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Career Research:

Occupational Therapy
1. What education is needed for this career?
○ Bachelor’s degree
○ Master’s degree (2-3 years)
○ Doctorate program (3 ½ years)
2. What training is needed for this career?
○ Occupational therapy license
○ Administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational
3. Who are the largest employers for this career/field?
○ Hospitals
○ Offices
4. Where can one find work in this field?
○ Hospitals
○ Offices
○ Elementary and secondary schools
○ Home healthcare services
○ Nursing care facilities
5. What is the average starting salary?
○ $55,490
6. What is the average ten-year salary?
○ $84,270
7. In which areas of the country could/would one live?
○ Nevada - top-paying jobs at $100,970
○ New jersey - second top-paying jobs at $96,600
8. What is the long-term outlook for this career? Will the need increase,
decrease, stay the same, be eliminated?
○ Demand for occupational therapy is expected to increase
9. What are the working conditions? What are some of the hazards or
disadvantages of the job?
○ Risk of infection
○ Long work hours
○ Physically demanding
○ Extensive study required
10. What is the nature of the work?
○ Utilize evidence-based practice, research, scientific evidence, and a holistic
perspective to promote independence, meaningful occupations, and the
patient’s functional ability to achieve daily routines/roles of choice
11. What are the responsibilities of the job?
○ Treat injured, ill, or disabled patients through everyday activities
○ Help patients develop, recover, and improve the skills needed for daily
living and working
12. Are there any professional associations or unions that are necessary or
suggested to be a member of this profession?
○ AOTA: American Occupational Therapy Association
13. What are some related occupations?
○ Physical therapists
○ Physicians assistants
○ Recreational therapists
○ Nurse-midwives
14. Are most of the workers in this field traditionally male or female?
○ Only 6% of occupational therapists are males, and only 8% of occupational
therapy assistants are male
15. What do three people in the career say about their jobs?
○ Melanie Barber
■ “What I found was that occupational therapy addressed the vital
importance of people’s psychological and emotional well-being, as
well as their physical needs.”
○ Erin Cokeh
■ “This inspires me to know that I can make a difference in the lives of
others, simply by caring for my patients and being aware of their
needs and what is meaningful for them in their own lives.”
○ Stacy Landau
■ “I like to think of occupational therapists as puzzle solvers, because
they assist clients in solving how to complete tasks that they may or
may not have been able to do the past.

1. What is the title of the job being advertised?

a. Occupational therapist
2. What is the company name?
a. Reliant Rehabilitation
3. Where are they located?
a. Piano, Texas
4. What are their requirements for hiring?
5. What education is needed and training?
6. How does one advance?
7. What are some of the benefits that are listed (sick days, vacation, family
leave, maternity, sick and education policies?)
a. Health insurance
b. Vacation time
c. Good pay
8. What is the starting salary?
a. $55,490

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