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a eam” COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER CHASSIS: KCT52A MODEL: TXE2045, TXE2046 TXE2545, TXE2546, TXE2549 TXE2745, TXE2746, TXE2749 SERVIC. Manual = CRAIN Sara) |. Precautions N Specifications and IC Data . Alignment and Adjustment = |. Troubleshooting 3. Exploded Views and Parts List Electric Parts List Block Diagrams PCB Layout . Wiring diagram 10. Schematic Diagrams 3. Alignment and Adjustment 3-1 Preadjustment Since there are no VRs in the KCTS2A chassis, all adjustments after parts replacement must be done VIA the Service Mode ‘The Factory Mode adjustments are necessary when either the EEPROM (C902) or the CRT is replaced. 3-1-1 When EEPROM (IC902) Is Replaced 1. When IC902 is replaced, all adjustment data revert to their initial values. Itis necessary to re-program this data 2. After IC902 is replaced, warm up the TV for 10 seconds. 3. Do not tamper with the " Adjustment” screen of the Factory Mode menu. This screen is Make the following adjustments AFTER setting intended only for factory use. up purity and convergence: White Balance Sub-Brightness Vertical Center Vertical Size Horizontal Size (No use in 21" and 25° models) 3-2 Factory ("SERVICE" 1. The set must be in Factory ("Service") Mode. Selection sequence: ‘STAND-BY —+ MUTE-+1-8 "POWER ON, 2. The" FACTORY MODE" message will be displayed. ‘The Factory Mode has four components : Adjustment, Test Pattern, Set Option Byte, and Factory Reset. 3. Access the Adjustment Mode by pressing the "VOLUME" keys (b, 4). ‘The adjustment parameters are listed in the accompanying table. Select them by pressing the CHANNEL keys (A, ¥). 4. After completing the Factory Mode adjustments, turn the power switch OFF. Samsung Electronics 34 3-2-1 Adjustment 1. Selection sequence STAND-BY —+ MUTE-+1-8—-2-—POWER ON 2. Example : Sub-bright Adjustment “FACTORY MODE* — [Adjustment Test Pattern Set Option Byte Factory Reset | Press VOL > T AGC 43 VS 32 veoo 64] | VA 13 sar 9 HS. 38 scT 5 EWA 53 sch 8 EWP 42 sm 10] | EWC 31 RE 34] | EWT 31 GG 32 VM 25 8G 34 MAT off sco 9] | VO 46 VSL 25 | Press CHW AGC 43 VS 32 vco 64| | VA 13 sate HSE 30) scl 5 EWA 53 scR 8 eee sit 10 ewe 31 RG 34 EWI 31 G6 32] | M8 BG 34) | MAT off sco 9 Vol 46 VSL 25 1 Press VOL or b BS voweh ot ‘Samsung Electronics «4 om rm Main Adjustment Parameters { FUNCTION oso [Rance] DATA FUNCTION oso | RANGE] DATA aurogancontno | age [0-6] «3 | | VERTICAL sHFT ws [o-e| 3 VOLTAGE conTROL asciLtaroR | veo [0-127] & | | VERTICAL AMPLITUDE va [o-e] 2 UB BRIGHT set [o-13[ 5 | | HORIZONTAL sHFT Hs [0-0] 38 SUB CONTRAST scr [0-13] 10 | | east WesTAMPLTUDE ews | o-e3| 83 suB.coton sea fo-13] 8 | [east west ewe | 0-63 | a2 ‘SUB TINT STI} 0-13} 2 | | EASTWEST CORNER Ewe | 0-63] 31 ED GAIN — ag [0-63 | az | | eastwesrmur ewr | 0-63| 31 GREEN GAIN 66 | 0-63} 32 VERTICAL 200M vem | 8783] 25 aWEGAN es | 0-6] 32 | [Maran mat | ont | otf S-CORRECTION soo [o-a| 9 vo. [0-63] 46 VERTICAL SLOPE vat [o-6 | 25 NOTE : The actual data values vary according to model 3-2-2 Test Pattern (Aging Mode) 1. This mode can be used during servicing, ot for confirming thatthe convergence and purity adjustments are correc. 2. Access the Test Pattern parameters by pressing the CHANNEL keys (4.,¥) while the Service Mode is on. The cursor will move to the test pattern. Press the VOLUME keys. On-screen display: RED GREEN alue Samsung Electronics a 3-2-3 Set Option Byte BYTEO BYTE 1:00 . In the Service Mode, various options can be selected VIA the Option Bytes: 2. Example BYTEO 00 R L BYTE] gp FORPIPMODEI :20 FOR NON-PIP MODEL Values Expressed In Hexadecimal Numbers : OPTION BYTE 0 (HEX) ll 0: AIR/STO/HAC/ARC 1: AIR/STO/HAC/AFN ° ai ‘0: NON AUTO POWER OFF 1: AUTO POWER OFF AFTER 20MIN. (0 AUTO MUTE IN NO SIGNAL 1: NONE AUTO MUTE (0; HELP MESSAGE 11: NONE HELP MESSAGE (HEX) (0: NONE AUTO ON 1: AUTO ON 0: PP 1: NONE PIP (0: SHARPNESS 4 STEP (STANDARD) 1: SHARPNESS 8 STEP (STANDARD) DONT CARE OPTION BYTE 1 (HEX) 09: TWAMDEO1/MIDEO2 01: TVAMDED/MIDEO2 10: TVM0ED 11: TWMIDED (0: PICTURE LEVEL R/B=10 STEP 1: PICTURE LEVEL R/B= 5 STEP. (HEX) DON'T CARE DONT CARE DONT CARE DONT CARE ‘Samsung Electronics ae 3-2-4 Factory Reset When " Factory Reset’ is selected, the User-Control data reverts to the initial values. : The User-Control data is available at MENU (picture, sound and the other functions etc.) Note : When " Factory Reset" is selected, the Factory Mode Data does not change. Selection sequence : Stand-By —» MUTE 1-8 2+ POWER ON, t * FACTORY MODE * ‘Adjustment Test Pattern Set Option Byte Factory Reset 1 Press CHW. * FACTORY MODE * ‘Adjustment Test Pattern Set Option Byte Factory Reset | Press VOL > Execute Other Adjustments pa 0 3-3-1 General 1. Usually, a color TV needs only slight touch-up adjustment upon installation. Check the basic characteristics such as height, horizontal and vertical syne and focus. 