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Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96

Logistic regression model for prediction of roof fall risks in bord

and pillar workings in coal mines: An approach
Sanjay Kumar Palei *, Samir Kumar Das
Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India

Received 18 September 2007; received in revised form 18 December 2007; accepted 14 January 2008


The roof fall hazards are the major problems in underground coal mines, which are generally unpredictable due to the associated uncer-
tainties arising out of the complexity of geological conditions and variability in mining parameters. During the six year period, 1996–2001,
253 Indian coal miners lost their lives and 401 are seriously injured in 490 different roof fall accidents. In India, 32.7% of the total fatal
injuries in coal sectors are due to roof fall in bord and pillar method of workings. This paper attempts to predict the severities of roof fall
accidents based on some major contributing parameters using the binary logistic regression model. In total, 128 roof fall accidents for the
last few years from five underground coal mines in India having bord and pillar method of working are analyzed for this study. The results
revealed that wider gallery width is more prone to major and serious accidents than narrower gallery width. Thin seams are more amenable
to major accidents in comparison to thick seams. Unsupported or partially supported roofs have higher risk for contributing major as well
as serious accidents. Deep workings are more prone to major accidents as compared to shallow depth workings.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Accident; Bord and pillar; Logistic regression; Risk; Roof fall

1. Introduction faces with powered roof supports and galleries with the
combination of roof bolting, props and bars, and also areas
Roof falls continue to be one of the greatest single haz- of exposure due to drivage of galleries are much smaller
ards faced by underground coal miners. The hazardous than the bord and pillar method of working (Das, 1984).
nature of roof falls in underground coal mine operations In underground coal mining, bord and pillar is the method
can be illustrated from the national statistics of mine acci- of working, mostly preferable for flat tabular deposits in
dents. During the six year period, 1996–2001, in India, 253 thin seams, where bords or galleries are driven in the solid
coal miners lost their lives and 401 are seriously injured in coal to form pillars in the development workings. ‘Pillars’
490 different roof fall accidents. 32.7% of the total fatal of coal are left behind to support the roof and prevent col-
injuries in Indian coal sectors are due to roof fall in bord lapse. Additional support is provided through the use of
and pillar method of working; whereas only 1% of the total roof bolts and props. In some cases, the pillars are removed
fatal injuries due to roof fall are occurring in longwall partly or fully in a later operation known as bord and pillar
method of working (DGMS, 1996–2001). The roof fall depillaring.
accident rates are less in longwall faces, since they are very The complexity of geological deposit and variability of
few in number, mostly mechanized covering the working mining parameters leads to the occurrences of unwanted
roof falls. There are various studies on finding relationship
between the roof falls and geological conditions, stress
Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Mining Engi-
neering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221
state and mine layout (Molinda et al., 2000; Das, 2000;
005, Uttar Pradesh, India. Tel./fax: +91 542 2369442. Phillipson, 2003). Phillipson (2003) emphasized on geolog-
E-mail address: (S.K. Palei). ical mapping for ultimate benefit of understanding the

