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Ro'Keria Lusane

AP English/6th
Serving in Florida

1) Ehrenreich opens the selection with “Picture a fat person’s hell…”(para.1). What is the
intended effect? Does she want to shock or disgust the reader? Is she being humorous?

Ehrenreich uses vivid imagery in the beginning of paragraph 1 to grab the reader’s attention.She
is painting us a picture of what her daily workplace looks like. Ehrenreich described her
workplace by saying the floor was so slippery that you had to tiptoe across the floor and the
counters were so sticky with ancient syrup that you could not put your hands on the counter
without it coming back filthy.
2) Ehrenreich describes the kitchen in terms of bodily organs and functions.What response
is she trying to evoke? Is she successful? (see paras.1 and 2)
The purpose of comparing the kitchen in terms of bodily functions is to make the audience relate
to Jerry’s, it also shows audiences how gross the diner is and on how the diner works.

3) Ehrenreich provides fairly extensive commentary in footnotes. What is the effect of this
strategy? In the footnotes, is her tone different from the one used in the body of the piece?
The footnotes are Ehrenreich’s way of keeping the reader informed. These momentary breaks
serve as a bit of relief from the horrible descriptions in the piece. The tone switches from funny
and humorous to a logical and factual tone.

4) Ehrenreich uses lively, emotionally charged language throughout. Identify one passage
and analyze the diction,especially the connotations of the words.Suggestions:the paragraph
beginning “Now, the Industrial Revolution is not an easy transition…”(para.3) or “ I make
friends, over time, with the other ‘girls’ who work my shift…”(para.11)
"Now, the Industrial Revolution is not an easy transition, especially, in my experience, when you
have to zip through it in just a couple of days." The word choice in this sentence helps the author
show how shocking the change was from serving in a hotel to a dirty dinner. Her reference to the
Industrial Revolution brings forward images of horrible working conditions and low wages. This
imagery helps Ehrenreich get her point across to the audience.

5) Ehrenreich occasionally uses crude expressions. Are they appropriate? What is her
intended effect in shifting to diction that is not only formal but , some would say,crass?
Ehrenreich’s crude expressions are appropriate in this passage because of what she is describing.
Similar to fast food, some of Ehrenreich’s expressions are gross or inappropriate, but in the
context of the passage it is fitting.

6) Ehrenreich is both outsider and insider in this selection; that is she the writer observing
the environment in which she is playing a role. How does she make this narrative stance
work? Does she shift abruptly between describing what is going on and commenting about
it, or does she move smoothly between the two? Discuss by citing specific passages.
Mostly Ehrenreich transitions smoothly between the two stances, with commentary on the events
with the flow if the story uninterrupted. In paragraph three Ehrenreich describes the drastic
difference in style between her jobs, and is able to describe the change, give commentary, and
progress the narrative fluidly.

7) Discuss specific instances of humor in this selection. Is it primarily ironic humor?

Aggressively sarcastic? Affectionately amusing? Cite specific passages in your response.
Mostly Ehrenreich uses sarcasm and different type of humor in this passage for example in
paragraph seven “If Tylenol doesn’t work for more than four hours, you just fire its ass and
switch to Aleve.” Ehrenreich in this quote uses aggressive sarcasm.

8) What elements of fiction does Ehrenreich employ? Consider such elements as figurative
language, language, dialogue, narrative commentary, and description of people and
“On my first Friday at Hearthside Ehrenreich uses alliteration.She uses figurative language, with
“to a niche” and “we aim to inhabit.” Ehrenreich uses sarcastic use of quotation marks, in the
passage like when calling them a “consultant.” Ehrenreich also uses witty phrasing, in the
reference to “civilian clothes” implying that the employees are like they are in the military when
they are working.

9) In this selection, Ehrenreich does not state a thesis or indicate directly what her purpose
is;instead she works by inference and implication.What is her purpose? State is directly in
a sentence that begins,”In this selection,Ehrenreich…”
In this selection, Ehrenreich hopes to shine a light on the difficult life of a minimum wage
worker. She is trying to show that even if she is a waitress the job is harder than most will think.

10) At times, Ehrenreich seems to raise tangential issues. When she describes her co worker
smoking,for instance, she writes:” Because work is what you do for others;smoking is what
you do for yourself. I don’t know why the anti smoking crusaders have never grasped the
element of defiant self-nurturance that makes the habit so endearing to its victims-as if, in
American workplace, the only thing people have to call their own is the tumors they are
nourishing and the spare moments they devote to feeding them(para.2). What is the effect
of this commentary? What is its relevance to Ehrenreich’s overall purpose?
Ehrenreich is making a very strong statement when writing about smoking, the purpose of this is
to not tell you smoking is good, but instead tell you how smoking which is only momentary
happiness because in the long run in leads to nothing but trouble

11) How does Ehrenreich establish her ethos in this selection? What part does her
relationship with George play in her appeal to ethos?
Ehrenreich establishes her ethos because she’s lived the harsh lifestyle that she is describing. She
has first hand experience of the lifestyle that the passage discusses. Ehrenreich’s relationship
with George helps establish her as a smart and caring individual, but it also shows the effect that
this way of life was having on her ideals.
12) Who is Ehrenreich’s audience? Base your answer on the tone you detect in specific
Ehrenreich’s audience is more directed towards people who look down on the working class who
work for everything they own.
Ro’Keria Lusane
Alg11 trig/7th

1)How do you solve an equation graphically(geometrically)?

step 1:Get the variable you wish to solve for on one side and if your equation has the variable on
both sides of the equals sign, use algebra to move it to a single side.
step 2: Write down the operations being applied to the variable of interest.Write down what is
happening to the variable in the order it happens (moving outward from the variable in terms of
step 3: Reverse the operations in what you have written down. Addition becomes subtraction
multiplication becomes division.
step 4: Perform these opposite operations in reverse order. Do this on both sides of the equation

2)How is linear programming used in the real world to solve problems?

Linear programming is used in material utilization decisions, quality control decisions
purchasing decisions, exploration of oil deposits, fluid blending problems, product mix
decisions, marketing, physical distribution decisions, warehousing decisions, production
planning and long range planning when you want to minimize cost and maximize profit.

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