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Thermal stability of polyethylene terephthalate (PET): Oligomer distribution

and formation of volatiles

Article  in  Packaging Technology and Science · January 1999

DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1522(199901/02)12:13.3.CO;2-4


13 1,203

4 authors, including:

Maria Teresa de Alvarenga Freire Andrew Damant

University of São Paulo Food Standards Agency


Felix Guillermo Reyes Reyes

University of Campinas


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Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 29±36 (1999)

Thermal Stability Of Polyethylene

Terephthalate (PET): Oligomer Distribution
And Formation Of Volatiles
By Maria Teresa De A. Freire, Andrew P. Damant, Laurence Castle and Felix
G. R. Reyes*

Two ovenable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) samples were investigated under

severe heating conditions and oligomers and volatile substances were analysed
as potential migrants into foods. The samples were tested for migration into
water, 3% acetic acid and 15% ethanol solution for 1 hour at 95°C. Overall
migration and the speci®c migration of terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol and
diethylene glycol were all very low. The plastics were heated at 150°C, 260°C and
270°C, for 5 minutes 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Oligomer analysis by LC/MS
(liquid chromatography-MS) showed that the concentration of the second series
alicyclic oligomers increased up to 15-fold on heating whereas the major oligomer
fraction, the cyclic trimer, tetramer, pentamer and hexamer showed only minor
concentration changes with heating. Volatiles evolved by the samples were
trapped on a Tenax trap and identi®ed by GC/MS (gas chromatography-MS). They
were few in number and low in concentration and none merited migration tests. It
is concluded that even when tested up to melting point, PET plastics of this type
have good temperature stability and are well suited for high-temperature food
contact applications. Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 8 July 1998; Accepted 28 November 1998
KEY WORDS: polyethylene terephthalate; migration; high temperature; polymer

INTRODUCTION several combinations of plastic materials can be

used in order to provide the best performance for a
The packaging industry in Brazil has invested speci®c purpose.
intensively in plastics over recent years. Consump- Advances in food packaging technology have
tion in 1991 was about 1.8 Mtonnes, with 21% made available to consumers a wide variety of
(390 000 tonnes) used for packaging. The food convenience foods which can be taken from the
packaging sector in turn used 205 tonnes and freezer to microwave or conventional oven. The
usage is estimated to reach 497 tonnes in 1997.1 most popular polymer used for these products is
The characteristics required for a packaging PET (polyethylene terephthalate) due to its
material vary according to the nature of the food excellent toughness and chemical inertness both
product, conditions of use, and shelf-life desired; in the freezer compartment and in oven use.

* Correspondence to: F. G. R. Reyes, Department of Food Science, State University of Campinas±UNICAMP, C.P. 6121, CEP 13081-
970, Campinas-SP, Brazil

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. CCC 0894±3214/99/010029±08 $17.50

