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Elementary Department

S.Y. 2018-2019


English 4

Prepared by:

Ms. Cherry Mae T. Soriano

Subject Teacher

Approved by:

Ms. Carmen T. Bautista

Area Coordinator

English 4 1
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: First Duration: Week 1

Content  The North Wind and the Sun

 Identifying the elements of a fable
Learning Competencies  Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Define fable
 Identify the different elements of a
 Answer comprehension questions
based on the text read
 Complete a story map by writing the
correct elements of a fable read
 Create a comic strip of a fable read
 Realize that gentleness wins over force
Activities  Unlocking of Difficulties
 Reflective Discussions
 Socratic Method
 Popcorn Reading-Aloud
 Think-Pair Share
 Think-Pad Brainstorm
 Group Reading
Essential Questions  Why do we need to know each other?
 How do you settle your arguments?
 What are fables made of?
Value Statement “Gentleness wins over force.”
References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective
Communication (The New Grade 4)

English 4 2
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 1: Story Map

Topic: Elements of Fable

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: ___________________ Score: ________________



English 4 3
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: First Duration: Week 2-3

Content  Identifying and using the different

kinds of nouns
Learning Competencies  Define nouns
 Cite the different kinds of nouns
 Differentiate a proper noun from a
common noun
 Differentiate a concrete noun from an
abstract noun
 Give example of proper, common,
concrete, and abstract nouns
 Classify nouns under the appropriate
 Give an example of a noun that starts
with the letters one’s name
 Construct sentences using the
different kinds of nouns
 Manifest the value of gratefulness
through writing a thank you letter
address to God
 Write a fable according to the given
 Identify the different elements present
in a fable
 Classify the nouns according to its kind
Activities  Guided Discussion with Pandora’s Box
 Noun Race
 Collaborative Talk
 Lecture
 Discovery Approach
Essential Questions  Why are names given?
 How does a Proper noun differ from
Common noun?

English 4 4
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

 How do Concrete and Abstract nouns

Value Statement “Thank the Almighty for the countless
blessings He has been showering unto us.”
References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective
Communication (The New Grade 4)


Coordinator’s Signature: _________________ Date: ___________________

English 4 5
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 2: Seatwork 1

Topic: Elements of Fable, Nouns

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

A. Instructions: Identify the element of fable being described in each item. Write your answer
on the space provided.
__________________1. It is where and when the story takes place.
__________________2. These are the animals or other inanimate objects that take part in the
__________________3. It is where the character’s weaknesses are revealed.
__________________4. It is a statement that tells the message or lesson that the story teaches us.
__________________5. It is the solution to the problem.

B. Instructions: Read each sentence carefully. Underline the nouns then write whether they
are common, proper, concrete or abstract. (2 pts.each)
__________________1. Honesty is the best policy.
__________________2. King Solomon was famous for his wisdom.
__________________3. May is usually the hottest month.
__________________4. Our soldiers fought with great courage.
__________________5. The pupils prepared for the quiz.
__________________6. Mathematics is a very challenging subject.
__________________7. The painting is almost finished.
__________________8. The child won in the spelling contest.

English 4 6
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 3: Quiz 1

Topic: Elements of Fable, Nouns

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

I. Instructions: Read the story carefully. Fill in the table with correct elements of a fable.

The Tortoise and the Hare

The Hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never yet been
beaten,"said he, "when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race with me."
The Tortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge."
"That is a good joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way."
"Keep your boasting till you've won," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race?"
So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon
stopped and, to show his contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise plodded
on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the
winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.

Then the Tortoise said: "Slow but steady progress wins the race."


Characters Settings Problem Resolution


English 4 7
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

II. Instructions: Write a proper noun for each given common noun.

______________1. mall
______________2. volcano
______________3. city
______________4. car
______________5. island

III. Instructions: Underline the nouns in the following sentences then write them on the
correct column.

1. Birds make their nests on the trees.

2. You must always speak the truth.
3. The library has a lot of books.
4. We are going to Manila next week.
5. Julie visited her friend last night.
6. Always show your love to your parents.
7. The students went for an educational trip.
8. The soldiers follow their commander all the time.
9. Martina prepares food for her puppies.

English 4 8
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019


CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Content The fable has all The fable has at The fable has at The fable has
the five least four least three only two
elements. elements. elements. elements.
Originality The fable has The fable has The fable has The fable is like
unique some familiar familiar other fables.
characters and characters but characters and
does not follow has a different problem but has
the pattern of presentation of a different
other fables. the problem. presentation for
the resolution.
Use of Nouns The fable uses all The fable uses at The fable uses at The fable uses
kinds of nouns least three kinds least two kinds only one kind of
correctly. of nouns. of nouns. noun.
Mechanics of The fable follows The fable has The fable has The fable has
writing correct one or two two to three more than four
capitalization, errors in errors in errors in
punctuation, and capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
subject-verb punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
agreement. subject-verb subject-verb subject-verb
agreement. agreement. agreement.
Design The design is The design is not The design is not The design is not
neat and does neat and does neat and it related to the
not distract the not distract the distracts the story.
readers from the readers from the readers from the
story. story. story.

English 4 9
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: First Duration: Week 4

Content  The Wooden Horse of Troy

 Identifying the elements of a myth
Learning Competencies  Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Define myth
 Locate Greece and Troy on a map
 Identify the different elements of a
 Answer comprehension questions
based on the text read
 Complete a graphic organizer by
writing the correct element of a myth
 Write a myth by completing a chart
 Manifest cautiousness and carefulness
at all times
Activities  Unlocking of Difficulties
 Choral Reading
 Socratic Method
 Videoclip Viewing
 Popcorn-Reading Aloud
 Filling out a Graphic Organizer
 Round Table Discussion
Essential Questions  Why do we always need to be
 What is a myth?
 What makes up a good myth?
Value Statement “Don’t get easily deceive, be cautious and
References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective
Communication (The New Grade 4)

English 4 10
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 4

Topic: Elements of a Myth

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Complete the graphic organizer by writing the correct element of a myth.


Characters Settings Problem Resolution


English 4 11
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 5: Planning a Myth

Topic: Elements of a Myth

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Plan your own myth by completing the chart below.







