

assemblages in the study area. Yet, as discussed in Chapters 4 and 5, these sites make up but only a small

proportion of the total number of Paleoindian sites within the region. This once again begs the question of

what sort of subsistence related activities were taking place at all the other sites that make up the vast

majority of the system. This is what Hofman and Todd (2001) label the “tyranny” of the Paleoindian

record, because the sites that would be the most meaningful in confirming or refuting our ideas are the very

ones we have not yet discovered or examined.

Finally, I think we must acknowledge the need for excavating larger areas, perhaps exceeding 100

m2 at these sites. Larger blocks will aid in evaluating whether the site sample is representative of the

activities conducted on site. Often times it is simply not possible to evaluate site with small windows on

sites activities (e.g., O’Connell 1987). That said, there is not necessarily a strong relationship between total

species richness and the area excavated per site (Figure 7.5).




Bison MNI




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Total Faunal Species Richness

Figure 7.5. Scatterplot of species richness versus excavation size.

In summary, the faunal richness data indicate that some sites contain more ecologically diverse

faunas than others. Many of these sites are in immediate proximity to riverine resources, even if the HUC

units that the sites occupy generally contain poor water resources. As well, many of these same sites are

among the largest in terms of tool assemblages (Chapter 5) and probably represent longer occupation spans

that contained multiple activities. Sites with less diverse fauna exist as well, and this is explained by not

only poor preservation but also on the location on the landscape and presumably lessened occupation spans.

Bison Abundance

A second point of consideration is bison abundance. Bison are present at every site in the sample,

varying from an MNI of one to several hundred at sites such as Jones-Miller (Table 7.4, Figure 7.6). Many

of the smaller sites (in terms of bison MNI) contain bone that is too fragmented to quantify, and therefore

probably contained more bison than reported (i.e., Claypool, Norton). Other sites, such as Meserve and

Cumro, look to be small isolated bison kills of only a few individuals, which suggest similarities to the

Lubbock Lake and Blackwater Draw, where small kills were also the norm (Bamforth 1985; Hester 1972;

Johnson 1987). Still others, such as Laird and Winger, were only recently excavated and represent only a

preliminary estimate of the total MNI.

Most kills contain approximately 60 animals or less. Olsen-Chubbuck is an unusually large bison

kill, as is Jones-Miller. Stanford (1999) argues that the latter site represents 2-3 separate kills, which would

decrease the numbers of animals killed per episode to perhaps a third, or roughly 100 animals. Either way,

the kill(s) at Jones-Miller made for a sizable feast.

There is no apparent association between bison MNI and the size of excavation area (Figure 7.7).

While it is true that the largest bison kill was also the largest excavated site, there are other sites exhibiting

high bison MNI with less than 100 m2 in excavation area. Once again, poorly preserved sites probably

skew the pattern by underestimating bison MNI.

In terms of species diversity, there appears to be a negative relationship between bison MNI and

the total species richness per site, excluding Jones-Miller (Figure 7.8). This supports the idea that bison

hunting was probably a task specific activity, with little ancillary food procurement. Thus, most kill sites

do not also contain the remains of substantial campsites, or at least those occupied for considerable periods,

where the inclusion of other species was common. This pattern is also mirrored in the hearth data, which

are discussed later in the Chapter.

Table 7.4: Bison MNI for components in the Central Plains.

Bison MNI
Site (Minimum Number of Bison MNI Reference
Allen Intermediate 1 Hudson 1998
Allen OL1 9 Hudson 1998:15
Allen OL2 2 Hudson 1998:17
Burntwood Creek 31a Hill et al. 1992:100
Clary Ranch 41 Hill 2001:184
Claypool 1 Dick and Mountain 1960:234
Cumro 1 Schultz 1932:272
60 Fulgham and Stanford 1982:5-6
(Areas 1 and 2 combined)
Frazier 44 Borresen 2002:40
Hell Gap, Locality I, Rapson and Niven 2002:
Cody-Frederick component Table 1
Hell Gap, Locality II, Byers 2001:25,
Agate Basin component (citing Rapson and Niven 2000)
Horace Rivers 1 Mallouf and Mandel 1997:52
James Allen 15 Mulloy 1959:114
Jones-Miller 300 Stanford 1999:439
Jurgens Area 1 31 Wheat 1979:17
Jurgens Area 2 2 Wheat 1979:36
Jurgens Area 3 35 Wheat 1979:59
Laird 2 Hofman and Blackmar 1997:49
Lamb Spring,
28 McCartney 1983:31
Cody component
Lime Creek Zone I 3 Jones 1999:60
Lime Creek Zone II 1 Jones 1999:60
Lime Creek Zone III 2 Jones 1999:60
Meserve 2 Meserve and Barbour 1932:240
Norton 8 Hofman et al. 1995:20
Olsen-Chubbuck 190 Wheat 1972:28
Pigeon Cliff 1 Steen 1976:34
Red Smoke 1 Knudson 2002:96
Scottsbluff 30 Barbour and Schultz 1936:434
Winger 9 Widga et al. 2002
Possibly upwards of 150 bison based on the original report.

Bison MNI Bison MNI



C te
la r

C l

H r
.R o

L. ver
C s



R Clif
.S f

H ok
.G e

ap Al
C len
od 2

Ju re
rg d

L. ns
C 2 2


M ird

L. erv
C e

N 1


A n


H n

Figure 7.7. Scatterplot of bison MNI versus excavation area.

.G W 1

ap ing
A e

Excavation Area (m2)


.B r
Figure 7.6. Bison MNI of Paleoindian sites of the Central Plains.
J. in

L. llen

Sc rin


B u
. C ff

Ju ree
rg k

Ju ns
rg 1

C s
.R 3


Fr h


O Fra
-C s
hu ca

J- k





Bison MNI




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Total Faunal Species Richness

Figure 7.8. Scatterplot of bison MNI versus total species richness.

Winter/Spring 17%




Figure 7.9. Known seasonality of Paleoindian sites in the Central Plains.

Season of Site Occupation

Given such diversity in the number of animal species present in many of these sites as well as

bison MNI, I would expect seasonal differences in the use of landforms by Paleoindian groups, such that

large scale bison procurement occurred during certain times of the year, and smaller bison kills and other

animals were incorporated during other seasons. Ethnographic and late prehistoric archaeological data

certainly suggest seasonal use of the High Plains in the fall, where large bison kills occurred on the

Northern and Northwestern Plains (e.g., Frison 1970, Frison 1973b; Reeves 1990; Reher and Frison 1980).

The majority of season of occupation estimates are based upon comparisons with documented

patterns in tooth eruption and wear within modern bison populations (Frison and Reher 1970; Todd et al.

1996). Most of the sites listed below (Table 7.5) were examined (or reexamined) within the last fifteen

years, so I take the results to be comparable and standardized. For ease of comparison, I have not reported

the seasons in dental ages, but instead I have broken them into broad seasonal periods.

The seasonality data do not support a strong pattern in the seasonal use of the Central Plains

(Table 7.6). Nearly half of the components did not yield seasonality data and the remaining eighteen are

spread throughout the year (Figure 7.9). There is a slight increase in sites during the late fall/early winter

and late winter/early spring (combined, they total 49% of all cases). And if the summer occupations from

the Allen site are removed, then there was a trend toward bison predation during colder seasons.

There is no definite pattern when the season of occupation is compared between the two main

ecotones, however, such that bison were hunted in the uplands during the fall and then groups returned to

riparian lowlands over the winter and spring. Both ecotones contain cold weather occupations.

As well, there is no apparent relationship between the season of occupation and the bison MNI

(Figure 7.10). Kills occur throughout the year, and the two largest (Jones-Miller and Olsen-Chubbuck)

occur during the late summer/early fall and the late fall/early winter. Modern bison aggregate into larger

herds for the rut during the late summer (Meagher 1973:76), and this is probably related to the pattern in

the data (Hill 2002a).





Bison MNI




Spring Late Spring/ Summer Late Summer/ Fall Late 6
Fall/ Winter Late Winter/
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Early Summer Early Fall Early Winter Early Spring

Season of Occupation

Figure 7.10. Bison MNI as related to season of occupation.

Table 7.5: Season of occupation for sites in the study sample.

Site Season of Occupation Seasonality Reference

Bamforth 1991b:364;
Allen Intermediate Summer, perhaps other seasons
Hudson 1998:Table 1
Bamforth 1991b:364;
Allen OL1 Summer, perhaps other seasons
Hudson 1998:Table 1
Bamforth 1991b:364;
Allen OL2 Summer, perhaps other seasons
Hudson 1998:Table 1
Burntwood Creek Late spring to early summer Hill et al. 1992:101
Clary Ranch Late summer to early fall Hill 2001:183
Claypool Not known n/a
Cumro Not known n/a
Frasca Early winter
Fulgham and Stanford 1982:7
(Areas 1 and 2 combined) (Possibly early fall)
Borresen 2002:48,
Frazier Late winter/early spring citing Todd, Hofman and
Wormington 1990
Hell Gap, Locality I, Late fall Rapson and Niven 2002:
Cody-Frederick component (lower Frederick component) Table 6
Throughout the year; most
Hell Gap, Locality II, Byers 2001:26-27,
intensive in the fall, winter, and
Agate Basin component (citing Rapson and Niven 2000)
Horace Rivers Not known n/a
James Allen Not known n/a
Stanford 1999:444, citing Reher
Jones-Miller Late fall; late winter to early spring
Jurgens Area 1 Fall/winter Hill 2002:Table 1
Jurgens Area 2 Not known n/a
Jurgens Area 3 Fall/winter Hill 2002:Table 1
Laird Late winter to early spring Hofman and Blackmar 1997:49
Lamb Spring,
Early winter to mid/late spring McCartney 1983:57-58
Cody component
Lime Creek Zone I Late summer to early fall Jones 1999:70, 106
Lime Creek Zone II Not known n/a
Lime Creek Zone III Not known n/a
Meserve Not known n/a
Norton Not known n/a
Spring/fall, late summer or early
Olsen-Chubbuck Hill 2002a:Table 1
Pigeon Cliff Not known n/a
Red Smoke Not known n/a
Scottsbluff Late spring to summer Todd et al. 1990:Table 2
Winger Late spring or early summer Widga et al. 2002

Table 7.6: Seasonality of sites in the study sample, primarily derived from bison dentition.

Season of Occupation
Season Frequency
for Known Cases
Not Known 12 n/a
Spring 0 0.0
Spring/Summer 3 16.7
Summer 3 16.7
Summer/Fall 3 16.7
Fall 0 0.0
Fall/Winter 5 27.8
Winter 0 0.0
Winter/Spring 4 22.2
Total Cases 30
Total Known Cases 18

Implications from the faunal data

The faunal data from the Central Plains present a slightly more robust pattern than that of simple

bison hunters, chasing the herd across the Plains and using the landscape in a redundant fashion. On the

contrary, the High Plains and the riparian valley each appear to have different subsistence signatures.

The Central Plains have only a few highly ranked prey species, so it is not surprising that bison are

universal within every faunal assemblage. Their presence, however, does not necessarily indicate exclusive

or extensive use. During the Plains Paleoindian period, a faunal processing pattern termed “gourmet

butchering” is commonly observed among bison assemblages (e.g., Bement 1999; Todd 1987a; Wheat

1972). Gourmet butchering refers to assemblages exhibiting little or no processing of bones for marrow or

grease and the selection of only the highest economic utility elements, such as the humerus and femur on

the appendicular skeleton. Thus, many Paleoindian sites show a redundant pattern of processing including

minimal cutmarks, few impact marks on bones, and little evidence for disarticulation by human agency

(e.g., Fulgham and Stanford 1982; Hill et al. 1992; Wheat 1972).

This lack of thorough processing has been interpreted as one of the definitive signatures of highly

mobile Paleoindian hunter-gatherers. These foragers are hypothesized to kill bison in large numbers, eat

what they can on the short term, and then quickly move on to the next kill. Yet, this idea is clearly not

tenable based upon the data from the Central Plains. The faunal data support the interpretation where the

upland surfaces (represented by small sites and bison kills) were occupied for short periods, and the major

campsites of longer duration were located in the river valleys.

Thus, bison are heavily processed and culturally disarticulated at well-watered sites such as Clary

Ranch (Hill 2001), Frazier (Borresen 2002), Jones-Miller (Stanford 1984; Todd and Stanford 1992), and

Jurgens (Wheat 1979; Hill 2002). Long bones at these sites were broken for marrow and the assemblages

show evidence for wide spread disarticulation of carcasses, although some researchers interpret this

behavior as anomalous among Paleoindian sites (Hill 2001). Carnivores are at least partially responsible

for this skeletal disarticulation, but cultural modification was a major factor at these sites as well.

We should expect intensive processing of faunal remains in areas with wide niche breadths (as

well as other resources), simply because the temporal occupations are probably going to be of longer

duration. It is also within these ecotones that species richness is highest because foragers incorporated a

wider diversity of fauna into their diets as the result of longer residential occupation.

This pattern is fundamentally different from sites such as Frasca (Fulgham and Stanford 1982) and

Olsen-Chubbuck (Wheat 1972). Short-term occupations, such as bison kills in the uplands, contain lower

species diversity and lower processing intensity. Many carcasses at Olsen-Chubbuck were articulated and

relatively untouched (Wheat 1972), suggesting the following scenario. After the kill was made, the

foraging group processed only the top of the pile, leaving complete carcasses untouched below, due to their

inaccessibility. After the carcasses were processed, the foraging group then left for a (distant?) campsite.

There was simply not a large enough labor pool to completely process the kill (although 190 bison is an

overwhelming amount of meat) and the group did not stay at the kill for a long period. I also think it is fair

to question that if there really were a large number of people involved in the Olsen-Chubbuck kill (upwards

of 100-150 people as estimated by Wheat 1967:88) then where is their associated campsite? Survey of the

vicinity of the site did reveal additional (later) archaeological sites, but no associated campsite was

discovered (Wheat 1972:137-140); this might of course be a preservation and/or discovery issue.

Paleoindian Use of Plants and Plant Processing Equipment

As evidenced above, Paleoindian subsistence focused, in at least a large part, on faunal

procurement. Yet, with improved techniques emphasizing sediment flotation, we have begun to discover

evidence for the use of plants by early groups. The majority of evidence for plant use occurs outside the

Plains proper, either along the margins in the foothills and Rocky Mountains of Montana and Wyoming or

instead in the lower Pecos region of Texas. Most of these sites represent dry rockshelters or caves.

However, ground stone equipment has been found at a number of Paleoindian sites in the Plains, suggesting

at least a small degree of plant use among early foraging populations, despite direct evidence of

macrofossil, pollen, and phytolith remains.

Macrofossil Plant Remains from Paleoindian Sites

A brief review of sites containing evidence of plant remains suggests widespread knowledge and

use of floral resources in multiple regions of western North America during the Early Holocene. I begin

with examples from the northern and northwestern Plains.

The Barton Gulch site, located in southwestern Montana, has yielded extensive evidence of plant

use during the Alder complex, dated to approximately 9400 rcybp (Armstrong 1993; Davis et al. 1994).

Macrobotanical samples yielded over a dozen plant genera and/or species, while pollen samples revealed

several more (Table 7.7).

Table 7.7: Paleobotanical evidence recovered from the Barton Gulch site, Montana (Davis et al. 1994:124,
Table 2).

Taxon Common name Probable Use
Slimleaf goosefoot Food source Macrofossil
Opuntia polycantha Pricklypear Food source Macrofossil, pollen
Helianthus sp. Sunflower Secondary food source Macrofossil, pollen
Mentzelia sp. Cf. Blazing Star Secondary food source Macrofossil
Pinus flexis Limber pine Secondary food source Macrofossil, pollen
Secondary food source;
Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Macrofossil
Rosa sp. Wild rose Medicinal Macrofossil
Sphaeralcea coccinea Scarlet globemallow Medicinal Macrofossil
Food preparation or as
Scirpus americanus Common bullrush part of a component tool Macrofossil

Food preparation or as
Carex sp. Sedge Macrofossil, pollen
part of a component tool
Food preparation or as
Hypericum sp. Cf. St. John’s-wort Macrofossil
part of a component tool
Not mentioned
Vaccinium sp. Huckleberry/blueberry Pollen
(probably food source)
Not mentioned
Musineon divaricatum Wild parsley Pollen
(probably food source)
Not mentioned
Allium canadense Wild onion (probably food source Pollen
and medicinal)
Not mentioned
Amaranthus graecizans Possibly pigweed Pollen
(probably food source)
Not mentioned
Ambrosia sp. Ragweed (probably food source Pollen
and medicinal)
Not mentioned
Cheno-am Pollen
(probably food source)

Slimleaf goosefoot (Chenopodium sp.) dominates the plant taxa with 61% of the recovered

macrofossil remains (Armstrong 1993:Table 3). Pricklypear (Opuntia sp.) was also common, accounting

for 29% of the recovered specimens. Sedge (Carex sp.) and scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcea sp.) made

up minor taxa, accounting for 4.3% and 1.3% of the taxa respectively. All other taxa constituted less than

1% each of the fossil specimens recovered from the excavations (2050 seeds total; Armstrong 1993:Table


The caves and rockshelters in the Bighorn Mountains of northwestern Wyoming have also yielded

evidence of early plant use. Schiffer Cave (8360-8500 rcybp) produced evidence of six genera of dried or

partially charred seeds (Table 7.8) in association with several storage pits (Frison 1973a:305, 1991:Table


Table 7.8: Paleobotanical evidence recovered from Schiffer Cave, Wyoming (Frison 1973a:305).

Taxon Common name Paleobotanical evidence

Amaranthus retroflexis Amaranth Dried or charred seeds
Prunus virginiana Chokecherry/wild plum Dried or charred seeds
Juniperus communis Juniper Dried or charred seeds
Pinus flexis Limber pine Dried or charred seeds
Opuntia polycantha Pricklypear Dried or charred seeds
Helianthus annus Sunflower Dried or charred seeds
Elymus canadensis Wild rye Dried or charred seeds

As well, the nearby Medicine Lodge Creek rockshelter contained 14-20 possible storage pits in the

late Paleoindian levels (~8300 rcybp) (Frison 1991:341-343). Juniperus and Prunus were identified in the

deposits despite the generally poor macrobotanical preservation at Medicine Lodge (due to damp site

deposits). Southsider Cave, also in the Bighorn Mountains, contained 2 possible storage pits dating to the

early Archaic period (Frison 1991:343-344).

Yet plant use was not restricted to Paleoindian sites in the northwestern Rocky Mountains. Baker

Cave, located far to the south near the confluence of the Pecos and Rio Grande Rivers in Texas, contained a

diverse set of floral and faunal remains in a Golondrina complex hearth dated between 9020-9180 rcybp

(Hester 1983:Table 1). The hearth also contained a rich fauna, including 12 species of mammals, 23

species of reptiles, and 6 species of fish (Hester 1983:109-110). Macrobotanical remains included 16

species of seed or fruit as well as wood identified from the charcoal remains (Table 7.9).

Table 7.9: Paleobotanical evidence (listed in order of decreasing abundance) recovered from Baker Cave,
Texas (Hester 1983:Table 2).

Taxon Common name Seed/Fruit or Wood

Juglans microcarpa Texas black walnut Seed/fruit
Opuntia sp. Prickly pear Seed/fruit
Diospyros texana Persimmon Seed/fruit
Celtis reticulata Net-leaf sugar hackberry Seed/fruit
Celtis pallida Spiny hackberry Seed/fruit
Prosopis glandulosa Honey mesquite Seed/fruit/wood
Quercus sp. Oak Seed/fruit
Sophora secundiflora Texas mountain laurel Seed/fruit
Ungnadia speciosa Mexican buckeye Seed/fruit
Setaria lutescins Plains brittlegrass Seed/fruit
Vigueria stenolaba Skeleton-leaf goldeneye Seed/fruit
Mahoni or Berberis trifoliata Agarita Seed/fruit
Vitis arizonica Canyon grape Seed/fruit
Acacia berlandieri Guajillo (acacia) Seed/fruit
Karwinskia humboldtiana Coyotillo Seed/fruit
Rhus microphylla Little-leaf sumac Seed/fruit
Quercus sp. Oak Wood
Juniperus sp. Juniper Wood
Ungnadia speciosa Mexican buckeye Wood
Celtis sp. Hackberry Wood
Acacia sp. Guajillo Wood
Platanus occiddntalis Sycamore Wood
Larrea tridentata Creosote bush Wood

Such diversity in plant and animal remains is in sharp contrast to the nearby Bonfire Shelter bison

jump (Bement 1986; Dibble and Lorrain 1968), which dates approximately a thousand years earlier (10090

rcybp; Holliday 2000:Table VIB). At least 2-3 bison kills occur in the Paleoindian levels at Bonfire,

similar in size to kills occurring to the north at the same time. The Golondrina hearth at Baker Cave is

interpreted as a profound shift in the environment and subsistence practices of Early Holocene foragers in

the Lower Pecos region (and south Texas in general), moving well away from specialized bison predation

(Dibble 1968) to a diversified subsistence regime (Hester 1983).

Moving further away from the Great Plains proper, there is abundant evidence for plant use

(especially nuts) in the Eastern Woodlands during the Dalton complex (approximately 10500-10000 rcybp),

at sites such as Dust Cave, Alabama. Eleven species of plants were recovered from the Paleoindian levels

in this cave, including acorns, hickory nuts, walnuts, and hazlenuts, among others (Walker et al. 2001:173-

178, Table 2). Other Southeastern sites (of similar age) yielding nuts include Smith’s Ferry, Pickens

County, Hester, and Rodgers Shelter (Walker et al. 2001:Table 6).

Discussion of Plant Remains

The above-cited evidence certainly suggests that plants were being used during the Early

Holocene, for both subsistence and possibly medicinal purposes. The data also suggest that plants were

incorporated in some regions and/or environments and possibly not in others (or at least not leaving a

strong archaeological presence). Many of the areas yielding evidence for early plant use are regions where

hunter-gatherer populations are hypothesized to have subsisted on a broad base of animals with associated

levels of low residential mobility (Gilmore 1977). This is considered by many archaeologists to represent a

typical Archaic lifeway, based on definitions formalized by Willey and Phillips (1958:104-111). Thus it is

not surprising that the Dalton complex is considered to be an early Archaic complex (rather than

Paleoindian) in many sequences in the Eastern Woodlands (Daniel 1998; Goodyear 1974, 1982), given a

broad plant/animal subsistence regime and limited mobility based on raw material sources, despite the fact

that (at least chronologically) it extends into the Late Pleistocene.