0925-7535/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96 89

geology and projecting the zones of adverse ground condi- of reportable injury to serious injury to fatality was
tions for the prevention of fatality. The identification of 50:5:1. A special attention is paid in this paper on the
many slickenside features as faults and shear zones, which assessment of the risk of roof fall accidents of different
are true structural geologic features, increases the impor- severity in the coal mines having bord and pillar method
tance of basic structural geologic mapping in coal mines. of workings. The major contributing parameters may be
Interpreting slickenside formation in terms of structural categorized into different groups, which are responsible
geology can allow areas of poor ground conditions to be for unwanted outcomes. The contributing parameters
projected ahead of mining, so that additional support mea- has been grouped into two classes namely (i) geo-mining
sures can be planned in advance. Das (2000) studied the variables, such as gallery width, mining height, depth of
behaviour of coal measure roof rocks during mining, con- cover, seam thickness, roof support status, and immediate
sidering the geology and physico-mechanical rock proper- roof and (ii) location variables like roof fall location and
ties. Molinda et al. (2000) performed simple regression the individual mine. A binary logistic regression model is
analysis with some significant geotechnical variables like used for this study.
overburden, bolt strength, bolt capacity, grout length, den-
sity, entry width, coal mine roof rating (CMRR) and inter- 2. Case study
section span for predicting the roof fall rate. The results
showed that there is relationship existing between intersec- 2.1. Mine description
tion span and entry width; CMRR and overburden;
CMRR and bolt length. For stronger roofs (high CMRR), Five underground coal mines are considered for the pur-
shorter bolts are required, and there is a positive correla- pose of study and data are collected from those mines. All
tion between CMRR and depth of cover. Depth of cover the mines have bord and pillar method of workings. Out of
is one of the major factors for the ground falls, as it is an the five mines, three are located in Eastern India (relevant
indirect representation of the horizontal stress (Dolinar data collected from these mines from 1991 to 2004) and
et al., 2001; Molinda et al., 2000) affecting the roof geology two are in Southern India (relevant data collected from
and the pillar strength. In most of the countries, mine these mines from 1996 to 2004). Each mine operates six
workings having depths less than, or equal to 120 m are days a week and three shifts a day. The roof supporting
regarded as shallow depth category and more than is done by systematic support rules (SSR) as specified by
120 m, as deep mines (Dolinar et al., 2001). In their study, the Directorate General of Mines Safety. The roof supports
for the guidelines of roof bolt design, though they found used are mainly props, wooden cogs, and steel cogs rein-
statistically, the effect of depth of cover was relatively weak forced with roof bolting and stitching. The average overall
with all other geotechnical variables remaining the same, output per man-shift (OMS) for the case study mines dur-
stated deeper mines are more likely to have high roof fall ing those period are 0.92, 0.51, 0.57, 0.93 and 0.77 tonnes
rates. Besides depth of cover, another important factor is for Mines 1–5, respectively.
the width of gallery. The relationship of gallery width with
factor of safety of pillars has been well established and the 2.2. Data and analysis
immediate roof rocks may be classified as weak, or strong
(Das, 1994). The management of roof fall risks in under- Since very few fatal incidents (11 in total) occurred dur-
ground coal mines is explained by Duzgun and Einstein ing the aforementioned study period in the specified mines,
(2004) with the probability of roof fall, and cost of conse- the fatal and serious accidents are merged into a single cat-
quences by relative cost criterion. They provided two alter- egory namely major accident. The roof fall accidents
native methods of ‘‘do nothing” and go for ‘‘support involving one or more reportable injuries are encoded here
improvement” by the cost-benefit analysis in their decision as minor accidents. The dependent variable for this study is
framework. A comparative study is conducted for a group the degrees of roof fall accident, and is categorized as
of five underground coal mines in India for the reliability of major, serious, and minor. The variable degree of accident
mine for roof fall accidents and estimation of roof fall risks is important as it measures the injury severity, which is also
by Monte Carlo method (Palei and Das, 2005). Their an indirect measure of the vulnerability, briefly the cost of
results revealed that the probability of roof fall of a mine an accident. A more severe injury involves higher cost of
did not identify the overall risk, because the other compo- operation compared to a minor injury. This is due to pay-
nent of risk, i.e. the costs of consequences of such roof fall ment of workers’ compensation, medical treatment, down-
accidents also play an important role. times, machinery breakdown, reduced production rates,
Accident ratio (i.e. reportable injury:serious and social costs. The terms like major accident, serious
injury:fatality) studies indicated that there are many more accident and minor accident used in the logistic regression
minor injuries experienced than serious injuries and that model may be defined as mentioned below:
for the same serious injury there have been numerous Major accident: Major accident may be defined as the
property-damage accidents and there are a large number accident involving at least either a fatal injury, or at least
of near-miss cases too. Bhattacherjee (2000) identified that one serious bodily injury, which increases the cost of
for a group of six Indian coal mines, the four year ratio consequence.
90 S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96

