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Executive Summary
Most of the business organisation starts with a small business structure and effective they grow
up in the future. To become a bigger business organisation a small shop needs to develop their
budget of the business and budget for the business. On the other hand, the business organisation
needs to choose the proper business idea from the experience and different types of ups and
downs of the business. Due to the changing scenario of a business environment, it is very
important for the organisation to maintain a skill related knowledge base and communication
skill to make sure the business have the better way to develop the system. In this study, there is a
shop who imports quality food from European Unions and them sales them in the local market.
Due to the demand of exotic food in the market; the shop wanted to grow their business with the
help of effective business development. Hence, the business skill needs to develop by the shop
into a better and developed business organisation.
The shop needs to acquire more business organisation to grow their business. Due to the proper
scenario, the can easily grow their business. They need to hire better and faster business
information system for that. An open communication path should be there to make the deal clear
and informative for both of the parties. With the help of proper and effective communication, the
shop can be turned into a growing and promising business organisation. In this way, the business
can make more profit from the market research, gathering knowledge and getting more budget
for their business.

Table of Contents
Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 4
Task 1: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
LO1: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Range of decision that needs to be taken: ................................................................................. 5
1.2 Examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision making: .......... 5
1.3 Internal and external source of information and understanding: .............................................. 6
1.4 Justify the recommendation to improve the business: .............................................................. 6
LO2: ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Identify the shareholder's role in decision making: .................................................................. 8
2.2 Identified and developed business relationship: ....................................................................... 8
2.3 Identified in the decision making as appropriate: ..................................................................... 9
2.4 Design strategies for improvement: .......................................................................................... 9
Task 2: ........................................................................................................................................... 11
LO3: .............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Existing process of communication in an organisation: ......................................................... 11
3.2 Different design ways to improve appropriateness:................................................................ 11
3.3 Improvement to ensure greater communication in organisation: ........................................... 12
3.4 Personal plan to improve own communication skills: ............................................................ 12
LO4: .............................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Existing approach to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and
knowledge: [D1] ........................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Carryout appropriate changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage and
dissemination of information and knowledge: .............................................................................. 14
4.3 Implement a strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge: ............. 15
Conclusion and recommendation:................................................................................................. 17
Reference list: ............................................................................................................................... 18
Bibliography: ................................................................................................................................ 21

It is very important for a business organisation to manage the skills and usability related to
knowledge, communication and information. These can directly or indirectly affect the business
strategy to maintain proper way to understand the usability of the business. It promotes the
growth of the business. In this era, technology is changing almost every day. Communication is
becoming so easy and effective. People can now easily communicate with required stakeholders
for business expansion. To perform every day`s operation, the organisation need to set their
target on a time period and they have to gain more profit within the time. The knowledge and
information can be beneficial for a high-quality food supply business to understand the
opportunity and threats lying within the business chain. This study will include the decision
making, knowledge utility, and product justification, internal and external source of information,
decision making, and change of strategy improving appropriateness, better communication skills,
reporting, and implementation of the strategy.

Task 1:


1.1 Range of decision that needs to be taken:

In today's fast moving and changed business scenario; business decisions need to take as soon as
possible for the business management. From design to implementation of a business plan, the
management of the business organisation (high-quality food shop) needs to proceed with
carefully measured business system (Lee et al. 2016, p.427). It will help them to create a
developed business decision which can be helpful for the management to develop strategy,
making a hierarchy, tactical and organisational decisions. Due to the fast moving business
scenario, the management of the business is needed to be open and easy to access for their
organisation. Hence, the business organisation needs to make a strategy to identify the strength
and weakness of the proposed business. The goal must be defined very clearly for the every
employee and managers of the organisation. The decision can be complicated and
multidimensional. It can be involved a different level of monetary transactions, short term and
long term goals. Tactical decisions are made by the management of the start-up business to
understand how to enhance the performance of the overall business (Wilson et al. 2016, p.14).
Due to the changing scenario of the business, the effectiveness of seasonal decision can help the
business to grow. These decisions are made at the senior level and low-level managers.
Operational decisions can be monitored with the help of a routine and follow a known rule. The
measurement of the unit and all the other specification must be useful for the business decision.