The presence of possible food (?) storage pits in rockshelter settings also suggests that time was

being invested in certain places and that food stores were being collected and protected during at least

certain times of the year. Seeds and fruit of plants such as prickly pear and goosefoot were often collected,

possibly as food sources (although non-cultural agents, such as rodents, might account for the accumulation

of some of these plant parts).

That said, we must also account for issues of preservation when evaluating the data for plant

macrofossils. Nearly all of these plants were recovered from contexts of dry rockshelters and not from the

more abundant open-air sites. As such, this sample of sites is certainly biased in terms of evaluating

patterns of landscape use. Thus, the data might have limited bearing on determining the level of plant use

in the Central Plains proper, simply because there are few rockshelters in the region except in dissected

river valleys (e.g., the Cimarron River canyon in northwestern Oklahoma [Lintz and Zabawa 1984; Schoff

and Stovall 1943] or in southeastern Colorado [Gebhard 1943; Nowak and Gerhart 2001; Wedel 1939]).

In addition to site location bias, there is the added problem that many Paleoindian sites were not

examined for macrofossil or pollen remains, primarily due to the early date of their excavations (for notable

exceptions, see Leopold and Wheat 1972; Scott 1979) or perhaps the negative results were never published.

As well, many Paleoindian sites do not contain features and since most archaeologists float only feature fill,

then there are necessarily fewer cases for possible plant identification. Clearly future work is needed in this

aspect of Paleoindian fieldwork, aimed at systematic sampling and processing of sediment samples (non-

feature based) for plant remains.

Evidence of Ground Stone

Despite issues of plant preservation and collection, a potential proxy for plant processing is the

presence of ground stone. Ground stone has also been proposed as a hallmark of the Archaic, as it

potentially signals the increasing use of plants in the diet. But it is important to note that the absence of

ground stone from an assemblage might not necessarily indicate that plants were not being used, as not all

plants must be processed with ground stone technology.

Ground stone can also relate to activities other than plant processing, such as bone tool

sharpening, wood shaft abrading, lithic edge grinding, and hide smoothing (Adams 2002; Garcia 1998).

Roper (1987, 1989, 1996) has also noted the uncommon but repeated association of ground stone with red

ochre in Paleoindian sites, with the ground stone used as pigment grinding equipment.

A number of Paleoindian sites from diverse ecological settings within the Great Plains contain

ground stone (Table 7.10). This inventory is by no means exhaustive, but it does point out some major

trends evident in the data. First, a systematic study of Plains Paleoindian ground stone seems necessary at

this time, aimed at examining patterns of use-wear on ground stone from a variety of site contexts (e.g.,

Adams 1993; Garcia 1998). For example, the majority of ground stone in Cody complex sites takes the

form of u-shaped grooved abraders (Adams 2002; Flenniken and Ozbun 1988), present at least seven Cody

sites (items identified as grooved abraders are italicized in Table 7.10). No other cultural complex exhibits

such strong association with a particular tool form. Many of the interpretations surrounding this particular

tool are related to wood (shaft) shaping and smoothing, but this form might also be related to other

activities, such as resharpening bone and antler awls and needles (Morse 1997a:45-51; Morse 1997b).

Second, the Cody materials notwithstanding, at least a portion of the ground stone is related to

plant processing such as at the Barton Gulch site where Davis and his colleagues (1994) documented

burned macrobotanical remains in association with grinding slabs. Many of the sites exhibiting ground

stone probably related to plant processing are also located in the foothills and Rocky Mountains, at sites

such as Barton Gulch, Bottleneck Cave, Mangus, Medicine Lodge Creek, and Schiffer Cave. Many of

these also contained direct evidence of plant remains as well as probable storage pits. Ground stone is also

found along the southeastern margins of the Plains in wooded and ecologically diverse area of Central

Texas (Levi and Wilson-Leonard).

There are also a number of sites containing ground stone located within the Plains proper.

However, many of these are located along regionally significant ecological boundaries, such as between

river valleys and the elevated uplands (Allen, Betty Greene, Hell Gap, Jurgens, Lime Creek, Ray Long, and

Red Smoke). It is no coincidence that most of these sites also contained diverse fauna.

Storage pits are rarely documented in the Central Plains proper, except at the Horace Rivers and

possibly Pigeon Cliff sites. At both locations, the immediate ecotone would support at least some plant

gathering and possible storage. But, it could very well be that although plants were at least beginning to be

incorporated into Paleoindian diets, food storage had perhaps not been adopted as a widespread practice at

this point in time.

Table 7.10: Ground stone from post-Folsom Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and
Texas. Associated cultural complex identified in parenthesis.

Site State Type of Ground stone Reference
Claypool Six fragments of grooved Dick and Mountain
CO Central Plains
(Cody) abraders 1960:228,230
Gordon Creek
1 smooth stone, possibly Breternitz et al.
burial CO Foothills/Mountains
for grinding 1971:176-178
(Hell Gap?)
12 fragments of grinding
Jurgens slabs, 6 handstones, 4 Central Plains,
CO Wheat 1979:129-132
(Cody) abrading stones, 2 Wooded Valley
grooved abraders
Grinding slabs,
Barton Gulch
MT handstones, anvils and Foothills/Mountains Davis et al. 1994:123
MT 1 sandstone abrader Foothills/Mountains Knudson 1983:Figure 43
2 handstones, 2 grinding
rockshelter, MT Foothills/Canyon Husted 1969:33-34
Occupation I
Single piece of ground Central Plains, Bamforth 2002b:Table
Allen, IZ NE
stone Wooded Valley 6.2
Allen, OL1 Five pieces of ground Central Plains, Bamforth 2002b:Table
(Agate Basin) stone Wooded Valley 6.2
Two pieces of ground Central Plains, Bamforth 2002b:Table
Allen, OL2 NE
stone Wooded Valley 6.2
Hudson-Meng 3 partial and 3 complete
NE Northern Plains Agenbroad 1978:95-97
(Cody) sandstone abraders
Four pieces of ground
Lime Creek, Zone Davis 1962:65-66;
stone Central Plains,
I NE Bamforth 2002b:Table
(2 manos, 2 grooved Wooded Valley
(Cody) 6.4
Red Smoke, Zone Single piece of ground Central Plains, Bamforth 2002b:Table
83 stone Wooded Valley 6.5
Red Smoke, Zone Two pieces of ground Central Plains, Bamforth 2002b:Table
90 stone Wooded Valley 6.5
Red Smoke, Zone Single piece of ground Central Plains, Bamforth 2002b:Table
92 stone Wooded Valley 6.5
Blackwater Draw,
“Portales” 1 fragment of a grinding Southern High
NM Hester 1972:142
component stone Plains
Sandstone abrader with Stanford and Patten
R-6 (Cody) NM Foothills
multiple grooves 1984:196
Ray Long, Area B 3 milling slabs, 5
SD Foothills Wheeler 1995:424-426
(Angostura) handstones
Horn Shelter No. Two thin abraders (for Central Texas,
TX Redder 1985:43
2 working shell?) River Valley
5 hand grinding stones, 1 Central Texas, Hill Alexander 1963:521,
Levi, Zone IV TX
seed grinding slab Country Table 2
Lubbock Lake, Small ground stone Southern High
TX Johnson 1987:Table 9.2
(Plainview) fragment Plains

Site State Type of Ground stone Reference
2 manos, 1 piece of
(late Paleoindian TX Central Texas Bousman 1998:183-184
ground stone
Agate Basin site,
Small sandstone tool
Area 3 WY Northern Plains Frison 1982b:138
(Hell Gap level)
1 metate, 2 manos,
Betty Greene
WY 2 manos or metate Northern Plains Greene 1967:57-59
Bottleneck Cave, 1 handstone, 1grinding
WY Foothills/Canyon Husted 1969:47
Occupation I stone
Bottleneck Cave, 3 handstones, 1 grinding
WY Foothills/Canyon Husted 1969:50
Occupation II stone
Bottleneck Cave, 7 handstones, 3 grinding
WY Foothills/Canyon Husted 1969:53-54
Occupation III stones
Hell Gap, Irwin 1967:Appendix 3;
(Agate Basin II WY 2 handstones Foothills Irwin and Wormington
componenta) 1970:30
Hell Gap, 1 handstone, 1
(Cody WY handstone/hammerstone, 1 Foothills Irwin 1967:Appendix 3
componenta) grooved abrader
Hell Gap, 2 grooved nether stones, 1
(Frederick WY mano, 1 small polished Foothills Irwin 1967:Appendix 3
componenta) stone
Horner I Northern
WY 2 sandstone abraders Frison 1987:262-263
(Cody) Plains/Basin
Medicine Lodge >=2 grinding Frison 1976, Frison and
WY Foothills/Mountains
Creek stones/manos Grey 1980:35
At least 3 manos, 2 broken
Schiffer Cave WY Foothills/Mountains Frison 1973a:305
grinding slabs
The specific locality at Hell Gap is not listed in Irwin (1967).

Cooking and Heating Facilities

The presence and abundance of thermal features is another useful medium for exploring diversity

in site activities and the duration of occupation. It is well known that cooking and heating features are an

uncommon occurrence on Paleoindian sites within the Great Plains. The few known examples take the

form of shallow ephemeral basins with little to no evidence of thermal oxidation. The general paucity of

features is somewhat surprising, given the rapid increase in hearth use during the subsequent archaeological

sequences of the middle to Late Holocene (Frison 1991). These later forms take a multitude of shape and

functions including pit hearths, stone boiling pits, and fire-cracked rock piles, among others (Black et al.

1997; Hester 1991; Stiger 2001). One wonders why was there such a profound shift in the use of fire

facilities over time? And what, if any, is this shift related to patterns of regional land use?

Thermal Feature Study Sample

In addressing these questions, I examined variability in the type and abundance of thermal features

from sites in the Northern, Central, and Southern Plains. I expanded beyond the immediate bounds of the

Central Plains for several reasons, including increasing the sample size (as features are generally

uncommon), as well as trying to sample across multiple ecological zones, primarily varying with latitude

(rather than altitude). The sites are all located in either the short grass High Plains, adjacent elevated

foothills, or in riverine settings. I did not systematically examine sites from outside the Great Plains

proper, such as the high Rockies or the eastern Woodlands of Texas, for example. In total, I examined 109

components from 65 sites, spread across 46 counties (Table 7.11, Figure 7.12). The components are post-

Clovis in age, spanning approximately 10,750 to 8000 rcybp, and represent forager groups utilizing a

similar subsistence strategy oriented around, to at least some degree, bison hunting in open grassland

settings. In terms of cultural complexes, all are well represented including Folsom/Midland (n=30, 27.5%),

Agate Basin/Hell Gap (19, 17.4%), Plainview/Goshen (11, 10.1%), Cody (20, 18.3%), Allen (13, 11.9%),

as well as miscellaneous temporal components (16, 14.7%).

Within this sample, a total of 118 hearths were identified. However, the majority of components

(55%, 60/109) contain no hearths whatsoever. Thirty-one components (28%, 31/109) contain 2 or fewer

hearths, whereas a handful of sites (11%, 12/109) contain upwards of 3 to 12 hearths per site occupation

(Figure 7.11, summarized in Tables 7.12 and 7.13). Several factors appear to condition the presence and

abundance of thermal features, relating to two separate issues. First, there are issues of how foragers used

the features, in terms of hearth design, use and reuse. Secondly, there are factors regarding how

archaeologists excavated and interpreted the sites. I begin by examining the former factor.



Number of Components





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 yes
Number of Hearths

Figure 7.11. Number of hearths recorded per component from Paleoindian sites on the Great Plains

Figure 7.12. Counties and frequencies of components examined for Paleoindian hearths in the Great Plains

Table 7.11: Presence and abundance of thermal features within post-Clovis sites in the Great Plains.

Site County State Complex Area/level Association of Reference
Cattle Jodry and Stanford
Alamosa CO Folsom Good >=5
Guard 1992
Highly Dawson n.d. in
Linger Alamosa CO Folsom Good
Probable Jodry 1999:64-73
Zapata Alamosa CO Folsom 0 Jodry 1999:73-75
Fourth of Benedict 1981:75;
Boulder CO Allen Good 1
July Valley Figure 56c
100 m
Cheyenne CO Cody southwest of Questionable Several Wheat 1972:137
Douglas CO Cody 0 McCartney 1983
Pitblado 2000:138-
Grand CO Allen Area A Good 2 139; Benedict
Hinsdale CO Folsom Concentration Good 1 Jodry 1999:52
Black Highly
Hinsdale CO Folsom Concentration Good Jodry 1999:51
Mountain Probable
Irwin and Irwin
LoDaiska Jefferson CO Allen 0
Galloway and
Johnson Larimer CO Folsom 0
Agogino 1961
Wilmsen and
Lindenmeier Larimer CO Folsom Area II Good 1
Roberts 1978:40, 60
Wilmsen and
West Bison Roberts
Lindenmeier Larimer CO Folsom, Cody? Good 3
pit 1978:Figures
159,166; 37, 60-61
Fulgham and
Frasca Logan CO Cody 0
Stanford 1982
Reddin Saguache CO Folsom 0 Jodry 1999:76-78
Dick and Mountain
Claypool Washington CO Cody 0
Fowler- Agogino and Parrish
Weld CO Folsom 0
Parrish 1971
Slessman 2001,
Frazier Weld CO Agate Basin Good 1
Jurgens Weld CO Cody Area 2 0 Wheat 1979
Jurgens Weld CO Cody Area 1 0 Wheat 1979
Jurgens Weld CO Cody Area 3 0 Wheat 1979
Wilbur Rockshelter Breternitz 1971:64-
Weld CO Cody Questionable 5
Thomas interior 65
Fossil draw Stanford
Jones-Miller Yuma CO Hell Gap 30.5 m west Good 3 1984:618,621-
of the 622,631
Site County State Complex Area/level Association of Reference
Within the
Jones-Miller Yuma CO Hell Gap Good 12 Stanford 1999:448
Slim Arrow Yuma CO Allen 0 LaBelle, this study
12 Mile
Logan KS Folsom 0 Hill 1996
Rawlins KS Allen 0 Hill et al. 1992
Norton Scott KS Allen/Cody 0 Hofman et al. 1995
Hofman and
Laird Sherman KS Dalton 0
Blackmar 1997
Frison 1996:Figure
Mill Iron Carter MT Goshen Camp Good 1
William 2000:145-
Big Black Dunn ND Folsom Block 2 Good 1
Dunn ND Folsom Block 2 Good 1 Root 2000:109-112
Holder and Wilke
Allen Frontier NE Agate Basin OL1 Good 9
2002b:Table 6.2
Holder and Wilke
Allen Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian IZ Good 4
2002b:Table 6.2
Holder and Wilke
Allen Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian OL2 Good 7
2002b:Table 6.2
Davis 1953:382,
Lime Creek Frontier NE Allen? Zone III Good 2 measured from
Davis 1962:Figure
Lime Creek Frontier NE Cody Zone I 0 Davis 1962:61
Davis 1953:383;
Red Smoke Frontier NE Allen? Zone 88 Good 4
2002b:Table 6.5;
Knudson 2002:99
Red Smoke Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian Zone 78 0 Knudson 2002:99
Red Smoke Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian Zone 89 Good 1 Knudson 2002:99
Davis 1953:383;
Red Smoke Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian Zone 90 Good 1
2002b:Table 6.5;
Knudson 2002:99
Davis 1953:383;
Red Smoke Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian Zone 91 Good 1
2002b:Table 6.5;
Knudson 2002:99
Red Smoke Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian Zone 92 Good 1 Davis 1953:383;
Site County State Complex Area/level Association of Reference
2002b:Table 6.5;
Knudson 2002:99
Red Smoke Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian Zone 80 Good 2 Knudson 2002:99
Davis 1953:384;
Red Smoke Frontier NE Misc. Paleoindian Zone 83 Good 1-4
2002b:Table 6.5;
Knudson 2002:99
Clary Ranch Garden NE Allen Good Several Hill 2001:169
Schultz and Eiseley
Scottsbluff Scotts Bluff NE Cody/Allen 0
Hudson- Agenbroad 1978:25-
Sioux NE Cody Questionable 6
Meng 26; Figure 9
David Meltzer,
Folsom Colfax NM Folsom 0
San Jon Quay NM Cody Area II 0 Hill et al. 1995
Blackwater Possibly
Roosevelt NM Folsom Several Hester 1972:178
Draw Folsom
Warnica and
Milnesand Roosevelt NM Milnesand Good 1
Litwinionek et al.
2002:3; Sellards
Mitchell Roosevelt NM Folsom 0 Boldurian 1990:102
Ted Litwinionek et al.
Roosevelt NM Plainview Good 2
Williamson 2002:8
Pigeon Cliff Union NM Allen? 0 Steen 1976:32
LaBelle, Holliday,
Nall Cimarron OK Early Holocene Nall soil Good 1
and Meltzer 2003
Cooper Harper OK Folsom 0 Bement 1999
Waugh Harper OK Folsom Area 3 Good 1 Hofman 1995:427
Saunders and
Perry Ranch Jackson OK Plainview 0
Penman 1979
Wheeler 1995:431-
Ray Long Fall River SD Angostura Area A Good 10
Angostura/ Wheeler 1995:409-
Ray Long Fall River SD Area B Good 12
Hell Gap? 411
Area B, Hannus 1986:Figure
Ray Long Fall River SD Early Holocene Hannus Good 5 2 and Figure 3;
Trench Table 1
Harrison and Smith
Lake Theo Briscoe TX Folsom/Plainview 0
Rex Plainview/ Willey, Harrison and
Briscoe TX 0
Rodgers San Patrice Hughes 1978
Plainview Hale TX Plainview 0 Sellards et al. 1947
41HF84 Hansford TX Allen Upper Good 1 Nichols
Site County State Complex Area/level Association of Reference
component 1991:200,211
Horace Mallouf and Mandel
Hemphill TX Allen Good 1
Rivers 1997:52
Lipscomb Lipscomb TX Folsom 0 Hofman 1995
Lubbock TX Firstview FA5-8/10 0 Johnson 1987
Lubbock TX Firstview FA6-3 0 Johnson 1987
Lubbock TX Folsom FA6-8 0 Johnson 1987
Lubbock TX Lubbock Lake FA6-15 0 Johnson 1987
Lubbock TX Plainview FA9-1 0 Johnson 1987
Lubbock TX Plainview FA6-11 0 Johnson 1987
Ryan Lubbock TX Plainview 0 Hartwell 1995
Wendorf et al.
Scharbauer Midland TX Folsom Locality 1 Questionable 2
1955:43,45;Figure 6
Shifting Hofman et al.
Winkler TX Folsom 0
Sands 1990:237-238
James Allen Albany WY Allen 0 Mulloy 1959
Campbell WY Cody/Alberta 0 Frison 1984
Campbell WY Folsom Good 1 Frison 1984:300
Carter/ Hell Gap/Agate
Campbell WY 0 Frison 1984
Kerr-McGee Basin
Rattlesnake McNees and Smith
Carbon WY Folsom Good 2
Pass 1989:35-38
Casper Converse WY Hell Gap 0 Frison 1974
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Agate Basin Locality I 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Agate Basin Locality II 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Agate Basin Locality III 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Alberta Locality I 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Alberta Locality II 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Cody Locality I 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Cody Locality V 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Folsom Locality I 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Frederick (Allen) Locality II 0

Site County State Complex Area/level Association of Reference
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Frederick (Allen) Locality I Good 2
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Goshen Locality I 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Hell Gap Locality I 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Hell Gap Locality II 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Hell Gap Locality III 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Midland Locality I 0
Irwin-Williams et al.
Hell Gap Goshen WY Midland Locality II 0
Agogino and
Sister's Hill Johnson WY Hell Gap 0
Galloway 1965
Frison and Stanford
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Agate Basin Area 1 0
Frison and Stanford
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Agate Basin Area 2 0
Area 3,
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Folsom Good 1 Frison 1982a:74-75
lower level
Area 3,
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Folsom Good 1 Frison 1982a:71-72
upper level
Area 2,
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Folsom Folsom Good 2 Frison 1982a:38-44
Area 3, Hell
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Hell Gap 0 Frison 1982b
third level
Area 3, Hell
Gap Frison 1982b:136-
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Hell Gap Good 1
component, 140
main level
Area 3, Hell
Gap Frison 1982b:140-
Agate Basin Niobrara WY Hell Gap Good 1
component, 141
second level
Betty Not
Niobrara WY Lusk Good 1 Greene 1967:4
Greene mentioned
Frison and Stanford
Schultz Niobrara WY Agate Basin 0
Frison and Stanford
Sheaman Niobrara WY Goshen 0

Table 7.12: Hearth abundance among Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains.

Number Number Percent Cumulative

of Hearths of Components of total Percent
0 63 57.8 57.8
1 24 22.0 79.8
2 7 6.4 86.2
3 2 1.8 88.1
4 2 1.8 89.9
5 2 1.8 91.7
6 1 0.9 92.7
7 1 0.9 93.6
8 0 0.0 93.6
9 1 0.9 94.5
10 1 0.9 95.4
11 0 0.0 95.4
12 2 1.8 97.2
Yes 3 2.8 100.0
Components with hearth
Total components 109

Table 7.13: Uneven distribution of hearths from Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains.

