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Source: Everyday Law

sDiferent Types Of Crime s [Dagdag kaalaman - part 1]

1-PARRICIDE [Article 246]= Pag patay sa tatay o nanay ng isang anak, o Pag patay ng lolo sa knyang apo,o
Pag patayan ng mag asawa (dapat ay kasal ).Penalty of reclusion perpetua to death.

2-HOMICIDE = di sadyang pagptay ng isang tao....the highest penalty currently possible under the
revised penal code is reclusion perpetua, which ranges from 20 years and 1 day to 40 years

3-MURDER - pag patay na pinagplanuhan, sa likuran sinaksak o binaril, niresbakan, patraydor, karumal
dumal, at walang laban ang biktima....Manslaughter- Inprisonment for a term of not more than 30 years;
Second Degree Murder- Life with Parole or 30-40 years; First Degree Murder- Life without Parole; Capital
Murder-Death or Life Without Parole

4-INFANTICIDE - pag patay sa sanggol na less than 3 days old.

Kapag lagpas na nang 3 araw ang bata ang kaso ng pumatay na my edad na ay murder dahil sa puntong
yun ay walang laban ang bata sa kanya. Penalty same as murder and manslaughter- imprisonment of 25

5-ABORTION - makasalanang pag papalaglag sa sinapupunaan ang bata. => Article 256, 258, 259 of the
Revised Penal Code

of the Philippines mandate imprisonment for woman who undergo abortion, as well as for any person
who assist in the procedure, definition of "mandate", [Entry 1 of 2] 1: anthoritative command especially:
a formal order from a superior court. 2: an authorization to act given to a representative accepted the
mandate of the people.

6-PHYSICAL INJURIES - pananakit sa isang tao na magdudulot ng pasa o pagkabali ng katawan o

paltos.=>By arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not exceeding 50 pesos when the ofender
shall ill-treat another by dead without causing any injury. The penalty for slight physical injuries is arresto
menor or imprisonment from one day to thirty days.
7-UNJUST VEXATION - pang aasar, pangungutya o pang iinis sa isang tao sa harap ng marami o ibang
tao.=>Unjust vexation is a crime based on Article 287 of the PRC, which states that "any other coercion
of unjust vexation shall be punished by arresto menor or a fine ranging from P5 to P200 pesos or both.

8-MALICIOUS MISCHIEF - paninira ng gamit ng iba.=>365] fixes the penalty for recless imprudence at
arresto mayor maximum, to prision correctional minimum, if the willful act would constitute a grave
felony, notwithstanding that the penalty for the latter could range all the way from prision mayor to
death, according to the case.

9-VANDALISM - ipinagbabawal na pagsusulat o pagbaboy o pagdudumi ng isang pader o kahit anong

bawal sulatan....It provides penalties for such violation, which include a fine of P1,000 for the first
ofense, P3,000 for the second ofense, and P5,000 plus imprisonment of not less than 30 days, but not
more than six months, depending on gravity of the infraction, to be determied by the court, for the third

10-VAGRANCY - bagansya, ipingbabawal na pag gala tuwing

gabi....Any person found guilty of this article shall be punishedby arresto menor or a fine not exceeding
P200 pesos, and in case of recidivism, by arresto mayor in it's medium period to prision correctional in
it's minimum period or a fine ranging from P200 pesos to P2,000 pesos or both, in the the discretion of
the court.

11-ALARM &SCANDAL - pagwawala, pagsigaw, pang-gugulo sa tahimik na lugar.

(madalas ito sa mga lasing na nagwawala tuwing gabi o ngsisiga-sigaan).....The penalty of arresto menor
or a fine not exceeding P200 pesos....For grave scandal the penalty of arresto mayor

12-FORGERY/FALSIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS- pamemeke ng ID, card, files o ng kahit anong dokumento.

or pamemeke ng pirma or pinilit na pumirma....The penalty for forging checks of P2,500 pesos or less is
punishable by up to one year in jail, but when the amount exceeds P2,500, the penalty icreases to up to
five years in prison and a P100,000 pesos fine or depending on the types of documents at issue when
determining the applicable punishment......The penalty for the crime of falsification is imprisonment of
prison correctional in its medium and maximum periods ad a fine of not more than P5,000 pesos. The
imprisonment that is imposed for a period ranges from 2 years, four months and 1 day to 6 years.
13-PERJURY - nanumpa na magsasabi ng katotohanan sa harap ng judge tapos babawiin .The punishment
varies from state to state, but perjury is a felony and carries a possible prison sentence of at least one
year plus fines and probation.

