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Introductory English

Introductory English

Master in Education

Page 16

UCV Language Centre

Introductory English

Classroom Expressions

1. Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening / Hello / Hi

2. My name is ___________. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
3. How are you?
4. Fine, thank you. What about you?
5. May I come in?
6. How do you say __________ in English?
7. What does it mean?
8. What do you see?
9. How do you spell ____________?
10. Listen to your teacher.
11. Repeat the words.
12. Circle the words.
13. Write the words.
14. Walk around.
15. Ask questions.
16. Answer your partner.
17. Talk to your partner. Raise your
18. Here you are.
19. Look at the picture.
20. Sorry for being late!
21. Sorry, but I don’t understand. Repeat please.
22. What’s the homework, please?
23. The class is over. See you on ____________.
24. Have a nice day!
The same to you!
25. Thank you.
You’re welcome.
26. Good bye.
27. See you tomorrow.
28. So long.
Work in groups
29. Good night
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UCV Language Centre

Introductory English



Conversation 1 (T 1.1)

Sandra: Hello. I’m Sandra. What’s your name?

Hiro: My name’s Hiro.
Sandra: Hello, Hiro.

Conversation 2 (T 1.2)

Sandra: John, this is Hiro Shiga. Hiro, this is John Mason.

Hiro: Hello, John.
John: Hello, Hiro.

Conversation Introductions:

I. Complete the conversation.

1. A: Hello. My name’s Anna

What’s your name?
B: Ben.

2. C: Hello. My __________ Carla

What’s _______ name?
D: ______ name’s David

(T.1.3) Listen and check. Practice the conversations.

II. Complete the conversation.

1. B: Hello, Anna. How are you?

A: Fine thanks, Ben. And you?
B: Very well, thanks.

2. D: Hi, Carla. _______ _______ you?

C: _______, thanks. ________ _________?
D: OK, _________

(T.1.4) Listen and check. Practice the conversations.

Conversation (T 1.5) Page 16

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Introductory English

Listen and number the lines in the conversation.

____ Fine, thanks.

____ I’m OK, thanks. And you?
____ Hello. My name’s Rita. What’s your name?
____ Hello, Tina. Hello Mary.
____ I’m Tina, and this is Mary.
____ Hello, Rita. How are you?

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UCV Language Centre

Introductory English


Write sentences with words from the box. (T 1.6)

a bag a camera a computer a house a sandwich
a book a car a hamburger a photograph a television

1. It’s a photograph__. 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________

4. __________________
6. ____________________

7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________

10. ____________________

NUMBERS 1-10 : Listen and practice. (T 1.7)

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six

7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

NUMBERS: Listen and write the numbers. (T 1.8)

A. B. C. D.
E. F. G. H.

PLURALS: Write S or ES. (T 1.9) Page 16

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Introductory English

1. car___ 6. bag___
2. camera___ 7. photograph___
3. computer___ 8. television___
4. book___ 9. house___
5. sandwich___ 10. hamburger___

 Write the numbers according to the pictures.

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

5 6
Your world!


21. What are the countries? Write a, e, i, o, and u.


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4 8
Introductory English

1. C N D

2. T H N T D S T T S

3. M X C

4. B R Z L

5. T H N T D K N G D M

6. F R N C

7. T L Y
8. S P N

What is the syllable stress in these countries? Put these countries into the correct
columns A, B, C, D or E (T 2.1)

England Brazil Australia Spain Japan France Italy


Spain ____________ Brazil ____________ ____________

___________ ____________


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UCV Language Centre

Introductory English

Write questions and answers.

Barcelona Kansas Oxford Milán

Paris Rio de Janeiro Sydney Tokyo

1. A: Where´s Barcelona? 2. A: __________________________?

B: It’s in Spain B: __________________________

3. A: __________________________? 4. A: __________________________?
B: __________________________ B: __________________________

5. A: __________________________? 6. A: __________________________?
B: __________________________ B: __________________________

7. A: __________________________? 8. A: __________________________?
B: __________________________ B: __________________________



I.  Read and listen (T 2.2)

Hiro: Where are you from Sandra?

Sandra: I’m from Spain. Where are you from?
Hiro: I’m from Japan. From Tokyo.

