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Vibrational analysis of 4, 4-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate

G. А. Pitsevicha,*, Maksim Shundalaua, М. А. Ksenofontovb, D. S. Umreikob

Physics Faculty, Belarusian State University (BSU) Minsk, Belarus
A.N. Sevchenko Research Institute for Applied Physical Problems of BSU, Minsk, Belarus
Author for correspondence: G. А. Pitsevich, email:
Received 24 Sep 2010; Accepted 22 Dec 2010; Available Online 21 Jan 2011


Vibrational Raman and FT-IR absorption spectra of 4,4-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) have
been recorded. The ab initio and density functional theory calculations (B3LYP/cc-pVDZ) have been performed
for the MDI geometric structure and force field. The fully optimized structure has been obtained using Quadratic
Approximation gradient method and is proved by its Hessian. Vibrational spectra have been simulated; bands and
lines in IR or Raman spectra of the MDI molecule have been identified and attributed.

Keywords: IR and Raman spectra; 4,4-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate; Ab initio computations; DFT; Force
field scaling

1. Introduction molecular spectral analysis may be supported by

the results of ab initio computations, whose level
Modern segmented polyurethanes has been markedly upgraded in the last years [6-
represent a class of various polymeric materials 8].
finding extensive applications in different One of the diisocyanates most
branches owing to their ability to form the commonly used in the production of
macromolecular structures of a specific polyurethanes is 4,4'-methylene diphenyl
architecture [1]. Being synthesized on the basis diisocyanate (4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate,
of the reaction between the hydroxyl-containing MDI) [9] (Figure 1) the structure of which
derivatives and isocyanates, the structure of includes two isocyanate, two phenyl, and one
linear segmented urethane polymers includes methylene groups. By the present time no detail
flexible and inflexible segments. Flexible interpretation of vibrational IR [10] and Raman
segments, as a rule, containing ether and ester spectra of this compound has been performed;
groups provide high elasticity of polyurethane. no high-level ab initio computations using the
The structure of inflexible segments is extended bases and methods of a density
determined by the composition of the initial di- functional theory (DFT) are known. Proceeding
and polyisocyanates [2]. from the afore-said, it seems interesting to find
The vibrational spectroscopy methods the spectral and structural features of the above-
are highly efficient in studies of the structural mentioned compound for their further analytical
and physical properties of urethane polymers [3- application.
5]. Owing to great advances in the field of This work presents the structural
computer science, the experimental methods of computations and results interpreting the

Figure 1. Equilibrium structure of MDI molecule according to the results of B3LYPcc-pVDZ computations.

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114 © 2011 Simplex Academic Publishers. All rights reserved.

Figure 2. Experimental (1) and simulated (B3LYP/cc-pVDZ with the force field scaling) (2) Raman spectra
of MDI.

experimental IR absorption and Raman spectra the spectra were recorded by the Bruker Vertex
derived with the use of ab initio computations of 70 FT-IR spectrometer using a cell with
the electronic structure, Hessian, intensities in IR polyethylene windows.
and Raman spectra by DFT methods.
3. Computation method
2. Experimental
Computations of the structural and
The investigated material produced by spectral characteristics of MDI molecule were
the Alfa Aesar (Germany) with the assured 98% realized with the use of the quantum-chemical
purity is a solid white-colored odorless package GAMESS [11, 12]. The obtained results
substance. were visualized with the help of MacMolPlt
Raman spectra of MDI in the region program [13]. Optimization of the equilibrium
20–4000 cm–1 were recorded in the dc mode by structure; computations of a force field, normal
the SPEX–RAMALOG device with a coordinates analysis and intensities for IR and
spectrometer slit bandwidth of 2 cm–1. Excitation Raman spectra in the harmonic approximation
by an argon laser with the wavelength 514.5 nm were performed using the standard cc-pVDZ
was provided at the power 0.3 W. The sample basis [14] by DFT methods with the help of the
under study was a solid-phase pure material. The hybrid B3LYP functional [15-17]. This
recorded Raman spectrum is shown in Figure 2. approximation widely applied in simulations of
IR absorption spectra in the region 400– the structure and vibrational spectra for organic
4000 cm–1 were recorded by the Specord 75 IR compounds [18-20] is also a good practice when
spectrophotometer with a slit bandwidth of 3 interpreting the IR and Raman spectra of methyl
cm–1, and also by the Bruker Tensor 27 FT-IR carbamate [21] and methyl phenyl carbamate
spectrometer (Figure 3) with a slit bandwidth of [22] molecules.
1 cm–1. The sample prepared as a MDI solution Hessian derived as a result of the initial
in ССl4 with the concentration 0.1 mol/l was computations was used further in the following
placed into a cell of NaCl 0.267 mm thick. In the series of computational procedures for

