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My simple thing

What do you think of when you see the color yellow? To you and I it most likely means

around the same idea but overall has a different meaning. On the outside to me yellow makes me

think of summer and never ending happiness. But to me it has a deeper meaning, yellow adds a

touch to my life like no other. It makes the awful turn into the amazing and the sadness turns into

happiness. My life has revolved around the color and shaped me into who I am today. For as

long as I can remember yellow has been a part of me since I began to understand colors. It made

me an outcast in my preschool and kindergarten classes. I wasn’t the average girl who loved pink

or purple and I couldn’t even relate to the guys favorite colors of blue or green. My favorite color

was yellow, whenever the teachers asked “ What is your favorite color” I got from fellow

students “Why yellow, gross! that’s so weird ” . Yellow has added the shimmer into my life

and creates a good sensation inside me. Yellow is my special thing, the thing that gets me

through a day.

From being an outcast in preschool and kindergarten because of simply my favorite color,

things didn’t always improve from there as life went on. With friends changing, family

problems, sickness, people moving and everyday life of a kid and teenager things weren’t always

good. I wasn’t always my best self, by finding my simple thing in life I could be my best self

even when times were tough. With yellowness shining through me I understood how to get

through and past everything. It has come with me through the activities I’m involved at dance if

I’m having a hard day I glance over at my yellow water bottle and realize it’s not that big of a

deal and the day will end and things will improve.

Things happen, sadness and disappointment overcome everyone but as I walk through

life I think to myself all you have to do is look on the bright side and think yellow even if it
doesn’t get better it makes me feel more secure and that I am doing something to help myself.

The special thing captures my eye on a dark stormy day and makes the clouds clear away and the

sun comes out. I can always be found being gravitated towards that one simple thing in my life.

Some people may look towards other things maybe they seem more special but yellow is just as

special to me and changed my life.

It may just be a color in your eyes but to me, it changes my whole outlook on life and

helps me understand the good the bad and the ugly in life. It can transform the way I think in an

instant from the glass half empty to the glass half full. It fills my life with positivity and


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