Listen and repeat the questions. (T 2.3)

What’s his name?

Where is he from?
What’s her name?
Where is she from?

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Introductory English

II. Write questions and answers. (T 2.4)

Italy Japan

Gianni Junko

A: What’s his name? A: What’s _______ name?

B: His name is Gianni. B: ___________________.
A: Where’s he from? A: ______________ from?
B: He’s from Italy B: _____ from _________.

United States Australia

Amy Steven
A: What’s _______ name? A: What’s _______ name?
B: ___________________. B: ___________________.
A: ______________ from? A: ______________ from?
B: _____ from _________. B: _____ from ________.

Brazil France

Luis Denise

A: What’s _______ name? A: ___________________?

B: ___________________. B: ___________________.
A: ______________ from? A: __________________?
B: _____ from _________. B: ___________________.


1. Henry: Hello. My name’s Henry.

What’s _________ name?
Isabel: Isabel.
Henry: Where _________ you _________, Isabel?
Isabel: Coimbra, in Portugal. Where _______ you from?
Henry: __________ from Paris, France. Page 16

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Introductory English

2. Henry: _________, Isabel. ________ are you?

Isabel: _________, thanks. And _____?
Henry: Very well, _________. Isabel, _____ is Ana. ______ ______ Portugal.
Isabel: ________, Ana
Ana: ________, Isabel. __________ are you _________?
Isabel: _________ _______ Coimbra.
Ana: Oh, _____ _____ Coimbra, _____!

 READING (T 2.5)

They’re from ...

This is Roberto. He’s in Sydney. He’s from Italy. He’s

a computer programmer.

This is Brigitte and Jean – Claude. They’re

married and they’re from France. Brigitte is a
teacher and Jean Claude is a photographer.

This is a photograph of Yumi. She’s from

She’s a doctor. Her hospital is in the centre of


1. Roberto is in Sydney.
2. He’s from ______________________________________________.
3. He’s a _________________________________________________.
4. Brigitte and Jean Claude are ________________________________.
5. They’re from ____________________________________________.
Page 16
6. Brigitte is a _____________________________________________.
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Introductory English

7. _________________________________________ is a photographer.
8. Yumi is from ____________________________________________.
9. She’s a _______________________________________________.
10. Her _______________________________ is in the centre of Tokyo.


a) 13 _____thirteen ____ f) 17 ___________________

b) 29 ___________________ g) 11 ___________________
c) 12 ___________________ h) 30 ___________________
d) 15 ___________________ i) 27 ___________________
e) 20 ___________________ j) 21 ___________________


a) 11 + 11 = twenty two__ f) 4 x 4 = ________________

b) 7 x 4 = ________________ g) 3 x 8 = ________________
c) 3 x 6 = ________________ h) 20 - 1 = ________________
d) 7 + 6 = ________________ i) 13 + 13 = ________________
e) 30 - 7 = ________________ j) 5 x 5 = ________________


1) sixteen 6) _________________
2) _________________ 7) _________________
3) ________________ 8) _________________
4) ________________ 9) _________________
5) ________________ 10) _________________

Personal Information

I. JOBS (T 3.1)
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a. Listen and repeat.
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Introductory English

b. Match the jobs and the pictures. Make questions and answers.

a police officer a nurse a student a teacher

a shop assistant a taxi driver a businessman a doctor

1. teacher 2.

A: What’s her job? A: ______________________?

B: She’s a teacher . B: _______________________

3. ___________________________ 4. _________________________

A: ________________________? A: ______________________?
B: ________________________ B: _______________________

5. ___________________________ 6. __________________________

A: _________________________? A: _______________________?
B: _________________________ B: _______________________

___________________________ 8. __________________________

A: ________________________? A: _______________________?
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UCV Language Centre

Introductory English

B: ________________________ B: _______________________


Write sentences with is and isn’t.