2. Observe the picture for good black and white details. There should be no objectionable color shading. lf color shading is present, perform the purity and convergence adjustments described below 3. Use the specified test equipment or its equivalent. 4. Correct impedance matching is essential. Avoid overload. Excessive signal froma sweep generator might overload the front-end of the TV. When inserting signal markers, do not allow the marker generator to distort test results. Connect the TV only to an AC power source with voltage and frequency as specified on the backcover nameplate Do not attempt to connect or disconnect any ‘wires while the TV is turned on. Make sure that the power cord is disconnected before replacing any parts. To protect against shock hazard, use an isolation transformer. ‘Samsung Electronics| 35 ‘A degaussing coil is mounted around the picture tube, so external degaussing after moving the TV should be unnecessary. However, the receiver must be properly degaussed upon installation. ‘The degaussing coil operates for about I second. after the power is switched ON. If the set has been moved or turned in a different direction, disconnect its AC power for at least 10 Minutes. If the chassis or parts of the cabinet become ‘magnetized, poor color purity will result. If this happens, use an external degaussing coil. Slowly move the degaussing coil around the faceplate of the picture tube and the sides and front of the receiver. Slowly withdraw the coil toa distance of about 6 feet before removing power. 3-3-3 High Voltage Check CAUTION : There is no high voltage adjustment on this chassis. The B* power supply must be set to eitther #130V or +125V (for 20" screen). Conditions : Full color bar input and normal picutre level 1. Connect a digital voltmeter to the second anode of the picture tube. 2. Tum on the TV. Set the Brightness and Contrast controls to minimum (zero beam current). 3. The high voltage should not exceed 29.5KV. 4. Adjust the Brightness and contrast controls to both extremes. Ensure thatthe high voltage dloes not exceed 29 5KV under any conditions. size | 20" 2s a MAX H-VOLTAGE | _27.5KV 2B5KV 295K 3-3-4 FOCUS Adjustment 1. Inputa black and white signal. 2. Adjust the tuning control for the clearest picture, 3. Adjust the FOCUS control for well defined scanning lines in the center area of the screen. 3-3-5 Bt Line Check There are 3 power modes : 1. "A": When AC power supply is connected ; " Stand-By" mode 2. "BY: When " Set Power-ON" button is pressed, 3. °C”: Operated by FBT. Each voltage is marked on its lead-in wire. (Cw 3-3-6 F/S (Fail Safe) Circuit Check 1. The failsafe circuit check is the final step after, servicing. 2. Tum the power switch on and adjust the screen for "Normal" 3. Temporarily short Pin R and Pin X on the chassis (RX05, RXO4). Sound and picture will disappear. 4, The TV should remain in this state. This shows that the failsafe circuit is working properly. 5, To restore picture and sound, temporarily turn off the AC power supply. After about 30 seconds, switch power ON. 36 “Samsung Electronics rm 3-3-7 Color Purity Adjustment 1, Warm up the receiver. Operate it for 20 minutes, with the Brightness control set to maximum. 2. Fully degauss the receiver. Use an external degaussing coil, 3. Roughly adjust convergence by rotating the convergence magnet 4. Inputa black and white signal. 5, Loosen the Deflection Yoke clamp screw, and move the Deflection Yoke as close to the purity magnet as possible 6. Loosen the Purity Magnet clamp. Adjust the purity magnet so that the vertical green raster is precisely at the center of the screen. Then tighten the clamp. 