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aT Vt A Sl Tete NG CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 ORCS 6 GOBLINS BESTIARY Continued THE GREENSKIN HORDES 4 igh Gobi Siig Hoppe eB ‘TRIBES BEYOND NUMBER 8 the 7 DOMAINS OF THE GREENSKINS. 2 See 58 A BLOODY HISTORY 16 Se oe ORCS 6 GOBLINS TIMELINE B Great Cave Squigs a ORCS & GOBLINS BESTIARY 30 Chae rae a Praise Riles 2 Gorbad Tronclaw o | Coates a Achag the Slughterer 65 oa 5 "Wittig, de Great Gress Pig 66 pee 3% Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain 7 eos 7 Stari Warlord of the Fight Peaks 68 toe ae Snagla Grobsit @ Disk ets A Gicilla da Hunter 70 ae OnsBaar Baye Ae Grimgor Ironhide a oblin Warbosses & Big Bosses. 42 WAAAGH! MAGIC 1 Gin Shamans 4 smvy sturr "4 Goblin Wolf Riders 45 MOB UP, BOYZ 76 Goblin Wolf Chariots 46 ORCS & GOBLINS ARMY LIST 94 Goblin Rock Lobbers 7 Lords 7 Goblin Spear Chukkss a7 Heroes iol Doom Diver Catapults 48 Core Units 104 Forest Goblin Spider Riders 0 Special Units 106 Arachnarok Spiders 50 Rare Unis 109 Night Goblins 52 Night Goblin Fanatics sq TENELATES: ul Night Goblin Squig Herds st SUMMARY 7 See en eee tt es Us ema RCs oo ie es oe Ryo mea EcrwneSa "Ses heres ce ee ea is Mats Des Mc a gn iC De Mea Tso edo at Ro Hans en Nae ek ete Meme en ne Reman fete nce era onlin acme Nos Ral Mais ners etc & Rent ne Cee a ate nase oh a Sse bah esis vc Ma er Sper Tas Ryn i ne Sk Pi ae aise tronics {Cori one Westin 0, ne Gn at Vrs cea Wg rsd mye harps Wh er cl he gn Norther Haron Not America| Nesta Noten, Meni © Tage PUY IV NYY INTRO Ifyou are looking for a fight, you found it, because here come the Ores and Gob! UCTION ! Welcome to definitive guide to the greenskins ~ brutal but cunning creatures who live to fight. This book provides all the information you require to play an Ores & Goblins army in Warhammer. WHY COLLECT ORCS & GOBLINS? Ores and Goblins are overwhelmingly violent, yet possess real character and personality Orcs are built for war and resale even minor disagreements with full-blooded combat Goblins, on the other hand, prefer to wait until opponcats are badly outnumbered, wounded or looking the other way {and preferably all three. In battle, Goblins form huge mobs that are not easily ignored An Ores & Goblins army is an unruly mix, formed out ofa staggering variety of greenskins and monsters. From the elite, soldierly Black Ores to towering Giants; from Jimimative Snotlings to monstrous spiders the size of houses, the variety of tactics available to the Ores 8 Goblins player is matched only by the sheer variety of troops at his disposal Regardless of how it is formed, an Ores & Goblins army is unprediciable on the battlefield. Its capable of smashing aside all opposition in a storm of violence. HOW THIS BOOK WORKS Warhammer Armies books are split into sectio cach of which deals with a different aspect of the army Harkommer: Orcs & Goblins contains: Hordes. This section describes the history f the Ores and Goblins ~ the greenskin tribes, the many lars and strongholds in which they live their most famous, id the bloodiest invasions they have hunched. Ores & Goblins Bestiary. Fach and every unit type in the army is examined here, with a full description of each entry, alongside its complete rules, This section also includes the agreenskins’ unique magical artefacts and spell lores. Mob Up, Boyz. Here you will see photographs of the range of Citadel miniatures available for the Ores 8 Goblins army, gloriously painted by Games Workshop’s world-renowned “Eavy Metal team, Ores & Goblins Army List. The army lis takes al of th troop types, war machines, and famous g presented in the previous sec arranges army for your games. Units are classed as lor Heroes), Cos can choo ferent quantities depending on the size of the game you are playing FIND OUT MORE & Goblins contains everything you th your army, there a bbttles to Fight and painting ideas to ‘uy out. The monthly magazine White Dwarf contains ticles about all aspects of the Warhammer game and hobby, you can find articles specific to the Ores & Goblins and ir violent ways on our website: need to play a tactics to use, dif GREENSKIN HORDES Ores and Goblins are a scourge to all lands and a bane +0 civilisation. They raid ceaselessly, carrying war and barbarism to every corner of the Warhammer world. ‘Time and again, Ore & Goblin armies arise without warning, their direction and intent utterly fickle and unpredictable. To better understand these destructive green hordes, one must first consider the ereatures that make up their component parts. ORCS (Ores vary in size, burall pack a great deal of muscle, bone and few brains into a green, haieless body as tall a5 2 man, thu substantially broader: They have thick skulls, elongated jaws and tusk-fike teeth. An Ore’s protruding brow partially conceals his glowering eyes, which blaze red when he is angry ~ most ofthe time, in fact. Thee