1.2 Examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision making:
To make a concrete decision for a business strategy the proposed business need to maintain a
proper way to understand the usefulness of the business and the opportunity. While setting up a
new business the management of the business decision need to maintain a quality of the business
as per requirement (Jones and Slack, 2016, p.119). The management of the shop needs to be
aware of future plans and other implementations to make sure they have the best possible way to
gain profit on a long term basis. The middle-level managers of the business need to gain
knowledge about various departments very clearly and effectively. Hence the management of the
business needs to train the masters properly to prepare them for the job. It will help them to
target their audience and customers. It will also be beneficial for the managers to maintain a
proper way to understand how to fulfil the target on daily basis. The coordinator of the business
organisation needs to be connected with all of the employee and managers to make sure they
have the best possible way to deliver the best. The market research team need to look after the
price of food from different countries in the European Union. Hence, that will help the company
to make sure they have the best possible way to maintain a proper price list and quality (Bruyer
et al. 2016, p.153). On the other hand, the management needs to maintain the quality of the food
while delivering it to the customers.

1.3 Internal and external source of information and understanding:

More accurate data and information can help the business organisation to grow their business.
The supervisors are liable for the business-related information to their upper level of business
management. The managers have to make a report for their senior personnel
(, 2016). For an example, the annual report based on
supermarkets, sales, profit, loss, loan, wages etc can be the internal information of the proposed
organisation (Bandhiya and Joshi, 2016, p. 102). It can help the organisation to understand the
overall strength and weakness of the business. On the other hand, the external information can be
a market research or a survey. This information can help the shop to buy foods from different
countries at the cheapest price. However, they have to look after the quality of the products too.
As a result, the start-up business can buy more food from different European countries and that
can be helpful for the organisation to change their business stage as per required for the
organisation. Some food is produced in seasons. The organisation needs to find out the
effectiveness of the business by importing those foods and supply them to the other countries
where they have the demand for it. Other materials like the online article, journals, broadcast
report, news, political policies can help the organisation to understand the scenario from the
external sources (Mehta, 2016, p.133). These can affect the business goal and strategies on time.

1.4 Justify the recommendation to improve the business:

Continuous improvement is a very important part of a business organisation. It can help the shop
to develop the business within a targeted growth and effectiveness. Various improvements can
help the business organisation to take an effective decision. However, different types of short-
term and long-term decision can be established with the help of proper knowledge and
information (Sumra and Hasbullah, 2015, p.65). This can help the shop to grow their business in
future on extending to make sure they have the best possible way to understand the demand in
the market. The quality source of information should be authentic to grow the shop. The
management of the shop should take the decision to make sure they can gain more profit by
importing high-quality food from European countries and sell them in the market. Market
research and analysis can be done with the help of experienced managers. They can
communicate directly with the customers and that can make the shop take a beneficial decision
for their future business strategy (Jingzi et al. 2012, p.77). The authenticate data from the
customers can help the shop to take decision for their business organisation to make sure they
can serve their customers far better than before. It will also help the shop to grow their secondary
decision making like extend the warehouse, focusing on targeted audiences and their demand,
using the market research report properly. These can affect the decision-making the scenario of
the shop.


2.1 Identify the shareholder's role in decision making:

Stakeholders are those people who are responsible for business activities. For a food shop
business; stockholders, suppliers, vendors, customers, employees are very important for a
business scenario. The stockholders are mainly responsible for the financial part of a business.
Hence, the business depends on them and they take the major decision for the business (Li et al.
2014, p.632). The owner and the business partner of the shop can be the stockholders who are
involved in the business and they can invest money directly for the business. Customers are the
main element of a business. Targeted customers can help to grow the business. Suppliers are
connected with the shop management and they can provide them with the products as well the
hint for the decision making. Vendors can help the shop to grow more when the shop will open a
new branch of their business. The labour and employees in the business are also an effective way
to serve the shop. They can provide the feedback to the managers which can directly or indirectly
affect the business. The manager of the shop must know the potentiality of an employee to
encourage him to grow the business (Malik, 2013, p.370). The stakeholders are directly or
indirectly responsible for the business decision making and play a very important role in a food
shop business. They can also participate in different events related to the food shop business.

