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When it comes to lifting weights, it's all about the number of sets and reps

you do, not to mention the weight used.

But sometimes when the results seem to have hit a plateau, you need to think outside the box and break
away from the typical line of thinking when it comes to weight lifting. That's why I constantly mix things things
up with unique program like HIIT 100's and Alternating Rest Pause. And another way to take weight training
outside the box, as well as take the muscle burn to new levels is Tabata Interval Training.

What is Tabata Interval Training?

It's a method of interval training where you alternate 20 seconds of exercise with 10 seconds of rest done for
eight cycles in this fashion. Ad this style of interval training is not just for cardio. it can be adapted to ANY
exercise for any muscle group. And leave it to me to design a Tabata interval weight training program that is
so effective, yet so brutal, that you'll thank me while you're hating me.

Due to the extremely short rest periods and seemingly constant reps with
Tabata Weight Blast Program, it's another perfect way to melt off fat.
Yet despite the lighter weight that you'll use, it can also take your muscle growth to new heights. Doing very
high reps with light weight for short periods can help you blow pass plateaus and add some serious lean

If you're wondering what's up with the name Tabata Intervals, or Tabatas as

they are known, it has to do with the Japanese scientist who designed them –
Dr. Izumi Tabata.
He was actually looking for a way to better train athletes. The story goes that he was analyzing the training
of the Japanese speed skating team, in an effort to enhance their performance. What he discovered was
that when he had athletes perform eight cycles of these 20-second intervals followed by 10 seconds of rest
they increased both their aerobic (endurance) capacity and their anaerobic (quick power) capacity – the two
things that speed skaters need. In other words, whether you're an endurance athlete like a cyclist, or a
power athlete like a weightlifter, Tabata offers you benefits because it trains both the major metabolic
pathways that provide you endurance and those that provide you explosive energy. That's why so many
athletes have taken to doing Tabata Intervals.

But how can Tabatas help you?

After all, you are likely not a competitive athlete, but more of a bodybuilder interested in gaining lean muscle
for aesthetic purposes, not to mention greater strength. Well Tabata has multiple benefits for you too. Since
it enhances endurance, it boosts your body's ability to burn more fat. And since it enhances explosive
energy, the kind you use in a typical set of bench presses, it can help you get more reps with a given weight,
or use more weight to get a given number of reps. And that not only crosses over to more strength, but also
more muscle growth, since a greater overload on the muscle results in greater growth. And the benefits
won't end there. Because you are doing fairly high reps and taken very short rest periods between sets,
you'll increase the amount of blood vessels you have feeding your muscle fibers. This help to get more
nutrients, oxygen and anabolic hormones to your muscles, which means they'll have more energy during
workouts and better recovery and growth after the workout's over. And the best benefit of all may be the fact
that because you are essentially training anaerobically and aerobically with Tabatas, you can nix the cardio
if you want to. Or really maximize fat burning and add about 4-8 full body exercises at the end of each
Tabata Weight Blast Workout. Of course you will do these full-body exercies Tabata style. Good exercises to
choose from are:


>Cleans (barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell)

>Snatches (barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbell)

>Kettlebell Swings

>Lunges (walking or stationary)

>Dead Landmines

>Med Ball Overhead Throw

>Med Ball Underhand Throw

>Med Ball Slam

>Band Woodchopper (alternate sides on each set)

>Band Roundhouse Elbow (alternate sides on each set)

>Heavy Bag Work



This Tabata program will have you doing several exercises per body part in
Tabata fashion.
You will be doing 2-4 exercises per muscle group. Each exercise is done for eight sets of 20 seconds,
getting as many reps as possible in those 20 seconds. You rest only 10 seconds between the 20-second
sets. Once you've completed 8 sets you'll rest 1-2 minutes (or if you have a training partner, you'll rest the 4
minutes it takes him to complete his 8 sets) and then do the same on the next exercise. If you have a
training partner, they can time you on your 20-second sets and 10-second rest periods. If you train solo then
the timing can get tricky. I suggest you try the Gym Boss. It allows you to set interval times and it beeps to
let you know when the 20-second set is over. You can download their App or Click on the link below for Gym

