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What is invitation?

It is a written or spoken request to ask or invite someone to an event of a party.


Types of


INFORMAL Why don’t you come I would/will … Sorry, I can’t.
to… That would be very nice I’d love to, but …
Like to come to … OK,I will be there ! I don’t think I can.
Come and … I’d like love to come. I wish I could, but …
Shall we come to … All right. Sorry, I am very busy
You must come to … Sure, I am coming Sorry, may be next
Thank you, but I can’t
Sorry, I don’t think I
Can’t make it
FORMAL Would you like to… That’s very kind of you I’m very sorry, I don’t
I would very happy We’d like very much to I Think I can.
if…? ... I’d like to, but ….
We would be delighted What a delightful idea I’m afraid I’ve
if you…? With the greatest Already promised….
Would you care to..? pleasure Thank you for asking
We would be pleased if Thank you very much for me, but ….
you could…? inviting me Unfortunately , I
Would you care to…? It’s delightful to…. can’t….

Formal Invitation
A formal invitation is an invitation which follows a dignified form, tone or sytle in agreement
with the establish norms, customs or values (Webters, 2012). For example an invitation to
opening of aschool, a graduation ceremony and a wedding.

Common format of a formal invitation:

1. The first line is the name(s) of person(s) who invite(s)
2. The second line is the request of participation
3. The third line is the names of the person(s) invited
4. The fouth line is the occasion for invitation
5. The fifth line is the time and date of the occasion

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6. The sixth line is the place of the occasion
7. The last line is the request for the reply

The social funtion:

Inviting people to formal and social events.

Common format of a formal invitation

1. Simple, precise and concise words
2. Detailde information
3. The tone should be friendly and sincere. Words should be chosen carefully. The style of
writing should be formal.

Format of layout:
Addresses of the addresser and the addressee
- State for whom the invitation is and by who it is given
- Reason of invitation
- Date
- Time
- Place
- R.S.V.P (it is a French word – “repondez s’il vous plait” which means “please reply”).
The format of the envelope for the invitation is addressed the same way as the envelope of a
letter (i.e. with the recipient’s address in the middle of the envelope and addresser’s address on
the left hand corner of the envelope.

Ways of organizing information:

Reason for inviting others
Detailed information about the party or event
Ask friends to come by using a sincere tone

Responding to formal invitations:

Formal invitation should be responded to within 3 days.

Replies are written in third person.
Replies have to be handwriten.
Reason should be briefly stated for declining the invitation.


1. Acceptance
- Mr.and Mrs Eri Utomo accpet with pleasure the kind invitation of Mr. And Mrs.
Pujiyanto to the wedding ceremony of their daughter on Friday, the twelfth of
December at seven o’clock.
- Mr.and Mrs. Wibowo accept the invitation with pleasure.
2. Declining/ Regretting
- Mr.and Mrs.Situmorang regret that they are unable to accept the kind invitation of
Mr.and Mrs.Pujiyanto for Friday, the twelfth of December at seveb o’clock due to
the prior engagement.
- Mr.and Mrs.Wibowo regret to decline the invitation due to health reasons.
3. Responding Card

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The responding card cones with the invitation card. This card should preferably be

Reply is resquested bt first of Desember

Mr.and Mrs Sri Utomo

............................................................................ attend

............................................................ unable to attend

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Group Worksheet 1

Name : ....................................................
: ....................................................
: .....................................................
: .......................................................


Work in a group of four. Find another dialogues of inviting from internet or other sources, then
fill the table.


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Students Worksheet 1

Name : ....................................................
Class : ....................................................
Make a simple dialogue of inviting and the responses in pairs and practice it.







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Students Worksheet 1

Name : ....................................................
Class : ....................................................
In the invitation card below, find out what is missing.

The board of directors of Wonderful Enterprises

Request the pleasure of your
On, the twenty seventh of December
At Balai Shinta

Now, rewrite the invitation properly in the space given below.

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Now, respond to the invitation

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Group Worksheet 2

Name : ........................................................
: ........................................................
Class : ........................................................
Choose one of the activities given below:
1. Choose a partner, create a formal invitation for the head of your school, inviting him/ her
to the graduatin ceremony in yoir school.
2. With your partner, create a formal invitation for the head of your district, inviting him/
her to the ribbon-cut ceremony to inaugurate the new science laboratory in your school.
Design and create a formal invitation card tremplate.












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