English 4 12
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: First Duration: Week 5

Content  Forming the plural forms of nouns

 Using plural forms of nouns correctly
 The Legend of the Sun, Moon, and
Learning Competencies  Identify whether a noun is singular or
 State the different rules in forming the
plurals of nouns
 Form the plural forms of nouns
following the rules
 Find the plural forms of nouns in a
 Write the correct form of the noun to
complete each sentence correctly
 Realize the value of accuracy through
giving the correct and definite number
of nouns.
 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Define legend
 Identify the different elements of a
 Answer comprehension questions
based on the text read
Activities  Concept Formation
 Charting Nouns
 Word Hunt
 Cabbage Relay
 Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Essential Questions  Why do we need to conform to rules?
 Why do we need to take care of the
things that you have?

English 4 13
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Value Statement “If a man conforms to the truth, he is living

with accuracy and precision.”
References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective
Communication (The New Grade 4)
Master English Grammar in 28 Days


Coordinator’s Signature: _________________ Date: ___________________

English 4 14
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 6: Seatwork 2

Topic: Pluralization of Nouns

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Underline the correct form of noun that will complete the sentence.

1. (Man, Men) who fight for their homeland despite of possible death shows unwavering love
for country.
2. The (speech, speeches) is mainly about the purpose of education.
3. My friend baked a (cake, cakes) for her mom.
4. Our (eye, eyes) are made to see the beautiful things around us.
5. The businessmen paid their (tax, taxes) on time.
6. The different (country, countries) joined the competition.
7. The company workers brought their (wifes, wives) with them at the party.
8. The old man takes care of the (sheep ,sheeps).
9. The park was covered with (grass, grasses).
10. All the (book, books) are covered with plastic.

English 4 15
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: First Duration: Week 6

Content  Identifying the elements of a legend

 Using possessive forms of nouns
Learning Competencies  Define legend
 Identify the different elements of a
 Analyze pictures that show possessive
nouns Form the possessive of nouns
 Use the correct form of possessive
 Indicate joint and separate ownership
 Place an apostrophe in the possessive
form of nouns to make the sentences
 Recognize responsibilities that come
along with rights
Activities  Round Robin Discussion
 Bring Me Game and Pick Me, Answer
 Practice and Drill
 Differentiated Instructions
 Graphic Organizer
Essential Questions  Why do we need to know the
beginning of all things?
 What is your most prized possession?
Value Statement “Every right implies a responsibility; every
opportunity, an obligation, every possession, a
References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective
Communication (The New Grade 4)
Master English Grammar in 28 Days

English 4 16
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019


Coordinator’s Signature: _________________ Date: ___________________

English 4 17
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 6: Seatwork 3

Topic: Possessive form of Nouns

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Re-write the sentences below by placing an apostrophe/s where needed.

1. Diamonds are a girls best friend.

2. Mr. Smiths classroom was very neat.
3. Los Angeles population has grown vastly over the past several years.
4. The baseball players team did not approve of his bad habit of not showing up on time.
5. The womens locker room was surrounded by reporters after the game.

Instructions: Complete each sentence. Write the possessive of the noun in parentheses.

1. My ________________ (friend) project is neat and organize.

2. _______________ (Ana and Kit) paintings are both unique and creative.
3. _______________ (Aliyah) sister rendered a song performance during the program.
4. My _______________ (brother) friends came over last night to visit him.
5. _________________ (Mr. Cruz) glasses were broken.

English 4 18
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 6: Quiz 2

Topic: Possessive form of Nouns, Pluralization of Nouns

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Write the correct possessive noun to show each belonging.

1. The car belongs to the man ________________________

2. The dinner belongs to the family _________________________
3. The books belong to the pupils __________________________
4. The homework belongs to Mike _________________________
5. The blanket belongs to the child _________________________
6. The house belongs to Mrs. Johnson _______________________
7. The mouse hole belongs to the mice ________________________
8. The candy belongs to Jessica ____________________________
9. The painting belongs to the woman ________________________
10. The mess belongs to the dogs ____________________________

Instructions: Circle the correct plural noun for each singular noun.

1. Scarf scarfs scarves scarvies

2. cherry cherries cherrys cherryes

3. wish wishs wishes wishies

4. calf calfs calfes calves

5. criterion criterions criteria criterionies

English 4 19
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Instructions: Identify whether the following nouns are singular or plural. Write your answer on the
blanks provided.

______________1. children
______________2. calf
______________3. analysis
______________4. sisters-in-law
______________5. mice

English 4 20
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: First Duration: Week 7-9

Content  The Dog Gellert

 Sequencing events correctly
 Identifying correct pronoun-antecedent
 Typhoon Yolanda: One World, One People
 Recognizing the author’s purpose
Learning Competencies  Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Answer comprehension questions based
on the text read
 Arrange the events by numbering them 1-
 Define pronoun and antecedent
 Recognize the use of pronouns in oral and
written exercises
 Choose the correct pronoun in the
parentheses to complete the sentence
 Underline the pronoun in each sentence
and encircle its antecedent.
 Encircle the pronoun that stands for the
antecedent in sentences
 Write simple sentences based on the given
pronouns and antecedents
 Realize the value of understanding
 Identify the author’s purpose in writing
 Enumerate the author’s purposes in
writing a text/selection
 Explain the author’s purpose for writing
 Define indefinite and interrogative
 Use singular and plural indefinite
pronouns in sentences correctly
 Use question words appropriately in

English 4 21
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

writing questions
 Identify the appropriate indefinite/
interrogative pronoun to be used to
complete the sentence correctly
 Use the given indefinite pronouns in
Activities  Process Approach
 Sequencing Events
 Unlocking of Difficulties
 Brainstorming
Essential Questions  Do you believe that dogs are men’s best
 How can one show decency and order?
 Why do people need to have agreements?
 Why is preparing for a disaster important?
 Why do we need to be definite to the
people we are referring to?
Value Statement  “Let all things be done decently and in
 “Understanding is a gate way towards
unity, progression, and success.”
 “To be polite, is to be humane.”

References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective Communication
(The New Grade 4)
Master English Grammar in 28 Days


Coordinator’s Signature: _________________ Date: ___________________

English 4 22
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 7: Quiz 3

Topic: Pronoun and its Antecedent

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Box the pronoun then encircle its antecedent in the following sentences. (2 pts. each)
1. The movie was very nice and it lasted for almost two hours.
2. Aliyah submitted her project even before the deadline.
3. The pupils were writing their letters for their parents.
4. Teacher Joana encouraged her pupils to join in the write shop.
5. The book was very interesting. It really like it so much.
6. Bryll called his parents through the telephone.
7. The pupils impressed their teacher during the performance.
8. The house is too big however, it was being demolished.
9. John and Jane are combining their money to buy a new phone for their parents.
10. The choir presented its final performance.