Serious accident: The accident involving one, or more Table 2

serious bodily injuries, and may contain reportable injuries; Description and categorization of independent variables used in logistic
regression analysis
and not involving fatal injuries.
Minor accident: Accidents involving one or more report- Variables and category description Indicator co-variates used in logistic
able injuries only, and not involving fatal or serious inju-
ries; and the expected cost of consequence is very less in Depth of cover (m) X1
DEPTH1 6 120a 0
compared to major or serious accidents. DEPTH2 > 120 1
Based on the categories of the severity of injury, two
Gallery width (m) X1
cases A and B are considered. Cases A and B dealt with
WIDTH1 < 4.2a 0
major versus minor accidents, and serious versus minor WIDTH2 P 4.2 1
accidents, respectively. The occurrences of the roof fall
Seam thickness (m) X1
accidents for both the cases (cases A and B) in different cat- SEAMTH1 Less thick 6 4.8 1
egories are presented in Table 1 for the case study mines. SEAMTH2 Thick seams > 4.8a 0
Immediate roof X1
2.3. The logistic regression model IMMRF1 Weaka 0
IMMRF2 Strong 1
The logistic regression model assumes that a roof fall
Mining height (m) X1
will have a degree of accident during the working with a HEIGHT1 6 2.5a 0
probability P (0 < P < 1). In order to understand the mod- HEIGHT2 > 2.5 1
eling process, a binary variable is used. A binary variable Z Roof support status X1
is defined as follows: Z = 1, provided there is a roof fall SUPPST1 Supporteda 0
that resulted at least a severe accident; Z = 0, provided SUPPST2 Unsupported 1
there is a roof fall causing a minor accident. Location X1
Two binary variables for the degree of accident are gen- LOCAT1 Facea 0
erated in this model. First, the degree of accident is coded LOCAT2 Outbye 1
as ‘1’ (Z = 1) for all major roof fall accidents, and ‘0’ Mine variables X1 X2 X3 X4
(Z = 0) for minor roof fall accidents (case A). Similarly, MINE1 Mine 1 1 0 0 0
the variable is coded as ‘1’ for all serious roof fall accidents, MINE2 Mine 2 0 1 0 0
and ‘0’ for minor roof fall accidents (case B). MINE3 Mine 3 0 0 1 0
MINE4 Mine 4 0 0 0 1
The independent variables are width of gallery, mining MINE5 Mine 5a 0 0 0 0
height, depth of cover, seam thickness, roof support status, a
Reference category.
immediate roof, face and specific mine, which are coded as

dummy variables. A description of the categories of these

Table 1 variables with indicator coding scheme is presented in
Description of roof fall accidents for the two cases of the case study mines
Table 2.
Mine Id Case A Case B The dichotomous nature of the dependent variable
Major Minor Total Serious Minor Total directs the logistic regression model to be used for this
Mine 1 2 18 20 2 18 20 analysis. The logistic regression analysis presents a unique
Mine 2 8 15 23 4 15 19 compliment to multivariate regression in its ability to uti-
Mine 3 11 12 23 9 12 21 lize binary dependent variable. Following the established
Mine 4 5 34 39 3 34 37
Mine 5 9 14 23 6 14 20
coding scheme (Table 2) of the mine variables, the logistic
model for all the four dummy variables is specified as
Total 35 93 128 24 93 117

Table 3
Spearman’s correlations for major versus minor accidents (case A)
Depth Gallery width Seam thickness Immediate roof Height Face Support status Mine
Depth 1.000
Gallery width 0.253* 1.000
Seam thickness 0.597* 0.388* 1.000
Immediate roof 0.011 0.126 0.063 1.000
Height 0.138 0.100 0.152 0.114 1.000
Face 0.022 0.071 0.035 0.084 0.016 1.000
Support status 0.073 .060 0.014 0.009 0.107 0.219 1.000
Mine 0.623* 0.301* 0.607* 0.601 0.017 0.037 0.027 1.000
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96 91

Table 4
Spearman’s correlations for serious versus minor accidents (case B)
Depth Gallery width Seam thickness Immediate roof Height Face Support status Mine
Depth 1.000
Gallery width 0.276* 1.000
Seam thickness 0.603* 0.420* 1.000
Immediate roof 0.005 0.134 0.042 1.000
Height 0.109 0.123 0.164 0.131 1.000
Face 0.033 0.065 0.011 0.104 0.000 1.000
Support status 0.122 0.092 0.060 0.075 0.107 0.227 1.000
Mine 0.662* 0.312* 0.642* 0.086 0.020 0.065 0.025 1.000
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