Figure 3. Experimental (1) and simulated (B3LYP/cc-pVDZ with the force field scaling) (2) IR spectra of
MDI over the region 500-3 300 cm-1
low-intensity region 50—400 cm–1 (Figure 4), vibrational frequencies of MDI:

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Figure 4. Experimental (1) and simulated (B3LYP/cc-pVDZ with the force field scaling) (2) IR spectra of
MDI over the region 50-350 cm-1.

phenyl isocyanate, whose structural parameters

have been found from analysis of a microwave
– with the use of the hydrogen atomic spectrum [25]. The results obtained and
weight 1.0078 а. w. u.; experimental data are also presented in Table 1.
– with the use of the ―spectroscopic‖ atomic As seen from Table 1, computation in
weight of hydrogen that is equal to 1.088 а. w. u. the approximation B3LYP/cc-pVDZ most
and partially allows for the effect of anharmonic adequately presents the bond lengths and valence
vibrations [23]; angle values for phenyl isocyanate. It should be
– with scaling of a force field. noted, however, that in [25] the authors have
In the process of the latter, the initial used a planar model of phenyl isocyanate
force field obtained in computations with the molecule with Cs symmetry. In the process
help of the package GAMESS has been N=C=O was considered to be linear, whereas the
recalculated from mdyne/Å, mdyne·Å/rad2 and bond lengths C–C and C–H of a phenyl ring
mdyne/rad (for force constants of bond-bond, were fixed (amounting to 1.399 Ǻ and 1.084 Ǻ,
bond-angle, angle-angle coupling, respectively) respectively) the phenyl ring itself being in the
to 106 cm–2 using the factors 1.5601, 1.4313, and form of a regular hexagon.
1.3131. Next a partial force-field scaling has Deviations of the bond lengths
been performed. A scaling factor for the computed for O=C, C=N, and C–C from the
derivatives of energy with respect to bond experimental ones are within 0.5%, for C–H they
lengths was equal to 0.93 . The force field thus come to 0.8%, and only for N–C the computed
derived was further used in computations of the length is higher by 2.2% than the experimental
frequencies in accordance with the program one. An error in the angle for C=N–C is also
described in [24]. The IR and Raman spectra of 0.5%. According to the computations, the group
MDI calculated in the approximation B3LYP/cc- N=C=O turns to be nonlinear. Due to
pVDZ with regard to scaling of a force field are monosubstitution by the isocyanate group,
given in Figures 2, 3 and 4. distortions of a phenyl ring are insignificant. As
demonstrated by the computations performed,
4. Results and Discussion the equilibrium configuration of phenyl
isocyanate molecule is nonplanar, deviation of
4.1. Structure the isocyanate group from the phenyl ring plane
Even though C2v is the highest point being about 6º.
symmetry group of the equilibrium configuration Important criteria for the represented
for a molecule of MDI, it is unlikely that such a geometry are rotational constants which are
symmetry is characteristic for the molecule in its listed in Table 2 for phenyl isocyanate in
condensed phase. Because of this, the geometry comparison with the experimental values.
has been optimized for C1 symmetry. The Besides, this Table presents the deviations
optimized equilibrium structure of MDI A = (Aexp – Acalc)/Aexp (as a percentage) from the
molecule is shown in Figure 1. Table 1 lists the experimental values (B and C are found in a
computed structural parameters of MDI. All similar way). It is seen that the computations in
bond lengths are given in Angströms, Å; angles the approximation B3LYP/cc-pVDZ give highly
— in degrees. accurate rotational constants for a molecule of
To check adequacy of the computed phenyl isocyanate.
geometric parameters in the approximation In case of MDI molecule the computed
B3LYP/cc-pVDZ used, it has been calculated structural parameters both of the isocyanate and
the equilibrium structure for a molecule of phenyl groups are slightly different from the
corresponding values for a molecule of phenyl
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116 © 2011 Simplex Academic Publishers. All rights reserved.

Table 1. Structural parameters of MDI and phenyl isocyanate molecules calculated using B3LYP/cc-pVDZ

