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Faculty of Engineering
Electronics Engineering Department
First Term, AY 2019-2020

Name: __MENDOZA, Aaron Jericho S. _____ Score: ______________

Section: _5ECE-B_ Date: _Dec. 20, 2019_
ECE 513: Data Communication
GENERAL DIRECTION: Answer the following questions correctly. Cite any books or any other reference
materials used in answering the questions. Sign the honor code below and submit this individual report, in
PDF. Use the filename SURNAME_SECTION, e.g. GARCIA_5ECE-B.

Honor Code
I pledge to work entirely alone on this individual report. I pledge that I will not indulge myself to
any form of dishonesty. I am fully aware of the possible consequences for violating this honor code.

Signature over Printed Name

1. What is Cryptography?

Cryptography is a technique of securing information and communications through the use
of codes so that only those people for whom the information is intended can understand it and
process it.

2. What are the different techniques used in Cryptography? Give examples and discuss.
There are two main techniques used in Cryptography namely, encryption and decryption.
Encryption is the conversion of information into a cryptographic encoding that cannot be read
without a key. Examples of encryption can be seen in communication links such as website
and server, digital certificates, and encrypted data storages in devices. Decryption is the
opposite of encryption wherein cryptographic encodings are converted into information.
Examples of decryption are seen on Caesar cipher and ciphertexts.
Individual Report
ECE 513L: Data Communications Laboratory
3. What are the different encryption standards? Give at least 5 examples and discuss. Use

1. Triple DES
Triple DES uses three individual keys with 56 bits each. The total key length adds up to
168 bits, but experts would argue that 112-bits in key strength is more like it.

Figure 1. Triple DES

2. RSA
Unlike Triple DES, RSA is considered an asymmetric algorithm due to its use of a pair of
keys. You’ve got your public key, which is what we use to encrypt our message, and a
private key to decrypt it. The result of RSA encryption is a huge batch of mumbo jumbo
that takes attackers quite a bit of time and processing power to break.

Figure 2. RSA

3. Blowfish
Blowfish can be found in software categories ranging from e-commerce platforms for
securing payments to password management tools, where it used to protect passwords.
It’s definitely one of the more flexible encryption methods available.
Individual Report
ECE 513L: Data Communications Laboratory

Figure 3. Blowfish

4. Twofish

Twofish is regarded as one of the fastest of its kind, and ideal for use in both hardware
and software environments. Keys used in this algorithm may be up to 256 bits in length
and as a symmetric technique, only one key is needed.

Figure 4. Twofish

5. AES
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the algorithm trusted as the standard by the
U.S. Government and numerous organizations. Although it is extremely efficient in 128-
bit form, AES also uses keys of 192 and 256 bits for heavy duty encryption purposes.
Individual Report
ECE 513L: Data Communications Laboratory

Figure 5. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

4. You want to connect to the internet using your mobile phone in a free WIFI access
network. What security strategies would you suggest in order to secure your
communication channel?
I would suggest using a VPN app which hides the ip address of the phone, not saving
password to any sites which require passwords, avoid being discoverable to other devices through
the connection to the network in order to secure your communication channel.
Individual Report
ECE 513L: Data Communications Laboratory

1. 7 Examples of Encryption. (n.d.). Retrieved from


2. JASHKOTHARI1Check out this Author's contributed articles., JASHKOTHARI1, & Check out

this Author's contributed articles. (2019, July 8). Cryptography and its Types. Retrieved from

3. Jul 31 5 Common Encryption Algorithms and the Unbreakables of the Future Contel Bradford.

(2016, October 3). 5 Common Encryption Algorithms and the Unbreakables of the Future.

Retrieved from

4. Triple DES. (2019, November 22). Retrieved from

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