Number Number Pooled number Percent Cumulative

of Hearths of Components of Hearths of Total Percent
0 60 0 0.0 0.0
1 24 24 20.3 20.3
2 7 14 11.9 32.2
3 2 6 5.1 37.3
4 2 8 6.8 44.1
5 2 10 8.5 52.5
6 1 6 5.1 57.6
7 1 7 5.9 63.6
8 0 0 0.0 63.6
9 1 9 7.6 71.2
10 1 10 8.5 79.7
11 0 0 0.0 79.7
12 2 24 20.3 100.0
Total Hearths 118

Hearth Frequency as Related to Taphonomic and Archaeological Phenomena

As mentioned previously, poor preservation plagues our understanding of the Early Holocene

archaeological record. For example, low temperature hearths, such as those fueled by buffalo chips

(Holland 1984; Wright 1986, 1992), might be difficult to detect archaeologically. Many sites probably

contained hearths at one time but have been obliterated by years of bioturbation and erosion, among other

agents. For instance, sites such as Claypool (Dick and Mountain 1960; Stanford and Albanese 1975)

contain both burned bone and lithics that are probably related to former fires, but any evidence of those was

destroyed through heavy eolian deflation during the Holocene (Reider 1990). As well, many bison

bonebeds such as Burntwood Creek and Jimmy Allen have evidence of at least localized burning (Hill et al.

1992; Mulloy 1959), although no formal features were reported. Finally, Jodry’s (Jodry and Stanford 1992;

Jodry 1999) recent work at Cattle Guard provided a superb illustration of documenting at least five hearth

areas based upon a case built from circumstantial evidence in the form of clusters of burned bone and

lithics. Thus, although some sites do not contain hearths as recognized in excavation, this does not

necessarily mean they did not exist at one time. Improved field and laboratory techniques will hopefully

aid in the identification of burned features and sediment (Gose 2000, Morinaga et al. 1999). Regardless of

the poor preservation and identification of features, many sites in the Central Plains contain burned bone

(Table 7.14), some of which was surely associated with features.

Table 7.14: Post-Clovis Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains containing burned bone.

Identified Burned
Site Area/Level State Reference
hearth bone
Dick and Mountain
Claypool CO No Yes 1960:224; Stanford and
Albanese 1975:25
Burntwood North edge About 4% of
KS No Hill et al. 1992:100
Creek of bonebed bone
Yes; “a
Hofman and Blackmar
Laird KS No single long
bone shaft”
Folsom or Yes; burned
Harrison and Smith
Lake Theo Plainview TX No flakes and
level bone
Yes; a “very
few partly
James Allen WY No Mulloy 1959:114
charred bison
No (not from
Nall Baker soil OK Yes LaBelle, this study
this level)
Yes; burned
Carter/ No (not from
Cody/Alberta WY and calcined Frison 1984:295
Kerr-McGee this level)
Yes; 2.6% of
Clary Ranch NE Possible Hill 2001:Table 4.13
total NISP
Scott Slessman, personal
Frazier CO Yes Yes
communication 2001
Jones-Miller CO Yes Yes Todd and Stanford 1992
Trench A
Lindenmeier and B, CO Yes Yes Roberts 1936:10-12
Yes; both
Multiple Jones 1999:Tables
Lime Creek NE Yes small and
levels 8,10,14,21,23,29,32,34,36
large fauna
Yes; burned
Ray Long Area C SD Yes bone in Wheeler 1995:439
hearth fill
41HF84 TX Yes Yes Nichols 1991:211
Horace Mallouf and Mandel
TX Yes Yes
Rivers 1997:51

A second problem is that archaeologists often excavate Paleoindian sites differently than they do

sites dating to the late prehistoric (1500-500 rcybp). Many of the latter contain robust evidence of housing

structures and features such as hearths and pits. Excavations tend to focus primarily on these features, as

they make intuitive sense, in that archaeologists think they understand what the features represent in terms

of domestic activities and ethnographic analogy.

Yet, Paleoindian archaeologists are forced to use the data available, which often times take the

form of only lithic and bone scatters. Without a domestic frame of reference, archaeologists try to interpret

what the clusters might represent, when instead they do not necessarily know if these artifacts are part of

middens, processing piles, dump zones, or habitation areas. Without reference to features, it is quite

difficult to understand what the patterning represents (Binford 1983; Gamble 1986).

This is particularly relevant at sites such as Jurgens, where Wheat (1979) excavated three separate

areas spread over a linear distance of approximately 225 m. Wheat recovered a diverse assemblage of

fauna, tools, and debitage, and interpreted the three areas as a long-term camp, a short-term camp, and a

bison kill. Yet, despite the large-scale excavations, he did not record a single thermal feature. The paucity

of charcoal at the site is painfully obvious when you realize that the single 14C date reported from Jurgens

Area 3 was an aggregate sample of charcoal specks collected across an area of approximately 36 m2 (Wheat


Differing slightly from Wheat’s interpretation, the three clusters at Jurgens could instead be

processing and/or midden accumulations, spatially separated from undiscovered (or perhaps destroyed)

habitation and cooking facilities. Given multiple lines of evidence, it seems that Jurgens was occupied for

a longer period as compared to sites from the adjacent High Plains, such as Olsen-Chubbuck (Wheat 1972).

As discussed earlier, the Olsen-Chubbuck assemblage is a bison kill with no associated camp or processing

areas. Despite the obvious differences between the two sites, neither contained thermal features (Table


Finally, the third problem concerns poor archaeological sampling. Most excavations are small in

scale, most less than 100 m2 per site (excavation m2 data presented in Table 5.3). Figure 7.13 presents a set

of sites from the Central Plains, where the number of features recorded per site are arrayed in terms of the

area excavated. Taking out sites with no hearths (which could be real or taphonomic), there is positive

relationship between excavation size and hearth frequency. However, many sites with smaller excavations

have yielded features, which does raise the question of how these particular sites were discovered, perhaps

by exposure of features (or the more typical bone and flake clusters) in arroyo or cutbank sidewalls?


(levels combined)

Total Number of Hearths


Red Smoke
Zone 88

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Excavation Area (m2)

Figure 7.13. Scatterplot of the total number of hearths versus the excavation area.

Foraging Issues Relating to Hearth Frequency

I will now examine several parameters that condition where foraging groups would choose to

create features on the landscape. There are several interrelated factors that influence the nature of site

activities, including the season and the duration of site occupation and the overall organization of the

settlement system.

Figure 7.14 plots the total number of discarded tools as related to hearth frequency. Without

doubt, there are many factors that condition how many tools were discarded on site, such as site function,

raw material abundance, or issues of palimpsest, but I think that the number of tools can be used at least as

a proxy measure for the intensity of site occupation.



Total Number of Hearths



Red Smoke
Zone 88

Hell Gap
Frederick level
0 100 200 300 400 500
Total number of tools

Figure 7.14. Scatterplot of the total number of hearths versus the total number of tools. Sites with burned
bone, but no reported hearths, are noted with the gray filled circles.

Surprisingly, the pattern is not very strong, with several small sites containing one or two hearths, but

it can be said that sites with 4 or more hearths usually have 50 or more tools. The fact that many small sites

contain features certainly suggests that many sites probably go unnoticed or are not assigned Paleoindian

ages simply because they are not the stereotypical Paleoindian site exhibiting abundant numbers of

projectile points and bone.

One of the better variables co-varying with hearth frequency is the richness of mammalian species.

Mammalian diversity among sites in the Central Plains reveals that many of the sites containing high

species richness also contain multiple features. These sites are also located along ecotones boundaries such

as river valleys.

Persistent Use of Place

Many of the sites mentioned above also contain more than one component, strongly suggesting the

persistence of that particular place in the local area, where foragers were drawn time and time again over

several thousand years. Sometimes the site function remained the same and other times it might have

changed, but nevertheless they returned to the same place and not others (Binford 1982).

Table 7.15 documents ten sites containing multiple components and/or localities, ranging from 2

to 16. Ubiquity refers to the presence of at least one hearth in the component. There is remarkable

variability in feature ubiquity. Only a single Paleoindian hearth has been described for Blackwater Draw

Locality 1 (Hester 1972:178), found in the Brown Sand Wedge layer and possibly Folsom or Clovis in age.

At Lubbock Lake, small bison kills and processing areas dominate the Paleoindian record, but no hearths

were recorded (Johnson 1987). At Hell Gap, multiple locales yielded stratified components, yet there is

only a single mention of hearths (Irwin-Williams et al. 1973).

Obviously, some of these might be sampling and/or reporting issues, as discussed above. But there

is high ubiquity of thermal features in areas along the edge of the Black Hills at Agate Basin (Frison and

Stanford 1982b) and Ray Long (Wheeler 1995), as well as in river valleys, such as the Medicine Creek

sites of Allen, Lime Creek, and Red Smoke (Bamforth 2002b; Davis 1962; Knudson 2002). These

settlement nodes in regional landscape organization also show some of the most intensive use of hearths as


For instance, Ray Long has yielded 27 hearths, in two spatially separate areas termed “A” and

“B”. Figure 7.15 details one of the two excavation trenches in Area B, which yielded Angostura, Clovis,

and Hell Gap/Agate Basin looking materials (Hannus 1985; Wheeler 1995). Seven hearths as well as areas

of burned sediment were excavated within this particular area, with the burned sediment possibly relating

to hearth cleaning activities. Not all the features are contemporaneous however, as excavation profiles and
C records document the site’s frequent reoccupation over several thousand years.

This pattern of the use of place over the long term is also well documented at the Allen site in

southwestern Nebraska (Bamforth 1991b, 2002b; Preston and Wilke 1949). Two occupation levels (OL1

and OL2) were originally defined at the site, but these appear to be interpretive conventions more than

anything else (Bamforth 1991b), for Allen instead records the continuous use of the site between 10,600

and 8680 rcybp, a span of almost two thousand 14C years. Figure 7.16 details the relative vertical positions

of hearths at Allen. There are clearly discernable levels where hearths were fired at the same instance, at

least geologically speaking. However, most hearths are spread throughout the column, with a total of 20

features recovered along with a diverse faunal assemblage.

Table 7.15: Ubiquity of hearths from select Paleoindian sites in the Great Plains.

Number of components Total number of Percent

with hearth present components of total
Blackwater Draw 1 Many Very low
Lubbock Lake 0 6 0.0
Hell Gap 1 16 6.3
Carter-Kerr/McGee 1 3 33.3
Lime Creek 1 3 33.3
Agate Basin 5 8 62.5
Red Smoke 7 8 87.5
Allen 3 3 100.0
Lindenmeier 2 2 100.0
Ray Long 3 3 100.0

Figure 7.15. Plan map of the Area B hearths at the Ray Long site, South Dakota (adapted from Wheeler
1995:Figure 44). Thick black lines are balks left in the original excavations.

Figure 7.16. Relative vertical distribution of hearths at the Allen site, Nebraska (adapted from Bamforth
2002b:Figure 6.1)

The Agate Basin shows a similar occupation history (Frison and Stanford 1982b). The site area

contains multiple Folsom and Hell Gap levels spread over several locales, many yielding evidence for

hearths (see Table 7.11). In addition, the Folsom level from Area 2 contained the remains of at least one

cold-weather house with an internal hearth. Agate Basin, like Ray Long and Allen, appear to contain

multiple campsites (and other activities too) reoccupied throughout the Late Pleistocene and Early


Size and Function of Features

There are several possible functions of these Paleoindian hearths, many of which are related to the

size and shape of the feature. Unfortunately, maximum dimensions (in terms of area and depth) were

available for only 36% (43/118) of the hearths, with nearly half of those made up of data from Ray Long

alone. In general, all the features are about the same size (Figure 7.17): small, less than 75 cm in diameter,

and shallow, less than 15 cm deep. Most are basin-shaped, with a width-to-depth ratio of 3 or more.

There are two broad functional categories, including heating and cooking, that are possibly related

to hearth use. Recent research into burned rock middens and pit hearths is particularly informative in

delineating what Paleoindian features do not represent. Figure 7.18 details archaeological and ethnographic

cases presented in two recent thermal feature studies, on pit hearth cooking (Wandsnider 1997) and burned

rock middens (Black et al. 1997). As is quite evident, the ethnographic and archaeological burned rock

features are much larger than those of Paleoindian origin. Whereas the Paleoindian hearths are small and

basin-shaped, the other forms are often times pit-shaped and often



Depth (m)


0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20
Area (m )

Figure 7.17. Hearth area and depth of Plains Paleoindian hearths. Filled triangles denote features from the
Ray Long site, filled squares represent all other Paleoindian examples.




Depth (m)



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0
Area (m )

Figure 7.18. Hearth area and depth of Plains Paleoindian, Texas Archaic, and ethnographic features. Filled
triangles and squares denote plant processing thermal features from ethnographic and Texas burned rock
examples; filled circles denote documented Paleoindian cases from the Great Plains.

larger than a meter in diameter. Several ethnographic cases are well above 16 m2 in area, larger than some

Paleoindian sites (or at least larger than their excavation areas)!

The type and quantity of food, as well as the food preparation technique all factor into the design

and size of features. Many plants, such as sotol, agave, camas, and yucca, require sustained temperatures

over considerable periods of time in order to break down the plants into edible products, insuring fructan

and inulin hydrolysis (Dering 1999; Wandsnider 1997). As such, rocks are commonly utilized elements in

pit hearths because they capture and retain heat, helping control and sustain high temperatures within

cooking facilities. The vast majority of the ethnographic examples presented in Figure 7.18 document

plant-cooking facilities. Surely, none of the Paleoindian facilities in this sample (Barton Gulch excluded)

were used for this particular type of plant processing of bulbs, roots, and tubers. The limited macrofossil

analysis supports this assertion as well.

Wandsnider (1997) also notes that rocks were not commonly used in baking or roasting meats

because of the lessened need for controlling cooking times and temperatures, which for animal processing

are considerably shorter and cooler. Thus, with little need to regulate temperatures, there is little need for

heat insulation via rocks.

However, ethnographic accounts do suggest that lean meats such as bison, pronghorn, deer, elk,

and rabbit were often boiled (Wandsnider 1997:12). The boiling keeps the meat from drying, with the

moisture aiding the digestive process. But evidence for stone boiling is noticeably absent in the

Paleoindian record, in terms of hearth rocks, boiling pits, etc., despite the abundance of bison in the

Paleoindian diet. The Horace Rivers site, located just north of the Canadian River in the Texas Panhandle,

is the only site out of the 65 that contained a hearth with rocks, in this particular case, caliche cobbles

(Mallouf and Mandel 1997). The hearth was recovered in association with a diverse faunal assemblage, as

well as 4 possible storage pits, suggesting different subsistence organization. The possible function(s) of

the Horace Rivers hearth is unknown at this time.

If the hearths were not used to bake plants or boil stones, then what other sorts of food processing

were possibly taking place? Several possible cooking functions for small, unlined, rock free, basin-shaped

hearths include drying and smoking plant and animal products as well as grilling (Black et al. 1997). Both

procedures utilize radiant heating by suspending foods slightly above the heat source.

Paleoindian hearths are fairly similar in their contents, usually containing small quantities of

charcoal and ash (see references in Table 7.11). Charred and calcined bone fragments are occasionally

associated with hearths, although the exact percentage of cases is hard to assess due to uneven reporting.

Burned flakes are also commonly reported, suggesting either heat-treating or discard of flaking debris and

tools into the hearth itself.

Oxidation of underlying sediment is uncommon, suggesting either short duration fires or those of

low temperatures (although oxidation can also be affected by sediment type and soil moisture). At Ray

Long and Allen the degree of hearth oxidation ranged from light to heavy firing (Table 7.16). Most

components contained lightly fired hearths, making up 50-75% of all the hearths at the two sites. Yet, over

77% of the Allen OL1 hearths were heavily fired, perhaps signaling instead another, unknown, function.

Table 7.16: Firing intensity of the hearths from the Ray Long and Allen sites.

Light to Medium Total Percent

Site Area/Level
Fired Hearths Hearths of total
Allen OL1 2 9 22.2
Ray Long Area A 5 10 50.0
Allen OL2 4 7 57.1
Ray Long Area B 7 11 63.6
Allen IZ 3 4 75.0

The use of hearths therefore remains somewhat enigmatic. Most were probably used as warming

hearths during cold weather occupations, which might explain the low ubiquity of hearths in the Southern

High Plains and in most Paleoindian short-term occupation sites. If they were being used to process meat,

it was only for low level grilling and snacking, and not for intensive processing.

Most bison kills and processing sites from the upland settings show varying degrees of gourmet

butchering strategies, with no associated hearths. Paleoindian hunters were probably processing these kills

rather quickly, the main goal being stripping and drying the meat for transport, without the aid of smoking,

bone grease production, roasting, etc. As soon as the meat was ready for transport, the groups returned to

larger base camps located in protected settings such as the river valleys and foothills.

Contrast this with sites such as Jones-Miller, where water and wood resources were locally

available. At Jones-Miller, there is extensive evidence for disarticulation of bison carcasses, with bone

breaking and abundant snacking of meat occurring around the remains of 12 surface hearths (Stanford


Thermal Features, a Summary

Most of the large sites with high ubiquity in hearth use and reoccupation are located in diverse

ecotones, often on ecotone boundaries. For example, Lindenmeier is located along the Front Range, Hell

Gap in the Hartville Uplift, the Medicine Creek sites at the intersecting of the Plains and Prairies, and

Agate Basin/Ray Long located along the edges of the Black Hills. On the Southern Plains, sites such as

Nall are found near the Beaver River in Oklahoma, Horace Rivers is in the Canadian Valley, and Lubbock

Lake and Blackwater Locality 1 are on the major draws of the Llano Estacado.

Compare these patterns to sites immediately adjacent to the Great Plains. The sheer abundance of

features in sites along the margins of the Plains is different from those sites on the Plains proper, again

suggesting differences in regional landscape use. For example in northwestern Wyoming and southern

Montana, there are abundant hearths (and other features) in Paleoindian levels at rockshelters such as

Mummy Cave (28 features in the pre-8000 rcybp deposits; Husted and Edgar 2002), Mangus (12-14

features; Husted 1969:30-31), Sorenson (8 features; Husted 1969:12,14), and Bottleneck Caves (24

features; Husted 1969:45-46). In the Southern Bighorns, Schiffer Cave (Frison 1973a, 1991:342-343) and

Medicine Lodge Creek (Frison 1976, 1991:341-343) yielded storage pits, probably related to plant storage,

probably seeds. Nearby open air bison kills also contained numerous features, such as Horner I which

yielded 34 features of charcoal and burnt bone (remains of surface hearth) as well as pits (Todd et al.

1987:54-57, Table 3.2).

In a class by itself, the Barton Gulch site demonstrates the repeated use of place and extensive use

of local resources, where 16 systematically spaced groupings of features, made up of 175 individual

features appear as “paleokitchen” facilities (Armstrong 1993; Davis et al. 1994) (Figure 7.19). As

discussed earlier, pollen and macrofossil data document the extensive use of plants at this site. Grinding

slabs and hand-stones, as well as anvils and hammer-stones, also suggest seed grinding, bone breaking, and

marrow extraction. However, the pit hearth plant processing seen at Barton Gulch is still not on the same

scale as the ethnographic or the Texas Archaic examples.

These Paleoindian sites located adjacent to the High Plains show the highest hearth ubiquity and

also diversity in probable functions. I would argue that these reflect patterns of landscape use rather than

any sort of cultural differences in cooking technology. This illustrates the idea that Paleoindians did not

utilize all areas with the Great Plains equally, such as the short grass uplands, the river valleys, and the

foothills. These zones range from highly productive bison habitats, to areas rich in fixed resources such as

wood, water, and raw materials. Paleoindian foragers probably occupied base camps for longer periods in

highly productive zones, moving out onto adjacent uplands for short periods, such as when bison were

readily available.

Figure 7.19. Plan map of Paleoindian features at the Barton Gulch site, Montana (adapted from Armstrong
1993:Figure 4)

Paleoindian Structures Viewed from a Continental Perspective

In this final section, I will consider one of the rarest feature forms encountered on sites, possible

structures dating to the Paleoindian period. Given their paucity, I compiled a (nearly complete) sample of

known open-air structures from across North America dating prior to 7500 rcybp. There is consistency in

form and construction technique, suggesting the possible use(s) of such features as well as within which

areas we should expect to discover more of them.

The paucity of structures might be explained by several possibilities, none of which are mutually

exclusive. First, we must look at the size of the excavation area, as previously discussed. Excavations

often center on small blocks, focusing on dense clusters of lithic and faunal debris. While material culture

is often abundant at habitation sites, we might expect that the debris would be found in middens, or at least

discarded away from structures, depending upon the size of the debris. During cold-weather occupations,

we might expect that artifacts would be discarded within or at least nearby the houses. This certainly

appears to be the case at sites such as Agate Basin (Frison and Stanford 1982b) and Mountaineer (Stiger

and Bjornstad 2002).

A second possibility for low feature frequency is that these populations were very mobile, and not

repeatedly occupying the same sites in terms of reusing formerly built houses. As such, the structures they

carried were lightweight and ephemeral, probably skin or brush covered structures. Remnants of

construction techniques, such as post holes would then be uncommon. This suggests that either the poles

were removed and carried along with the foragers, or at least the poles were not deeply set into holes and

left to rot in place. Substantial pit house structures, requiring both time and labor to build, were clearly not

used during the Paleoindian period.

Description of Paleoindian Structures

The majority of sites I sampled are from the western Great Plains and Rocky Mountains, primarily

Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Wyoming (Figure 7.20). Several of these sites are located outside the

region, stretching between Virginia and Oregon.

Figure 7.20. Locations of known Paleoindian structures in North America.


Colorado also contains a number of early structures that might possibly be houses. All are located

near the Gunnison Basin in the mountains of southwest Colorado. Stiger (2001) recorded a basin-shaped

structure with a rock lined hearth and bell-shaped storage pit at the Tenderfoot, in Gunnison County (Figure

7.21a). The feature was a large circular soil stain, a little over 4.0 m in diameter. A pile of fire-cracked

rock occurred in the southern portion of the structure. Three radiocarbon dates from the feature spanned

7450 to 7820 rcybp. An external rock-lined firepit, slightly to the south of the structure, dated to 7550


A possible burned structure was reported from the Zephyr site, in Montrose County, Colorado

(Indeck and Kihm 1982). An oval shaped concentration of burned earth, clay, and large amounts of

charcoal was recovered adjacent to two fire cracked rock features. The concentration of burned clay was

slightly lower that the other site features, suggesting a prehistorically excavated floor. The Soap Creek site

is yet another possible structure in the Gunnison Basin. The site appears to be the floor of a former house,

and contains features and broken bison bone among other artifacts (Mark Stiger, personal communication


The Mountaineer site yielded a possible Folsom structure on the top of W Mountain, in Gunnison

County, Colorado (Stiger and Bjornstad 2002). Excavations and lab analysis are still underway, but the site

has yielded abundant Folsom occupations spread across 14 spatially segregated clusters. A large horizontal

block excavation (>73m2) of one of the clusters revealed the outline of a shelter, with postholes and hearth

features. The dimensions of the structure are similar to other structures in the Gunnison Basin area (Mark

Stiger, personal communication 2002).