MDI Phenyl isocyanate

B3LYP/cc-pVDZ B3LYP/cc-pVDZ Experiment [25]
O=C 1.175 1.176 1.171
C=N 1.214 1.212 1.207
N–C 1.401 1.400 1.370
C4–C5, C20–C21 1.407 1.406 1.399
C5–C6, C21–C22 1.392 1.397 1.399
C6–C7, C22–C17 1.406 1.398 1.399
C7–C8, C17–C18 1.401 1.399 1.399
C8–C9, C18–C19 1.397 1.396 1.399
C9–C4, C19–C20 1.400 1.395 1.399
C7–C14, C17–C14 1.519 — —
C5–H10, C21–H25 1.093 1.093 1.084
C6–H11, C22–H26 1.093 1.093 1.084
C8–H12, C18–H23 1.093 1.093 1.084
C9–H13, C19–H24 1.091 1.092 1.084
C14–H15, C14–H16 1.103 — —
O=C=N 172.82 172.45 180.0
C=N–C 137.62 139.91 140.6
N3–C4–C5, N27–C20–C21 122.35 122.67 120.0
C4–C5–C6, C20–C21–C22 119.98 119.66 120.0
C5–C6–C7, C21–C22–C17 121.38 120.60 120.0
C6–C7–C8, C22–C17–C18 117.91 119.53 120.0
C9–C8–C7, C17–C18–C19 121.42 120.40 120.0
C8–C9–C4, C18–C19–C20 119.99 120.00 120.0
H10–C5–C4, H25–C21–C20 119.75 119.71 120.0
H11–C6–C5, H26–C22–C21 119.11 119.27 120.0
H13–C9–C4, H24–C19–C20 119.02 118.94 120.0
C6–C7–C14, C22–C17–C14 120.77 — —
C7–C14–C17 114.92 — —
H15–C14–C7, H16–C14–C17 108.56 — —
H15–C14–H16 105.94 — —
C–N=C=O 180.00 180.00 180.0
C–C–N=C 178.86 174.05 180.0
C14–C7–C8–C9, C14–C17–C18–C19 178.80 — —
Interplane angle of phenyl rings 91.15 — —
Table 2. Calculated (B3LYP/cc-pVDZ) and experimental rotational constants of phenyl isocyanate molecule.

B3LYP/cc-pVDZ Experiment [25]

A, MHz 5285.45 5202.3
B, MHz 941.84 972.685
C, MHz 799.41 819.623
ΔA, % –1.60
ΔB, % 3.17
ΔC, % 2.53

isocyanate. Most marked distortions are To assess potentialities of the proposed

observed only for the sections of phenyl rings approximation in computations of the
directly adjoining a methylene group, whereas frequencies and vibration forms for the
the deviations of isocyanate groups from the functional groups involved in the molecular
planes of phenyl rings are reduced down to ~ 1º system under consideration, at the first stage it
(see Table 1). has been performed computations of the
structure and of vibrational spectra for a
4.2. Vibrational spectra molecule of benzene without regard to symmetry
4.2.1. Phenyl-group vibrations (I) and with the symmetry D6h (II). In case of the
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latter the frequencies and forms of normal frequencies, this vibration should be positioned
vibrations were additionally computed, with the in the region 1057–1027 cm–1.
atomic weight of hydrogen replaced by the For computations III and IV the
―spectroscopic‖ one (1.088) (III) with scaling of vibrational frequencies associated with hydrogen
the whole calculated force field (scaling factor are very close, whereas the frequency values
0.93) and with real atomic weight of hydrogen associated with a carbon ring are practically
(1.0079) (IV). coincident with case II. As a whole, the
As demonstrated by the results, the experimental absorption bands and Raman lines
optimized molecular geometries for of IR and Raman spectra for benzene are much
computations I and II are fairly close: in the better represented in computations III and IV. It
second case the bond lengths С–С, on average, should noted, however, that the use of a
are lower by 0.00014 Å and those of С–Н, on spectroscopic weight results in the interchanged
average, are greater by 0.0008 Å than in the first spectral positions of two more vibrations: No. 3
case, whereas deviation in the angle values from (A2g) and No. 14 (B2u) as well as No. 15 (B2u)
120º in the first case is below 0.04º. At the same and No. 18 (E1u). No such interchange is
time, errors in the computed geometry of observed in case IV and hence the use of a
benzene in the first case lead to differences in scaling factor is preferable.
the computed force constants for С–Н bonds Since the molecule under study contain
(from 0.3515 to 0.3619 Hartree/Bohr 2) and also a para-substituted phenyl rings, we tested