7. Slowly move the Deflection Yoke forward, and. adjust it for the best overall green screen. 8, Tighten the Deflection Yoke clamp screw. cart one ont pee | rancenvieooe os ; a oe | aussee unser nences een techs we gd Tike ery 2 POLE pour CONVERGENCE, ADJUST THE ANGLE NeRFCACENES) ROTATE Two TaBs SPINE sae TNE (BORIZONTACLINES) Fig 3-2 Purity and Convergence Magnets Samsung Electronics| 37 3-3-8 Center Convergence Adjustment Note: Before attempting any convergence adjustment, make sure that the receiver has been powered ON for at least twenty minutes. 1. Input a crosshatch pattern from a color bar generator. 2. Adjust the Brightness and Contrast controls for a well defined pattern. 3. Adjust the two tabs of the 5-pole magnets. Change the angle between the tabs, and superimpose red and blue vertical lines in the center area of the picture screen. 4. Next, turn both tabs at the same time. Keep the angle between the tabs constant, and superimpose the red and blue horizontal lines at the center ofthe screen. 5. Adjust the two tabs of the 6-pole magnets. Superimpose the red /blue lines on the green. ‘Adjusting the angle afects the horizontal ines. 6 Repeat adjustments 3, 4 and 5. The dot movement is complex because the 4-pole and 6-pole magnets interact. BLUE 4-Pole Magnets Movement REDIBLUE 6-Pole Magnets Movernent Fig 3-3 Center Convergence Adjustment 3-3-9 AGC Adjustment 1. Input a COLOR-BAR pattern, (CH2) 2. Set the RF input signal to 70DBuV. 3. Use Generator for PMS518 & PM5418. 4. Set AGC (in the Factory Mode) so that the DC level of IC TDAB377 Pin 53 is 3.2 (£0.05)V. 3-3-10 AFT (VCO Adjustment) 1. Input an AGC adjustment signal 2. Select Factory Mode VCO and press the MUTE key one time. 3. GEOMATRIX adjustments vs EWA VA EWP VsL EWC HS EWT 38 ‘Samsung Electronics vm 33-11 Wh Balance Adjustment 33-11 (A) SCREEN ADJUSTMENTS 1. Input a TOSHIBA pattern. 2. Check R506 oscilloscope. pinon the CRT PCB with an 3. Enter the Horizontal Line Mode. 4. Adjust the screen on the FBT so that the waveform of the 2ist line and DC 2.0 (+0.5)V. 33:11 (8) HIGH-LIGHT ADJUSTMENT 1, Input a TOSHIBA pattern. 2 Set high-light to 28F/L 275/295 (X,Y) with a color analyzer. 3. Set low-light to 1.0F/L. 4, Adjust RG, BG and set GG to step 32. SIZE 20 a 7 HIGH UGHT 32FAL sora | ern. 33-11 (C) SUB-CONTRAST ADJUSTMENT 1, Set SCT so that the brightness level in high- lightis 28 F/L: (In case of 27V). 3.3-11 0) SUB-BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT 1, Input a TOSHIBA pattern, 2, Set SBT so that the brightness level in low-light is LOF/L. sea aE ao Sy Masee0owe aNz0-008 MODULE RCE tro sf 350 om { C8 Sethe Grease Seber wane Tamm 6 5-2. 25 inch Only (TXE2545, TXE2546, TXE2549) 1 | No" New Code No’ Gid Code Noi a492-300046 +4A92-300888 +4492-30098D AR64-306614 -6-601908 ‘x69-501004 ‘ARG4-TO01OA ‘ARGA-103654 ANB 800006 ABA 402004 64° 402624 ‘ARGA-103464 ‘3001-00010, 237148-540-159 *AA9T-80008 ‘Ab0-100024 ‘6 1-400504 080-0201 ‘9809-10070 ‘A61-200844 37124-100-890 aa-20001% 4497-70004 AABE-30604 37148-540-183 ‘436-10002E ‘aR61-200858 A497 10081 A497 -10081M A497 10081? +3781-00010-010 An40-100038 ‘3040-0108 4496-60308, ‘26-30002K +3¥82-20081-010, +3¥89-20006-010 3018-0072 +3H77-00001-070 a59-60001U 3404-000044 s2001-0176-000 4530-0074-000 '4083-0248-000, 6674-19-820 '34165-0085-000, 34073-0110-000 ‘54089-0249-000 34208-200-007 g734e-001-200 39983-0004-000 ‘81320-0202 3922-1027-000 ‘ast49-0007 ‘32001-0177-000 93053-817-090 39328-0001-010 1282-0008 201-0048 1208-0085 018-0038 ASSY-OABINET, FRONT ASSY-GABINET FRONT ASSY-CABIINET FRONT CABINET-FAONT PILLE-MODFEA,L RILLE-WODFER,L RLLE-NODFER A RILE-NODFER. A BA0E-SFWD NOB-POEA SPRINGS Ino ICATOR-LED window-Rew000N NOB-CONTRL, SPEER SOREW-TAP PH SPRACE) ASSY-POB,AIV ‘SCREW-TAPPINGIPAVCF ‘STORPER-PCB SACK-ACA, BOOK crr-cu FOLOER-CLANPER SCREW-ORT|CATACF) (OIL-DEGRLSING ASSY-POB CRT CABINET ACK SOREN-TAP, AH OBICF) ANTENNA-A0D POVER-CORD HOLDER-O0RD -ASSY-FNB, MAIN |ASSY-FVE MAIN ASSY-PVE MAIN ASSY-HS, SOUND 10501) TUNER-FIS {ACK-RCA, BLOCK ASSY-H/S, VERT (HO) (0401) THANS-FLY BACK ASSY-HIS, VERT C308) -ASSY-HIS.POHER( 1C801) SH-TACT.