P ðX 1 ; X 2 ; X 3 ; X 4 Þ ¼ 1=ð1 þ exp ðb0 þ b1 X 1 þ b2 X 2 The b parameters of the logistic regression model are
estimated by maximum likelihood method suggested by
þ b3 X 3 þ b4 X 4 ÞÞ
Cox (Cox, 1970). The test that the b coefficients are zero
or not is governed by Wald Statistics, which follows a
where P(Xl, X2, X3, X4), probability of roof fall accidents chi-square distribution (SPSS 10). Similarly, for the other
of the mine categories; Xl, X2, X3, and X4 dummy variates variables, the probability of roof fall accidents of the
for the mine categories; and b1, b2, b3, and b4 for corre- respective categories of parameters can be computed using
sponding parameters of Xl, X2, X3, and X4. the binary logistic regression model.

Table 5
Logistic regression model coefficients, significance level, and adjusted odds ratio for the specific cases
Variables and category description Case specifications for roof fall accidents
(Major versus minor accidents) (Serious versus minor accidents)
b Significance level exp(b) b Significance level exp(b)
Depth of cover (m)
DEPTH1 6 120a (0) (1) (0) (1)
DEPTH2 > 120 1.721 0.047 5.6* 1.959 0.061 7.1
Gallery width (m)
WIDTH1 < 4.2a (0) (1) (0) (1)
WIDTH2 P 4.2 1.504 0.017 4.5* 1.908 0.013 6.7*
Seam thickness (m)
SEAMTH1 6 4.8 2.062 0.029 7.9* 1.409 0.152 4.1
SEAMTH2 > 4.8a (0) (1) (0) (1)
Immediate roof
IMMRF1 Weaka (0) (1) (0) (1)
IMMRF2 Strong 0.231 0.644 0.8 0.501 0.403 0.6
Mining height (m)
HEIGHT1 6 2.5a (0) (1) (0) (1)
HEIGHT2 > 2.5 0.032 0.957 1.0 0.166 0.812 1.2
Roof support status
SUPPST1 Supporteda (0) (1) (0) (1)
SUPPST2 Unsupported 1.181 0.026 3.3* 1.317 0.048 3.7*
Roof fall location
LOCAT1 Facea (0) (1) (0) (1)
LOCAT2 Outbye 0.479 0.368 0.6 0.202 0.743 0.8
Mine variables
MINE1 Mine 1 2.378 0.050 0.09 1.152 0.420 0.32
MINE2 Mine 2 2.429 0.026 0.09* 2.362 0.075 0.09
MINE3 Mine 3 0.856 0.378 0.43 0.032 0.978 0.97
MINE4 Mine 4 1.789 0.030 0.17* 1.976 0.049 0.14*
MINE5 Mine 5a (0) 0.051 (1) (0) 0.075 (1)
Constant 2.763 0.008 0.06* 3.664 0.003 0.03*
Results are significant at 0.05 probability level.
Reference category.
92 S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96

3. Results accidents (case B) with 117 observations are tabulated

in Table 4. From Tables 3 and 4, the Spearman’s correla-
In this section, the correlation between the indepen- tion coefficients are found significant in some of the cases,
dent variables are tested and the results obtained from at 0.01 significance level and are marked with an asterisk.
the logistic regression model are explained. The correla- The discussions below for the correlation coefficients are
tion coefficients between the independent variables for equally valid for both the cases (cases A and B), as the
case A and case B are presented in Tables 3 and 4, direction of the coefficients are the same for both and
respectively. The logistic model is utilised in establishing the correlations are significant for the same variables.
the significant differences between categories of the vari- The gallery width and depth of cover are found to have
ous variables. a negative correlation; this may be due to the fact that
at greater depths, generally lower gallery widths are pre-
3.1. Correlation between independent variables ferred because of the higher concentration of in-situ stres-
ses around the openings. The seam thickness is positively
Though the logistic regression model assumes the inde- correlated with depth of cover, i.e. thickness of the seam
pendent variables are not dependent on each other, every of the deposits are more at greater depths. Again, seam
time, it is difficult to find such a model. The Spearman’s thickness is found to be negatively correlated with gallery
correlations for major versus minor accidents (case A) width. The mine variable is found to be positively corre-
with 128 observations are tabulated in Table 3; whereas lated with depth of cover and seam thickness; and nega-
Spearman’s correlations for only serious versus minor tively correlated with the width of gallery.

