Science Practicum Periodic Table Lesson Plan

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Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Periodic Table of Elements Grade: 7th Grade

Learning Target: Students will identify different atoms by the number of protons in the nucleus and
know that the number of electrons equals the number of protons in a neutral atom. They will be able to
explain the meaning of atomic number and atomic mass. Students will also be able to identify the
different parts of the Periodic Table and will be able to distinguish the different categories of elements.

Grade Level Guide: Content Standards

Content Curriculum Focal Points Common Core State Interdisciplinary Connections (if
(ie: NCTM, IRA,…) Standards applicable)
NSTA Standard PS1.B Ohio Learning Standard The Periodic Table of Elements
Chemical Reactions: 7.PS.1: Elements can be contains chemical elements that are
Substances react chemically in organized by properties. found in Earth’s atmosphere,
characteristic ways. In a Elements can be classified as ground and water. Students can
chemical process, the atoms that metals, non-metals and observe and identify elements in
make up original substances are metalloids, and can be their natural form, organizing and
regrouped into different organized by similar grouping them together based on
molecules, and these new properties such as color, their physical and chemical
substances have different solubility, hardness, density, characteristics.
properties from those of the conductivity, melting point
reactants. and boiling point, viscosity,
and malleability.

Academic Language: Label, Identify, Explain, Organize, Distinguish, Meaning

Students’ Needs: Students need to acquire the ability to organize elements into groups according to
their different characteristics. They need to realize that each element is different from each other.
Students need to understand that each element has a variety of information including atomic number,
element name & symbol, atomic number & mass and number of protons & electrons.

English Language Learners Special Needs (can be a

group such as “struggling
readers” or individuals)
Include Periodic Tables that Students will be supplied
are written in the ELL’s with a simplified copy of
native language and videos the Periodic Table with
that explain the different every element labeled and
aspects of the Periodic categories named. The table
Table for them to watch. will be colored to help
Students will have one-on- students read and
one help with the element comprehend the different
card game and guidance for categories. They too will
the activity packet. also have one-on-one help
to guide them through the
activity packet.
Materials: Microsoft PowerPoint, Notebook Paper, Pens/Pencils, Multimedia TV, Worksheet packets,
Element cards, Periodic Table

Language Function: Students are encouraged to think like chemists. The Periodic Table organizes
elements by atomic number and other qualities. Students must analyze the element cards that describe
different elements and figure out which one is being described. Students must understand how
Mendeleev interpreted each element and organized them into a table. They must understand that each
element is different from each other and unique in its own way.

Lesson Plan
Before: Introduce students to the Periodic Table. Explain that each box contains information about a
different atom. Each box contains numbers and letters. The Periodic table contains different blocks
such as the S, P, D & F block. It also contains metalloids, noble gases, metals, non-metals, etc. I will
also explain the difference between “atoms” and “elements”, as it can be confusing for students since
the terms are used interchangeably. An atom is the smallest particle or “building block” of a
substance. An element is a substance made up of the same type of atom. (20 minutes)

During: I will introduce the activity in which students will learn about the first 20 elements. Students
will receive element cards that contain information about a certain element. Their job is to figure out
which element is being described by the card. Students will be reminded that a proton is a positively
charged particle in the nucleus of a atom, neutrons are also located in the nucleus with no charge, and
electrons are negatively charged surrounding the nucleus. Students will use the packet they are
provided with to guide them through the activity. (20 minutes)

After: I will ask students follow up questions such as “What does the atomic number stand for?”
“Which particle equals the number of protons?” “In which direction do columns and periods run in the
Periodic Table?” Students will complete their packets and keep them as a guide to use for further
reference for any chemistry they work on in the future. This activity serves as an introduction of the
Periodic Table to students and shows its most basic features. Students will discuss with their
classmates one thing they learned about the Periodic Table and one fact about an element they
learned. (15-20 minutes)

Type of Description of Modifications to Evaluation Criteria- How good is
assessment assessment the assessment so good enough to meet standards?
(formal or informal; What will students do that all students (related to the learning objectives)
formative or to show what they may demonstrate Include scoring guide, rubric or other
summative) have learned? learning criteria
Informal: This Students will be Certain cards will If students match all 20 elements or at
exercise is for given a packet that be made that least 15 then that shows they are on
students to practice contains a Periodic contains all of the track. They understand protons,
the characteristics Table. The exercise information about neutrons, electrons and where the
of elements in the has them focus on the the element elements are located at on the table.
Periodic Table. first 20 elements. instead of cards
They are looking They will use missing certain If students struggle, it’s
for the number of information that they details for understandable. This is a heavy amount
protons, neutrons have been introduced students to figure of information to be introduced to
and electrons while to identify certain out. There will middle schoolers who haven’t had
also finding the elements. They will also be Periodic chemistry or don’t quite understand
atomic number, be given cards that Tables provided what it is. But, the information is
atomic mass, etc. describe a certain that include all straight forward and isn’t extremely
This packet is just element. The card the classifications difficult to grasp. If students only
for students to get contains information for elements. match 10-14 elements correctly, then
familiar with the such as the number of (Metalloids, they will have to redo the exercise.
Periodic Table for protons, neutrons, Metals, Non- This time, with teacher guidance to
future use in their electrons, chemical Metals, Noble walk through explaining the
high school symbol and atomic Gases, etc.) information given on each card.
chemistry classes. mass. They must
Formative: The figure out which
purpose of this element the card is
activity is to describing. This gives
monitor student students proficient
learning. I want to practice for analyzing
see students using the information
the information I already given on the
gave them to Periodic Table to
identify elements identify and organize
on the Periodic the chemical
Table. The elements.
feedback I receive
from students and
this exercise can be
used to improve my
teaching for the
next time I use this
lesson. It’s used as
a measure for both
student knowledge
and teacher


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