Activity 6: Quiz 3

Topic: Pronoun and its Antecedent

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Box the pronoun then encircle its antecedent in the following sentences. (2 pts. each)
1. The movie was very nice and it lasted for almost two hours.
2. Aliyah submitted her project even before the deadline.
3. The pupils were writing their letters for their parents.
4. Teacher Joana encouraged her pupils to join in the write shop.
5. The book was very interesting. It really like it so much.
6. Bryll called his parents through the telephone.
7. The pupils impressed their teacher during the performance.
8. The house is too big however, it was being demolished.
9. John and Jane are combining their money to buy a new phone for their parents.
10. The choir presented its final performance.

English 4 23
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: Second Duration: Week 1-8

Content  My Teacher, My Hero

 Making inferences correctly
 Action and Linking Verbs
 The Sun
 Present tense of the verb
 Boats Given to Leyte, Iloilo Fishers Who
Survived Yolanda
 Analyzing the head of a news report
 Writing a brief news report
 The Parable of the Pencil
 Predicting outcomes
 Using verbs in the present progressive
 Distinguishing the simple tense from the
present progressive tense
Learning Competencies  Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Answer comprehension questions based
on the text read
 Define inference
 Make inferences based on the given
statements or specific situations
 Appreciate the importance of teachers in
the educational system
 Identify the different kinds of verbs
 Differentiate action verbs from linking
 Use action verbs, linking verbs, and verb
phrases in sentences correctly
 Manifest good manners and courtesy at all
 Define the different reference
 Use the different reference materials in
identifying the meaning of words
 Differentiate fact from opinion

English 4 24
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

 Identify whether the statement is a fact or

an opinion
 Form verbs in the simple present tense
 Identifying the correct form of the verb
that will best complete the sentence
 Write the correct form of the verb that will
complete the sentences
 Explain the functions of verbs in the
present tense
 Define news report
 Identify the different key element of a
news report
 Complete the graphic organizer by giving
the information needed from the article
that was read
 Write a news report about what happened
during the most typhoon
 Create a poster based from the theme:
Rediscover, Rekindle and Relive English
through Communication
 Define parable
 Identify the different characteristics of a
 Predict possible outcome for the given
series of pictures
 Analyze situations and draw possible
 realize that every single person can make a
difference Form verbs in the future tense
 Use the future tense form of verbs in
sentences correctly
 Express future intentions, hopes, and plans
 Use appropriate time expressions to
indicate future tense
 Look at the bright positive side of life
 Differentiate regular verbs from irregular
 Classify whether the verb is a regular verb
or an irregular verb
 State the different rules on forming the
past form of the verbs

English 4 25
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

 Cite examples of time expressions used to

denote past actions
 Construct sentences using the simple past
tense of the with the correct time
 Change the highlighted words from a news
report into simple past tense
 Create a news report about a recent school
event that one had attended using the past
tense of the verb
 Realize that like regular verbs some spices
such as challenges and success are added
in one’s life to make it more meaningful
and colorful and like irregular verbs one
need to undergo changes for him/her to
become the best of what he/she can be
 Manifest the value of hard work,
perseverance, patience, and faith in God in
order to become successful, transformed
and renewed person.
 Identify verbs in the present progressive
 Write sentences using verbs n the present
progressive tense
 Differentiate simple present from present
Activities  Dialogue Reading
 Reflective Discussion
 Inferential Thinking
 Library Work
 News report Writing
 Poster Making (Performance Task)
Essential Questions  How do teachers inspire you?
 How does inference help connect students
to the text?
 How do actions affect the communication
 Why is the sun important to us?
 How do we locate, record, and share
information about our world?
 How can we distinguish a fact from an

English 4 26
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

 How can the present tense of verb help us
in communicating?
 Why is experience considered as the best
 What makes a well written news report?
 Why should we take criticisms positively?
 Why do we need to predict possible
 What can we learn from those that
happened in the past?
 Why do we need to plan for the future?

Value Statement “A great teacher teaches the mind and touches
the heart.”
“Riches is a blessing when it is shared to others.”
References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective Communication
(The New Grade 4)
Master English Grammar in 28 Days


Coordinator’s Signature: _________________ Date: ___________________

English 4 27
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity: Quiz 1

Topic: Verbs

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

A. Write the correct be verb in each of the following sentences. Choose from am, is, was, are
and were.
1. The lady__________ my mother.
2. She ___________ my best friend.
3. Mother did not allow Alicia to go to school because she __________ sick.
4. Ara _________ a lovely and helpful daughter.
5. The children ___________eager to go for a walk just a while ago.
6. They ___________ my cousins.
7. Mr. Feliciano ____________ a nice and warm person.
8. Ms. Bautista ___________ a good teacher.
9. I ____________ a child of God.
10. The pupils __________ ready to leave for their field trip

B. In each sentence, underline the helping verb with a single line and the main verb with two lines.
1. She was racing in a wheelchair.
2. People are noticing his skill in playing a piano.
3. People from the crowd were cheering her.
4. Her story has inspired many young Filipinos.
5. Mother will send you the money.
6. Tom is working all day.
7. Teresa is writing an article about the famous runner.
8. She will play a classical song in the piano.
9. The play will cost a lot of money.
10. Lando was reading his book when his brother arrived.

English 4 28
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity: Quiz 2

Topic: Fact and Opinion, Present Tense of the Verb

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Write F if the statement is Fact and if otherwise, write O.

_____1. Italian bread tastes best when it is dipped in spaghetti sauce.

_____2. The fastest land dwelling creature is cheetah.
_____3. Science books are more interesting than stories books.
_____4. The price of gas has grown to become too expensive.
_____5. Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth.
_____6. Mc Donalds sells more hamburgers than any other food chain in the world.
_____7. Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C.
_____8. The more money someone has the more successful they are.
_____9. Burning the flag should be a crime.
_____10. Playing video games is more fun than doing homework.

Instructions: Underline the correct form of verb that will complete each sentence.
1. John (hit, hits) the ball over the fence.
2. Sarah (cook, cooks) breakfast every morning.
3. The pupils (bring, brings) their diary every day.
4. The girls (study, studies) at the library.
5. The plane (arrive, arrives) at 6:30.
6. We (laugh, laughs) at the comedian.
7. The man (water, waters) his lawn in the afternoon.
8. The scientist (predict, predicts) the outcome of the experiment.
9. My mom (cook, cooks) dinner often.
10. I (open, opens) the lid of the container.
Activity: Seatwork 2

Topic: Fact and Opinion

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Identify whether each statement is a fact or an opinion. Write your answer on the
English 4 29
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

space provided.
___________1. The sun is a star.
___________2. The sun is better than the moon.
___________3. The sun is a yellow star.
___________4. I love looking at the stars.
___________5. The sun is a giant ball of hydrogen gas.
___________6. The sun revolves around its galaxy.
___________7. Every student should study the sun.
___________8. I would like to see the sun.
___________9. The planets orbit around the sun.
___________10. The stars are beautiful.