¥ ASSY-LED GUIDE oOULE-REWOOON SMTOTACT “162546 UCK 1 THE2546 00K 1 THE2546 1 1 THE2545 THEZE9/UOK HIPS, VO,8LK,PA100 1rE549 THE2545 THE2546, 49 THEAS THE2546, 49, ‘SE00,T0.5 PANO $£00,70.5,PA110 {AL,L50, SILVER, FLAT BS, HBL, 65 895304, 10.5 ACRYL HB 6345 P6545, 28,18 BLK, 6045 ‘5H, Bohm 6968, 15042 2S-4K15 FE FB THE25, 2749, MCTEOA Ho L12, 2501 EL) IBS, H8,NAT, ALL. MODEL 713.6 V-F3 9 SIN ABOLAVEAY, 45043, 26° NYLON-66,VO.NTR GH35 FE FZV 25%, 7 60m, 33T 2800,€ KCTS, 25" HIPS, VO.BLK, 6845 25-4Ki4 FE FB DeLeTe Tex 1p MSP~10N,$°2, 2.14 HOUS P,VO,8LK,00 THE2545( UGK, KOTS2A THE2546/UCK KOTSZA 1THE2549/UCK,CTEZA ToAT286 TEOC-1O80PA2SA,NTSC-USA 19.6 V-08 OP ST ALL SIN 2301880 FTH-230001,29"190V ‘oass600Na STR-S8709 LF9SS JIM-1AQUIRPTH11224 4.4K DAG (Fc-50VF 38102, 9400 ME 15V,20MA, 90-1 706F,7-SKM 0 SNA OW SNA OO S.NA OO SNA 0 SNA 00 S.NA 00 SNA ‘Samsung Electronics an) ® » *® 5-3. 27 inch Only (TXE2745, TXE2746, TXE2749) | | Samsung Electronics Nl CN estan aa na + sse-so005¢ Asc FRONT. TETAS IU 1 Tez “ans2-S0888 ASSY-OBINET FRONT THE2T4B/UOK 1 Treas “ase s0980 ASSY-OBINET FRONT TE27481U0. 1 nes smoesneseh — szoo0-017e000 INET S04, 04100 : 4 GLE NOEL eens nso-£01090 CALLED se0c,70.5 PANO + 128.49 1 GLEE A ne2nts ga-so4eoa GALLE NOrER.A séoo,10.5ps30 1 ner 9 ™~ 1-3 AAB4-700108 ‘34533-0074-000 BADGE-BRAND ‘AL, L50, SILVER, FLAT 1 14 AAGHERKOA ——3408-0246-000 OB FOHER 5B. 1 } 1-5 AAB1~60009E 98674-137-620 SPRING-CS ‘$US304,P10.5 1 1-8 me-402UTA—3465-0062-000 _NOICATORLED A 8s 4 : ~ 1-7 AAG4~40241A /34073-0109-000 _WINDOW-REMOOON PC 6845 1 al 1-8 AABe-100444 '34080-0247-000 _ KNOB-OONTROL 188, HB BLK, 6646 1 5 1-9 o0%-c00190——a0o-200-07 SenR fo 856, 6082 2 0. arie-stots9 SOW FAISHICE) AOKI FE FID ‘ 1 saer-sec098 ASHP AY 25,2748 TOA 1 THe MeO oo0A— aTe-oot-210 SEER TARIOIPNCE) L127) 2 } 1-13 ARG1=40053A—99080-0004-000_STORFER-PCB HIBS, WAT, ALL MCDEL 1 14 ssna-so0 SAO BLK Piao vero @ Sim : 2) Moeioony —stoz-oeor cA eSH20e 8016.20" 251 MMSS-2O017A—DEBIE-O02-010. CLAMPED, COIL sn, 10 2 22 Sieeta0 80 Scew-cTiCRT«@r) SIGS FE FV ‘ 23 MATE 32479-028-440 IL TEASING 22" sm 507 L0200.€ ' 2A mara T0001 2Y2-0006-010._ASH-PB.CRT rerian toe : 2. AAGL-2O8EOA——S2OOD-D175-000 CABINET PPS aL, 845 1 ost o748-540-189 SEN TE RHIC) BAKE FE FEB 7 v2 Reed oeteTe Te4 5) moo-toowze 050-617-000, ROER-OFD De ASO-IOH.62,2.184055 f-aoossk —MOZ)-000-010 HOLDER F000 i 4 smg7et00a1N 2-2, KIN 274510 TSCA 1 gosKa © “iso7-10000, ASY-26.AAIN E2746 UGK ACTA 1 GosNA “isoi-1034h ASY-28.AAIN "274510 HCTEA 1 GOSNA , Sx tS OUE 20%, SOV, SKI A, 5H 22UE 20%, 350, SKI, 22UF 20%, 35V, CP SKI A, 3.90 20%, 501.6, x11, 5 23.0UF,20%, 50 CP, 541M, 5 1 ENE, 58, 50V,6.513.015.5 1 ANE 58, 50V,6.5X3.0%5.54 2200, 20%, 25, GP, 18X26 ‘OLE, 20%, 50V,8, 11M, ‘OUF 20%, 50V,, SX HA, (EDEN TARG SOV 0.474 NF, 96,500, 5, KOM, 4, T Samsung Electronics 63 ‘Oi Code No.7” Description (777/97 Speeiiciticn) "9 Hemaris cro 240 1-000268 81607401470 AL *100UF, 20%, 16V,6P, 6x11, 5 coz 2401-00480 ——31607-402-250 CAL OLE, 20%, SOV, 5X1 1, crea 2aot-000480 ——81607~402-250 CAL 0UF, 208, 50V, CP, 5x1 1A, SH roe 2401-00048 31607~402-280 GAL 0UF, 208, 50, cP, 5x, SH oro? 2401-000480———31607~402-250 GAL OUF 20%, SOV, 5X1 Na, 708 240t-000480 31607402250 CAL OVE, 20%, SOV, CP, SX A, ros 240t-000480 ——81607-402-260 CAL 1QUF, 208, 60V, GP, Sx 1h 5H cro 2a01-000480°——31807-~402-250 CAL OUF 206, 50V,, 5X1 1, crt) 2306-00012 81102-0318 CFIA DONE 5H, 50V, 7.344.085. corre 31607-401-500 ELECTROLYTIC (CEo4w TAPG 16 470N-M(SG) AL ceots —91609-978-003, (C-ELECTROLYTIC ‘CEOMN 250V 680M-M( 25450) Aca 31487-102-010 (C-CERWIC,AC OKASP TARG E250 222-MIT2 Aca03——31467-102-010 (-CERAMIC AC (USP TAPG E250V 222-M(T2 ‘As cand ——31489-504-060 (C-CERWIC,AC EOK-ONSATEMEXIE4OOV 472(T ‘A cas 31417-801-400 C-CERMIC KIC (Oxas(T) AV 561-K ‘Aces 31609-405-360, C-ELECTROLYTIC. (CEoem 200” 220U-HA( 22x35) ‘A. ce0T 2201-00059 417-468-861 C-CERAMIC, DISC ‘S60PF, 10%, 0, Y8P, 6xaM, ‘A ca0s—Ant04-0740 ELEC (GE 04'-55/108 25V T 47i 80824 t=000287 04-0368 CAL OOUF 206, 16V,NT, Xt a 5 AceI0 2401-00011 ——_ATTO4-0528 Cx ‘UF, 20%, 50V,T 5X1, G11 240r-000289 © 31607=401~870 GAL 100UF 206, 16,0, 6x11, 5 ca12 2401-00087 ©1104-0388 CAL ‘OGUE, 20%, 16¥, 6X A, 5 Avcers— 4or-001813 AT 04-0481 ox TUE, 205,160, HTX, 5 A cars 2305-00283 ——31569-201-200O-FILM.MPEF 220,208, 250V, 52X12. X18 0815 31807-403-900 CLECTROLYTIC (oan TAPS 200V 100K-MI 18 Aces — 24or-o00T6s A 104-0504 CAL 1000UE 20%, 25, 13X20 AvcetT —2405-000189—31500-3e1-000 C-FILM.PPF 2.206 OR, 16KV, 28K19.548, cis 2401-00049 ——_A1104-0677 oA ‘0UF, 20%, 50, WT, 5h Avc19 2201-00059 ———1417-485-581—_C-CERAMIC, IS 5800F 10%, 500V, Y5P, 6x, ‘Ace20 2401-00166 104-0594 CAL *1000UF, 20%, 25V.WT, 13X20 ‘Acai 2301-00192 31507-127-000G-FILN PEF ‘NF, 66,500, 5. 