1. he – student  / teacher  2. he – businessman  / police officer 

He isn’t a student. _______________________________

He is a teacher. _______________________________

3. she – doctor  / nurse  4. she – taxi driver  / shop assistant 

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________



Name: Amy Roberts

Country: England
Address: 18, Market Street, Manchester
Phone number: 0161 929 5837
Age: 20
Job: Student
Married: No

A. Complete the questions and answers (T-3.3)

1. What’s her name? - Amy Roberts.

2. Where´s she _____________? - England.
3. What’s her _______________? - 18,Market Street, Manchester.

4. What’s her _______ ________? - 0161 929 5837

5. How old is she? - She’s _________________________.
6. What’s _________ __________? - _________ ______ ____________ .
7. Is she ____________________ ? - No, she isn’t.

B. Complete the sentences:

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Introductory English

1. Amy isn’t from the United States. She______________ from London.

2. Her phone number __________ 0171 929 5837. It’s 0161 929 5837.
3. She ____________ 18. She _____________ 20.
4. She ______________ married.


A. Listen to the conversations. Complete the chart (T 3.4)

Name Giovanni Tomba Diana Black



Phone number 212 463 9145

Age 23

Job Shop assistant

Married No

B. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Use short answers.

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 Is Giovanni from Milan?  Is she a teacher?
 Is Diana from the United  Is his phone number 06 944 8139?
States?  Is she twenty-nine?
 Is he a nurse?
C. Talking about you.

I. Complete the questions:

1. What’s your name?

2. __________________ _________________ you from?
3. __________________ ________________ phone number?
4. How old ________________ _______________?
5. _______________ _________________ job?
6. _______________ _________________ married?

II. In groups, ask and answer the same questions.

D. Write about one student:

Example: Her name’s Maria – Angie. She’s from France. Her phone number is …

E. Circle the correct sentences:

1. a. She’s name’s Janelle. 5. a. How old is she?

b. Her name’s Janelle. b. How old she is?

2. a. Her job is teacher. 6. a. She is no married.

b. She’s a teacher. b. She isn’t married.

3. a. Are you from Spain? 7. a. Are you married?

b. Is you from Spain? - Yes, I’m.
b. Are you married?
4. a. He’s phone number is 796542 - Yes, I am.
b. His phone number is 796542.


 Write the words on the identity card.

Address Age Country Job Married

Phone number Name

__________________ : Rosalinda Cantarelli

__________________ : Italy
__________________ : 33 via Pavan, Milan
__________________ : 482 9762
__________________ : 23
__________________ : Nurse
__________________ : Yes
 Write the questions: *Example: What’s her name? – Rosalinda Cantarelli.

1. __________________________? 4. __________________________?
- Italy - She’s 23.

2. __________________________? 6. ___________________________?
- 33 via Pavan, Milan. - She’s a nurse.

3. __________________________? 7. ___________________________?
- 482 9762 - Yes, she is.

 Answer these questions about Rosalinda Cantarelli. Use short answers.

1. Is Rosalinda from the United States?

- No, she isn’t .

2. Is she from France?


3. Is she from Italy?


4. Is she 22?

5. Is she 23?

6. Is she a shop assistant?


7. Is she a nurse?

8. Is she married?

What’s your job?

Answer the questions about you. Write short answers. (T 3.5)

1. Are you Tom Walker ?


2. Are you from Rome ?

3. Are you a student ?


4. Are you 24 ?


5. Are you married ?


Write questions. Put the words in the correct order.

1. your - what’s - name - ?

What’s your name ?

2. are - where - from - you - ?


3. address - your - what’s - ?


4. your - what’s - number - phone - ?


5. are - you - how - old ?


6. what’s - job - your - ?


7. married - you - are - ?


Now answer the questions in exercise II. Answer about you.

1. My name is .

2. .
3. .

4. .

5. .

6. .

7. .


I. Conversation with Kirsty. (T 3.6)

A. Listen to the conversation and complete the information.

NAME : Kirsty Logan_______

AGE : _________________________
JOB : _________________________
COUNTRY : _________________________
TOWN / CITY : _________________________
ADDRESS : _________________________
PHONE NUMBER : _________________________

B. Answer the questions.

1. Is Kirsty 25?
No, she isn’t .

2. Is Kirsty a student?

3. Is she a shop assistant?


4. Is she married?

5. Is she from Scotland?


6. Is she from Edinburgh?

7. Is her phone number 4178524?


Social expressions

I. Complete the conversations. (T 3.6)

Good afternoon Good night Good evening Good morning Good bye

8: 00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.

