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Mind. Truth. Legend.
Personal Advisor to Pro
Athletes, CEO's, Celebs

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On Self And

A man lives his entire life for others.

He lives his entire life for himself.

Both are one and the same.

For man lives under the deepest of spells.

The spell of self-image.

For the whole of his life,

He will live enslaved to this image.

He will attempt to improve it, polish it,

project it, and aggrandize it.

What others think of him will be of the

utmost importance.

Though he may deny it until his dying day.

It cannot be otherwise.

For in Truth, where there is a self-image,

There must be self-consciousness.

Society tells him that it matters not what

others think of him,

That it matters only what he thinks of himself.

Let it be known that a man who thinks

anything of himself

Cannot help but be concerned by what others

think of him.

Man seeks to have pleasure

Without the pain.

He seeks ego

With humility.

He seeks the up

Without the down.

He seeks hope

Without disappointment.

He seeks attachment

Without suffering.

Due to his failed understandings,

He seeks that which does not exist.

The Mind is not man’s shelter from society.

It is his internalization of it.

Where there is wisdom

There is peace.

Where there is Truth

There is freedom.

Wise is he who comes to recognize that

neither he or his thoughts contain any

Wise is he who comes to realize the depth of

his unimportance.

Wise is he who sees this as Truth, rather than


There is not a thing that a man does

That he does not imagine how it will appear

in the eyes of the world.

He is forever on a desperate hunt

For validation and praise.

Why is this so?

Because, no matter the empty words that

society parrots,

A man is never enough in his own eyes.

For where there is a self,

There will always be a deficiency.

Society’s greatest evil

Is in setting man upon a course that moves in

endless circles.

In setting man upon a journey that is based

upon untruth.

It is for this reason that man has been told, on

the one hand, that he should improve.

And, on the other hand, that he is enough just

as he is.

No matter how much a man may improve,

He can never be enough.

He will never be able to remove every grain

of dust from the ocean.

He will never be able to remove every streak

of smoke from the sky.

A man does not improve himself,

He improves only his self-image.

The intelligent man is nothing without the


The successful man is nothing without the


Were there no such validation in society . . .

Were there no one before whom to

demonstrate one’s intelligence,

Intelligence loses its value.

Self-image is the structure and the scaffolding

Upon which man’s entire life is constructed.

It is for this reason that he lives his life on

shaky ground.

Forever subject to the winds and the tremors

of circumstance.

The man who genuinely arrives at an

indifference toward the self

Experiences the steady retreat of involuntary


His dependency upon the world begins to


All that he once sought in the name of

penance and spirituality,

Begins to arrive at his doorstep.

The Truth is that nothing is attained by

seeking it.

In becoming indifferent to the self,

There is no longer anyone to impress.

No one to need from.

No one to depend upon.

Pleasure begins to lose its charm.

Anxiety begins to loosen its hold.

All things having disappeared,

He finds himself in the unfamiliar yet

intoxicating feeling

That there is nothing to do.

The cocoon of the moment . . .

The thing he has been instructed to chase for

his entire life

Now becomes his easiest of companions.

All the falsehoods having been removed,

It is the only thing that remains.


Kapil Gupta

Kapil Gupta is a personal advisor to CEO’s,

Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and
Performing Artists around the world.

His books include:

Atmamun: The Path To Achieving The Bliss Of

The Himalayan Swamis. And The Freedom Of
A Living God

A Master’s Secret Whispers: For those who

abhor the noise and seek The Truth about life
and living

Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-

prescriptive truths to the enduring questions of

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On Achieving What No Man

 Dares

" Kapil is more than just an executive coach. He

understands the human condition and speaks
truth with intrinsic authority. I credit him with
bringing real, positive change to how I live and
work. "

- Naval Ravikant, Founder and CEO, AngelList

" I have been honored to study with those

special souls who are vessels to the powers of
the Universe.

I was granted this gift from another who has

earned that honor, Kapil Gupta.

For his mortal transcription of words so purely

delivered by the immortal, I am eternally
grateful. "

- Lynn Tilton, Founder and CEO, Patriarch

Partners, LLC

"I believe Kapil's ability is to look not only at

the professional athlete's individual sport,
but to look at his or her whole outlook on life
and how we lead it.

This will bring the Transformation needed to

perform at the highest level."

- Mike Weir, PGA Tour Player, 2003 Masters

Champion, and Former World Number 3

Kapil has become one of the most powerful

agents of change in my life. I’m very impressed
by his sincerity and devotion to Truth.

He doesn’t give you should’s and shouldn’t’s.

He liberate you from them. Instead of loving
and trying to please a client with a lie he goes
directly to the core and cures you of the
nonsense that you’ve been picking up your
entire life. Extended moments of clarity and
peace are the unavoidable gifts from my work
with Kapil.

- Masha Drokova, Founder and General

Partner at Day One Ventures

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