10M, 4, T A, caso 2401-00808 ——31607-401~480 CAL 2200208, 16V,6P, 8X1 1M. 5 Acest —Ant04-0770 c-etec CE 0840/4105 96 T 471~ oesz+—31607-402-110 C-ELECTROLYTIC C£an TAPG 35 220M 853 2A1=000865 31607400210 CAL ‘OLE, 20%, 160V,6P, 10812. Avcase ——2905-000007 1102-0924 FIL wEF ATONE, 5%, 100V,-, AM, TP A, cas6+ ——2001-000599 ——31417-468-861 C-CERAKIC,DISC S002F 10%, 500V, YEP, 6x, 4, cas6+ — 2401-000801——81607-403-220 GAL 224 20%, 00V.CP, 10x20, cast 240000240 ——S1807-40T-8k0 CAL OOUF, 20%, 104, 6X1, 5 ces 2401-00048 ——9Y607-402-250 CAL ‘QUE, 208, 50V,GP, 5x1 HA, SA Cot 2401-00149 81807-401-460 AL ATU, 206, 18V,0P, 5X11, 5H coe 7202-000173 1100-0038 C-CERWIC,MLC-AKIAL NE, 10%, 50V, YEP, 1.93.40 903 2401-00149 3 1807~401-460 CAL ATU 206, 160,0P, 5X11, co 7202-000173 1100-0398 C-CERNWIC,MLC“AKIAL NE, 10%, 50V, YP. 1.93. AL 00 31807-402-200 ELECTROLYTIC. Eoaw TAPG 60V 0.470 06+ 2201-00061 91407105280 C-CERMHIC,DISC 50PF, 9%, 50V, NEO, 6. 3KAM,5 C07 24o1-001495 ——«31607~€01-460 CAL “ATU 20%, 16V,0P, SX 1, 6308 2201-00060 —«31417-104-660 _G-CERAMIC,DISC 80PE, 10%, SOV, YEP, 4X3. C908 2a01~000651 —31407-105-900 C-CERAMIC,DISC BPE 6%, 50V, NO, 833,5,1P Cor 240T-000808 31607401480 CAL 22OUF 20%, 160. Xt a5 12 2901-000880 ©—»=«31507-127-008 _-FILM.PEF ‘ONE 54, 50V, 6. 5X, A, T ors 2202-000127 a1 100-0000 CC-CERAMIC,MC“AKIAL ——_10NF, 80-20%, 25, YBV, =, are 2002-000173 1100-0998 (C-CERAWIG\MLGAKIAL INF, 10, 50V, YEP, 1. 9K3. Sk Avceoie —2505-000283——31559-201-230C-FILL.NPEF 220NE 20, 250, 32X12. 0X18 Ax ceNo1* —aa29-100018 —37169-0002-000FILTER-GOME = MTOR, NTSC, ~ iscz> —AA9-20054H 058-592-016 LEAD-OONNECTOR,ASSY _-, YEAHO25-06,$, 6,400,100 neo 39947-114-810 POST-HEADER ‘h025-04(AUTO) neozs —39347-108-180 POsT-HEADER (67094-0065 (Auto) Wrote 39347-110-110 POST-HEADER (7094-009 (ALTO) vg0s+ —39947-108-180 POST-HEADER, 167034-006 (AUTO) QiNo1 —AAS9-400010——AT294-0057 MoOULE-NTS = W200, ZENITH SA, 4X4 (wo2 —AK39-20053A —“S305B~322-018 LEAD-CERNECTOR.ASSY _~_YENHOQ5-05,5,6, 400,100, oo ‘Samsung Electronics rq © LbeNo. New Coae' ote oe. oa voz a4 0s zat 7302 07303 7304 2005, 02008 2907 02908 2202-000100 £202-000109 2202-000108 2202-000108 2401-00480 2401-000480 240-000640 ‘2401-000480 32167=406-480 (402-000129 32167-406-480 52187-406-480 '32187-406-480 32167-406-480 132167-406-480 ‘167-406-480 ‘0402-000488 ‘0402-000129 ‘0402-000128 #02-000540, 0402-00054 32167-406-480 32167-406-480 32187-406-480 aro4-o112 32167-406-480 (0402-000008 0402-000213 0402-000546, ‘0402-000546 0402-000463 0402-00084, 0402-000540, 32167=406-480 267-406-480 22167-406-480 0402-000128, 32167-406-480 ‘867-406-480 32167-406-480 32187-406-480 32187=406-480 (0402-000546 040-000700 0403-000680, 040-000600, 0400-000688, 0403-00075, 1405-00088 1405-00018 0400-00068? 32167-406-080 0403-000563, (9403-000856 ‘32167-406-080 32167-401-800 32167-408-080 32167-408-080 ‘30167-408-080 '32167-408-080 32167-408-080 82167-408-080 1100-0840 ‘art00-0040 ‘81100-0940 ‘1100-0340 31607-402-250 231607-402-260 31607-401~430 31607-400-260 32167-201-070 267-207-120 ‘267-201-070 432167-201-070 ‘at02-0068 32187-201-170 32168-101-090 32167-208-580 82167-201-170 267-201-170 32167-207-120 32167-201-170 34102-0088 32167-201-070 32167-201-170 ‘4108-0227 8216)-406-140 32167-408-140 32167-406-190 14106-0205 S2167-401-081 32167-a01-081 ‘N¢106-0207 32867-406-190 32167-409-780 NO, "Old Code No. Desetiption 117 Spetincatio 71 (C-CERIMIC,MLC“AKIAL (C-CERAMIC|MLC-AKIAL (C-CERAMIC,MLG-AKIAL CERAMIC, MLC-AKIAL CAL OAL CAL AL love DIOOE-AeCTIFIER DiOwe. ioe Dione Dione 100! ‘100€ ‘DLODE-FECTIFIER ‘OL0DE-RECTIFIER ‘O1006-FECTI FER DIOOE-RECTIFIER DIOOE-AESTIFIER ied ed Di0ve Di00e-ReT 100 DobE-RECTIFER DIOE-AECTIFIER DIODE-AEGTIFIER ‘coe-FECTIFIER DODE-RECTIFIER DIOOE-AECTIFIER DIOOE-AECTIFIER Dione one love DiOve-AECTIFIER Die. ‘ioe one D100 Dio0e DIOOE-RECTIFIER ‘one-zENER DODE-ZENER Dione-zeNeR Diooe-ZeNER DOoE-ZENER VARISTOR VARISTOR Diove-zeNen i00e-ZENER ‘DICDE= ZENER ‘ODE-2ENER ‘DE-7ENER COE-2ENER Diobe-ZNER Diove-22NER DIO0E-ZENER (DIODE- ZENER DIOnE-2eNER DiOoE- ZENER 00NF 480-208, 50V,¥5,1.9 {OONE, 480-208, 50V, BP, 1.9 00K, 180-208, SOV, ¥5P, 1.9 NOONE, 80-20%, 50V,Y5P.1.9 1QUF, 20%, 60, CP, Sx 1h, 5 S0UF, 20%, 50, CP, 51h 5 OVE, 208, 25¥, CP, SK1 1, OUF 20, 50V,CP, Xt ta, 5 14148 TAPS 164008, 200V, 100-4 1wa14e TAPS 184148 TAPS 1N4148 TAPS ANB TAG N48 TAG N48 TAPS RE 400 1.54,00-15. 