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Fauatamq i mi Astoua‘% i Fa\rn Am;nakal% Havadamk i mi Asdvadz, i Hayrn Amenagal, We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, the
\araricn ;rkni ;u ;rkri% ;r;u;l;az ;u hararichn yergni yev yergri, yerevelyats yev maker of heaven and earth, of things visible and
an;r;uoujiz! anerevootits. invisible.
:u i mi Thr |isous Qristos% \Ordin Astou‘o\% Yev i mi Der Hisoos Krisdos, hOrtin Asdoodzo, And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the
‘n;aln \Astou‘o\ Førh% mia‘in^ a\sinqn dznyaln hAsdoodzo Hore, miadzin: aysinkn heootene begotten of God the Father, the Only-begotten, that
\houj;nh Før! Hor. is of the essence of the Father.
Astoua‘ \Astou‘o\% Lo\s i Louso\% Astoua‘ Asdvadz hAsdoodzo, Looys i Looso, Asdvadz God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God,
y,marit \Astou‘o\ y,marth% ‘nound ;u oc jshmarid hAsdoodzo jshmarde, dznoont yev voch begotten and not made; of the very same nature of the
arara‘! No\n inqn i bnouj;nh Før% orow araradz. Nooyn inkn i pnootene Hor, vorov amenayn Father, by Whom all things came into being, in
am;na\n inc ;[;u \;rkins ;u i w;ra\ ;rkri% inch yeghev hergins yev i vera yergri, yerevelik yev heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.
;r;u;liq ;u an;r;uo\jq! anerevooytk.
Or \a[ags m;r mardkan% ;u wasn m;ro\ Vor haghaks mer martgan, yev vasn mero prgootyan Who for us humanity and for our salvation came
'rkouj;an i=;al i \;rkniz^ marmnazau% ichyal i hergnits: marmnatsav, martatsav, dznav down from heaven, was incarnate, was made human,
mardazau% ‘nau katar;laphs i Mariama\ gadarelabes i Mariama srpo goosen Hokvovn Srpov. was born perfectly of the holy virgin Mary by the
srbo\ koushn Foguown Srbow! Holy Spirit.
Orow ha® marmin% fogi ;u mit% ;u xam;na\n or Vorov ear marmin, hoki yev mid, yev zamenayn vor By whom He took body, soul, and mind, and
inc h i mard% y,martaphs ;u oc kar‘;øq! inch e i mart, jshmardabes yev voch gardzyok. everything that is in man, truly and not in semblance.
Carcar;al% .ac;al% ja[;al% \;rrord auour Charcharyal, khachyal, taghyal, yerrort avoor He suffered, was crucified, was buried, rose again on
\arouz;al% ;l;al i \;rkins nowin marmnown% harootsyal, yelyal i hergins novin marmnovn, nsdav the third day, ascended into heaven with the same
nstau end a=mh Før! unt achme Hor. body, [and] sat at the right hand of the Father.
Galoz h nowin marmnown ;u 'a®øq Før i dat;l Kalots e novin marmnovn yev parok Hor i tadel He is to come with the same body and with the glory
xk;ndanis ;u xm;®;als% oro\ jagauorouj;ann zgentanis yev zmeryals, voro takavorootyann voch ko of the Father, to judge the living and the dead; of His
oc go\ wa.yan! vakhjan. kingdom there is no end.
Fauatamq ;u i Sourb Fogin% \an;[n ;u i Havadamk yev i Soorp Hokin, haneghn yev i We believe in the Holy Spirit, in the uncreated and
katar;aln& Or .øs;zau \ørhns ;u i margarhs gadaryaln; Vor khosetsav horens yev i markares yev the perfect; Who spoke through the Law, prophets,
;u \Au;tarans& Or h=n i |ordanan% qarox;az hAvedarans; Vor echn i Hortanan, karozyats and Gospels; Who came down upon the Jordan,
\a®aq;alsn% ;u bnak;zau i sourbsn! harakyalsn, yev pnagetsav i soorpsn. preached through the apostles, and lived in the saints.
Fauatamq ;u i mi Mia\n% Endfanrakan% ;u Havadamk yev i mi Miayn, Untanragan, yev We believe also in only One, Universal, Apostolic,
A®aq;lakan% [Sourb] :k;[;xi& i mi mkrtoujiun% Arakelagan, [Soorp] Yegeghezi; i mi mgrdootyoon, and [Holy] Church; in one baptism in repentance, for
\apa,.aroujiun% i qauoujiun ;u i jo[oujiun habashkharootyoon, i kavootyoon, yev i toghootyoon the remission, and forgiveness of sins; and in the
m;[az& i \aroujiun m;®;loz& i datastann meghats; i harootyoon merelots; i tadasdann resurrection of the dead, in the everlasting judgement
\auit;niz foguoz ;u marmnoz& \arqa\oujiunn havidenits hokvots yev marmnots; harkayootyoonn of souls and bodies, and the Kingdom of Heaven and
;rkniz% ;u i k;ansn \auit;nakansn! yergnits, yev i gyansn havidenagansn. in the everlasting life.

FANGANAK NIKIAKAN Hanganak Nikiakan Nicene Creed

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