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MCQs on American Literature by Sajjad Haider

1. Melodic Train is written by

a. Frost
b. Plath
c. John Ashbury
d. Hemingway

2. Poppies in October and The Bee Meeting are written by

e. Frost
f. Plath
g. John Ashbury
h. Hemingway

3. Walt Whitman belongs to

a. American Romanticism
b. American Revolution
c. American Reformation
d. American Restoration

4. The name of Whitman’s collection of poems is

a. Hymns to God
b. Songs to Nature
c. Song to Myself
d. Leaves of Grass
5. Walt Whitman’s poem ‘O Captain! My Captain’ is an elegy, written over the
death of
a. George Washington
b. J.F. Kennedy
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. H.S. Truman
Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell# 03138962618
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6. “Jazz” is written by
i. Frost
j. Toni Morrison
k. John Ashbury
l. Hemingway

7. Which American president said,” Robert Frost is the great American poet of
our times”

a. Kennedy
b. Howler
c. Nixon
d. Clinton

8. O’ Henry was an American short story writer, well known for his surprise
endings. His real name was

a. William Frances
b. William Sydney Porter
c. William Lamb
d. William Langland
9. How many times Robert Frost got Pulitzer award?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
10.Frost was sent by American president as representative of America to

a. Soviet Union
b. United Nations
c. China
d. India

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11.Mending Wall, Birches, The Death of The Hired Man, The Road Not Taken
are written by
a. Toni Morrison
b. Robert Frost
c. Hemingway
d. Author Miller
12.‘Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost has only
a. Five lines
b. Seven lines
c. Nine lines
d. Ten lines
13.On what grounds, Hemingway was not accepted in army
a. Poor vision
b. Deafness
c. Mental problem
d. Lameness
14.The Sun also Rises, A Farewell to Arms are the novels by
e. Toni Morrison
f. G.B. Shaw
g. Hemingway
h. Author Miller
15.Who is the hero of “The Old Man and the Sea”?
e. Pip
f. Santiago
g. Manolin
h. Negro

16.Santiago could not catch the fish for

a. 81 days
b. 82 days
c. 83 days
d. 84 days

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17.The fish which Santiago caught was
a. Marlin
b. Trout
c. Shark
d. Starfish
18.The length of the baited Marlin caught by Santiago was
a. 15 feet
b. 16 feet
c. 17 feet
d. 18 feet
19.Hemingway was given Nobel Prize in
a. 1952
b. 1954
c. 1956
d. 1958
20.Which of the following poems did Robert Frost read in the inauguration
ceremony of President Kennedy?
a. Mending Wall
b. After Apple Picking
c. Road Not Taken
d. The Gift Outright
21.During first world war, Hemingway was
a. Doctor
b. Soldier
c. Ambulance Driver
d. Boxer
22.American writing began with__________________ ( Captain John Smith is
notable name)
e. Novels
f. Plays
g. Stories of adventures

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h. poems
23.Hemingway has a great influence of __________ in his literary
a. Robert Frost
b. Shakespeare
c. Gertrude Stein
d. Milton
24.An American writer who was an ambulance driver, fisherman and boxer
i. Toni Morrison
j. Emily Dickenson
k. Hemingway
l. Author Miller
25.An American writer who led life as truck driver, waiter, crew man
m. Toni Morrison
n. Emily Dickenson
o. Hemingway
p. Author Miller
26.Which one of the following is a male writer
a. Toni Morrison
b. George Eliot
c. Ezra Pound
d. None
27.American first published work is
a. Bay Psalm book
b. Day of Doom
c. Wonderer
d. Adventures of Huckleberry Fin

28.Hemingway says that all American literature has emerged from

a. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

b. Paradise Lost

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c. Hamlet
d. A moveable Feast

29.Who is the narrator of the story in “The Sun also Rises”

a. Jake Barnes
b. Robert Cohn
c. Pedro Romero
d. Clone

30.When did William Faulkner got Nobel Prize

a. 1950
b. 1952
c. 1954
d. 1956

31.“The Hamlet” is written by

a. Shakespeare
b. Faulkner
c. Author Miller
d. Hemingway
32.The title of “The Sound and the Fury” by Faulkner is taken from
Shakespeare‘s play. The name of play is.
a. Hamlet
b. Macbeth
c. King Lear
d. Tempest
33.What is common among the works of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Dorothy
and William Faulkner
a. Art of characterization

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b. Subject matter
c. Stream of consciousness technique
d. Themes
34.Who is the writer of “Death of a Salesman?
e. James Joyce
f. Faulkner
g. Arthur Miller
h. Hemingway
35.The struggle of the individual attempting to gain his rightful position in his
society and his family is the central issue of
a. Ibsen’s play
b. Miller’s plays
c. Shaw’s plays
d. Shakespeare’s plays
36.Who is the hero of “The Death of the Salesman”?
a. Loman
b. Linda
c. Willy Loman
d. Happy Loman
37.O’ Neil was awarded the Nobel prize in
a. 1936
b. 1937
c. 1938
d. 1939
38.Mourning becomes Electra and Long Days Journey in to Night was written
a. Miller
b. O’ Neil
c. Hemingway
d. Virginia Woolf
39.The Edible Woman is written by

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a. Robert Frost
b. Stephen Leecock
c. Margaret Atwood
d. Ezra Pound

40.The first American comedy is

a. The Contrast by Royal Tyler

b. The Power of Sympathy by William Hill Brown
c. Wieland by Charles Brockden
d. My Dog by Mark Twain
41.The first American novel is
e. The Contrast by Royal Tyler
f. The Power of Sympathy by William Hill Brown
g. Wieland by Charles Brockden
h. My Dog by Mark Twain
42.The pioneers of Transcendentalism are
a. Whitman and Frost
b. T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound
c. Emerson and Thoreau
d. Leacock and Sangster
43.The Scarlet Letter is written by
a. Walt Whitman
b. Hawthorne
c. Harriet Beecher Stowe
d. T.S. Eliot
44.Uncle Tom’s Cabin is written by
e. Walt Whitman
f. Hawthorne
g. Harriet Beecher Stowe
h. T.S. Eliot
45.Who is called the Pope of Russell Square

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i. Walt Whitman
j. Hawthorne
k. Harriet Beecher Stowe
l. T.S. Eliot
46.Homage to Sextus Propertius and Hugh Selwyn Mauberley are the major
works of
a. Walt Whitman
b. Ezra Pound
c. Robert Frost
d. Mark Twain

47.The first Canadian novel is

a. Wacousta by John Richardson

b. The Golden age by William Kirby
c. The Seats of the Mighty by Parker
d. A Social Departure by Sara Duncan

48.Who among the following is considered first Canadian Poet

a. Stephen Leacock
b. Margret Atwood
c. Charles Sangster
d. Emily Johnson

49.“The Boy I Left Behind Me” is an unfinished autobiography

a. Ezra Pound
b. Stephen Leacock
c. T.S. Eliot
d. Robert Frost

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50.Element s of Political Science, Literary Lapses, Sunshine Sketches of a Little
Town are the major works of
e. Ezra Pound
f. Stephen Leacock
g. T.S. Eliot
h. Robert Frost

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