1. 2.
a) Good morning. a)________________. The Grand Hotel.
b) ____________________, Mr. Brown. b) ____________________________.

9:30 p.m.

3. 4.
a) _____________________, madam. a) __________________________
b) ____________________________. b) _______________ Peter. Sleep well.
a) ______________________________.
b) ______________________________. Have a good journey.

II. Write Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening:

1. 8 : 00 Good
2. 19 : 00
3. 6 : 00 ________________________.
4. 14 : 00 ________________________.
5. 11 : 00 ________________________.
6. 21 : 00 ________________________.
7. 16 : 00 ________________________.

Family and Friends

I. Complete the table:

Subject pronoun I you he she we they

Possessive adjective my our their


Family This is Sally Milton.

relationship (T 4.1) She’s married,
and this is her family. Their house is
Possessive ( ´s )
in London. She’s a teacher. Her
school is in the centre of town.
Tom is Sally’s husband. He’s a bank
manager. His bank is in the centre of
town, too.
Our children are Kirsty and Nick.
They’re students at Camden
College. We are happy in London.
II. Answer the questions. (T 4.2)

1. Is Sally married? Yes, she is .

2. Where’s their house? ___________________________.
3. What is Sally’s job? ___________________________.
4. Where’s her school? ___________________________.
5. What is Tom’s job? ___________________________.
6. Where is his bank? ___________________________.
7. Are their children doctors? ___________________________.

III. Listen and repeat. (T 4.3)

Female mother daughter sister wife

Male father son brother husband
Plural parents children

IV. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences. (T 4.4)

Sally = Tom

Kirsty Nick

1. Sally is Tom’s wife .

2. Tom is Sally’s _________________________.
3. Kirsty is Sally’s and Tom’s ________________.
4. Nick is their _________________________.
5. Sally is Nick’s _________________________.
6. Tom is Kirsty’s _________________________.
7. Kirsty is Nick’s _________________________.
8. Nick is Kirsty’s _________________________.
9. Sally and Tom are Kirsty and Nick’s _________________________.
10. Kirsty and Nick are Tom and Sally’s ________________________.


I. Make sentences. Use the words from the box.

bag - camera - car - computer - dictionary - cat - house - television

1. This is Paolo’s television.

2. _____________________________.


3. ______________________________.

4. ______________________________.

5. ______________________________.

6. _____________________________.
7. _____________________________.

8. ______________________________.

II. Write “P” for possession and write “Is” for verb To Be. (T 4.5)

1. He’s a businessman. Is__

2. This is Henri’s sister. P__
3. What’s his job? ______
4. William is Peter’s father. ______
5. Angela’s father is a taxi driver. ______
6. Who’s Pedro? ______
7. Maria’s 35. ______
8. Jane’s school is in the centre of Liverpool. ______
9. Tony’s wife is 34. ______
10. Where are George’s parents? ______

III. Write s , ‘s or --
1. My name’s Pilar.
2. Cathy and Lian are doctors.
3. My parents _____ are in Germany.
4. What ______ your address?
5. This is the teacher _____ book
6. They are police officer_____ .
7. Where is Vicky ______ bag ?
8. Her name _____ Paula.
9. Their sons _____ are Mark and Harry.
10. Her husband ______ name is Antonio.


My Family

I. Listen to Rachel Chang and complete the information about her family. (T 4.5)

Name Age Job

Rachel’s brother
Rachel’s mother
Rachel’s father

II. Complete the sentences.

1. Steve is Rachel’s brother.

2. Her __________ name is Grace.
3. Grace is Bob’s _____________.
4. “What’s _______ job? “He’s a businessman.”
5. “Where’s ________ house?” “It’s in San Diego.”

III. Make your own family tree. Write sentences.

• He’s / She’s my brother / mother…………

• He’s / She’s ………… years old.
• He’s / She’s a ………….

IV. Ask and answer question with a partner.

• Who’s Jorge? He’s my ……..

• How old is he? He’s …………
• What’s his job? He’s a …….…

V. Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective (my – our - your … )

1. “What’s your name? “My name’s Sally.”