Instructions: Write one opinion and one fact based on the following topics.

1-2. stars
Opinion: ______________________________________________________________________
3-4. light
Opinion: ______________________________________________________________________
5-6. hydrogen
Opinion: ______________________________________________________________________
7-8. gases
Opinion: ______________________________________________________________________
9-10. eclipse
Opinion: ______________________________________________________________________

English 4 30
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity: Quiz 3

Topic: Past Tense of the Verb

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct past form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. Jeremy ___________ (run) to the other side of the field.

2. My classmate ____________ (read) the new book.
3. Daniella ___________ (grab) her jacket on her way out of the house.
4. I ___________ (complete) my test on time.
5. Myrna _________( see) him yesterday.
6. My classmate ___________(leave)school last year.
7. We ___________ (finish) our breakfast half an hour.
8. He ___________ (fall) asleep while he was driving.
9. My father ____________ (buy) a new bicycle yesterday.
10. Janna ___________ (receive) her letter yesterday.

Instructions: Complete the table by writing the past tense of each verb.
1. forget
2. know
3. shake
4. complain
5. live
6. fly
7. start
8. send
9. awake

English 4 31
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity: Quiz 4

Topic: Future Tense of the Verb

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Think of a verb that best completes the sentences below. Use the simple
future tense form of the verb.
Example: He will go to bed early tonight so he can get enough rest for
tomorrow’s activity.
1. Andrea ____________________ an essay for the English Month celebration, while
Drei ____________________ a poster.
2. You ____________________ the chairs and I ____________________ the floor.
3. ‘I ____________________ you tomorrow’, said our teacher.
4. I hope it ____________________ today because I did not bring my umbrella with me.
5. If you ____________________ for our dinner, I ____________________ the dishes.
6. Mom ____________________ to the market to buy fresh meat.
7. I saw Vincent enter in the library. I think he ____________________ some books there
and he ____________________ it in the classroom.
8. We ____________________ a movie in their house and we ____________________ a
barbeque party with our friends.
9. The athletes ____________________ basketball in the field even if it’s very hot.
10. Because of her busy schedule, she ____________________ the meeting today but
she promised that she ____________________ next time.
11. If you ____________________ your mother in washing the clothes, she
____________________ some time to rest.
12. I cannot attend your party tonight if my mom ____________________ me. But if she
____________________ me, I will be there early.
13. The people around you ____________________ you more if you are kind and honest
but if not, they ____________________ you.
14. According to the weather forecast, it ____________________ tomorrow. Therefore, I
____________________ my umbrella tomorrow.
15. I ____________________ a high score because I spent some time to review last night.

English 4 32
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity: Performance Task

Topic: Verbs

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Read the sentences below. Circle the helping verbs and underline the action
verb. (2 pts. each)

1. She has practiced hard for her school play.

2. Nick’s kittens are sleeping on the couch.
3. I am looking forward to our vacation in Hong Kong.
4. Shaina will try her hardest to beat the record.
5. Lorraine is waiting for you at the park.
6. The car is making an awful noise.
7. We will order lasagna and pizza for tomorrow’s event.
8. Dad is looking for his glasses.
9. We are taking our parents to Disneyland next week.
10. We were eating dinner when he arrived.

Instructions: Circle the verb in each sentence then write the tense of the verb in the space
provided. (2 pts. each)

________________1. I lost my wallet at the shopping center.

________________2. The girl is studying for her final examination.
________________3. Who broke the window?
________________4. Who gave you the information?
________________5. I will always remember you.
________________6. The debate team will compete in the University of the Philippines

English 4 33
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

________________7. We bought gifts for our relatives yesterday.

________________8. The girls are studying at the same school.
________________9. She will call you tomorrow.
________________10. She prepares the hall for the Christmas program.

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: Third Duration: Week 1-8

Content  The Prince Who Acquired Wisdom

 Using context clues
 Identifying synonyms of words
 Using a thesaurus to find synonyms of
 Identifying limiting and descriptive
 The Town Mouse and the Country
 Identifying antonyms using context
 Using degrees of comparison: less,
least, more, most
 Super Mom
 Differentiating fantasy from reality
 Using guide words
 Interpreting graphs
 Identifying adverb of manner, time,
and place
 Using adverbs of manner, time and
Learning Competencies  Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Answer comprehension questions
English 4 34
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

based on the text read

 Define synonym
 Give examples of synonyms
 Identify the synonym of the underlined
word in a sentence
 Cross out the word that is not
synonymous with the rest of the group
 Use thesaurus in looking for the
synonym of the given words
 Realize that as we grow we become
mature and acquire wisdom
 Describe people, places, objects,
animals, ideas, and events with exact
and explicit words
 Distinguish a limiting adjective from a
descriptive adjective
 Cite limiting and descriptive adjectives
from the given pictures
 Use limiting and descriptive adjectives
in sentences
 Realize that man should be extra
careful in giving descriptions to others
 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Choose the correct word to complete
the sentences correctly
 Answer comprehension questions
based on the text read
 Identify whether the figures of speech
used is an onomatopoeia, assonance
or alliteration
 Complete the poem given using an
onomatopoeia, assonance or
 Identify rhymes and sound devices in
 Write a 3 – to 4 – line poem
 Enumerate the correct arrangement of
English 4 35
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

adjectives in a series
 Arrange adjectives in a series correctly
 Use comma in a series of adjectives
 Use the correct order of adjectives in a
series in constructing sentences
 Realize the value of orderliness
 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Answer comprehension questions
based on the text read
 Define antonym
 Enumerate examples of antonym
 Complete the crossword puzzle by
giving the antonyms of the words
 Manifest equality despite the
 State the rules on forming the degrees
of comparison of adjectives
 Form adjectives in the three degrees of
 Use adjectives in the positive,
comparative, and superlative degrees
to make comparisons
 Using adjectives in the three degrees
of comparison correctly
 Complete the conversations using the
different degrees of comparison of
 Manifest carefulness in making
 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Unscramble letters to reveal the name
of the given pictures
 Answer comprehension questions
based on the text read
 Identify expressions that signal
English 4 36
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

comparison and contrast

 Compare and contrast characters using
a Venn Diagram
 Compare and contrast a given situation
using the given charts
 Appreciate the importance of
comparing and contrasting when
making decisions
 Come up with a scrapbook that
contains pictures and sentences using
the degrees of comparison of
 Differentiate less, least, more, and
 Identify the correct comparative
adjective that will complete the
sentence correctly
 Use less, least, more, and most in
making comparisons
 Write sentences comparing the
characters in the pictures using the
given adjective
 Appreciate the importance of
comparing and contrasting when
making decisions
 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 State a name of a person whom they
considered a superhero
 Answer comprehension questions
based on the text read
 Differentiate fantasy from reality
 Completing a chart by writing five
statements that are based on fantasy
about mothers and five statements
that are real about them
 Realize the value of a mother in a