2.2 Identified and developed business relationship:

A business is involved different types of people from different background. The business
management needs to identify the potentiality of the business in every stakeholder of the
business. Hence, the best way to contact the customers can be texting them or a phone call from
the shop (Andrews, 2016, p.25). It will be beneficial for the shop to gain new customers and to
make sure they have the best possible way to maintain a better service for their customers. Apart
from that, a business system can be helpful for the employee to maintain a better and faster way
to serve their customers. The management of the shop can arrange a quick meeting among all the
stakeholder to maintain a proper relationship between them. This can help the shop to understand
their position and to make sure they have the better position with the team. The government
policy, directly and indirectly, affects the business scenario of a country. The government can set
the rule for the small business to grow them. Back can provide the loan for the small business.
Thus, the bank and government are also a part of the business scenario. The shop management

should keep a good relationship with the government personnel and banks to maintain the
business properly (Lundgren and Jansson, 2016, p.355). The suppliers can help the business to
grow more with the help of their loyalty to the shop. Hence, the shop should care about the
policies related to suppliers.
2.3 Identified in the decision making as appropriate: [M3]
Involving stakeholders in the decision-making process can change the entire business scenario
for the shop. Hence, the business line can be changed to develop a new business requirement. It
will also help the business shop to start the new business properly to maintain an effective
business progress for the shop`s partner too (Monk and Lycett, 2016, p.767). In fact, the
stakeholders can give a better way to develop the business to regain the lost customers and
gaining new market scope. In this way, some informal meeting can help the shop to find the new
opportunity for their business. It will be a teamwork after all. To improve the service and product
quality the shop should import new foods from different countries of European Union and make
them available for the local customers. If the customer has the demand for those foods, then they
will surely buy it. It will also help the shop to grow their business by investing more money in
the business. A local market survey can be beneficial for the shop to make sure the customer
have a demand for exotic foods. It will help them to take less risk regarding this matter. The
business can grow with the help of mutual understanding between the shop and the service
providers like stakeholders and other people (Adekola and Sergi, 2015, p.11). Employee`s
interest and food suppliers effectiveness are also important for the business. The shop owner or
management should be careful about this interest.

2.4 Design strategies for improvement:

Making a designed way to improve the decision can be helpful for the shop to evolutes their
business. As a result, the shop owner needs to in charge the manager to make a report by which
the shop can develop their business (Trivella et al. 2014, p.210). The management of the shop
should discuss all the common topics deeply and clearly with the stakeholders. It will help the
shop management to understand the need of any food that has a demand in the local market.
They can import those foods from European countries and it can make sure they have the best
possible way to understand the usability of the business scenario. Hence, the shop should follow
a practical way to accept the risk and gain in every step of the process. To make a proper

connection between customers, shareholders, the community the shop need to change their
strategy as per market requirements and business profit. They should always keep a backup or
secondary plan for their shop to avoid unwanted and sudden risks. Hence, the shop needs to
maintain a newly developed business strategy for their business to gain more profit in short time
period. They also need to understand the International Import and Export Laws while they are
ordering products from those countries (Agustin 2016, p.68). Hence, the shop should use their
management and skilled people to gain more profit from the imported food from the European

Task 2:


3.1 Existing process of communication in an organisation:

Communication is one of the most important parts of a business organisation to improve their
assessment and effectiveness of the business. Hence, the shop should think about their future
strategies and to make them the best way to service the customers. Communication in both way
process where senders reflect the thought through the proper channel and receivers receive it and
replies as per requirement (Buil et al. 2016, p.10). The shop can develop their business on the
next level by using the proper business stage and using the stakeholder`s money in the business.
On the other hand, the shop can find new ways to get the business on an online business system.
They can turn their business to an E-commerce food chain business. It will help the food shop to
make sure they have the proper infrastructure for the business. The Ecommerce business and the
retail business have completely different types of business strategies. Due to the different
business peripherals, the business shop should use the best way to serve their customers both
online and offline. This whole process can be executed properly with the help of proper
communication. The management of the shop should understand the need and trend of the
business. Hence, the best way to survive in changed situation the shop needs to change their
strategy of the business (Amin and Ibrahim, 2013, p.20). To perform a meeting, the shop
management should use a proper communication channel for their business. The process should
be open for both verbal and nonverbal communication system.

