Emp 13817

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: 13/0 8/20 19

Name: Ekt a

Employee ID: 13817

Location: Ne w De lhi

Subject : Co mpensat io n Revisio n Due To Co mpliance Revisio n

Dear Ekt a,

Due to change in compliance requirement such as Provident Fund & ESIC your

compensation has changed. Details of your revised compensation is attached in the

annexure. This is effective 26-Jun-2019

**All other terms and conditions as per Company policy will continue to apply.

For, Landmark Insurance Brokers Pvt . Lt d.

Authoriz ed Signatory

Landmark Ins urance Brokers Pvt . Lt d.

(CI N U66030P N 2002P T C017009)

I R DAI CoR N o: 216 | Brok er Code: DB 089/03 | Va l i d From 13/10/2018 ti l l 12/10/2021 (ori gi na l l y l i cens ed on 13/10/2003 a nd renewed therea fter) |

Ca tegory: Di rect (Li fe & Genera l ) | A member of I BAI

R egd. Offi ce: Uni t N o. 402, 4th F l oor, Bus i nes s Avenue, La ne N o.6, Korega on P a rk , P une (M a ha ra s htra ) - 411 001

Corpora te Offi ce: Uni t N o.3, 4thF l oor, T he Centri um, P hoeni x M a rk etci ty, LBS M a rg, Kurl a (Wes t), M umba i (M a ha ra s htra ) - 400 070

1800 419 419 9 (Tol l Free) | www.pol i cybos s .com | cus tomerca re@pol i cybos s .com

Insurance is subject matter of solicitation

[Remunerat io n/Salary Det ails]
Name of t he Employee Ekt a
Des ignat ion Execu t ive
Locat ion N ew Delh i
Ef f ect ive Dat e 26-Ju n -2019


Basic 6165 73 98 0
H ou se Ren t Allowan ce 5 01 6012
Grat u it y 3 21 3 8 5 2
Adv. St at u t ory Bon u s 15 00 18 000
Perform an ce Reward 2466 295 92
Ot h er Allowan ce 5 3 63 6

Gro ss Salary 110 0 6 1320 72

Em ployer PF 965 115 8 0
Em ployer ESIC 3 5 8 4296

Co st t o Co mpany (CT C) 12329 147948

* PT applicable as per the State norms

** Net take home is subject to TDS deductions
*** Variable Pay is subject to Performance and will be paid annually
**** Performance Reward is subject to Performance and will be paid monthly

For, La ndma rk Insura nce Broke rs Pvt . Lt d. Employe e Na me : Ekta

Employe e Code : 13817

Authoriz ed Signatory

Landmark Ins urance Brokers Pvt . Lt d.

(CI N U66030P N 2002P T C017009)

I R DAI CoR N o: 216 | Brok er Code: DB 089/03 | Va l i d From 13/10/2018 ti l l 12/10/2021 (ori gi na l l y l i cens ed on 13/10/2003 a nd renewed therea fter) |

Ca tegory: Di rect (Li fe & Genera l ) | A member of I BAI

R egd. Offi ce: Uni t N o. 402, 4th F l oor, Bus i nes s Avenue, La ne N o.6, Korega on P a rk , P une (M a ha ra s htra ) - 411 001

Corpora te Offi ce: Uni t N o.3, 4thF l oor, T he Centri um, P hoeni x M a rk etci ty, LBS M a rg, Kurl a (Wes t), M umba i (M a ha ra s htra ) - 400 070

1800 419 419 9 (Tol l Free) | www.pol i cybos s .com | cus tomerca re@pol i cybos s .com

Insurance is subject matter of solicitation

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