in the coupling constants for these bonds, B3LYP/cc-pVDZ approximation to perform the
causing considerable distinctions between the calculation of the structure and vibrational
forms of stretching vibrations for С–Н bonds spectra of p-xylene (С2h symmetry) and 4-methyl
and the real ones. In the second case all forms of phenyl isocyanate molecules. IR and Raman
normal vibrations are in line with Wilson’s spectra of p-xylene molecule and their
system of classification [26]. In the first case interpretations are given in [27], IR spectrum of
forms of the vibrations involving the carbon 4-methyl phenyl isocyanate molecule is given in
ring, out-of-plane, and deformation vibrations of [28]. As demonstrated by analysis of the
С–Н are easily identified and close to the obtained results, the vibrations due to a phenyl
second. Obviously, the use of symmetry in fragment over the spectral intervals 1650–1300
computations is very expedient but it is clear that am–1 and 800–450 cm–1 retain the form described
identification of the forms for normal vibrations by Wilson, being practically immiscible with
of a benzene ring with the frequencies below vibrations of the substitutes. The vibrations
1700 cm–1 is possible in quantum-chemical originating from nondegenerate vibrations of
computations of spectra for aromatic compounds benzene in these intervals lead to insignificant
without allowances for a total or local symmetry. changes in the molecular frequencies of p-xylene
The computed frequencies in case II are and methyl phenyl isocyanate. Sometimes this is
overestimated with respect to the experimental the case for the vibrations associated with
ones, Δν = νcom – νexp growing with the degenerate vibrations of benzene as well.
frequency, while the ratio νexp/νcom remains Over the interval 1250–800 cm–1
practically invariable (0.968). As a whole, the coupling of the vibrations due to a benzene ring
computations in case II represent well the and to substitutes becomes more sufficient but
experimental frequencies, whereas the computed still the vibration number of a benzene ring in
intensities in IR and Raman spectra are some cases may be reliably identified according
proportional to the experimental intensities of to Wilson’s system. As a whole, the computation
spectral bands and lines in the majority of cases. results for a molecule of p-xylene are in a good
Unfortunately, sometimes the computed values agreement with the experimental data, despite
of a depolarization degree for asymmetric the fact that more disorders in a sequence of the
vibrations are considerably lower than 0.75. computed and experimental frequencies are
Note also that due to the computations, the А1g, found compared to a molecule of benzene. This
E1u – type stretching vibrations (No. 2 and No. is mainly due to the increased total number of
20 by Wilson) and E2g, B1u – type stretching vibrations of p-xylene molecule caused by an
vibrations (No. 7 and No. 13 by Wilson) of С–Н increase in the number of atoms, by the relieved
bonds are interchanged. Actually, in the region degeneracy in comparison with benzene and
below 1700 cm–1 a sequence of the computed hence decreased frequency range between the
frequencies is completely in line with the absorption bands and Raman lines in IR and
experiment, except for the B1u – type vibration Raman spectra of p-xylene.
No. 12 whose computed frequency value is A detailed comparative analysis of the
1001.6 cm–1. To be in agreement with a computation results for normal vibrations of p-
sequence of the computed and experimental xylene and methyl phenyl isocyanate molecules
reveals some vibrations of a benzene ring,
Global Journal of Analytical Chemistry | Volume 2 | Issue 3 | 2011
118 © 2011 Simplex Academic Publishers. All rights reserved.