English 4 37
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 Define adverb
 Cite the different types of adverbs
 Identify whether the adverb is an
adverb of manner, time, or place
 Use adverbs in sentences correctly
 Realize the importance of patience,
courage, and trust in God
Activities  Unlocking of Difficulties
 Guided Reading
 Classifying words with the same
 Research Work
 Sentence Construction
 Cooperative Work
 Quick Write
 Numbered Heads Together
 Venn Diagram
 Scrapbook Making (DIY)
Essential Questions  What makes a good ruler?
 What makes words similar to one
 Why do we need to take extra care
when giving descriptions to others?
 What makes a certain poem
 Why is it important to arrange things in
proper order?
 How can we become united despite
our differences?
 How will you achieve your full
 Who do you consider as your

Value Statement  “With age, comes wisdom.”
 “Our tongue doesn’t have any bone

English 4 38
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S.Y. 2018-2019

but it can break a heart.”

 “Things, when in order, make life

References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective
Communication (The New Grade 4)
Master English Grammar in 28 Days


Coordinator’s Signature: _________________ Date: ___________________

English 4 39
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity: Seatwork 1

Topic: Adjectives

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Underline the adjective and encircle the word that it modifies.

1. I was ashamed that I didn’t pass the difficult test.

2. That old man was looking for his dog.
3. The hot sun rose in the morning and set in the misty evening.
4. Mario went to the busy store to pick up the box.
5. My dad is a responsible man.
6. The tall man passed by our village yesterday.
7. The pupils ran quickly to the office.
8. Red flowers bloom in spring.
9. The story was brief.
10. There are twelve players in the court.

Activity: Seatwork 1

English 4 40
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Topic: Adjectives

Name/s: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Underline the adjective and encircle the word that it modifies.

1. I was ashamed that I didn’t pass the difficult test.

2. That old man was looking for his dog.
3. The hot sun rose in the morning and set in the misty evening.
4. Mario went to the busy store to pick up the box.
5. My dad is a responsible man.
6. The tall man passed by our village yesterday.
7. The pupils ran quickly to the office.
8. Red flowers bloom in spring.
9. The story was brief.
10. There are twelve players in the court.

Activity: Quiz 1

Topic: Adjectives

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Encircle the adjective in each sentence then draw an arrow to the noun it

1. They live in a beautiful house.

2. I need a long holiday.
3. There are fifty chairs set up for the conference.
4. The Titanic was a great movie.
5. The questions during the examination were tough.
6. I have bought a new computer.
7. Thirty students perfected the quiz.
8. You should always eat green leafy vegetables.
9. He broke the glass door.
10. Eight puppies are playing in the grass.

Activity: Quiz 1

Topic: Adjectives

English 4 41
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Encircle the adjective in each sentence then draw an arrow to the noun it

1. They live in a beautiful house.

2. I need a long holiday.
3. There are fifty chairs set up for the conference.
4. The Titanic was a great movie.
5. The questions during the examination were tough.
6. I have bought a new computer.
7. Thirty students perfected the quiz.
8. You should always eat green leafy vegetables.
9. He broke the glass door.
10. Eight puppies are playing in the grass.

Activity: Seatwork 2

Topic: Antonyms

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word to complete each sentence.

howl buzz hoot squeaked hiss

purr caw crow moo splash chirp

1. The birds _______________ in the morning as if singing the baby, a lullaby.

2. The cows ________________ by the pasture calling out to their calves.
3. The children _______________ water at each other in glee.
4. The cats ________________ as they are groomed by the owner.
5. The mouse ________________ when it got caught by the trap.
6. Roosters ________________ in the morning and sometimes before sunset.
7. Did you hear the owls _________________ last night?
8. The loud _________________ of the bees scared the dogs away.
9. The ________________ of the snake warned us of its presence.
10. The ________________ of the wolves is feared by many.

Instructions: Complete the poem below by using onomatopoeia, assonance, or

English 4 42
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019



Tick ___________, the ticking of the ______________

Woke me ______________
In the morning, on the first day of _______________
A new _____________ the day will bring.
For when someone sleeps deeply
He misses the morning ______________
And a new day starts ______________.
As the sun rises in the east
We begin to prepare for a _______________
That the Lord has given to us
In the guise of a morning _______________

Activity: Seatwork 3

Topic: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Fill in the table with an adjective of the appropriate degree of comparison.
good best
higher highest
merry merriest
big bigger
little least
worse worst
much more
thinner thinnest
heavy heaviest
nice nicer
bolder boldest
simple simplest

English 4 43
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S.Y. 2018-2019

drier driest
fat fatter
evil worse
far farthest

Activity: Quiz 3

Topic: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparison of adjective to

English 4 44
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S.Y. 2018-2019

complete each sentence. Use the given adjectives as your basis.

1. Mount Everest is the (tall) ________________ mountain in the world.
2. Your bag is (heavy) _______________ than mine.
3. The pupil is (clever)______________ in class.
4. I think vanilla ice cream is good but chocolate ice cream is (good)______________.
5. Blue whales are the (large) ______________ animals that have ever lived.
6. I really had the (bad) _________________ day of my entire life.
7. This is the (old) _______________ chapel in the Region.
8. Health is (important) _______________ than wealth.
9. The athlete is (strong) ______________ than his competitor.
10. It’s the (difficult) _______________ rule of all.

Instructions: Fill in the table with the comparative and superlative degree of the adjective.
1. evil
2. expensive
3. good
4. far
5. old

Activity: Quiz 4

Topic: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Re-write the following sentences by using “less” or “least” without changing

English 4 45
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

the meaning.
1. The mango is sweeter than the apple.
2. Iron is more useful than copper.
3. Gold is more precious than silver.
4. The wild-apple is the sourest of all fruits.
5. This is the most useless of my gadgets.

