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Diversity in organizational behavior


Managing the diversity:

Diversity in organizational
“Diversity is a recognizable source of creativity and innovation and in a source to gain
competitive advantage"
Diversity is also called the misunderstand (conflict) among employee.
Level of Diversity
 Surface level diversity.
 Deep-level diversity.

Diversity is a broad term, and the phrase workplace diversity can refer to any characteristic that
makes people different from one another.
Inclusive: including particular group (Very specific)
Exclusive: excuses particular group (discriminating by race, religion, culture)
Deep level diversity.
Deep level diversity by definition are the differences in beliefs, values, attitudes, etc.,
that do affect much more directly how a person behaves.
Surface level diversity.
Surface level diversity is defined as the characteristics that we can notice about each
other that distinguish us. Demographic, age, gender, religion,
Noting of a difference between things; often we refer to unfair discrimination, which
means making judgments about individuals based on stereotypes regarding their
demographic group.

Discrimination favoring certain group/ individuals and other. Not on mart base.
In universarize in which personal relationship are ignored and selection on the mart

Types of Discrimination
 Direct
 Indirect
Direct Discrimination
Treating an individual / group less favorably on ground such as age, gender, religion etc.
In this organizational puts Certain Condition requirements which can easily be met by
one group rather than other.

Biographical characteristics/ Demographic

Biographical characteristics
Personal characteristics—such as age, gender, race, and length of tenure—that are objective
and easily obtained from personnel records.

age is an increasingly relevant characteristic as the workforce is aging older workers
bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience, but the perception is that
productivity often declines with age.

In the workplace, it has been found that there are very difference between men and
women that impact performance

Race and Ethnicity

It has been shown however that people in the workplace do identify more with people
like themselves. So in some cases there may be opportunities given to people based on
the fact that they are like their supervisor

Religion may also impact work outcomes due to religious restrictions such as dress and

Tenure (Relation of job)
Often tenure is seen as a positive as it signifies that people are happy with their
employment because they have remained in their ob for a long period of time.

General perception for older workers

Less flexible
Show resistance to technology

Tenure: work experience and productivity (Experience employees performance )

an includes characteristics to perform verity of tasks in a job there are two type of
ability Intellectual Abilities and physical ability.

Intellectual Abilities
Instinctual ability is a mental ability (thinking out of the box).Intellectual abilities are
abilities needed to perform mental activities— thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.
Most societies place a high value on intelligence, and for good reason.
“The capacity to do mental activities—thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.”

Physical ability
Is the process and programs by which manager make every one more aware of and
sensitive to the needs and difference of other.

Difference between Intellectual Abilities and physical ability

Intellectual abilities is the capacity to do mental activities thinking, reasoning, and
problem solving. It has seven dimensions. Physical abilities is the capacity to do tasks
demanding stamina, dexterity, strength and similar characteristics


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