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Art Education Program

College of Visual and Performing Arts
Vaughn-Eames Hall, 4tr Floor
1000 Morris Avenue, Uaion, NJ 07083

Mav 2t)18
Dear Sir/Madam:

It gives me great pleasure to recommend Edward Stroh for consideration as an

Administrator within your school district. I had the privilege of hiring Mr. Stroh as a Music
Educator in 2A02. What makes this particular hiring of a teacher so impressive is that it
was based upon a trans-Atlantic phone conversation. Mr. Stroh articulated his educational
philosophy and vision with a clarity of focus that distinguishes his professionalism and his
commitment to education to this day. Mr. Stroh, in his various assignments as a Music
Educator in the Jersey City INJJ Public Schools consistently and adroitly met the many
rigorous and highly challenging requirements presented to him. Mr. Stroh always
demonstrated strong capabilities in both the written and spoken word. He engaged in
scholarly reading that positively impacted both his own performance and that of his
students, and designed and constructed cogent, systematic and structured Iesson pians.
Further, his observed field performances demonstrated the ability to implement fluid
application of these skills and understandings within formal classroom settings. With these
notable skills as a framework for his work in Educational Leadership, Mr. Stroh has
continued to increase his expertise, making him nold/ a candidate with considerable

Edward is a highly intelligent individual who brings a profound sensitivity to the

educational arena, as weli as collaborative and organizational skills, which were apparent
early on in his career in ]ersey City. Mr. Stroh assisted in the implementation of
international travel and performances by his students in Oberhavel, Germany. He worked
with both German and Arnerican officials to coordinate educational seminars for students
as well as these performances. His expertise in detailing long range planning as well as
being able to faciiitate and trouble shoot on site helped to attain the recognition this
program enjoyed for nearly ten years.

Apart from the excellent qualities noted above, Mr. Stroh is a very mature, respectful, and
considerate individual. He demonstrates a particularly strong and deeply rooted work
ethic that wiil serve your district admirably.

Field Supervisor * Department af Art Educatian

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