coincident in their form and frequency, band due to vibration No. 18а in IR spectra of
identification of the numbers of which by the compounds containing a parasubstituted
Wilson’s system is unquestionable. Besides, for benzene ring is characterized by a small half-
these vibrations there is correlation between the width and high relative intensity, being exhibited
bands and lines in IR and Raman spectra as in a very narrow spectral interval of 1020–1030
regards their intensity and polarization degree. cm–1. Vibration No. 6b in the third group must
Some of them must be exhibited with a be also excluded from the list of characteristic
considerable intensity in both spectra, others  vibrations. The line intensities in a Raman
predominantly in IR spectra or exclusively in spectrum associated with this vibration are
Raman spectra. For the vibrations 8а, 8b, 6а usually very low. Moreover, in Raman spectra of
attributed to the first group the frequencies were some compounds it is not exhibited at all.
computed as 1673, 1625, 642 cm–1 in a molecule Next identifications for the computed
of p-xylene and as 1667, 1623, 665 cm–1 in vibrations of MDI molecule were as follows:
methyl phenyl isocyanate, respectively. For the vibrations 8а,b and 6а in the first group; 19а,
second group vibrations 19а, 19b, 18а, 17b, 17а 18а, and 17а,b in the second group; 7а, 10а, 1
the frequencies were computed as 1571, 1470, and 10b in the third group. It has been
1031, 1049, 831 cm–1 in a molecule of p-xylene impossible to identify vibration 17b. Because of
and as 1573, 1436, 1034, 1048, 828 cm–1 in a this, vibrations 19а, 18а, 17а remain in the
molecule of methyl phenyl isocyanate, second group. The computed values of these
respectively. And, finally, for the vibrations 7а, frequencies, for the sake of convenience given
10а, 1, 6b, 10b attributed to the third group the here taking no account of scaling (find the
frequencies were calculated as 1230, 874, 846, frequencies computed with scaling of a force
466, 311 cm–1 in a molecule of p-xylene and as field in Table 2) are the following: 1664 and
1231, 840, 833, 396, 342 cm–1 in phenyl methyl 1661, 1619 and 1614, 654 and 646 cm–1 for the
isocyanate, respectively. It should be noted that first group; 1566 and 1565, 1029 and 1028, 847
the first and the third vibrations of the latter may and 843 cm–1 for the second group; 1151 and
be rather conventionally assigned to breathing 1149, 879 and 847, 851 and 822, 338 and 329
vibration of a benzene ring No. 1 because a cm–1 for the third group. Based on the performed
contribution of the substitutes is significant. No analysis, they are correlated with the following
doubt that the vibrations of the first group are bands and lines of IR and Raman spectra: 1612
most characteristic. As is known [27], the and 1610, 1577, 642, and 621 сm-1 — for the
molecules containing a parasubstituted benzene first group; 1527 and 1513, 1018 and 1012, 825
group are characterized by a doublet of and 822 cm-1 — for the second; 1196, 858, 806,
absorption bands and Raman lines over the 341, and 336 cm–1 — for the third. Doubling of
spectral interval 1600–1640 cm–1, and also by a nearly each of the vibrations studied in a
single band and a line over the interval 610–660 molecule of MDI is determined by the presence
cm–1. Note that all the above-mentioned of two identical substituted benzene rings, a pair
vibrations, excepting the first and the third of frequencies in the majority of cases being
vibrations of the third group, are presented in associated with symmetric and antisymmetric
[27] as characteristic of the frequency and form vibrations with respect to the assumed binary
for the atomic group С6Н4 with substitutes in the axis. In some cases one of the frequencies is
para-position. Despite the indicated associated with a vibration having a greater
conventionality in assignment of the first and contribution of one of the rings to the potential
third vibrations in the third group as a vibration energy distribution (PED) whereas the other—
No. 1 in a molecule of benzene, it is expected with a vibration having a greater contribution of
that these vibrations may be exhibited with a the other ring to PED. It is assumed that the
high relative intensity in Raman spectra of the second situation is rather untrue, being caused by
compounds containing a parasubstituted benzene the neglect of symmetry properties in the process
ring. of quantum-chemical computations. A fairly
Based on analysis of the spectra for a satisfactory agreement between the computed
molecule of p-xylene [27] as well as IR and and experimental frequencies, even without the
Raman spectra of many peroxide compounds introduction of scaling factors, points to the fact
including benzene rings with different that an adequate interpretation of other
substitutes in para-positions [29], it is inferred vibrations based on the data about the vibration
that vibration No. 19b in IR spectra is, as a rule, frequency, its relative intensity in IR and Raman
exhibited with a low relative intensity. At the spectra is highly probable.
same time, in IR spectra of some compounds its
intensity is close to zero and hence it must be 4.2.2. Methylene-group vibrations
excluded from the second group list of It is well known that to describe the
characteristic vibrations. Note that the absorption deformation vibrations of С–Н bonds in a