Instructions: Choose the correct form of adjective that best completes each sentence.
1. There was no (more, most) paint.
2. She worked through (more, most) of the night.
3. (Most, More) of the boat is under water.
4. Add (more, most) wood to your fire.
5. There is little (more, most) to say about it.
6. Stronger and even (more, most) enthusiastic, Harry concurred.
7. The waiters brought food, and (more, most) food.
8. Harry had seldom seen a day (more, most) beautiful.
9. They caught (more, most) fish to eat.
10. It was in truth a (more, most) singular scene.

Activity: Performance Task

Topic: Adjectives and Adverbs

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

I. Instructions: Underline the correct form of adjective that will complete each sentence.

English 4 46
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

1. Of the three, Rica is the one that is (closer, closest) to my grandmother.

2. Science is the (most difficult, difficult) subject among all subjects.
3. My sister thinks it is the (worse, worst) day of her life.
4. The (remarkable, most remarkable) feature of their garden is the trellis covering their
front porch.
5. She has (few, fewer) errors in English.
6. My mom thinks it is the (most beautiful, more beautiful) bag she has ever seen.

II. Instructions: Write each adjective below in its comparative and superlative form.
1. far
2. large
3. eager
4. fearful
5. young
6. gorgeous
7. few
8. religious
9. strong
10. brilliant

III. Instructions: Arrange the adjectives in correct order.

1. interesting an activity
2. the precious small new silver pendant Australian
3. the pair of pink lovely velvet shoes
4. intelligent French several high- ranking generals
5. one brave British young brilliant soldier
IV. Instructions: Underline the adjective used in each of the following sentences then write
A if the adjective is descriptive and B if limiting.
______1. The monkey ate all the five bananas.
______2. The cheesy pizza is getting cold.
______3. The books were delivered last week.
______4. She is the first woman leader in the Philippines.
______5. Karla wore an elegant dress last night.

English 4 47
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S.Y. 2018-2019

V. Instructions: Write meaningful sentences using the given adverbs.

1. gracefully
2. never
3. sometimes
4. carefully
5. slowly

Dynamic Learning Plan in English 4

Grading Period: Fourth Duration: Week 1-7

Content  True Strength

 Identifying the problem and the solution
 Giving appropriate solutions to problems

English 4 48
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

 Dragonfly Dreams
 Identifying cause and effect relationship
 Differentiating phrases and sentences
 Identifying parts of a sentence
 My Dearest Diary
 Identifying and using prefixes and suffixes
 Identifying and writing types of sentences
according to structure
 Much Stronger than You Think
 Identifying the figures of speech Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" +
Indent at: 0.5"
 Identifying and writing types of sentences
according to function
 Using appropriate punctuation marks in Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" +
Indent at: 0.5"
Formatted: Font: Calibri Light, 11 pt, English (Philippines)
Learning Competencies  Unlock meaning of words through context
 Differentiate problem from solution
 Identify the problem and solution in a
 Give appropriate solutions to problems
encountered or presented
 Infer character’s trait through one’s lines
and actions
 Create a slogan that promotes optimism in
dealing with problems
 Realize the importance of respect by
politely dealing and associating with others
 Manifest the value of decisiveness by
giving an appropriate solution to a problem
 Define coordinating conjunctions
 Identify the different coordinating
conjunctions with their function
 Use appropriate coordinating conjunctions
to complete the sentences correctly
 Construct meaningful sentences using
coordinating conjunctions
 Create an advertisement to convince
costumers to avail the product using
coordinating conjunctions
 Manifest the value of unity through
combining group of words using

English 4 49
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

appropriate coordinating conjunctions

 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Narrate a dream
 Answer comprehension questions based
on the text read
 Differentiate cause from effect
 Match the cause with its correct effect
 Realize that our actions will always an
effect on ourselves and to others
 Differentiate phrases from sentences
 Give examples of phrases and sentences
 Identify the simple and complete subjects
of sentences
 Identify the simple and complete
predicates of sentences.
 Construct complete sentences
 Observe teamwork in doing things
 Realize the importance of ideas in solving
life problems
 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Identify the meaning of words with the
help of prefixes chart
 Answer comprehension questions based
on the text read
 Identify the different text types
 Read paragraphs
 Fill out given diagrams
 Write a paragraph showing a sequence
based on the given timetable
 Recognize appropriate signal words for
specific text types
 Realize that every day of our life is a gift
and a blessing
 Identify the types of sentences according
to structure
 Distinguish whether the sentence is simple
or compound
 Construct simple and compound sentences

English 4 50
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

 Realize that one’s talent is useless if it is

not shared with others
 Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar
words stated in the text
 Answer comprehension questions based
on the text read
 Identify the different figures of speech
 Choose two objects in a word pool and
compare them making a simile or
 Make given objects act like humans by
adding interesting action words
 Realize that we need to remain strong no
matter how difficult life is
 Identify declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and exclamatory sentences
 Use appropriate punctuation marks in
 Recognize the virtue of being a law-abiding
citizen Formatted: Font: Bold
Activities  Guided Discussion via Inquiry Method
 Sentence Analysis
 Socratic Method
 Quick Write
 Working Stations
 Collaborative Work Formatted: Font: 12 pt

 Drill and Practice Formatted: Font: 12 pt

 Project (Scrap Book Making) Formatted: Font: 12 pt

 Written Performance Tasks

 Hula Song
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25", No bullets or numbering

Essential Questions  Have you ever experienced having a dream Formatted: Font: Not Bold
that seemed so real?
 What do you call a group of words that has Formatted: Font: Not Bold
a complete thought?
 What part of speech do we use to connect Formatted: Font: Not Bold
the words and phrases?
 Should you let others pressure you into Formatted: Font: Not Bold
doing things?
 What is the most memorable place that Formatted: Font: Not Bold

English 4 51
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S.Y. 2018-2019

you have been to?

 How can we use knowledge of the
structure of language to write more
 How can I figure out the meaning of a new
word by breaking down the parts?
 How do you find strength when you are
going through hardships?
 What are the different types of Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body (Calibri), 12 pt

sentences we use? Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Value Statement  “Respect begets respect.” Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body (Calibri)

 “Meaningful thoughts are generated if

ideas are united; positive outcomes are
created if people are united.” Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body (Calibri)

 “Every action we make will always have an Formatted: List Paragraph, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
effect on ourselves and on others.”