A possible structure dating to the Cody Complex was described from the Mammoth Meadow site,

in Beaverhead County, southwestern Montana (Bonnichsen et al. 1992:312, 316, Figure 8.10 in original).

Rocks in several units are somewhat linear in orientation, suggesting a possible structure of some sort. Red

ocher was associated with the rock alignment, in a lens up to 10 cm thick in some places. The meager

evidence presented for the possible structure remains inconclusive, however.

New Mexico

The R-6 site is a Cody site located in the foothills of San Miguel County, in north central New

Mexico (Figure 7.22e). Stanford and Patten (1984) documented a semi-circular concentration of 29 stones

of varying sizes. No additional features, such as hearths or postholes, were associated with the ring.

Debitage and artifacts were present within the interior, but were less concentrated than the area

immediately in front of the structure opening. No tools and only a small amount of debitage were

recovered from the proposed feature. The stone semi-circle had a diameter of around 2.0 m, and an

opening approximately 2.5 m wide oriented to the south-southwest (Stanford and Patten 1984:190-191).

The interior floor of the feature was about 10 cm deeper on average than the surrounding surface.


A large structure was reported from the Turkey Bend Ranch site in Concho County, Texas (Figure

7.21d) (Lintz et al. 1995; Treece et al. 1993). The structure was buried 2.7 to 2.9 m below ground surface,

attesting to the difficulty in locating such features. The structure was approximately 5.8 m by 5.4 m in size,

with a quite large central hearth, measuring 3.1 m by 2.7 m. Fourteen rock clusters formed the perimeter of

the structure, thought to be post supports. The structure has two radiocarbon dates, ranging from 7480 to

7510 rcybp.

A rectangular rock platform has also been documented from the Clovis level at the Gault site in

Bell County, Texas (Michael Collins, personal communication 2001). It appears as a pile of stone cobbles

along the edge of a channel that once flowed past the site. No hearths or other features have been

documented in association with the rock platform. Its use remains enigmatic: it could have been a

platform for a tent or other structure, although the use of rocks for a tent base would seem illogical given

the soft terrain and softer vegetation which would d have been available in the lush terrain surrounding the

Gault site at the time of occupation.


Six structures have been reported from multiple localities and occupation levels at the Hell Gap

site in Goshen County, eastern Wyoming (Figure 7.22a-d). Beginning with the earliest dated forms, two

structures were recorded in the Midland level at Locality II (Irwin-Williams et al 1973:Figures 8 and 9).

Both are circular arrangements of postholes, of different diameters. The first is a small circle

approximately 2 m in diameter (Figure 7.22b), whereas the other is a large circle approximately 4 m in

diameter (Figure 7.22d). The larger circle has fewer postholes on the eastern and northeastern edges and

nearly half of the feature eroded away prior to excavation. Neither of these circles had associated features,

such as hearths.

The Agate Basin level at Hell Gap Locality II yielded three circular alignments of postholes

superimposed over one another (Figure 7.22a). Only 2 of the 3 are illustrated in the site maps (Irwin-

Williams et al. 1973:Figure 10). The three circles from the Agate Basin level are also small, averaging

only a little over 2 m in diameter. The three sets of postholes possibly suggest remodeling over a span of

time, perhaps multiple seasons. The fact that they are superposed suggests that remnants of the structure

were standing when they were remodeled, or else there would be little chance that they would be built in

the same exact spot. As with the Midland level, no features were found in association with the posthole

alignments. Recent reexamination of the Agate Basin faunal collection from Locality II (Byers 2001,

2002) has once again brought this component under analysis. The validity of the overlapping sets of post

holes are questioned by the current research team (David Byers, personal communication 2002).

The final structure recovered at the Hell Gap site was from the Frederick level at Locality I (Irwin-

Williams et al 1973:Figure 7). This feature is slightly different in that it is a stone circle with no associated

postholes (Figure 7.22c). At least nine rocks made the edges of the circle with fewer rocks along the

southern edge. The circle is about 2.3 m in diameter. Several archaeologists have questioned the validity

of the stone circle as a domestic structure (Frison 1983:354; Wilson 1983:354). It is nearly impossible to

evaluate the feature given the sparse published evidence. Mulloy (personal communication expressed in

Irwin-Williams et al. 1973:45) reported a stone circle associated with Cody complex materials, although

the location of that site (presumably not at Hell Gap), and its possibly similarities to R-6, are unknown.

Two hearths were recorded from the Frederick level but outside the possible structure (Irwin-

Williams et al. 1973:45). Burned lithic debris in another area of the component suggests the possibility of a

third thermal feature (Allison Byrnes, personal communication 2002), but also located extramural to the

stone circle.

The Hell Gap valley contains abundant stone circles on the surface, probably dating to the late

prehistoric period. Many of these stone circles are quite similar to the buried feature from the Frederick

level. Irwin (1967) felt that the Frederick complex represented a non-Paleoindian form based in part on the

recovery of the stone circle, bone tools, and bone beads at Locality I, traits he felt distinguished the

Frederick complex from other Paleoindian complexes.

It remains to be seen whether the features documented at the Hell Gap site will be duplicated

elsewhere at the site or at other sites in the area, as many researchers question whether they represent actual

prehistoric structures or are instead a product of “wishful interpretation” by the original researchers.

The Agate Basin site, located in Niobrara County in eastern Wyoming, contained a Folsom

complex structure in Area 2 (Figure 7.21c). The house appears to be about 3.5 m in diameter. Two hearths

were associated with the structure: one internal to the structure and a small extramural hearth located some

distance to the east (Frison 1982:Figure 2.16). Considerable lithic debris was associated with the level and

artifact refits further support the possibility of cold weather occupation structure (Hill and Sellet 2000).

Regions Beyond the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains

Several additional sites have been recorded outside the central study area and are briefly described

below. There are possibly additional open-air structures dating to the Early Holocene throughout North

America, but I was not able to locate them in the literature.

The Koster site is located in Greene County, Illinois (Brown and Vierra 1983; Phillips and Brown

1983). Koster has a long and detailed occupational history, spanning the entire Holocene. Structures first

appear in Horizon 8C, which dates to the Middle Archaic, at around 6850-7300 rcybp (these would

correspond to the Early Archaic period in the Plains and Mountains). Multiple house platforms were

rectangular in shape, and measured approximately 4.5 by 5.0 m in size (Brown and Vierra 1983:184-185).

The structures contained internal hearths as well as postholes. Other features include mussel steaming pits,

a clamshell dump, and multiple circular pits (possible storage pits). Given the nature of overlapping

occupations at Koster, many of these structures were altered during subsequent site activities.

Nevertheless, the building of multiple structures, with internal and external features, suggests enormous

investment in place as compared to earlier Paleoindian habitations throughout North America.

The Paulina Lake site in Deschutes County, Oregon (Figure 7.21b) yielded a buried structure

(Connolly and Jenkins 1999). The feature contained a central hearth, as well as a series of post molds that

formed a roughly circular outline, approximately 3.5-5.0 m in size. Rocks were also concentrated in the

circular pattern, occurring less frequently within the interior of the feature, as compared to the overall

surface of the site. Nine radiocarbon dates were obtained from the component, six of which were from the

central hearth and from a series of post molds. The dates are internally consistent and date the features

between 8460-9060 rcybp (Connolly and Jenkins 1999:121).

A large series of post molds were recorded at the Thunderbird site in Warren County, Virginia

(Gardner 1974:20-21). Fifty-eight posts formed a rectangular shaped outline, approximately 11-12 m by 5-

6 m in size. Gardner mentions three small shallow pits, six stains, as well as burned areas in the vicinity of

the large feature. Whether these are associated with the structure is unknown. Large chipping clusters

were recorded to the south of the postholes, external to the feature. The structure might date to the

Paleoindian period, but given the multiple periods of occupation at the site, the feature might instead date to

a later time (David Meltzer, personal communication 2002).

Figure 7.21. Paleoindian structures identified in North America.

Figure 7.22. Additional Paleoindian structures identified in North America.

Table 7.17: Paleoindian and Early Archaic structures in North America.

Site/Location State Complex Comment Shape Diameter Hearth Illustration Reference
Not Stiger and
Mountaineer CO Folsom Circular Yes, internal Post holes
illustrated Bjornstad 2002
Yes; internal
Late include rock
Paleoindian/ lined hearth, Stiger
Tenderfoot CO Circular 4.0-5.0 m Post holes Figure 7.21
Early bell-shaped 2001:Figure 6.5
Archaic storage pit, pile
of fire cracked
Yes; 2 fire
Early Amorphous Approximately cracked rock not Indeck and Kihm
Zephyr CO Unknown
Archaic shape 2.0 by 4.0 m piles external illustrated 1982
to feature
Yes; internal
Brown and
Early hearths, not

Koster IL Rectangular 4.5 by 5.0 m Post holes Vierra 1983:184-

Archaic possible illustrated
storage pits
Hard to
Mammoth determine Rock not Bonnichsen et al.
MT Cody No Stone
Meadow possible alignment illustrated 1992:Figure 8.10
Stanford and
R-6 NM Cody Semi-circle 2.5-3.0 m No Stone Figure 7.22 Patten 1984:190-
Connolly and
Early Circular- 3.5-5.0 m Stone, post Jenkins
Paulina Lake OR Yes; internal Figure 7.21
Holocene oval outline (oval shape) holes 1999:121, Figure
Still undergoing Michael Collins,
analysis; Stone Not personal
Gault TX Clovis rock No
culturally cobbles illustrated communication
formed? 2001
Site/Location State Complex Comment Shape Diameter Hearth Illustration Reference
Circular Lintz et al. 1995;
Turkey Bend Early Yes; large 14 stone
TX rock clusters 5.0-6.0 m Figure 7.21 Treece et al.
Ranch Archaic central hearth clusters
shape 1993
Located in the
plow zone; No; but at least
Eastern questionable Rectangular 5-6 m wide; 6 stains, as well 58 post Not Gardner
Thunderbird VA
fluted point association with or oval 11-12 m length as several holes illustrated 1974:20-21
Eastern fluted burned areas
point component
Yes; internal
from shape
hearth as well Frison
Cold weather of debris;
Agate Basin WY Folsom Circular 3.5 m an extramural Figure 7.21 1982a:Figure
occupation bison bone
from the same 2.16
used as a
Possible house,
although no post Not Frison and
Hanson WY Folsom Circular Not given Unknown earthen
holes or stone illustrated Bradley 1980:9

2 (possibly 3) Irwin-Williams
Hell Gap,
WY Frederick Circular 2.3 m extramural Stone Figure 7.22 et al.
Locality I
heaths 1973:Figure 7
Hell Gap, Irwin-Williams
Locality II WY Agate Basin Circular 2m No Post holes Figure 7.22 et al.
Structure C 1973:Figure 10
Hell Gap, Irwin-Williams
Locality II WY Agate Basin Circular 2m No Post holes Figure 7.22 et al.
Structure D 1973:Figure 10
Hell Gap,
WY Midland Small Circular 1m No Post holes Figure 7.22 et al.
Locality II
1973:Figure 9
Circular to Irwin-Williams
Hell Gap, 1/2 destroyed by Approximately
WY Midland semi- No Post holes Figure 7.22 et al.
Locality II erosion 5m
circular 1973:Figure 8
Summary of Structures

There seem to be three general types of early structures, which tend to be associated with the size

of the feature. The largest form is seen at the Thunderbird site. The structure dwarves others known from

the period, and might represent a series of smaller, overlapping structures, or the possible form of a large

longhouse. The lack of heating features in the interior suggests that the structure was not used during the

colder months as a habitation structure. That fact, coupled with the fact that large groups of people would

probably not occupy a long house during the warmer months of the year, might suggest that the feature is

not a domestic housing structure, but of some other function. Small burned areas were located adjacent to

the house, and might be the remains of multiple task areas. Significant amount of chipped stone debris

throughout the area suggest repeated and long-term occupational duration.

The second type of structure probably represents a housing form. These sites include those from

the mountains of Colorado (Mountaineer, Tenderfoot, and Zephyr), as well as in Oregon (Paulina Lake)

and Texas (Turkey Ranch). The structures are all roughly circular in form, approximately 3.5-5.5 m in

diameter. Most contain a central hearth, as well as various external features. Many of them are built with a

combination of post and rock piles, providing strength to the structure. Instead, they might represent large

smoking racks, with a central drying feature in the form of a hearth providing a slow smoking source.

The final types of early structures are characterized by stone circles and post hole patterns. These

forms are generally circular in shape but small in size, generally less than 2.0-2.5 m in diameter. They have

neither central fire features nor adjacent features. Most likely, they represent either non-habitation

structures, or those of short term, warm weather occupation. Several of the posthole patterns from Hell

Gap might represent the remains of drying racks, set apart from the habitation structures. The main valley

of Hell Gap is filled with late prehistoric stone circles. The circles are located well away from the

Paleoindian deposits of the site, which were excavated along the valley edge, at the base of a slope. With

little doubt, buried Paleoindian deposits are located in the main valley, well below the stone circles. The

fact that the features from Hell Gap were located along the valley edge suggests that they were probably

not in the habitation are of the site, but instead in the area of the site midden.

Despite the rather meager record of early habitation sites, I think we can learn about the general

structure of early housing by examining patterns from a well-defined sequence detailing pithouses in

western North America. Larson (1997) recently summarized all early structures in Wyoming, primarily

pithouses located in the western river basins of the state. Most of the sites date to between 4500-6000

rcybp, with only a single site that might date to before 7000 rcybp (Larson 1997:Table 3).

The pithouses ranged in diameter from 1.96-6.00 m, with a mean of 3.34 m (n=40). Most were

excavated into the subsurface, ranging from 0.15-1.25 m in depth, with a mean of 0.46 m in depth (n=41)

(Larson 1997:Table 2). Generally houses were not isolated features on site, but instead integrated into a

complex site structure. The pithouses tended to occur in clusters on sites, ranger room 1-5, with a mean of

1.6 houses per site. Features were also common, ranging from 0-17, with a mean of 5.0 features per site

(Larson 1997:Table 2). Interior features can include hearths, ash stains and storage pits (Larson 1997:355).

Pithouse sites are becomingly increasingly recognized in the intermountain West, with multiple features per

site, and often times multiple houses per site (Larson 1997; Stiger 2001:130-139). However, the sites can

be difficult to recognize, especially if deeply buried, and extensive horizontal block excavations are

necessary to locate associated features.

Chapter Summary

This Chapter explored the subsistence and domestic realms of Paleoindians of the Central Plains

and beyond. I examined the variability evident in the faunal, plant, ground stone, hearth, and housing data

from a variety of sites. Each dataset contributed evidence suggesting that Paleoindian groups did not use

all ecotones or regions equally.

The faunal data presented a more robust pattern than that of bison hunters, chasing the herd, and

using the landscape in a redundant fashion. The High Plains and the riparian valleys appear to have

different subsistence signatures. While it is not surprising that bison are universal within every faunal

assemblage, their simple presence does not necessarily indicate extensive use. This lack of thorough

processing has been interpreted as one of the signatures of highly mobile Paleoindians, hypothesized to kill

bison in large numbers, eat what they can, and then move on to the next kill. But this idea is clearly not

tenable based upon the data from the Central Plains.

The faunal data support the interpretation where the upland surfaces were occupied for short

periods, whereas the major campsites of longer duration were located in the river valleys. Perhaps

intensive processing of faunal remains occurs in areas with wide niche breadths because the temporal

occupations are probably going to be longer. It is also within these areas that species richness is highest

because foragers incorporated a wider diversity of fauna into their diets as the result of longer residential

occupation. This pattern is fundamentally different from short-term occupations sites in the uplands, which

contain lower species diversity and lower bison processing intensity. After the carcasses were processed,

the foraging group then left for a campsite. There was simply not a large enough labor pool to completely

process the kill and the group did not stay at the kill for a long period.

Plants were being used during the Early Holocene (for both subsistence and possibly medicinal

purposes) in some regions and/or environments and possibly not in others. Many of the areas yielding

evidence for early plant use are regions where hunter-gatherer populations are hypothesized to have

subsisted on a broad base of animals and associated with low residential mobility. The presence of storage

pits in rockshelter settings also suggests that time was being invested in certain places and that food stores

were being collected and protected during at least certain times of the year. Seeds and fruit of plants such

as prickly pear and goosefoot were often collected, possibly as food sources. Whether the absence of plant

remains from most Plains Paleoindian sites signals a taphonomic problem or an actual subsistence choice is

not known, but future fieldwork should aim to collect data to answer this question.

Most of the sites with large numbers of hearths are located in diverse ecotones, often located along

ecotone boundaries. Paleoindian sites located adjacent to the High Plains show the highest hearth ubiquity

and also diversity in probable functions. I would argue that these reflect patterns of landscape use rather

than any sort of cultural differences in cooking technology. This illustrates the idea that Paleoindians did

not utilize all areas with the Great Plains equally, such as the short grass uplands, the river valleys, and the

foothills. These zones range from highly productive bison habitats, to areas rich in fixed resources such as

wood, water, and raw materials. Paleoindian foragers probably occupied base camps for longer periods in

highly productive zones, moving out onto adjacent uplands for short periods, such as when bison were

readily available.

Finally, I presented evidence of Paleoindian structures in North America. Structures are generally

rare, but all of them (whether they be houses or perhaps drying racks) are from sites located in diverse

ecotones, such as elevated foothills and mountains, or the woodlands. Paleoindians that invested in place

were not practicing such principles on the Plains themselves, but in the surrounding regions.

Chapter 8


In this Chapter, I document variability expressed in three measures of land use spread over large

parts of the Central Plains and adjacent regions (Figure 8.1). These measures include the types and

frequencies of cultural complexes in each region, the density of sites in well-documented areas, and the

reoccupation rates among Paleoindian groups in those same areas. These three datasets are used to measure

occupation stability by region, for instance whether a region was used over a long period of time or was

instead occupied for only a short interval (regardless of the function of those site occupations). Once again,

the data show that different signatures exist across the Plains. Some of this is a result of taphonomic

processes, related to rates of good versus poor exposure and/or preservation of cultural materials. Other

signatures are probably the result of more accurate and thorough reporting of archaeological data in some

areas more than others. But some of these patterns are probably related to shifts in local environmental

resource structure, which occurred during the Late Pleistocene and continued during the Early Holocene.

In this instance, some areas remained viable (or in fact improved) whereas other areas deteriorated over

time. It certainly appears that not all places were used equally -- in either intensity or function -- over the

span of the Paleoindian period. I begin with patterns of Paleoindian complex presence.

Cultural Complexes in the Central Plains and Beyond

Analysis of cultural complexes at the regional scale has a long history. Beginning in the early

1930s, the distribution of point types was used to define the cultural territories of Paleoindian groups.

Renaud (1931b, 1932b, 1934) and Figgins (1934, 1935) mapped and discussed the continually expanding

distribution of Folsom and Yuma forms across the Great Plains. Wormington continued the study in her

editions of Ancient Man in North America (1939, 1944, 1949, 1957), documenting the wide geographic

spread of the earlier fluted forms (primarily Clovis) and the more regionally restricted later complexes such

as Scottsbluff and Eden. Irwin (1971:Figure 5 and 6) also plotted the regional distributions of various

Paleoindian styles documented at the Hell Gap site (Irwin 1967; Irwin-Williams et al. 1973). Like his

predecessors, Irwin’s maps were based on his qualitative assessment of the distribution of surface finds.

Earlier in Chapter 4, I discussed projectile point distributions documented in various surveys

completed over the last fifteen years. These exercises certainly have value, yet it is not in assessing

prehistoric population density or “home territories”. Instead the maps document the high ubiquity of

certain Paleoindian point styles spread across the vast Plains (however thin the actual frequencies might

be). Clovis and Folsom had the highest ubiquity across the Central Plains. This is at least partially related

to the increased energy researchers have spent documenting these diagnostic forms. Yet other late

Paleoindian forms are also common throughout the Plains, such as the various point types of the Cody


In this analysis, I examined the ubiquity of cultural complexes among sites in the Plains, such as in

the Andersen and Baker collections and in other samples. I selected relatively small areas, rather than large

blocks of the Central Plains, in order to decrease some of the sampling and recording bias common in the

projectile point surveys. These small units are generally well defined and thoroughly studied, helping

negate areas where little is known of the local archaeology. Hopefully a more accurate estimate of the

regional pattern can be determined by comparing these smaller areas.

Figure 8.1. Locations of the datasets examined in this chapter.

Northeastern Colorado

The Andersen data from Yuma and Washington Counties contain a large array of Paleoindian

complexes (Table 8.1). Most Paleoindian complexes are well represented, especially later forms such as

Allen, Cody, and Hell Gap, as well as earlier forms such as Folsom. Angostura and other terminal

Paleoindian forms are not as well represented in the Andersen sample.

One of the clear patterns evident in the Northeastern Colorado data is that all the major

Paleoindian complexes are represented, suggesting a nearly continuous occupation of the region from the

Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. Foraging groups never abandoned the area regardless of whether

or not the region was used in the same way through time. This is in marked contrast to other regions, as

will be demonstrated shortly.

Table 8.1: Paleoindian complex representation in Yuma and Washington Counties, Colorado.

Number of Percent of
Components Total
Clovis 12 17.1
Folsom/Midland 26 37.1
Agate Basin 13 18.6
Hell Gap 15 21.4
Plainview/Goshen 10 14.3
Cody 27 38.6
Allen/Frederick 30 42.9
Angostura 4 5.7
Miscellaneous Paleoindian 6 8.6
Side Hollow 9 12.9

Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles and Northeastern New Mexico

In the Baker data (Table 8.2), most Paleoindian complexes are well-represented, especially later

forms such as Plainview, Cody, and Allen, in addition to earlier forms such as Folsom and Clovis. The

Baker data were also collected from a dune field, which afforded excellent visibility. Furthermore,

although minimally discussed in this study, the Baker collection represents only one of a number of other

Paleoindian collections noted in the region (e.g., Ballenger 1999c; Dale 1967; Glover 1978; Gregory 1987;

Jackson et al. 1982; Rhoton 1955; White 1981; Yaple 1968).