3.2 Different design ways to improve appropriateness:

To adopt new technical and term in the business, the communication method must be very good
for the business organisation. Hence, the business organisation needs to understand the
effectiveness of the business environment. To develop the business the shop needs to buy or rent
other shops to start new outlets (Ahmed, 2015, p.1638). Hence, they should communicate with
the next door cafe to buy their business space for the shop. They can start their new office or
headquarter to maintain all the outlets business from there. They can also control their online
business to sell food, from there. It will help the shop to extend their business to maintain a
proper way to understand the current budget for their business. The shop can use their existing
business process with all the existing customer`s database, stakeholders relation, supplies, local
community etc to the new level by getting the next door cafe (Entrepreneur, 2016. The
supervisor and the management of the business need to understand the situation and they have to
take a decision that can be helpful for the shop to extend their business in both online and offline
business (Degravel et al. 2016, p.77). In the given scenario, the shop wanted to extend their
business by inaugurating new outlets for the business. They can buy the nearby cafe to develop
their business.

3.3 Improvement to ensure greater communication in organisation:

Lack of proper communication channel can create a boundary for the business development. A
business organisation should collect all the information and the effective way to develop the
usefulness of the new strategy (Jingzi et al. 2012, p.77). The shop should maintain a structured
way to understand the basic criteria of different types of business. Hence, the shop can develop
the business by using them in favour of the business. In the given case, the shop wanted to
extend their business and the next door cafe wanted to sell their shop to them. If the proper way
of communication is established then the shop can buy the cafe to extend their business. It is the
best way to use the opportunity while the shop needs it. The deal must be clean and clear for the
business organisation. They should be clear about their motive in every aspect of the contract. It
will be beneficial for both buyer and seller to understand each other’s need. The communication
must be short, descriptive and brief for both buyer and seller side that they can understand each
other`s basic criteria. After making a marketing research the owners can sit for a meeting where
they can decide about their final decision (Mehta, 2016, p.133). If the shop owner wanted to buy
the cafe and the cafe owner wanted to handle their business to the shop, then it will be an
opportunity for the shop to extend their business.
3.4 Personal plan to improve own communication skills: [M3]
A proper communication plan is needed for the personal development of a business organisation.
Hence, the person needs to understand that without proper communication skill a person cannot
develop their effectiveness of the business (Bandhiya and Joshi, 2016, p. 102). As a result, all the
employee and management personals should understand that they need to be good in
communication skills. The shop owner can arrange the proper workshop for their employee to
evaluate the usability of communication skills. Communication skill is needed when they are
sending a message to the other person to understand their need. Communication can be verbal,

nonverbal or written (Sumra and Hasbullah, 2015, p.65). Hence, the employees need to
understand the usability of communication skill while making a deal with the customers. The
customers need to understand the effectiveness of the food product is selling from the shop.