References Textbook:
Integrated English for Effective Communication
(The New Grade 4)
Master English Grammar in 28 Days


Coordinator’s Signature: _________________ Date: ___________________

Activity 1: Seatwork 1

Topic: Coordinating Conjunctions

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Encircle the correct conjunction that best completes each statement.

English 4 52
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

1. He was very tired after a long working day, (but, or) he washed all the dishes in the
2. Mariel ironed all the clothes, washed the dishes (and, for) wiped the floor before she
played outside.
3. I prefer using olive oil (so, because) most shampoos include chemicals.
4. Either you complete your English project on time (or, nor) your teacher will give you a
failing mark.
5. We sprayed the ants (but, so) they keep coming back.
6. Mila loves riding roller coaster (yet, so) she has a fear of heights.
7. He can speak Mandarin Chinese (and, so) Spanish fluently.
8. I stayed in the front row (for, yet) I was really interested in the topic to be discussed.
9. Nobody expected Karina to get the job (nor, so) did I.
10. They were hungry (so, but) they made some sandwiches.

Instructions: Underline the conjunction used in each sentence.

1. We wanted to go to the show but there weren’t any seats left.
2. I like him but he’s so annoying.
3. This year, our family has been to China and Italy.
4. Please pick me up early so we don’t get there late.
5. It was raining heavily so we decided to stay at home.
6. The pupils decided not to go for a break for they still have to review their lessons.
7. People in this small town neither have traffic problems nor they have environmental
8. I didn’t have enough money to buy a new laptop so I borrowed some from my friend.
9. The mall has more parking spaces yet we can’t find a parking spot.
10. My mother called me and she told me not to stay out past dark.

Activity 2: Quiz 1

Topic: Coordinating Conjunctions

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

English 4 53
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction that best completes each
sentence. Choose your answer from the word box.

for and nor but or yet so

1. He tried his best ____________ he did not succeed.

2. Hurry up, ____________ you will be late.
3. My mom ____________ I will be going to school this afternoon.
4. He did not study well his lessons ___________ he got low scores during the examination.
5. We cannot understand it __________ the reason of it.
6. Should we start we the meeting now ____________ wait for everyone to get here?
7. He did not want to go to the hospital, ___________ he went anyway.
8. I will be late to the party, ___________ I am going to attend a meeting until eight.
9. Mom said we must wash the dishes ___________ clean our rooms.
10. Martha is very happy ___________ she has finally earned the degree.

Instructions: Encircle the coordinating conjunction used in each sentence.

1. Aliyah studies hard for the exams so she was able to get the highest score.
2. My sister has many friends, but she has not found a special one.
3. Gio arrived at home late for he worked in the office until nine.
4. Mila not only loves to dance, but she also loves to sing.
5. Glen refused to visit his sister for she was rude to him.
6. I never drive to school but sometimes I drive my mom to work.
7. Ezrah does not like Kurt, nor does she like Jasmine.
8. Breaking in new shoes is sometimes painful but it’s worth it in the end.
9. Sometimes I like to sing along with the radio and dance with the music.
10. Lean will have to go for a summer class or he will not be admitted the next school year.

Formatted: Indent: First line: 0"

Activity 3: Seatwork 2

Topic: Phrases and Sentences

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

English 4 54
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Write P if it is a phrase and S if it is a sentence.

______ 1. He was eager to eat fruit salad.

______ 2. My mother is cooking.
______ 3. Reading books.
______ 4. The music is too loud for my ears.
______ 5. To live forever.
______ 6. It was very hot outside.
______ 7. She is playing volleyball.
______ 8. To live and breathe.
______ 9. Waiting for the movie.
______ 10. Travel with the wind.
______ 11. I am the best player.
______ 12. Happy all the time.
______ 13. Ashley is very good in writing.
______ 14. My cousin didn’t attend her class yesterday.
______ 15. The baby is sleeping.
______ 16.Lost in the zoo.
______ 17. She’s a friendly person.
______ 18. We are studying our lesson.
______ 19. Amanda and her younger sister are beautiful and kind.
______ 20. The nice neighbor.

Activity 4: Quiz 2

Topic: Phrases and Sentences

English 4 55
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Put a check (/) before the number if the item is a sentence if
otherwise, write B.

______1. A birthday card for mom arrived in the mail.

______2. The bank was closed yesterday.
______3. Went to the party.
______4. Brought a present.
______5. My mom is a superhero.
______6. The scary movie gave the little boy nightmares.
______7. The car with flat tire on the side of the street.
______8. Grew on the vine.
______9. Won the football game.
______10. That car is the most expensive.

Instructions: Arrange the group of words in order to create a meaningful sentence.

1. I to books love read.

2. on time I finished work my.
3. hospital my works on brother.
4. playing prefers reading video games than books Migo.
5. all You have include to information necessary.
6. is important directions follow to It the all time.
7. in situation any wins Friendship.
8. you brings do Whatever as well pride our school to.
9. needs to Everyone belong. Formatted: Font: Bold

10. good friends Books are. Formatted: Font: Bold

English 4 56
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Activity 5: Seatwork 3

Topic: Prefixes and Suffixes, Simple and Compound Sentence

English 4 57
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Write A if the sentence is simple and B if it is compound. Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold
______1. Julius Caesar conquered Gaul. Formatted: Font: Bold
______2. The document is in my office. Formatted: Font: Bold
______3. May wrote a book, but her husband published it.
Formatted: Font: Bold
______4. Senator Pimentel campaigned hard in the cities, and he also visited the remote
______5. Miss Cruz read the class an interesting poem.
______6. The new rug in the living is beautiful, but it does not match the furniture.
______7. Minnie travelled Europe and she explored many interesting castles.
______8. She was angry, still she kept her cool.
______9. They spoke to him in Spanish, but he responded in English.
______10. The little boy ran home.

