Session Completion Messages

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Sadhguru's Tip

“How you are going to be doing this is, from this moment onwards you
become as though you were two people; one person will be the doer
and the other person will watch the experience of what the “doer” is

When we say experience, there is constantly some experience

happening within you. Either you are happy, sad or tense. In a subtle
way, it keeps on happening; it is just that you don't notice it until it
builds up and explodes.

So, become aware of this moment to moment. You don't need to look
for something big that happened; it's the small things that decide the
quality of your life. Even if you think nothing is happening, is that very
important? If important watch it, if not stop it. Write the experience
whatever may be happening.”

Tools for Awareness

Engineering as a subject is one thing, but it is only through its

application that we are able to enjoy the comforts and conveniences of
today’s world.

Similarly for Inner Engineering, the necessary tools are placed in your
hands. But it is only in application that you can truly see how it works
for you and its impact on your life.

The following questions are a powerful device to apply this Inner

Engineering and observe in what ways it transforms your life. Please
take the necessary time to experiment and answer accordingly.

Tools for Awareness - Session 1

What did you learn in this session and how do you see yourself
applying it in your life?

Tools for Awareness - Session 3

In this session Sadhguru spoke about experimenting with
Responsibility. Up until now, you have been responsible only for
aspects you think you can act upon. What we are looking at is, though
your action is limited, your ability to respond is limitless. Based on
this, consciously enhance your ability to respond and see how your
ability to function in the world will find seamless expansion in many
different ways, subject to the realities in which you exist and the life
situations that you encounter.

In this context, from this moment until the next session, observe: when
you see that your responsibility is unlimited, how does it change your
experience of life, within and on the outside? How is it impacting the
situation around you: your family, your work environment, your
relationships? Do you notice you are functioning better in every
activity that you do, be it walking, eating, driving, responding to people
and all life around you?

Most importantly, look at your inner experience: see how exuberant,

alive, joyful, peaceful and loving you are becoming and any other inner
transformation that you may notice when you see that your
responsibility is limitless.

Before you start the next session, write down at least 3 situations
where you are aware of your unlimited responsibility, and what was
your experience.

Tools for Awareness - Session 4

Being aware of the inevitability of this moment is just about realizing

that all that is there right now is all there is; it cannot be any other
way. Not to mistake psychological fluctuations for reality. In this, there
is tremendous relief from the unnecessary resistance to that which
you cannot change. But above all, there is the empowerment of
creating your life the way you want it: by accepting this moment,
creating the next moment is in your hands.

From this moment onwards, observe the impact of this awareness on

the way you are and everything that you do.

Before you start the next session, write down at least 3 situations
where you are aware of the inevitability of this moment, and what was
your experience.

Tools for Awareness - Session 5

The mechanics of the mind are about understanding that everything

that you are is your making. In this, there is a huge empowerment but
above all, there is a relief. The burden of ‘somebody did this to me’,
‘they said that to me’, is gone. People may say and do many things,
they will do what they know best, but will I allow myself to be tangled
up in that, or will I go where I want to go?

In this context, from this moment onwards, notice the impact of this
awareness on the way you are and everything that you do. Before you
start the next session, write down your experience.

Tools for Awareness - Session 6

The sounds ‘Aaa’, ‘Ooo’ and ‘Mmm’ are known to be the three basic
sounds of existence.

When you utter the sound ‘Aaa’, you can notice the reverberations
starting just beneath the navel and spreading right across the body.
When you utter the sound ‘Ooo’, the reverberations flow upward from
the soft spot just below where the ribcage meets. With the sound
‘Mmm’, the reverberations start from the pit of the throat and spread to
the upper region of the body. When you utter the sound ‘AUM’, you will
notice the reverberations moving from the navel to the tip of the nose.

Describe your experience of uttering ‘AUM’, and ‘Aaa’, ‘Ooo’ and ‘Mmm’

Practicing AUM chanting on a daily basis can play a significant role in

stabilizing the physiological and psychological process.

There is a significance to the number of times you utter AUM. You can
utter the sound 21, 33, 42, 54, 64, 68, 72, 84, 95, or 108 times.

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