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methylene group, the valence angle of Н–С–Н frequencies: 1354, 1196 and 1188 cm–1 (13, 17,
and four valence angles of С–С–Н are used. The and 51%, respectively) and scissoring — at two
first coordinate is associated with scissoring frequencies: 1360 and 1301 cm–1 (41 and 27%).
vibration but, as for four natural coordinates of A contribution of rocking vibrations is
С–С–Н there is a linear coupling equation, they considerable only at the frequency 913 cm–1
are also associated with three more deformation coming to 51%, and below 900 сm–1, according
vibrations of a methylene group: wagging, to the computations, there is practically no
twisting, and rocking. The potentialities of contribution from deformation vibrations of СН 2
B3LYP/cc-pVDZ approximation in group. In this way, based on the computations of
computations of vibrations for a methylene IR and Raman spectra for molecules of propane,
group have been evaluated in the process of diphenylmethane, and MDI, only scissoring
simulation of the vibrational spectra for vibrations of methylene group may be
molecules of diphenylmethane [9] and propane, considered to be characteristic as regards their
whose interpretation of IR and Raman spectra is frequency and form. A scissoring vibration in IR
undoubtful [27]. spectrum of MDI molecule may be attributed to
Despite the fact that values of the the low-intensity absorption band at 1465 cm-1.
computed frequencies are predictably The remaining methylene-group vibrations are
overestimated relative the experimental ones, the neither localized nor characteristic.
computation results are in a perfect agreement
with data of [27] as regards the symmetry types 4.2.3. Isocyanate-group vibrations
and assignments. They offer an adequate Assignment of the isocyanate-group
sequence of the frequencies in IR and Raman vibrations was realized on the basis of the results
spectra of propane molecule, excluding two obtained in computations of IR and Raman
vibrations: 1394 and 1383 cm–1, the first of spectra of methyl phenyl isocyanate. Moreover,
which is a totally symmetric deformation in the approximation B3LYP/cc-pVDZ the
vibration of С–Н bonds in methylene groups, computations have been performed for IR and
and the second (В1 symmetry) — has a Raman spectra of a molecule of phenyl
contribution of wagging vibrations from a isocyanate, the interpretation of which is given
methylene group amounting up to 22%. in [30]. The calculated frequency of an
According to the data of [27], these vibrations antisymmetric stretching vibration of N=C=O
are associated with the IR absorption bands at group (2365 cm–1) in a molecule of phenyl
1372 and 1390 cm–1. In agreement with [27], the isocyanate turns to be overestimated by more
computation results show that in a molecule of than 100 cm–1 as compared to the experimental
propane only scissoring (1488 cm–1) and twisting one (2260 cm-1). A symmetric stretching
(1305 cm–1) vibrations may be considered to be vibration of this group is associated in [30] with
localized (their contributions to PED being 67 the band at 1445 cm–1 but, according to the
and 80 %, respectively) whereas in other cases computations, a contribution of this vibration
deformation vibrations of a methylene group are (that is not localized) to PED is about 30% at the
considerably combined with vibrations of methyl frequencies 1560 and 1481 cm–1. By [30], plane
groups and С–С bonds. To illustrate, the deformation vibrations of N=C=O are
contributions to PED made by rocking vibrations responsible for the absorption band at 567 cm–1,
of СН2 group at the frequencies 1195 and 742 whereas out-of-plane vibrations — for the band
cm–1 come to 36 and 54%, respectively; the at 631 cm–1. Based on the computations, these
contributions made by wagging vibrations of a vibrations in phenyl isocyanate and methyl
methylene group at 1383 and 1354 cm–1 amount phenyl isocyanate molecules are localized, while
to 22 and 56%. Also, note that the absorption frequencies of in-plane deformation vibrations
bands and Raman lines in IR and Raman spectra are higher (637 and 621 cm–1) than those of out-
associated with deformation vibrations of of-plane vibrations (559 and 558 cm–1). It should
methylene group in propane are characterized by be noted that in this case the computed and
low intensity. According to the computation experimental frequencies are practically
results for IR and Raman spectra of coincident. And, finally, a wide moderate-
diphenylmethane и MDI molecules, only a intensity absorption band with a maximum near
scissoring vibration of a methylene group in 100 cm–1 the authors of [30] attribute to the
these molecules (1419 and 1470 cm–1) remains plane and out-of-plane vibrations of N=C=O
localized (contributions to PED coming to 96 group as a whole. Correspondingly, the
and 95 %, respectively). As seen, the frequency computed frequencies for these localized
value is greatly dependent on the orientation of vibrations of phenyl isocyanate and methyl
benzene rings with respect to the methylene phenyl isocyanate molecules are: 83, 102 and 53,
group. Twisting vibrations of СН2 group in a 54 cm–1. As the computed frequencies of plane
molecule of MDI contribute to PED at three and out-of-plane deformation vibrations for
Global Journal of Analytical Chemistry | Volume 2 | Issue 3 | 2011
120 © 2011 Simplex Academic Publishers. All rights reserved.