14009, 200V, 14,00-41 TVRI05,400V, 1.04, 00-81 ‘Nate TAPS 1Nsi8 TS 14148 TAP FBVEOBLFS 60OV GA ST EAID N4148 TAG FML-G128,200¥,54,~ RB2-06,600V,1.0A, 00-41 ‘TR103,400V,104,00-81, TVRI05, 400V, 1-04, 00-41 REGU 400V,1 5, 00-184 “TVR103,400V,1.04,00-41 uz, 600¥, 1.54, 1N4146 TAPS N48 TRG 1Na1e8 TAG 1N4003, 20,1, DO-4 1wsi48 TAPS ANB TAPS NAB TAPS N48 TARG 1N4148 TAPS TWRI06, 400V, 1.04, 00-41 T2P3A,38V,31-35V, 1800-4 MTZ10, 10V,8.4-10.6v, 5008 MI210,10¥,9.4-10.6V, 500M M2104, 18¥,16.22-17.06V,5 TE38.28,8.2V,8.2-9.50, 18, 40, 12508, 1047.4, TP 430V, 12508, 1647-4, TP TPAOA,10V,9.4-10.6V, 19,0 wiz 5.18 MIZ9.18,9.1V,8.57-9.01V,5 MIZ166, 150, 14.35-18.00V,5 Miz 8.18 2402-O6AIMTZ5.68|TAPG) 0A02-060/MTZ26.28(TAPG) 0A02-060)MT26.28{ TAPS) 0A02-060/MT26. 281 TAPS) OA02-O80IMTZ6. 281 TAPS) £0A02-080/MT26.26| TAPS) aA02-060)MTZ6. 281 TAPS) Samsung Electronics Code’ No. Desériptlon 0S cxxor —0409-000667 4106-0128 Diooe-zeNER MTZ6.6A,6.8V,8.29-6.68V,5 EYE-PIN AAGO-40O1TA ——-33104-107-210 EYELET 102.0,002.8,-,~,85T Lg01-ev859 Fete 3601-000148 ——«34709-087-170 —~FUSE-FERPULE 125V, 44, SCH BLOW,GASS,5 Feoth 9602-00114 -30167-001-001 _FUSE-HOLDER SOM FeO1 — 3602-000114 ——-30167-001-001_FUSE-HOLDER =), rice sat2e-t11-100 r-PIN 1p ATO rr0e-6T806 GT1G2 —AA39-200108——9054-804-014 LEAD-CEANECTOR,ASSY _~,YFHB00-O1 6, 1,600, 1617 Avwotot+ —Aasa-20002v 4010-0087 Ic-HYBRID ~{PAPIOIT SIP, 6°, PREAMP ‘AvHe01 — Aay9-200008 ——_-A4D10-0004 1-HYBRID ={FLODIT,S1P,5P.6S ONT ‘AX HoB02+ —AAI-200084 4010-0089 1¢-HYERID =| POLOOIT, SIP, 5°, SAPS ON e101 4203-00043 4008-0178 C-POSI.FIXED RES. 7812, 0-220,00, PLASTIC, ceots 1204-00047 4012-0608 C-HOR. IVER. PROCESSO _TOABQTT7A,DIP,6,~,PLASTI Ax ice0e 4012-0960 UG-LINEAR Last0 sip As tos0g 84012-0286 O-LINEAR Upcta63cT OP TV-VIDEO(VR A\ icr01—32119-101-700 ie wei321 ‘As 1ca51 0604-00117 32808-024-040PHOTO-CELPLER ‘TR, 190-260%,200MM,01°~4,S A, icas2+—AAT3-20002——_A0TO-0067 V-HYBAID =, SE125N, SIP, 9, 6FFOR AIP ‘Ax tcvoz 84000-0049 cee HLS24008 O1P ators 43040-0198 INCK-ROA, BLOCK P16 V-98 $P ST AL SIW L '3301-000267 -—«S404)-019-060 ERE-FERRITE BEAD AA, 9.5K OX8.C4M, 1800, 240 LIND AABB-EO04E——«98114-700-210_LABEL-INDICATOR ‘NPPI2018),10.2, LISET —AN68-S006SE—«98114-682-010_LABEL-SET AlPI20, Avti02 —2701-000197 ——32427-904-920—_INDUCTOR-AKIAL 5.608, 10%, 2.51. L103 270t-0n01t4 §——-$2427-904-904 ——INDUCTOR-AKIAL ‘00H, 108.2613, Lio 2701-000118 ——$242-804-924 ——_INDUCTOR-AKIAL 14,108, 2.543.48 zor 2701-000118 ——-$2427-804-924 —_INDUCTOR-AKIAL OU, 108, 2-53. L203 2701-00011 ©———$2427-804-824 —_INDUCTOR-AKIAL TOU, 108, 2-543. 204 27O1-000114 ——«S2427-804-524 —_IROLCTOR-AKIAL SOU, 10%, 2-543. 20s 2701-00114 © 32427-804-824 —_INDLTOR-AKIAL OU, 10%, 2.543. L208 2701-00014 ——32427-804-824 _INOUCTOR-AKIAL : Loot 2701-00016 32427-805-882 —_INOLCTOR-AKIAL Aone 27-1001 ——82477-206-080—_COIL-CHKE Ax Lon MA27H10001E ——32427-206-080_CDIL-CHKKE AS Uani~ —-M27-300018 ——92446-705-050_COIL-LINEARITY 6H O1C1010,P10.4,4.5 As Lange mAZT-10002E ——-92429-899-020COIL-OKKE 6.04, K,50, 12004, 6.8 Lot 2701-00188 © 82427-805-878 I NDICTOR-AXIAL Lec 2701-00116 32427-805-882 —_INDUCTORMAXIAL ots AA29-30001R——82429-690-160 —FILTER-LINE oe AAZ0-30001N—-92420-693-121—FILTER-LINE Ay teos 41247-0058 FILTER-EM! BEAD BFSOSSORZFOSG SB TOOHMI10 eo? 3901-000287 —«34047-019-080 CORE-FENRITE BEAD AA, 3.BK1.OX8.C, 1500, 240 Ay tens 1247-0058 FILTER-BM BEAD LFSSB6ORZFDSG $B 7OOKM/10 ‘Aveo == -mazr-10002" 1139-0008 CoiL-oKE 1OQUK,K, 10, 7OOMA, T, 1000 Avus10—-M2r-t0002" ©1133-0008 oiL-CoKE "100UH.K, 10, 7ODMA,T, 1000, leit 81247-0054 FILTER-EM! BEAD LogeNe-REZTA 0B 1 TUM TM Ate At247-0058 FILTER-EM BEAD FS3560RQF08G $B TOOK 10 {es 3001-00287 -—«=«S404T-019-060 CORE-FERRITE BEAD AA, 5X1. OX8.CAM, 1500, 240 ‘Av tees 2001-000287—«34047-019-060 CURE-FERRITE BEAD AA, 9.5K. O46, WM, 1500, 240 ‘As Lees 3801-000287-—«34047-019-060 CERE-FERRITE BEAD ——_AA,9.BK1.OF8, AM, 1500, 240 (fs L865 3901-00287 -—«*34047-019-060«CERE-FEFRITE BEAD AA, .5K1.OK8. UM, 1500, 240 Leo 2701-000114 ——82427-904-824 _INLCTOR-AKIAL 00H. 10%,2.543. eco 2701-00114 © 32427-904-824 —_INDUCTORMAXIAL 0H, 10%, 2.549. Aor M27-10000 81199-0007 o1L- hone = AUK 10, 1,7, 400K LxB03+ —AA29-30001I——-92429-609-100—FILTER-LINE =10. 