Combined, these data suggest a nearly continuous occupation of the region during the Late

Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Again, this does not necessarily imply that the region was used in the

same way throughout this period, for the site assemblage data (outlined in Chapter 6) certainly show

differences between site sizes. Regardless, foraging groups continually utilized the region throughout the

Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene.

Table 8.2: Paleoindian complex representation in the Oklahoma/Texas Panhandle and Northeastern New

Number of Percent of
Components Total
Clovis 7 29.2
Folsom/Midland 7 29.2
Agate Basin 10 41.7
Hell Gap 6 25.0
Plainview/Goshen 11 45.8
Cody 11 45.8
Allen/Frederick 11 45.8
Angostura 1 4.2
Miscellaneous Paleoindian 4 16.7

Central Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico

Further to the west, Judge (1973:78-80) documented a large number of Paleoindian sites in the Rio

Grande Valley of Central New Mexico (Table 8.3). Folsom sites dominate the region, accounting for

nearly half of the reported components. Surprisingly, Clovis is nearly absent. Later forms such as Belen

and Cody are present, but not as common as Folsom. The Belen complex is known only from Central New

Mexico and is hypothesized to be contemporaneous with Plainview (;

Baker 1968; Judge 1973:69-72), however there are no 14C dates available for the complex.

Clearly absent from the Middle Rio Grande are the Agate Basin and Allen complexes, which are

quite common elsewhere. Hell Gap is also absent, although the Jay complex is perhaps related (Honea

1969) or might instead be an early Archaic form. The “other” category includes early Archaic point styles

which were cross-dated from other regions.

Thus, in the Middle Rio Grande, it appears that there was only a light occupation during the

earliest period (Clovis), followed by a peak in Folsom and followed by ever decreasing site frequencies

through the Early Holocene. Irwin-Williams (1979:33-35; Irwin-Williams and Haynes 1970) hypothesized
that this shift in complexes was related to migration of peoples due to environmental stress, a replacement

of Paleoindian populations by later Archaic foragers. Others propose similar arguments, such as

Paleoindian populations abandoning the region following a shift in bison populations during the Early

Holocene (Baker 2002).

Table 8.3: Paleoindian complex representation in the Middle Rio Grande Valley, Central New Mexico
(calculated from Judge 1973:Table 1).

Number of Percent of
Components Total
Clovis 2 3.4
Folsom 29 49.2
Belen 13 22.0
Cody 9 15.3
Other 6 10.2

Middle Park of North-Central Colorado

Naze (1986, 1994) and Kornfeld and Frison (2000) summarized the Paleoindian record of Middle

Park (Table 8.4), an elevated parkland situated in the mountains of North-central Colorado. Amateur

archaeologists reported a large number of Paleoindian components in this small area. Researchers from the

University of Wyoming have examined many of these sites over the last ten years (e.g., Surovell et al.

2000, 2003; Wiesend and Frison 1998).

Most sites are either Folsom or Goshen in age, including notable site such as the Upper Twin

Mountain bison kill (Goshen complex; Kornfeld et al. 1999) and the large Barger Gulch

workshop/campsite (Folsom complex; Surovell et al. 2003; White 1999). Goshen is thought to be

contemporaneous with Plainview, and at least in Middle Park, Goshen is the same approximate age as the

“late” Folsom period. Later Paleoindian sites are also present, including the Jerry Craig bison kill (Cody

complex; Kornfeld et al. 2000; Surovell et al. 2000) and the Phillips-Williams Fork Reservoir campsite

(Allen complex; Wiesend and Frison 1998). Terminal Paleoindian complexes are also present, although

not as much is known of these sites.

Notably absent are complexes such as Clovis and also Agate Basin. The relative scarcity of Hell

Gap is probably tied to the lack of Agate Basin, since the two are often found together (e.g., Agate Basin,

Hell Gap, and Carter-Kerr McGee sites) and are approximately the same age.

Thus, Middle Park appears to nearly continuously occupied by Paleoindian groups following the

end of the Late Pleistocene. This is a relatively surprising discovery, because for many years researchers

thought the mountains were only sparingly used by Paleoindian populations or by mountain-specific

Paleoindian groups (Benedict 1985, 1992; Frison 1991; Frison and Grey 1980; Pitblado 1994, 1998,

1999a). The fact that many of the Middle Park sites contain “High Plains” Paleoindian complexes is proof

that the mountains were indeed utilized by groups ranging over a variety of environments, perhaps

seasonally or over a number of years. Or instead, these traditionally defined “High Plains” groups were in

fact, local inhabitants of the foothills and mountains of the West.

Table 8.4: Paleoindian complex representation in Middle Park, north-central Colorado

(calculated from Kornfeld and Frison 2000:Table 2).

Number of Percent of
Components Total
Folsom 9 50.0
Goshen 7 38.9
Hell Gap 1 5.6
Cody 3 16.7
Allen 3 16.7
Late Paleoindian 3 16.7
Unidentified type 2 11.1

Western Texas and Eastern New Mexico

Thurmond (1990:13-27) summarized Early Holocene projectile point types from 89 sites, spread

across a large area of the Southern Plains including Western Oklahoma, Texas and Eastern New Mexico.

Thurmond primarily used published data for his analysis and did not reevaluate the typological

classifications described in the original reports. I follow his protocol in this analysis, even though there are

possibly problems in misidentification of certain types, for instance distinguishing Golondrina from

Plainview specimens (Hester 1979, 1983; Turner and Hester 1993). Clovis and Folsom components were

not tallied in the Thurmond study, thus the sample is only relevant to late Paleoindian forms. I have also

removed several sites discussed elsewhere by Holliday (see below) and myself (Nall site from the

Oklahoma Panhandle), giving a smaller sample of 83 sites.

Plainview dominates the sample, present on over 83% of the sites (Table 8.5). Agate Basin and

Hell Gap are uncommon in the large region, much like the New Mexico and Middle Park data. Cody is

present (Eden and Scottsbluff types) but in lesser frequencies compared to Plainview. Classic Eastern

North America (and Texas) forms such as Dalton and San Patrice are present. Angostura and Golondrina

are well represented and relate to the strong presence of regionally specific late Paleoindian complexes in

Texas. Meserve is also common in the Thurmond sample but it is probably misidentified, as many

Meserve tools are probably resharpened lanceolate forms such as Plainview and Golondrina. Notably

absent from the sample is the Allen complex. This type was probably subsumed under the Plainview or

Meserve categories, since forms similar to the Allen complex are present in Texas (e.g., Horace Rivers

[Mallouf and Mandel 1997] and St. Mary’s Hall [Hester 1978, 1979, 1990; Hester and Knepper 1991]).

The Thurmond sample documents a solid presence of Paleoindian complexes over time, with

noted peaks of certain types. Many of these complexes are not present elsewhere on the Plains and

represent the development of regionally stylistic forms, interpreted by some as regional populations

(Johnson 1989; Myers and Lambert 1983). It is interesting to note that Paleoindian complex diversity is

high in this sample, which parallels the high diversity of environmental zones in Texas. Of course, the

Thurmond sample is the largest geographic area included in this study, and study area size with little doubt

is correlated with the richness of point styles. Despite this, it seems probable that the diversity of point

types and site types is related to the great diversity of subsistence and settlement adaptations taking place in

Texas as compared to the Plains themselves during this period.

Table 8.5: Complex representation in western Texas and eastern New Mexico
(summarized from Thurmond 1990:Table 4).

Number of Percent of
Components Total
Plainview 69 83.1
Milnesand 6 7.2
Meserve 20 24.1
Agate Basin 2 2.4
Hell Gap 9 10.8
Eden 3 3.6
Scottsbluff 13 15.7
Golondrina 27 32.5
Angostura 21 25.3
Dalton 1 1.2
San Patrice 5 6.0

The Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico

Holliday (1997) summarized his Paleoindian research on the Llano Estacado, both in terms of his

own work at Lubbock Lake, as well as other notable sites from the Southern High Plains. Holliday follows

the groundbreaking work of Hester (1975a,b; Hester and Grady 1977; Wendorf and Hester 1962, 1975) in

drawing broad generalizations of Paleoindian occupation of the Llano Estacado during the terminal

Pleistocene/Early Holocene. Holliday documented large numbers of Clovis, Folsom, and Plainview

components from eastern New Mexico and western Texas (Table 8.6). Plainview is quite common and the

Milnesand complex is probably related to Plainview, at least chronologically. Agate Basin is again poorly

represented and the Hell Gap complex is non-existent. Various Cody forms are evident, but later

Paleoindian complexes such as Allen and Angostura have not been identified. Like New Mexico, Folsom

dominates the regional record. The lack of late and terminal Paleoindian forms is surprising, but might

correlate with the onset of the severe Altithermal during the early-mid Holocene, evidenced from the water

wells at local sites such as Mustang Springs (Meltzer 1991, 1999) and Blackwater Draw Locality No.1

(Evans 1951).

Table 8.6: Complex representation on the Llano Estacado, Texas and New Mexico
(summarized from Holliday 1997:Table 5.3)

Number of Percent of
Components Total
Clovis 6 20.7
Clovis-age 1 3.4
Folsom 15 51.7
Folsom-age 2 6.9
Midland or unfluted Folsom 8 27.6
Agate Basin or constricted stem 4 13.8
Milnesand or constricted stem 2 6.9
Plainview 10 34.5
Plainview-age 2 6.9
Firstview, San Jon, Eden
8 27.6

San Luis Valley of South-Central Colorado

Jodry (1999:85-106) summarized the San Luis Valley of Southern Colorado, tabulating 106

Paleoindian components from 98 sites (Table 8.7). The data were collected from the Colorado state

archaeological files, the Rio Grande National Forest, and private collections studied by researchers from

the Smithsonian Institution.

This region has seen extensive fieldwork by the Smithsonian since the late 1970s, primarily at

Folsom localities such as Stewart’s Cattle Guard, Black Mountain, Linger, Reddin and Zapata. Thus, it

might not be surprising that Folsom dominates the sample, clearly outnumbering Clovis and Cody sites.

Other complexes such as Agate Basin, Hell Gap, Plainview/Goshen, and miscellaneous Paleoindian forms

are present, but underrepresented, generally present at less than 10% of all sites.

The majority of sites are located in two adjacent counties (Alamosa and Saguache), in the vicinity

of the Great Sand Dunes and the playas and wetlands of the central San Luis Valley. The large cluster of

sites in and around the wetlands demonstrates the importance of this resource base to Paleoindian foragers,

in terms of aquatic plant resources and attracting game such as bison to the wetland lakes.

Despite the dominance of Folsom in the sample, the research potential for late Paleoindian sites in

the San Luis Valley is considered excellent given the preliminary results reported by Jodry. Further

research will clarify the matter of whether Folsom really dominates the region, or is simply an artifact of

the Smithsonian research.

Table 8.7: Complex representation in the Upper Rio Grande Valley of Southern Colorado
(Jodry 1999:Table 6-10).

Total Percent of
Complex Alamosa Conejos Hinsdale Mineral Saguache Components Total
(Complex) (Complex)
Clovis 6 1 0 0 1 4 12 11.3
Folsom 20 2 2 0 5 11 40 37.7
Crescent 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.9
1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.9
Agate Basin 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.9
Hell Gap 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1.9
Cody 9 0 0 0 2 5 16 15.1
Dalton 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1.9
2 0 0 0 0 2 4 3.8
2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1.9
concave base
Square stem
1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1.9
concave base
2 2 0 0 0 6 10 9.4
3 2 0 0 0 6 11 10.4
Total Components
51 7 2 1 8 37 106
Percent of Total
48.1 6.6 1.9 0.9 7.5 34.9

Upper Gunnison Valley of Western Colorado

Finally, recent work in the Upper Gunnison Basin of Western Colorado merits mention. A large

number of Paleoindian sites of all ages have been documented (Table 8.8), based on counts from the

Colorado state archaeological files, as well as site records at Western State College (Mark Stiger, personal

communication 2002). Notable sites include Mountaineer, which has multiple clusters of Folsom debris

spread across a large mesa overlooking the Gunnison River and Basin. Research is ongoing, but the

Gunnison Valley promises to be a productive region for continued Paleoindian research.

Like all the regions mentioned thus far, Folsom dominates the region. Notably sparse in the

Gunnison Basin are Plainview/Goshen and other forms such as Agate Basin. Many of the Paleoindian

forms are late Paleoindian Mountain/Foothill complexes discussed by Pitblado (1999a). Recent work at the

Chance Gulch site (Pitblado 2002) documents the presence of late Paleoindian groups in the area.

Table 8.8: Complex representation in the upper Gunnison Basin, western Colorado
(Mark Stiger, personal communication 2002).

Complex Number of Percent of

Components Total
Clovis 3 5.8
Folsom 12 23.1
Goshen 1 1.9
Hell Gap 2 3.8
Cody 2 3.8
Eden 3 5.8
Dalton 1 1.9
Allen 5 9.6
Plano 9 17.3
Unidentified Paleoindian 13 25
“Lanceolate” 1 1.9

Discussion and Summary of Paleoindian Complex Frequencies

There are clearly differences between the regions in terms of complex representation (Figures 8.2

and 8.3). Certain complexes (i.e., Folsom) dominate certain regions, but these regions may in turn contain

few examples of subsequent complexes occurring in the Early Holocene, such as Cody or Allen. Other

regions have a more even spread of cultural complexes, with more equal representations of Clovis to late

Paleoindian forms. Several hypotheses provide possible explanations of these patterns.

The differences might be related to typological (mis)identification. Much of these data are based

upon stylistic variability in projectile point form, primarily because there are only a few other diagnostic

Paleoindian tool types (i.e., Cody knives, Folsom channel flakes, Folsom ultra-thin bifaces) or 14C dated

sites. As such, the complex labels are based upon differences in projectile point morphology. Often times,

typologies are best used at a local-regional scale, hopefully defined from sites within the same region.

However, many Paleoindian forms span the entire Plains, and labels that were identified in one region are

commonly employed in other regions. The temporal implications of this are unproven.

Typological identification can be difficult at best in places like Texas, where there are a large

number of point types and an even larger number of stone tools to sort into groups. What is considered

type “A” in one area is sometimes identified as type “B” in another area. The Plainview type is a good

example of this problem. Plainview points are often identified as lanceolate forms with concave bases,

parallel controlled flaking, lenticular cross-section, and well executed reduction. Several 14C dated and

excavated Plainview sites include Bonfire Shelter (Dibble 1968) and the Plainview type-site (c.f., Holliday

et al. 1999; Knudson 1983). However, the Plainview form is often compared to similar morphological

forms such as St. Mary’s Hall, Barber, Allen, and Golondrina (see Turner and Hester 1993 for commonly

cited illustrations) which are certainly a different breed, being more recent in age and in many cases, more

related to generalized foraging adaptations than the oft-argued bison-hunting Plainview complex.

A second possible explanation for differences in Paleoindian complex presence is the biased

recording and reporting of these samples. Some of these regions have been extensively researched, but

primarily for single cultural complexes. For example, Folsom points are among the most identifiable of

Paleoindian point types and have garnered frequent regional studies (e.g., Amick 1994b, 1996; Hofman

1987, 1991, 1992, 1994a, 1994c, 1995, 1999a, 1999b, 2000; Judge 1973; Largent et al. 1991, Largent 1995;

LeTourneau 2000). Other Paleoindian complexes are often times noted in these studies, but not discussed

in detail. This sort of systematic bias cannot be addressed without reexamining the regions in question.

Yet, the entire Paleoindian sequence was studied in regions such as the Middle Rio Grande, Middle Park,

and in the Andersen/Baker collections. In these studies, Folsom was simply one of several complexes,

albeit the most common, suggesting that Folsom represents a broad ranging complex that left abundant

material debris.

The third possible explanation for shifts in complex frequency relates to changes in Paleoindian

settlement systems through time. As the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene presented a highly variable

environment, with megafaunal extinction throughout the continent and xerification of the Southwest,

perhaps we should expect matched shifts in territory range and population size following such dramatic

environmental change. Some groups probably moved into formerly inhabited areas such as the mountains

following melting of extensive snow fields (general lack of Clovis in the high mountains, followed by a

large spike in Folsom). In other areas, groups abandoned the Southwest for the Plains, to pursue more

predictable and stable economic resources. This seems the case in Arizona, where Clovis is concentrated in

the southeastern portion of the state, and little if any, Paleoindian populations are noted post-Clovis

(Huckell 1982; Mabry 1998). Areas such as the Central Plains remained a viable choice for Paleoindian

foragers throughout the Paleoindian period. Although the High Plains of Northeastern Colorado and the

Oklahoma/Texas Panhandles were only grasslands, they must have attracted enough game (primarily bison)

to anchor foraging populations to the area throughout the Early Holocene. The High Plains, coupled with

the adjacent riparian zones, provided an ideal habitat for Paleoindian populations as suggested in previous



90 Folsom
Agate Basin
Percent of Regional Sites Containing the Complex
Hell Gap







Rio Grande Llano Estacado West Texas OK Panhandle NE Colorado Middle Park

Figure 8.2: Early Paleoindian representation within the Central Plains and adjacent regions.

90 Allen
Percent of Regional Sites Containing the Complex








Rio Grande Llano Estacado West Texas OK Panhandle NE Colorado Middle Park

Figure 8.3: Late Paleoindian representation within the Central Plains and adjacent regions.

Density of Sites in the Central Plains and Beyond

The second measure of Paleoindian regional stability is the density of sites per unit space. As

discussed in Chapter 4, previous scholars have attempted to assess the size of Paleoindian populations

using various measures, based on either counts of sites of similar ages or counts of projectile points per unit

of space (often summarized by county). Blackmar (2001) applied the ubiquity measure (the simple

presence or absence of a complex), to help remove some of the bias in tool frequency. I argued that many

of these measures were inadequate, primarily because the datasets were not representative of the small-

scale space for which they were presented, often at the state level or beyond.

A better approach is to examine smaller regions such as the ones described in this Chapter,

because the local geology must be taken into consideration (e.g., Bettis 1992; Holliday 1995, 1997;

Johnson and Logan 1990; Mandel 1992; see historical overviews in Mandel 2000), such as the depositional

and erosional environment (i.e., Muhs and Holliday 1995). Small areas usually allow for a more

representative sample because it is more pragmatic to work at the scale of a single county or only a few


Northeastern Colorado

The Wray dune field contains a large number of sites in a relatively small amount of space. In

addition to the Andersen sites, the area has yielded sites such as Selby and Dutton (Graham 1981; Stanford

1979b) as well as Paleoindian sites documented by Gebhard (1946, 1949). Local collectors have also

located additional sites not documented in the state files or summarized in this dissertation.

Table 8.9 summarizes the Paleoindian site density for northeastern Colorado, using an arbitrary

regional area of 1492 km2. Site density is obviously going to increase or decrease based on the size of the

study area, but this estimate was used because it forms the outer boundary of the concentration (the area

surface hunted by the Andersen family). Site densities are high compared to other regions of the Plains, as

seen below.

Table 8.9: Paleoindian site density in Yuma and Washington Counties, Colorado.

Number of Sites per Sites per

Sites km2 10,000 km2
Clovis 11 7.37E-03 74
Folsom 23 1.54E-02 154
Plainview 9 6.03E-03 60
Agate Basin 10 6.70E-03 67
Hell Gap 13 8.71E-03 87
Cody 22 1.47E-02 147
Allen 25 1.68E-02 168
Angostura 3 2.01E-03 20
Misc. Paleoindian 14 9.38E-03 94
Total Paleoindian 60 4.02E-02 402
Area (km2) 1492

Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles

Site density in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles is also high, but somewhat lower than that of

northeastern Colorado (Table 8.10). The Baker data contain fewer sites and they are spread over a larger

area. As before, the area was arbitrarily defined by the boundary of the known concentration. But, the

Baker data do contain a large number of Paleoindian specimens with poor provenience that were not

included in this sample. It is highly probably that they are from the same general area; therefore the site

density in this region is probably as high as that of Yuma County, which is not surprising given their

similar environments.

Table 8.10: Paleoindian site density in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles.

Number of Sites per Sites per

Sites km2 10,000 km2
Clovis 5 2.03E-03 20
Folsom 5 2.03E-03 20
Plainview 11 4.46E-03 45
Agate Basin 9 3.65E-03 37
Hell Gap 6 2.44E-03 24
Cody 8 3.25E-03 33
Allen 9 3.65E-03 37
Angostura 1 4.06E-04 4
Misc. Paleoindian 4 1.62E-03 16
Total Paleoindian 17 6.90E-03 69
Area (km2) 2464

Rio Grande Valley of Central New Mexico

As discussed above, the Rio Grande Valley of Central New Mexico is well known for its high

density of Paleoindian sites, described by Judge (1973; Judge and Dawson 1972), Amick (1994a, 1994b,

1996, 2000) and LeTourneau (2000). Judge (1973:53) felt that his study was a representative sample of the

regional picture based upon his survey methodology.

Densities of Paleoindian sites in Central New Mexico are presented in Table 8.11. Paleoindian

sites are less common in this region, as compared to others, occurring on average of 9.75E-03 sites per km2

(or extrapolated to 98 sites per 10,000 km2).

Table 8.11: Paleoindian site density in the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico
(calculated from Judge 1973)

Number of Sites per Sites per

Sites km2 10,000 km2
Clovis 2 3.31E-04 3
Folsom 29 4.79E-03 48
Belen 13 2.15E-03 21
Cody 9 1.49E-03 15
Other 6 9.92E-04 10
Total Paleoindian 59 9.75E-03 98
Area (km2) 6050

The Judge data were based in part on the collections of Ele Baker and remains a snapshot of the

collection during the late 1960s. In order to evaluate whether the Judge data remained true after another

thirty years of surface collecting, I examined the records of Tony Baker. Tony Baker, along with his father

Ele, collected a large sample of Folsom data from the Rio Grande Valley. The Baker data present a slightly

different pattern than that of Judge.