Table 6
Comparison of original model and nested model after dropping the variable ‘Depth of cover’ for the major versus minor accidents (case A)
Variables and category description Major versus minor roof fall accidents
Original model Nested model
Significance level exp(b) [95% CI] Significance level exp(b) [95% CI]
Depth of cover (m)
DEPTH1 6 120a (1) EXM
DEPTH2 > 120 0.047 5.6* [1.0–30.5] EXM
Gallery width (m)
WIDTH1 < 4.2a (1) (1)
WIDTH2 P 4.2 0.017 4.5* [1.3–5.5] 0.011 4.8* [1.4 -16.5]
Seam thickness (m)
SEAMTH1 6 4.8 0.029 7.9* [1.2–50.2] 0.144 3.1 [0.7–3.7]
SEAMTH2 > 4.8a (1) (1)
Immediate roof
IMMRF1 Weaka (1) (1)
IMMRF2 Strong 0.644 0.8 [0.3–2.1] 0.671 0.8 [0.3–2.1]
Mining height (m)
HEIGHT1 6 2.5a (1) (1)
HEIGHT2 > 2.5 0.957 1.0 [0.3–3.3] 0.617 1.3 [0.4–4.1]
Roof support status
SUPPST1 Supporteda (1) (1)
SUPPST2 Unsupported 0.026 3.3* [1.1–9.2] 0.018 3.4* [1.2–9.5]
Roof fall location
LOCAT1 Facea (1) (1)
LOCAT2 Outbye 0.368 0.6 [0.2–1.8] 0.378 0.6 [0.2–1.7]
Mine variables
MINE1 Mine 1 0.050 0.09 [0.01–1.00] 0.003 0.04 [0.01–0.31]
MINE2 Mine 2 0.026 0.09* [0.01–0.75] 0.005 0.05* [0.01–0.42]
MINE3 Mine 3 0.378 0.43 [0.06–2.85] 0.099 0.22 [0.04–1.33]
MINE4 Mine 4 0.030 0.17* [0.03–0.84] 0.010 0.12* [0.03–0.61]
MINE5 Mine 5a 0.051 (1) 0.009 (1)
Constant 0.008 0.06* 0.996 1.00
EXM: Excluded from the original model.
Results are significant at 0.05 probability level.
Reference category.
S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96 93

3.2. Logistic model results at accident places. The occupational demographic charac-
teristics like age and experience, which may have some
The SPSS package is used for the logistic model runs. effect for these roof fall accidents, are not considered
The relationships of degree of roof fall accidents with the due to the limitations of the model. However, the mean
contributing parameters are tabulated in Table 5 with the age of the workers affected by the injury are 40.4, 39.0,
logistic model coefficients (b) for two case specifications 36.6, 42.3, and 42.4; and the mean experience for the
(cases A and B). Cases A and B represent the ‘major versus injured workers are 14.4, 14.5, 11.8, 17.8 and 17.3 from
minor roof fall accident’ and ‘serious versus minor roof fall Mine 1 to Mine 5, respectively. Regular safety trainings
accident’, respectively, taking the major contributory fac- are provided to control the accidents and safety weeks
tors like geotechnical and roof fall location variables of are organised for the awareness of workers by the mine
the case study mines. An asterisk in Table 5 indicates the management.
significant parameters at 0.05 probability level of Amongst the mine categories, there are significant differ-
significance. ences in the occurrence of severity of roof fall accidents for
The major geotechnical and location variables are the cases A and B. The risk factors for the various catego-
included in the model. Though other parameters like rock ries of geo-mining parameters and location variables are
mass rating (RMR), bolt length, method of working may shown in Table 5.
have some effects, these parameters are not included in From Tables 3 and 4, it is clear that there may be some
the model. It is very difficult to get the RMR value at intermediary effects of the variables, as the correlation is
each accident place, since its true value is rarely measured existing between the independent variables, which may