2. “What are _________ names? “ Our names are Kirsty and Nick”
3. Jean Paul and André are students. _________school is in Paris.
4. “My sister’s married”. “What’s ______ husband’s name?
5. “My brother’s office is in New York”. “What’s ________ job?
6. We are in _______ English class.
7. “Mum and Dad are in Rome.” “What’s _________ phone number?

VI. Write the possessive adjectives.

1. We’re from Scotland. Our house is in Glasgow.

2. “What’s _______ job? “I’m a nurse”.
3. “What are ________ names?” “She’s Sonia and he’s Oliver.”
4. This is my daughter. ______ name’s Victoria.
5. I’m married. ______wife’s Italian.
6. “My brother, John, is in London.” “Oh, what’s ________ address?
7. James and I are doctors. ________ hospital is in Manchester.


Have / Has
A. Read the paragraph about David.

This is David Arnot and his family.

“We’re from Wales. I have a small farm. My wife’s name is Megan, and she has a job in
town. She’s a shop assistant. We have one child, Ben, and two dogs: Dylan and Dolly.
My sister, Sally, and her husband, Tom have a big house
in London. They have two children. Tom has a very good job.”

B. Write (T) true or (F) false according to the reading.

1. David’s farm is in Wales. ( )

2. David is Sally’s brother. ( )
3. His wife has a job in a hospital. ( )
4. David and Megan have two children. ( )
5. Their farm is big. ( )
6. They have two dogs, Ben and Dolly. ( )

C. Write sentences about your family. Tell the class.



Have / has

I. Complete the sentences. Use has or have.

1. I have two brothers and a sister.

2. My parents a house in the country.
3. My wife a Japanese car.
4. My sister and I a dog.
5. You a very nice family.
6. Our school fifteen classrooms.
7. We English classes in the evening
8. Paul two brothers.
9. We two dogs.
10. You an Italian name.
11. She a good dictionary.
12. This book 80 pages.
13. I a computer.
14. My daughter a house in London.

II. Talk about your house and room.

III. Ask and answer. (T 4.6)

Match the questions with the answers.

1. How is your mother? ( ) a) Yes, we are.

2. What’s your sister’s job? ( ) b) She’s David’s sister.
3. How old are your brothers? ( ) c) It’s in the centre of town.
4. Who is Sally? ( ) d) She’s very well, thank you.
5. Where is your office? ( ) e) They are ten and thirteen.
6. Are you and your husband from Italy? ( ) f) She’s a nurse.

IV. Circle the correct answers.

1. a) Mary’s children are married.

b) Mary is children are married.

2. a) What’s your daughter name?

b) What’s your daughter’s name?

3. a) What’s he’s job?

b) What’s his job?

4. a) They’re from Germany.

b) Their form Germany.

5. a) They’re parents have a house in Bonn.

b) Their parents have a house in Bonn.

6. a) My brother have a good job.

b) My brother has a good job.

7. a) We house is in the centre of town.

b) Our house is in the centre of town.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta – Jones


This is a photo of Michael Douglas and his wife.

A. Read the text.
Michael is from the United States. He’s sixty-six and
he’s married to Catherine Zeta-Jones. She’s forty-one
and she’s from Wales. They’re both actors. They have
two children, a son and a daughter.
Their son’s name is Dylan. He’s ten. Their daughter’s
name is Carys and she is 7. Michael and Catherine have
the same birthday–25 September.
B. Answer the questions.

1. Where’s Michael from?

He’s from the United States. .

2. How old is he?


3. What’s his wife’s name?


4. Where’s she from?


5. What are their jobs?


6. What’s his son’s name?


7. How old is her daughter?


8. When’s Michael and Catherine’s birthday?


 The   Alphabet

I. Listen to the letters of the alphabet. Practice them. (T 4.7)

II. Practice the letters in groups.

/ ei / a h j k / әu / o
/ i: / b c d e g p t v /u:/ q u w
/e/ f l m n s x z / a: / r
/ai/ I y

III. Listen to people spelling their first name and their surname. Write the names. (T 4.8)
2. ___________________ ___________________
3. ___________________ ___________________
4. ___________________ ___________________
5. ___________________ ___________________

IV. Practice spelling your name with a partner.

A: How do you spell your first name?