4.1 Existing approach to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of

information and knowledge: [D1]
Proper collection of data and formatting of existing data is very much necessary for the
management of the shop. There are various sources, from where data and information are stored
for dissemination. Managing the important information and make a report on the basis of the
information by managers from various sources needs to send the higher level management of the
shop (Woodside, 2016, p.365). In the case of expanding the shop, various reports should be made
on the current market research like barriers, competitors and many other things. This report will
give an advantage to the organisation to evaluate the actual strength and weakness of the
business. The formatting of data will help the managers of the organisation to understand the
current status of the market before expanding the business (Sawang et al. 2016, p.244). The
information about the suppliers of raw materials is vital for the company in case of expanding the
business. For growing the business, the information about various competitors is needed to
compete with the competitors in the food market. The storage of information needs to be done
properly because this information will be used in future for many purposes. The dissemination of
information helps the managers to inform the employees about the expansion of the business so
that the employees can become fully prepared for that as mentally and physically (Koria, 2016,
p.90). The suppliers also need to inform about the expansion of business so that they can supply
more raw materials according to the demand. The shareholders of the shop should be informed
about this decision of growing the business. In the case of taking over the cafe, the details of the
cafe including bank details, information of employees and the other aspects need to be collected
and stored for dissemination. The data needs to be stored in virtually as well as physically so that
it never gets lost.
4.2 Carryout appropriate changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage and
dissemination of information and knowledge: [D2] [M3]
It is necessary to improve the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of knowledge and
information for the shop’s management (Fuller et al. 2016, p.3192). The changes regarding the
improvement of collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of data, as well as knowledge,
are important for saving time as well as for reducing the cost. The managers, as well as the
supervisors, can be trained properly so that they can use the electronic devices for
communication as well as for storing the data and knowledge of market research. This will save
time definitely as the electronic devices work faster than the written method. The availability of
resources and a number of resources present near the suppliers needs to collect and disseminate
to identify the proper amount of resources (Perri and Peruffo, 2014, p.3). It will also help to
identify the cost of the resources that is needed in the business in future. This process will also
help to rescue the valuable time for the managers of the shop. Accurate collaboration and
interaction among the management as well as the employees are also helpful to collect and
disseminate the data and knowledge. The proprietor of the shop needs to coordinate with the
managers and employees so that the proprietors have knowledge about the stored data. More and
accurate market research about the cafe needs to collect before acquire the cafe shop. The
dissemination of data, as well as knowledge, needs to be done through electronic devices so that
accurate results can come and it will save the cost of the shop (Lee et al. 2016, p.407). The
managers of the shop should investigate on the internet for getting more information about
business expansion as well as about acquiring the new cafe shop.
4.3 Implement a strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge: [D3]
The accessing to systems of information and knowledge needs some specific strategies for
strengthening the business of the food shop. The improvement of accessing the system of
knowledge and information needs to do for the food shop because it will help in future growth of
the business. The shop can install electronic devices in the shop to collect information and
knowledge. In this case, a development of standard process related to the information flow, the
necessity of managers as well as the employees must be identified. The relevant and important
information must be delivered to the managers and the responsibility of the managers is to
supply that information accurately and immediately. There should be no gap in information
supply (Kohtamäki and Partanen, 2015, p.2498). The access and maintain of the various
electronic devices need to be updated so that the valuable time can be saved for using in other
important purposes. The proper coordination and collaboration amongst the employees,
managers and proprietor need to manage effectively in case of strengthening the business. Any
problem faced by the customers should be informed to the managers immediately by the
employees because it may hamper in the case of strengthening the business as well as the future
growth of the business. The managers can set the camera for capturing information happened in

the shop. The update in gathering information and knowledge needs to be done by giving the
managers and employees’ proper training about computers and the internet (Seyedghorban et al.
2013, p.2664). The managers need to be informed to the proprietor of the shop about the quality
of the food and the quality of service regularly.

Conclusion and recommendation:
The evaluation of knowledge and information that will help to make decisions to start a new
business is necessary. The various internal and external sources related to information are
discussed and are evaluated the various sources and judgement about the stability and reliability
of those sources in case of starting up a new business. The recommendation to make
improvement in the methods, which are used in the selection and evaluation of various relevant
information for new business are stated. The identification of the list of the stakeholders that can
influence the decision-making process, in the case of new business is done. The selection of
stakeholders and professionals and the use of the method to develop the business relationship
have described. The plan to involve the selected people and the strategy for future improvements
are elaborated. The ways to design different communication process and comparison between
them are done. The role of a leader and the approaches to collect, format, store and disseminate
data as well the improvement in these aspects are described.

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