Waystage - Track 03

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Dubai Palm Apartments, Amanda is speaking. How can I help you?

Hi A, I’m ringing to inquire about the holiday apartments for the month after next

Ok, No problem! Let me get you details first then I tell you what we got. Is that alright?

Ok, Can I have your name first, please?

Yes, It’s Leo Blucher. That’s Leo, that’s my first name. My surname is Blucher.

Ok, I’ve got that. Where are you from

I’m Australian

Right, ok and what’s your address?

It’s number 37, Blumen Gasse in Vienna

Right, could you get spell Blumen Gasse for me play Leo? My German’s not too good

Sure, It’s Blumen Gasse.

Great, thanks. What’s the weather like in Vienna at the moment

It’s crit . Hope’s better in Dubai

Yes, it’s lovely at the moment. Sunny and warm but not too hot

Now, can you give me a phone number?

Yes, 431211057

Great, so you’re looking for holiday apartment, Leo. How many people is this for , just yourself?

No, That’s four of us, two adults and two children

Fine, and when would you like get from?

I’m really from the 1st of January

January, 1st , ok. Have look and see what we got? How long would you like stay

It’s depend a little bit on price but I think just about 9 days would be perfect

Fine and talking a price. What would be your maximum do you think?

Well, I’ve looked on the internet but I don’t know I find being realistic if I say 200 euro per day think to ranks from
250 to below 400

Well it’s depend whereas of cost. I think we could probably five something for you

Yes there are very other things so. A children a quite small and we don’t want to take them to restaurant all the
time. So one thing we really appreciate is fully equip kitchen. So we can do some cooking.

Yes I can fully understand. Do you have any other special requirements?

Yes, we live in city center hundred of miles from the sea so we really like to be able to see it from our apartment

Ok, note that down. All our apartments come with air conditioning and center heating by the way

Oh dear, one thing I don’t like the noise of air conditioning in the background. Can you make sure it’s quiet possible .

Yes, looking to that. Anything else?

Yes, just one more thing. We like to hire a car wide way in Dubai. So we need to help a parking space I think. We
don’t want to have to walk along way from the car to the apartment

I think your quite right. I’m looking to all these things and my complete all possible apartments
. Do you have email address so I can send them to you?

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