Some of the available packages include coated MATERIALS AND METHODS

paperboard and pressed pulp trays laminated
with PET ®lm, crystallized PET and cross-linked
thermoset polyester articles. Among the materials Materials
employed for high temperature applications is
the microwave susceptor which is composed of a PET samples were supplied by RHODIA (RhoÃne
metallized PET ®lm to convert microwave energy Poulenc Group, Brazil). Films were coded as F1010
to heat. Susceptors are used mainly for pizzas, and F1021 (12 mm thickness) and were of a type
french fries and microwavable popcorn. For these designed for roasting bags and for PET/paper-
products, the package is exposed to temperatures board trays, respectively.
between ÿ 18°C and 200°C.2 In Brazil, PET food
packages intended for high-temperature applica- Methods
tions have been recently introduced into the
market. Liquid chromatograph (LC) analysis. The LC unit
The increasing ownership of microwave ovens used was a PYE UNICAM PU 4025 equiped with a
by consumers and the increased consumption of Rheodyne 20 ml injection loop, a Gilson pump
convenience foods have generated discussions model 302, Gilson dynamic mixer model 811,
about the the safety of packaging materials in Gilson manometric module 802 C, a UV detector
relation to consumer exposure to potential mi- set at 254 nm and a Trivector trilab 2000 multi-
grants when high temperatures are used. These channel chromatography data system coupled to
issues have been evaluated by governmental an Apple II computer remote switch module 502
institutions, which are responsible for regulating A. The LC mobile phase was composed of: Solvent
materials intended to come in contact with foods AÐwater±acetonitrile±acetic acid (85 ‡ 15 ‡ 0.5
and for establishing migration limits for packaging v/v/v); solvent BÐacetonitrile±water (85‡15
components in contact with foods. Statements are v/v); gradient elution at 0.64 ml/min: 5 to 60% B
based not only on migration data, but also on in 8 minutes, 60 to 70% B in 9 minutes, 100% B for
toxicological information available for the sub- 10 minutes, from 100 to 5% B in 1 minute.
stances found in food packaging.
Although there is information about the toxicity Liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometry (LC-
of many chemicals used in food packaging APcI-MS) analysis. The LC/MS unit used was
materials, there are no toxicological data available equipped with a Gilson 231 XL autosampler (50 ml)
in the literature concerning the long term exposure (Villiers-le-Bel, France) ®tted with a 200 ml Rheo-
to PET oligomers. For polyester, some of the dyne loop, Spectra-Physics SP8800-020 tertiary
migrants investigated by migration studies are pump, VG Platform mass spectrometer operated
the cyclic oligomers; styrene monomer, benzene, in positive-ion atmospheric-pressure chemical
ethylbenzene and benzaldehyde, volatiles released ionization mode (Fisons Instruments, Manchester,
by susceptor packaging and volatiles liberated UK), Spectro¯ow 757 UV detector set at 254 nm
from dual-ovenable cookware.3±11 Publications on (Kratos, Manchester, UK) connected in series
PET degradation are mainly related to the kinetics between the LC system and the mass spectrometer.
of the hydrolytic degradation process or concen- VG Platform tuning parameters were made on a
trate on techniques to identify PET degradation PET cyclic trimer standard: corona: 3.22 kV, high
products at high temperatures.12,13 voltage lens 0 kV, extraction 20 V, focus, 25 V,
It is important to determine the formation of source temperature 120°C, APCI probe tempera-
oligomers and volatile compounds as a function of ture 600°C, low mass resolution 14.3, high mass
increasing temperature, in order to verify if the resolution 14.9, ion energy 0.9 V, ion energy ramp
levels formed of these substances are signi®cant 0, and multiplier 650. The mass range was 50±1 800
from a migration standpoint. The aim of this work daltons, using a mixture of polyethylene glycol
was to examine two typical PET plastics for high- 300, 600, 1 000 and 1 540 at a scan time of 5 seconds.
temperature applications by study of the forma- The LC column was an octyl bonded silica column
tion of oligomers and volatile substances when Lichrosorb RP8 (100  3 mm ID) (Chrompack,
exposing PET ®lms to severe heating conditions. Millharbour, UK) ®tted with a 0.5 mm pre column

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 30 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 29±36 (1999)

®lter. The same mobile phase and LC conditions immersion in a hot oil bath at 150, 260 and 270°C
used in the previous item, were also employed for for 5, 30 and 60 minutes.
this analysis.
Oligomer analysis. The oligomer content of the
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis. The samples was determined by dissolution in HFIP/
NMR equipment was a Brucker spectrometer AC dichloromethane (3 ‡ 7 v/v) and precipitation of
250 set to 250 MHz. the high polymer using acetone.3 Identi®cation of
oligomers was carried out by LC/MS for the PET
Infra red spectrometer (IR) analysis. The IR samples heated at 270°C. Quanti®cation of oligo-
equipment was a Perkin Elmer 2050 calibrated mers was carried out by LC with UV detector at
with a ®lm of polystyrene. 254 nm.

Gas chromatography (GC) analysis. The unit Volatile analysis of heated PET samples. For the
used was composed of a GC 8000 coupled to an analysis of volatiles evolved by the heated PET
MD 800 quadrupole detector (Fisons Instruments, samples, a diffusion trapping method using Tenax
Crawley, UK); analytical column of 60m  was employed.14 PET ®lm (1g) was placed in a
0.25 mm ID coated with polydimethylsiloxane headspace vial (24 ml capacity) and Tenax TA
(0.25 mm) (Restek RTX-1). Helium was used as (30 mg, contained in a open 2 ml vial) was placed
the carrier gas at 1ml/min; injection port was in the headspace vial alongside the ®lm sample. A
maintained at 250°C; column was programmed mixture of internal standards was added (6 ml of a
from 40°C (held 5 minutes), raised at 30°C/min to solution containing 1mg/ml of toluene, 1,4 di-
150°C and 20°C/min to 250°C (held 10 minutes); chlorobenzene, cyclohexylbenzene, benzophenone
injections of 1 ml made in split mode (20:1). and phenyl decane). The vial was sealed with a
Ionization for mass spectrometry was by electron special septum intended for high temperature use
impact (70 eV) at mass range between 50 and 500 and heated in the oil bath at 260°C and 270°C for 60
atomic mass units. minutes. The sample was then placed in an oven at
100°C for 2 days (to allow diffusion trapping on
Extraction of PET cyclic trimer. A standard of the Tenax to occur) and then removed to a freezer
cyclic trimer of PET was obtained by extracting overnight prior to further work-up. The Tenax was
PET pellets (10 g) with dichloromethane (200 ml) placed in a small glass column and trapped
for 48 hours with shaking at room temperature. substances were eluted with 0.5 ml diethyl ether.
The solvent was removed and the residue dis-
solved in a minimum of 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexa¯uoroiso- Migration Tests. Overall migration was carried
propanol (HFIP). The cyclic trimer was out according to EC directive 90/128/EEC under
precipitated by the addition of acetone (10 ml), conditions of 1 hour at 95°C (distilled water and
®ltered and dried. It was con®rmed as the cyclic 3% w/v acetic acid).15 Exposure was by total
trimer by LC-MS (liquid chromatograph-mass immersion.16,17 For the speci®c migration tests,
spectrometry) and 1HNMR (proton nuclear mag- ®lms were exposed as above, and simulants were
netic resonance spectrometry of a cyclic trimer analysed for the migration of terephthalic acid
solution at 10 mg/ml in deuterochloroform con- (TPA), monoethylene glycol (MEG) and diethylene
taining 0.03% tetramethyl silane). LC analysis glycol (DEG) according to European prestandard
indicated a purity of around 92%. methods.18,19

