Job Interview

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Janah: Excuse me, Mam. May I come in?

Dania: yes. Please, come in and have a seat.

Janah: Thank you, mam! (duduk)

Dania: So, your name is Janah, right?

Janah: Yes, that is right, mam!

Dania: Okay, janah. My name is Dania Nur fadila. Iam the chair of manufacturing of this
company. I will be your interviewer today. So do you apply in the position of a manager in
our company?.....

Janah: Yes,.that’s right Mrs. Dania

Dania: Ok, now. Can you tell me about yourself, janah?.......

Janah: my name is miftakul janah. I’am 21 years old. Iam graduated from islamic university
of majapahit. I took management as my major . I can speak English very well. My Activity
right now is active in several activities that related to my education background.

Dania : May I know, Why do you want to work in our company?.....

Janah: Because your company have a good reputation, and of course to get the great
experience to work in here.

Dania: You applied to be a manager in our company. Do you have any experience of this

Janah: No, mam. I am a fresh graduate. This is my first time to apply a full time job.

Dania: what makes you decide to apply for Manager position in our company?.......

Janah: I think manager of manufacturing company is an appropriate job position for me. I
find it interesting as well. Due to the manager major I took, I believe that my skills and
talents will be conducive to this company’s success. I can also see a bright future of my
career by joining this company.

Dania: Very well. So, what is your strengths and weakness, please specify each of three?

Janah: My strengths are, I love to learn new things, I have a good analytical thinking and I
like to pursue my target. Meanwhile My weakness are, I often to lose focus when I have too
many distractions, next I am a perfectionist, so sometimes I took a long time to finish a job,
because I want to finish it perfectly, and the last is I am easily to get bored.
Dania: Can you work with a team and under pressure?

Janah: Yes, I can, I also don’t think it’s a pressure because it’s the responsibility of my work
and it’s also a great change to improve the quality of myself.

Dania: Ok, Can you give me two good reasons why I should hire you?

Janah: well, Iam organized, dependable and hard working.

Dania: if you were given the job, what would you do first as manager?

Janah: That’s difficult question. I know something about this company, but nor very much
about the people and procedures. I think that the first thing I would do to know more detail
about my teams and the way this company works.

Dania: OK, one final question. How much do you ask for your first salary?

Janah: Honestly, Mam. I can’t answer your question because I don’t have any experience
yet. I trust it to you because I believe that the company has a certain standard for a new
employee as me.

Dania: Thank you. Do you have questions about this job?

Janah: If you don’t mind, I would to know what the responsibilities of a manager in here.

Dania: I think it’s good question. A manager should be responsibility for all employees and
can solve various problems in this company.

Janah: Next, May I know your working hours here?

Dania: As usual, the working hours here is from 08.00 to 16.00 with an hour break for lunch.

Janah: Thank you, mam. I think it’s clear for me.

Dania: all right, I think it’s enough for today. We will announce the result of your interview
in a week. Thank you for coming here.

Janah: Yes thank you, mam. I’ll be waiting for you next information. (Berjabat Tangan)

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