Table 7
Comparison of original model and nested model after dropping the variable ‘Depth of cover’ for the serious versus minor accidents (case B)
Variables and category description Serious versus minor roof fall accidents
Original model Nested model
Significance level exp(b) Significance level exp(b) [95% CI]
Depth of cover (m)
DEPTH1 6 120a (1) EXM
DEPTH2 > 120 0.061 7.1 [0.9–55.1] EXM
Gallery width (m)
WIDTH1 < 4.2a (1) (1)
WIDTH2 P 4.2 0.013 6.7* [1.5–30.1] 0.007 7.7* [1.7–34.5]
Seam thickness (m)
SEAMTH1 6 4.8 0.152 4.1 [0.6–28.1] 0.508 1.7 [0.3–8.0]
SEAMTH2 > 4.8a (1) (1)
Immediate roof
IMMRF1 Weaka (1) (1)
IMMRF2 Strong 0.403 0.6 [0.2–1.9] 0.480 0.7 [0.2–2.1]
Mining height (m)
HEIGHT1 6 2.5a (1) (1)
HEIGHT2 > 2.5 0.812 1.2 [0.3–4.6] 0.533 1.5 [0.4–5.4]
Roof support status
SUPPST1 Supporteda (1) (1)
SUPPST2 Unsupported 0.048 3.7* [1.0–13.7] 0.032 4.0* [1.1–14.2]
Roof fall location
LOCAT1 Facea (1) (1)
LOCAT2 Outbye 0.743 0.8 [0.2–2.7] 0.781 0.8 [0.27–2.7]
Mine variables
MINE1 Mine 1 0.420 0.32 [0.02–5.2] 0.023 0.07* [0.01 -0.70]
MINE2 Mine 2 0.075 0.09 [0.01–1.3] 0.009 0.04* [0.01 -0.46]
MINE3 Mine 3 0.978 0.97 [0.1–9.7] 0.297 0.36 [0.05–2.48]
MINE4 Mine 4 0.049 0.14* [0.02–0.99] 0.012 0.09 [0.02–0.59]
MINE5 Mine 5a 0.075 (1) 0.021 (1)
Constant 0.003 0.03* 0.996 1.00
EXM: Excluded from the original model.
Results are significant at 0.05 probability level.
Reference category.
94 S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96

cause some bias in estimating the parameters by the logistic dropped from the original model, in the nested model wid-
regression model, or simply the endogeneity in the logistic ened galleries are found to be 7.7 [95% CI is 1.7–34.5] times
regression, and are discussed below. more prone to serious roof fall accidents compared to the
Hence, the original model (with all the hypothesized reference category; whereas in the original model this value
variables) and the nested model (dropping the variables is 6.7 [95% CI is 1.5–30.1]. Similarly, in the original model
depth of cover and mine) are tested. The variable depth for case B for the unsupported roof, the adjusted odds ratio
of cover which is correlated with three variables like gallery is 3.7 [95% CI is 1.0–13.7], and for the nested model the
width, seam thickness and the mine variable, when adjusted odds ratio is 4.0 [95% CI is 1.1–14.2]. Similar
dropped from the original model; in the nested model, are the cases for the mine variable and shows significance
the widened galleries are found to be 4.8 [95% confidence for the same variable in both the original and nested model
interval (CI) is 1.4–16.5] times more prone as compared for case B. The detailed results are presented in Tables 6
to the reference category for major roof fall accidents (case and 7 for the cases A and B, respectively, when the variable
A). But in the original model for the same case A, this value depth of cover is excluded from the original model.
is 4.5 [95% CI is 1.3–5.5]. Similarly, in the original model The variable ‘mine’ also shows significant correlations
for the unsupported roof the adjusted odds ratio is 3.3 with the variables like depth of cover, width of gallery
[95% CI is 1.1–9.2], and for the nested model the value is and thickness of seam. Hence, this ‘mine’ variable is tested
3.4 [95% CI is 1.2–9.5]. Similar are the cases for the mine after dropping it from the original model. In the nested
variable and shows significance for the same variable in model, for case A, widened galleries are found to be 3.4
both the original and nested model (Table 6). Similarly, [95% CI is 1.2–9.5] times more prone compared to the ref-
for case B (Table 7), when the variable depth of cover is erence category; whereas in the original model this is