Infra-red Analysis. Films were analysed directly

by transmission. Pellets were dissolved in HFIP
and analysed as a cast ®lm. Samples were scanned RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
between 5 200 and 450 cmÿ1.
Infra-red analysis
Heating experiments. PET samples (0.1 to 1.0 g)
were heated in sealed vials (24 ml capacity) by Infra-red analysis con®rmed the polymer samples

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 31 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 29±36 (1999)

Table 1. Migration results for PET ®lms

Overall Migration TPA migration (mg/l) MEG ‡ DEG
Sample Simulant (mg/dm2)/(sA) migration (mg/l)

F1010 Water <0.1/(0.058) <0.8 <3.0

F1010 15% (v/v) ethanol solution 0.2/(0.058) <0.8 <3.0
F1010 3% (w/v) acetic acid solution 1.4/(0.25) <0.8 nt
F1021 Water 0.2/(0.1) <0.8 <3.0
F1021 15% (v/v) ethanol solution 0.2/(0.1) <0.8 <3.0
F1021 3% (w/v) acetic acid solution 1.3/(0.26) <0.8 nt
(SA) = absolute standard deviation; nt = not tested; TPA = terephthalic acid; MEG = ethylene glycol; DEG = diethylene glycol.
Heating conditions: 95°C for 60 minutes or at 90°C for ethanol solution.

(®lms and pellets) as PET with good library match monomer was less than 0.8 mg/l, well below the
with authentic PET spectra. migration limit of 7.5 mg/kg of food or food
simulant established by the European Community
Migration tests and MERCOSUL.22 Similarly, migration of mono-
ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol was less than
Low migration levels were found for the two PET 3 mg/kg. The combined migration limit on these
®lms (Table 1). All overall migrations, were well two glycols is 30 mg/kg in food or food simu-
below the restriction limits established by Direc- lants.16,23
tive 90/128/EEC of 10 mg/dm2 (60 mg/kg), and
by Directive 56/92 MERCOSUL, of 8 mg/dm2, the Analysis for oligomers
highest value seen was just 1.4 mg/dm2 with the
acetic acid simulant.15,20 These results agree with The pro®le of oligomers extracted from PET did
the ®ndings of Ashby who found low overall not change markedly with heating until conditions
migration values under all conditions of use of of 260°C for 60 minutes were applied. Typical
PET.21 The speci®c migration of terephthalic acid chromatograms of the oligomer distribution before

Figure 1. Typical chromatograms obtained for F1010 PET samples. (A) not
heated, (B) heated PET. (1) Second series alicyclic dimer, (2) second series
alicyclic trimer, (3) second series cyclic dimer, (4) second series alicyclic
tetramer, (5) second series cyclic trimer, (6) cyclic trimer, (7) second series
cyclic tetramer, (8) cyclic tetramer, (9) cyclic pentamer, (10) cyclic

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 32 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 29±36 (1999)

Figure 2. High temperature effect on the ®rst series oligomers from F1010
PET ®lm. (a) Not heated, (b) 150°C for 30 minutes, (c) 150°C for 60
minutes, (d) 260°C for 5 minutes, (e) 260°C for 30 minutes, (f) 260°C for
60 minutes, (g) 270°C for 30 minutes, (h) 270°C for 60 minutes.