isocyanate group (637, 630 and 562, 560 cm–1) A complete interpretation of the
in a molecule of MDI are actually coincident experimental IR and Raman spectra for MDI
with those in phenyl isocyanate and methyl together with the frequencies and intensities
isocyanate molecules, the broadened absorption computed in the approximation B3LYP/cc-
bands at 621 and 567.5 cm–1, respectively, pVDZ without (A) and with scaling (B) of a
should be attributed to these vibrations. The force field is given in Table 3. The experimental
high-intensity broadened Raman lines with the intensities in IR and Raman spectra are given in
frequencies 77 and 92.5 cm–1 may be attributed relative units and the calculated intensities — in
to low-intensity deformation vibrations of D2/(a. w. u.·Å2) for IR spectrum or Å4/a. w. u.
N=C=O groups in a molecule of MDI. for Raman spectrum.

Table 3. Frequencies and intensities in IR and Raman vibrational spectra of MDI.

№ Attribution Experiment B3LYP/cc-pVDZ

IR Raman ν, cm–1 I
ν, cm I ν, cm–1 I A B IR Rama
1 νCH(Ph) 99% 3066 8 — — 3216 3101 0.14 163.5
2 νCH(Ph) 99% — — 3072 0.08 3195 3081 0.07 151.2
3 νCH(Ph) 99% 3045 3 3045 0.05 3192 3078 0.22 123.2
4 νCH(Ph) 99% — — 3039 0.10 3182 3069 0.22 100.2
5 νCH(Ph) 99% 3025 12 3023 0.03 3177 3063 0.17 52.5
6 νCH(Ph) 99% 3025 12 3023 0.03 3176 3063 0.21 78.0
7 νCH(Ph) 92% + δCCC(Ph) 7% 3006 11 — — 3169 3056 0.28 67.9
8 νCH(Ph) 92% + δCCC(Ph) 5% 2985 10 — — 3158 3046 0.20 43.9
9 νCH(CH2) 99% (as) — — 2947 0.06 3058 2948 0.26 82.3
10 νCH(CH2) 99% (s) — — 2931 0.10 3025 2917 0.60 183.9
11 νNCO 100% (s) 2240 88 2240 0.08 2358 2274 31.34 82.6
12 νNCO 100% (as) 2260 100 — — 2352 2268 50.69 29.4
13 8a (s) 1612 65 1611 1.10 1664 1623 0.63 514.8
14 8a (as) 1610 77 1609 0.70 1661 1620 0.94 213.4
15 8b (s) 1577 55 1577 0.01 1619 1577 0.44 2.2
16 8b (as) 1577 55 1577 0.01 1614 1572 0.37 2.2
17 19a (s) 1513 8 — — 1566 1531 0.82 191.2
18 19a (as) 1513 8 — — 1565 1528 4.39 97.8
19 νNCOs 43% (―left‖ ring) + ν NPh 16% +
νCC(Ph) 5% + δCCC(Ph) 12% + δCCH(Ph) 1456 1 1455 0.05 1484 1445 0.05 115.5
20 νNCOs 43% (―right‖ ring) + νNPh 16% +
νCC(Ph) 5% + δCCC(Ph) 6% + δCCH(Ph) 1450 3 1450 0.10 1482 1444 0.04 142.2
21 Scissoring CH2 95% 1465 1 — — 1469 1469 0.11 17.6
22 νCC(Ph) 61% + δCCC(Ph) 25% + δCCH(Ph)
1443 8 1443 0.30 1447 1416 0.01 6.7
26% (s)
23 νCC(Ph) 61% + δCCC(Ph) 24% + δCCH(Ph)
1435 21 1434 0.03 1446 1414 0.07 2.2
27% (as)
24 Wagging CH2 42% + νCC(Ph) 16% +
1336 3 — — 1360 1345 0.51 9.8
δCCH(Ph) 12% + νCC(CH2) 7%
25 Torsional CH2 12% + δCCH(Ph) 40% +
— — 1321 0.01 1354 1329 0.01 4.8
νCC(Ph) 37%
26 νCC(Ph) 29% + δCCH(Ph) 64% — — 1300 0.01 1320 1304 0.08 1.2
27 νCC(Ph) 67% + δCCH(Ph) 24% 1297 20 — — 1317 1298 0.05 1.5
28 Wagging CH2 30% + νСС(CH2) 8% +
1286 12 — — 1301 1276 0.08 11.7
νСС(Ph) 62%
29 νCC(CH2) (as) 35% + δCCC(Ph) 64% 1232 14 — — 1226 1202 0.10 5.9
30 νCC(CH2) (s) 35% + δCCC(Ph) 70% 1206 18 — — 1215 1193 0.03 24.9

Global Journal of Analytical Chemistry | Volume 2 | Issue 3 | 2011
© 2011 Simplex Academic Publishers. All rights reserved. 121