14-CONTEMP OF COURT- Ang hindi pagsiput sa mga hearing.....The penalty, the maximum sentence is
two years imprisonment, but it can also be punished with a fine, it sets out the key areas and broad
principles of what will amount to contemp.

15-GRAVE THREAT - matinding pananakot sa isang tao sa pamamagitan ng pagbabanta sa buhay......The

penalty for this crime is merely arresto mayor or imprisonment of one month and one day to six months
and a fine not exceeding P500 because the threat was not subject to a condition [can be filed in

16-USURPATION OF AUTHORITHY - pagpapanggap na siya ay pulis,nbi, or kahit anong officials, kahit

hindi. ART. 177. Usurpation of official functions.= Any person who, under pretense of official position,
shall perform any act pertaining to any person in authority or public officer, without being lawfully
entitled to do so, shall sufer the penalty of prison correctional in it's minimum and medium periods.


Pagsusuot ng uniporme ng pulis,tsapa o rango= The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon any
person who shall publicly and improperly make use of insignia, uniforms or dress pertaining to an office
not held by such person or to a class of persons of which he is not a member ...First you and your
husband made use of the PNP uniforms.

18-ABDUCTION - pagtanan sa isang babae; forcibly taking someone away against their will= Prison.
Kidnapping convictions can result in lengthy prison sentences in some situations and state, Sentences of
20 years or more are common for first degree of aggravated kidnapping, while minimum sentences of
five years or more are common for second degree kidnapping.
19-SEDUCTION - pang aakit na malaswa sa isang babae=That the ofender committed abuse of authority,
confidence or relationship. The ofender may still be held liable for Qualified Seduction even if the
ofended party gave consent to the sexual intercourse. The ofender may be punished with
imprisonment for a maximum period of four years.

20-ACT OF LASCIVIOUSNESS - pang hihipo o bastos na gawain ng lalake sa harap ng babae= 336, Act of
Lasciviousness: Any person who shall commit any act of lasciviousness upon other person of either sex,
under any of the circumtances mentioned in the preceding articles, shall be punished by prision
correctional (six months and a day to four years and two months in it's minimum period and two years.

21-LIBEL - paninirang puri o ng dangal ng isang tao sa pamamagitan ng pagpapaskil sa bilbord, sa dyaryo,
tv, magazine, radio= Libel "false news" now carry stifer fines. LIBEL now carries a higher penalty of fine
from the old rate od P200 to P6,000 to the new rate of P40,000 to P1.2 million. The new penalty is stated
under the Republic Act 10951, which adjusted among others the fines imposed under the Revised Penal

22-SLANDER - paninirang puri o ng dangal ng isang tao sa pamamaraan ng (minura sa harap ng ibang tao,
sinabihan ng pokpok yang babae na yan,kabet o kirida). Slander or Oral Defamation.....- Oral Defamation
shall be punished by arresto mayor in it's maximum period to prision correctional in it's minimum period
if it is of a serious and insulting nature; otherwise the penalty shall be arresto menor or a fine not
exceeding P200 pesos.

23-SLANDER BY DEED - nasira ang dangal ng isang tao sa harap ng iba dahil sinampal siya, sinabunutan, o
dinuraan.= Art. 359. Slander by Deed. The penalty of arresto mayor in it's maximum period to prision
correctional in it's period or a fine ranging from Twenty Thousand pesos (P20,000) to One hundred
thousand pesos (P100,000) shall be imposed upon any person who shall perform any act not included
and punished in this title, which shall cast dishonor, discredit or contempt upon anothe person. If said
act is not of a serious nature, the penalty shall be arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Twenty
thousand pesos (P20,000)

BIGAMY - nakasal na kinasal pa ulit s iba.( kapag patay na o di na makita dahil nawawala yung asawa,
dapat ay lumipas muna ang 7 taon bago magpaksal muli sa iba).

CONCUBINAGE - ang lalake ay kasal ngunit may kabit at dinadala sa bahay ng pamilya.
ADULTERY - ang babaeng kasal na ay nakikipagsama pa sa ibang lalake o nkikirelasyon.

ARBITRARY DETENTION - Pulis, baranggay o opisyal sa oras ng trabaho nag kulong ng tao o may sala sa
loob ng isang araw sa kulungan na wala namang kaso o isinasampang kaso.

ILLEGAL DETENTION - kahit sinong tao na magkukulong sa isang pang tao ng isang araw o mahigit

(kahit sa c.r, loob ng kwarto, cabinet o kulungan man ng aso).

