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Theodolite – is a precision instrument for measuring angles in the horizontal and

vertical planes

Leveling Rod – used with a leveling instrument to determine the difference in

height between points or heights of point vertically

Level Bubble – used to make adjustments on the leveling rod to ensure that it
is elevated properly

Tripod – used to support the automatic level

Tape – used to lay off a certain distance from a known point to a new point

Importance of Activity
Repetition is a method in surveying used to improve precision and
accuracy of the measurements of horizontal angles. The average or mean of
the trials in this process that came from repetitive observation gives the true
value of the angle. This repetition method is used when high accuracy is
required. The only downside of this method is that it is time consuming, that is
why for rough or approximate surveys, the ordinary method of measuring
horizontal angles is used.

Triangulation on the other side is the process in surveying that is used in

determining the location of a point by only measuring angles to it from known
points. It is usually referred to as the accurate surveying of systems of
triangulation networks. Both method are important in any civil engineering field
work as they give you accurate data that are vital in any field work.

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