B: C – R – I – S – T – I – N – A
A: How do you spell your surname?
B: R – O – D – R – I – G – U – E – Z

V. Now practice in pairs with words from previous pages.

A: How do you spell “friend”?

B: F – R – I – E – N – D

VI. Put the letters in the correct order. What’s the country?


N A P I S _______________________

L A R Z I B _______________________

N A P A J _______________________

L A S A R U T A I _______________________

Y L I A T _______________________

G A N E L D N _______________________


I. Listen to the phone conversation. (T 4.9)

1. Ana: Good morning. The Grand Hotel.

Jose: Hello. The manager, please. Gran Hotel
Ana: Certainly. And your name is?
Jose: José Gonzalez. Carrer Arts 5, 12ena planta,
Ana: How do you spell your surname? 08023 Barcelona
Jose: G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z Telf. 93-306 785 04 Fax 93
Ana: Thank you. -412 23495

Samuel: Hello. Sam Jackson. Sr. Samuel Jackson

Jose: Mr. Jackson. This is José Gonzáles…
Hotel Manager
II. Make your business card. Have similar phone conversations.
Company name.

Your name: .

Address: __________________________________________.

Phone number: Fax number: .

E–mail: .
III. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. (T 4.10)

A: Good afternoon. ________________ English School.

B: Hello, the director Annie Benton, please.
A: ___________________________?
B: Mayumi Morioka.
A: M -A…
B: _______________________________
A: Thank you. I’m sorry. She isn´t in her office.
What’s your phone number?
B: It’s Japan, ___________________________
A: _________________________ for telephoning. Good bye.
B: __________________________

IV. Put the lines in the correct place in the conversation. (T 4.11)

And your name is?

 Good morning. Bath English Language Centre.
How do you spell your surname?
Thank you for telephoning. Good bye.
Thank you. I’m sorry. He isn’t in his office.
What’s your phone number?

A: (1) Good morning. Bath English Language Centre.

B: Hello. The director, Mike Stevens, please.
A: (2) ______________________________________.
B: Akeni Ishikawa.
A: (3) ______________________________________.
B: I-S-H-I-K-A-W-A
A: (4) ______________________________________.
B: 813 5824 9687.
A: (5) ______________________________________.
B: Good bye.

It’s my life

I. Match the words and pictures. (T 5.1)

2 4

1 3 6

Sports Food Drinks

1 7
1 Tennis ___ Italian Food ___ Tea
___ Football ___ Chinese Food ___ Coffee
___ Swimming ___ Pizza ___ Coca Cola
___ Skiing ___ Hamburgers ___ Beer
1 ___ Oranges ___ Wine 8
4 ___ Ice cream

1 1
1 1 0 9
3 2 0

II. Tick () the things you like. Cross (x) the things you don’t like.


(T 5.2)

A: I like tennis. I don’t like football.

B: I like pizza. I don’t like hamburgers. I like I don’t like

III. Listen to Bill. Complete the sentences. (T 5.3)

I like swimming, __________________, __________________,

__________________, __________________, _______________________, and
I don’t like tennis, _____________________, and ______________________.

IV. Talk to a partner about the sports, food and drinks you like or don’t like.

Example: I like tennis, but I don’t like football.

V. Write true sentences about you.

1. beer I like beer. / I don’t like beer .

2. swimming __________________________________.
3. pizza __________________________________.
4. coffee __________________________________.
5. football __________________________________.
6. Italian food __________________________________.
7. wine __________________________________.
8. hamburgers __________________________________.


(T 5.4)

A: Do you like tennis?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Do you like football?

B: No, I don’t.

I. Ask your teacher about sports, food, and drinks.

A: Do you like swimming?

B: __________________________
II. Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

A: Do you like tennis?

B: Yes, I do. Do you like tennis?
A: No, I don’t.

III. Put the words in the right order:

1. you – where – do – live ?


2. like – you – Chinese food – do ?


3. work – do – where – you ?


4. you – drink – do – coffee ?


5. like – What sports – you – do ?


6. do – speak – How many languages – you ?