Baker provided the locations of all of his Paleoindian sites located on the two 1:250,000 maps of

Central New Mexico (the Albuquerque and Socorro sheets), detailing an area of 2 degrees latitude by 2

degrees of longitude (this equates to 256 7.5’ quadrangle maps). The Bakers recorded Paleoindian sites on

33 of the 256 quadrangle maps, or roughly 13% of all the maps.

The number of sites varies between 1 and 34 per quad sheet (Table 8.12). Twenty-one percent of

the sheets contain only a single site and 70% of the maps contain five or fewer sites. High densities of

sites, or more than 10 sites per quad sheet, occur on only 12% of the maps. Thus, the Baker data show that

the majority of sites are spread across the region and clusters only occur in select areas. Other areas have

low site densities.

Table 8.12: Paleoindian sites per quad sheet, Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico
(calculated from data provided by Tony Baker, personal communication 2002).

Number of
Number of Cumulative Total Cumulative
Sites per Percent Percent
Quad Sheets Percent Sites Percent
1 7 21.2 21.2 7 3.7 3.7
2 3 9.1 30.3 6 3.2 6.9
3 4 12.1 42.4 12 6.3 13.2
4 7 21.2 63.6 28 14.8 28.0
5 2 6.1 69.7 10 5.3 33.3
6 1 3.0 72.7 6 3.2 36.5
7 2 6.1 78.8 14 7.4 43.9
8 2 6.1 84.8 16 8.5 52.4
10 1 3.0 87.9 10 5.3 57.7
13 1 3.0 90.9 13 6.9 64.6
14 1 3.0 93.9 14 7.4 72.0
19 1 3.0 97.0 19 10.1 82.0
34 1 3.0 100.0 34 18.0 100.0
33 100.0 189 100.0

When one considers how much information is being contributed per sheet, it is clear that several

sheets make up the majority of the dataset (Table 8.12). Quad sheets with 10 or more sites make up 43% of

the dataset, while a single quad map contains 34 sites or 18% of the entire sample. Given that a 7.5’ map

contains between 127 to 181 km2 (, this yields a

density ranging between 1.88E-01 to 2.68E-01 sites per km2 (1,880 to 2,680 per 10,000 km2) for the quad

map containing 34 sites. This is high and quite comparable to the data from Middle Park, as presented


There are several explanations for this pattern. First, there is some survey bias involved, as the

Bakers did not systematically survey each and every quad sheet. In fact, many of the sheets containing but

a single Paleoindian site were visited only once (Tony Baker, personal communication 2002).

But another important factor is that certain portions of the Middle Rio Grande Valley were used

more intensively than others. Baker (2002) hypotheses that Paleoindian groups heavily favored the area

known as the West Mesa, located between the Rio Grande and Rio Puerco. Large herds of bison are

thought to have traversed this area, crossing between the two major drainages. Many of Baker’s

Paleoindian sites are located in this area, potentially positioned to intercept migrating bison herds. As well,

there are small playa lakes in this area, which would have attracted game to the area. Judge (Judge and

Dawson 1972; Dawson and Judge 1969) and Huckell (Huckell and Kilby 2000) have documented Folsom

occupations at playa lakes on the West Mesa.

The Baker data provide some context to the Judge data. Site density, in and of itself, is not the

best indicator of regional stability in all situations, as there are potentially some areas within regions that

will be more densely occupied than others. The Baker data suggest that the West Mesa is one such area,

whereas other portions of the Middle Rio Grande Valley were possibly not as heavily utilized. Taking

density measures across an entire region can negate such differences manifest at local scales. Regardless,

the New Mexico data suggest that Paleoindian sites are fairly common, as compared to the Southern High

Plains (see below).

San Luis Valley of South-Central Colorado

A high site density is also reported to the north in the San Luis Valley. The region has yielded 50

sites to the Colorado state archaeological files (Martorano et al. 1999:Appendix A), as well as 48 additional

sites documented by Jodry and Stanford from private collections (Jodry 1999). Of the 50 sites recorded in

the state archaeological files, 45 have sufficient location data for analysis.

The sites occur over 23 quadrangle sheets located in 5 contiguous counties, but mostly confined to

Alamosa and Saguache Counties. Most quad maps (73.9%) contain only a single site (Table 8.13), with

one quad map containing nine sites. Again, given that a 7.5’ map contains between 127 to 181 km2

(, this yields a density ranging between 4.97E-02

to 7.09E-02 sites per km2 (497 to 709 sites per 10,000 km2) for the quad map containing 9 sites. This is

quite comparable to the data from Northeastern Colorado, as presented above.

Table 8.13: Paleoindian sites per quad sheet, San Luis Valley, Colorado
(Martorano et al. 1999:Appendix A).

Number of
Number of Cumulative Total Percent Cumulative
Sites per Percent
Quad Sheets Percent Sites Percent
1 17 73.9 73.9 17 37.8 37.8
2 2 8.7 82.6 4 8.9 46.7
3 1 4.3 87.0 3 6.7 53.3
6 2 8.7 95.7 12 26.7 80.0
9 1 4.3 100.0 9 20.0 100.0
23 100.0 45 100.0

Like the Baker data from Central New Mexico, three quad sheets account for nearly half (46.7%)

of the entire sample (Table 8.14). The importance of the quadrangle map with nine sites cannot be

understated, as it contributed 20% of the sites in the entire dataset.

These particular sites are all located relatively close to one another and the Great Sand Dunes

National Monument. This region has seen abundant work by Jodry and Stanford over the last twenty-five

years, with both amateur and professional archaeologists locating many sites with the aid of the increased

exposure in the sandy country. The San Luis data document a moderate density of Paleoindian sites,

slightly less than that seen in the Oklahoma Panhandle and northeastern Colorado, but definitely higher

than expected given current Paleoindian models.

Middle Park of North-Central Colorado

Kornfeld and Frison (2000) documented high Paleoindian site densities (Table 8.14) from the

Middle Park of Northern Colorado, where on average 0.5 Paleoindian sites occur for every km2. Middle

Park, like other regions, provides great surface exposure, which helps account in part for such high site


Table 8.14: Paleoindian site density in Middle Park, Colorado
(calculated from Kornfeld and Frison 2000:134 and Table 2).

Number of Sites per Sites per

Sites km2 10,000 km2
Folsom 9 2.57E-01 2571
Goshen 7 2.00E-01 2000
Hell Gap 1 2.86E-02 286
Cody 3 8.57E-02 857
Allen 3 8.57E-02 857
Late Paleoindian 3 8.57E-02 857
Unidentified type 2 5.71E-02 571
Total Paleoindian 18 5.14E-01 5143
Area (km2) 35

Naze Total Folsom 26 4.23E-03 42

Naze Area (km2) 6151

The small area (35 km2) studied by Kornfeld and Frison must be factored into interpreting this

density measure. Kornfeld and Frison cover only a small portion of a larger area studied by Naze (1986,

1994). Naze documented 26 Folsom sites within an area of 6151 km2 (Naze 1986:12). The sites were of

varying size and integrity, but Naze’s overall Folsom density (4.23E-03 sites per km2, or 42 sites per

10,000 km2) is much lower than that of Kornfeld and Frison and quite similar to the Folsom density

reported by Judge above. But like the Judge sample, Naze’s project did not represent a systematic regional

sample, but rather a summary of amateur discoveries in the region. It’s importance was in documenting the

great number of Paleoindian sites in the mountains of Colorado, many of which were previously unknown.

Thus, the actual Paleoindian site density in Middle Park is somewhere between the Naze and Kornfeld


Regardless of how the area is defined, Middle Park remains one of the most densely occupied

areas of the Plains and West. The research potential there is high given such density, holding interesting

implications for modeling Paleoindian settlement patterns and land use strategies.

The Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico

Hester and Grady (1977:81-86) presented a spatial analysis of Paleoindian sites recorded during

the High Plains Paleoecology Project (HPPP; Hester 1975a,b; Hester and Grady 1977, Wendorf and Hester

1962). The High Plains project was groundbreaking research for its time and its influence on regional

Paleoindian archaeology is still felt today, given the interdisciplinary geoarchaeological focus and the

publication of several key sites (such as Elida and Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1). The study was the

first of its kind for the Great Plains, computing nearest neighbor statistics, mean distances between sites

types, and Thiessen polygons for the High Plains Paleoindian sites. Many of these sites are located near

playas, blowouts, or along Blackwater Draw, one of a handful of drainages crossing the Southern High


The main problem with the study is that the survey area was enormous, covering 42,732 km2. The

HPPP did not systematically survey this large area, but instead relied on local avocational collections, spot

checks of highly probably landforms, and revisits to previously known sites. Large areas were ignored, but

still included within the project area. Therefore, the Paleoindian complex densities proved low for the

HPPP project (Table 8.15).

Table 8.15: Paleoindian site density on the Llano Estacado, eastern New Mexico and western Texas
(calculated from Hester and Grady 1977:89).

Number of Sites per Sites per

Sites km2 10,000 km2
Clovis 23 5.38E-04 5
Folsom 36 8.42E-04 8
Late Paleo 52 1.22E-03 12
Total Paleoindian 80 1.87E-03 19
Area (km2) 42732

The actual Paleoindian site density is probably much higher than that published in Hester and

Grady. Several clusters of sites are visible in the Hester maps (1975b:Figures 2-1 and 2-2), such as around

the Clovis type-site, the Milnesand-Ted Williamson site area, and off the caprock to the southeast of

Lubbock. These particular areas were heavily collected by amateur archaeologists, leading to the discovery

of sites such as Elida, Milnesand, Ted Williamson, and Warnica-Wilson (Brolio 1971; Hester 1962; Reutter

1996; Sellards 1955; Warnica 1961; Warnica and Williamson 1968). The seeming void of sites between

these hotspots should not be taken (at this time) as an overall lack of sites, but instead as a lack of research

at the time of the HPPP.

The area to the south of the HPPP study has also yielded an abundance of Paleoindian sites. Gaines County

is located in the Andrews dunes (an extension of the Monahans dune field) and has been heavily collected

by amateur archaeologists. Polyak and Williams (1986) published illustrations and metric descriptions of

360 Paleoindian tools held in various collections from the county. The tools are mostly projectile points,

although there are some preforms, projectile point/knives, as well as some heavily reworked drill forms.

The tools represent the spectrum of Paleoindian complexes, from Clovis to Allen in age. The authors did

not specify individual types, although many can clearly be identified from the illustrations.

The calculated Paleoindian site density in Gaines County is quite high (Table 8.16). The study

area is defined as the entire county, which leads to a large sample area. The actual site density in Gaines

County is even higher, given that this is only a sample of the collections from the county. As well, many of

the documented sites are concentrated in areas with high visibility, such as the dune fields. Discovery of

additional sites in the draws and playas of Gaines County would lead to an even more dense Paleoindian

occupation. A few sites are known from outside the dune field, including sites situated along playas and

kill sites in draws (e.g., the Cody-complex Seminole-Rose bison kill (Collins et al. 1997) and additional

geoarchaeological work will aid in the discovery of additional sites (Kibler 1992).

Table 8.16: Paleoindian site density in Gaines County, Texas

(calculated from Polyak and Williams 1986).

Number of Sites per Sites per

Sites km2 10,000 km2
Total Paleoindian 72 1.85E-02 185
Area (km2) 3895

Discussion and Summary of Paleoindian Site Density

Paleoindian site density is quite variable across the Central Plains and beyond. Take for example,

variation in the density of Folsom sites (Figure 8.4). Much of this variability is related to the size of the

area of inquiry, rather than the total number or density of sites. For example, Middle Park is 305 times as

dense as compared to the Llano Estacado. But this is akin to comparing apples to oranges, as there are

clearly areas within the Llano Estacado having higher densities than the aggregate as a whole. Perhaps it is

better to view the three regions located between these two extremes, as most areas show a similar density,

with Northeastern Colorado being only 7.6 times denser than the Oklahoma/Texas Panhandle.

The same general pattern prevails when combining all Paleoindian complexes (Figure 8.5). Middle

Park is 274 times as dense than the Llano Estacado sample. Again however, the three regions in between

are more similar in density, with Northeastern Colorado being only 5.8 times denser than the

Oklahoma/Texas Panhandle.

This general argument is supported by the negative curvilinear relationship shown in Figure 8.6. The

two extremes of Middle Park and the Llano Estacado are clearly outliers, but there is relative clustering of

the other four regions, with variable (but similar) densities in about the same amount of space. Are these

values more realistic measures of Paleoindian density, better measures than the two extremes? It is difficult

to say, but they serve as the bare minimum of Paleoindian site density in grassland settings, settings that

afford high visibility for site discovery but were probably rather poor habitats for occupation during the

Paleoindian period. Surely other dense areas such as Middle Park will be located. This area is an ideal

environment for prehistoric hunter-gatherers and at the moment represents the outer tail for Paleoindian

density in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain West.

What can the density data inform us about changes through time? Figure 8.7 presents the mean (and 1

standard deviation) densities of various Paleoindian complexes, as averaged across all regions containing

those same complexes. There are some slight peaks and troughs in the data, with Folsom, Plainview, and

Allen all showing high average site densities. It is not known whether these represent population pulses,

general packing of sites within space, or is simply a sample size phenomenon. But these trends do suggest

that there are measurable differences in site frequencies exhibited through time in the Central Plains and

adjacent regions.



Sites per 10,000 km2




20 48
HPPP Llano Estacado Oklahoma/Texas Rio Grande Northeastern Colorado Middle Park

Figure 8.4: Folsom site density in the Central Plains and surrounding regions.


Sites per 10,000 km2




69 98
HPPP Llano Estacado Oklahoma/Texas Rio Grande Gaines County Northeastern Middle Park
Panhandle Colorado

Figure 8.5: Paleoindian site density in the Central Plains and surrounding regions.





Area (km2)





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Sites per 10,000 km2

Figure 8.6: Negative relationship between Paleoindian site density and size of region.



Sites per 10,000 km2





All Sites (306) Clovis (41) Folsom (102) Plainview (40) Agate Basin Hell Gap (20) Cody (42) Allen (37) Angostura (4) Misc. Paleo
(19) (29)
Cultural Complex

Figure 8.7: Mean (solid black line) and standard deviation (+1 and –1; dotted lines) site densities of
Paleoindian complexes in the Central Plains and surrounding regions.

Reoccupation Rates in the Central Plains and Beyond

In this final section of the Chapter, I examine the reoccupation rates of Paleoindian sites from the

Plains and beyond. Site reoccupation is a useful measure of stability in that sites which were occupied

more than once suggests that the place was an important feature on the landscape. This does not mean,

however, that the site was necessarily used the same way during each occupation (i.e., Binford 1982; see

papers in Rossignol and Wandsnider 1992). Instead, site reoccupation suggests the location offered some

positive characteristic that was exploited by returning groups, sometimes during the same period (such as

multiple Cody occupations) or sometimes over a period of several thousand years. Sites showing evidence

of reoccupation often include camps, rockshelters, and workshops/quarries. The lure to these particular

locations often includes water or lithic raw materials, for example. High reoccupation rates are expected

from Paleoindian groups moving from base camp to base camp, where the same sites (or sites with similar

resources) were reused time and time again.

Sites that were only used once -- and then never reoccupied -- represent “one hit wonders”, where

the particular resource that might have drawn groups to the site in the first place were perhaps no longer

there in subsequent periods. Sites in this category could include opportunistic kills, where animals were

randomly located on the landscape. Little to no reoccupation is expected from Paleoindian complexes

continually moving across the landscape, for example moving from kill to kill.

Northeastern Colorado

The Andersen data document that the majority of Paleoindian localities in this area of

Northeastern Colorado were reoccupied two or more times (Table 8.17). Only 22 sites, representing 37%

of the sample, were single component occupations. A large number of sites in the region show intense

reoccupation, as 16 sites (17% of the sample) yielded five or more Paleoindian complexes.

This suggests that many sites in the region remained viable throughout the Paleoindian period, at

least for generalized foraging. Remember that many of the sites in this sample are small, represented by

only a few projectile points. Large sites are less common, but they often contain more Paleoindian

complexes (Figure 8.8, r2=0.7269).

Is this a sample size phenomenon, or instead the case of Paleoindians mapping onto very good

places on the landscape? Given that many of these patterns seem independent of the size of excavation

area (Chapter 6), it suggests that Paleoindian groups continually returned to particularly rich habitats within

the region. This is not the pattern one would expect for high residential mobility foragers, moving from kill

to kill. Small sites were exploited from these larger bases in a logistical fashion, leaving a record of small

sites scattered across the landscape, centered on a few large sites.

Table 8.17: Paleoindian reoccupation rates in Northeastern Colorado.

Number of Number of Percent of Cumulative

Site Components Sites Total Percent
1 22 37.0 37.0
2 14 23.0 60.0
3 5 8.0 68.0
4 3 5.0 73.0
5 6 10.0 83.0
6 6 10.0 93.0
7 2 3.0 96.0
8 1 2.0 98.0
9 1 2.0 100.0
Total 60 100.0


R = 0.7269
Total Number of Tools


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Paleoindian Complexes Represented

Figure 8.8: Scatterplot of Paleoindian complex representation versus total number of tools in Northeastern

Table 8.18: Paleoindian reoccupation rates in the Texas/Oklahoma Panhandles.

Number of Number of Percent of Cumulative

Site Components Sites Total Percent
1 9 38.0 38.0
2 5 21.0 59.0
3 2 8.0 67.0
4 1 4.0 71.0
5 2 8.0 79.0
6 1 4.0 83.0
7 1 4.0 87.0
8 2 8.0 95.0
9 1 4.0 100.0
Total 24 100.0

Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles

The Baker data from the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles are similar to that of Northeastern

Colorado, in that the majority of Paleoindian localities were reoccupied (Table 8.18). Only 9 sites,

representing 38% of the sample, were single component occupations. A large number of sites in the region

show intense reoccupation, as 7 sites (21% of the sample) yielded five or more Paleoindian complexes.

Central Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico

Judge (1973:62-120) recorded 59 sites total, 56 were classifiable to cultural complex and used in

this current tabulation. Judge (1973:Figure 4a) documented that Paleoindian groups rarely reoccupied sites

in Central New Mexico (Table 8.19), as only 1 of the 31 sites (3.3%) was multi-component. Among the

smaller localities, only 2 of the 25 (8.7%) were multi-component (Table 8.19). Subsequent Paleoindian

groups reoccupied neither the small-specialized activity loci nor the large camps. This is at odds with the

other Paleoindian datasets in this analysis, where reoccupation is common. Perhaps environmental

conditions were in such a flux in the Rio Grande Valley that sites were not being reoccupied because the

predictability of resources such as bison was poor (Baker 2002).

Table 8.19: Paleoindian reoccupation rates in the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico
(data summarized from Judge 1973:Figure 4a).

Number of Number of Percent of Cumulative

Site Components Sites Total Percent
1 53 94.6 94.6
2 3 5.4 100.0
Total 56 100.0

Middle Park of North-Central Colorado

In northern Colorado, most sites (77.8%) contain only a single component (Table 8.20), similar to

the Rio Grande Valley. Barger Gulch Locality A is the only one site containing more than 5 Paleoindian

components (the Allen component is questionable; Kornfeld and Frison 2000). Despite the high site

density in Middle Park, it was not common for groups to reoccupy the same resource patch or site. It is not

surprising that so few sites contain multiple components given that this area contains abundant lithic

material, because many different areas were suitable for habitation and resource extraction thereby

lessening the need for return to “fixed places”.

Table 8.20: Paleoindian reoccupation rates within Middle Park, Colorado

(calculated from Kornfeld and Frison 2000:Table 2).

Number of Number of Percent of Cumulative

Site Components Sites Total Percent
1 14 77.8 77.8
2 1 5.6 83.4
3 2 11.1 94.4
4 0 0 94.4
5 0 0 94.4
6 1 5.6 100.0
Total 18 100.0

The Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico

Many Paleoindian sites on the Llano Estacado are single component, varying across cultural

complexes. Late Paleoindian sites are more often single component (58% of the time), compared to the

Clovis (44%) and Folsom (48%) periods (Table 8.21). Interestingly, the most common reoccupation occurs

at sites containing Clovis, Folsom, and late Paleoindian components, occurring on nearly 35% of the Clovis

sites in the sample. This suggests that resources possibly remained stable in several locations on the Llano

Estacado during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene, which could be related to the geographic

properties of the site including proximity to water, fuel, or raw materials, for example.

Table 8.21: Paleoindian site reoccupation on the Llano Estacado (Hester 1975a:250).

Number of Percent of
Complex Total
Sites Total
Clovis only 10 23 43.5
Folsom only 17 36 47.2
Late Paleoindian only 30 52 57.7
Clovis and Folsom 1 23 4.3
Clovis, Folsom and late
8 23 34.8
Clovis and late
4 23 17.4
Folsom and late
10 52 19.2

Sample size might have something to do with these patterns, as there is a positive relationship

between the number of single component sites per complex and the total number of sites per complex (r2 =

0.9565), although this association can partially be attributed to the fact that there are only three data points.

As well, the “late Paleoindian” label masks internal variation, lumping many different cultural complexes

under one label.

Holliday describes another sample of sites from the same area, but with a more refined typology

(Table 8.22). Again, single component sites are the most common (nearly 59%), with only 2 sites (6.9%)

containing 5 or more components. The Holliday data support the relative lack of reoccupation of the Llano

Estacado, as detailed by Hester.

Table 8.22: Paleoindian site reoccupation on the Llano Estacado, eastern New Mexico and west Texas
(calculated from Holliday 1997:Table 5.3).

Number of Number of Percent of Cumulative

Site Components Sites Total Percent
1 17 58.6 58.6
2 5 17.2 75.9
3 1 3.4 79.3
4 4 13.8 93.1
5 0 0.0 93.1
6 2 6.9 100.0
Total 29 100.0

Western Texas and Eastern New Mexico

Finally, Thurmond documented that 41% of his sample of post-Folsom sites were single

component (Table 8.23). The majority of sites (83%) contained three or less components and only 5 sites

(7% of total) contained 5 or more components. Given that there are probably some typological

misidentifications in the Thurmond data, the actual reoccupation rate might be slightly lower than presented

in this table.