2-4 Avwreo: 1404-00181 32489-609-381—_THERWISTOR-NTC 45704, 20%, 2900, 8K A peoe —gr392-0018 PosisToR PTHGSI002EF7ROMAOT DEGAU CeO AAQG-10002E ———33069-8170000 _—POMER-OORD (P,MSP-10W,SPT2, 2. 1M,HOUS PCSO1 —AABI=20046A———33928-0001-010HOLDER-CLRO =,PP.VO,BLK,00,~ mor ——_seta7-901-720 TRANSISTOR KSC 615-¥(TAPGIYTAN 203 32t87-901-720, TRANSISTOR KSC B15-(TAPG]IYTAM os 3237-401-890, TRANSISTOR SA §39-Y(TAG)IYTAM cst 32137-801-720, TRANSISTOR SC B16-Y(TARG]IYTAK 66 ‘Samsung Electronics Tee Na. New Code'No” (Goe No. 2 Description 11 Sieiicaton "Poe ears Ao 32197-901-560 TaANSISTOR sc 2391-¥( 1486) sot 32187-201-720, TRANSISTOR KSC 815-¥(TAPG)/YTAW 701 0504-000123 4060-0099 TR-DIGITAL SR1010,NEN, SOOM, TOK, TO- roe 0s04-000123 ——_aaogo-0003, TR-OIGITAL 1010, NEN, SOOM, 10K, TO 4, 0601 4058-0000 TR-DARLINGTON TIpt02 2 8A t00V S1/NEN A\.ca02- 0502-00044 = n4052-0055 TR POHER SA940 PAP, -150V,-150¥,-1 Gor 0504-000123——_aage-0009, TR-OIGITAL KSRIO10,NEN, SOOM, 10K, TO- ace 82187-301-720, TRAGISTOR SC 815-Y(TAPG)/YTAL asst 32187-301-560 TRANSISTOR KSC 2331-V(TAPG) ques 32137-401-530 TRANSISTOR SA 599-Y(TAPG) VTA (voa+ —0504-000123_aago-0000 TR-OIGITAL SR1010,NEN, 300M, 10K, TO- or —_32t37-401-590 TRANSISTOR KSA 599-¥( TAPS) TAM io 2001-00002 31018-17712 A-CARRKN 1 240A, 58, 178 AA, TP, 1.8 lod 2001-00083 31018177120 CARN 2AM, 5X, 118H,AA, TP, 18x AVRI08 1004-0405, AETAL OKIDE RS 2-RT(S) 100-d 10R t08 2001-00028 81018-177-101_R-CAREN 100M, 1/8,AA, TP, 18x aot 2001-000780 ——81018-177-471 RLCARON {TOE 5 12H, a8, TP, 18K R202 2o01~000221—51018-177-122 RLCARBEN 1.2K, 9% 1/8, AA, TP, 1.8 eos 2001-00057 81018-177-202 RLCARRON 2K, 112, AA, TP, 1.3 R204 2001-00783 —S1018-177-470 ALCAN TOM, 5,118, AA,TP,1.8X3, 208 2001-00480 ——81018-177-201 ALCAN 200048, 51/8, A4,TP, 1.8 R206 2001-000889 ———31018-177-860 _R-CAABEN 801M, 5,118, AA, TP, 1X3 R207 2001-00674 31018177961 R-CARREN 60018, 5%, 1/8N ATP, 18 R07» 2001~000258 —«S1018-177-182 _R-CARRON 1 8K, 5%, 1/84 AA,TP, 1.8 R208 2001-000874 ——31018-177-961 CARBON 2600, 5%,1/8H,AA, TP, 18K R09 2001-00028 31018-177-101_A-CARBON OGM, 5%, 1/8044, TP, 1 ax. R10 200-000281_—S1018-177-101 _A-CARBON 100048, 5, 1/2, AA, TP, 18K Rett 31018-177-569, RCARBONINETAL FILM AO 1/07 S6K-J Rei2 2001-00892 «S1018-177-511 CARBON 51005, 5%, 1/8H,AA,TP, 1.0% Reid 2001-000429 «101-177-102 CARON KOM, 5, 118 AA, TP, 1x3, Rare 2001-000281——31018-177-101 CARBON 1000, 5K, 1/84, AA, TPT. Reis 2001-00028 ——«31018-177-101 CARBON 000M, 5H, 178,AA, TP, 10x R216 2001-00008 31018177101 CARBON 00014, 5%, 18H, AA, TP 18K Ror» 31018-177-759 R-CARGONIMETAL FILM AO 1787 75K-J Roig 2001-00182 ——31018-377-564 CARBONS) S6OKOM, 5%, 1/20,AB, TP, 2.4 eve 2001-00028 31018R177-101_RLCARBEN OCC 58, 1/8H, A, TP, 36x Ree 2001-00429 ——51018-177-102 CARBON KOM, 5, 1180,KA, TP, 1.3 Ree 2001-000780 © «S108-177-471 _R-CAREN 700M, 5%, 18,88, P10 Rees 2001-000281—B101EHI77-101A-CAREON 00048, 5, 12H, AA,TP, 18K 226 2001-00273 ———31018-177-10 R-CAREON 0OKCHM, 5%, 1/8H,AA,TP, 8 Ree 2001-000745 © 31018-177-479 _RECAARN 4 TOM, 5%, 18H, 9A, TP, 18K eee 31018-177-584 FGAROONIMETAL FILM A 1/87 S60K-J Ree 31018-177-600 AACARBONIETAL FILM FD 1/8 68-J Rego 2001-00059 3 1018-177-082 —A-CARRON 8.9K04M,5%,1/6H,4A,1P, 1.8 feat 2001-00028 3 1018+177-101R-CARBON ‘0004, 5% 184,44, TPT. R252 2001-00080 © S1018-177-109 A-CAARON 0M, 5%, 1/80 AA, TP, 1.843. R233 2001-00058 —31018-177-263 ALCAN 24K, 5,118 AA, TP 1.8K, 2M 2001-00008 —31018-177-159_RECARRON {SKM 178 AA, TPT 8x R208 © 2001~000522 —«B10I-177-223R-CARRN 22KOM, 5, 118 AA, TP, 188 Reve 2001-00029 31018-177-102 R-CAREON ‘HORM, 5, 1/8AA, TP, 1.03, Rea? 2001-00199 31018-377-259—_A-CARBONIS) 39K, 120,AA,TP,2.4K R209 3108-177-569 CARGONIMETAL FILM AD 1/81 S6K-J R240 31018-177-553, CARBONINETAL FILM AD 1/81 58K-J Rosi 2001=000262 ———31048-177-105 _R-CARRDN 1 HM, 58,1/88,AA, TP 1.8 Rest 31018-177-750 FACARGONIMETAL FILM AD 1187 75-J/ERO-S2T¥ 750 as 31018-177-750 A-CARGONIMETAL FILM AD 1/81 75-JIERD-S2T4 750 AL Ra01+ —2004-000182 ——31047-176-152ALNETAL 4.SKOHM, 26, 1180,94, TP, 1.8 0G 2001-00104 ———51018-377-888 —_—A-CARBKALS) 0.6804, 581/20, AA, TP, 2.4 Roo 2001-00184 ———51018-977-754 —_A-CARBONIS) 780KOHN, 56, 12H AB, TP,2.4 F205 2001-00184 ——91018-377-754 CARBONS) 750KOOM 9%, 1120 AB, TP.2.4 AL RID 1004-0464 AETAL OKIDE aS 1 AT(S) S11-d A R809 004-0468 RAVETAL OKIDE AS 4 AUIS) St1-J Samsung Electronics id" Code Na” Loc. No New Code No. "Old Code No! Specification Remarks 7 aoa 2001-00114 = a1018-977-271RACARRKNLS) TOM, 112A, TP,2. 