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Saya U M Zaw Aung English

The beauty of the moonlit night

The moon has been described by songwriters and poets as a place for romantic
escape. When the sun sets in the west, the red shinning moon begins to appear slowly.
Then the moon turns into pink, orange, yellow and at last the silver full moon is shining
brightly. And such kind of night is one of the most beautiful nights.

On the moonlit nights, pagodas and temples look subline and everything seems
very fantastic. The leaves of coconut-palm trees, toddy-palm trees and padauk trees
shine like gold swaying in the breeze. When the moonlight touches something, it is
flooded with silver. The fragrance of rose, jasmine, queen of the night spread and it
can be smelt from far away, and fabulous white water lily bloom in moonlight. In the
paddy field, we can see the rice seedlings, fluttering and dancing in the breeze. People
who live in the countryside can enjoy the beauty of moonlit nights. Under the
moonbeam, children can play various kinds of traditional games such as ‘htoke si toe’
and ‘shwe sin nyo’ happily. They are looking forward to the moonlit nights. When one
shouts ‘the moon is lit, play or rest’ all children happily shout in unison ‘ no rest and
we will play’. The teenagers are singing and walking to and fro along the village road.
In front of the house there are bamboo bedsteads. And the old people are sitting on
them sipping the green tea and having jaggery.

To sum up, on moonlit night everything that moonlight touch is flooded with
silver and looks very beautiful. Thus, everyone is delighted to enjoy the wonderful
scene of moonlit night. The moonlight can give everybody joy, pleasure and can make
us feel cold.

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