It will take some trial and error to select the proper weight for each exercise.
I suggest you start very light as you can work up in weight each week. If you find a weight that allows you to
complete 20 seconds of reps for the first 5 or 6 sets but you can not do the full 20 seconds on the last two or
three sets, you can stick with that weight. This way you can set a goal to complete the 20 seconds of reps
for all eight sets before you move on to a heavier weight. Each week that your follow the Tabata Weight
Blast Program, your goal should be to increase the weight you use, or the number of reps you complete in
those 4 minutes.

I suggest you follow my Tabata Weight Blast Program for about 3-6 weeks before returning to a more
normal style of straight-set training.

Then come back to it as you see fit every few months.

Did you say diet?

Iknow that one of the more popular questions that I am going to get on Twitter and Facebook regarding my
Tabata Weight Blast Program is what diet to follow. That depends on your goals and your starting point.
Let's start with those looking to maximize fat loss. I suggest you head right to my Dieting 101 article and
digest that (pun intended). If you aren't on a solid diet then that article teaches you how to design your own
for maximizing fat loss in the long run and building the most muscle and strength while you burn off the body
fat. If you are already in diet mode, such as, if you are coming off of one of my other "get lean" programs like
Supper Shredded 8, just pick up where you currently are and the Dieting 101 article will show you how to
continue the diet for better fat loss. For example, if you are already down to 0.5 grams of carbs per pound of
body fat, find that section in the Dieting 101 article and follow from there the steps to progress your fat loss.
Click on the link below for my Dieting 101 article:

For those who want to focus more on lean muscle gain and building more muscle endurance (which Tabata
is great for), then something similar to the mass gain focus diet of my Shortcut To Size/Micro Muscle
program, or my Super-Man program. I also highly suggest that you read these nutrition rules for building
muscle while minimizing body fat:

Tabata Weight Blast Workouts

Workout 1: Monday (Chest/Abs)

Exercise Sets/Time Rest

Bench Press* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Incline bench press* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Flye* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Cable crossover* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Reverse crunch* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Crunch* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Push-up^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Clean^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Walking Lunge^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Kettlebell Swing 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

*Rest 1-2 minutes between exercises

^Take no rest between exercises

Workout 2: Tuesday (Legs/Calves)

Exercise Sets/Time Rest

Squat* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Deadlift* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Leg extension* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Leg Curl* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Standing calf raise* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Seated calf raise* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Walking Lunge^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dead Landmines^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Kettlebell Snatch^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Band Woodchopper 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

*Rest 1-2 minutes between exercises

^Take no rest between exercises

Workout 3: Wednesday (Shoulders/Traps)


Exercise Sets/Time Rest

Smith Machine Shoulder Press* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Smith Machine Upright Row* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Cable Rear Delt Flye* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Barbell shrug* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Smith Mach. Behind-Back Shrug* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Med Ball Overhead Throw^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Burpee^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Kettlebell Swing^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Med Ball Slam 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

*Rest 1-2 minutes between exercises

^Take no rest between exercises

Workout 4: Thursday (Back/Abs)

Exercise Sets/Time Rest

Bent-Over Barbell Row* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Pulldown* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Seated Cable Row* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Straight-Arm Pulldown* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Crossover crunch* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Cable crunch* 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Push-Up^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dead/Curl/Press^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Heavy Bag Work^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Clean 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

*Rest 1-2 minutes between exercises

^Take no rest between exercises

Workout 5: Friday (Triceps/Biceps/Forearms)

Exercise Sets/Time Rest

Lying Triceps Extension 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Triceps Pressdown 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Cable Overhead Extension 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Barbell Curl 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Incline Dumbbell Curl 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Barbell Wrist Curl 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Burpee^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dumbbell Walking Lunge^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Dead Landmines^ 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

Band Roundhouse Elbow 8/20 seconds 10 sec.

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