KIDNAPPING - pag kuha, pagdukot o pagtago sa bata o tao ng mahigit isang araw na may hinihinging

ROBBERY - pag kuha sa isang bagay o gamit, na pagmamay-ari ng iba na ginamitan ng dahas, paninira, o

( Mga uri ng halimbawa )

Robbry snatching- Hinablot

Robbery Hold-up-Hinoldap

Robbery with d use of force-Para mapsok ang bahay sinira ang pinto o bintana.

THEFT - pagkuha sa isang bagay o pag mamay-ari ng palihim, salisi , padukot, o nadampot khit alam kung
sino ang may ari ngunit hindi isinaoli.

( Mga uri ng halimbawa )

Shoplift - salisi, budol-budol.

TRESPASS TO DWELLING - pag pasok sa bahay ng iba ng di alam o walang pahintulot ng may-ari.

( trespassing lang nakasanayan na salita dito )

MUTILATION - pag putol sa parte ng katawan ng buhay na tao hal. Tenga, dila, o ari.

ESTAFA - may kasunduan o may kontrata ngunit hindi tinapos bayaran o tinaksan.

SWINDLING - planadong panloloko sa pamamaraan ng pera. (hal. Ahente o negosyante pagkatapos

bayaran o makuha ang pera o bayad ay tatakasn, may binenta ngunit palpak. LIKE: Budol-budol at illegal
recruit )

TREASON - pag tataksil sa sariling bayan sa oras ng pakikidigma o pakikipag away sa ibang bansa.

ESPIONAGE - paniniktik ng di kilalang tao o dayuhan sa loob ng sasakyang pandigma ng pilipinas

MUTINY - pag-aklas o pag-aaklas. (Hal. Sundalo hindi sumunod sa superior officer para mag aklas).
(MAGDALO SOLDIERS tawag sa kanila).

EXPULSION - public officer o emlpeyado pinlayas ang isang tao sa tinitrhan hindi naman siya authorized

sDiferent Types Of Crimes [Dagdag kaalaman - part 2]

2. ARSON - setting fire to a building, cars or property on purpose

3. ASSASSINATION - killing a famous person or public figure.

4. ASSAULT - attacking someone physically.

5. BIGAMY - marrying someone when you are already married to another person.

6. BLACKMAIL - threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid.

7. BOMBING - detonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or property.

8. BRIBERY - giving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or behavior.
9. BURGLARY - breaking into a house in order to steal something.

10. CHILD ABUSE - treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way.

11. CORRUPTION - behaving illegally and dishonestly; especially those in power.

12. CRIME - doing something illegal that can be punished by law.

13. CYBERCRIME - doing something illegal over the Internet or a computer system.

14. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - behaving violently inside the home.

15. DRUNK DRIVING - driving with too much alcohol in your blood.

16. EMBEZZLEMENT - stealing large amounts of money that you are responsible for, often over a period
of time.

17. ESPIONAGE- spying, to obtain political or military information.

18. FORGERY - illegally copying documents, money, etc. to cheat people.

19. FRAUD - getting money from people by cheating them.

20. GENOCIDE - killing on purpose a large number of people, especially from a particular group or area.

21. HIJACKING - taking control of a plane, train etc by force, often to meet political demands.

22. HIT AND RUN - not stopping to help a person hurt in an accident caused by you.

23. HOMICIDE - killing another person unintentionally.

24. HOOLIGANISM - being violent or aggressive on purpose; often used to describe youth.

25. IDENTITY THEFT- using someone else’s personal information for one’s own gain.

26. KIDNAPPING - taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their safe return.

27. LIBEL - damaging someone’s reputation by writing lies about them.

28. LOOTING - taking things illegally and by force, during a riot, war, etc.

29. LYNCHING - killing someone without legal process, often by hanging, often by an angry mob.

30. MANSLAUGHTER - killing someone without malice aforethought.

31. MUGGING - attacking someone with a plan to rob them.

32. MURDER - killing someone on purpose.

33. PERJURY - lying in court, while under oath.

34. PICKPOCKETING - stealing wallets, money, etc. from people’s pockets in crowded places.

35. PILFERING - stealing small quantities of goods over time.

36. POACHING - hunting illegally.

37. RAPE - forcing someone to have sex.

38. RIOT - causing a noisy, violent public disturbance.

39. ROBBERY - stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc.

40. SHOPLIFTING - stealing something from a store.

41. SLANDER - damaging someone’s reputation by speaking lies about them.

42. SMUGGLING - taking things secretly in or out of a place, country, jail, etc.

43. SPEEDING - driving above the speed limit.

44. TERRORISM - using violence, threats, or fear, usually for political purposes.

45. THEFT - stealing, in general.

46. TRAFFICKING - trading something illegal like drugs, people, etc.

47. TREASON - betraying one’s country by helping its enemies.

48. TRESPASSING - entering another person’s area; hurting people/damaging property through force.

49. VANDALISM - destroying private or public property purposely.

50. VOYEURISM - secretly watching naked people or sexual acts & getting sexually excited.


Diferent Types Of Crime [dagdag kaalaman part 3]

1. ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS - filled with or showing sexual desire.