Table 8
Comparison of original model and nested model after dropping the variable ‘Mine’ for major versus minor accidents (case A)
Variables and category description Major versus minor roof fall accidents
Original model Nested model
Significance level exp(b) [95% CI] Significance level exp(b) [95% CI]
Depth of cover (m)
DEPTH1 6 120a (1) (1)
DEPTH2 > 120 0.047 5.6* [1.0–30.5] 0.004 8.8* [2.0–38.4]
Gallery width (m)
WIDTH1 < 4.2a (1) (1)
WIDTH2 P 4.2 0.017 4.5* [1.3–5.5] 0.019 3.4* [1.2–9.5]
Seam thickness (m)
SEAMTH1 6 4.8 0.029 7.9* [1.2–50.2] 0.017 6.0* [1.4–26.2]
SEAMTH2 > 4.8a (1) (1)
Immediate roof
IMMRF1 Weaka (1) (1)
IMMRF2 Strong 0.644 0.8 [0.3–2.1] 0.449 0.7 [0.3–1.7]
Mining height (m)
HEIGHT1 6 2.5a (1) (1)
HEIGHT2 > 2.5 0.957 1.0 [0.3–3.3] 0.116 0.5 [0.2–1.2]
Roof support status
SUPPST1 Supporteda (1) (1)
SUPPST2 Unsupported 0.026 3.3* [1.1–9.2] 0.070 2.4 [0.9–6.1]
Roof fall location
LOCAT1 Facea (1) (1)
LOCAT2 Outbye 0.368 0.6 [0.2–1.8] 0.401 0.7 [0.2–1.8]
Mine variables
MINE1 Mine 1 0.050 0.09 [0.01–1.00] EXM
MINE2 Mine 2 0.026 0.09* [0.01–0.75] EXM
MINE3 Mine 3 0.378 0.43 [0.06–2.85] EXM
MINE4 Mine 4 0.030 0.17* [0.03–0.84] EXM
MINE5 Mine 5a 0.051 (1) EXM
Constant 0.008 0.06* 0.005 0.08*
EXM: Excluded from the original model.
Results are significant at 0.05 probability level.
Reference category.
S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96 95

found to be 4.5 [95% CI is 1.3–5.5]. Similarly, in the ori- adjusted odds ratio is 3.7 [95% CI is 1.0–13.7]; and in
ginal model for the unsupported roof adjusted odds ratio the nested model this variable does not have statistical
is 3.3 [95% CI is 1.1–9.2]; and for the nested model this significance. The detailed results and comparisons for case
variable do not have statistical significance (Table 8). B are presented in Table 9.
For the same case A, depth of cover in the original model Chi-square is the difference in the likelihood ratios
is 5.6 [95% CI is 1.0–30.5] times more amenable to the ref- (2LL) for the two models (original and nested), and the
erence category, but in the nested model this value is degrees of freedom is the difference in degrees of freedom
found to be 8.8 [95% CI is 2.0–38.4]. Similar is the case for the two models. The difference of this change in chi-
for the seam thickness. Thin seams are 7.9 [95% CI is square for the mine variable is 11.296 at 4 degrees of free-
1.2–50.2] times more prone to major roof fall accidents, dom and shows the p-value of 0.023. For the variable depth
and in the nested model this value is found to be 6.0 of cover, similar results are obtained, i.e. the change in chi-
[95% CI is 1.4–26.2]. The detailed comparison of results square is 4.815 at 1 degrees of freedom having p-value of
is presented in Table 8. 0.028. This indicates that both the variables matter signifi-
Similarly, while dropping the mine variable from the cantly in predicting the response variable, degree of roof
original model for testing the case B, in the nested model, fall accident. Hence, though there is some correlation exist-
widened galleries are found to be 5.3 [95% CI is 1.5–19.1] ing between the independent variables, the overall model
times more prone to serious roof fall accidents in com- has good fit for the dataset as the model chi-square, Hos-
pared to the reference category; whereas, in the original mer–Lemeshow test, and Wald statistics for individual
model this is found to be 6.7 [95% CI is 1.5–30.1]. Simi- parameters performs well. The results are presented in
larly, in the original model for the unsupported roof Table 5 and briefly summarized below.