IV. Answer the questions in exercise III. Write true answers about you.

1. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________
2. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________

V. Read the questions and write the answers:

1. Do you like Coca-Cola? Yes, I do.

2. Do you like football? No, I don’t. I like tennis.
3. Do you like tea? __________________________.
4. Do you like oranges? __________________________.
5. Do you like tennis? __________________________.
6. Do you like wine? __________________________.
7. Do you like ice cream? __________________________.
8. Do you like skiing? __________________________.
9. Do you speak English? __________________________.
10. Do you live in Moscow? __________________________.
11. Do you live in England? __________________________.
12. Do you work in an office? __________________________.
13. Do you like English? __________________________.
14. Do you like coffee? __________________________.
15. Do you play tennis? __________________________.

VI. Write the questions to the answers.

1. Stefan and Marie work in Paris.

Do they work in Paris?

2. They have a dog.


3. They play football.


4. Pedro and Carol like Coca-Cola.


5. Olga and Daniela live near the centre of town.


6. They drink beer.


7. They work in a bank.




I. Read and listen to the text. (T 5.5)

GORDON WILSON from Aberdeen

“Hello! My name’s Gordon Wilson. I come from Aberdeen in

Scotland, but now I live and work in London. I have a very
small flat near the centre. I’m a waiter and I’m also a drama
student. I work in an Italian restaurant. I eat Italian food and
drink Italian and French wine. I don’t drink beer. I don’t like
it. And I don’t play sports. I speak three languages – English,
French and a little Italian. I want to be an actor.”
II. Complete the answers. (T 5.6)
Questions Answers
1. Do you come from Scotland? Yes, I do.
2. Do you live in Aberdeen? No, I don’t. I _______ in London.
3. Do you live in a flat? Yes, I _______.
I __________ in a flat near the centre.
4. Do you work in a Chinese restaurant? No, I ______. I ________ an Italian restaurant.
5. Do you like Italian food? Yes, I _____. I __________ it a lot.
6. Do you like your job? No, I _____. I want to be a ________________.
7. Do you drink beer? No, I ________. I ________like it.
8. Do you speak French and Spanish? I _______ French but I _______ speak Spanish.

III. Listen and write the following questions. Then, practice them with a partner. (T 5.7)

1. __________________________________________________________________.
2. __________________________________________________________________.
3. __________________________________________________________________.
4. __________________________________________________________________.
5. __________________________________________________________________.
6. __________________________________________________________________.

IV. Circle the correct answer.

1. a) Live you in Berlin ? 5. a) “Do you like football?

b) Do you live in Berlin? “Yes, I like”.
b) “Do you like football?
2. a) Where do you come from? “Yes, I do.”
b) Where you come from?
6. a) “Are you married?
3. a) Do you speak French? “No, I don’t”
b) Are you speak French? b) “Are you married?
“No, I’m not.
4. a) I don’t speak French?
b) I no speak French? 7. a) He’s a actor.
b) He’s an actor.



I. Match the countries and nationalities. (T 5.8)

Country Nationality

1. England ( ) Japanese
2. Germany ( ) French
3. Italy ( ) Spanish
4. Mexico ( ) American
5. Brazil ( ) Chinese
6. Japan ( ) Italian
7. Portugal ( ) Brazilian
8. China ( ) Mexican
9. France ( ) German
10. The United States ( ) Portuguese
11. Spain ( 1 ) English

II. Make true sentences. (T 5.9)

1. In Brazil
2. In Canada
3. In France
4. In Germany
5. In Italy
They speak Portuguese
6. In Japan
7. In Mexico
8. In Portugal
9. In Spain
10. In Switzerland
11. In the United States

III. Practice questions with a partner.

A: What do they speak in Brazil?

B: Portuguese


AT A PARTY (T 5.10)

1. a) I work in London.
b) I don’t work in London.

2. a) I live in London.
b) I live in Brighton.

3. a) I’m an actor.
b) I’m a doctor.

4. a) You don’t speak English very much.

b) You speak English very well.

5. a) I like Italy.
b) I love Italy.

6. a) I like the food and the wine very much.

b) I don’t like the food and the wine very much.


I. Read the following text.


Javier and Jorge are brothers. They’re from Chile,
but they don’t live in Chile now. They live in Spain.
They’re both doctors and they work in a hospital in
Oviedo.   They   speak   Spanish,   of   course,   and   the
speak English and French.