tough green hides vary in shade depending om age or even climate. They are brutes and loutsof the first degre, insensitive to pain (and higher thought). Orcs single-mindedly pursue what they want, and what Ores want most isto fight. If there are no enemies immediately to hand, the overly belligerent Ores will edly scrap amongst themselves. In battle, Ores form units called mobs, which are led by the biggest of their kind, the Bosses. The right to lead an Ore mob is earned by defeating the current Boss in challenge: ‘Such violent confrontations are both plentiful and important in Ore society (fit can be termed as such). Might equals right for greenskins and infighting is how Orcs ensure that their leaders are the largest and most ferocious of their mob, Afterall, bigger is always better and being able to hash an ‘opponent's headin spectacularly isa clear sign of leadership amongst such brutal kind, This is true forall Ores, including the Savage Ores, primitive throwbacks {0 more primeval days, and the Black Orcs, the largest and most formidable ofall the Orcish races ‘The human solders lay in eops, spears ond halberd ting upward ike Groen bones, their Black ond elon uniforms stained with oo much crimson, Nagbad sated on armoured warrior aside wih is re while Tsk, his wor Boor, gnawed on the comps of is hose Te gory remains of nights tre the fl, lan by the Warboss and his boyz Te reat _gote lay aad, he symbol of Averland emblazoned on its surface. “Move it lade!’ he bellowed. Abia, Wolf Riders slrmished with the fragile nes of archers, while Sind thm hordes of grenshins hoted and clemoured or eolece. Lunkering Girt the size of wotctouers strode alongside packs of. repugnant Trolls; ovoid Squig champed ond sapped at the romnants of Empire Outriders. “Heung and cleaving this way and thet, Nobu drove his oye through «am armoured regiment of Greatsuord. Tisha rent ond disemboueled men uit bestia fury. Nogbad Bcheaded o champion who dared oppose him, then spit the standard bearer in tsi The Orih rnes on his THE ORCS & GOBLINS COBLINS Contrasting strongly with their thugish Ore cousins, Goblins are small, scrawny and nimble. Their skin isa brighter shade of green than an Orc and they have large noses, wickedly pointed teeth and glinting, beady eyes. Goblins are by far the more snealcy and intelligent of the two races, While Orcs communicate sparingly, largely using, scowls and grunts, Goblins are garrulous with iritating high-pitched voices. Unlike most Ores, Goblins are prone to acts of extreme cowardice. However, when the oxds are heavily stacked in their favour, Goblins greatly enjoy bullying and cruelty and they can be every bit as agressive as their larger kin, Vicious and mean-spirited, Goblins prefer to attack from behind or assil already weakened foes. Goblins adapt to the lands they live in, and this produces a variety of cultural differences, from the spider-worshipping Goblins ofthe deep forests to the nomadic, fur clad Wolf Riders of the plains. Despite their differences, they are all ae the same breed. There are afew distinct subspecies of Goblins although only one is tolerated by other Ores and Goblins = the Night Goblins, So long have they dwelt inthe tunnels beneath the Worlds Edge Mountains tht these Goblins have developed into @ unique, sun-hating species, specially prone to madness and cowardice A RAUCOUS MIX Ores and Goblins often amass into hodgepodge armies that that include a slew of other violent-minded creatures, Snotlings, the most dinsinutive greenskins, gnther in great numbers. Trolls are often lured into the army by tossing a few extra carcasses (or particularly slow Snotlings) their way, while Giants are attracted by the promise of loot and fighting. Greenskin armies are bewilderingly varied and ‘wholly unpredictable, but the one surety is that nowhere is safe from their atacks for long, pitted are glowed deep redin approval With the Greatscord sin, che ‘Orc’ ttentions tured othe gat, which Ioomedobsad ike the fae of .¢mountoin. Naga leapt from his boar and thumped his ensorelied choppa into the wood. An explosion of splinters revorded him, and he “struck again, On the third ou isure rn up the middle ofthe wood and the got pli port Naghed roared asthe got as felled ke @ iassee ook, crushing human and grensin alike. Nogbad Bat his chest in triumph Tried human faces stored at him from the gloom Beyond. Then he tured ond bechoned the boyz away. ‘Aint we gon’in, S059? Gro, loader ofthe Wolf Riders, wos ‘scratching his head In puzzlement. NogSad cafe the mpadent Goblin «around the head sending him sprouling from his soe “Nah Nagbad wos eyeing the dstant horizon where he spied an even Bigger heep an even lrger gate. Thefight’s gone outa’ dis lot.Da real {fights ove there he growled, pointing the vay with his glowing oz. “As one, the greensins changed course and roared: "Weoaght"

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