Table 9
Comparison of original model and nested model after dropping the variable ‘Mine’ for serious versus minor accidents (case B)
Variables and category description Serious versus minor roof fall accidents
Original model Nested model
Significance level exp(b) [95% CI] Significance level exp(b) [95% CI]
Depth of cover (m)
DEPTH1 6 120a (1) (1)
DEPTH2 > 120 0.061 7.1 [0.9–55.1] 0.856 0.9 [0.3–2.7]
Gallery width (m)
WIDTH1 < 4.2a (1) (1)
WIDTH2 P 4.2 0.013 6.7* [1.5–30.1] 0.010 5.3* [1.5 -19.1]
Seam thickness (m)
SEAMTH1 6 4.8 0.152 4.1 [0.6–28.1] 0.105 3.6 [0.8–17.3]
SEAMTH2 > 4.8a (1) (1)
Immediate roof
IMMRF1 Weaka (1) (1)
IMMRF2 Strong 0.403 0.60 [0.2–1.9] 0.668 0.4 [0.2–1.9]
Mining height (m)
HEIGHT1 6 2.5a (1) (1)
HEIGHT2 > 2.5 0.812 1.2 [0.3–4.6] 0.170 0.5 [0.2–1.4]
Roof support status
SUPPST1 Supporteda (1) (1)
SUPPST2 Unsupported 0.048 3.7* [1.0–13.7] 0.154 2.2 [0.7–6.8]
Roof fall location
LOCAT1 Facea (1) (1)
LOCAT2 Outbye 0.743 0.8 [0.2–2.7] 0.856 0.9 [0.3–2.7]
Mine variables
MINE1 Mine 1 0.420 0.32 [0.02–5.2] EXM
MINE2 Mine 2 0.075 0.09 [0.01–1.3] EXM
MINE3 Mine 3 0.978 0.97 [0.1–9.7] EXM
MINE4 Mine 4 0.049 0.14* [0.02 -0.99] EXM
MINE5 Mine 5a 0.075 (1) EXM
Constant 0.003 0.03* 0.003 0.05*
EXM: Excluded from the original model.
Results are significant at 0.05 probability level.
Reference category.
96 S.K. Palei, S.K. Das / Safety Science 47 (2009) 88–96

The results show that wider gallery width (P4.2 m) is (ii) Deep workings (>120 m) are more prone to major
4.5 [95% CI is 1.3–5.5] times more prone to major accidents accidents in comparison to shallow depth workings
than narrower gallery width and 6.7 [95% CI is 1.5–30.1] (6120 m).
times more prone to serious accidents. This may be due (iii) Widened galleries (P4.2 m) are more prone to major
to the fact that rock load is dependent on width of galleries. accidents than the narrower width galleries (<4.2 m).
Widened galleries experience less pillar safety factor. Less (iv) Less thick seams (64.8 m) are more amenable to
thick seams (64.8 m) are more amenable to major roof fall major accident in comparison to thick seams
accidents and 7.9 [95% CI is 1.2–50.2] times more amenable (>4.8 m).
to major accidents in comparison to thick seams (>4.8 m). (v) A solemn attention should be paid on the support
Unsupported, or partially supported roofs are 3.3 [95% CI design based on the depth of super incumbent strata,
is1.1–9.2] times higher prone to major accident than the restricting the gallery width to reduce the risks of roof
supported roofs and 3.7 [95% CI is 1.0–13.7] times higher fall.
risky in relation to serious accident. Deep workings
(>120 m) are 5.6 [95% CI is 1.0–30.5] times more prone
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4. Conclusion
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(i) Unsupported or partially supported roofs are more
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