Javier isn’t married but Jorge is. His wife’s name is
Teresa.   They   have   a   house   in   the   country,   near
Oviedo. Javier’s flat is in the centre of Oviedo.

Javier and Jorge like Spanish food and wine. They
play sports. They like football and skiing but they
don’t like tennis or swimming.  

II. Answer the questions.

1. Do Javier and Jorge live in Chile?

No, they don’t . They live in Spain .

2. Do they work in a hospital?

Yes, they do .

3. Do they speak Spanish?

4. Do they speak English and German?

5. Do Jorge and Teresa live in the centre of Oviedo?


6. Do they play sports?


7. Do they swim?

8. Do they like tennis and swimming?


mmer Tokyo phone certain Italian sorry dislike swim
UNIT (n) (n) numbe ly (n) (adj) (n) ming
1 countr where r (n) (adv) Japane spellin drama (n)
y (n) (adv) police child se car g (n) student Switze
bag (n) doctor officer (n) (n) surna (n) rland
book (n) world (n) childre letter me (n) drink (n)
(n) Englan (n) questio n (n) (n) teleph (v) tea (n)
box (n) d (n) ns (n) classro Liverp one (v) drinks tennis
camera France Rome oms ool (n) their (n) (n)
(n) (n) UNIT (n) (n) Londo (poss Englis very
car (n) from 3 Scotla college n (n) adj) h (n) much
compu (prep) nd (n) (n) Male they flat (n) (adv)
ter (n) he (n) addres shop compa (n) (pron) food waiter
fine her s (n) assista ny (n) manag too (n) (n)
(adj) (poss. age (n) nt (n) daught er (n) (adv) footbal want
hambu adj) answer sleep er (n) Manch Wales l (n) (v)
rger his s (n) (v) diction ester (n) French wine
(n) (poss. busine street ary (n) (n) we (n) (n)
house adj)) ssman (n) mother (pron) Germa work
(n) hospita (n) student directo (n) wife n (n) (v)
listen l (n) city (n) (n) r (n) my (n) how
(v) Italy Edinbu taxi dog (n) (poss your many
name (n) rgh (n) driver DVD adj) (poss (adv)
(n) Kansas Good (n) player office adj) ice
numbe (n) afterno teacher (n) (n) cream
r (n) Japan on (n) Englis our (n)
photog (n) (expr) town h class (poss Italian
raph Marrie Good (n) (n) adj) UNIT food
(n) d (adj) bye well family page 5 (n)
read Mexic (expr) (adv) (n) (n) langua
(v) o (n) Good family parents a lot ge (n)
sandwi Milan evenin tree (n) (n) (n) life (n)
ch (n) (n) g UNIT farm partner Aberd like (v)
televisi Oxford (expr) 4 (n) (n) een (n) live (v)
on (n) (n) Good father plural Ameri Mexic
thanks Paris mornin actors (n) (n) can (n) an (n)
(n pl ) (n) g (n) fax posses beer Mosco
photog (expr) alphab numbe sive (n) w (n)
rapher Good et (n) r (n) (adj) Berlin near
(n) night bank female previo (n) (adj)
Portug (expr) manag (n) us (n) Brazili orange
2 al (n) inform er (n) friends relatio an (n) s (n)
Rio de (n) nship Bright Ovied
Austra Janeiro ation bedroo Germa (n) o (n)
lia (n) (n) (n) ms (n) on (n)
jobs big ny (n) same Chile party
Barcel she (n) Glasgo (adj) (n) (n)
ona (n) Spain (n) (adj)
(n) journe birthda w (n) San Chines pizza
Brazil group Diego e food (n)
Sydne y (n) y (n)
(n) (n) (n) Portug
y (n) New blanks (n)
Canad happy school Coca uese
teacher York (n)
a (n) (v) (n) (n)
(n) (n) Bonn Cola
centre has (v) Septe (n) skiing
The nurse (n)
(n) have mber coffee (n)
United (n) both
Coimb (v) (n) Spanis
Kingd person (adj ) (n)
ra (n) hotel sister come h (n)
om (n) al (n) brother
compu (n) (n) speak
The Perth (n) (v)
ter husban small cross (v)
United (n) cat (n)
progra d (n) (adj) (v) sports
(n) son (n) (n)

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