31 7a — — 1196 0.13 1197 1184 0.10 10.6

32 7a — — 1196 0.13 1193 1182 0.02 3.2
33 Torsional CH2 51% + νCC(Ph) 15% +
δCCC(Ph) 10% + δCCH(Ph) 12% 1182 16 1184 0.01 1189 1179 0.03 36.2
34 νNCOs 24% + νNPh 16% + νCC(Ph) 36% +
δCCC(Ph) 10%+ δCCH(Ph) 13% (―right‖ 1146 50 — — 1151 1122 1.52 43.6
35 νNCOs 23% + νNPh 17% + νCC(Ph) 27%+
δCCC(Ph) 22%+ δCCH(Ph) 10% (―left‖ — — 1141 0.02 1149 1119 1.43 49.3
36 νCC(Ph) 39% + δCCC(Ph) 34% +
1109 90 1109 0.15 1125 1115 0.43 0.5
δCCH(Ph) 36% (as)
37 νCC(Ph) 36% + δCCC(Ph) 25% +
1051 5 1053 0.05 1119 1108 0.18 1.0
δCCH(Ph) 31% (s)
38 18a 1018 65 — — 1029 1010 0.15 0.4
39 18a 1012 5 — — 1028 1009 0.17 0.4
40 ρCH 86% + ρCC 10% (―left‖ ring) 966 2 — — 985 986 0.00 1.3
41 ρCH 78% + ρCC 12% (―right‖ ring) 952 2 — — 982 983 0.01 0.7
42 ρCH 72% + ρCC 14% (―left‖ ring) 943 5 — — 971 971 0.00 2.3
43 ρCH 76% + ρCC 16% (―right‖ ring) 943 5 — — 970 970 0.02 3.2
44 Rocking CH2 51% + ρCH 21% 915 22 — — 913 911 0.12 0.4
45 17a 855 45 — — 879 876 0.25 8.9
46 1 (as) — — 858 0.08 851 847 0.05 6.1
47 10a — — 859 0.06 847 844 0.33 5.7
48 10a 855 44 856 0.04 843 835 0.01 3.5
49 17а 822 46 — — 835 827 0.84 3.1
50 1 (s) — — 806 0.3 822 807 0.39 47.1
51 δCCC (CH2) 10% + ρCC 43% + ρCH 22% — — 752 0.05 773 769 0.15 3.6
52 νNPh 21% + νCC(CH2) 12% + δCCC(Ph)
703 3 703 0.01 743 730 0.42 1.2
53 4 691 10 — — 728 728 0.01 0.3
54 4 667 20 — — 708 702 0.24 3.1
55 6a 642 10 642 0.06 654 651 0.06 4.0
56 6a 642 10 642 0.06 646 643 0.01 11.6
57 δNCO (s) 52% (in-plane) 621 38 621 0.10 638 637 0.10 0.2
58 δNCO (as) 62% (in-plane) 621 38 621 0.10 631 629 0.50 0.0
59 ωNCO 96% (out-of-plane) 567 67 — — 563 563 0.73 2.8
60 ωNCO 99% (out-of-plane) 567 67 — — 560 559 0.55 0.6
61 δNCO 6% + δCCC(Ph) 16% + ρOCNC 22%
+ ρCCNC 30% — — 562 0.05 546 542 0.08 0.9
62 ρCCNC 68% + ρCCCC 30% — — — — 521 521 0.13 0.0
63 νNPh 9% + δCCC(Ph) 20% + δCCC (CH2)
7% + ρCCNC 22% + ρCCCC 8% + ρCCCN — — 470 0.05 475 472 0.00 4.7
64 νNPh 11% + δNCO 12% + δCCN 20% +
δCCC(Ph) 37% + δCCC(Ph–CH2) 12% — — 467 0.02 455 452 0.02 0.1
65 δCCN 13% + ρCCCN 52% + ρCCCH 12% — — 416 0.01 425 425 0.04 0.5
66 ρCCC-C (Ph–CH2) 82% — — 416 0.01 423 423 0.01 0.2
67 δCCN 41% + δCCC(Ph) 10% + δCCC(Ph–
CH2) 8% + ρCCCN 12% — — — — 418 418 0.15 1.1
68 δCCN 35% + δCCC(Ph) 32% + δCCH(Ph)
— — 387 0.01 387 384 0.27 4.1
69 10b — — 341 0.15 338 338 0.02 2.0
70 10b 333 3 336 0.35 329 328 0.03 10.9

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122 © 2011 Simplex Academic Publishers. All rights reserved.

71 Rocking (СH2 as a whole) 50% +

deformations of NCO as a whole 310 7 — — 289 289 0.11 0.7

72 Relative deformation vibrations of

benzene rings as a whole 225 1 234 0.04 228 227 0.04 4.1

73 Relative deformation vibrations of

benzene rings as a whole — — 177 0.03 168 167 0.00 1.2

74 ρCCC-C (Ph-CH2) 40% + ρCCNС 35% +

— — — — 139 139 0.01 0.3
ρCCCN 30%
75 Plane deformations of NCO groups as
— — 92 1.10 90 90 0.03 4.0
a whole
76 Plane deformations of NCO groups as
— — 92 1.10 83 83 0.04 3.7
a whole
77 Out-of-plane deformations of NCO
groups as a whole — — 77 1.00 69 69 0.01 0.4

78 Out-of-plane deformations of NCO

groups as a whole — — 77 1.00 54 54 0.00 1.5

79 Relative torsional vibrations of benzene

rings as a whole — — 41 2.00 29 29 0.00 13.8

80 Relative torsional vibrations of benzene

rings as a whole — — — — 21 21 0.00 6.4

81 Relative translational vibrations of

benzene rings as a whole — — — — 20 20 0.00 9.5

computations but also additional arguments. A

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equilibrium geometry and of IR, Raman spectral Raman spectra for numerous peroxide
characteristics have been performed for a compounds containing parasubstituted benzene
molecule of 4,4-methylene diphenyl rings has enabled a reliable interpretation of IR
diisocyanate as well as for molecules of benzene, and Raman spectra for a molecule of MDI. The
p-xylene, methyl phenyl isocyanate, phenyl computed characteristics of the vibrational
isocyanate, diphenylmethane and propane spectra of MDI exhibit a good agreement with
simulating molecular fragments of the the experimental data.
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