and after heating ®lm F1010 are shown in Figures oligomers tentatively identi®ed as TPA2MEG1-
1(A) and 1(B) respectively. The analytical recovery DEG1, TPA3MEG2DEG1 and TPA4MEG3DEG1
of oligomer extraction, using the cyclic trimer as a showed a marked increase in abundance on
reference spiked at 15 or 25 mg/kg, averaged heating (Figure 3). These oligomers containing
105%. one DEG unit generally eluted on the leading edge
The peaks in Figure 1 were identi®ed by LC-MS of `all-MEG' oligomers and quanti®cation was
with an APcI (atmospheric pressure chemical dif®cult. Nevertheless it was clear that the alicyclic
ionization mode) interface. As is typical for oligomers were the main products of PET degra-
chemical ionization, the spectra were character- dation with 5- up to 20-fold increases in concen-
ized by intense pseudo-molecular ions with few tration. Heating time was an important factor and
fragment ions of signi®cant magnitude. This the alicyclic trimer in F1010 ®lm increased 5-fold
analysis revealed two series of oligomers, the ®rst on heating at 260°C for 5 minutes, 9-fold after 30
with MEG ‡ TPA (TPAnMEGn) and the second minutes and 16-fold after 60 minutes. At 270°C for
series with one MEG monomer replaced by a DEG 30 minutes and 60 minutes the increase was 9- and
unit (TPAnMEGn-1).24 17-fold respectively (Figure 3). Taking into account
that the concentration of cyclic trimer, tetramer,
Change in oligomer distribution pentamer and hexamer remained stable at 260°C
and 270°C, the pro®les observed suggest that
Figures 2 and 3 show the change in oligomer formation of the alicyclic oligomers comes from
pro®le brought about by heating the PET samples. breakdown of the main polymer chains and that
From Figure 2, it can be seen that the pro®le of degradation can start at temperatures close to
cyclic oligomers TPAnMEGn in ®lm F1010 was 260°C.
rather constant even after heating up to 260°C. This
temperature corresponds to the melting point for Formation of volatiles
the samples (data provided by the manufacturer).
Almost identical pro®les were seen for ®lm F1021 Figure 4 shows a representative chromatogram of
(data not shown). In contrast, the non-cyclic the volatiles released when the PET ®lms were

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 33 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 29±36 (1999)

Figure 3. High temperature effect on the second series oligomers from

F1010 PET ®lm. (a) Not heated, (b) 150°C for 30 minutes, (c) 150°C for
60 minutes, (d) 260°C for 5 minutes, (e) 260°C for 30 minutes, (f) 260°C
for 60 minutes, (g) 270°C for 30 minutes, (h) 270°C for 60 minutes.

heated at 260°C for 60 minutes. Among the suggested that degradation occurs primarily via
compounds identi®ed were p-xylene, benzalde- scission of the main chain in a random manner to
hyde, butylbenzoate, 2,4-dimethylpropyllbenzo- yield carboxyl end groups and a vinyl product
ate, diethylterephthalate and methylvinyltere- which can combine to form an ethylidine product
phthalate. which decomposes further. Acetaldehyde was
According to Peters and Still, during the detected by those authors at 288°C and the other
degradation process of PET there is a change in substances at 310°C and above.
functional group concentration with an increase in Kinoshita et al. used thermogravimetric analysis
carboxyl groups and a decrease in hydroxyl coupled to infra-red techniques to identify possible
groups.25 When all the hydroxyl end groups are pyrolisis compounds of PET obtained at tempera-
removed, anhydride formation occurs. It has been tures between 350°C and 600°C.13 Benzoic acid and
proposed by those authors that benzoic acid and carbon dioxide were the main compounds identi-
vinyl benzoate could be produced from a simple ®ed, followed by carbon monoxide and benzoic
repeat segment. In addition, vinyl benzoate may acid derivatives. The authors suggested that ether
decompose further to yield benzoic acid and and ethylene linkages are cleaved during thermal
acetophenone. Other substances could also be degradation of PET. Data obtained at 400°C and
produced as terephthalic acids, acetaldehyde, acid 500°C showed the presence of dimethyl phthalate,
anhydrides, benzene, ethylene dibenzoate, acety- diethyl terephthalate and alkyl vinyl esters.
lene, and carbon monoxide and dioxide through Acetaldehyde and benzene were not detected in
decomposition of the repeat unit in the chain (2- the present work. Some of the other substances
benzoylloxyethyl terephthalate). Those authors reported by Peters and Still, and Kinoshita et al.

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 34 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 29±36 (1999)

Freire is grateful for the fellowship from `Conselho

Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientõ®co e TecnoloÂgi-
co'ÐCNPq, Brazil, and `CoordenacËaÄo do AperfeicËoa-
mento de Pessoal de NõÂvel Superior'ÐCAPES.

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