Instructions: Match the prefix or suffix to its meaning. Encircle the correct answer. Formatted: Heading 1 Char, Font: (Default) Times New
Roman, 12 pt
1. re- a. again b. correctly c. after
2. mis- a. wrongly b. after c. correctly
3. bi- a. same b. twice c. wrong
4. pre- a. before b. not c. wrong
5. -less a. full of b. without c. most
6. -er a. more b. less c. can be done
7. -est a. without b. most c. more
8. -ful a. full of b. most c. without
9. un- a. not b. below c. before
10. tri- a. three b. two c. one

Activity 6: Quiz 3

Topic: Prefixes and Suffixes, Simple and Compound Sentence

English 4 58
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Write a single word using a prefix or a suffix that matches the description. Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
1. without fear
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
2. without worth
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
3. one who studies science
4. state of not being happy
5. to write again
6. well known
7. made of wood
8. full of grace
9. not valid
10. more clear

Instructions: Write S if the sentence is simple and C if it is compound. Formatted: Font: Bold
_______1. The Internet began in 1960 in the United States. Formatted: Font: Bold
_______2. Cyber friends are fun, but they may be dangerous, too. Formatted: Font: Bold
_______3. Mario made hanging for the room. Formatted: Font: Bold
_______4. Mrs. Nastor works in the morning, so she spends time with her parents in the
Formatted: Font: Bold
_______5. The e-mail is cheaper, and it is easier to use.
_______6. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
_______7. She went to Canada for her parents wanted her to stay there.
_______8. I spend much time on my computer, yet I study my lessons more.
_______9. Ms. Soriano is in faraway Canada, yet she communicates with her family through
the Internet.
_______10. You can see the sun rise in Spain from your home or you may know what’s
going on in China.

Activity 7: Seatwork 4

Topic: Figures of Speech, Types of Sentences

English 4 59
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Identify the figures of speech used in the following sentences. Write
your answers on the space provided.

_______________ 1. He’s got tons of money.

_______________ 2. We’re so poor we don’t have 2 cents to rub together.
_______________ 3. Hailee heard the last piece of pie calling his name.
_______________ 4. Traffic slowed to a crawl.
_______________ 5. Their home was a prison.
_______________ 6. The classroom was a zoo.
_______________ 7. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
_______________ 8. The car complained as the key was turned.
_______________ 9. I had to walk miles to school.
_______________ 10. If I can’t buy that new phone, I’ll die.

Instructions: Read each sentence carefully and identify their function. Write DC if
it is declarative, IN if interrogative, IM if imperative and EC if
_______________1. Samar Island is known for its beautiful caves and water falls.
_______________2. Did the organization approve her proposal?
_______________3. Isn’t her voice magnificent!
_______________4. It’s a baby boy!
_______________5. Call the insurance agent, please?
_______________6. Watch out for that car!
_______________7. What harm did the delay cause?
_______________8. Most people do enjoy taking risks.
_______________9. Is there anything that I can do for you?
_______________10. I looked tired, but my complexion was good.

Activity 8: Quiz 4

Topic: Figures of Speech, Types of Sentences

English 4 60
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Identify the figures of speech used in the following sentences. Write
your answers on the space provided.

1. The snails crept along the sidewalk, moving as slowly as a glacier. Formatted: Font: Century Gothic, 12 pt, Font color: Auto

2. Time was crawling.

3. It's going to take a thousand years to finish all this homework. Formatted: Font: Century Gothic

4. The cookies smelled like a delicious cake. Formatted: Font: Century Gothic

5. “I am a bee shuffling through the leaves." Formatted: Font: Century Gothic, 12 pt, Font color: Auto
6. The wind is like a thundering sea.
7. His feet were huge dolphins.
8. The lake was as smooth as glass.
9. The test was a piece of cake.
10. "Our love is like a rose that fades too quickly." Formatted: Font: Century Gothic
Formatted: Font: Century Gothic, 12 pt, Font color: Auto
Instructions: Read each sentence carefully and identify their function. Write A if Formatted: Font: Bold
it is declarative, B if interrogative, C if imperative and D if exclamatory Formatted: Font: Bold
then write the correct punctuation mark after each sentence. Formatted: Font: Bold
________1. Do you know where Greece is __ Formatted: Font: Bold
________2. Please pass the lemonade __
________3. Reading mythology will get you excited about travelling __
________4. Are you done with your homework __
________5. I’m so excited I passed the test __
________6. He is the leader of the group __
________7. How was your day in school __
________8. Ouch __ That hurts.
________9. Please leave your foot wear outside __
________10. Where have you been all this while __

Activity 9: Performance Task 1

Topic: Unit IV

English 4 61
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Encircle the conjunction used in each sentence.

1. His story is long but interesting.

2. The sun and stars give light to the earth.
3. Shall we hang the décor on the opposite wall or above the cabinet?
4. A farmer was to plow the soil well for the plants to grow healthy.
5. Emilio Jacinto was prudent but furious when he thought he was in the write.
6. A person with little ability but with big effort may make a big progress.
7. Saheed came toward him and asked where her found Wings.
8. My mom is strict yet compassionate.
9. She did not attend the meeting so she was sanctioned.
10. The people were tired but determined.

Instructions: Unscramble the following words to form a meaningful sentence.

1. (learned/Friendly/many/ things/Richard/animals/about) Formatted: Font: Bold

2. (patiently/mother/the/at/My/waited/hall) Formatted: Font: Not Bold

3. (from/the/Children/followed/band/the/barrio) Formatted: Font: Bold

4. (marker/the/Bronze/unveiled/was) Formatted: Font: Bold

5. (Mr. Tan/The/of/family/the/round/surrounded/table) Formatted: Font: Bold


Instructions: Write A if the statement is a sentence if otherwise, write C. Formatted: Font: Bold

_______1. Dark, heavy clouds. Formatted: Font: Bold

_______2. The animals are tame. Formatted: Font: Bold

_______3. The United States raises sugar beets and red potatoes.
_______4. The merry child ran toward me.
_______5. Pretended to be sick.
Activity 10: Performance Task 2

Topic: Unit IV

English 4 62
Elementary Department
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

Instructions: Read each sentence carefully and identify their function. Write A if
it is declarative, B if interrogative, C if imperative and D if exclamatory
then write the correct punctuation mark after each sentence.
_______________1. The word Robot comes from the Czech word robota ___
_______________2. Kindly use the remote control ___
_______________3. Have you been waiting for the next train ___
_______________4. Please walk more slowly so I can catch up with you ___
_______________5. Hurry, we have to move quickly ___

Instructions: Identify the figure of speech used in each sentence.

_______________1. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale.
_______________2. Death lays his icy hands on kings.
_______________3. The camel is the ship of the desert.
_______________4. Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with tears.
_______________5. Life is a journey;travel it well.
_______________6. A wicked whisper came and changed my life.
_______________7. After a good night sleep, I felt like a million dollars.
_______________8. There had been no rain for months and all the crops were death.
Some parts of the farm were beginningto look like a desert.
_______________9. My mother is like a star in the sky.
_______________10. You are the sunshine of my life.

Instructions: Write a single word using a prefix or a suffix that matches the description.
1. to type it again
2. without hope
3. in a quiet manner
4. to take away something
5. not being able

English 4 63

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