10 E Learning

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Videoconference-based learning

Distance learning, online

Benefits of Videoconference-based Learning
 Closely resembles traditional classroom-based education; permits learners to be active
participants in the process
 Faculty and staff needs can be met more quickly through just-in-time training
 More faculty and staff can be trained faster without increasing training resources
 Guest lecturers can be easily integrated into the course
 Enables any site to be the provider of the learning activities.
 Videoconferencing is cost-effective, when you consider the traveling costs for traditional
 Videoconference-based learning exploits the already acquired videoconferencing
technologies and network infrastructure.
 H.323 standards provide for learners in any H.323 compliant site to be active participants.
Videoconference-based Learning Strategies
 Establish Class Expectations
– It ain’t MTV
– At the begging of the session, prepare the preparing learners for an active
 Reduce Distractions
 Engage Students with Variety and Interaction
 Encourage Dialogue
Explain the methods and application of e-learning
We can define eLearning as ...
A learning environment supported by continuously evolving, collaborative processes
focused on increasing individual and organizational performance.

Effective eLearning thrives at the nexus of web usability, communication,

relationship, document, and Knowledge Management tools.

eLearning IS eLearning is NOT

N o n L i n e a r - Learners determine how, L i n e a r - Learners must move through
what and when they access presentation in a predetermined sequence.
D y n a m i c P r o c e s s - Transformed, S t a t i c E v e n t - Learning is not an event that
personalized, customized on demand in only happens when scheduled training
response to learner and environmental occurs, it happens continuously.
variables. Available on demand and just in
L e a r n e r C o n t r o l l e d - Learner controls I n s t r u c t o r C o n t r o l l e d - Instructor
their own interaction with the content and determines sequence, content, media and
presentation. Learner has opportunities timing. Long simulations, or animations or
for reflection and application. Flash presentations are instructor
controlled. Synchronous meetings are
instructor controlled.
R e u s a b l e O b j e c t s - Content of any Learning Objects or Knowledge
media that can be chunked down to the O b j e c t s o r I n f o r m a t i o n O b j e c t s - By
most granular, meaningful level to allow focusing the use of an object for only one
combinations of objects to be assembled environment, you remove reusability. Web
and dynamically presented for different standard enterprise level portal and CMS
environments and functional needs. platforms should be used.
Learn More About Reusable
I n f o r m a l - Recognizes that at least 70% F o r m a l - Learning occurs w/o formal training
of learning occurs in meetings, in the presentations. Training is not the same as
corridors and breakrooms, through learning.
collaboration, in situational communities.
Informal Learning
P l a t f o r m I n d e p e n d e n t - can be S t a n d a r d s - AICC ( Aviation Industry CBT
transformed for use in a variety of Committee) , SCORM - (Sharable Content
standard formats - XML, HTML, DHTML, Object Reference Model - Department of
PDA, etc. in a variety of environments, Defense, USA) Why use these limiting
both formal and informal. standards from extremely different, strongly
hierarchical environments?
K n o w l e d g e M a n a g e m e n t - Rich, flexible L M S o r L C M S - To manage the
tools chosen to create, collect and administrative and content aspects of
distribute information, on demand and training, usually supports a linear
contextually, to learners, intra and extra presentation of materials. Used to track
organizationally. learners, not the value of the learning
What do they Need? processes
Communities of Interest - CoPs, Functional or Departmental -
Collaborative, self selecting and Limited by type of function, title or expertise.
organizing groups of individuals that share
the same interests.
R A D (Rapid Application Development) - I S D - Linear approach to needs analysis,
Iterative, incremental design process. design and evaluation. Errors are
Define, design, refine processes are geometrically compounded from wrong
integrated and parallel. Continuously audience analysis, invalid sample audience,
refining prototypes allows improvements skewed survey results, wrong focus on
to be integrated and tested with each weaknesses. Validity and usability issues
iteration. Each iteration offers an are not discovered until training is
opportunity to increase the penetration delivered. By then it's too late to correct,
and acceptance of the learning support adjust, or change because of the sunk
processes. resource investment in the deliverables.
Multi Channel S i n g l e C h a n n e l - Trainer to Attendee
Learner <-> Learner, Content <-> Learner,
Expert <-> Learner, Expert <-> Content,
Expert <-> Expert

We also like this definition of Knowledge Management.

Knowledge Management is about using information
strategically to achieve one's business objectives.
Knowledge Management is the organizational activity of
creating the social environment and technical infrastructure
so that knowledge can be accessed, shared and created.
Robert K. Logan

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