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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Grade 1 Migration

Goals/Key questions
Goals: Discuss more about migration.

Objective (connected to PofS): Students will describe the ways in which animals prepare for winter.

2. Identify and describe examples of plant and animal changes that occur on a seasonal basis:
· changes in form and appearance
· changes in location of living things
· changes in activity; e.g., students should recognize that many living things go into a dormant period during winter
and survive
· under a blanket of snow as a seed, egg or hibernating animal production of young on a seasonal basis.

Pre lesson Considerations

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned
-instruct on using duotangs: in am
-intro: weather listing


-migration: travel question: what's the furthest you've traveled? explanation (include caribou, fish, monarch
butterflies and whales), song, page, charades

-charades - what does each animal do to prepare?

Equipment/Materials needed/preset up required/logistical considerations needed (seating arrangement):

-weather sheets in duotangs


-cut out goose, caribou, whale, butterfly (to use with globe)

-Preparation pages

-Smartboard with words and pictures

Content: Total Time - 60 minutes

What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
Introduction ● Distribute duotangs when
students sit down. Instruct not to
open them! They don't want to
give away the answer!
● Open a window so they can see
● Ask students what the weather is
like today: cloudy, warm, sunny,
windy, etc?

● Decide on a symbol as a class. ● Students will draw the

Open duotangs to weather page. weather symbol in the
Whose predictions were right? appropriate place.
Draw the new symbol underneath ● Students will follow
the previous symbol for instructions. When they're
Wednesday. finished, they should sit at
● Ask students to only complete the the carpet.
sections that you've done. (Many
have worked ahead and made
● Once students are sitting, ask: ● Students will listen, and ask
Activity 1: ○ What's the furthest you questions, or give
have ever travelled? In a observations, raising their
car? On foot? On a hand for a turn to talk.
● Discuss migration. Explain that
it is when animals will move
from place to place for the
seasons. Using the globe and
the goose picture, show how
far the Canada goose will
travel. Do the same with the
Monarch butterfly, the whale
and the caribou. Use student
volunteers to help you.
● Have students migrate to their
seats and put their heads

● Migration song: review words,

sing it all together.
Activity 2: ● Pull up worksheet page on ● Students will listen to
Smartboard. Explain what instructions:
students should do: >
○ Write "migrating to ○ Write the word of
warm places." at the the animal you
bottom want to write about
○ Write and draw pictures ○ Write what the
animal does in the
of a goose, a caribou, a
whale, and a butterfly,
○ If they need help,
so students can choose they should raise
the correct answer. their hand.
Conclusion ● Explain putting page back in ● Students will participate
duotang. and make guesses
● At 2:45 - prepare for home: ● Students will listen to
○ Pick up garbage and clean instructions.
○ when students get their
agenda, they can put their
shoes and chair on the
desk, start to get their
stuff on and line up at the
● Sing Son Las Tres, and high five
everyone on the way out

Logistical notes: Have mail carriers help with distribution of materials. Tomorrow, do a cut and paste activity, and/a
Who Am I

Assessment: Use worksheet to assess comprehension.

Accommodations/Modifications: If students have trouble writing and drawing, they can act out what they learned.

Extra time activity: Animal Charades


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