Table 8.23: Paleoindian site reoccupation in western Texas

(calculated from Thurmond 1990:Table 4).

Number of Number of Percent of Cumulative

Site Components Sites Total Percent
1 34 41.0 41.0
2 25 30.1 71.1
3 10 12.0 83.1
4 9 10.8 94.0
5 4 4.8 98.8
6 1 1.2 100.0
Total 83 100.0

Discussion and Summary of Paleoindian Site Reoccupation

Many Paleoindian localities are in fact multi-component sites reoccupied by later Paleoindian

complexes. Yet this reoccupation rate does vary across region, as detailed in Figure 8.9. The number of

Paleoindian site components is presented on the x-axis, and the cumulative percent of the Paleoindian sites

within each region containing said number of components is presented on the y-axis.

Well over 75% of the Central New Mexico and Middle Park sites are single component. The

Holliday and Thurmond samples from the Llano Estacado and West Texas document that 75% of those

sites contain only one or two components. But nearly the opposite pattern is evident in the dune fields of

the High Plains, where less than 40% of the sites are single component, and more than 25% of the sites

contain 4 or more Paleoindian components.

Certain areas of the Great Plains, such as the High Plains of Colorado and Oklahoma, represent

areas where local resources (whether rich or not) might have remained relatively stable throughout the

Early Holocene. In other areas, groups utilized resources during certain periods and not others. Perhaps
local conditions were not conducive to support repeated occupations time and time again; it certainly

appears that this is the case in the Southwest, where Clovis and Folsom are abundant, but then were not

followed by sizable late Paleoindian occupations during the Early Holocene.

These data have profound implications for understanding variation in Paleoindian site frequency

(and related density) across these regions. When tied into an environmental model, these data could help

examine evolutionary pulses evident in hunter-gatherer land use, where foragers occupied some areas more

intensely than others, simply due to shifts in the quality and abundance of local resources.



Cumulative percent



NE Colorado (this study)
OK Panhandle (this study)
West Texas (Thurmond)
45 Llano Estacado (Holliday)
Middle Park (Kornfeld)
Rio Grande (Judge)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of Paleoindian complexes represented per site

Figure 8.9: Site reoccupation rates in the Central Plains and adjacent regions.

Chapter Summary

In this Chapter, I documented variability in the types and frequencies of cultural complexes, the

density of sites, and the reoccupation rates among Paleoindian groups across the Central Plains and

adjacent regions. These datasets measure regional stability, for example if a region was used over a long

period of time or was instead occupied for only a shorter interval (regardless of the function of those site


Complex presence and site reoccupation measured the relative stability of the region through time.

Some regions were continually reoccupied, and in some cases the sites themselves were continually

reoccupied. This says nothing about how the sites or regions were used, but more simply, that they were

used repeatedly through time. And given that fact, the assumption is that the local resources must have

remained relatively stable to attract such repeated use.

Site density proved another useful measure of landscape use. Clearly some regions contain more

sites than others. In part, this is a sample size effect, due to the area of investigation. But then again, why

aren’t all regions as dense as Middle Park? The answer might be that some areas were more densely

occupied than others, suggesting that there were regional “magnets”. Were these dense areas related to the

repeated predation of bison? Probably not, given that dense areas such as Middle Park are most well

known for abundant lithic material and proximity to wood and water. For instance, large workshops,

quarries, camps, and bison kills are all present in Middle Park. Bison hunting was probably based out of

such areas, but was probably not the main draw to these regions. The same arguments can be made for the

San Luis Valley, located in Southern Colorado, where a high density of Paleoindian locales are found ins a

small area (Jodry 1999).

The cumulative data once again show different land use patterns evident across the Great Plains.

Some of this is taphonomic process, related to rates of good versus poor exposure and/or preservation of

cultural materials. However, other patterns are probably related to shifts in local environmental resource

structure, which occurred during the Late Pleistocene and continued during the Early Holocene. Simply

put, not all places were used equally -- in either intensity or function -- over time.

Chapter 9


The question is not whether bison were hunted and important to the
Folsom economy, but how significant were bison in relation to other
plant and animal resources on a seasonal, yearly, and long term basis?
How are the economic decisions reflected in technology and in the
archaeological record? (Hofman and Todd 2001:201)

This dissertation was a baseline pattern recognition study, aimed at fleshing out the breadth of

Paleoindian adaptations occurring across the Central Plains of North America during the Early Holocene.

The approach was unquestionably broad-brushed, using datasets of varying scales in quality, time, and

space. Each dataset warranted a study in and of itself, but combined here, they made an even stronger case

for Paleoindian foraging variability.

In this final Chapter I revisit my main arguments about Paleoindian organization outlined in

Chapter 2 and suggest that the bulk of the empirical data demonstrates a different interpretation from that of

groups of full time, highly mobile, wide ranging, bison hunting specialists roaming the Plains. No one can

deny the importance of bison to Paleoindian foragers, but this dissertation explored whether foragers

operated in a homogenous way across a heterogeneous landscape. In the final analysis, it appears that

Paleoindians used the Great Plains in variable ways, exploiting ecotones according to what was locally

available, and whether those resources were predictable and sustainable. As such, Central Plains

Paleoindians of the Early Holocene appear more as “place-oriented foragers” rather than as groups

randomly moving across an empty landscape in narrow pursuit of a single species of game.

A Question of High Residential Mobility

One of the cornerstones of current models of Paleoindian organization is high residential mobility

by terrestrial foragers. This includes moving camp often, accompanied by short residential occupation

length, a lack of reoccupation of sites or areas, and an overall rarity of Paleoindian sites within any one

region. As stated earlier in the dissertation, many of these generalizations have some empirical support, but

it is a question of the breadth and depth of that support.

Paleoindians maintained a high rate of residential mobility

This argument is based on the premise that specialized bison hunters would have to move their

camps often, essentially moving from kill to kill, so that they could keep pace with the mobility of the bison

herd, or else lose contact with their primary food source. Evidence used to support this assertion included

the dominance of bison in faunal assemblages and the apparent frequency of large bison kills. Several

types of information were examined to test the argument in Chapter 5, including diversity in site types,

ecotones, and landscape positioning. It emerged that the empirical record presents a much more dynamic

pattern than that of this presumed single-minded adaptation.

There are in Early Holocene times a wide array of site types, beyond the prototypical bison kill,

including caches, burials, camps of various sizes, quarries and lithic workshops, and abundant isolated (or

small site) finds. While my use of site types relies on assumptions about the ways these assemblages or

sites formed (issues of sampling, preservation issues, morphological versus actual function of tools, etc.),

the frequencies of tool forms, as well as subsistence and feature data, nevertheless document a wide degree

of variability in assemblage size, the makeup of those assemblages, and most likely the function(s) of the

sites in question. Paleoindian groups were clearly not moving across the Plains, but were instead living

and operating within the region itself. Groups were mapped on to the landscape; they utilized a diverse

number of lithic sources, repeatedly used certain camps time and time again, and left site furniture (caches)

for return visits.

Paleoindian foragers also occupied a variety of ecotones and landforms within the Central Plains.

Much of the settlement was based along water courses or lakes, since stream terraces, lakes/bogs, and

arroyos make up the majority of site settings. This could be partly explained by preservation and/or

archaeological visibility, but they were probably using these landforms quite heavily given the predictably

of resources within them. Rockshelter use also occurred, and the overall occupation rate was probably high

given that there are only a limited number of shelters in the study area. Indeed, many of those containing

Early Holocene aged geologic deposits also contain cultural material.

Patterns such as occupation length, species diversity, and processing intensity (Chapter 7)

correlate with landscape and environmental setting. Longer occupations were in the wooded alluvial

lowlands and foothills, while shorter-term occupations were in upland grasslands. It does not appear that

either ecotone was used exclusively, as each yielded different sets of resources attractive to foraging

groups. In either zone, the intensity of use varied according to the sustainability and predictability of the

food, water, and wood resources. Thus, high residential mobility varied across the region, depending on

the group’s location on the landscape.

Paleoindians occupied sites for only brief periods

A second element of the ‘high residential mobility’ argument is that sites were only occupied for

brief periods, as foragers would have to keep monitoring and pursuing prey or lose track of their primary

food source. Commonly argued evidence in support of this claim includes generally small site sizes, small

assemblage sizes, low richness of tool classes, and little differentiation of tool assemblages between sites.

While it appears that most Paleoindian sites were indeed occupied for only brief periods and are

consequently small in area, it has also been shown that a few sites were occupied for longer periods and

were spread across larger areas (see Hofman 1999a; LaBelle, Andrews, and Seebach 2003). This suggests

that there was no single type of occupation across the region. In that scenario, all sites would be of equal

size and would contain similar assemblages. As shown many times over, the opposite is true. There is

great diversity in the size and makeup of Paleoindian assemblages across the Central Plains (Chapter 6).

Admittedly, some of this arises from sampling problems as in those cases where only a small

portion of the site has been documented and/or collected and we do not have an accurate representation of

the entire site. However, records of excavation area (m2) from sites in the Central Plains suggests that this

is only a small problem in the regional dataset. On the other hand, some of this is also a palimpsest

problem, in which many repeated occupations of the same area have “smeared” the separate occupations

into one larger assemblage, though of course this also demonstrates that Paleoindians often returned to the

same spot. Nall probably represents such a location, one heavily reoccupied perhaps by large groups, but

pulling these occupations apart is a difficult task when they overlap spatially. At Nall, the fieldwork and

analysis is still ongoing to address such issues. One final possibility could be seasonal differences in site

use, but the seasonality data did not demonstrate any seasonal preference for one kind of site or landform

versus another (Chapter 7). It must be mentioned that many sites yielding bone usable for seasonality

estimates are also the large and diverse sites, probably occupied for longer periods.

With these factors in mind, most sites are small. Indeed, ~75% of all sites in all regions contain

less than 5 projectile points each. Among the Central Plains sample, the median number of tools was 15

per site, including projectile points. I would argue that these estimates represent the large(r) sites on the

landscape and most sites are even smaller, as evidenced by the abundant isolated finds (Chapters 4 and 7).

Thus, the overwhelming majority of Paleoindian sites were occupied for only short periods. But

what do these short occupations represent – are they perhaps specialized activities and/or small foraging

group sizes? Even though these small sites are abundant, they do not add up to much investment in

residence time. The lesser number of large sites might represent the hubs of Paleoindian organization,

serving as bases that were occupied for longer periods. And if these large sites do not represent

aggregation sites (cf. Hofman 1994) or palimpsests (some sites do, of course), it suggests a graded

continuum of a very low number of large sites, to a moderate number of medium sites, and finally to a

plethora of small sites. One explanation of such a pattern is that the larger and medium sites (located in

diverse, predictable, and sustainable ecotones) were occupied for long periods and that the smaller sites

represent locations where people were moving out from these larger sites, such as on logistical hunting trips

or instead moving between the larger sites, leap-frogging from place to place.

This pattern is essentially a place-oriented strategy, rather than a strictly technologically oriented

strategy, as people mapped onto the landscape and planned their group movements to maximize resource

gain. Part of this involves moving to areas where bison are known (or anticipated) to be present, but also to

areas that contain sustainable and predictable resources, which would afford groups the luxury of looking

for bison or other fauna. It is not surprising that this pattern should emerge in the Late Pleistocene/Early

Holocene, after the region had been colonized and mentally mapped by earlier foraging groups. Also,

given the basic environmental structure of the Plains (patchy in nature), groups would not have been able to

continuously forage across the landscape. As resources dwindled and return rate thresholds were crossed,

decisions were made to move groups to a new location, to a new nexus containing everything that was


Paleoindian sites were not reoccupied

The third element of the ‘high residential mobility’ argument is that sites were not reoccupied

because bison kills were often encounter-based forays and thus rarely located in the same place over time.

Given such a scenario, the likelihood of occupying the same space repeatedly was thought to be low.

However, the empirical evidence shows that Paleoindian sites were frequently reoccupied, sometimes

within the same cultural complex (i.e., multiple or serial Folsom occupations) and more often across

portions of the longer Paleoindian record (Chapter 8). For example, the Agate Basin site in eastern

Wyoming (Frison and Stanford 1982b) clearly documents multiple Folsom groups returning to the same

place on the landscape. Lindenmeier is another example of a population magnet (Wilmsen and Roberts

1978), drawing Folsom groups to the same place repeatedly, due to an abundance of locally available

resources such as lithic raw materials, water, wood, and no doubt, small and large game. Other sites, such

as Allen or Lime Creek in southwestern Nebraska (Bamforth 2002b), demonstrate nearly continuous

occupations throughout the Early Holocene by groups often times exhibiting similar behavioral use of the

site, with the only appreciable changes being shifts in projectile point style. This pattern generally holds

true throughout the prehistoric record, as foragers often return to the same places on the landscape and for

obvious reasons – the reliability and predictability of the place. The function of the site occupation may

shift over time, but the predictability of the place remains the key and constant draw.

Regions also exhibit differential patterns of reoccupation. Recall those areas of the Foothills and

Front Range of Colorado containing abundant water sources. Those areas, especially the Colorado

Piedmont, contain the largest and most diverse lithic and faunal assemblages of any sites in the entire

Central Plains. Elsewhere, on the High Plains proper, areas such as the Oklahoma and northern Texas

Panhandles containing springs and deep playa lakes, also show high reoccupation rates. These areas

remained stable throughout the Early Holocene, but not all places fared as well. For example, Central New

Mexico demonstrates that environmental changes can dramatically affect some regions and not others,

suggesting that evolutionary trends need not be synchronous across space (Chapter 8).

Paleoindian sites are uncommon to rare within any region

The final generalization of the ‘high residential mobility’ argument is that Paleoindian sites should

be uncommon or rare within any region. This argument is based on the assumption that foragers did not

occupy regional patches for long periods and did not return to those patches often, given that the overall

population and group density was quite low across the landscape. I would argue that instead, the observed

pattern results from differential preservation and exposure of sites, and as such, this is a product of

sampling rather than of population density.

Comparisons of randomly collected site data from the SHPO offices of the Central Plains

demonstrated that Paleoindian sites (a composite of all complexes) rarely constitute more than 2-3% of all

known sites, when the sample size is large (>100 documented sites of all ages). Many of those sites in the

state files represent the smallest sites, usually 1 or 2 projectile points at most. Some would interpret this as

evidence Paleoindian populations were indeed quite low, and that prehistoric populations simply did not

create many sites, large or small.

However, the seemingly low numbers signify a couple of more important patterns. For instance,

Paleoindian sites are in fact ubiquitous across the entire Central Plains; regardless of location, nearly all

counties with 100 or more documented sites generally contain 2-3 Paleoindian sites. Therefore, the

regional distribution of Paleoindian sites is actually one of nearly continuous presence, albeit in low

frequency, but it is not at all a patchy distribution. The ubiquity of Paleoindian sites contrasts markedly

with the projectile point distribution data, which is seemingly clustered. I argued in Chapter 4 that those

data were not representative of the prehistoric past, but instead also a product of regional sampling.

There are also counties on the Plains containing abundant Paleoindian sites. Most such counties

are located in dune fields that were heavily eroded during severe droughts of the 20th century. These areas

present excellent windows of exposure to Early Holocene surfaces, which are otherwise deeply buried or

missing elsewhere. Paleoindian site frequency is surprisingly high in areas such as Cimarron County,

Oklahoma; Gaines County, Texas; and Yuma County, Colorado (Chapter 8). This is somewhat unexpected

given that these areas were probably used more often than not for short term bison hunting occupations

rather than for sustained occupations like those ecologically “richer” areas of the Central Plains. I would

expect the highest Paleoindian site density in areas such as the flanks of the mountains, where water, wood,

and lithic sources would be abundant, but these are often the areas where appropriately aged surfaces are

deeply buried.

Thus, the distribution and abundance of Paleoindian sites cannot be taken at face value. Areas

containing more sites cannot necessarily be argued to be Paleoindian “heartlands”. Many factors condition

the presence and abundance of Early Holocene sites, including the human factors that deposited the sites in

the first instance, as well as taphonomic factors occurring at the landscape level, including preservation and

exposure, and of course, archaeological activity.

A Question of Subsistence Specialization

The second cornerstone of the Paleoindian model is bison subsistence specialization, accompanied

by minimal processing of bison remains and an overall lack of plant use. The arguments presented

throughout this dissertation question that assertion and marshal the empirical evidence, demonstrating

many exceptions to these generalizations and calling into the question their validity and utility in terms of a

pan-Plains model of Paleoindian subsistence.

Paleoindians were specialized bison hunters

Bison hunting specialization is one of the primary defining characteristics of Paleoindian

organization. The argument is based on the low richness and skewed evenness of species representation in

faunal assemblages, which are dominated by bison. There is no doubt that Paleoindian hunters valued and

hunted bison. Following optimal foraging models, bison were probably sought whenever available given

their high economic ranking (in terms of pursuit time, processing time, caloric return). Recall that every

site from the Central Plains faunal sample contained bison, varying from a single individual to upwards of

several hundred (the Jones-Miller site).

Yet the question is not whether Paleoindian foragers included bison in the diet, but instead

whether they were specialized hunters, who ignored available plants and small game in the exclusive

pursuit of bison. The empirical evidence indicates that Paleoindians varied their diet according to

landscape position. Game species other than bison are often present at sites, albeit in lower frequencies

(Chapter 7). The median number of animal orders present within the study sample was 3 per site, and the

mean was higher. Not all these taxa represent food remains, but many do. Species richness increases with

landscape diversity, namely the presence of water, vegetation thickness, and landform topography, among

other variables. This is not unexpected given that studies of modern faunal communities (Fitzgerald et al,

1994; Mutel and Emerick 1984) note differences in the type and abundance of animals among the ecotones

of the Central Plains. Why should we expect Early Holocene faunal assemblages along the South Platte

River to look like those of the dry uplands surrounding Big Sandy Creek and the environs of Olsen-

Chubbuck? Reconstructing prehistoric faunal niche width will continue to be among our greatest

challenges, although there are a number of recent attempts at doing so (Cannon 2004; Cannon and Meltzer


Species richness also appears to correlate with duration of occupation. Thus, smaller game was

incorporated into the diet as they were encountered across the landscape, supplementing the bison and

affording a longer stay at a locality (Wheat 1979). Hill (2001) identifies such a pattern during the Folsom

occupation of the Agate Basin site, where pronghorn were brought into camp over the winter occupation,

while bison were eaten earlier in the year.

Thus, the evidence for specialized bison hunting is not entirely compelling. Bison did play a

paramount role in the diet of Early Holocene foragers, but it certainly remains debatable if their entire

subsistence/mobility organization was built around their pursuit.

Paleoindians did not intensively process faunal remains

A second argument for subsistence specialization is that Paleoindians did not intensively process

faunal remains, as sites were occupied for brief periods of time and only by a small number of people. It is

true, in general, that Paleoindians minimally processed faunal remains, as compared to Late Prehistoric

peoples of the Great Plains of the last 2000 years, where in large scale stone boiling and marrow processing

were common practice (Frison 1973b; Reher and Frison 1980; Vehik 1977). Indeed, although they

occupied the same region, there are actually few similarities between on-site activities of the two periods.

Actually, comparing the two periods may not be appropriate, as they are hardly analogous. Other factors,

including foraging group size, the density of foraging groups across the landscape, the number of bison

available, the size of bison, among other variables, probably affected the degree and intensity of faunal


Paleoindians probably had little need to intensively process carcasses in many cases, given the

abundance of meat available per person. There would have been little need to extract marrow or carry out

grease production. Many Paleoindian sites show the pattern of minimal processing, such as the Olsen-

Chubbuck, Plainview, and Frasca sites, where bison carcasses often remain articulated. But, increasingly

fine-grained analysis of extant Paleoindian collections is revealing variability within this record. Sites such

as Lime Creek, Clary Ranch, Jurgens, and Horace Rivers show a greater degree of disarticulation and, in

some instances, processing for marrow, as illustrated by M.G. Hill et al. (2003) at Clary Ranch. Whether

this is restricted to certain sites, or is instead a more widespread pattern, is not known but will be pivotal to

explaining variability in Paleoindian subsistence.

Some argue that this degree of increased processing reflects a diachronic evolutionary pattern,

related to increasing food stress occurring at the beginning of the transition between the early and Middle

Holocene (M.G. Hill 2001). The increased energy expenditure in food processing would appear part of the

long demonstrated evolutionary trend leading towards a wider spectrum foraging pattern evident across

most of North American, beginning as early as 10,000 rcybp in some areas, but in most regions by at least

8,000 rcybp.

Such an explanation of increased processing is certainly plausible, however, this study shows that

much of the same evidence can be explained by factors such as the length of occupation and the location of

the site on the landscape (see also M.E. Hill 2000, 2002), factors which would have affected local groups

much more than long term evolutionary trends. For example, minimal processing should be expected at

sites located away from Paleoindian camps, as transport costs would have prohibited exhaustively

processing and carrying large bulky remains back to distant camps (Metcalfe and Barlow 1992). This

perhaps explains patterns at sites such as Olsen-Chubbuck (Wheat 1972), which are located in landscapes

unsuitable for sustained occupations, but perfect for short term hunting forays. But then again, the feature

and hearth data do not support intensive faunal processing either, or plant processing for that matter, in sites

with longer duration occupations (Chapter 7). Although some sites such as Jones-Miller, Horner, and Allen

contain multiple hearths, their connection to meat preparation remains unknown. It could very well be that

these are instead warming features, used during cold(er) weather occupations.

Therefore, the case for a full time gourmet butchering strategy remains ambiguous, as some sites

support such an assertion, while others do not. Further documentation of faunal assemblages in a variety of

ecotones will be necessary to advance the debate. But the difficulty still lies in the paucity of sites with

sufficient organic preservation, which are quite difficult to find, unlike the more common lithic scatters.