2. ADULTERY - voluntary sexual congress between a married person and someone who is not his or her

3. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT/ BATTERY - a beating, or wrongful physical violence

4. ATTEMPT - an intentional efort to commit a crime that failed but could have succeeded

5. CHILD ABUSE - any action or series of actions that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of
harm to a child

6. CHILD PORNOGRAPHY - pornography that exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced
with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child.

7. COMPUTER CRIME - an act performed by a knowledgeable computer user, sometimes referred to as a

hacker that illegally browses or steals a company's or individual's private information. In some cases, this
person or group of individuals may be malicious and destroy or otherwise corrupt the computer or data

8. CONCUBINAGE - an interpersonal and sexual relationship in which the couple are not or cannot be
married. The inability to marry may be due to multiple factors such as diferences in social rank status, an
existing marriage, religious or professional prohibitions, or a lack of recognition by appropriate

9. CONSPIRACY - two or more people who join together to plan and commit an unlawful act.

10. COUNTERFEITING MONEY - imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the state or
government usually in a deliberate attempt to imitate that currency and so as to deceive its recipient.
Producing or using counterfeit money is a form of fraud or forgery.

11. COUP D'ETAT - also known as a putsch, a golpe, or simply as a coup, means the overthrow of an
existing government; typically, this refers to an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a dictator, the
military, or a political faction.

12. CYBERBULLYING - the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending
messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

13. DISTURBING THE PEACE - a crime generally defined as the unsettling of proper order in a public space
through one's actions. This can include creating loud noise by fighting or challenging to fight, disturbing
others by loud and unreasonable noise, or using profan

14. DRUG MANUFACTURING AND CULTIVATION - grow, produce, or possess plants with naturally
occurring substances that are used in the production of illegal drugs and controlled substances and
produce illegal substances such as cocaine which are derived from plants.

15. DRUG TRAFFICKING / DISTRIBUTION - is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture,
distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws.

16. DUI / DWI - the act or crime of driving while afected by alcohol or drugs.

17. EXTORTION - the crime of getting money from someone by the use of force or threats.
18. FALSIFYING DOCUMENTS - it involves altering, changing, or modifying a document for the purpose of
deceiving another person. It can also involve the passing along of copies of documents that are known to
be false.

19. HARASSMENT - to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and
unwelcome verbal or physical conduct.

20. HATE CRIMES - a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of
race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds.

21. ILLEGAL DETENTION - is the unjustifiable imprisonment or the unlawful deprivation of liberty of a
person by way of arrest for a wrongful cause or suspicion and the continued restriction of personal
freedom by retaining such person in custody.


23. INDECENT EXPOSURE - the act of outraging public decency by being naked in a public place.

24. INFANTICIDE - the act of killing a baby.

25. MAULING - attacking someone and cause a bloody injury.

26. MONEY LAUNDERING - the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means
of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

27. PARRICIDE - one that murders his or her father, mother, or a close relative.

28. PIRACY - the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in
infringement of a copyright.

29. PROSTITUTION - Selling sexual services for money.

30. PUBLIC INTOXICATION - also known as "drunk and disorderly" and drunk in public, is a summary
ofense in some countries rated to public cases or displays of drunkenness.

31. PYRAMID SCHEMES - is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or
services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products.

32. REBELLION - an efort by many people to change the government or leader of a country by the use of
protest or violence.


34. SEDUCTION - to tempt or entice someone into sexual activity.

35. SEXUAL ASSAULT - an act in which a person intentionally sexually touches another person without
that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will.
36. STATUTORY RAPE - in common law jurisdictions, statutory rape is nonforcible sexual activity in which
one of the individuals is below the age of consent.

37. SWINDLING - use deception to deprive someone of money or possessions.

38. TAX EVASION - the illegal nonpayment or underpayment of tax.

39. USURPATION OF AUTHORITY - ofender knowingly and falsely represents himself.

40. WIRE FRAUD - financial fraud involving the use of telecommunications or information technology.

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