48 aoe 001-00T181——«S1016-977-680_—A-CAREENIS) 660M, 54,1208, TP, 2.448, A R405 -2003-000540 ‘1004-0404 AAMETAL OKIOE(S) TKOHM, 58, 2W,AD, TP, 41 20a ‘A. pose A1010-0089, A-RISIBLE fe 2 AT i8t-d AN R408 2004-00190 31048-361-001 ReMETAL(S) AKOHM, 26, 1/2W,AA,TP,2.4X6 AN R409, ‘A1010-0085 A-FUSIBLE AF 2 ATIS) RBB~J ‘Avruia 2008-00020 A1OtO-0005.FUSIBLEIS) OW, 5, 1128 AF,TP.2.596. AN ratte 31049-375-104 ‘AWETAL, FIL Fab 1/27 100K-F Avnares ——91049-375-104 AMETAL FU fa 112t 100K Farge 2001-001097 1000-0860 R-CARRNIS). 35098, 1/28,AATP,2.4 Ara 2003-000983 81004-0481 RAWETAL OKIDE(S) ‘3. GKOHM, 5%, 1M, AF,1P,3.9X1 fare 2001000619 STOIe77-392 ROEM 5 SHCA, ATP 1.8 Ana (1010-0077 R-FUSIBLE ‘RF 1 T SAB-J ‘A. pasoe 010-0061 A-FUSIBLE fF 2 RT O10-d ‘Avex 91058-277-470 A-FUSIBLE fe Nar ars vI* —2001-000780 —«S1018-177-471—B-OAREEN 700,56, 179H.AAT, 1.04 2 Z001-000201—«S10T8-177-101 ROAR 4000845818, AA, TP, 1 88 ‘cd 2001-00028 3404-00024 84018-0004 ‘005+ 5404-00024 ——_0T8-0036 ‘srgoe+ 3404-00024 83018-0084 ‘005+ 3404-00024 018-0004 sinot+ —agor8-0072 A To01e —-RA2B-10005E ——_AT195-0028 Ax Tap'~ ——-aa26-500018 —_32846-070-007 A Tae -mazB-300024 1201-0088 A Teo! -RA26-20004 41208-0005 Ay tuo» AA4o-100008 ‘41292-0098 wsooe2 34503-0100-000 x02» 2801-000729 81280-0116, Zot 34527-480-001 Zor 208-000195 81243-0071 Ay Loo01e —+3477-00001-070 +3¥81-00010-010 A, 1oB01= 4012-0418 2 Desétiption ©" 1/ Spedinieatien 2 5) CARBON AAETAL OKIDE(S) AMETAL OKIDE(S) -AETAL OKIDE(S) ELAY-FOWER WOLLE-REMLOON CARBONMETAL FILM CARBON RcAREON COMPOSITION R-cARBON FCaRGON R-cAREN CARBON R-CARBON R-CAREON CARBON CAREC CARBON CARBON ACARGONINETAL FILM RCARBONIMETAL FILM PGARBONIMETAL FM ecARBON R-CARBGN R-CAREON CARBON CARBON CARBON CARSONIMETAL FILM CARGO CARBON CARBON ReFUSIBLE(S) FILTER-SAW AV FILTER-SAW AV SPEAKER LEAD-CENNECTOR,ASSY SHITOETACT SAITOHTACT ‘SMITOHTACT SHITORTACT ‘SHITOH-TACT SHTACT.V TRANS-IF HORIZ.ORWVE TRANS-FAYBAK TRANS-SWITOHIN TUNES STICKER-RATING (aySTAL-UNIT FILTER-OERAMIC FILTER-CERAMIC ASSY-LED.GUIDE ASSY-LED, GUIDE ASSY=HISSOUND ASSY-HIS, SOUND CLINE 100KCHM, 5K 18H AA,TP,1.8 10004, 54,20, AD, TP, 4x2 00048, 5%, 24, AD, TP 4X1 100048, 5, 20,AD, TP, 4x1 12¥,= 104, =, 15 SS = ORO“SOHF 38047, 940M ME AO 1181 820-4 OKO, SH, 1/8, AA, TP 1.8, OKC, 1/88 AA, TP, 1-8. Bo 1/21 1 eM-KIEAG-120K 1 4701, 91188, AA, TP, 18K 0KOHM, 5,17, AA, TP, 18K 2AM, 118A, TP, 1.3 ROEM, SK, 110M AA, TP, 1X3, KOM, 5,118 AA, TP, 1X3. ‘ROH, 56, 1/20, AA, TP, 1-843 39044, 51/8, AA, TP, 1.8K 39005, 5%, 17H AA, TP, 18K ‘39005, 1887 AA,TP, 18K 23. OKO, Sh, 1[8H,4A,TP,1.8 FO 1/81 620-J FO 1181 620-J FO 1187 §20-J ‘HOM, 5X, 1/6, AA, TP. 1.83, ‘HOM, 5X, 1/6, AA, TP, 1 3 ‘HOM, 5%, 1/6H,AA, TP. 1. OKO, 1/8.AA, TP 1.8 OHH 5X, 1/8H,AA, TP, 1-8 180K, 58, 1/8H,AA, TP, 3.8 50 1181 e2k-J 22HOM, 8, 118 AA, TPA. 8X 400M, 5, 1/81/44, TP, 18K OKC, 1/88, AA, TP, 1.8 109M, 58 1 /2W AF, TP, 2.546. 45.1752, SIPSP,ST 45. 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[28] ‘SDILS6 [2] emourrur CVBS : Composite Video Broadcasting Signal 2 ‘Samsung Electronics SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM CHASSIS :KCTS2A MODEL: CT-5846P BOARD NAME: PIP PCB CODE NO- 36029-0578-000 ‘Samsung Blectronics| Power Line 10-5 6-3. 25 Inch Only 6-3-1.TXE2545 Loe: Nov New Cote No. ‘Old Code No. Destidea 10 ASSY-PCB,MAIN “Specification, 4497-10010 ASSY-P08 MAIN caM) TXE2545 UCK,KCTB2A,SEA,NO Poa 98029-0690-000 P.C.BAKIN 71.6 330 L245 KCTE2A BARE PB CIFBT —AA65-90002A——33999-0005-010LANP-FaT ~.NYLON-66, V0.4, COIWIRE —ANB5-30000A —33333-0011-000 CLAMP-RIAE ~.NYLON-6, VO NTA V-MODEL, CIWIRE —AAB5-30009A —96839-101-911CLAUP-FBT (ABS, VO,BLK, =~ CIWIAE —AAB5-90010 ——-36894-111-010—CLANP-IRE ~

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