Paleoindians did not use plants as a food source

The final argument proposed as part of the bison specialist model is that Paleoindians did not use

plants as a food source, as there was little time or need to gather plants while foragers were constantly on

the move. Direct evidence of subsistence related plant use is generally weak from the North American

Plains, more often occurring along its edges, such as along the Bighorn Mountains of the northwestern

Plains or along the Lower Pecos River of arid southwestern Texas. However, these particular examples are

also areas of excellent preservation, as the sites yielding plant remains are also rockshelters, quite rare on

the Plains proper. Therefore, the preservation bias must be considered in assessing these Plains data

Ancillary evidence of plant use can be evaluated though ground stone presence, which is found at

many sites throughout the Central Plains. Ground stone often occurs on large sites as well as those in

diverse ecotones, such as river bottoms (Chapter 7). The use of ground stone for food processing is

certainly debatable, as the stone can be used for multiple functions, including hide work, pigment

preparation, and composite tool production (e.g., grooved abraders, possibly for shaft preparation). Yet, the

stone could be used for grinding small seeds and roots as well. Large scale use of grinding stones in the

form of standardized metates, such as that seen in plant dependent societies, is not documented in the

Paleoindian period, so along with the hearth data, bulk and intensive plant processing was not part of the

Paleoindian subsistence regime.

However, plenty of edible plants have no need to be processed with ground stone equipment and

could instead be eaten raw (Gilmore 1977; Kindscher 1987, 1992). Therefore, the absence of direct

evidence of plant remains and the absence of ground stone equipment may not necessarily signal the

absence of plant use in the diets of Paleoindian inhabitants of the Plains. This issue will be difficult to

resolve until large scale flotation and phytolith analysis becomes common practice on Paleoindian sites,

and more features are discovered and excavated for the purpose of testing for plant remains.

Towards More Localized Models of Paleoindian Organization

The model of full time, highly mobile, wide ranging, bison hunting specialists roaming the Plains

is severely compromised given the results of this study. As stated earlier in the Introduction, this study was

born out of frustration about what constituted a basic “Paleoindian site” on the Central Plains. In the end, it

clearly is not a large bison kill.

This study established a baseline for comparison, among sites within the region and to those areas

beyond its borders. We now have a basic idea about the range and tendencies of Paleoindian sites, in terms

of tool assemblages, measures of tool diversity, numbers of projectile points, species diversity, and

frequency of hearths, among other characteristics. I have proposed ideas as to why these data are variable,

in terms of basic landscape positioning and mobility organization. But the archaeological record is also

very spotty, as sites in some areas are abundantly exposed on the surface though often poorly preserved and

disturbed (e.g., dune fields). In other areas, sites contain excellent preservation, but are extremely difficult

to discover and or excavate due to their burial depth. Reconciling the two types of data remains one of the

necessary challenges to the discipline.

We must continue to develop independent environmental datasets, using both modern and

paleoclimatic data, in order to understand the landscapes within which these Paleoindians operated.

Precipitation and temperature data can be used to model a variety of environmental conditions, to project

aspects of the climate to any given location within the region (cf. Binford 2001) and even if these

projections amount to qualitative or relative differences, it still allows us to differentiate space better than

were are doing at the present.

Landscape ecology (Forman and Godron 1986) and siteless approaches (Ebert 1992; Rossignol

and Wandsnider 1992) will help us move away from site type concepts and better appreciate the wider

variability in assemblages and the large number of activities that probably occurred on most sites. We must

further explore the nature of small sites and isolates, given that they make up the vast majority of the

Central Plains Paleoindian record. Many small sites continue to be ignored, simply because they contain

such sparse assemblages. In many cases, this is because there is nothing left of the site, save for a few tools

or a scrap of bone, or else the site is deflated and lacks sufficient context or integrity. More often than not,

however, this is assumed and not proven.

New sites are bound to be discovered and worthy of study. For example, in the last months of

preparing this dissertation, the author and his crew discovered the Dilts site (48CA4718), a small buried

Paleoindian bison kill in the uplands of eastern Wyoming (LaBelle 2004). The site contained only a single

projectile point, and a scatter of broken bone eroding from buried deposits. Mapping and analysis of the

bone confirmed that the kill probably contained but a single individual. This find, discovered by sheer

chance on a cultural resource management survey, adds to the growing picture of Paleoindians on the

Northwestern Plains (Frison [1984] describes the discovery and excavation of another Paleoindian site

through CRM archaeology). The kill is not the “typical” large kill and probably represents one of the most

common opportunistic subsistence practices maintained by Paleoindian hunters. The record is replete with

such examples, buried in the gray literature or in local collections, waiting study and tabulation.

Finally, we must continue to look to regions as our spatial analytic unit of choice. Sites make for

succinct units of data collection, but they cannot be studied and interpreted in isolation. Patterns observed

at the site level cannot be evaluated unless they are provided with some context, which is best derived from

the larger region. Unfortunately, not all data are created equal, and some data are more useful than others.

But we must use every available piece at all levels to construct the most encompassing models of hunter-

gatherer organization.

It probably goes without saying that the Paleoindian period is a difficult and frustrating topic to

study. “Good” sites are hard to find, but there are plenty of data out there, even if variable in quality. In

this dissertation, I attempted to flesh out the complex story of Paleoindians foragers of the Central Plains,

but in the end, I return to where I started. There are simply more questions than answers.

Appendix A


William “Uncle Bill” Baker

In the Southern Plains, William Ellmore Baker (1877-1957), known to many as “Uncle Bill”, was

one of the premier avocational archaeologists of his day (LaBelle 1997), assembling a large collection of

Paleoindian artifacts from the region surrounding his home in the panhandle of Oklahoma.

Baker was 45 years old when he moved his family to Cimarron County, Oklahoma in 1922 and

began work as the County Extension Agricultural Agent. It was during the first few years of this job that

his interest in archaeology blossomed. Baker’s duties took him to hundreds of farms around the county,

and it was fairly common for him to pick up arrow and spear points from the plowed fields, but he knew

nothing as to the age or meaning of the artifacts other than as “arrowheads”. However, during a family

picnic, Baker was examining a campsite discovered by his son Ele and came to the revelation that the

artifacts he was admiring were more than just arrow points -- they were, in fact, part of someone’s

livelihood. As Baker reflected years later, “standing there that day there was born in me an admiration for

this man who did not have to lean on thousands of other people for his existance [sic] in this world God had

given him but could stand alone. I was filled with a burning desire to know more about this man. To me

he was a hero. And more so as time goes on” (Baker ca. 1927-1957).

Ever after, Baker’s investigation into archaeology took a more intensive and directed path,

resulting in a 30 yearlong amateur career. For example, Baker was a member (affiliate member 1936-1941,

active member 1944-1956) of the Society for American Archaeology from its beginning and he held his

membership for the rest of his life (Anonymous 1937, 1939, 1941, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955).

As well, Baker was also active in the Oklahoma Anthropological Society since its founding and served as

its 1st Vice President during the year preceding his death (Anonymous 1957).

Being in the fields went hand in hand with Baker’s paying job, so he was able to see a lot of land

in his years on duty. But what would end up being the greatest boost to Baker’s archaeological collecting

would be, at the same time, one of the most difficult things he had to deal with as the County Agricultural

agent: the Dust Bowl.

Cimarron County was at the heart of the Dust Bowl and was badly hit; it lost nearly a third of its

residents, and a third of its farms and ranches during the period from 1930 to 1940 (Worster 1979:103-

105). Many of the classic Dust Bowl images -- tragic landscapes captured by Arthur Rothstein and

Dorothea Lange (of the Farm Security Administration) -- were photographed in Baker’s Cimarron County

and in Dallam County, Texas, where he also collected (Worster 1979:101).

By virtue of extensive exposures and erosion in the region, Baker was able to locate hundreds of

sites and collected, or was given, thousands of tools from a radius of about fifty miles of his home in Boise

City. My estimates, which are only approximations, show 124 sites with recorded locations in the Baker

collection, as well as at least 14,000-15,000 artifacts from all periods. Unfortunately, not all are from

documented locations. And quite realistically, the actual number of sites is probably several hundred more,

as Baker tended to lump several blowouts from larger areas into single sites. This is an incredibly large

collection of artifacts considering the majority of his collection are tools, and the fact that he estimated over

1500 of the artifacts were “ancient pieces” (Baker 1953:256).

Over the years, Baker was active in communicating with professional archaeologists and inviting

them to his home to examine his collection and visit his sites in the surrounding area. Many notable

archaeologists, geologists, and paleontologists visited Baker, including Ernst Antevs, Loren Eiseley, A.V.

Kidder, H.P. Mera, Warren Moorehead, and C. Bertrand Schultz, among many others. But perhaps the

most influential archaeologist that visited and worked with Baker was Edgar B. Howard, of the Academy

of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia (and the University Museum). During the 1930’s, Howard visited with

Baker from several days to a week each summer, going to Baker’s sites and discussing with him Howard’s

own latest findings in New Mexico (Baker ca. 1927-1957).

Howard would be the first to reference Baker’s Paleoindian work. Howard discussed recent

excavations at the Clovis type site, Anderson Basin, and Burnet Cave in his dissertation (Evidence of Early

Man in North America [published as Howard 1935]), drawing analogies to other similar situations in North

America, such as Perry Andersen’s work in northeast Colorado (see below) and Baker’s work in Oklahoma

and Texas (Howard 1935:98-99,119,123, Plate XXXVII). In both regions, deflated surfaces yielded

palimpsests of artifacts, mixing materials of many different ages together. However, in Dallam County,

Baker was able to identify the chronological order of the artifacts by carefully documenting the emergence

of certain diagnostic projectile points following each stage of deflation. Baker’s work would again be cited

the following year in Howard’s more widely distributed article in American Anthropologist (Howard 1936).

Baker also kept busy presenting his research to other scholars. He traveled to Philadelphia in 1937

to attend the International Symposium on Early Man (MacCurdy 1937, Howard 1938) and displayed a

portion of his collection at the meetings. But not to let the importance of his other job slip by, Baker went

on to Washington, D.C. the day following the Early Man conference and spent the next week with

Congress and meeting with the Secretary of Agriculture in order to acquire relief aid for farmers in the

Panhandle (Baker ca. 1927-1957).

The following year, Baker presented two papers with his son, Ele, on “ancient flint artifacts” at the

American Society for the Advancement of Science meeting in Albuquerque (Baker 1939). There is little

doubt that “Uncle Bill” Baker’s collaboration with his son would influence many of Ele’s ideas on his work

in the central Rio Grande Valley thirty years later (Baker 1968; Judge 1973). In 1939, W.E. Baker

published his chronological sequence of diagnostic projectile points from the Cimarron County area,

beginning with Folsom, Folsomoid and Yuma, through the Archaic or what he called “Bridle-tops”

(Mallory dart points), and finally late prehistoric arrow points (Baker 1939). Bear in mind at this point,

several years before the Paleo typology conferences, that Clovis was not identified as a separate type.

In addition to presenting and publishing his work, Baker was also active in contributing to early

regional studies. For example, data from his collection were published in early surveys of beveled and

corner-tang knives (Patterson 1937:32-34; Poteet 1938:246-247). Baker’s work was also beginning to find

its way into a few synthetic articles such as Hans E. Fischel’s Folsom and Yuma survey (Fischel 1939:250,

252, 255) and Frank H.H. Roberts’ classic essay “Developments in the Problem of the North American

Paleo-Indian” (Roberts 1940:58). Yet, other than a few mentions in these Early Man studies, Baker and his

collection would become invisible in the archaeological literature, especially following E.B. Howard’s

death in 1943. With his death, Baker lost a good friend, as well as the one archaeologist who knew more

about his collection and sites than anyone else. Thus, subsequent classic syntheses of Paleoindian

archaeology unfortunately ignored Baker’s sites, such as in H.M. Wormington’s four editions of Ancient

Man in North America (1939, 1944, 1949, 1957) and E.H. Sellard’s Paleoindian bibliography (1940) and

his seminal work Early Man in America (1952). It was not until the late 1950’s that Baker’s work would

once again be acknowledged, with a series of articles he published with Tom Campbell of the University of

Texas on the Nall site, Paleoindian sites in Northeastern New Mexico, and metal arrow points (Baker et al.

1957; Baker and Campbell 1959, 1960).

Baker died in 1957 and was buried in Kenton, Oklahoma along with his wife of many years

(Delcy Baker). The vast majority of his collection was donated to the No Man’s Land Historical Museum

in Goodwell, Oklahoma, where it remains today. Small portions of his collection remained in the family,

including those held by his grandsons Tony Baker and the late Al Baker.

Perry and Harold Andersen

The Andersen family also played an important role in the formation of Paleoindian studies,

specifically with their discovery of the infamous “Yuma” point. Little did they know that their stone points

would be of critical scientific importance and that their artifact collection was destined to become the

template for our modern Paleoindian typology.

The Andersen family lived in eastern Colorado, several hundred miles north of William Baker, in

the sandy Yuma County. Perry Andersen, along with his wife Pauline and son Harold (who also went by

the nickname Andy), first began hunting artifacts on their ranch south of the town of Yuma in 1919

(Andersen 1988, 1990). As Yuma County is at the heart of the Wray dune field, it didn’t take much wheat

farming to begin the cycle of eolian erosion that would characterize the Central Plains shortly thereafter in

the dirty thirties. As the 1920’s rolled by, the small sand blowouts the Andersens collected began to erode

deeper and wider, yielding different types of artifacts. Finally, some of the blowouts bottomed out at the

erosion-resistant blue marls and lake clays of the Early Holocene and Late Pleistocene deposits – and the

clays began to yield mammoths, fossil bison, and spear points.

In 1925, Harold Andersen had enrolled at the University of Denver, and brought with him at least

part of his family’s artifact collection to show to interested parties, in particular Frank Howland (then

curator of Minerals and Geology at the Colorado Museum of Natural History) and E.B. Renaud of the

anthropology department at the University of Denver. At this time, shortly before the Folsom discovery,

the Pleistocene antiquity of Folsom points was not yet known, however Harold brought several of them to

that initial meeting with Howland and Renaud. Quite ironically, E.B. Renaud showed little interest in

Harold’s materials that day, as Renaud was generally not interested in what he thought to be recent Plains

archaeological material (remember, at that time, Renaud was primarily known for his endeavors in the

Southwest and had not begun his monumental Plains surveys).

Two short years passed, and in 1927, Frank Howland recalled seeing those Folsom pieces in the

Andersen collection, and contacted Harold to see the collection once more. Here was the link they were

looking for – other Folsom points, separated by hundreds of miles, and discovered quite independently.

Not surprisingly, professional interest in the Andersen collection grew quickly. Over the next several

years, the Andersen family would correspond and be visited by the blossoming royalty of Early Man

studies including Barnum Brown, Loren Eisley, E.B. Howard, A.E. Jenks, Paul MacClintock, and C.B.

Schultz, among others.

During this time, the Andersens worked most closely with researchers in Colorado, including

Harold Cook, Jesse Figgins, Betty Holmes, Paul Gebhard, E.B. Renaud, and Marie Wormington. Fresh

from his association with the Folsom type-site, Harold Cook would be the first to tackle the Paleoindian

prehistory of Yuma County. In 1929, Cook and Nelson Vaughn traveled to the county to visit some of the

Andersen blowouts. During one visit, Cook and Perry discovered a complete point believed to be in situ

within the blue marls of Early Holocene to Late Pleistocene antiquity. The point was not of Folsom form --

however -- but instead a shouldered Scottsbluff. In the same stratigraphic unit, but some distance away,

mammoth bone was recovered, as was fossil bison. Elsewhere, this same level had yielded Folsom points.

As the marker bed had yielded fossil bone, Folsom points, and other Early Man forms, Cook declared that

they were all associated and of the same general age.

Harold Cook (1931a,b) presented his early interpretations of the Yuma County scene to the annual

Paleontological society meetings held in Toronto in late December 1930, as well as at the geology and

geography section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science meetings which were held

soon after in Cleveland. Ultimately, his conclusions were published in a wide reaching article in Scientific

American in 1931 (Cook 1931c). Many of Cook’s statements would be refuted (not surprisingly), as he had

a reputation for less than thorough analysis, in particular the stratigraphic association of the artifacts and the

fossil bone. Very few researchers were willing to put too much faith in blowout contexts and supposed


During their period of active work, the Andersen family collected from tens of dozens of sites,

ranging in age from late prehistoric to Paleoindian in age. By the time Perry passed away in 1953, the

family’s collection approached 9,000 pieces (Mountain 1953a). The Wray dune field was the main hunting

ground for the family, in the dune country bounded between the North Fork of the Republican and the

Arikaree Rivers. Along with Harold’s cousin, Bert Mountain, the family located at minimum 66

Paleoindian sites, many of which contained fossil bone, blue marl, and gastropods, as well as artifacts

representing all presently known Paleoindian complexes. Harold viewed all this work as a contribution to

science -- not merely a hobby or weekend artifact collecting. The records that Harold and Perry kept

support Harold’s belief. They are among the finest records kept for the early 1930’s Paleoindian work –

either professional or otherwise.

The family began to realize the importance of their work in contributing to the study of Early Man

with the Folsom discovery. Shortly thereafter, they began to make detailed notes, such as recording the

location of each of their finds. Harold began drawing sketches of each complete point recovered from the

valleys, again, many of these illustrations equal those of today. For nine select sites, Harold drew maps

detailing the association of point plotted artifacts with stratigraphic units, trying to help battle some of the

criticism of dune field archaeology.

From 1930 to 1935, there was a tremendous burst of research aimed at organizing, classifying, and

describing the large numbers of Early Man projectile points beginning to be discovered throughout the

short grass prairies of the Central Plains. E.B. Renaud was among the first to construct a formal typology.

Utilizing collections from Yuma County, primarily those of the Andersen family, as well as a few other

locations throughout central and northeastern Colorado, Renaud quickly and skillfully built a typology that

we recognize today (Renaud 1931b, 1932b, 1934). He differentiated between the Folsom points, as

recovered from the type-site, with those points found in abundance in northeastern Colorado. The latter he

labeled Yuma points, after the county (or perhaps town) from which they were discovered.

Clearly Renaud saw the great variability within the Yuma form, just as he saw the variability in

Folsom that would shortly be known to encompass both Folsom and Clovis. For each of the Yuma types,

he recognized certain kinds of edge treatment, flaking style, and base form (Renaud 1931b:Plate 1;

1932b:Plates 2-4). What made these all variants of the Yuma “family” was their association in blowout

contexts. Today, we recognize these forms as the Plano or later Paleoindian forms such as Scottsbluff,

Plainview, Jimmy Allen, Eden, among others. Unfortunately for Renaud, the overall “Yuma” family label

stuck, rather than his specific subdivisions consisting of base shapes and flaking style. The importance of

Renaud to the development of Early Man studies must be acknowledged, as he is linked to many of the

major and (then) upcoming players in the field. He worked with young scholars (some of which were his

students) such as Jack Cotter, Paul Gebhard, Betty Holmes, Charlie Steen, and Marie Wormington, as well

as maintaining professional relationships with Frank Roberts and Jesse Figgins.

Shortly thereafter, during the late thirties and forties, there was much confusion as to what exactly

constituted the various types of Yuma and Folsom points as depicted in the Renaud typology and other

similar classificatory schemes. Various conferences waged typological debate, such as at the 1937

International Symposium on Early Man (Howard 1938, MacCurdy 1937) and the 1941 Early Man

conference in Santa Fe (Howard 1943). There were audible protests for the removal of the Yuma name and

label, as it had too many types subsumed under one label, and there was some concern about possibly

confusing cultural affinity with the Yuma Indians of Arizona and the Yuman language group! Eventually,

it was the incredibly far-reaching and persuasive writings of Marie Wormington that brought the end to the

Yuma point, as her suggestions and clarifications eventually and effectively removed the “Yuma type”

from the books, replaced by individual point types that were defined at single component type-sites

(Wormington 1939, 1944, 1948).

The Andersen family was trying to survive the Depression during this period of academic interest

and research as well as public display (at the Denver Art Museum [Anonymous 1935], the Colorado

Museum of Natural History in 1936, and at the International Symposium on Early Man in Philadelphia in

1937 [Howard 1938; MacCurdy 1937]. Harold had spent time at several different universities, as well as

holding down several jobs, still working towards his baccalaureate degree. In hopes of earning some

money, Harold and Perry tried to sell their collection to a research institution, but had little luck doing so,

as the museums and universities were also financially strapped during this period. There were suggestions

to split the collection into pieces, but the Andersens were adamant about not fragmenting the collection, as

they believed it had much greater scientific value as a whole. Without a buyer, the collection remained

relatively intact until it was donated to the University of Nebraska State Museum (and C.B. Schultz) in the

early 1970’s (Andersen papers, University of Nebraska State Museum). Little research has been conducted

on the Andersen materials since their arrival at the UNSM, other than Myers (1989) and recently Hofman

(2000) and this study.

The Andersen family, and their collection, slowly fell away from public limelight in the late

1930’s. At the time, no one really knew how to deal with these dune field sites. Most researchers believed

that they were a mixed bag of artifacts, with no provenience control whatsoever. Thus, the Andersen

collection was essentially doomed when the Coffin family began their collaboration with the Smithsonian

and Frank Roberts at the Lindenmeier site (Roberts 1935, 1936; Wilmsen and Roberts 1978). Here, unlike

Yuma County, the Folsom deposits were relatively unmixed with other Paleoindian materials, and in

clearly stratified cultural deposits.

Perry Andersen moved to Littleton, Colorado in 1942 and by that time Harold was also out of

state. Their sites continued to be hunted by the Mustain and Clawson families (both collections still

survive today) as well as by Bert Mountain. Sadly, we have lost many of these early amateur scientists, as

recent years have seen Bert Mountain pass away, as well as Harold “Andy” Andersen in the summer of

2000 (Picou 2000a, 2000b).

Appendix Summary

The Baker and Andersen families contributed much to the burgeoning field of Early Man studies.

Unfortunately, their work has been ignored for many years, replaced in the spotlight by new and more

exciting sites. But the story of these lost amateur archaeologists is not unique, as avocational scientists

have a deep and important history of collaboration and contribution to the archaeological community

(LaBelle 2003). Yet over the last thirty years, a serious rift has emerged, coinciding with the

professionalization of the discipline. Former participants in the field of Paleoindian studies have been

marginalized and viewed as detrimental to the mainstream research community. Many fine collections still

exist in the basements and tiny museums of towns across the Plains. But sadly, much of these data are

quickly being lost, as the old-timers are all passing away. There is much more to learn about the

Paleoindian foragers of the Central Plains and reanalysis of these old collections plays an important role in

advancing the field in general.


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